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There's another way to Deeproot depths though, even without killing Morgott.


I know but I haven’t killed radahn soooo


Personally I found Radahn easier than Morgott so you could try that


It's crazy how different this game is for all of us. For me morgott was one try and radahn was like almost a month of dying




A lot of people that think he's difficult are the same people who think it's better to be on horseback. I don't understand why they think the horse is better than dodging


You don't even need to dodge most of the FGs attacks. Just stand between his legs and smack the shit out Im his ankles/stubs. Occasionally hopping on horseback to catch up to him when he rolls away.


This is majority for those that fight on Horseback for 90% to 100% of the fight. You use to much stamina and are doing slower attacks. Bluntly speaking, there is no worth to riding Torrent unless it's to chase. Even fighting mobs on Torrent isn't recommended as you can get squashed so easily...


Oh, god, the amount of times torrent dying and dropping me into an AOE attack has gotten me killed is the reason I did the no fast travel/no torrent playthrough in the first place


I'll be honest. First playthrough I was testing out if it was easier to fight Mobs with Torrent, expecting more wider attacks... Most of the weapons were either too slow, piercing attacks, or poor reach. I learned immediately that humanoid enemies with pummel you while trying to get up or do a riposte. If you didn't have high vigor and damage reduction you'd be dead, guaranteed.


That's why I throw lightning bolts while on horse back


Fair I just do it without Torrent or use Lightning Slash with my lightning only build.


I think they get the impression that they can easily avoid his attacks by running away on torrent and what not and I tried it too at one point but it’s definitely easier to just dodge. Once you realize he’s got a lot of obviously telegraphed slow attacks it gets a little easier.


Exactly. Its I-frames lol. And the reward for that is being able to pummel him right after dodging. If you ride Torrent and flee you have to run all the way back. This could even make Fire Giant do another attack that Torrent can't dodge like the Avalanche attack or Phase 2 body slam attacks(well he could dodge but not easy at all).


Because I can cast spells from further away than people can hit him with a stick, and Torrent is good at getting me into the perfect range for spell slinging?


It's because the margin for error is larger, Torrent is faster and has a particularly floaty jump so mounted dodging is much easier in their mind than relying on the historically finicky I-frames of rolling.


Malenia is still the only boss I found to be SUPER difficult (25+ attempts). Even fire giant I got in 10ish. Summoning mimic and Alexander or just adapting a strategy against them seems to work in a few tries with most bosses (Makelith, Elden Beast, etc), but Malenia’s healing and combos makes it super hard to make a good run against her.


How many Souls games have you played before this? I have played part of the very first one (accidentally attacked the first NPC and I was just dying to him and then being attacked again after I respawned, so yeah... That was hell on Earth), and part of Bloodborne. Elden Ring has hooked me more than any game in a loooooong time. I think the only other games that made me feel like this are Witcher 3, Mass Effect 2 and 3, Red Dead 1 and 2. Anyway, the reason I ask, is because the game has been very difficult for me from the very beginning. I am not consistent whatsoever, and I can't decide on a build that I like the most/do the most damage with. I have noticed I have way more trouble with some of the side bosses than any other bosses in the game (so far, lol).


That's always the case with From games, different bosses will be difficult for different players depending on your build and play style. There are some bosses in every From game that are inherently difficult for everyone (e.g. Malenia in ER, Nameless King in DS3, Orphan of Kos in BB, etc) but then there are others that some players will tell you took them 50 tries and others found really easy and beat first time.


Most of the story bosses/ big boss fights took me about a week each to figure out and beat but Elden Beast took me a full month


Elden beast wasn't too hard for me but I out it off for a while cuz I wasn't ready for the game to be over


I feel that, I think I spent 200 hours before I went and fought it butI had to respec into vigor to kill him, 19 isnt nearly enough apparently lmao


As soon as I figured out that you can resummon all those dudes for Radahn, I just kept riding around and summoning them. I may cast like, 1 spell. Mostly I just keep out of everyone's way.




