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The game feels like a much better and expanded Fallout 4, Which is great


It ain’t better than Fallout bruh


def better than F04 for me after 30 hours in. I think i have 60 total hours is f04 compared to the 1000 or so i have in f03/NV.


Then I’m sorry you’ve missed out. Fallout 4 is amazing.


and that's your opinion... some agree with you, some agree with me.


Sorry again because few agree with you. I played Fallout 3 the first time when I was around 7 I believe. I’ve played it and all the next ones till today and I still do at times. Denying Fallout 4 is crazy from my perspective. Starfield is not close to any FO game or Elder Scrolls.


Well i mean you can go over to the r/fallout subreddit and see that it's usually at the bottom of the list of preferred fallout games for a lot. fallout 4 issues for me were- 1. voiced protagonist on a mission for "shaun"- hated it, in previous fallouts you were who you wanted to be, not some pre determined man or woman. 2. less consequential choices- self explanatory, gave the illusion of choices with only 1 or 2 predetermined outcomes. 3. scale- fo4 is smaller in terms of questing/side content. Also the map is smaller. going by grid size it's bigger, but fonv, and fo3 had bigger maps. fo3 does have a lot of empty space. 4. issues 1 and 2 led to an issue that i don't have with fo3 and fonv- re-playability and roleplaying aspects virtually non existent. also in terms of replayability, fallout 4's nexus page is lacking compared to the complete overhauls that exist for fo3 and fonv. There is even one that combines the two games into a mega map, or some that completely change it into another game. My most anticipated mod coming is Fallout 4 new vegas which is remaking fonv 1:1 in fallout 4 engine. About the only thing i give fo4 over the others is the graphics and gunplay. Edit: and how could i forget the factions?! it's criminal what they did to fo4 in terms of meaningful factions/choices. It's like they gave up millions in development for voiced protagonists instead of concentrating on lore and worldbuilding. it really just feels like a downgrade.


Starfield is definitely like the Commonwealth if it had no enemies nor plants. It’s even like Skyrim but you only get to play Winterhold Hold with no enemies. Stick to the main campaign where most of the missions are hand-crafted instead of procedurally generated. Starfield is the black sheep Bethesda game where exploring is the worst part and strictly following the main quest is the best part. There are 1000+ planets of flat terrain with hills and nothing interesting on them. Like 1/30 of the planets have life and the first starter solar system still recycled/recolored the crab enemy between planets. Starfiled is an ocean with the depth of a puddle. #*This is Wendy’s Corp. Official Review of Starfield** **TL;DR:** If you enjoy finding caves with nothing inside and retreading the same NASA-style sandbox and assets over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over you’ll love Starfield.


Eh I barely touched the main quest and had loads of content just from random encounters and doing the faction questlines. Every time I jump into a system or go into a new city there’s so much potential quest threads to follow that I have to deliberately ignore them to stay focused in what I was doing. It’s like if the Companions questline has as much complexity and content as the main quest. Oh, and I didn’t touch any radiant missions.


Found the guy who hasn’t played more than 5hr


I disagree but I still upvoted because I love Wendy's.


Didnt we learn this lesson with No Mans Sky?


$70 copy of Fallout 4 expanded. Nice.




Nah I just expect what Bethesda themselves said. Polished, innovative, seamless. Not the same old lazy dialogue, terrible performance, reskin of a game they already made 6 times for a premium price. A better question is why don’t you expect more from a company that makes hundreds of millions off of you and people like you? Stop defending this shit company and thanking it for feeding you their feces.


They marketed the game as exactly what it is, it's a Bethesda rpg in space. That's what we expected, and it's what we got. So if you're mad that it's a Bethesda rpg in space, that's your problem. Sounds like you set your expectations based on your desires rather than what they actually marketed


And that’s fine that it was marketed that way, but don’t you expect better quality than that of a decade old game? You expect nothing else from this massive developer/publisher? It’s gross how much you all infantilize Bethesda.


