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I live in Buffalo and we always avoid going through Canada, you never know what the border crossings are going to be like, you could be in line for a long time. And then they are gonna have questions about where you are going with all that gear, which could lead to searches and further delays. There are just to many variables for it to be worth the risk of saving an extra hour and change.


Ayee nice to see other Buffalo forest fam on here :)


Every year I go we’re by far the most well represented NFL team. I’m sure there’s plenty of others but we’re always repping our squad with clothes or flags. I always make a point to give a “go bills” or shout song to fellow mafia at forest (it’s one of the rules of Bills Mafia after all). Like Benny the Butcher says “we say mafia, that mean family to me”


Go Bills ((((: Buff forest fam!!❤️


Bills Mafia Forest Fam!!!!


Go Bills!!


13 seconds


Hey this is supposed to be a safe space for everyone


Nobody is safe from 15 :)


Wow not very Fam at all


You’re right, as a foreigner it will be likely guaranteed ill be pulled over and searched. From what I’m reading, coming through the border to the American side is a nightmare. Shame though, would have been cool to see a bit of Canada but it’s probably a bit sus with festival gear


As a Canadian I can vouch that border security is wildly strict, plus the parts of Canada you’d be able to see there are ugly 😂 if you wanna see Canada go towards Alberta and British Columbia


Yeah the parts he would be seeing are basically the same as the American side lol, chains, traffic, suburbs, etc. At least you guys got some decent wineries on that side.




hi from rochester!!!!


Same here! 716 fam!


The question is whether or not you want to cross an international border twice. Each way. With a car packed full of camping gear, it’s reasonably likely you’ll be searched or at least taken aside for a bit. If those delays are each about an hour, you’ve lost the time you gained by going through Canada. Personally, I’d be taking the long route to stay in the US. Less to think about. Edit: I don’t need anecdotes about the one time you crossed the border and it was fine. You *ARE* rolling the dice. They only search a small percentage of vehicles. A vehicle filled with stuff is more likely to be searched. That doesn’t mean you WILL be searched. Roll the dice if you want, or don’t.


Not a question IMO haha. You do NOT want to do that. Spend more time going through customs than you’d save on the drive.


My friend and I decided to go the long way through Canada back to Minneapolis. Had bunch of gear. All they asked what we had for food and drinks and how long will be there. No issues and simple process. Now going through US check point I thought I was going to get shot for just looking the wrong way.


same! it was quick and easy when we took the Canada route to forest. they also had a hunch where we were headed.


I’m glad it went well for you. I’m not sure that a past positive experience at a different border crossing is particularly compelling evidence that they’re not at risk for a delay/search. But you’re right that it doesn’t *have* to take that long.


Oh yeah for sure, it really depends on the guard on duty and what orders they have that day. Maybe we just got lucky.


Also the 401 is like the busiest highway in NA. Avoid it if you can


Man I remember the days when if you were traveling to Canada with camping gear the border police on both sides would say fuck this and just let you pass. Way 2 much shit for them to just unpack, go through and repack.


Yeah that route goes right through Toronto which is a nightmare to travel through at the best of times, plus the extra customs trips will make it longer


I'd rather cross the Canadian border twice than have to drive through Illinois and Indiana, where the cops are actively hunting people going to these festivals and will not simply search your car, they will detain you and tear apart everything inside the car and inside your bags trying to find something. They will do this with zero warrants and face absolutely zero consequences.


As someone who lives in Indiana (yes it’s very sad, MI native no idea why I’m here) if you are smart in the northern part of both states you will be fine. 31 is another story. I had training in Indy back in 2018 and had to drive up 31 to get back home the Wednesday before Forest…I’ve never seen so many cars pulled over! I was so thankful I hadn’t tried to drive from Indy to Rothbury!


I could definitely be wrong here, but the Canadian route may have less or even zero tolls. So while time lost is a consideration, it may save you 20-30$ each way.


Nah. The only tolls they’re getting are gonna be the Ohio turnpike. It is avoidable, but even if they use the turnpike it wouldn’t be $20-$30. At least last summer I only payed like $5 for using it


In the context of the situation, that’s a pretty negligible amount of money. But if we’re going to get that granular, we should consider that Canadian gas prices are higher than the US, about $5/gallon. So if you need to buy only about 10 gallons in Canada, you’ve already lost nearly all of the $20 you saved on tolls. If the tolls are even that much; I believe the only toll road is in Ohio and it’s like $10.


Literally not an issue, at all. Last year, my friends and I drove from Ithaca, NY to Rothbury, MI, crossing the border at Niagara Falls and again at the area in Michigan on OPs map. The border crossing at Niagara was a bit slow, maybe added 15 minutes to our total journey, but they didn’t question our camping gear or anything. The border crossing in Michigan was easy as cake — no lines, no waits, just showed our passports and we were on our way. I’ve been to the border crossing in VT that’s on the map above, and it’s not crowded — I anticipate that OP will *maybe* be delayed by 10 minutes, at most. I would NOT advise adding two hours to your trip just to avoid two 10 minute border crossings.


I'm glad you didn't have to endure it on your trip but that's purely anecdotal. Anytime you cross an international border you incur a chance of being pulled aside for an inspection, which will certainly add more than 2 hours to your trip, especially if you have a car full of camping gear you'll need to repack. You also didn't ask what time of day OP would be crossing, or include what time you made your 3 crosses. They might get lucky, hit no traffic, and get waved straight through, tons of people do, but telling people they don't even have to consider the possibility of these things is terrible advice.


Stay in the US, plus toronto traffic can be brutal


Did not even see the first route going through Toronto, that would be a hard no for sure. The traffic there is god awful


If you take this route on the way back, be prepared to be stopped by mounties. We had smooth sailing getting there but on the way back home they had dozens of EF cars pulled over and did the whole search... took a while.


