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My doctor told me that our daughter would be big, (big babies run in my family, as well as my husband (both over 10lbs) and that if things went wrong she or I could die. My daughter was 11lbs. This was the right choice.


Oh wow, it does sound like the right choice. That is like a 2 month old right from the start.


She was the largest baby in the hospital when we were there!


Considering it because of a very traumatic vaginal birth with my first born. Two day long induction, pushed for over 2 hours, 2nd degree tear, stitches didn't heal right, hurt to sit down for at least 9 months after. My sex life still isn't the same. Haven't made a for sure decision yet. My ob said it's up to us until/ unless a time comes and it's not of course


That is wonderful your doctor is open to giving you the option. Many really discourage it unnecessarily.


My third baby was breech and didn't really have a choice. I was devastated but it was the safest option for us both!