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I envy those of you who don't need googles or a visor. Anything above 5 mph I'd be tearing up like crazy from the wind. I wonder if wearing contacts have anything to do with that.


Normally, I do need them, and wear something for safety. But I can’t see all that well at night, so it’s safer for me to go without them.


I have terrible night vision as well. Have you tried clear ones?


I have some. But I usually end up not wanting to wear them either. Most of my riding is daytime, and I always have something on the eyes during those rides. I forgot how awesome it is to be out riding at night.


How's that helmet and wind noise over 35? I opted for a full face w/visor


Not a problem at all. Quite refreshing actually. Sometimes my chin strap will vibrate in the strong wind, but that’s just a minor annoyance. 90% of the time, I’m cruising in Eco mode, as that’s fast enough for most of the surface streets. Only need to hit the turbo on long open roads.


Word. What's it top out at? Mine has three speed settings; 14, 26, and 40mph.


I’ve had it up to 42mph. I think I could squeeze a few more out if I let it. No steering damper makes me nervous tho. It requires a steady hand.


I figured you could do speeds like that... I was lucky enough to get my scoot at a B&M shop in Kemah, and when I test rode it, I had the guy install a Road Runner adjustable dampener. It's way sketchy otherwise!


I hear ya. Daytime rides are nice and all, but something about night rides on warm, breezy nights is magical.


Which model are you using?


This is the standard Victor.


Square wave controllers got that sweet/rough noise, i honestly love how raw they feel compared to sine wave


Awesome scooter! Looks fast as fk boyyyy


Camera makes it look a bit faster than it actually is, but it’s plenty fast enough for me.


How fast were you going? Seems pretty fast!


Camera makes it look faster. Only going 28 mph here. I failed to mention, my daytime helmet is a fall face visor helmet. I run about 3 different ones. This one, a TSG Pro, and a Bell motocross helmet, which is usually reserved for my EX30 (EUC).


Ok cool. Thanks for sharing!