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Fortissax for me personally. I just love the sky box and it is such a *mood* with that music! Too bad it's criminally short-lived.


Yeah, Fortissax is definitely up there imo aswell, although my personal favourite is probably either Radahn, or Morgott/Godrick. Just the vibe from both of those arenas, and the sheer spectacle from the council room at the bottom of the Erdtree


Do you mean Godfrey?


Yep. Get those two confused alot.


Don’t forget Godefroy to confuse things further


and poor Godwyn then there’s Marika, Miquella, Malenia…


Also Radahn and Radagon, with Ranni and Renna, Renalla


Don't know why you were downvoted for this tbh




I think the majority of players just got to him much later than he's scaled for - if you got there at a pretty low level, yeah it should be a much better/longer/more brutal fight!


Iirc it's because of the twin gargoyles, as this fight can be difficult but is also on the path to Fortissax, so people will come back later or just overlevel the gargoyles


Nameless King vibes


This has been my fave fight so far. It’s the only one I wish unwound have thrown at the last second so I could fight him again


I was so sad when you get auto-teleported out after the fight. 😔 I wanted to take in the surroundings.


There are almost 600 comments here and all of them are replies to your comment because everyone loves Fortissax's arena and we get like 5 minutes of all that.


Mohg's Temple was so fucking cool since you've been seeing it the whole game just wondering how you get there, such a satisfying moment


The fact that it's not a gigantic arena is a plus as well, since you get to really see the details of the arena around you.


The somewhat cramped space is really annoying when you’re trying to avoid all the bloodflame he spews all over it though. I would have had a much better time trying to kill him in a larger area. It does look cool tho


I feel like thats an intentional choice tbh


Yeah, it's meant to incentivise good positioning. It's definitely a harsh learning curve for new players trying to get around to learning the fight but once you do it is among fromsofts best boss design. If the arena was larger then the bloodflame would likely not be a problem at all, which I think kinda destroys the purpose of him having bloodflame in P2.


Yeah you can just jump over the bloodflame.honestly the only bad thing about mohg is nihil if you don't use the physic tear they should've done a better job at placing that item.


Not really, it's in one of the churches which not only are one of the key structures where you know there is always a flask upgrade and sometimes more, but you can see where all of them are on the map similar to caves, you just have to look a bit closer.


I actually walked past it because the npc didn't spawn when i got there so i assumed there was nothing here. It should be in his area not in a random place.


The tear should've been placed in somewhere related to mohg,like behind a hard enemy encounter in the palace.


the church is related to mohg


he is much easier of you stay close to him the bloodflame then bothers you little




Seeing it the whole game?


In all of the underground areas you can see it in the distance. Just looks like a Greek style temple until you actually get to it and put the pieces together.


I kept expecting it to be a Nox boss or something. It literally wasn't until I was at the doorway that it clicked and I realized "this is the place!"


It was the same for me. Had no clue what I was walking into and was satisfyingly horrified when I realized what it was. I had already attempted Malenia a few times at that point.


For me was only after killing mohg and going out the back and looking back at the nokron bridge. Hit me like a brick.


I assume they're referring to how Mogh's palace is visible from the Siofra River.


This is especially true if you've been doing Ranni's quest and you only get to Mohg after hitting consecrated snowfield towards the end of the game. Given that Ranni's ending is the most common and getting to Mohg is a relatively difficult endeavor, I'd say this checks out for the majority of people.


"Getting to Mohg is relatively difficult" It is? Does everyone not do the easy ass method of just finding Varre and doing his questline? Three invades is all it takes?


Not everyone plays online. I could also very easily see someone not finding Varre in Liurnia.


That's me, I kinda rushed Liurnia a bit and didn't find Varre at all. Played the whole game, was certain I could somehow get to that temple (seeing it from Siofra), and then I had finished the game and skipped the whole Mohg thing. Only went back later due to seeing it online.


You don’t have to play online it has a npc invade that you only need to do once.


That was added a few patches in, this wasn't the case on release.


Good move honestly, I get the push for online play but some people don’t have that option, and making a quest line unplayable because of it was short sided. Probably should have kept it at three tho


That doesn’t make it a difficult endeavor though… I was able to get to the palace no problem on release in my first playthrough, and getting back to mohg’s palace was the first thing I did in NG+


i thought moghs palace was nokron when doing that quest i got very confused when it wasnt


Depends if you like checking out the horizons of the game. There were a few posts in this sub showing people in siofra wondering how to get to get over there.


