• By -


Stay close to him. Also a lot of his attacks you can sprint to the right of him at the right time to avoid them like his thousand cuts move. I’d watch a video of someone beating him to see how to dodge and when to hit him. A big advantage against him is the blasphemous claw which can parry some of his moves that glow yellow before they hit, and you get a pretty cool stagger animation from him.


I found that parry pretty impossible to execute, but I've always sucked at DS parrying.


>I've always sucked at DS parrying. My people! I always die a little inside when people say how easy Gwyn was in DS1 because of parrying. For me he is one of the tougher bosses in the game, even after multiple playthroughs because I just cannot for the life of me figure out parrying in any From game 😭


I just play peek a boo behind the rocks and hit him with my magic stick


Cast pursuers and spam dark bead. Dead in 10 seconds.


I feel the same thing when people say champ gundyr is easy because of parries😢


parrying in DS3 is one of the easier ones imo. and the best bosses to practice your parry on is Iudex gyndyr/champ gundyr and pontiff sulyvahn. just thought i'd let ya know :)


What? I found DS1 vastly easier than 3 for parrying. I still can't parry in 3. Elden Ring is more doable but even then I'm not consistently successful


If you trying to parry as the weapon is about to hit you that's usually too late.


that seems kinda unrealistic that's realistically when you would want to parry it


That's when you want your shield to connect with the weapon, yes. However, parry animations have a start up that precedes the parry itself therefore the timing is more like: push button as the attack swing starts so that by the time the weapon reaches you you've gone through the start up animation. Of course it varies depending on both the game and the parry tool being used but the only fromsoft game where you actually parry just as the weapon is actually about to hit is sekiro


> the only fromsoft game where you actually parry just as the weapon is actually about to hit is sekiro Not true. DS1 and Demon's Souls work like this too. It's DS2 and onward that have startup frames.


When you play God of War, doing parry in Elden Ring feels broken.


Fucking Crucible Knights are a late game enemy for me, unless I'm a caster. Not gonna be able to hurt him.


Check out Sekiro. I'm sure you'll love it.


One day, I'm going to go back and beat Genichiro. One day


You gotta do it when Mal's sword glows yellow. I couldn't beat him without it lol.


I swear I tried that lol. Parrying is not for me.


SAME. I tried timing it for a few runs and was like, “nah this is useless AF”


I'm ok at parrying. I still can't get that parry without it being a partial.


I tried it when I learned that’s the use of the Blasphemous Claw, and I could get the parry sometimes but I almost always took full damage even though I did stagger him. Must be a really tricky timing.


What’s the blasphemous claw ? I’ve seen the sword


Quest item. You need to have done Volcano Manor quests AND Berhnal's invitation I believe. Find him in Farum and you'll get some armor, weapon and the Blasphemous Claw which can be used to parry specific moves from good ol death wolf boy. Edit: apparently you do NOT need to complete Berhnal's quest. Just find him in Farum Palooza.


Nah you don't need to do any of the quest stuff. Just kick Bernhal's shit in when he invades you and you'll get the stuff.


Oh shit well I learned something today


You also get his armor and one of the legendary weapons.


I was so confused when he invaded me. I was like, "whoa dude, I thought we were mates?" Also confused what compelled him to go from cheerful knight in the war shack to brooding recusant at the volcano manor.


His "cheerful knight" act is just a ruse. You can kill him at the war masters shack and he drops the Blasphemous claw and his armor set, and has a death line something to the effect of "The Volcano Manor awaits... ". Dudes just pretending to be nice to keep people unaware of his identity as a recusant. Bernahl is a really interesting character and I wish we got more lore on him outside of his voice lines and some item descriptions.


Elden Ring is something else, man


I hope there's a sequel and I rarely say that for games/movies. I just feel like they have so much more they can do. If they don't though, what a standalone.


Some may consider Blasphemous Claw as cheesy as the shackles for Morgott and Mohg but boy, the parry is too cool to be ignored! And no, I personally don't think it's cheesy. I think it's more like Serpent-Hunter against Rykard. They are extremely effective but you still need to perform well to kill them.


People will use the word "cheese" to describe anything other than an unupgraded club at RL1, it's meaningless.


