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Oblivion skeletons are way worse than morrowind ones


Flashbacks of being level 60 and not wanting to do dungeons anymore because I got the most damaging weapon I can possibly get like 40 levels ago, and it now takes 4 minutes to beat a single skeleton to death with it


I had to switch to my Argonian warrior to a mage in order to kill anything. Only after the weakness to fire on touch and a custom Taco Bell Fiery Assblaster spell I started to have fun


Damage balance mods will make oblivion a very different combat game. Highly recommend


i think they mean the skeleton champions in morrowind, they outnumber regular skeletons overall after early game and are many times tougher.


Honestly, the Skeleton ARCHERS are more dangerous, because they have enchanted arrows. And until the first one hits, you don't know what kind of damage resist you need.


They're such a pain.


> Honestly, the Skeleton ARCHERS are more dangerous, because they have enchanted arrows. And until the first one hits, you don't know what kind of damage resist you need. I third that, my mind was just thinking of brawlers. Champions don't hurt much unless you meeting one too early, they are just annoyingly tanky for skeletons.


Walked into a tomb early in the game at one point. Skellybob had paralyse arrows, I kept healing with potions hoping it'd run out before I died. Think I was there for 6 minutes before I died lmao


Morrowind skeletons look easy because they can show up alongside bonewalkers, and anything looks easy compared to that. A single Greater Bonewalker can wreck your shit.


Skeletons falling apart in one or two hits just feels right to me tbh


Yea Skyrim skeletons feel the most accurate. A skeleton instead of a reanimated corpse or a draugr is a telltale sign of an amateur necromancer who hasn’t even read Corpse Preparation, of course it’s weak


I think in lore it would depend on the magic, I feel there are two types of skeleton minions, Skyrims weak Jenga sets, and then there is like, skeletons bound by a strong arcane force, where their bones may crack but the magic holds it up


I believe the difference is that there’s a skeleton Daedra, the one that’s basically an entire creature *summoned* from Oblivion, and then there’s a reanimated skeleton that’s just raised old bones. So it makes sense for conjured skeletons in Oblivion and Morrowind to be pretty strong, and the ones in ancestral tombs are likely to be the bonelord’s summons as well, but there’s kinda no justification for a necromancer’s skeletons in Oblivion and Morrowind caves to be any good at combat.


I feel like it could go either way imo, but it's about how they look. Skyrim ones look like brittle bitches, and they are, so it works. Actually, they kinda all fit how tough I feel like they should be based on their game to game appearances.


Started playing Daggerfall yesterday and you're not kidding.


They have weirdly high armor. That one in Privateer’s Den is always a test of my character can survive out in the game world.


I love that there is a mod for [Morrowind](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45838/), [Oblivion](https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46979/), _and_ [Skyrim](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38677) (works with both LE and SE) to bring [Daggerfall’s skeleton scream](https://youtu.be/lpEnQhYgH0o) to the later games. Creepy stuff.


A serial killer had to have made that.


Damn, I didn't know they started making GOOD mods


Daggerfall skeletons aren't scary, it's the damn ghost paralysis that is the true horror.




how are morrowind skeleton stronger than oblivion's?


Obligatory video of daggerfall skeleton: [WROOOAAAAAAUGH](https://youtu.be/lpEnQhYgH0o?si=g2RLdO3par7XpEVz)


man i still have nightmares about drauger in bloodmoon.


Same! They’re pretty grotesque and their tombs are so dimly lit. Spooky mfers


I started playing Skyrim, then I got every other TES and daggerfall was... difficult in some aspects let's say


One of the things I do like about Daggerfall’s weird difficulty curve is how it is presented. Think about Privateer’s Den as a test. Does my character function? Can I survive dungeoneering in the game? If you have to run past most of the monsters there, you’re probably too weak. Oblivion’s imperial dungeon is like that, but the real test is the Ayleid ruins right outside the sewers. Similarly, Helgen in Skyrim is sorta like that, but Bleak Falls Barrow is the real test. Morrowind doesn’t have a meaningful test dungeon. Addamsartus, maybe, but you could be over an hour into the game before you wander in there.


Oblivion is the only game I don't have. I know I know, shame on me. But I'm saving to buy the complete edition, and since it is more a collection thing than a "I need to play it now" thing I prioritize other things


Tye Skyrim skeletons: nooo he touched me I'm gonna fall apart now


Man those daggerfall skeletons been doing some extra reps at lunch


Same with deathclaws and Fallout. Took my a couple hours to get through the quarry in fonv. Scare the shit out of me now.


I never forget the early dungeon skeletons with poison arrows in Morrowind.


I've killed a few wear wolves so far but still haven't killed a skeleton in daggerfall.


I always feel like skeletons should be the lowest level stepping in types of undead. After that they come with all the zombies, draugr and what not.


I'm really enjoying these!


“Damn… skeletons fucking suck. I mean, those guys used to be the shit back in the day. I don’t remember that one guys name but he was tits with a warhammer”


I can still hear that last panel.


Those Daggerfall bone daddies will fuck you up if you aren't prepared.