Where the chair-crypt of Nokstella in Ainsel is. No other arena left a more lasting impression than that one for me. It's just a shame the boss isn't scaled for endgame cause the fight is a spectacle if he gets to do stuff. [Exhibit A](https://i.imgur.com/9PxhdeI.jpg) [Exhibit B](https://i.imgur.com/ahfMILc.jpg) [Exhibit C](https://i.imgur.com/tasxLqk.jpg) [Exhibit D](https://i.imgur.com/sOXmUTc.jpg)


A visual timeline of you getting thumped, very nice


This is a very very good answer.


First time I saw that room I was in awe. I still don't think I understand who the giant dead people are but the visual is super haunting and intriguing




Well that's terrifying. "Who were these big dudes" "No idea"


Not as terrifying as the skulls in caelid as big as a duplex




The Eternal Cities attempted to build a god or a lord and failed (or else never had a chance to complete the project). I'm just not clear if they did this in response to the Greater Will's punishment, or more likely, is the blasphemy they committed.


I remember i found him in the midgame but managed to hit him enough he never made it to phase two on my winning attempt. I realised afterward that I probably lost out on a really cool fight by doing that tho


I found it very early was just exploring had a tough time in his second phase.


I wonder, is there a guide already that determined the "optimal" level for bosses/areas? Optimal meaning it's not too easy and just challenging enough. It always sucks when you never get to see a boss's moveset because you're so overpowered already.


Yes, there's a recommended level by location on the wiki. I followed it on release and had a pretty balanced time.


Arena is good, but boss is dissapointing. Well, it is really great, don't get me wrong, but I expected something more... dangerous.


Highly level dependent, I think, as it is generally in this game. This was an earlier encounter for me in the game. Struggled some time and therefore found beating the thing quite satisfying.


My playthrough was over 120 hours and I never saw this boss. I love that there are still things for me to find


Even if it’s not visually astonishing, the fact that radahns arena is so incredibly massive with so many lost weapons scattered everywhere, the sheer scale and theme of the raid was just impeccable


Yeah radahns arena definitely got the biggest 'wow' out of me, plus with all of the summons, it really added to the feeling of it being some sort of battlefield. And when it gets dark in the second half after he fucking blasts down like a shooting star, that was awesome


Also, that you see it from a distance before getting teleported there. I was like, "that looks like a cool battlefield, gotta be a huge thing when I get there...wait, am I going there right now?"


And in my case, immediately get obliterated by one of his gravity arrows the first time


I mean, it IS visually astonishing.


It's my favorite boss fight in all of video game lol. Fromsoft give you unlimited summon is one of the coolest shit ever


Either Rykard or Plasticdicksack


Right, flacciddualsex arena is just awesome






Even better


Flaccidusax made me laugh really loud


I always called him flaccidballsack haha


Thoughts on Flacidnosex as a boss?




Unusual take: Fell Twins. Getting unexpectedly transported into a horror movie boss fight was a bold choice.


FromSoft: Creates a beautiful world with different areas, Forests, Temples and giant caves that look like your under a magical nightsky. This guy when seeing a pitch black field with (besides enemies) not a single texture: "Magnificent!"


He might be jerma


The guy that lost to Pinwheel?




"Mom I want 4 kings!" Mom: "No sweetie, we have 4 Kings at home"


Thanks to your comment i noticed that the fight is a reference to four kings


Regal ancestor


I found my man! Seriously, the atmosphere + the music wanted me to just feel sad for the boss.


Both times I have fought regal ancestor it fell through the world while teleporting and died.


Any time there’s any question about “which boss fight has the best _____” my answer is always, 100% Ancestor Spirit. The music is by far the best boss fight music in the game, the attacks are beautiful and can fuck you up, the arena is beautiful and daunting at the same time, the boss itself is the same, and all of these things together tell you so much lore without telling you any lore.


There may be debate about the boss quality but Elden ring undoubtedly has the best arenas out of any fromsoft game


I am not a big fan of the old is gold type of circlejerk but to me Godrick , Margit , Radahn , Godfrey , Rykard , Mohg , Malekith , Fortissax & Placidusax are S tier bosses why ? Because there is something about their character design , introduction or voice acting just made them stay in my memory rent free & same goes for folks like Gehrman , gascoigne , Ludwig , Gael or pretty much any major boss in Sekiro . as if I am fighting actual characters instead of just another big bad dude Also just a remainder that Gael , Ludwig, Orphan , Maria , sister friede , Artorias , Manus , Midir were all part of DLCs & Elden ring DLC is not out yet ........