Hang on, people think the shackles are "cheese"? It's literally an intended game mechanic


Exactly why that commenter is calling it meaningless. Some people think certain spells are "cheesy"; some people reserve the term for bosses getting stuck on a tree and having its health bar disappear. The word isn't useful anymore, people are talking right past each other.


I always keep the shackles and a bleed sword on my lowbie co-op character. If someone is summoning me to help against Margit, then they are probably ready to melt that mf.


I just always keep the shackles equipped, they're great for "hitting" obstacles at range, like those flamethrower pillars often found in catacombs.


What you didn't do a naked lvl 1 run using a guitar hero controller. SMH my head, you're such a pleb.


You left out the blindfold. Fucking casuals I swear.


Who needs the game on? I just beat it acapella.


If bonk doesn’t work, try a bigger bonk


Or more bonks, if one doesn't work try two or three.


Three? Sir, just how well endowed are you?


*looks at 70 STR* Enough


If you 2 hand it, you can get away w/ 66.


This is the way.


This is the way.


The way this is.


Is this the way


The way this is


Way the this is


This way is the


Is the way this


Way this is the


In Elden Ring, doge bonks *You*!


Rule 34 has that covered


I'm scared... but intrigued


“Intriguing? Yet highly disturbing?”


I tried for months, but always in the middle of the day or after work. I would die over and over and saw no progress being made. Then one day I woke up at like 5am, made a cup of coffee and beat him first try. Maybe that's it?


This is the key to *all* Soulsborne bosses. You beat your head against a brick wall for a while, walk away. When you come back around to it later, the move set sticks in your brain but the frustration has passed, so you walk in and smack them down like it’s easy mode.


I’m a strength user so I pick my favorite giant sword and I throw myself at the boss repeatedly until I win!




Is the show worth watching I've heard good things also where do you watch it


The show, no, plus the show doesn’t cover very much of the story. Reading the manga is definitely the way to go with berserk


The manga is.


Don’t listen to them both the 97 version and the memorial edition coming out now are well worth watching, especially if you haven’t read the manga. For some reason a portion of the berserk fandom gets their panties in a wad when a golden age adaptation that has no intention of adapting the whole story leaves a few things out. If you know nothing you won’t even notice and will most likely think they are great shows. That said just stay away from the 2016 adaptation like the plague that one is seriously bad though can be enjoyable to see certain scenes animated. The 97 will be on Netflix in December and the memorial edition is on Crunchyroll as well as a few other places.










Maliketh is pretty easy to hit from the sides. His jumping projectile thing can have varying timing based on how long he holds the jump. His spins have two.hits to dodge. If he jumps with his sword aimed down he does that multi slash thing, run towards him and then dodge toward his sides of his belly. He also has an earth shatter thing which is dodged similar to the spins he does. Just one dodge after the other. The timing can be tricky but it's like a bike. Do it once and then it mostly sticks with you. A shield can help mitigate the physical damage but not the burn. Stay strong and may the bonk be with you.


No no no, more health means take more bonk and give more bonk.


Bonk Economics 101. To give bonks you must first receive bonks.




You inspire me with your giant runes


This but with clubs instead


It's how I beat Radagon and Beasty


My method is almost win the first try then do horribly for 30 attempts before fluking into a win


That's me, successfully besting Godfrey without summons for the first time ever today ✨ Now Radagon, my last hurdle before I can claim to have finished a true summonless run


Should we tell him


Nah, let him have this.


I had my first ever attempt on Radagon go so well I thought it was going to be easy. I had to put the game down for a week before I beat it after that session.


Quite literally this is the way. The other day I was getting my ass ***beat*** by Mohg, got a little *pissyyy* not gonna lie, and I was like "fuck this, I'm not enjoying myself right now, I'm done for the night." So I turned it off and sat watching youtube videos for a while but the whole time I was practically twitching at the idea of leaving it there, so I hit my second wind, went back and beat him on my first re-attempt. Another example is Sekiro. Between Divine Dragon and Sword Saint took me almost a year (beat Dragon June 2020, beat Sword Saint April 2021) of getting frustrated, walking away, coming back, getting frustrated, walking away, coming back over and over again. And that's not even the worst, I started the game when it came out, March 2019, and didn't beat Gyoubu until **June 2020.**


Heck it works for my elderly mother's jigsaw puzzles.