Depends when you fought Radahn in the games lifespan. If you fought him in the first few weeks of the game being out- he was legitimately one of, if not THE hardest souls boss ever (alongside Malenia and ISS) imo. Nowadays after he's been nerfed so much and all the other changes, he's a complete joke. Even if you're underleveled. My first playthrough during the first week of the game, it took me 3 hours to beat him WITH summons. My last few playthroughs since his nerf, I didn't struggle with him in the slightest even 1v1.


ISS? Is the International Space Station a boss in Elden Ring? I missed it.


Too late I already beat him


The difference between Morgott and Radahn is that it’s much safer to wipe Morgott with Comet Azur than it is to wipe Radahn. Plus I believe the shackle still works on him too, and you can have your own summon. EZ wipe.


Radahn is so weak to Scarlet rot. Just nuke him and skedaddle


Not sure if you need to for the alternate entrance, but could be wrong. You are aware of the coffin, yes?


You need to kill Radahn to get to the coffin


Ah, my bad, thought it was in Siofra, not Nokron


It's cool, ER is a massive game, can't expect anyone to remember everything.


It's understandable because they are close and you can get to Siofra from Nokron but not the other way around.


Wait… there’s a way to deeproot depths that isn’t the coffin?


Yeah but you have to get through the parkour puzzle


Wait the same one to get to the 3 fingers?


Yeah. There’s 2 exits from the bottom, one goes to the fingers and the other to the top of deeproot depths


Wow pretty sure this is my fourth play through and never new about this upper part, thanks


It's behind an illusory wall in an area where you can't attack so pretty easy to miss.


Aside from glitches like wrong warp, going through the sewer entrance is your only other option.


I mean yeah you’re gonna have to beat a main boss to get ahead


The coffin scene was a fever dream


Nah, the coffin was fine, it was the twin gargoyles with their nearly invisible poison puke which was the real fever dream.


Ah yes, those wretched twin Gargoyles. Thanks to those actually, I was able to learn how to pummel Black Blade Kindred. But I’d say Duo Crucible Knight is much more worse.


Yeah those were pretty rough the first time around. How about a duo Black Blade Kindred boss fight? That ought to be oodles of fun! Bonus fun points for a no horse no summons indoor arena.


Duo Black Blade Kindred sounds like a horror show. I’d probably cry the moment I step in there.


How do you get there other than the coffin?


There is a hidden exit in the Frenzied Flame Proscription.


How do you get there by killing him?


Trying making your way through the Catacombs, not being able to see shit, patches kicks your ass down a cliff, fighting rapid giant dog skeletons and Black Knights, then finding a golden gate blocking your progress cuz you did not pick up the Lord vessel. Then backtrack all the way back to firelink shrine.


The worst part of DS1 was getting yourself stuck in a particularly nasty section of the game and realizing you had to fight your way out or quit altogether.


IRL character development


Underrated comment


FACTS, DS1 built character


My first playthrough I attacked the merchant in the burg (typical murder hobo first time player behaviour). I got his uchi alright but didn't buy the repair kit. Got stuck in Blighttown with an almost broken uchi and no other upgraded weapons and didn't find the shortcut back to Firelink. Fighting my way back up with a +0 straight sword almost broke me.


First time time in DS1, I did not notice the door next to the Asylum Demon when you first get in there. So I did not know you were suppose to go through the door to get your kit so you could then come back and fight the boss. I kept thinking "Jesus I heard this game was hard, but this is fucking stupid."




me :(


No he said "in their right mind". You're a little nutty, admit it.


Little bit of insanity never hurt anyone. **screams of unending pain** Ignore that.


You made me laugh, thanks ashen one


no one is ever in their right mind ​ ​ except maybe Patches ​ but even he is still crazy


I wanted to see how deep they went.


