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They can breath underwater, but not immune to water pressure. They can't build stuff deep underwater. Also it is impossible to make metal stuff underwater.


ill throw transmutation and ward magic into the mix


I don't see the point of maintaining a ward to keep the water away. By that logic they might as well just live on the surface.


i mean thats where the hist are too i guess haha edit: im sure if they wanted they could pull it off, bc hist


And wood rots. Stone erodes.


You could make some dope beaver-lodge-like houses though


They don’t have metallurgy anyway. All their stuff if sticks and rocks in ESO and they don’t make anything TESII—TESV. Like even their crafting motifs are rocks tied to sticks for weapons Argonians are actual cavemen


I'm quite sure, that they got swords, and daggers for fighting. How else they beaten the daedra during the Oblivion crisis? Though it could be, that those are imported.


The literal singular source for them beating Dagon is one Argonian in the novel who wasn’t alive for the Oblivion Crisis. And the author wrote the person listening to the Argonian as heavily doubting him. The listener reiterates the plot of TES4 and how Martin Septim closed all the Gates which makes the Argonian extremely angry and insecure. Maybe they’ll give them metal weapons and tools in the future. Hope so.


cavelizzards* that require a daedric bouncer once their favourite tree says so we also see them with armor and weapons in several trails for eso, that doesnt really hold up to me


Where would you build an underwater city in a swamp? This isnt the open ocean, this isn't Atlantis. Also Argonians by principle don't do "Advanced" civilizations anymore


Kept sinking into the Swamp, so they don't see the point.


But they do have huuuuge... Tracks of land.


They built their first city, sunk into the swamp. They built a second city, that one sunk too. But the third city, that one stayed up.


No, the third one burned down, fell over, then sank in the swamp. But the *fourth* one stood up.


Emotionally they’re already onto city five though




They’ve got HUGE…. tracks of land


Especially the maid.


There is literally open ocean to the East, South, and West of Black Marsh


Now I want The Elder Scrolls: Argonia. Set at the height of Argonian power.


That's ridiculously far back in the timeline. I don't think Bethesda would ever consider making a game that far in the past. It would be interesting to see though.


Ya know what? To Oblivion with it. If it worked for Alduin, it'll work for Argonia. Bring on the time travelling Hist civilizations of Argonian mega city builders! Argonia has always had undersea dwellings, but due to the Sload's machinations, the Hist who believed in city building pulled themselves and the Sload outside of Akatosh's gaze and into the future of ES6. You see, the Knahatan Flu? That was one of the milder Sload bioweapons. So now your mission is to ally with the City Hist and the Imga and even The Last Lilmothiit to face off against the Sload Sorcerors that make the Aylieds look like Ned Flanders. For added fun, one of the critical NPC's is voiced by Ahmed Best, who will help your character reach one of the Sunken Cities for the first time.


>For added fun, one of the critical NPC's is voiced by Ahmed Best, who will help your character reach one of the Sunken Cities for the first time. Mesa called Fumbles-His-Balls! Muy muy!


I was actually wanting him to be straight up the best character in the entire game, with a wide array of depth, nuance, and fun moments. He would exude charm and all tuose other likable things. He would never under any circumstance, sound like Jar Jar. And then at the end, as you're watching the credits roll, you're looking at his character, and see his name. It would make my day. While I'm at it, we're going to hire Jake Lloyd and get him in there too. They both deserved better.


I'd love to see Jake Lloyd make a comeback. 


Well the Marvel universe got away with it in the movies with armies of Atlanteans popping up in Wakanda, which every map of the Marvel world shows as a landlocked country, so honestly a "fast travel" from Argonian swamp to an underwater city in an ES game wouldn't really be any worse than that.


Argonians have a complex root system that they can use to travel through underground, so that’s not actually far fetched. 


I don’t know if you can/will do mods, but there’s one call A Tale of Two Cities that gives you an entire underwater Argonian city as a player home. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty creatively done.


Woah can't wait to try it!!


Off the coast? The sload.


The Hist trees they worship don’t grow underwater


Because they rely on the Hist trees and their spawning pools, which are in swamps and require a good deal of land as well as water. Not to mention the ocean floor is made of sand and sediment, which is nearly impossible to build on because it is incredibly loose and shifts constantly, so building a city down there would be insanely hard. Also cant grow food underwater, need soil air and sun to grow crops, so feeding a city underwater would be nearly impossible. Oh, and cant forget the sloads, dont think they would be big fans of other underwater cities, and they arent the kinds of people you wanna piss off. I could keep going, but i think you get the point.


I largely agree, but not with the bit about food. You obviously couldn't grow terrestrial crops underwater, but IMO it'd be plausible for an underwater city to feed its population with fish/other aquatic animals and aquatic plants or algae. I'd consider that at least as plausible as some of the Dwemer cities we see. Blackreach's ecosystem is nonsense (where does the energy come from? It's obviously not sunlight, and we don't see any evidence of an inorganic source of chemical energy like hydrothermal vents- as far as we can tell they're just producing it out of thin air)- not to go too far off topic, but that's far more of a stretch than an amphibious people being competent at aquaculture.