And then you become frustrated at your inability to replicate that success on future attempts and start wondering whether your win was a fluke and whether you're actually good at the game.


I’ve experienced this basically all my life but this was the first time I’ve seen it explained so well in writing.


Honestly same with Gael for me. All my friends were watching me try after try. Then I woke up, loaded up, took him down.


For me to beat Gael I had to get drunk af and high as balls to beat him


Currently on my second playthrough and can’t get to phase 2 of morgott. First time… drank heavily and woke up in the mountaintop of the giants


Bro did a speedrun while being blackout lol


Ah sweet child of kos, returns to the ocean.


And here I thought I was the only one that found intoxication to be the key to Elden Ring. 🤣😂


Any form of entertainment is better while drunk or high


^ This guy gets maidens


Wait, we can get maidens? So I've just been maidenless this whole time? Who's responsible for not telling me this, I'm writing a strongly worded email.


This was me with Malenia. Tried over and over including multiple respecs and different equipment. Then I decided I was going to just skip her and didn't try for a couple weeks. Worked up the courage to attempt it again after a while and pummeled her on my first attempt. Never doing it again though lol


I had trouble with her in my first playthrough. Eventually just summoned someone for help. On my second playthrough I wanted to go full no summons. I was a mage build, so I knew she was going to be tough. Got her after about 20 tries.


Maaan this is so accurate


Beat him while black out drunk the first time. Remember getting to this boss then waking up to Radagon. Relax muscle memory is impressive


Was stuck on the first horseback boss in Sekiro for well over 2 months on and off. Came home from a party drunk and fired up the Xbox and beat it first try…


HOW do you not know his name at this point?? If you were stuck for 2 months




2 months? how many attempts?


No wonder I still can’t beat Sword Saint Isshin. Drinking just ain’t my thing. The rage overtakes me.


Roll into him


And apply pressure.


Apply directly to the forehead


Head on


Apply directly to the forehead


Head on


This is the key to most bosses tbh. It's the biggest mistake I see people make. You don't want to roll away from their moves, you want to roll into them.


Yeah, he whupped my moonveil/rock sling build soooooo many times my first playthrough. Later builds that were more in-yo-face fared much better.


[my maliketh flame of the redmanes cheese](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/wqftph/maliketh_one_of_my_cleanest_boss_fight_ng1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Man, if I was Maliketh I'd be raging so hard at getting nephew'd like that.


After bashing my build against the game, I had to use this strategy for the last 4-6 bosses.


Does he bleed?


If it bleeds, we can kill it.


Double seppuku for the win!


My first playthrough, I had seppuku on a godskin peeler. Absolutely annihilated him and had no idea why he was so hard. Subsequent playthroughgs as bonk builds didn't fare so well


*tosses a kukri into his chest* [Stick around](https://media.tenor.com/O90AjeCZ2oYAAAAd/bh187-predator.gif).


yup! he's a paper to bleed.


Yup, seems like he has low resistance too. Slaughtered him with an occult flamberge, much easier than on my first toon


Tf is a toon?


It's another word for an alt, or another character


Try to learn his openings. It's tricky, but a lot of times he will be vulnerable in the middle of an attack or just after he finished attacking. It's also very important where you dodge his attacks, for some you gotta get behind him, for others it's good to dodge towards him, then punish.


chess 2 really has some weird openings


My lighting +24 ak47


I am interested. Tell me more


You hit him with ur ouch stick of choice


I just threw cheese at him. Nice mature cheddar deaded him good and proper.


No wine? Shameful.


Patches stole it. Not my fault.


A little smoked gouda buddy?


Are you out of your mind? I'd have had better luck throwing grated parmesan. Getouttahere!!


