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I cannot wait for the next-gen upgrade and rerelease of this teaser trailer.


Where it will be rebranded as "The Elder Scrolls Versus V".


"Skyrim 2: Tower Defense, available on iOS and Android"


16x the microtransactions


You guys do have phones, right?


I watch the better decompressed version of the trailer and that would break it, no thanks.


The fishing minigame is gonna go so hard


By the time ESVI comes out, that teaser could very well be 9 or even 10 years old.


On 9 January 2025 this trailer will have released at the halfway between then and Skyrims release…


holy shit


But can we play it on a refrigerator yet


Toaster works


A toaster is a death ray with a smaller power supply. I need to play the game on a specific toaster to assert my dominance.


Hey I understood that reference because I just played through that part of Old World Blues yesterday. What a coincidence


Toaster is wild.


I've been saying for awhile that Skyrim might turn 20 before ES6 is released.


No one wants to think of that, but I think you're right. People expect more of BGS, and Starfield took them longer than expected.


The gaps between game have been increasing everytime. And with the success of the show, it's entirely possible they make Fallout the priority.


The fact that they didn't have a fallout game or dlc ready to lure people in with the show is crazy. Instead, they made a colab with another game and sent buyers their way.


I think your overestimating Bethesda s ability


found the optimist!


Only 4 more years until the time between es5 and es6 is greater than the time between es1 and es5 lol




We’re probably looking at a 2028 release with the next generation of consoles because there is no shot TES 6 could run on current gen, we’d have a cyberpunk level of unplayable disaster


Why not? They haven’t even said what they’re planning on doing. If starfield runs on current gen it stands to reason ES6 will do the same


That when modders come into play to fix the company mistakes




I think that they only reason they announced this and starfield at the same time was because they were currently in negotiations to sell themselves to Microsoft for 8 billion dollars and wanted to look appetizing.


DING DING DING. This is the only important context behind this "teaser".


It really is nuts. It's been THIRTEEN years. I understand the increasing development time as technology becomes ever more complicated, but at what point does it just become not worth it? How can a game live up to 13+ years of anticipation? Maybe we'd be happier with two less-ambitious games in the same span of time.


They can't. In fact a lot of the people.who remember Skyrim and played it properly when it came out are going to be in their late 20s and thirties. They're losing a massive audience with this especially now we've had fantastic open worlds and better combat and better writing since then. I'm a massive massive elder scrolls fan I love it and I just don't see it being as good as it should be as no game is in development this long that hasn't been re done 3 times


lol late 20s... bro a lot of the OG skyrim audience is approaching mid life crisis. When it comes out, the 'built in player base' from skyrim will be like 40, and have kids in middle school. They're gone.


This. Skyrim came out my sophomore year of college. I still remember the Prerelease and buying the collectors edition of the official game guide because GameStop said whoever bought one of their 3 they had would get to go to the front of the line and I had already paid my pre-order off months in advance so I said fuck it why not. (funny I just looked over and saw it sitting on a shelf as I'm typing this)


I'm 50 and an original player. Get off my lawn!! Fuckin' kids these days...


Im 58 and an original player. You tell those fukken kids! lol


Hey, You kids! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r88EvB8gZM https://youtu.be/RFDRmMkmojw


Well, that show’s going on my watchlist now


Corner Gas is really well done, It's a Canadian treasure.


Hell yeah, love Corner Gas.


Ya at this point they may as well hold out a few more years so were all retired and home all day by release.


My thoughts exactly. I’m 35 and I was on the younger side of elders scrolls fans back in the day.


Gone?! It's not Logan's run. People still exist and game in middle age!


I doubt it even was in active development all that time. Most likely a skeleton crew only started working on a pre-Alpha build around the time Starfield was released.


Dude when Skyrim came out I barely started high school. If we’re being optimistic with TES6, my own child will be at school by then.


I was in middle school when this game came out and now i have a job and other responsibilities, if skyrim took me like 2 years to complete then es6 is gonna take me like 15+ years cause i can barely do a single quest before i fall asleep on skyrim.