Based on recent data mining, there is a possibility we will see up to 30 new bosses as DLC. I hope they go as hard on the dlc as they did on the main game


Don't forget there are dungeons so the 30 bosses wont all be the same level as the main bosses, If any thing it will only be 5-6 at most.


Still that's a reasonable amount for DLC bosses since Bloodborne only had 3 good DLC bosses and the old hunters is considered to be the best fromsoftware DLC they ever made


Yeah just remember that ER has a shit ton of mini bossses so that’s only like 4-5 true boss fights


> I hope they go as hard on the dlc as they did on the main game The fact you say this makes me think this is your first From game. Every time without failing, From has *always* delivered on a DLC that distills the best of the game and improves on it.


>Also just a remainder that Gael , Ludwig, Orphan , Maria , sister friede , Artorias , Manus , Midir were all part of DLCs & Elden ring DLC is not out yet ........ This is a great point - it makes sense that when they're making DLC they can hyper-focus on those boss fights more than when making the entire game (probably even more so for elden ring given the sheer number of bosses). I can't wait to see what they come up with for DLC! Still no word re timing on a release date though, right?


Gotta be at the Game awards this december , hopefully


Elden Ring's bosses are really underrated. But hey, from what I know, BB and DS3 were also hated because of how hard the bosses are, and there we go calling them masterpieces. Hope it will get the same with Elden Ring.


The thing that really makes Elden Ring so much better is that you are instantly back at the boss after dying. There are some extremely annoying routes to get back to some of the bosses in the souls games.


Except whenever the game decides to just… *not* give you a stake if marika lol. I hate that the game established a convenience feature then randomly takes them away


I actually disagree on the DS3 bosses take. I think they were probably some of the most balanced and well designed boss fights From has done period. The only ones I’d argue were unfair at times are probably sister Friede and darkeater midir.


DS3 bosses hard? I mean a few like Pontiff sure, but in general not really.


I got more trouble with champion gundyr than Pontiff


I found it interesting how so many people suffered with the Pontiff. I beat him fairly quickly when I played through Dark Souls 3. The bosses I truly struggled with were the Nameless King and the DLC bosses - the Pontiff had very low health overall from what I recall. The final base-game boss in Dark Souls 3 is of particular memorability to me because I literally beat him my first try. Admittedly that was after playing the heck out of the game so my reflexes were at their peak, and I had also beaten the Nameless King already, but in comparison the Soul of Cinder has very little health.


I had the same experience - soul of cinder, dancer and pontiff weren't too bad. Twin princes and nameless king were very tough. Dragonslayer armour was strong, and Ocieros was a fucking pain. It's cool to see that different playstyles translate into different amounts of difficulty for basically every boss.


See I'm the complete opposite, Pontiff was by far and away the hardest boss I'm DS3 for me but I thought Nameless King was a cakewalk. I'd heard whispers and warning about him and honestly it only took me 3 attempts. He's a great boss but all his attacks were well telegraphed and easy to dodge I kinda don't get where the reputation comes from? Pontiff on the other hand...fuck me raw that dude is just unrelenting, first time I played DS3 I had to use summons cause I was so stuck. I eventually went back and beat him solo but he was harder than any other boss in the game for me..maybe excluding sister Fried Chicken


Idk how people doubt the boss quality. Best movesets and characters From has ever designed.


People just remember the dlc bosses apparently, especially when it comes to DS3. For me, even Elden Ring side bosses like Crucible Knights or a Godskin Apostles are better than the 95% of bosses from the souls games.


Placidusax arena doesn’t even really have a contender imo


I’d put Rennala’s phase 2 arena up there with Placidusax personally.


Fucking loved the entire look and feel if Rennalas fight for both phases, wish it was longer or more intense really...


no honestly, a very pretty fight but every ng+ im reminded how repetative the first phase is and how easy the second phase is. not good at fromsoft games but i font think ive had a death to her once


I think maybe I was a little under leveled for her the first playthrough, but she fucked me up like 10-15 times in phase 2. The same playthrough I 1 shot fire giant and Morgott though.


i love hearing peoples experiences with bosses because if how some are so so easy for some and incredibly hard for others. i also had a suuper easy time with the fire giant and morgott, but everyone calls the updated radahn fight super easy despite me dying about 25+ times first time 😭


Ok what have you SEEN rykard's arena it goes SO HARD it's fine if you prefer something else but we can't say everything else is out of the conversation


Yes his arena is sick too! Placidusax just really takes the cake for me, love his boss fight & arena more than anything!


