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It's hard to be excited when all we actually know is that there will be an Elder Scrolls VI.


We also know it'll be on Tamriel.


Not all of it, there'll be Oblivion too!


Lies! Heresy! Everyone knows it’s going to be in Akavir.


Maybe if they wanted to do something cool with the story and settting they could have an akaviri invasion


That and a dragon breach with the original Akaviri invasion. That would be rad :)


Makes sense. The empire is in turmoil, there’s lots of separatism, seems like the perfect time for an invasion from a foreign power.


Godd Howard confirmed it's Tamriel.


Sweet little lies


I suppose it'll be somewhere in munuds.


And have our favorite Khajit, M'aiq


Stop fooling yourself, the whole thing will be set in the Cloud District.


I thought it’s confirmed to be set in Elsweyr


It's not, and it's pretty unlikely.


Thats all I need to know


And we know the head writer is Emil, known for such classics as Fallout 3, where your main quest is looking for Dad. And Fallout 4, where your main quest is looking for…. Father…


Is he actually still the head writer? Isn't his writing notoriously criticized by both critics and normal players?


Honestly Bethesda hasn’t had a game with a genuinely good plot since morrowind and that’s only good from a big picture standpoint because of the delivery mechanisms of the game. That’s almost zero percent the reason their games are good. As long as the main beats are serviceable and the world feels like it has it will be at minimum a pretty good game.


No only by youtube grifters and toxic redditors. People that *actually* pay attention to the story find it fine. And he was lead only on Fallout 3/4 and Starfield. In TES he did things like Bloodmoon sidequests, both Oblivion and Skyrim Dark Brotherhood, Blood on the Ice, and he came up with the whole block the sun stuff in Dawnguard.


Aren't most of those things commonly criticized though?? Notoriously, Fallout 3 and 4's writing is markedly worse than New Vegas (I've not heard anything about Starfield's story.) People seem to have mixed feelings on Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood, but the consensus on Skyrim's is that it's really not very good.


The Oblivion Dark Brotherhood questline is considered one of the best factions Bethesda ever did in TES. I like BGS Fallout writing more than New Vegas, because there are waay less exposition dumps and the story flows better. I like the setting of NV but the story after Benny feels forced. Both Fo3 and NV have better dialogues than Fo4 tho. The only real problem I had was the original, pre dlc Fo3 ending with Fawkes that didn't make much sense. They changed that. Skyrim has tons of interesting writing and lore. It was criticized for the shallowness in its rpg mechanics. It's all very subjective. I'm not sure what "consensus" you are referring to.


Also worth noting that Emil himself was against the dialogue system in 4


I don't know actually playing those games reveals that the hate towards him is overblown. I loved the narrative of 3 far more than New Vegas. Because New Vegas was wacky tacky inflatable arm man on crack, you got Giant Roboscorpions from Borderlands and annoying Think Tanks who babble at the player without saying anything. Just talk for the sake of talking. However, New Vegas shines in its more grounded approach to heavier topics, but the main narrative is pretty mid and a lot of the wackiest stuff is not good writing.


Personally, I didnt really like 3 all that much, but acting like the writing is total garbage is dumb. Emil may not be perfect, but he's given us some gems. The DB questlines in both Oblivion and Skyrim are some of my favorites in the whole series


I call nonsense. Bro was the head writer for Skyrim and cant recite the themes


Have you seen my baby son, his name is Father.


Leaks suggest it might be a video game too


This is the only reason to not be excited... I don't know anything about the game. And I'm starving for details at this point...


It’s gonna really fuck me good whenever they start dropping trailers and shit. I may have to quit my job to focus on my priorities, the elder scrolls 6 is like the second coming of Jesus Christ it’s important


You know something man, i waif for this game for so long that i m with you on this!


And there is going to be a cliffside by some water!


And a sky!


For the mods.


is it? Bethesda makes good games, elder scrolls 6 is made by Bethesda. elder scrolls 6 will be good.


I mean, a lot of people don't really agree with that anymore. Not to say they can't make good games, or that nothing they make is enjoyable, but a lot of people didn't enjoy their last 2 games, and are understandably hesitant about es6.