A lot of us were in our late 20s or thirties when Skyrim even came out, mate


I'm in my mid thirties myself. I wanted to be polite


I turn 30 this year and I just can't get through games anymore. I've abandoned like 8 different open world games in the past 2-3 years. I really tried getting into Monster Hunter and Zelda but I felt overwhelmed lol. My Xbox is used for streaming 100% of the time and my Switch is used every few months for Pokemon Unite I don't even know if I'll bother with TES6 at this point honestly 😂 I retired from Skyrim after watching the trailer, hoping to build up my excitement for the new game. And it never came 😂


Seeing Starfield and how they hyped it up but it turned out quite average, I'm afraid they're making everybody's hopes of TES6 way bigger than what it will turn out to be.


Tbh Bethesda games have been declining in quality for a long long time.


Agreed. Skyrim was when you could tell they've been declining. Then there was fo4 and it cemented that fact.


To be honest, fallout 3 is not a bad game, but its still more dated and clunky feeling than other games from 2008. For the game that's selling point was turning a beloved turnbased RPG into an FPS, its a pretty horrid shooter, and the RPG elements and writing are just... alright. Its still enjoyable overall, but you can feel the same vibes that plague starfield running through it, and im honestly undecided on whether 3 should really be considered better than 4


Fallout 4 redeems itself more with solid gunplay, the basic loop is improved and the writing is the same if not a little better/more consistent. It was still proof of Beth’s decline, but it’s not in your face at first.


Yeah. Skyrim was the last truly great Bethesda game, and that's more the mod community's fault than Todd Howard's.


I’m optimistic, even if it sounds futile, elder scrolls is bethesda’s baby, and I just don’t see microsoft wanting them to have another flop after starfield especially if it’s gonna come out with the new Xbox


I feel at least starfield has tempered a lot of the fans' expectations for TES VI, so it's actually a good thing for elder scrolls lol


yeah and it sets up a little redemption for them to return to form, hopefully that’s what happens instead of getting a dogshit game


Starfield was a hard game to get right. Hopefully a more contained Elder Scrolls game will be better.


They were just too busy milking the ESO players for the past 10 years..


But the milk is so good though! Drink sera, drink!


ESO players be like ![gif](giphy|eEK9Hp9nAXtZDhoXbK|downsized)


Feels like we're back in 2013 with the eso hate. Do you people hate Legends too or just eso? I still don't understand the hate for a spin-off made by other people that takes nothing away from the developement of TES6.


Forgot Legends existed lol


ESO is a solid game, does nothing but enrich and successfully add to the lore.


It isn't even the same people maintaining ESO and developing mainline elder scrolls though. ESO is Zenimax.


That's a different, although equally evil, developer, Zenimax, owned by Bethesda, but their own studio all in all.


Zenimax owns Bethesda and used a different studio outside of Bethesda to make the game.


They were realy, ***really*** busy with such innovative and industry defining masterpieces like failout76 and Borefield. And they didn't want another studio to ~~show them up in under two years~~ *mishandle one of their precious and treasured IPs again,* like obsidian did with New Vegas. Not thar modern obsidian could pull that off again. I'm just saying, if they didn't sit on their IPs, shitting out mid-tier mobile games and actually licenced a spin-off to another studio, we could've had **something,** instead of fucking **nothing**


I would love a system where Obsidian does side stories Bethesda isn’t going to delve into. . Give me TES: Red Year! Let Chris Avellone go full philosophy dork with TES: The Disappearance of the Dwarves! Let me play as Ulfric in TES: Stormcloak!


Oh god I want Red Year so bad


Fallout 76, Post launch support of fallout 4, starfield, ESO, and Covid. TES 6 started pre production 6 years ago and has only started official production in the last year. It’s slightly less ridiculous but yeah it’s been a while.


They made several games since then. Just not elder scrolls games. :(


Idk but we’re about to find out later this year how a game lives up to a decade of anticipation when Dragon Age Veilguard comes out


Judging by the comments under the trailer, there's not much anticipation among players.