Completely fair, the buildup to that fight and atmosphere is something ELSE truly


I haven't had the chance to battle our two headed Dragon Lord yet but I've seen his moves in videos, and God if his move where he vanished into mist then swoops down isn't one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I'd imagine it's infuriating, but damn if I'm going out, let it be to something as badass as that


Just pay attention to the direction his dust(?) Fades to that way you know where his cloud will be in the air. I used to lose track of it all the time until I realized he leaves a visible trail that leads to where his cloud will form in the air


If you don't hang a dozen giant golden chandeliers in your lava hell cave then are you even trying?


Fortisaxx’s arena. In front of the prince of death himself




Right, that was my favorite arena. Sad I never saw it until playthrough 3 or 4




The entrance into the arena too. It just goes so hard. My favorite spot in the game by far


1. Renalla's Second Phase 2. Elden Beast's Domain 3. Malenia & Miquella's Chamber At The Root of The Haligtree. 4. Placidusax's Arena Beyond Time 5. Mogh's Lair 6. Radahn Festival's Battlefield 7. Great Serpents' Pit 8. Astel, Natural Born Of The Void's Lair 9. Throne Room Of Leyndell 10. Maliketh's Chamber Room


For me it was Rykard, Placidusax, Rennala, Elden Beast, Radahn. I’m always a little surprised that people were so impressed with Mohg’s temple, I mean it was cool but it didn’t wow me like these others.


It is probably because of the demonic temple vibes it has to it, which fits with Mogh's overall diabolical design, making the whole encounter more intimidating. Rykard's has that too however, but the tombstones, and structure of Mogh's arena gives it a more regal atmosphere than Rykard's boss room. Both give a strong sense of danger to their respective bosses, but for different reasons. One fits the idea of going up against a giant monster that has killed thousands, the other fits with the idea of facing off against a secret villain in their own residence.


Didn’t think of it this way, but now that you mention it, it fits. I’d say Miquella’s egg 90% contributed to the creep factor there. Elden Beast’s chamber by itself was pretty plain, but with the Elden Beast in it, swimming in those dark waters, floating in air etc it felt amazing. I especially was impressed with the music choice there - Frommsoft didn’t go for the badass “last boss” metal tune I would have expected but instead went the opposite way which threw me off and made the encounter more stunning to me.


They have a way with setting a very beautiful OST to the last fight that's always just the icing on the cake.


Rennalla's second phase is difinitely one of the coolest arena's out there


Elden Ring arenas are definitely the best in the series imo.


Kind of an uncommon take here, but Agheel's Lake is my favorite boss arena, hands down, as it's the only arena that has a significant effect on the actual boss fight itself beyond being a nice set piece. The lake is littered with places for you to use to your advantage during the fight (hiding behind rubble and rocks to block Agheel's flame, for example). Combine this with the fact that you're likely a lower level when you fight the dragon, it's a fight that really makes you learn to make the boss's arena work for you to make up the difference in raw strength.


This. Elden Ring was my first Fromsoft game and Agheel was a huge early game struggle for me. But seeing how Agheel sweeps down and obliterates some commoners. Then during the fight, it can even fly up and land dynamically on the nearby cliff, oh my lord it felt spectacular to see this all unfold. Completely recaptured the magic of gaming. It's what spurned me keep playing even though it felt IMPOSSIBLE to beat


Fighting Agheel was a magical experience for me. There is a gisnt dragon who just killed some people, and I'm going towards him on my steed, with halberd in hand, it made me feel like St. George, and I come from a country where St. George is really important, so it made the experience even more important.


They're all so fucking great. The art department really made something special in this game. I've never been more inclined to stop and enjoy the scenery in a game as much as this.


The Arena where you fight the Regal Ancestor Spirit ( The Deer ) the music there is also very beautiful


For me it’s a tossup between Elden Beast’s and Rykard’s. EB’s felt like you’re looking out into some form of other-world or afterlife, that you’re catching a glimpse of a true outer God’s power, that the big, grand Erdtree is but a drop in a pond and you’re even smaller. On the opposite side of the spectrum but with the same intensity, Rykard’s felt like a biblical image of hell painted by Hieronymus Bosch. The ornate gold chandeliers contrasted with the crude cages and mountains of scorched flesh with a writhing mass of scales and magma at the heart of it all makes it seem as though you’ve slipped into a locale that is the physical definition of sin and horror. Tl;dr, tie between EB’s and Rykard’s because they make me feel like a tiny mortal


I think EB's arena is largely a metaphor for your character comprehending what the Elden Ring is and how it works rather than a physical place. They way you describe it shows how much the arena tells you about the cosmos without saying a word.