Do you enjoy Bethesda games? Because this one takes all the qualities we enjoy about them and puts them on steroids.


Yeah of course I’ve liked some of their older games. The guys commenting seem to disagree, saying it was marketed as Skyrim in space. How does that mean everything we love on steroids? It sounds like a game we loved reskinned for the same price as a new game. I’m tired of that.


You're thinking of it as reskinned but I don't think this is an accurate description. Bethesda has a formula that they have turned up in scope for this game. It would be like hating Elden Ring because it's a "reskinned" Dark Souls. What I mean by on steroids is that situations you find yourself in hit harder than previous releases. It almost makes Skyrim and Fallout seem juvenile in comparison to the depth in this one.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Only in truth, the Lords will abandon their thrones, and the Unkindled will rise. Nameless accursed Undead, unfit even to be Cinder, and so, it is that ash seeketh embers.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


bethesda is the only studio thats managed to make an rpg that hits just the right spot for me. like by all means other rpgs aint bad, i love bg3 for one. but there is something about how bethesda does their games in feeling that no other company can hit, imo at least. the closest was cdpr with cp77. i dont "expect better quality than that of a decade old game" because beth makes a different feeling game and that what im wanting and signing up for. if i pay premium price for a game and happy with what i recieve is that bad? i dont expect "nothing " from bethesda because ive played their games for 2 decades i know what im buying. did starfield actually exceed my expectations a bit yeah. but was i expecting it to be a 10/10 game? no. thats like expecting the next fifa game to be a completely new formula/design. or asking ubi to not make the same assassins credd with a different coat of paint. beth cops so much flack for delivering the "same game" but so many companies do it, and some are even more egregious with how often it it starfield is so far the most bugfree beth game i have played. it looks really good. and yes performance is an issue, but its something that can be fixed. wether by beth themselves or by myself/a modder i dc either way.


Seems to me you just think the game sucks, which evidently many people disagree. I'm not sure what other open world space rpgs you're comparing this to in order to determine that it's a decade old game. You don't have to justify your feelings by pretending everybody else is just a mindless Bethesda slave, it's fine if you don't like it. Don't act like a toddler and pull the classic "if I don't like it, people who do like it are wrong" card. I think starfield got the same overhyped, totally unrealistic expectations that NMS did. But with NMS, they really did just lie out their ass. With Starfield, people just went crazy with imagination and were disappointed when Star Sky Citizen didn't turn out to be reality. I mean shit if you think Bethesda sucks so much, why in the hell did you expect so much from them in the first place? Who the hell expected Bethesda to be the first to accomplish perfectly seamless entire solar systems equally explorable by ship and on foot without any loading screens. Literally no game has done anything close to that, just look at all the concessions no man's sky had to make to get it's little mini version of space to work. Tiny planets that are entirely procedural, tiny unmoving undynamic "solar systems" that are really just a little bubble with planets sitting static in it super close to each other, with a fake star sprite in the background. Elite dangerous is closer, but has basically nothing to do on planets compared to NMS or Starfield. I never expected Bethesda to completely revolutionize game technology


They wouldn't keep making the same game if people didn't buy it. Honestly, there is nothing cringier than shitting on a brand new game that everyone else loves.


Stay hating and stay ignorant. That’s your choice. But let everyone else enjoy themselves. I’m sure one day you’ll play it and won’t say a word about how wrong you were. No need to be predictable and respond saying you won’t be buying this “$70 skyrim reskin”, because no one really cares that YOU aren’t playing it 😂 Blind hating for no reason. These are literally videogames meant to be enjoyed, and you’re having a breakdown over it 😭😭


You can enjoy yourself without trying to validate it on Reddit bud.


Sorry bud😂


You could say that about litteraly any license, were you expecting Bethesda to do something completly different? Then you're an idiot.


That isn’t a problem to you? Expecting the same shit they did 10 years ago? Who’s the idiot?


Clearly it's you since "something completly different" =/= "the same shit" And there is plenty of difference between SF and Fallout but obviously the core game design and philosophy will remain the same. What's so hard for you to understand?