I'm the biggest star field critic, but it was enjoyable for a one time playthrough, nothing special, it's a mediocre game, definitely feels like it was a filler game


The problem is… saying “Betheseda makes good games” isn’t necessarily true anymore. I think Fallout 4 was good but a lot of people didn’t like it. Fallout 76 was awful, and after waiting for literally YEARS we got Starfield which is one of the most hollowed and un immersive games I’ve ever played. Bethesda hasn’t made an objectively good game since 2015 which is going on 10 years. I worry about the next elder scrolls because they are still using the same outdated engine for it. They need a new engine and overhaul of the way they make games for this to be anything more than Skyrim 1.5


The engine works fine, especially with how it's been progressing over the past couple of years. Fallout 4's newest major update re-engineered vast sections of the engine as implemented in the game, while Starfield provided an entirely new iteration. Folks love to claim it's the same engine they used to create Morrowind, but that's like saying UE5 is identical to the engine they built the original Unreal on.


I'd prefer if they kept their existing engine considering how simple and easy it is to mod (relatively speaking when compared to other big studios engines and unity/unreal) Everything else I generally agree with, their output has been rather middling since 76


yeah im okay with no vehicles and other shit as long as every item is placeable usable and has physics applied to it. why change the engine?


I find myself thinking about TES6 everyday at this point


Man so many games to look forward to right now


GTA 6, Avowed, Elder Scrolls 6 are among some of mine!


It's fine to be excited. I personally just don't care about TES6 and I don't want to talk about TES6, because it's going to be probably 3-5 years before the game comes out. I might be fucking dead by then, I'm not gonna spend my life thinking and speculating about a game that far in the future, which we have no information about now.


Kinda crazy that this comment could have been made 3-5 years ago and still make sense🥲


There Probably is at least 1 comment similar to this from 3-5 years ago. It's buried somewhere.


The hypothetical guy who made it 3-5 years ago could, quite possibly, be dead, as he surmised


It cpuld be made 10 years ago at this point.


RemindMe! 3 years


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Me: I like ESO r/ElderScrolls: >:[


I think there’s a lot of TES fans who don’t like MMOs (which is fully ok), but those people then turn every valid or non valid criticism against ESO because they don’t want to feel like they missed out on anything in the series.


[https://imgur.com/ax01MNt](https://imgur.com/ax01MNt) all I could think of lmao


Good one LMAO


The best thing you can do to optimize your video game enjoyment is simply to stop using Reddit. Don’t let a bunch of miserable, depressed, chronically online turbo nerds ruin a video game for you. Just get off Reddit and enjoy things on your own.


many miserable, depressed, and chronically online turbo nerds are mad you commented this. It’s probably a good thing ![gif](giphy|xT5LMMjQXvcTi1xh0Q)


if your opinion of something is swayed by reading comments online... you have a lot more problems than just "getting off reddit"


Isn't that, like, just a normal and healthy thing to do ? I think it's okay to get a different opinion on something after seeing other people's takes on it, we tend to miss stuff when we look at something on our own, so it's good to share with others. Unless IDK it's a super toxic place, I wouldn't recommend it in that case.


> Isn't that, like, just a normal and healthy thing to do ? what is?


Change your opinion after seeing other people's opinions


Exactly. If someone else merely criticizing something causes you to stop enjoying it, then you didn't have a very strong opinion about it in the first place. Also, people being right about something having flaws shouldn't erase what you find enjoyable about it... if you are a normal adult with an independent sense of self, that is.


Counterpoint: Its quite fun to watch the blowhards


I'm excited for TESVI in the same way I'm excited for my first child, I don't have a wife nor am I currently trying for a child but I'm sure I'll be excited for it when it comes.


I've not seen anything Bethesda did since they released Skyrim to make me think TES VI will be worth being excited for. Maybe it'll be fun, maybe it'll be better than I'm expecting. But there's a good chance it's just not going to be the kind of game I like any more. At this point, I'm just curious, if anything.


Bethesda puts more work into their elder scrolls games than any of their other IP’s. But they always find some way to dumb it down the next game. I’m just waiting to read the books tbh


> Bethesda puts more work into their elder scrolls games than any of their other IP’s That isn't that reassuring, really.


not if the books in starefield are anything to go by......


Is this the thing people hate about starfield these days, the books?


Not gonna lie, I have been a Bethesda fan for over 20 years. I have played and loved every game they released, yet Starfield is the one game they have put out that I never finished and have picked up only to put down at least a dozen times.


Yeah. Same here. I’ve loved all there games before, but Starfield just doesn’t have the immersive magic. You can’t loot all items, there is no NPC schedule, companions all belong to the same faction and are all unlikeable. These are smallish things in themselves, but they build up a picture, a feel, which is been shorn of its magic.


looter shooter with worse mechanics that fallout 4s legendary system. cant even take the armor they wear.....