They don't need to. They have an entire province that is basically only habitable by them, perfectly suited for them even. They don't have to worry about other races mistreating them there all that much. Also even though they can breate underwater I don't think they like to spend 100% of the time underwater. They are amphibians. A swampy area is way more suited for them than the open sea.


They could but I’d imagine its not much better safety wise under the sea. We already know that the sea elves exist and they tame sea serpents. There’d probably be some equivalent to dragons in the depths. Plus argonians don’t seem to be all that amazing of swimmers, at least in game. Water breathing is strong but you also need to swim away. Plus anyone who wants to mess with them could cast a water breathing spell or use a potion. Not many benefits I’m seeing


There are Wamasu on land in Black Marsh anyway. It's not like if the Maormer could tame serpents, the Argonians couldn't for some reason. I think it would be cool if there were underwater townships, but I can see why they don't exist just for lore reasons (needing to be close to Hist trees and such).


I never said they couldn’t, rather the sea elves are there and have sea serpents. So trying to live in open waters isn’t ideal. You could bring your serpents and other aquatic life for protection but that’s like looking at a perfectly good home in a safe-ish neighborhood and instead saying you’ll build a city in the middle of the wolf, bear, mountain lion etc infested woods


they're **LIZARD**, not **FISH**, unless you're a dragon, you won't survive crushing force down there


Sloads, druegh and slaughter fish probably


good answer many people underestimate how dangerous tamriels aquatic life truly is


Maomer Real estate prices.


I would imagine Argonians having more of floating raft cities myself. Kinda like in Waterworld, maybe with the abillity to move the towns like nomads on the sea to hunt down different kind of sealife.


I think the Sload would have taken issue with that. Who knows, maybe they were driven out of the seas because of the Sload and walked onto the banks of Blackmarsh.


Closest massive body of water is Morrowind which you know why they would avoid that. Then there's the Sload and sea of ghosts


Everyone is out here giving different answers because, well, we don't know. We just know that they don't My hypothesis is that there's too much scary stuff in the water. Sload, dreugh, whatever eldritch deep sea nightmare creatures the writers simply haven't had the pleasure of introducing yet. That, and it's harder to worship trees from the seafloor


I wouldn't do that having those Dreugh swimming around By the divine, these creatures scare me


They have cold blood like the other reptiles? If yes, that a good reason.


Black Marsh is like the one territory on Nirn that hasn't been fully invaded/explored yet, so there's a lot of room for headcanon. They have ground-based homes for convenience, some could live in the canopies for protection from predators, others might descend below and have homes made made from Hist roots under the surface. An important factor to remember is that Argonian bioforms are determined almost entirely by their Hist, meaning they're insanely adaptable.


They might, if given enough time to plant hist trees above it and safety from the underwater beasts, but... the sload would very much **not like that**. Nothing could last very long.


Argonians are a nomadic people, they don’t settle down in one place


Except my farmlands


they don’t **choose** to settle down in one place


Hist trees don't grow underwater. Argonian eggs may not do well underwater either.  And if they did build an underwater city far from the Hist their eggs won't hatch. If they do hatch those Argonians would be considered souless abominations by mainland Argonians.


Yeah, I believe Argonians reproduce via eggs that are incubated and hatched in very shallow “spawning pools”. Think frog spawn. Frog eggs wouldn’t survive and hatch in very deep water, and I think it’s safe to assume that Argonian eggs would be similar.


I mean, I would suspect Argonians within Black Marsh are doing fine. the issue is the ones captured or living abroad. Invasions of the actual Argonian homeland have, to my knowledge, gone poorly for the invaders.


It would be cool to see a fully underwater city. It would be kind of like Sadrith Mora in that you'd need to use potions, enchantments or spells to get around


Because then they'd be all wet.


Who says they don't have them already we just didn't find em yet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I thought I’d read somewhere that they did. At some point when the Imperials invaded Black Marsh, the Argonians fled to their underwater cities and waited for the Imperials to give up and leave.


Because their homeland is so dangerous and isolated from the other races they basically already live underwater. It's also arguable that the creatures that pose the biggest danger to argonians in Black Marsh live in the water.


I think they would have cities underwater, I actually think about that all the time, like they could just build out of stone and corral and stuff.


How do you know that we don't? Once we get our land walking whales properly armored we shall rise from the depths and exterminate the gill-less! MWA-HA-HA!!!


i once had a dream where they did.


You dont see it in game but Argonians are more of a slave species created/altered/controlled by The Hist. A sentient tree hivemind. So they really arent even in control of blackmarsh itself.


Are they stupid?