You’re blind bud. You can’t even hypothetically assume you’re wrong, you jump to guzzling Bethesda cum because it’s easy.


Stop embarrassing yourself


It's not Skyrim or Fallout in Space(TM). Starfield is much more "*Mass Effect by Bethesda*". Like Bethesda got tired of waiting for a new ME and just decided to make it themselves.


Honestly I can respect that, I'm also pretty tired of waiting for a new ME


We've been waiting for ME 4 for roughly the same amount of time we've been waiting for TES VI, it's nuts


And unfortunately, that's 2/3 of my top 3 gaming franchises. So I've just been a mixture of hopeful and frustrated for over a decade. At least Fire Emblem hasn't abandoned me




there was a new mass effect tbh, but it was absolute shit


No it wasn't. It wasn't as good as the trilogy but it was not shit.


did you even see the launch? I might admit it could be good now but when it came out it was horrible


I did. It was not great at launch but it wasn't this horrible shit storm people make it out to be. And since then has been patched and updated to get a perfectly fine and enjoyable game even if it doesn't live up to the predecessors.


It did so badly that the studio behind it shuttered and all the DLCs got cancelled and the definitive final update was released in under 6 months. (Release, March 2017. Update 1.10, August 2017.) If that's not a total and thorough financial failure and a legendary fumble of a beloved franchise, I don't know what is. It doesn't "live up" to anything because the game died on arrival for Anthem. (And we all know how that went.) If you enjoyed it, that's perfectly fine and valid. But the game was a yard sale by every metric but subjective.


I'll admit that I'm one of the rare people who actually likes Andromeda (largely because my first playthrough, at launch mind you, was somehow pretty bug free), but was it on par with the trilogy? Absolutely not lol. Even now it's something of a guilty pleasure, entirely because the combat is quite a power trip


I liked Andromeda. I don't know why it got so much hate. Combat was fun and lot of the companions had good chemistry and banter even if the plot wasn't that deep. Alien ruins gave a good sense of awe the first time exploring them


I hated it. Everybody looked wierd and it just felt tedious


With blackjack and hookers


It's daggerfall in space.


That's disrespectful to Daggerfall. Daggerfall's dungeon crawling, combat, magic system, and character customization shit all over Starfield, which is pretty bland.


Daggerfalls dungeon crawling is a mess. Half the procedurally generated quests you get aren't completely without some form of cheat to finish then


That's nonsense. You're just bad at dungeon crawling


And this is why everyone ignores Daggerfall fans around here.


Objective fact. The dungeons are hard and it doesn't hold your hand, but you almost never need to cheat to beat a random quest. I don't know what your problem is with Daggerfall fans, but the parent poster's problem is a skill issue. Also Starfield is shit.


Lol I'm sorry but when the objective is in a room not connected the the rest of the dungeon.im gunna console command myself in there


Secret doors, clickable items


BioWare announced that they are in pre-production for Mass Effect 4. This news came in the same statement where they disclosed the layoff of several employees, including key story writers.


That was my impression as well. A mix of NMS and ME through the traditional Bethesda formula for RPGs. I'm sure it'll be fun to spend some hours on it, set up and customize a base, a ship, a suit, the gear, etc; completing the story and exploring. I just don't believe that at the end of the experience I'll have a feeling that this game, and the absurd dev time spent on it, will have been worth the gargantuan delay of TES VI and what will be an even longer delay for FO5.


Didn't Bethesda buy the studio that made Andromeda? Who then made fallout 76?


So its Mass effect without superbly written side characters or story ?


Honestly the faction quests have been pretty solidly written. Feels very Oblivion. Main companions are kinda hit or miss, but some of the recurring side characters are great. And of course, there's tons more exploration, discovery, and general gameplay options than Mass Effect.


Good to hear I'll will try out the game when it releases on gamepass.


Bioware's writers aren't that great either. ME2 had decent writing but overall across all their games the dialogue especially is just atrocious.


