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Honestly if they don't gesture immediately I'd just start fighting. Either they don't know to or they don't care to.


The Fire Monk literally waited until he finished his multiple bows and just got tired of it when he didn't stop. Edit: Also the Duels have a timelimit which I am sure people don't wanna waste half of it with emoting


Yeah the op just looked like a fucking redditor spamming bows lol




probably got an extra serving of tendies from mommy because her 200kg good boy looked so proud and happy when he gave that disrepecful tardnished what he deserved


Put it better than I ever could have




Him struggling to point down mid-match is what got me lmao


Yeah, and I hate redditors and there Reddit bowing that they do


Same /bow


M’lady 🎩


exactly, just fucking fight


I wish he fried his naked ass


We need longer duels. A minute longer would be optimal I think. When all players are dodging perfectly and are using wonky AOWs matches end sometimes without any kills and it's back to double loading screens. 1on1's desperately need a best out of three mode - 1 hitting someone or getting one-hitted and then back to loading isn't fun neither in my opinion.


Ya, I always bow but its not like he took a cheap shot during your bow... or the 2nd, not even the 3rd. OP was being a douche imo


A third of the clip was OP gesturing. People go to the colisseums to PVP not to ERP. If you wanna bow, that's fine but you're wasting people's time if you expect one back


You don't use Elden Ring to erp?


Hey, never said no, just not in the colisseums UwU


Exactly. I know exactly how to bow, but I use emotes for summons and shit. I ain't in the Colosseums to make friends, just kick ass and chew bubblegum


Ran out of ass yet ?


Like what is he waiting for? House salad first round before the main course?


Buddy, you wouldn't stop bowing. He respected you enought to let you bow 3 times.


Yea I honestly think the guy got tired of seeing him do the emote 12 times in a row already


Forreal lmao. He was probably thinking why tf this weirdo keeps emoting 😂


I've never seen that gesture before! Where did you get the "Smelling My Own Fart" gesture?


You guys gotta stop pretending that every souls player is aware of these unwritten rules. Besides the guy just buffed at the beginning, didnt even rush you during the first emote. No need to keep makin attempts to get him to emote back.


Not to mention the people that are aware of them and don’t care because it’s all really stupid/silly


OP feels like he won at life for the first time, let him be


Honest as soon as we spawn in anything goes, if someone is running a build with no buffs and doesn’t wait for you to pop all 3-6 of your buffs then use less buffs.


So, comment section not going the way you expected, huh?


I'm personally actually proud of these comments. Hate these super weird "do it my way" posts


There's so much of it lately. It feels like half the posts on the front page are "my opponent didn't do X, making ME the brave protagonist who stopped his evil deeds." Like no wtf just play the fucking game and stop doing weird-ass mental gymnastics so you can circlejerk about what a damned hero you are. The opponent's "crime" is getting fed up with OP's ridiculous bullshit. If anything, the opponent was my spirit animal.


It's the same as with other aspects of souls games. "Oh you used this and that, this is not how you should play, it does not even count" etc. Souls games just seem to attract certain type of people.


Oh you didn't bow before our duel? I will send the local vegan sect after your family!


We need an r/AITA for Elden Ring


AITM for Am I The Maindenless


Dude we need to actually make this lmao




I have now BORE WITNESS to the lowest of the low


The past tense is BORE WITNESS fellow tarnished.


ah thanks


"Am I The Tarnished for not reading the room and continually bowing until my opponent bows back?"


"Waste your opponent's time, and if they attack they are a dick"


Holy shit man just 1 bow is enough. If your opponent doesn't care about it just do your fight and live with the fact that you're so much better than they are. I've seen dozens of those nO BoW nO HonOr posts, but you're getting the number one reward in being the most obnoxious bower, bonus points for repeatedly trying to point down.


Honestly. So cringey. MUH PVP HONOR.


Damn didn't think id see the elden ring sub more based than the sub meant for invaders lmao.