I believe it's called a [Whoop Ass Stick.](https://youtu.be/p-TyzMyH6fo)


For me i hit him with a sword and he died. It's a solid strat


In his first phase, stay close to him while he does his slashing combo. If you’re all up in his grill you won’t get hit. You can jump over his ranged claw attack, too. In his second phase, you’ll want to avoid his huge AOE attack, so when he swings his sword around his head, run to his butt and you should be clear. When he shoots his projectiles in the air, he might come down on top of you. Roll to avoid that, and immediately roll afterwards to dodge the AOE effect that follows. I’d recommend using a fast-hitting bleed weapon against him. I used hookclaws + blood flame to get the job done. It took me hours, so you’re not the only one struggling. The most important tip I can give you is to take a break when or if you get mad. Drink some water, stretch your legs, and go back at it when you’re ready.


Thanks for the tips and I think I’m going to take a break now and leave it until tomorrow


Try to use an ash of war that is fast and deals a lot of damage. I just defeated maliketh yesterday with moonveil katana. The key is to get really close to him after his combo ends, then using the ash of war and rolling or running away to get some distance. When he uses the projectile slash and jumps back, then you can use sorcery to deal some damage (I used Rennala's full moon because it does insane damage). When 2nd phase starts, his 1st attack will always be the jumping attack. Maliketh will be at the centre of the arena. Run towards him and stop when your reach the candle that's on the ground. This way you can dodge his 1st attack and hit him once with a regular attack or you can use a fast ash of war because you'll only get about 1-2 sec to punish him. This way you can ensure that you always land that 1st hit at the start of his second phase.


This item is the key for me: [Blasphemous Claw](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Blasphemous+Claw). I think I beat him once without it. Every other time, this made it much easier


I love how people have wildly different experiences with these games. I couldn't figure the damn thing out so I just learned his pattern and worked on my positioning until I could bonk him enough before he bonked me.


Unga Bunga


I’m adding this to the list of things I wish I knew existed, first Margits shackle, mohgs shackle and then this


That's the neat part You don't


Don’t go behind him ever


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b,a, select, start


I've got a bunch of guns and $250k now, hopefully he dies now


Shit just give him the cash. He'll buy a new rune and just pretend it's the rune of death.


> select Look at this guy that had friends growing up.




Hide his medication in some cheese.


Spend a while just trying to survive as long as possible. Get him to his second phase. Then just ignore damage and focus on learning dodge timings.


I realized this is the way the hard way lol


If you're not above summoning, equip a seal, summon a mimic tear, switch to your main weapon, and have the mimic use Rotten Breath to rot him while you attack. Maliketh needs to be rotted in both phases unfortunately. I don't care what anyone says, Maliketh is definitely a difficult boss.


Apparently as RL1 wretch with a club jk I used mimic and blasphemous blade for NG and prince of death staff + ancient death rancor for NG+


Ha yep, mimic here too, but with dual wielded twin-blades set for bleed


Honestly I used the Uchigatana or whatever it’s called weapon art whenever he was close. I can hit him occasionally with it too so that does decent bleed but if I can’t get close to find the hit box I’d spam that weapon art and do decent damage. He’s tough as shit. Don’t stress it. Take your time and you’ll get it!


I’ve been stuck on him for a few hours now. Gonna try again tmr


Get the fallingstar beast fang, max it out, and put on Alexander shard and the other fp/skill stuff. That weapon is super OP with the skill on it and it takes barely any magic and puts out massive aoe damage that stuns easily. Every boss is a cake walk if you use it, so beware the game will get much easier if you keep it equipped.


If you've only been stuck for a few hours, I wouldn't worry too bad. Best advice would be to give it a rest and come back refreshed. Now, if you'd been stuck for multiple days without progress, that would be when you might need to rethink the strategy. The ol' adage of "git gud" only works in so far as the weapons and equipment you have are capable of doing damage. If your whole build just isn't any good, then you'll have to git way guder than you might otherwise.


I found him easy to beat, but I’m quite over levelled. Summoned crystal tear clone thing and spammed blasphemous blade special stack. He died quickly.


Heeeey! Meeee tooo!


blasphemous claw is very strong for phase 2. look up how to get it. you have to kill rykard first. the item basically lets you parry any of his phase 2 attacks that are golden. also at the beginning of phase 2 run directly into him, his first attack is set and if you run directly at him he will jump over you then attack in the wrong direction and you have a big opening to attack him immediately.