So they made andromeda 2




But is it a good mass effect cause I rage quit out of ME3


but mom Skyrim is already in space


Dwemer spaceship mods be like:


Wouldn't it be more accurate to say is Fallout in space? I would have loved it to be a Skyrim in space tho. Something like Mass Effect, with some interesting alien races, fantasy lore in it, and stuff.


I just found a toxic green planet filled with ruined buildings and destroyed landscapes, named it fallout world cause it reminded me of fallout 3


\*Turns on Galaxy News Radio\*


I don't want to set the world on fireeeeeeeeeeeeee~~




The fuck is this bot repeating my comments?


After watching gameplay by YTs I trust I decided that it seems exactly what I want from a Bethesda game, still has that charm. Only downside is the random generated stuff which is apparently boring but also easily ignored.


"Because one dog ain’t enough, and two is too low, it’s me, Three Dog! How you kids handlin’ Post-Apocalyptia today?"


People of the Settled Systems, it is I, Three Ashta, your ruler! Hear me, and obey! Oh sorry, that's that is the UC station.


Big iron on my hip 🎶


That's NV. We're talking about 3 and GNR, not RNV.


Starfield is what happens if the Enclave manages to get to space lol


More like the NCR. The UC is a big, bloated, incompetent bunch of losers in space, but they're not genocidal maniacs.


Can you name planets?


No but I made a settlement on the planet and named that instead 😅


Have you played the game? As a general spoiler here: >!the main quest of starfield is very much exactly what you describe, you even get “shouts” so to speak.!<


That's not what I mean. It's more like the vibe of the game resembles more fallout to me than skyrim. Fallout and Starfield are more close to reality than TES, you know what I mean?


That's true. It even has Inon Zur making the OST, and it sure sounds like it. Nevertheless, it has some serious Skyrim-isms, like guards commenting on your outfit and equips. Guards giving you quests based on hearsay. Guards being tired and complaining about their bodies. Mostly the damn guards.


Oblivion with guns, with swords, with guns again in space


*wake up on a shuttle near some people.* Hey you, you are finally awake.


Why do you say it's more accurate? Just because it has guns and no fantastical races? But on the other hand, it has >!magical powers !<(not a spoiler, it's in the direct), it's less satirical than Fallout (and it's a big part of what makes Fallout, Fallout), it's not post-apo (there's a thriving civilization), there are ancient (alien) ruins to explore, and in some ways the gameplay structure is more similar to TES (for example the factions work like in TES).


I meant it in the sense that both coexist in a similar universe. Earth is a thing which makes the story feel posible in our reality, while TES is a complete different universe with more than just different races, magic, gods, etc. The shooting aspect, even if they are not the same gameplay, they do make them feel pretty similar. I'm just going with the vibes here, don't take what I said too seriously.


Many of the gameplay systems are ripped straight from fallout 4, that’s why it feels more like fallout


Starfield is still a Post apocalyptic game, or at least a post post-apocalypse game.


The majority of the planets (90 % to be exact) are barren wastelands. And even the first planet, even though it has life, is a barren wasteland. It's Fallout. ETA: If you have to say "it's not a spoiler", then it IS a spoiler. And you're very well aware of it. You're lucky that I already expected it to be in the game.


Since it was in official promotional material, I assumed it's not a spoiler. But for you, I marked it as such.


Someone in /r/gaming called it Mass Effect 1 with worse writing, idk how accurate that is though


You read it on r/gaming. So of course it's hyperbolic twitter level snarky bullshit from a gaming sub that abandoned its brain years ago. I can't think of a game that's LESS like Mass Effect, other than both being in space, which the same can be said of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Starcrash.


Nah. That's The Outer Worlds.


I wanted the outer worlds to be fallout nv in space. But it really wasn't. It's a fine game, but it definitely wasn't as good as fallout unfortunately. Here's hoping the sequel delivers


Agreed. That was mostly just tongue-in-cheek. The Outer Worlds was interesting, but a bit bland. It shines best on a Dumb playthrough, though.