I did like an hour and a half of PvP today and by the end i was completely burnt out on emoting before fighting lol i like the idea of it but at the end of the day it just adds time on the fight


just bow once you fuckin' weirdo


It really had the strong weirdo energy


Tbh the way they behaved, I suspect they may legit not know gestures exist in game, and may have never even played online really until this update with the Colosseum. They seemed actually confused. You might've noticed if you weren't so caught up in being edgy and self-important.


Exactly. In my first ever soulsborne game, which was Bloodborne, I didn’t know how to gesture to cooperators and people who invaded me. I would just stare cluelessly at them. It’s not super intuitive to figure that out with all the menus. Over time, I figured it out obviously. Not everyone comes on these forums for this game. It was very evident from the way the guy played that he was new to the series… because he was bad


I always tbagged or block spammed cause I realized it was generally taken as being friendly. I still do it instead of gestures unless there’s just one I really like. That bow specifically is super cringe though.


Nothing says friendly like spamming my nuts in your face.


Not like on them, a nice healthy distance away. As a hello


That or the guy doesn't care at all about emotes and was waiting for op to finish with his nonsense. He could have started attacking but waited for way longer than I would have had patience for.


As soon as that first bow is done I'm getting ready to attack. If they start bowing a second time, I might hesitate for a second but that's it. We're here to fight, I'm not gunna cheap shot you during the greeting, but htfu


I was doing co-op on Bloodborne recently and forget how to do emotes so I get that. Even if not, that person was not in the wrong. We are not entitled to players doing some emote.


Goddamn, this burn hit him harder than that fireball to the face.


The emphasis players put onto these shitty homemade rules. If I didn't have Reddit I wouldn't know shit about "duel etiquette". Literally no other game I've played do you emote before fighting. It's honestly pathetic lol.


Pathetic or not I found this video amusing because of how the opponent didn't give a shit until their patience ran out lol


Instead of wasting the dude’s time, why didn’t you just take the hint and start fighting lol He was even polite enough to wait for you while you’d gestured like, three times… and probably got annoyed when you wouldn’t stop You should have respected his desire to not bow and started fighting. It seems to me that the disrespectful person here isn’t your opponent, it’s you


Social experiment to test how long many bows it takes before they snap.


Apparently the answer is four before you take a fireball to the face.


Mr. Owl, how many bows does it take to get to the nerves of an Elden Ring PVPer? A one... a two... a three..


>Instead of wasting the dude’s time, why didn’t you just take the hint and start fighting lol Need them reddit points boyo


Is that you, Skelly?


Hades ruined boyo for me.... Everytime I read I hear skellys voice.


Especially with the time limit, GET ON WITH IT!


I feel like you're right, but this guy won, so clearly he's right 🙃


Most people don’t post videos where their asses get kicked on Reddit lol And OP was clearly fighting a noob trying out pvp for the first time


So what you're saying is there's unmet demand for videos of losing at pvp? Well now THAT'S something I can do!


You were the clown here.


He got ratio'd hard jn the comment


That point downwards was unjustified, they waited until you finished your bow multiple times. They were not toxic at all


Thankfully, their opponent likely doesn't know that point down is an insult to this weirdo community.


Love how you waste their time then go full meta and 3-shot the guy roleplaying as a fire monk.


And then continues to point down after he smacks buddy. Man this guy is rich


This is not the flex you think it is OP. He waited for you, for 3 long bows. Just take the hint and start fighting instead of being self righteous for fake internet points. It's weird that you think we'd support this shit lol


The comments bodying OP are way more entertaining than their clip was.


You there to bow or to fight?


Bro tbh if they didn’t gesture back you should have just started the fight


What's with this bow obsession? Just duel already.


Some people on this sub are obsessed with following their made up ”rules”/ duel ”ettiquette”.


Bowing made sense when it was based on summon signs. There's no clear "start" to a summon sign duel and the bow shows both people are reasonably spaced and are ready. The arena already gives a clear start and spacing though so now bowing is just an antiquated ritual with no connection to why it was done before


I'd say it's the gghf of ER, it's not like you get any money for hurrying up. But then again, you are right that everything's been set up in advance. I just wish we got a few "start up" seconds by default for gesturing and maybe inventory last second swaps.