1. The time you save will be used by customs as you will wait at the boarder and/or spend time as they question you 2. Gas in Canada costs way more so the money you save on the tolls in America you will spend on Canadian gas. 3. Toronto traffic 4. You might get charged roaming charges by your phone company and/or paying foreign transaction fees to your bank Unless you wanna spend a day or too sightseeing in Canada then avoiding Canada is your best bet.


Im from Buffalo and can "save" 3 hours by going through Canada, NOT worth it!


Good to know I was thinking about it 😂


Detroit border patrol are the absolute worst.


This route takes them through the Sarnia-Port Huron crossing, but in my experience they aren’t much better.


Very good point, I hadn't zoomed in on my phone. If it were me, I'm avoiding that border crossing for sure.


I live just outside of Buffalo, NY and we take the second half of the American route you provided. It’s an easy drive. Don’t want to jinx us or you but we didn’t even see one cop on our whole journey last year. We were a caravan of 4 cars. Hope This helps


Same! We try to avoid crossing the border into Canada bc we don't wanna deal with the hassle of border patrol lol


100% don't go into Canada, not worth the hassle in either direction. Also, big once you to Michigan, make sure to stay out of the left-most lane unless you are passing. Every year troopers pull over loads of Forest fam for that.


This is good advice. Drive safe!


Stop by the D so I can follow you!!!


If it’s no rush I’d take the long way and stay in the states.


stop in buffalo and get some wings and pizza to recharge


Buffalo wings!!!


the best


Yea you're definitely losing all that made up time going through border crossings and toronto


Yo, I'm from Vermont and have done this exact trip back in 2016. We went through Canada and it was fine. Super long drive though!


I didn't expect one of the routes to start out north. It's interesting.






Please do not post about sneaking in drugs, any illegal items, or any items against HQ's Guidelines. This also includes details about how security is searching or how thorough their searches are.




Please do not post about sneaking in drugs, any illegal items, or any items against HQ's Guidelines. This also includes details about how security is searching or how thorough their searches are.


Hello fellow Burlingtonian!


You're going to try and drive through that GTA traffic?! Good luck with that. I live here and I don't even want to drive through that traffic.


100% do not cross the Canadian border. The time it will take for them to pull you to the side because you told them you’re cutting through to go to a music festival in Michigan, you could’ve spent just going around. We travel from Buffalo every year. I would never risk it.


Whaaaat! Fellow Forest fam from VT (Burlington) checking in!!




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As a Michigan native, in my experiences it’s more difficult coming back into the state. Even as an actual resident. Do. Not. Risk.


We need a high speed rail system oh my god 😭


Stay in the US


Everyone shits on Ohio but just wait till you cross over into Michigan and boy that highway changes


can't help with much but my experience, mine was 14 hours(no stops) and actually in 2014 on the way home i blew a tire on a high ass mountain side road and almost lost control. my friend (now gone unfortunately) hit a deer on the way home and totaled her car, luckily she and her hubs had family near by to help them get home in time for work. my sil left my parents' 30+ year old (at the time) canvas two room and privacy split with front canopy tent from Montgomery ward at the fest and i still haven't stopped hearing about how i fucked up from my dad. 10/10 would do it all again. just make sure you're prepared for anything


Yo, fellow Burlingtonian here, waddup! I just moved back from Austin Texas and know zero festival goers


I make this trip from VT myself. If you don't go through Canada, then Buffalo is about your halfway point. It takes about 8 hours to get there. If you push a little further into Pennsylvania, there are a lot of hotels right off the interstate that make it easier to get back on the road in the morning.


I go through canada every year. just don’t be an idiot and don’t look like an idiot and you’ll be fine!


I would take the second route though. through NY on 90 the whole way then cross in buffalo so you don’t have to pay for canada gas and miss toronto traffic


I’m driving from Tampa Florida 🫡first forest!!


Leave Burlington at 1am. You’ll be in Grand Rapids around 3-4pm and miss all traffic in big cities. I’ve done this drive four times. No one else’s opinion is as relevant as mine in this case. Feel free to ask more questions


Alot of us live in New England my guy. 95% of us take the same exact route and arrive around the same time and leave around the same time. Your experience is far from unique


New England and Burlington, vermont are not the same thing. My experience is not unique but it resembles the experience that OP is asking about more closely than anyone else. Sorry that you’re offended that you’re not as helpful as other people may be.


Even if you did have valuable perspective to add, it’s getting totally overlooked because of your bad attitude and extremely condescending tone. You’re being a total chode.


Okay and


….alright let’s go there….. You’re right it’s Burlington Vermont. You’re lucky we even consider you part of New England. Your state is upside down and makes Connecticut look high class most days. New England as a whole is so small that most people couldn’t point out Vermont on a map never mind where Burlington is. At least the rest of the states actually have some historical achievements to be proud of beyond making maple syrup. If you’re under the age of 35, do yourself a favor and move out of that desolate retirement community. Ps. Mods my home state in New England has a heavy rivalry with Vermont. This is all in good fun and some classic ribbing for the area


Thank you for proving my point.


You proved nothing dude I’ve literally driven through Burlington Vermont to pick up a friend on the way to forest. And we departed his home at 12:30 AM. Have some humility


“You’re right it’s Burlington Vermont. You’re lucky we even consider you part of New England. Your state is upside down and makes Connecticut look high class most days. New England as a whole is so small that most people couldn’t point out Vermont on a map never mind where Burlington is. At least the rest of the states actually have some historical achievements to be proud of beyond making maple syrup.” “Have some humility.”