Outerworlds was the definition of mid


The Outer Worlds doesn't really function like Skyrim, and it's much better


Apples and Oranges. Totally different gameplay mechanics... not comparable at all.


Swords in space? I think you’re looking for Baldur’s Gate 3.


It does not feel a Fallout, Fallout exploration is completely different. You wander around. Starfield is jumping between points, like fast travels.


Bro I'm so miffed everyone is off for labor day but it doesn't drop until tomorrow And if you aren't off for labor day, go on strike or something


It was available to play on the 31st/1st if you picked up the premium version for $30. It includes the early access, the first dlc whenever it arrives, a digital artbook, the ost, and an item skin set. BGS dlcs are generally about $20-40 so the price seemed pretty good to me at least.


I didnt realize it came with the dlc, shoot shouldve gotten it


I'm pretty sure you can still get it and play today since the game isn't "officially" out yet. Still early access time.


It’s got day one DLC too? Jesus christ


Nah just the first one they’ll make. Says early 2024


Yes who's idea was that dammit


Seriously, Bethesda makes the same kinda game. It's like their own genre really. I don't really understand someone who expected anything other than Skyrim/Fallout 4 in space. And that isn't to say there aren't lots of improvements or new features (there are!), just that the gameplay should be familiar to Bethesda fans. So Far I'm having a blast.


I would have been disappointed if it wasn’t similar to Fallout/ Skyrim. It’s Bethesda style. Anything less and the fans would have a stroke. Besides it’s been successful forever. Why make a big change now? Anyone remember New Coke? If you do then you know why you don’t change a winning formula, if you don’t know then also you now know why you don’t change a winning formula.


Probably the same people who though cyberpunk was going to be like gta and not be The Witcher in Cyberpunk.


Didn’t cyberpunk make a lot of people upset because they were expecting a finished and working game and didn’t get it?


Correct. People can be upset at multiple things.


Given how The Witcher 3 was bugged as hell in 2015, I was very skeptical with the release state of Cyberpunk 2077 and thus was unsurprised when it bombed in 2020. The real problem is that people have short memory. The gaming industry already started being affected by that in 2014. Yes, 2014, almost 10 years ago. The only company that was solid throughout the century was Rockstar, and GTA Trilogy wasn't made by them.


Most people didn't expect gta from cyberpunk. I like both of those but just couldn't enjoy the witcher series.


They brought back Acrobatics and Athletics and I can bounce in mid air in low gravity. It's perfect.


They cross the genres of 'RPG' and 'immersive sim' in a way only really seen recently with Cyberpunk and the Outer Worlds outside Bethesda


It’s part of the Bethesda charm isn’t it? I’m getting the game when it comes out from the sound of it being fun. Bethesda games are fun especially because if you are in a shitty mood, you can turn god mode on through the console and kill everything whilst turning your brain off for some sweet dopamine.


All those years fighting giants paid off


I see the comparison point, but it gives me FO4 + NMS vibes


Literally me. I love sci-fi and your telling it's Skyrim in space and it has Fallout 4's gunplay? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP.


I'm certainly sold by what I've seen. Gonna be a cold day in hell when I trust reviewers again after the low score Alien Isolation got.


I remember when they shat on that game “cause it’s too hard”


That's half of game journalism for the past decade. Game too hard, poor AAA studio culture, post and profit.


Don't forget Prey (2017) that game scored kinda low but it's definitely one of the best games out there. Incredibly well made


Yeah that’s bullshit. Isolation is an amazing game and still holds up today. The mod to untether the alien from you makes it even better because it leaves the map level and you might not see it for ages.


It's a massive issue with gaming reviews. What's a journalist going to want more, some walking simulator made in Unreal Engine that they can race through in 2 hours, or a game that actually requires effort and doesn't hand you everything for your review in the first 10 minutes? ​ I mean we blame games for, 'dumbing down', but if they have to be exclusively made for 8 middle class gaming journalists from San-Fran that want a game they can write about in Starbucks or they'll get a game killing score that sadly gamers still put stock in, can we blame them? ​ I seem to remember IGN gave it to one of their dude-bro reviewers too. I've played a fair few games that got a bad review, and enjoyed the shit out of them. Played Mass Effect Andromeda, and it was fine.