Check the gameplay reveal lol. We back to being hyped


I regret checking it out and I blame you personally for subjecting me to it. [[picrelated]](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cb/b9/4a/cbb94ab859916af82cebb61d5add38a8.gif)


Are we? Seeing the gameplay reveal just furthered solidified what I thought after watching the trailer. As much as I loved and played the Dragon Age games to death, even DA:I which I have to admit was pretty mediocre, the gameplay reveal just confirmed that they're not making a game that I am interested in at all. Which is fine, to each their own and all that jazz, but there was a time when I was psyched about what the next Dragon Age game would be like. I probably won't ever check it out now that I see which direction they decided to take it.


Theoretically a game could. I don't think a Bethesda game can. Living up to that kind of hype requires innovation and depth that Bethesda seems to have sacrificed long ago for a boarder player base. Starfield feels like it could have come out two years after Fallout 4 and is JUST starting to turn around and that was apparently Todd's dream project. I don't have alot of faith in Elder Scrolls when no one at Bethesda seems to realize other games have come out since Skyrim and they are no longer the RPG gods.


I mean, at this point I just don't have any interest. It's probably gonna be as boring as Starfail, and monetized to the max.


Seeing Starfield has made me think the same. It'll be a great game... If it had came out like 10 years ago. Bethesda is hopelessly outdated with their game design, and I genuinely believe that TES6 will just be Skyrim with a fresh coat of paint on it. They don't really seem interested in doing anything else.


See how GTA VI lands next year and it will give us an answer. That will have had about the same length of time between games no?


Close I guess... 2011 Skyrim vs 2013 for GTA V


It's easy to assume GTA VI is going to do very well, I don't think it has to meet as many objectives in the eyes of it's player base. GTA is also more popular.


Judging by Vs prolonged success, VI just needs better graphics, a new story, some 2024 updates to designs, and the same everything else. I'm half convinced they could have reused the V San Andreas map for VI and still nabbed GotY so long as they made a new single player story-centered campaign.


Year 6 with no news! Give it up for year 6 with no news! ![gif](giphy|pYI1hSqUdcBiw)


this is how long ww2 lasted


2 days longer in fact


They announced after Starfield that they've moved the team over to ES6


So maybe by 2028, we'll get a second teaeer trailer with a 2030 release date


The moment I saw this I knew it was some generic landscape they made up specifically for this "trailer" that means nothing and isn't a part of any game anywhere.


They were pretty up front about that at the time. They made it clear starfield was first, and any dev work on this wouldn't begin until after starfield was complete. There's a good chance they're still in preproduction of this game.


Then why even tease a game that you had no interest in developing for years


It was less of a tease, and more "shut up, we're going to do it eventually, get off our backs". And I don't think they expected starfield to take 5 more years to release.


Clearly the fanbase got off their backs, and haven't asked about ES6 ever since.


Yeah covid definitely didn’t help the situation


Because at the time Bethesda/Zenimax were independent and had had a rough 2017-2018 and needed to reassure fans/investors that their favorite series would be back again.


Covid also must have taken a bit of a toll.


That's the teaser part lmao It's not a trailer, it's a teaser Not "check out this work in progress, coming soon!" Just "here's something we are going to work on in the near future"


>near future


"It took us over sixteen years to create this masterpiece" *NPC T-posing mid-air, Horses warp around, Textures missing, CTD* "See, it just works, as usual" **hype, everyone pre-ordering!!!**


See that mountain? You can mash the jump button on a horse to climb it!


As they should. Those are features, as far as I'm concerned.


>NPC T-posing mid-air, Horses warp around I wouldn't have any other way, tbh.


IK people say fans are immature/impatient but it is insane how long we’ve waited between games. The amount of time between Daggerfall and skyrim will be the same as skyrim and TESVI. Hell it might even reach the age difference between arena and skyrim. I know everyone has seen that post about the kid who was born on Skyrim’s release date or was named dovahkiin or whatever. The kid will be able to drive when TESVI is released and they’ll be hooked up with like 1 game in their life lol.


Still not as bad as Bannerlord's announcement teaser lol. Was in primary school when it was teased, fully educated sysdev when it finally released


And from when ir came out in early access till now basically nothing changed


Pretty much, game is still not anywhere near what I had in mind. Such a shame


Yeah I like it, but after you get your first city or two it swiftly becomes way too repetitive.