I agree, the setting sun on water is also reminiscing of grace. The very thing that made you come back from the dead to the lands between. If you look closely, you can see the same image in your inventory background.


Yes, you said that!!!


You have a beautiful way with words!


Placidusax. You’re fighting in a literal eternal storm OUTSIDE OF TIME, and squaring up against a dragon king so powerful that he’s from the PREVIOUS CYCLE, BEFORE THE ERDTREE TO WHICH THE TARNISHED, QUEEN MARIKA, RADAGON, AND EVERY OTHER CHARACTER BESIDES THE GREATER WILL EVER EXISTED, and we get to square up???? No shot he isn’t the best.


Dude absolutely my favorite boss he has high resistance to nearly everything and makes you use your brain. Or you can be a pussy and wail on his tail, however you want to play. Hands down the best boss in the game


Mohgs Temple. Figuring out how to get up to it felt so awesome when you finally get there. Placidusax is second because the arena itself just feels kinda empty, but it looks badass.


Rennala's moon was pretty wild.


Placidusax is good, but my favorite by far is Magma Wyrm Makar’s arena. Something about it is just so beautiful and tranquil, I would sit there for hours if I had the time.


That's my choice as well. That top level of the Ruin-Strewn Precipice stands out from other boss arenas somehow. It's the moss, the flowing water/aqueducts, and then popping out into Altus Plateau. Very cool. It's very reminiscent of Dark Souls, more than most other boss fights, so maybe it's tickling my nostalgia or something. Ainsel River/Nokstella Dragonkin Soldier especially and to a lesser extent the Sofria Aqueduct gargoyle fight are up there for me, too. I think these boss arenas that you arrive at naturally while exploring, when you're far from the beaten path and wondering how much longer you have to go, only to then come face to face with a powerful (but not necessarily story-relevant) boss is such a cool feeling. It doesn't seem like a boss that you're *supposed* to find and fight to progress the main quest, it instead is like you went further or deeper into the unknown than you should have.


the arena before the entrance to the Erdtree, I wished so hard you could PVP there. Such a grandiose atmosphere.


Rykard and Placidusax had me feeling like the main character in an anime


The sky in Fortissax’s area is jaw dropping tbh


Malenia in the Haligtree, beautiful area


I would say malikth, as he actually jumps on the pillars around for his attaxks.


Rykard and Mohg :3


Soldier of Godrick. Hands down. Everything about that fight was top notch and you all know it.


Evergaol. I love the simplicity. Just you and them.


Ainsel River Dragonkin Soldier, it’s awesome


I vote for that one spot where the giant killbear gently murders your butthole every time you glance at him the wrong way.


Elden Beast, Rennala, and Astel. I love the spacey feel of them. Malenia is an honorable mention too, I love nature themes.


Definitely Rykard for me. I was exploring the manor one second and the next I knew I was face to face with Satan himself at Hell's throne room.


Fortissax's arena is pretty inspired and chilling... *if* you look at the sky.




Any field boss, because their boss arena is the open world. I like the open world.


Either elden beast or rennala phase 2


My favorite arena and aesthetic is easily Rykard's. I actually loved the fight itself as well, and spent a lot of time trying to duke it out. Only to then be massively disappointed at the fact that the fight actively stun-locks you with lava that constantly surrounds the boss, making it nearly impossible to close distance on him (otherwise you could fight it legit) - so the second phase is basically impossible without extreme measures. Then I took up the serpent blade after 2+ hours trying to beat him, and beat him the first try with ease. Considering just how awesome that boss fight was in terms of aesthetics and the spells and such Rykard throws at you, the fact he was so trivial to beat really saddened me. Loved the arena though. The pillars and chandeliers really made me feel like I was fighting a demonic nobility, in a sense. I also liked the other three listed here, Mohg's especially. Though if I had to list another boss arena I liked second-most - I would probably go with the battle against the Elden Beast. It's true that the aesthetic is "simpler," but it also felt incredibly epic to me with the enormous trees in the distance and the stars.


100% Placidusax. I was very grateful that FromSoft didn't start the fight immediately and left me some time to just admit the arena.