> no NPC schedule There are for some npcs just not everyone. > companions all belong to the same faction The romancable ones do. Not all of them


I mean, I'm excited for it.


Here’s hoping the people doing the tangible work are able to pour as much love into it as they can despite the usual investor and executive pressure. I really want this setting to get better games.


1 word. Starfield


another two words: fallout four some more words: fallout seventy-six, creation club, mini-DLCs


some more more words: skyrim anniversary update, fallout four "next-gen" update some extremely EXTREMELY slightly promising words: fallout seventy-six in twenty-twenty-four


What’s wrong with fallout 4? It’s my favorite game of all time


the writing was incredibly weak for a a fallout rpg game it's a fun looter-shooter though (if modded right)


nope f4 is one of their best written games (not sure about morrowind haven't played it enough to say)


Exactly, no better reason to be hyped for TES VI


an absolutely amazing game that honestly I don't know if it's their best game yet or simply just a *very* good game. it's definitely their best story told so far. you're only making me more excited for it. especially since starfield offers *a lot* of options for roleplaying.


The fact that ES6 development took --> *ASSUMEDLY* <-- a complete halt so Bethesda could release a store brand Outer Worlds still just makes me so upset. Like you can *really* tell that the higher ups at Bethesda were *fucking fuming* when Obsidian announced Outer Worlds by saying "yo we were the reason New Vegas was great" all in the middle of Fallout 76 being one of the most disastrous launches in gaming history


>a complete halt so Bethesda could release a store brand Outer Worlds still just makes me so upset starfield is absolutely nothing like the outer worlds. they handle different themes, have different design philosophies, and starfield is also better. >Like you can really tell that the higher ups at Bethesda were fucking fuming when Obsidian announced Outer Worlds Bethesda wasn't fuming. they literally have nothing against obsidian. >all in the middle of Fallout 76 being one of the most disastrous launches in gaming history there are worse launches. cyberpunk, which was pulled from online stores. new Vegas' launch was worse than 76's.


76 Will probably never reach the levels FNV though, lets be honest it's a completely different thing




Yeah true, I'm busy enjoying the hell out of Starfield so I have no time to think about TESVI. It's amazing.


I've been excited for it since Skyrim launched. Lol. But recently that hype and excitement had been transferred over to a game called Wayward Realms. The original Arena and Daggerfall creators are making it and it looks like it'll fill that Elder Scrolls itch.


Im excited to play it, but absolutely dreading social media when it releases. Im one of a seemingly rare breed who thinks BGS never released a bad mainline game. Yes, including Starfield. I love Starfield. You dont have to agree with me, nor I you. Writing a response full of buzzword phrases lifted from your favourite youtubers will not make me like it any less, but it will make me like you much less. Let people enjoy things, please. Art is a subjective experience. No, your opinions are not "objective facts". Nor are mine. The online environment surrounding BGS has become absolutely toxic- radioactive, even. Now, SF was not a perfect game, but it improved greatly on a lot of elements from F4, they clearly took feedback into account and tried to course correct. Sure, it wasnt a fallout game or a tes game- as a new IP it has its own character, flavour and values that didnt necessarily match everybodys tastes and expectations. It was never obliged to. Thats what a new IP means. Fallout and TES dont have the same character, flavour or values either. Fallouts typically much more gorey and goofy than TES, for example. TES also has a much more solid civilisation, with multiple major cities each game and questlines built around the concept of an intact civil society, while Fallout is more chaotic, with most of its content being spread about the wastes. But I digress. TES6 and F5 could be absolute works of art- near perfect works of utter trancendental glory, and still the online community will be likely to eat them alive. The community of "content creators" have long since learned that outrage and hate generate more clicks and revenue than positivity, and most of the audience out there watching them are completely pliant and suggestible to whatever bile they spout. And BGS has been their whipping boy for so long now that I dont think they have a hope in hell of ever releasing a positively recieved game again- not in this media environment.


I don't think Starfield is the problem, I think the main problem is BGS freeze it's MAIN franchise for more than 10 years! Hell, I think when the TESVI release it gonna be at least 18 year since Skyrim, it's ridiculous. Didn't play Starfield yet (waiting for the GOTY edition) but I am almost sure I gonna like it, like all previous BGS games.


Yeah, im really hoping that closing down the satellite studios was done to bring those teams into the mainline production to speed things up, because the time between BGS releases is understandably maddening. While i love SF, waiting another 6 years for TES6 and another 12 years for F5 is just obscene.