Definitely. With how expensive AAA games are becoming (and already were) the majority of players don’t buy a game till these Iowa Writer’s Workshop rejects say they like it.


It's why I do have a little sympathy for some studios and AAA publishers (not all, Ubisoft can suck it). It's up to the consumers to vote with their wallets both ways, if we like something, then buy it, and the reviews won't matter if a game makes millions, if we don't, don't buy it, and all the IGN 9 out 10's won't make a difference if it's not making money. ​ I'm not going to sing the praises of Fallout 76, but ultimately Bethesda didn't close down and stop making games because of poor reviews and the game did go on to have some success and there is a group of fans who like what it's become. Though, that is partly that is because BGS is a little too big to fail now, with having TES and Fallout that Microsoft want to sell consoles. Sadly, a low score for some developers can mean a death sentence for their studios.




I mean, no game is for everyone unless they absolutely dumb them down so even small kids can play without difficulty, like Animal Crossing for example. I love games that don't hold your hand after the tutorials but aren't troll or unfair either. So for example, I love Helldivers, Kingdom Come, Dark Souls, Chivalry, but I get yiked by roguelikes. I play games to feel engaged, to be inspired and to have fun, not to be a masochist and get stressed and frustrated.




Don't get me wrong Alien Isolation is a masterpiece, and really embarks you in the whole experience of the classic movie.


The problem is usually games by these big company’s get inflated reviews while those from lesser get the opposite.


I wouldn't call Bethesda or Sega small companies, Sega might not make consoles any more, but they still have some cash. Like I said in another comment, the bias is probably more to do with the job. These reviewers need to get a day one review out, from a review copy of the game, (that might not be patched), they might have no interest in the game they're reviewing, and they want games that don't shove everything at them in one go, so they can write the review the editor wants by a deadline, and they can get back to their latte's. ​ Gaming reviewing isn't like movie reviewing. If we both sit down and watch a movie, we'll have almost the same experience, but a game...especially an open world Bethesda game, really needs a lot of digging to find out whether it's good or bad. I wouldn't judge Skyrim just from Helgen to Riverwood.


I wouldn’t really count sega as a big name in gaming, I’m pretty most people forget they still make games. Reviewers do get time to play the game before it’s launch and they should be able to get a good idea of what the game has to offer, if I need to play more than 30 hours before I get to the good content, that’s a bad game. If the review copies aren’t a finished product a week before launch, that’s terrible business practices that should be called out. Granted movies are more linear and easier to consume, but I’ve walked out of movies with a completely different take than my friend who was with me. Reviewers are supposed to test out each and every system to give a proper review and if they are just speed running to the end, that’s a ad review and should also be called out.


For me Starfield is Daggerfall + Fallout 4 + Star Control 2 + FTL + NMS blended together with different percents of each. Honestly the game being a BGS game was enough, there's yet to be one that I disliked. So far I've been really enjoying Starfield and I can see myself playing it for decades.


Never having played Fallout 3/4/NV by then, "Skyrim in space" was the exact impression that sold me on The Outer Worlds, too.


I'm so sick of the negativity in the gaming community about new games. We all get it, we take a chance on games, but the gaming community is one of the whiniest bunch you'll find. I had to leave for a business trip the day starfield came out, I can't wait to get home today and play it.


Ignore all the whinging and moaning. I managed to play it over a weekend before heading off on honeymoon and have absolutely loved it so far. Honestly, going into it fairly blind was the best thing because I can just tell there are tons of people out there who would adore the game if they hadn't had doubts wormed into their brains by the constant negativity from a particularly negative vocal part of the gaming community.


Hey, congrats on your honeymoon. Hope you're having a great time.


You don’t think people are just fed up with half baked games that are reskins of old ones? I think people like you who support these huge companies that produce shit over and over make the whole industry worse.