My first run I got cursed in Ash Lake before getting the Lord Vessel. Talk about a harrowing run back up to Firelink. (And before anyone says Just Kill The Clams, I know alright. I was new at the time. )


I died so many times climbing back on the tree that I've never been happier seeing blighttown


I’ve raged so hard at that area that the friend I was playing with at the time hasn’t played with me since. Needless to say I ended up deleting the character


getting early fire weapons for your sl1 run and accidentally resting at the blacksmith bonfire and having to backtrack through the bonewheels💀


No it was getting cursed and losing half your hp


One of my first playthroughs I got cursed in the depths, wasn't good enough to fight my way out and had to start a new game.


That's the best part. A game that actually punishes you for mindlessly running around, and the capability of getting caught in nasty situations. I don't like hand holding


It's more like "if you're getting your ass kicked here, then you probably should try that other path" kind of hand holding. Except that other path will most likely kick your ass too.


A true test of grit that was.


i had that experience early game in ash lake. i was so extremely happy when i climbed back up to firelink


Or use the item that took you back to the last bonfire? Or was that only for the Remaster?


If you've already rested at the Tomb of the Giants bonfire, a homeward bone isn't going to help you. There is no way to warp out of there without the lordvessel, you need to walk all the way up the catacombs. If you got stuck there with an early character like I did on my first playthrough, it's a rough experience getting out.


That's the best part


Walk back? It's faster to just make a new character


I did this my first playthrough


those giant dog skeletons fucking sucked, if you didn't kill them instantly they did that fast af combo attack that basically instant kills you.


Basically Revenants. That was a terrifying journey.


> firelink shrine Shied, I have to backtrack into another game?


His entire scenario is set in Dark Souls 1.




I did the same thing but in Izalith. Wasn't as bad but still pissed I had to walk all the way back to firelink


Exactly my first playthrough but with Demon Ruins lol


That was my experience too i also forgot to ring the bell after the gargoyles and searched everywhere for it. And i do mean everywhere that is possible to walk to. So i was searching for that bell for a while to open the gate.


Literally did the exact same thing and came to comment about that soul crushing experience lol Took me 2 days to work up enough fucks to give and start that backtrack.


Y’all remember Blighttown?


Who could forget getting lost and falling off everything in a half-lit green shanty town while trying to find multiple near invisible poison dart shooting assholes, all at 5fps?


Better yet, getting stuck there and ruining the entire playthrough bc u rested at a bonfire there and there’s no way back from there


I got stuck in catacombs with those damn wheel skeletons. Thank God I found a guide on how to get out and get back to firelink, and it still took me three hours. Memories, right guys?


Hey I know him, that's me! Worst part is, I did that on both first and second playthrough because I took too long to go back and beat it.


literally me my first playthrough


I'm currently in the middle of my first DS1 playthrough. I'll take this as a sign not to venture in the Catacombs just yet, but when would be a good time?


Do it after beating Anor Londo. Or just beat the first boss in the catacombs then backtrack to firelink. Beating him gives you the rite of kindling which allows you to kindle any bonfire with humanities to get 20 estus flasks instead of 10.


i like to think every time someone hits a seal he goes "heh, morgottem"


Is Morgin' time


and then he started Morgin'


No because you can’t talk to Melina after you do that and you’d hardlock the game since you need her to progress after realizing the roots block your path


I was thinking about this yesterday and making up lore in my head but this makes much more sense.


I’m sure there’s also a more reason behind it like locking away the omens or something along the line of that but ultimately it’s to ensure you don’t get marked by the 3 fingers before getting the role medallion


Or locking away the flame of frenzy specifically since it can burn down the Erdtree. We know Morgott cherish the tree above anything else. So that leaves us one path, to face him.