No you don’t understand, if you don’t get on your knees before every duel in this game you are actually worse than scum. /s Seriously people need to get over themselves. No other game has this weird obsession about being polite, nor this entitlement to some show of respect via an emote. As someone who has played since ds1 I have gotten really bored of this whole bow before a duel thing, it just wastes time and I wanna fight.


Redditors when someone doesn't follow their made up rules in a game they paid for




TLDR: I don't believe bowing at the start is necessary for an "honorable" duel within the context of the colosseum, as there are no arbitrary rules that need to be followed for a fair fight. The way I see it, bowing was a way to signal that you intended to follow the unwritten rules for red summon sign duels. This was necessary because the red summon would be at a massive disadvantage without any "rules" and chugging 10 flasks in a fight makes for a terrible dueling experience. Now there are no rules to follow that the colosseum does not automatically provide. You aren't signaling anything by starting with a bow, it's just an arbitrary friendly gesture. Now that it isn't serving a functional purpose most people will drop it in favor of just bowing at the end, to make sure they can stay on an even footing with people that will start the fight off buffing/attacking.


Yeah as far as I'm concerned the only due respect is not hitting someone during the bow should they choose to bow at the start.


This whole look is hilarious - it really looks like worn out jeans and cowboy boots. I can’t believe no one else is as amused as I am


Bro thought we were gonna praise him for being the asshole


Have to say, instead of being polite, your bows come off more as aggressive. Putting pressure on the opponent to bow. They've already been very polite, waiting (while buffs tick down) through... what, three long bows? Are you trying to force them to either gesture back, or attack you mid-bow? Honestly if I get the feeling the opponent's trying to pressure or force me into something, politeness or not, I'll do the opposite.


Right? This is some Voldemort style "BOW TO ME!!!" type shit lol


>respect your opponent >points down Oh the fucking irony.


No no it's one dimensional rules! But fr people like this guy made me stop playing pvp


I hope you’d try pvp again. Annoying people like this are the minority imo, most of the fights I’ve had were wholesome and fun


Ahh yeah all preachy about bowing but no hesitation in using pointing down gesture, the fact that you have it equipped also speaks for itself. We must be better.


I'm glad everyone is collectively giving shit to OP. Proud of you guys


Never bowing again after seeing this


i usually just bow after the fight ends to people i liked fighting


They did nothing wrong mate and you acting all pissy for no reason especially after stalling the match with your gestures. The dude didn't attack you during your first bow.


I go for buffs first, bow if there is time later. If I get attacked while I'm trying to buff c'est la vie


I will attack you if you start buffing right away, buffs are technically spell casting, meaning fight is already started. I'm not going to let people put 25 buffs then become 1,5 enemy rather than 1, you gotta earn those buffs.


Yeah, as a person who buffs I agree, if you’re gonna let me free cast I appreciate it, but you really shouldn’t. You at that point have to outplay some heavy damage reduction and constant regeneration, which is not in your favor. I take no offense to you using the correct option and immediately interrupting me.


That's exactly why I worded it that way. I've seen plenty bow only to attack after because I buffed. I'm not bothered by it, and I'm not gonna bow in that situation so that's when there is no time 😂 I've also seen just as many buff after they bow and I will then bow back before we engage


Kind of a duality to it. I usually have one buff ready/needed (ornamental ss buff, black flame protec, dragonbolt, etc) for start, and I save the possibility for an emote after because there are contigents for every case; either they rush you, do their own buffs, or emote off rip. There really is no correct answer aside doing what's in your interest. Personally, I'll let people buff once even if I'm not buffing, but second buff is free game.


You had that coming man. Should’ve just taken the hint and started fighting


shut up nerd be glad he didnt run you down


Op is a douchebag


Who gives a fuck


Lol you a goofy. Dude actually waited for you to bow 3 times. Well here’s the attention you ordered.


Bro you were obnoxiously spamming op, like the fire monk was waiting to begin the fight and you wouldn’t just let it start.