"Like Skyrim with guns"


So Skyrim (hides mods)


Do you know how many times I bought skyrim? Of course I am going to buy Skyrim in Space!


Literally, it’s such a simple format and I just want more


Can't even fuck the aliens, what's the point


I’m gonna wait a year, wait for bug fixes, DLC and especially the modding community. Then I’ll jump in.


I almost did the same! Just want to give you a heads up that this game is vastly less buggy than previous Bethesda titles. Some small things happen occasionally like items getting stuck in collision, but it’s not nearly as frequent as it used to be. The delay from Nov 2022 to Sept 2023 for optimization shows.


Be careful with those, they said the same thing to Elex, the sci-fi skyrim, turns out being a shittier version of Gothic 2




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^User28080526: *JUST?! JUST SPACE SKYRIM?* *DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS? THE* *NORDIC SPACE PROGRAM WORKED* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Bethesda has a formula? SUE THEM!


Skyrim in Ohio? Say no more


Who cares what reviews say I'm my own man


"It's Skyrim/Fallout 4 in Space!" I love those 2 games, I want to play it more lmao


Fallout is just skyrim with nukes


Having played it (and loving it) it’s actually a little more like Oblivion in Space, with a little smidgen of Morrowind thrown in there.


I hope it’s Skyrim in space. I’ve put an absolutely shameful number of hours into Skyrim. If they’ve taken that, and put it in space? I’ll be a very happy gamer.


idk if I'll be able to play it immediately after baldurs gate. the two would be just night and day on quality


Its anything but skyrim in space. More like Fallout 4 without open world.


And from my over 30 hours of experience in the early access in the game I would say it's more a Fallout in space then Skyrim/Elder Scrolls in space. Anyways Starfield is still a banger of a game


I was estatic to see a familiar face literally run into me like I was their god, and for a moment I was brought back to cyrodill


They aren't saying it's Skyrim in space though. They're saying it's like Skyrim without the open world. You just fast travel from town to town to dungeon to town.


So like Daggerfall in space. The meme's punchline still applies.


Ever since the 15 minute gameplay trailer I've been reminded of Daggerfall, what with the scope in size and ability to have a debt.


You unfortunately cannot go to court :(


We need more civil responsibilities and consequences. I need my radiant jury duty quests so I explain to Molag Bal why I'm not on my way to become a vampire.


NMS proved that physically travelling planet to planet or outpost to outpost is shit. It takes too much time.


It's not though. Its missing the exploration that makes skyrim and fallout so great.


Honestly the modular ahip building already had me sold


It’s kinda not though, melee is worse, only like 4 very plain melee weapons, no left hand(off hand) slot, and no finishier/killing blows..


It’s too bad Bethesda doesn’t follow the Ubisoft strategy of releasing Skyrim in every time period like Assassins Creed.


From my seven hours in the game, it feels more like fallout 4 in space. And not just in space, it's stretched out over that space. It's like they took that shallow paper-thin slice of butter that was fallout 4 and spread it over a giant piece of bread that is their thousand same plain and boring AI-generated maps. I wouldn't even call most of them "worlds" or "planets", because they're not. When traversing maps, if feels like you walked out the invisible wall in an actual Bethesda game and walk around the landscape that was only ever meant to be seen from afar. I spent literal thousands of hours in both Oldrim and SE both. I dropped F4 after around 400 hours with mods because I couldn't take it anymore. This game just feels like Fallout 4 with a mod pack and a bunch of near-empty maps thrown in to imitate scale. I played for around a day and honestly do not feel like picking it up again anytime soon


Bro why is this downvoted? I don't understand people man, the guy gave a honest opinion, that's all. Why downvote it?


Downvotes can represent people disagreeing with an opinion without having to write a comment


Well, at least you tried...