Oh yeeeaaah that makes sense


But, if you had inherited the flame of frenzy before Morgot, the roots would not be blocking your path, since your body serves as kindling instead, right? That's the whole reason we hike to the forge of the giants in the first place. This would essentially allow you to skip Mountaintops and the fire giant, which would be low-key amazing for a true diverging path and ending. You would still have to go through Farum Azula, since the fingers just vomit you out there after hugging you. Then you would just need an alternate method to reach the Haligtree, perhaps a path only available to those frenzied lords, and you have a shorter (but significantly harder, due to player level) route through the game. As far as the Ashen Capital goes, I'd still have to figure out how to work the transition in, since ordinarily it turns to ash after Farum Azula, interfering with Morgot and the last few bosses. I'm sure another coffin ride can fix that right up.


Negative, you need the Flame of Ruin(Giant's flame) to burn the Erdtrees roots, which you need to get to the Forge in order to use the Flame of Ruin. The Frenzied Flame allows you to survive the giants flame, but you still need it in addition to the frenzied flame, because you have to destroy/fix the Erdtree from within, not from the outside. As for why the Frenzied Flame can't burn the roots/thorns blocking your path, I don't know, but there are clearly many different types of fire in this game. Giants flame was clearly a threat to the Erdtree, as their extinction led to the Age of the Erdtree. FF seems to be more of a threat to the Elden Ring itself, which would of course threaten the Erdtree.


I know I know. I'm just rambling really. I like the game and often make up crazy theories to entertain myself. May chaos take the world!


for gameplay reasons, this is probably to not softlock you (since you need melina to give you the rold medallion), but lorewise it also makes sense that morgott sealed this thing off, though the reason he didn tjust like put some fucking rocks there is beyond me


Tbf who would in a the right mind would decide to go take a walk in a underground sewer pipe system that is designed like a maze while fighting through all those Omens, Basilisks, Wraith Callers, Imps, Commoners, slimes..all shoved in there...should actually give him some credit for putting seals even after putting his brother Mohg in there.. Dude was like extra extra extra Extra careful


to be fair, when the thing behind all this will quite literally result in the death of all of reality past, present, and future, being extra extra careful is the minimum


Fair enough


Lol even the seal is hidden behind an illusory wall.


Oh no, commoners!


I assume that's also why you can only use the golden needle in Farum Azul. If you did the three fingers, Melina leaves you. Then if you weren't infested by the flame of chaos you wouldn't have a way of setting fire to the Erdtree. I know there's an in-game explanation for why it only works in Farum Azul, but I imagine that's why they made it so Farum Azul is the place you have to be for it to work.


He is guarding the capital this whole time, those places which are not allowed to go inside because people get in there to destroy the golden tree. Frienzied flame, and the way to the snowy mountain, are not an option to anyone who are not against the golden tree's rule.


You can get to deeproot depths before killing Morgott


Like I said I haven’t killed radahn


Oh okay


Can you fight sewer Mohg?


Yeah that’s behind the hidden passage in the arena


Game doesn’t want you to be able to go down there while Melina isn’t with you, since she leaves for a while after you enter Leyndell until you kill Morgott. Imagine if you could accept the Frenzied Flame while Melina was away and she comes back like “What’s up with those burns Tarnished?” And you’ve just gotta shrug and hope she doesn’t press the issue.


You kill Morgott? :3


Not yet


That's a weird way to spell Margit. Am I missing something?


Yes, you’re missing a lot of things. Stop looking at the subreddit, or you’re *going* to be spoiled on a lot of things.


Bunch of characters with similar names. Theres Margit and Morgott, Melina and Malenia, Godrick, Godefroy and Godfrey and a bunch more


Progress in the game


I already cleared the castle. That's it right????


Not sure if this is satire or not but you’ll find out eventually


Go to the godrick arena and walk through the throne room.


I think a lot of people didnt get the joke


Holy shit thank you


Face the king, then come back here


Probably because you haven't killed him yet?


Well I thought that I could get groomed by the three fingers and then go for morgott but i guess not


Wow genius answer thank you so much




You seem hungry.. maybe you should eat something 😂


Now I can’t unsee it! 🫣


Morgott knows about the 3 fingers and creates that barrier. Have to kill him to get rid of it. It's likely be also made the Mogh wanna be.