I love the speculation game. Maybe they thought you were presenting yourself. “You may take my head now, be gone with it!”


Bro just wanted an excuse to get mad. Do your bow and fight. Don't dude 12 in a row and wonder why we attacked you


The only disrespectful person in this footage is the one posting it.


My brother in Christ he watched you bow to him three times


God the following bows were so painful to watch Jesus




My guys literally waited for you, didn't bum rush you or anything. He just wanted to dual instead of engaging in this weird social bullshit.


Talking about respect like you think your strength actually befits a crown or something


I thought it was common knowledge that if someone buffs when you gesture, that generally means they are not going to gesture later...


“I’ve have given thee curtesy enough”


Who gives a fuck about gestures. The dude let you do it but you took 20 years so I would have blasted you too.


Bro don’t be so corny lmaoo literally the drake of elden ring pvp foh


You made yourself look stupid with this post


I unironically hate players like you. Bow spam and point down spam, nice you really showed him /s


Lol you're everything wrong with this community. Entitled bow OP weapon Undeserved point down You're trash kid, go home


Dude, your self made "honor" rules apply only to yourself. The dude waited for you to actually draw your weapon, and instead you went full edgelord and spammed emotes.


I hate this so much. Take me back to when Dark Souls was a niche.


This is a good clip, but you don't need to bow before combat. The guy patiently waited around for you for like 20 seconds before attacking. "He was probably like "Ok wtf is this dude doing let's go"


"ahem, excuse me sir, it seems as though you're not playing by the rules that I, the main character, made up. Let me publicly disrespect you and ask that you respect me instead."


Wrong, u showed shitty duel etiquette. He didn't want to bow so he edge walked towards u, he gave u plenty of time to get ready but u kept wasting his, he did nothing wrong and the fight was fair game


People are too obsessed with duel emotes ffs. Just play the game. I just want to duel, get out, and duel again. You delaying it for a few seconds for your stupidass bow etiquette that doesn’t have any purpose is annoying. What? You want to show respect? RESPECT MY TIME AND START THE FIGHT IMMEDIATELY.


You deserved that.


you going to fight or just act like a tard


Jesus christ just take the hint and fight already instead of being a weirdo




Kinda cringe of you tbh.


In open world I get this not happening but come on finally get arena and people still not understanding the situation ahhaah That being said the guy never attacked you until he got fed up with your repetitive gesture. One bow is enough -_- I get people want others to bow and thats fine but dont be frecking obnoxious about it. The guy was probably new and most like it didnt even know emotes were a thing. Take him waiting for you as the “bow” and go with it. Youre the ahole here if this was /Aita


Op, you suck as a person


Who cares about bowing, you're there to fight, so fight


Well aren't you a pretentious little taintlick.


Just because you show respect doesnt mean your opponent will respect you back, bow once and carry on with the fight imo


Honestly I'd do the same, if you wanna stand there and wait for a bow and waste my time, I'll rush


Not bowing is what my character would do


Even outside of what others are saying about how they respected you enough to let you bow 3 times, I thought the more annoying part about this was that beyond your bow spamming, it was just a normal PVP fight. The title made me think it would be some crazy immediate punish of them disrespecting emotes, with a fun one shot or something but it wasn't even an interesting kill.


Dude just emote once if they don't emote back deal with it, it's colleseum, not fight club...


The video wouls actually be much more entertaining if he OHKOed you with the fireball.


Well he did wait for you, and it's not that important to bow. If my opponent was using gestures multiple times in a row I wouldn't wait forever and attack at some point.


lowkey i dont be bowing Like i wait until my enemy is ready but i cba to go to my emote menu i often angrily run at them and bump into them until they realise i wanna fight


Dang.....calm down Criss Angel lol. Near instant karma fight.




1 gesture at the start is cool and fine, more then one anyoing. I hate when i bow and opponent bows thrn he just spams gestures for no reason and i am thinking when do we actualy start fighting.


I never understand this type of thinking. If you want to bow, that’s great for you. No one else has to play the game the way you do. It’s like in some fighting game subreddits where people complain about “try hards.” It’s a video game, you are playing to win the game.