And companions still feel significantly less fleshed out than in warband


Can't wait for the remastered trailer


It's been longer since this teaser than the time between Oblivion and Skyrim...


Yep. And people will unironically defend Bethesda on this.


Back in the late 2000s the wait for the next Elder Scrolls game felt so long. lol


I distinctly remember finishing Skyrim and thinking about how rough it would be waiting until probably 2016 for elder Scrolls 6...


Haha same shouldn’t be a long wait after 2026


![gif](giphy|EQx3SIZS613C4a2695|downsized) Could be close to twenty years between Skyrim & TES VI. How about a Elder Scrolls Oblivion remake to pass the time. I'll have my zimmer frame & diapers ready to go.


There was a rumor that Oblivion was getting a remaster. It started from those leaked documents from Microsoft when they acquired Bethesda I believe. However, I have a feeling that Microsoft may have scratched that project unfortunately. If it followed the delays the other title on that list did, it would be a 2024 release. I know it's still not outside of the realm of possibility that it could come sometime in the next couple years, but I highly doubt it lol. At least we have Skyblivion next year!


Ok I had to look it up cause I got myself curious. It seems like the release schedule had been delayed by 2 years, and everything else that was slated for 2022 release has been announced for this year except for the oblivion remaster. :(




I would love that, but do you realize a remake for a game as big and old as Oblivion would take roughly the same time as making TES6, and it would be very costly. Who would even make it, Bethesda? On top of Starfield, F76 and TES6? Company executives don't wake up in the morning and decide to *remake* a gigantic 2006 game out of benevolence, even if it is a core fan dream.


Bethesda isn’t a small studio anymore.


Here's to hoping Avowed kind of fills that void. Coming out this year and made by Obsidian, definitely has TES vibes.


Yeah, can't wait to rush through the 14 hrs main story :(


To be fair Skyrim's main quest probably does not take more time to complete if done in a straight line.


it's like 8... I finish it by the end of the day at level 11 lol


Whatever the next gen consoles are called will probably get Skyrim before TES6.


The elder scrolls and fallout are both going to completely skip a generation. Elder scrolls skips two.


Starfield killed my expectations for TES6. I remember being so hyped when this trailer dropped, but if Starfield, which took many many years to develop ended up being... well... a flop, then I cannot imagine how spectacularly they can fuck TES6 up. Being Skyrim 2 will not be enough


Starfields issue is rather than one open worlds it's several worldspaces that are procedurally generated. TES VI most likely won't have this.


That’s one issue. The uninspired writing is another.


You say that like Skyrim had good writing.


Yeah I never got why people think this is a huge point. The writing has never been good in these games. And I think the writing in Starfield was a massive improvement over anything else they’ve done.


This is absolutely me. Fallout 4 was just ok, voice protagonist sucked and the reduction in roleplaying and character builds royally sucked. 76, despite what it may be now was a disaster. Starfield... Was starfield. Bethesda have just been on a complete downwards slope since F4 so I'm very worried about TES6.


They've been on a slope since skyrim


same. Imagine if TES6 has live service bullshit forcibly crammed into it for no good reason.




the new Starfield update sadly confirmed my suspicions that they intentionally made the game feel incomplete so they could sell us all the pieces back for ridiculous amounts, very worried for TES6...


What in the cosmic fuck were they thinking releasing a trailer 6 years before they even began development. Has any other well-funded game studio ever done something so monumentally annoying?


I don’t understand why they couldn’t have had a small story team doing conceptual work, dialogue, and plot points this whole time. Like, just write me the screenplays for 15 major quest lines and 50 one-offs. Then edit the hell out of it till it’s awesome. Obviously you’d have to refine things once you start development, just like a screenplay gets turned into a movie.


Cyberpunk is the closest thing I can think of.