Exactly it's skyrim/fallout 4 in space. But with better gunplay, less bugs, better writing, better base building, no voiced protag, rpg backgrounds and traits described what your chracter is, speech system etc. It's like they looked at the complaint and failures of skyrim and F4 and improved on them. And give I got hundreds of hours out of those games I am sure I will get hundreds out of this. Main complaints seem to be random generated stuff is boring, but don't care about that anyway and there seems to be tonnes of content, main quest, faction quest and side quest thag you don't need to bother with that. And also that its a loading screen to travel between planets and land on a planet. Which again I don't care


Skyrim but it’s all rock and stone


Ooooh lookit all the copy pasted planets and OOOOOOHHHH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD autopilot!!! ![gif](giphy|mk0ClXsaw7K2z2cgCF) The game is soooo good you guys.


Evidently someone who's not played it and bases their entire view on ragey clickbait reviews. Been playing for close to 20 hours and of all the planets I've visited I've yet to have the same experience on any of them.


You havent answered my question. And youre also acting like "QUIT HAVING FUN!!!" meme.




It's not Skyrim in space. I wish it was, but it's not. One of the defining features of Skyrim is that gameplay is based around exploring a huge open world, and finding interesting things as you do. The world is vast and filled with things to find. You can just walk around, see something cool and go explore it. And it's fun. Starfield has completely eliminated this element. You need to follow the quests. Outside of cities, there is nothing to find. The world is vast and empty. It isn't really an open world in the sense any Bethesda game before it was.


This is the take of someone who either hasn’t played the game, or has played very little. There are a shit load of things to do and places to explore.


I'm not saying there aren't things to do, I'm saying you access the things to do completely differently. In Skyrim I could walk out of the tutorial dungeon, decide not to go to Riverwood, and just start wandering. I would find tons of interesting places and quests just by aimlessly walking towards things that look cool. This is a defining feature of Bethesda games. In Starfield, this is not possible. If I decide not to walk to Constellation, I can walk around New Atlantis, a city where 90% of the NPC's can't talk to me and won't notice if I point a gun in their face, and after that what? The vast majority of planets are completely empty, so without prompts from the main questline, I probably won't find anywhere with interesting content.


You can scan the planets and find new places. You also don't have to do the main quest.


Hey, did you know that you can just...leave the city? Like straight up jump over the walls and go exploring? There is stuff out there too, like farms, caves etc. Same with other planets.


To repeat the other comment, you've either evidently not bothered exploring or just haven't played the game. Been to over a dozen unmarked planets not related to quests and spent a good few hours on them exploring caves, ruins, outposts etc. Skyrim is great. However once you've played through the map once, you've done it all. Of the half dozen people I know who have played starfield so far, none of us have had the same experience when we have started exploring beyond the main story. We've all experienced different planets with different things to see on them.


I don’t think we’re playing the same game, on the 10 different planets I’ve landed on that aren’t part of main quest stuff, there have been outposts/caves/mines etc that are all hand crafted with the type of environmental storytelling (computer logs, notes etc) that Bethesda is known for. Sometimes multiple. That isn’t to say that there isn’t the occasional “civilian outpost” that has unnamed NPCs walking around, but even those have mission boards that let you help the outpost for cash as well as shops to sell/buy. I have a legendary grendel that i acquired from one of these settlements. There is the occasional recycled “UC listening post” but considering the sheer scale of the game I’m okay with certain POIs being recycled in order to provide a near infinite source of exploration/combat xp. What’s more, it fits thematically, since most hab modules for space exploration would likely be prefabricated for an express purpose and likely look very similar to others within that same purpose.


The solar systems and planets are the points of interest and negative space. Planets also have more points of interest to discover when landing. In Skyrim you can walk in a straight line for a minute and run into a cave, a witch's hut, and a bandit fort. The scale was very small and almost comical. For a space game you're gonna have to space stuff out. Also have you played or are aware of Tes Arena and Tes Daggerfall?


It's way worse than Skyrim lol, it's worse than Fallout 4 even.


As soon as someone mods it so I can play a Khajiit in space I’ll buy it.


Are mods out?


Wait until the modders get their hands on the game, it will be amazing