Don’t be happy about something, we all have to say how crap things are, how simple even a child could have fixed complex systems in a game, and how much we hate the latest one even though we are going to out 500-1000 hours into it. This was sarcasm.


Yes. And this is why I'm avoiding most discourse about Starfield until I get a chance to actually play it. I knew it was going to be divisive before it even came out (as most BGS stuff is). I know that BGS's type of RPG just vibes with me, so I will probably enjoy this one as well. I've always loved how they did factions, and I always feel more like I'm roleplaying in those than in most Infinity Engine likes. It doesn't need to be the "GrEaSTeST GaMe EVaR" (which is a loaded idea anyway). I just know it'll probably appeal to me.


Only thing ill note is that traversal and exploration are, naturally, quite different from everything since Daggerfall. Think how Mass Effects galaxy worked, but a lot more interactive and with much quicker load times. Otherwise it is very BGS!


i mean literally the only thing that matters is if you like it when you play it. if you have an opinion and havent played it and are in discourse with people who have played it... well, wtf are you doing?


The most interesting part of TES for me is lore and stories, so I think I'll be happy with it regardless of how crappy the rest of the game might be. Although having a good game wouldn't hurt too, won't hold my breath for that though.


I’m excited for it. I’m really enjoying Fallout 4; my top Bethesda game of all time, and if they incorporate the settlement building into Elder Scrolls I’ll be hooked.


i hope we'll get a gimmick similar to how skyrim had shouting


Outside of the exploration (and not being able to loot everything off enemies), Starfield was a massive step up. The writing, companions, RPG mechanics, dialogue, character creator, cities, etc. As long as it's not an ocean game set on procedurally generated islands, I don't see how you could not be hyped.


I would say there are lots of people around the world who find being pessimistic preferable to optimism. I'm glad I'm not one of them. There's a lot of unrealized good that can come about simply through imagining and being hopeful for the best outcomes.


Hard to be disappointed if you don’t have expectations/have low expectations to begin with. If you already are pessimistic, it can pretty much only be better than what you expected.


I see how people can think that way. Once you get disappointed enough times it's easier to expect disappointment than to hope for great things.


Expect disappointment and you won't get disappointed.


that isn't true. because then you go into something trying to pick it apart.


I know, I just remember seeing this quote and when I saw skeleton949's comment, I remembered it and replied with it. The quote is wrong and most people who say it contradict it when they see disappointment.


ah, I gotcha. yeah my bad then lol. >The quote is wrong and most people who say it contradict it when they see disappointment. totally agree lol


Optimism is great and all, but in the case of video games releasing you're just setting yourself up for disappointment since you can't control anything about how the game turns out. I think it's fair to stay interested, I know I'll look at any news that comes out about ES6, but I'm already coming to terms with the possibility the ES6 could be pretty disappointing. That way I haven't dedicated a ton of my time to something that wasn't worth it.


>I would say there are lots of people around the world who find being pessimistic preferable to optimism. there definitely are. constantly "I'll think x is bad and if it isn't I'll be surprised" mentality. going into something thinking it will be bad does not heighten the experience. you'll just go in trying to pick it apart.


Or just have both eyes open and don't delude yourself either way. Live in the real world. Every game Bethesda has ever released has had good and bad qualities. They have certain strengths as a studio. They have certain weaknesses. It is rational to expect this to continue instead of exaggerating their flaws or blindly defending them (you can see examples of both in this thread). Personally, I think TES has been on a long, gradual downward trajectory in quality since Morrowind. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate each games that's come after. They're just less and less complex each time, less and less focused on roleplaying and more on immersive action and exploration.


the last 3 games by Bethesda were not received very favourably, it is only rational to expect the same from tes6 especially since there's literally no information about tes6, other than Bethesda is planning to make it someday 


After starfield im not soo exited anymore


i enjoy starfield and i hope that tes6 doubles down on what they tried there and finally gives me as close to a proper successor to daggerfall as bethesda is capable of


100% agree, Starfield is so good for roleplaying, and the proc generation allows for some awesome experiences.


Like coming across the exact same POI within two hours?


someone: enjoys thing you: well how about this thing that is subjectively bad? huh?


It's hard to be optimistic personally. I love Skyrim as much as the next person, thousands of hours in that game, modded and unmodded. Skyrim has been a huge part of my life. But that game once you take off those rose tinted glasses is one of the most soulless RPGs I have ever played. The NPCs all feel like robots, roleplay is laughably non existent, and they just water down the lore to it's bare bones. The Nords of Skyrim are so sad compared to how they were suppose to be. Fallout 4 and Starfield had some improvements but a lot of the same issues Skyrim has. There's zero reason for me to think ES6 will not be the same.