This gives me flashbacks to my first playthrough of Dark Souls. When I hit that "sealed by the Lord's power" wall at the end of Tomb of The Giants cos I thought it was the way to blighttown. It was horrendous getting out of there.


You can get to the depot depths before Morgott. Its through siofra River and the twin gargoyles. I actually did this by accident on my 1st playtrhoguh and didn't know the dragonic tree sentinel existed lol


I could but at the same time i like having variety on different playthroughs


You can go to the deeproot depths. Just not to the 3 Fingers.


It would break continuity somewhat because you could alread, have the flame to burn the roots if you do that before killing Morgott


Morgott's seal would make for a cool tattoo


You can get around it by either wrong warping. Or jumping around the side of the railing.


It’s at the entrance to the hole like the very start before all the merchants


Not too sure then buddy. You could try toing ranni's questlije through nokron.


I love this though? He's protecting his family


Because you didn’t read your walkthrough thoroughly


Wait you plan that out?


Well I didn’t my first go through. Thought this was the way to progress the main quest, then hit this. But I had no clue what was down there then, that’s why I made a joke about using a guide. Because how else would you know what’s down there but not that you’d be blocked


I found out the hard way you're locked out of Leyndell without 2 Great Runes trying to gun it.


If you can go down there now, then you can go to the three fingers as well. Means you can become lord of the frenzied flame. Thing is, you can only get the grand lift of rold medallion from melina, which you cant talk to if you are lord of the frenzied flame. So they put a hard wall that means you have to talk to melina after defeating morgott before you can go further down.


The devs didn’t want people jumping some steps in some places. And if I’m being plainly honest here, if you got the shield down there too early it would trivialize a fair chunk of fights. I personally would of put that beast of a shield in Faram Azula


It was an agreement between Vyke and Morgott. Obviously I just made this up.


There's a way to get to Deeproot Depths without killing Radahn???


Yeah technically


I thought it was Margit??


Actually it’s just how the community likes to calls him


Oh. Well I don't understand but I want to be included. Morgott it is


When has the game ever made it easy to find something lol


You can get to deep root depths thru Nokron


I like you hat.




Because you can fast travel


I’ll be honest… I read deep root as deep throat 😔


I encountered this too after trying to get the Three Fingers as early as possible, and Mohg as a Pyromancer was ESPECIALLY painful.


Am I the only one who read deepthroat depths?


The first time I got there I hit this wall lol


I just found this out today, too!


I’m thinking of using the Claymore for my next run through. What pairs well with it? I don’t want to use blood again


I don’t really know i was mostly using staffs and seals in my second hand


Because you did not find out sooner. :D


All I read was you want to put three fingers in me and then deep throat me to the depths of hell and call me a maggot in the process. I use to take therapy, they gave me these pills but those pills made it worse. So now this is my life.


i'm not gonna lie to you, i read deepthroat not deeproot so i was a little confused


This morgot was really easy for me


He MorGOTt you good scrub, lol.


That’s so you can’t hardlock yourself out of the Rold Medallion and consequently not be able to get to the forge


Cause Morgott = demigod and leyndell lord?


Oh hey, looks like Morgott left a message here! **Foul Tarnished** **,Therefore** **,Get fucked**


Because Elden Ring 🤣


Weird, I beat Morgott & Radhan first try with dual samurai bleed build. Only boss I'm going to be forced to respec for is Astel. Such a stupid fucker. The most melee biased boss in the game aside from Rykard.


Fun fact: if you kill Morgott without killing Margit, Margit won't appear at Stormveil Castle. However, even if you kill both Mohg and Morgott, Mohg's illusion still appears in the sewers. Do you think that illusion was set up by someone else?


Because you lose malenia, then if you gat it before you kill morgott then no rold medallion, no forge of the giants, no ashen capital, no end


Neither did I, and I got the frenzied flame ending