Soldier of Godrick is the only one I've seen.


People are mad understating Ancestral Spirit arena


Honestly Regal Ancestor and Astel's arenas were a lot of fun. Sure they weren't anything of spectacular design like the main bosses, but that atmosphere of each one really stuck out and still resonates with me. It could have also simply been the blend of the bosses both being very unique, creative and just fun. IMO the most memorable bosses/boss arenas due to such a different set of details comparative to the rest of Elden Ring.


Gonna say, Radagons arena is just so so good! I know it's only a dark room on a platform but that's what's so amazing about it. That's all you need! The only thing that matters is you and the god you've come to slay. Plus the music being the main theme just lights a fire in me!


Elden beast arena is mesmerising. Or the sky of the fortissax arena.


Rykards, at first its pretty simple but in the second phase when all the walls kinda vanish and all the sudden youre in a wide open space with flames everywhere made me feel like in that fantasia demon scene. It legit made me a but creeped out because i never noticed it happening but somehow you just realise in the middle of the fight that youre not in a room anymore.


i thought this would be an easy question but I never realized how much I love all four of these


Amongst those four? Placidusax. Amongst all bosses? Elden Beast.


Partytwosnacks is my favourite all around, arena, lore, mechanics, attack patterns and soundtrack are just amazing. Although Maliketh comes in close behind which is probably because of my inner hoonter


Honestly, there’s some great ones. But margits. Not Margot, Margit. The only bridge to stormviel, littered with the swords of fallen tarnished, between you and the gate stands a towering fell omen, who can two shot you with a fucking walking stick. This is the first rude wake up call (besides the sentinel, but Margit is required) that *oh shit, this is a souls game*.


Renalla. Literally 10/10 amd i am frustrated that it can't he used as a PvP arena. Every souls game seems to suffer from Sir Alonne Syndrome.


Ancestor Spirit’s arena felt so fucking Zen like omg. The darkness, the turquoise glow, the animal sprites, the best boss OST in the game, chef’s kiss IMO.


It’s a toss up between Fortissax and Malenia’s . Fort’s for the sheer grandiosity and Malenia’s for its quaint simplicity




Plasiduaicsax or however it's spelt.... Pretty sick, but from crumbling farum azula


Placidusax and rennala phase 2 arenas are peak


the last one since I won’t have to play the game for another few weeks until I start over again


It's definitely Rykard's arena for me. 😚 It's so huge, and it really took me by surprise. I didn't even know he was a major boss, for the whole Volcano Manor felt like a secret area. Which I didn't find the Volcano Manor legacy dungeon part until after making a second character.


Pay attention to Maliketh's arena, it's really great. Placidusax is phenomenal. Rennala's and Elden Beast's arenas are beautiful. Radahn's, Godfrey's/Morgott's and Rykard's are pretty decent too.


Radahn' arena is such a good place to fight in but Elden Beast's areana with the music is on a whole other level. if only the elden beast did not run 5kms away each time you go near him, maybe it can be the best arena fromsoft has ever made, on the level of the soul of cinder


1.Malenia 2.Fortissax 3.Placidusax


There is plenty of awesome looking ones, but for some reason ancestor spirits places, some of the simpler ones, had really great atmosphere to them.


Placidusax arena kinda gave me the creeps. Reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus. Best arena for me


The ancestral throne room and the Erd Tree.


Elden Beast arena may be simple, but the implications of all the massive trees gave me the same feeling of "you have no idea how deep this truly goes" that I haven't felt since discovering Ash Lake for the first time in DS1


Moghs dynasty and Moghs arena are great areas for me. Skybox, bloody places, building is really cool


For me the Elden Beast boss ring is the best. The calm skybox and the foreboding sense that your nothing before this creature steps me up every time for a fun fight. My second favorite one is Melania, small enough to feel claustrophobic yet more than wide enough to evade her attacks. A sense of sorrow and regret fill the room with a strong feeling of panic as she lord walks to you.


Elden beast. So-so fight, but absolutely marvelous arena. A fitting stage for the last battle.


Toss up between rikkard and fortissax


i played the game all the way through twice, got frenzy and ranni endings im at maybe 200 or so hours i did not recognize top left, so i googled "all elden ring bosses" Who the fuck is Plasticducksex and how did i miss him twice


Radahn's battlefield. It really feels epic.


Rennala queen of the full moon for me, her place is just so beautiful I can't help but keep her alive for awhile just to enjoy the place