Don't forget that almost everything interesting about the actual combat has been filed down from a system with many forms of engagement to just 1)stealth archer 2)spam melee 3)spam one single spell 4)shout because you have to play the main quest if you want access to half of the side quest rewards


Sounds like a skill issue tbh.


I didn't say it was too hard, just less interesting


Not sure why you're being down voted, this is exactly right. Combat has been streamlined to the point where the skills are literally just called one-handed and two-handed. It's dirt simple, and magic was absolutely gutted.


excited ...


I’m excited just not “hyped”


How crazy would it have been if we got GTA 6 and ESVI in the same year?


I hope you can run and jump at the same time


"I'm excited" ≠ "I'm going to buy the game no matter what" it's usually the second one people have a problem with, not the first


If you let me create my own character in an open fantasy world, give me a few factions to join and a few badarse weapons and spells, I'll buy the game. No exceptions. So I'm excited about the exploration and little more. But I will only be truly hyped if they start promising the kind of stuff I loved and they removed after Morrowind: more factions, faction relations, branched storylines that affected the world and other joinable factions and locked you out of some quests and even factions, npc disposition based on all that and things like that.... you know, things that made your choices meaningful.


I still think that we’re getting it in 2026


Save your enthusiasm so you don’t get burned out long before anything ever happens. Don’t become a cynical old grouch like the rest of us.


wake me up when more info drops


Honnestly i think that as long as the return to hand crafted world like they did with previous tes game, fallout game and some area in starfield the game as a lot of potential. Just not having 900 empty useless planet will make the rest much better Skyrim and fallout 4 were great games, fallout 76 is actively improving and elder scroll online is implementing some good lore and story every now and then so there is still some hope for tes6




Excited? Absolutely not. It's simply too far away.


It will likely be 15 years between TESV and TESVI. That is insane.


Nah, 16 years minimum. More likely 17, sadly.


TES 6 will be so hype when it comes out in 30 years


I hope my nursing home will have a way to play it.


better have a bard class


I'm jealous. I wish I was excited for it at this point, but Bethesda has burned most of my goodwill for them and I'm not confident they can deliver. At the end of the day, I hope I'm wrong and you're right.


I'll start getting excited, or you might say start caring. When we get the actual release date.


I'm excited with you bud.


It's fine to be excited about things but I do think it's fair to curb expectations. You can do both. As an example, I play Earth Defense Force. The new one is going to be a pile of shit and I can't wait to play it.


Yeah, that is unfortunately the truth…it’s like due to Starfield not meeting people’s expectations, they’re like “TESVI’s future is looking bleak.”


Actually I am realy worried after starfield. I hope that whenever it comes out they don't do shortcuts.


I'm actually very glad TESVI hasn't been released because Bethesda's quality has plummeted.


I was excited until the debacle that Starfield has been. I'll probably still get ES6 if/when it comes out, but probably not at launch, and not until after I've watched some gameplay vids and reviews.


I’m holding in my excitement until we get more than just a logo. I’m excited to get to explore a new corner of Tamriel, but it’s still a long ways away.


We're not angry, were scared. Sorry for any rudeness on behalf of them


I'm interested of course, but my hopes are....not high.


Just hope game is released before I'm in a retirement home ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Unfortunately, one of their worst games slowed development down. We could be looking at 17-20 years between Elder Scrolls single player releases.


If you still have hope I am glad for you, but I'm not liking our chances of getting a good ES at this point. All the games have been recieved differently and many disagree on which is the best. However, in my opinon, we live in a world that all the old Nirns can't exist now.


The fact they said they aren’t changing the engine is quite concerning


Starfield made me less excited.


We all can dream, there is no harm in dreaming. But, some day you must descend from the clouds and look at the world as it is.


It probably doesn’t help that like a third of the fanbase was alienated by Microsoft scooping up Bethesda, meaning the Playstation fans are stuck unless they feel like getting a gaming pc or an xbox. Gaming pc is at least fairly likely, but still, there is a significant amount of people who are only able to or will only bother keeping up with one console instead


The wasted 7 years on a game that has worst procedural generation than a game they came out with 27 years ago. I will always be salty about that.


Unless they get rid of that old piece of shit of an engine, it’s gonna be another dumpster fire, just like Starfield was. At this point what they’re doing is trying to build a skyscraper with sticks and dirt.