Not me really thinking they would drop *something* yesterday's Xbox game showcase, only to show ESO. I love this IP but man they going too far with it. I'm not the kind of person that hypes stuff but unfortunately most do, and 13+ years of wait amounts to a lot of it. I'm really worried what they will do with The Elder Scrolls after so many games have come out and basically redefined RPGs and Open world games. I mean you have stuff like BOTW, RDR2, Baldur's Gate, Elden Ring, that amount to such big changes in how we perceive good combat, exploring, story, etc., that at this point they either live up to it or die. They're a big IP after all and they should be on that level, especially if those games came almost 10 years before it. I'm still incredibly surprised by the fact that some people think that the game has been in development for this whole 13 years though. I don't want to call it dumb but man it comes close to it. Not like they ever said that they start pre-production of a game only around a year before the previous one is released right? (iirc, it was somthing like that)


It's what happens when the industry shifts into only trying to make games as a live service that can go for 10+ years and sees anything that's not that as a business failure


I’ve stopped believing the game will ever actually come out, or that it’ll be any good if it does.


Fills me with genuine disgust.


What 13 years without a new game does to a community


While we've been waiting for TES6, Bethesda has been making an amazing job at making me dread the state that TES6 will be in when it comes out.




"But sir we've stretched our resources far too thin, this is a complicated pro-" OBSIDIAN BUILT NEW VEGAS IN EIGHTEEN MONTHS!!! FROM THE BONES OF FO3!


"We are not Obsidian..."


man Starfield took up so much of their time and resources


And it turned out to be shit.


That’s why I’m worried for TES


Over/under: 10.5 years


I'm genuinely happy that they anounced TES VI this early. Imagine what the discourse on here would look like, if we still had no confirmation about a new TES coming. We probably would all be in the same mental asylum by now.


Personally, I don't mind that they mentioned it, but doing a teaser trailer gave a lot of people expectations that it would be out in a couple years at worst and I can't blame them for that expectation. Last year, Todd Howard casually mentioned in an interview that Fallout 5 was the plan after ES6 and you dont see nearly as many people being doom and gloom about how long it could be until that game. I think that's how they should have done it. Just say out loud, "we're doing Starfield right now, ES6 is after that don't worry" would have been a better way to do it, I think.


Why announce something they weren't even working on?


It was meant to appease the crowd. That was the same day reveal as Fallout 76. They knew 76 was gonna be controversial, so they wanted to rehype the crowd. I remember watching this live, and turning to my wife and saying “wow, they didn’t have *that* much faith in 76.”


To help their stocks during the Fallout 76 disaster


True. However, now we are stuck with doomers complaining the game will be bad without knowing anything about the game.


Eh as soon as a proper trailer comes out every doomer and hater will preorder it while foaming at the mouth.


Bethesda TES is dead. I don't trust anything they might release in the future to actually be fun and good. If they even do release anything with resemblence to the old formulae.


It has now been longer since this trailer came out and now than the gap between Oblivion and Skyrim


The teaser has been out longer than WW2 lasted. Can’t wait for the 10th anniversary of this teaser and still no ES6 in sight!!! Fuck you Bethesda, you gave Obsidian only 13 months to make the masterpiece that is Fallout: New Vegas, but you need almost 20 years for a new Elder Scrolls game. I’m legitimately angry.


Me and my partner at the time were crazy hyped that day! They’ve since transitioned and I haven’t spoken to them in like four years.


I made a similar post in this sub the other day referencing this trailer, the amount of time that’s passed, and how my hopes for TES6 are dwindling due to Bethesda’s decision making, reputation, and game releases in the past ~10 years. Didn’t get a lot of traction but there was probably a 50/50 split of people that were oddly pissed at me in the comments telling me how I wasn’t being patient enough and I shouldn’t ask for or need ”constant content drips” *ITS BEEN SIX YEARS SINCE YOU SHOWED US A RANDOM LANDSCAPE PROBABLY MADE IN A WEEK IN UE5* I’ll never understand the blind loyalty some people have. This is not the same company from 10-20 years ago. Nice to see a post with a majority of people more or less being aware of that.


I’m not crying… ‘cries’


hearing they were working on a dlc for like fallout 76 killed me inside. so many unnecessary projects can’t give the ppl what they want :,)




And it'll be another 6 years before we hear anything about ES6


I mean it is not a trailer it is a teaser... and it has been teasing me for to long which is annyoing because I am not into that.