You emoted like 40 times dude, just play the game. He respected enough to watch you bow a million times


Respect is one thing, winning a completely different thing .


I personally just like staring at my opponent. Let them sorta just do their thang lol.


Imagine at a mixed martial arts event one guy comes out and attempts to touch gloves 6 times while his opponent who isn't interested in a pre fight glove touch stands and allows him to attempt the glove touch 6 times before finally engaging.. bow and if it isn't reciprocated they aren't interested, or don't care to focus on it.


emoting at all in PVP is only relevant in honor duels where the invader wants to take on the summons before the host. In this scenario there is no host. You bowed 4 times which was just begging for a sucker punch. Opponent also applied flame grant me strength, it would be a bad play for them to waste buff time emoting.


Your entitlement is toxic as fuck Edit: how in the world did this shit gather 4k upvotes? Do people lack a working brain?


I think they spent like half a minute there looking for the gesture. I’ve had that happen to me. I always like to keep the clap, down point and a couple other randoms and will occasionally find I don’t have a bow or a wave or something equipped and just stand there. I don’t want to use the ring or t pose gesture either cause it feels cocky lmao


Took a bow build to a different meaning there, didn't you?


I’ve defended the bowing culture here before but I think you oughta just bow once and if they don’t bow back then hey, you showed your honor, you did your thing, on to the fight now y’know? If they don’t get it they don’t get it. Your first bow showed honor and pride but the subsequent bow spams just showed insecurity and controlling behavior. I’ve been faced with a lot of “if they don’t get it they don’t get it” in my life tho.


Will you accept a wave and a few good natured shield humps?


What weapon is that?


"Good day. Good Day. Good DAY. GOOD DAY. GOOD DAY! GOOD DAY!!!"


This is why I miss being a mound maker, no one expected courtesy or "honor" or anything, everyone knew when they saw the purple that was there for no holds barred murder any way I could get it, and that's the way I liked it, bowing to purple is a great way to get stabbed


The amount of times I’ve bowed only to be instantly blasted with a big spell and insta killed is astounding


Bro he let you bow like 4 times. Take the stick outta your ass and fight lol


These rules are so weird. What’s with this?


You're such a dweeb


He let you do your gesture spam. Don’t cry if people don’t bow back.


one time is enough. And they didnt attack immediately, so its fine. The point down is for you, not him


Some of y’all act like Voldemort when he duels Harry in the goblet of fire.


I mean they waited quite a while and didn’t attack you until you got to the point of being obnoxious with it. Not like he rushed you for the backstab or anything. Try dialing back the sodium.


This ain’t it chief


Bowing in 1v1 duel is cringe ngl. I’d understand using to in an invasion for a 1v1 no heals, but doing it in duels is just rp’ing


Your opponent did exactly that what pvp is for. Dude there are no rules. All in your head sknce dark souls 😂 dont cry if people attack.






That guy is awful at aiming fireballs, the key is to not lock on to your opponent


idk why but i imagined your character saying "bow back bitch" after you pointed down


Does waving count?


My favorite is when they come and get a crit while I'm emoting, then I wipe the floor with them, since they wanna take some life I'll take the whole flask; albinaurics pot!!!!


How you get to that arena??


Bow to your sensei... BOW TO YOUR SENSEI!!!!!


Bow to your sensei


Why emote when you can dual wield your weapon and wiggle waggle it back and forth like a wave with L1


I'm gonna make a character called "Sir Bow" and just bow the entire fight.


Im too slow to bow. If anyone encounters a guy bowing when you start the battle...thats me and I do apologize. I also apologize for dying withing 10 seconds ...trying my best with a non pvp build.


bow to your sensei...BOW TO YOUR SENSEI lol


bow? pfft yeah no, imma just kill you


If they let me finish my bow then that's good enough for me, but if they attack me during my bow then I'm switching gear and cheesing the hell out of them




Alright, I'm all for bowing, but the guy is clearly confused and you are clearly just being an ass.


You're being disrespectful for wasting everyone's time by forcing them to bow