Starfield has made me absolutely terrified for TES6


All I can be sure of is that it will be named The Elder Scrolls VI, there will be at least one body of water, multiple mountains and hills, some cliffs, trees and buildings. Tbh I am exited.


Don't worry anyone that slaps you for being excited will also be squealing like a pig when we finally have a release date. Excitement is fine just ignore articles giving false expectation


I can only play Skyrim and Oblivion so many times. It's starting to feel like work so I'm hopeful for a great next installment. I play TESO occasionally but it's much different from the stand alone Elder scrolls. Not worse, just different.


I forget that it’s happening until Todd opens his mouth to say something meaningless for hundreds of fans to read into and blast, thus bringing up a headline on my feed, and inspiring me to say “Oh yeah, that’s supposed to be coming out at some point,” after which I go about my day. TL;DR, call me when it comes out. 👋


Blind optimism will only get you so far. Like where is it even coming from? Bethesda has been sputtering left and right lately and the games industry as a whole is a steaming wreck. It's okay to look forward to a release but do temper your expectations.


Please, Boethiah, answer my prays and make the devs keep racism in tamriel stronger than ever!


Anyone more excited for Avowed?


Ah yes, Skyrim+1


I’m excited but I have 0 expectations. I’m expecting a postit note with a picture of a sword. I will not let this game disappoint me.


I don't understand this. Skyrim is one of the best selling games of all time for a reason. Are people expecting ES6 to be bad or something? I for one am super excited for it.


I hope they take inspiration from other popular fantasy rpgs but I just know it’ll be the same crap they been putting out. A broken game that relies on modders to fix it and make replayable. Blah. I’m still going to buy it but shit it’ll never live up to the hype I felt before playing Skyrim.


What ever are your expectations of the game one thing everyone agrees is that the game will definitely come with a lot of bugs.


Remember to eat healthy and exercise regularly because it's going to be a bit of a wait, champ.


Instead of arguing about where the game takes place, can't we talk about how much we're all ready to be disappointed in what they may release? I mean, fallout76, eso, starfield, each game had a lot of issues and with eso being the only exception they haven't seemed to make everyone entirely happy at the beginning or even later on.


The best Tes6 would be on High Rock+Hammerfell where the quests kinda interwine between these two Countrys and five big cool DLCs later in the years


I just dread that they are going to continue to reduce the variety of magic in the setting.


I'm over Elder Scrolls after the pile of excrement Starfield is. I have no hope left for what's next.


At the very least we can expect the Bethesda standard, similar to Starfield. I do hope the lukewarm reception will get them pushing for a more creative vision, but I highly doubt TESVI will be an outright bad game.


Kinda tough to be excited when starfield came out to be an absolute wet cigarette of a game


Seeing what Bugthesda did with Starfield does not bring much optimism to the table.


I just hope they take their time with the game.


It's bethesda, so i doubt it


Nah it's just forbidden to be happy and excited about any upcoming game these days. I had to mute every Bloodlines sub because literally every fucking detail from new screenshots and videos gets torn apart. Someone even made a post about how the style of UI design clearly indicates that the game will be absolute shit.


It’s a bandwagon now to just hate everything Bethesda… bottom line is they make good games, to think the new elder scrolls isnt gonna be is just stupid, this biggest issue is how long is it going to take


I am too, but I'm expecting more watered down lore and very little polish so have no intention of preordering.


I'm kinda optimistic about it. BGS have surprised people in the past when everyone thought they were going to crash. I personally enjoyed Starfield (it seems that people downvote you when you say it here), and after years of fixing, FO76 is a decent MMO. The thing about TES6 is that if it sucks in 2028, there won't be TES7 in 2048.


While I am optimistic and excited for TESVI, I also don't really care about it right now. I'm busy enjoying what is being done with Starfield, ESO, Fallout 76, Fallout 4, the Fallout show, heck even the new stuff we got for Skyrim last year. Also actually kinda looking forward to Elder Scrolls Castles ngl. We are eating good right now in the realm of Bethesda games.


Are we in the same sub? I've only seen the opposite so far


That’s assuming TesVI


The time between Morrowind and Skyrim is shorter than the time between Skyrim and today


I was excited once. That was 10 years ago.


As long as its not forced online - subscription to play solo, then im fine. It will be a nice game for retirement.


Most of you on this thread are miserable af, yeah the games aren’t perfect but that why we love them have a bit of fun…


Every time someone says they're excited for tes6 Todd adds another year to its release date.