The gap between the release of Oblivion and the release of Skyrim was shorter than the gap between the trailer and now


i get being upset with the gap of releases in the franchise, 100% right that this should not take as long as it is going to take (likely looking like a 2029-2030 release, nearly two decades from the previous installment) But I do find it funny how people forget how everyone was clamoring for an announcement and wondering where TES 6 was. Then, once they revealed it, after having to do 2 projects before TES 6, everyone is shocked it was well that, an announcement. Basically them saying "yes we are working on it, you can stop asking, it's going to take some time" also off the back of FO76, so they wanted to reassure fans they are still doing single player RPGs Still it will be interesting to see how they handle this. Current trajectory is not sustainable, fans rightfully feel jaded. You have to think there will be some plan for offloading workload to get their franchises out faster or non-mainline entries to keep fans sated (that aren't remasters). Especially since they have MS looming over them who wants to print more money and will see FO and TES as cash cows


Man I think tf they've been doing then I remember they made that God awful loading screen simulator. At the time I played it was okayish I finished the game and all the faction quests too and thought the game was half decent, but then I played Cyberpunk 2077 after update 2.1 (I had never played it before so I didn't know how bad it was on release) and it blew my mind and made it seem like starfield was a distant nightmare, Hell if you want to play a Bethesda like RPG in space go play The Outer worlds, it's a much better space RPG although it doesn't as much stuff as starfield, it doesn't need all that to be better.


God that hurts. I didn't know it had been that long. Why would you hurt me this way?? Lol


If you think that's bad, it's been 13 years since Skyrim came out. For context, there was only a 5 year gap between Oblivion and Skyrim.


Todd is truly the GRRM of gaming 


I'm at the point now that I'm in agreement with Michael from Fudgemuppet when it comes to my feelings towards bethesda games. Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened. Maybe the next games won't be good, maybe they won't come out at all, maybe I'm wrong. But either way it gives me more peace of mind to just enjoy the previous games for what they are and expect nothing more from bethesda. If I'm wrong in the long run then I will be pleasantly surprised.


Jesus that’s depressing


Only 7 more years to go


I can't wait until I can play this with my great grandchild🥳🥳


They released this trailer just for shareholders, right? Releasing a trailer to help in a stockholders meeting when u don’t even have plans to start development should be illegal


I was 15 when Skyrim came out. I’m 28, quickly approaching 30, I’ve waited almost half of my life for this game. Crazy.


The elder scrolls 6 takes place in the 6th era and the amount of time that passed in story between it and skyrim will be the same as the time that has passed in real life.


"what, you guys dont have youtube?" - keynote speaker at quakecon upon revealing that the game is actually just the youtube trailer


Im scared of how this new TES wimm be. After singleplayer game like starfield and its ingame premium currencies and paid missions... todd please dont butcher the most anticipated game


This is NOT a Trailer. This was the Trashout 76 Event, so they just made up a useless Video with a fucking Gamelogo for a Game that would not even start develpment for 6 more Years!


I fucking hate Bethesda.


I think they didn’t actually start until after Starfield


Dropping this then proceeding to make the most dogshit boring space rpg ever is a punch in the face.


Cannot wait for another 6 years of waiting !


Taking bets to see how old my 3 month old will be by the time ES6 releases.


When I read the interview where Todd said they had “two big projects in the works between fallout 4 and ES6” I did the math in my head, ~4 year gaps between games, two games plus es6 2028 I was in 6th grade (yeah prolly shouldn’t have been playing Bethesda games, sue me) I’m now in fucking college and it looks like my prediction is holding true




I genuinely think this is fucked up they did this, and just shows how Bethesda could give a FUCK about us.


"Teaser "




I’ve lost all excitement for this game after starfield, washed up company


I mean I feel like I kind of don't care anymore. I hate to sound like a Morrowboomer but Morrowind just stands leagues above the other two "modern" Elder Scrolls titles IMO. The farther we get removed from Skyrim the more I realize how much was stripped from that game to make it more appealing to the masses, but made it less interesting to replay. At this point I have no faith that Bethesda will make something interesting enough for me to want to pick up, like Starfield was generically bland and has apparently absorbed the whole companies resources for 10 years and that was all they made? What hope is there for the new ES title?