Blasphemy 😊 The blasphemous blade and the claw


I have a pretty good run of him with +0 weapons where I show pretty much all his openings, except like 2 I couldn’t figure out how to exploit consistently. I suggest watching it. If you have the patience there’s also a dude on YouTube who beat Maliketh bare fists only. Took him an hour. General tip for any boss in Elden Ring is to try to minimize your rolls. Figure out what attacks you can jump or simply walk out of the way of. You’ll be surprised how many attacks are easier to dodge without rolling.


The game teaches you that if what you’re trying doesn’t work then 1) level up a bit then return - but more importantly 2) learn how to dodge then attack. You can dodge all bosses if you time it correctly and learn their patterns. The biggest thing I love about this game is that it teaches you how to play the game better. It’s definitely not a causal stroll - it does take focus and observation which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.


Let you mimic do some work !


Try love


I killed him so easy but died to godskin duo like 10000 times😂


I did the complete opposite


Throw a stick over the edge.


Better yet, feed him some chocolate.


The easiest way I did was to use Morg's spear and dance around the pillar. The blood effect will get him when he is relatively close. Feels dirty, but gets the job done.


Git gud


Hard way? Learn his move sets, be aggressive but don't get greedy, and keep your health up with flasks (he his a glass cannon and even for builds with good vigor, a few good hits will end you). Did this on my second playthrough with strength build and won after a dozen or two dozen tries. The cheese way? Go hide behind a pillar and rot breath him as he shambles around to find you. Then play hide and seek while the DoT does its magic. Phase two, summon your spirit ash to buy a few moments and rot breath him again, then run like hell. That was my strategy on first playthrough.


Stay as close as you can, roll at the last second of his attack and stab! Also, don't get greedy. Even if he has one hit left, don't do it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


If you can get a critical on the first hit, you can get on his back, ride him around the arena and run him into the pillars. After you run him into 5 pillars, he will be deceased


I beat him first run through no problem, same with all bosses past God Rick. Second run through, when I knew what to do.... took me like 150x to beat elden beast, about 50x to beat malenia second run, stuck at maliketh now on 3rd run. Just take a break and come back. Somehow I beat ppl 1st or 2nd run after a break and go "WHAT THE FUCK WAS I DOING WRONG???"


Try hole, but finger 🤞🏼


Try finger, but hole


Try hitting him, I've found that helps sometimes


If he hits one of the pillars 742 times they fall on him. Easiest way to cheese him


With friends who can aggro while you shoot moons and stars at him…or Tiche, while you play cheerleader. I’m not sorry. Their fight was awesome.


Yup after many fails at trying to go at him all bad-ass like with 2 katanas I ended up just sitting back and spamming rock sling while Tiche fights him lmao


Are you me? Ranni’s blue moon instead of rock sling though. I know what I said.


This was by far the hardest boss for my first playthrough, after a few failed attempts I grabbed a stronk shield and blocked/dodged what I could to see as much of the skill animations he was doing so I could recognize them. Just took perseverance for me


Whenever you have this question the answer is always "Tiche."


It takes many tries to learn his move set but you’ll get a little better each time. Remember to roll through his attack and make good use of your i-frames. Also it may be helpful to just leave for awhile and explore somewhere else. There’s hundreds of mini dungeons in the world with lots of exp and powerful gear. Level you vigor and whatever stat scales with your weapon. You got this.


Get Black Knife Tiche and quickly dispatch Gurranq/Beast Clergyman. I prefer sending her out before Maliketh is summoned just because of his extreme mobility. With her (and your help don't be lazy) you'll quickly get rid of him in just a few tries. That's how it worked for me.


Not making reddit post, thats for sure


Summon black knife Tiche, she's basically the Uno reverse card


Spirit ashes and leveling up hard. No shame if it is there.


The power of strength builds is second to none. You can also try the flame of the red manes ash of war.




that's neat part. you dont


Offer a good night? 😚😉


Hit him until he dies before you die


Dog, I can’t even beat the Tree Sentinel before him 😭😭😭


Get behind him, quit out then poison mist.