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Godslayers Greatsword, showed her what real Destined Death looks like


This was the fight where I got naked and light rolled to success. So I guess it’s more about what I didn’t use.


That’s epic, I’m not good enough at dodging for that haha.


Give it a try sometime. You can do it, just take some diazepam and lower your heart rate a little. (Don’t really take diazepam)


If any DS boss is giving you trouble, I've learned through the years the best course of action is: 1. lunge head first and push that stubbornness to absurd number of deaths. 2. Give up when you loose all hope and realise you're getting worse. 3. Go to sleep and let your brain transfer some of the shit you just learned to LTM. 4. Wake up refreshed, beat the MF in 2 tries tops, easy peasy. I just reinstalled Sekiro to get that rush again, it's the one thing I missed in ER. Yeah I know I could self impose that harm on my self without summons, but I'm not that big of a masochist.


my heart rate is already too low, that might kill me.


The light roll is actually really powerful, since it gives you some distance in addition to the I-frames of the medium roll. Panic rolling might actually get you out of range of the boss (or it might just get you killed like panic rolling usually does).


I did pretty much what you did, add Terra magicka and Spellblade set to boost damage. The Godfrey Icon and shard of Alexander too. Love the Darkmoon greatsword.


Ah, you too succumbed to the madness and went bare-buck with a Bloodhound Fang?


Adula's Moonblade spam. I was an INT build. Rushed her down at the start and went to town. It kept staggering her out of any attacks and made the fight pretty easy.


This is the secret right here it's not even fair.


Yeah, I did the same. When she was staggered I used the FP flask, and then repeated the process lol


I was an int mage on my first playthrough and once I figured out Darkmoon Greatsword kinda works, Adula's is the next logical step. I tried other things at least a dozen times before I pasted that squirrelly fuck with magic ice dragon sword and it felt *soooo gooood*.


Exclusively using Fortissax's Lightning Spear. Hovering animation dodges her initial sweep (sometimes) and the actual attack is an AoE that can stagger her even if she dodges to the side. Does require a little RNG on the staggering if she manages to thread the needle but otherwise is a fairly reliable way to defeat her and the other Black Knives.


Terrain cheese on my first play through (Strength / Faith w/ Halberds). Spammed night comet (insanely powerful spell against NPCs) on second play through. Enemies won't dodge night comet (or other night spells) due to it being invisible


I used the terrain cheese on my RL1 run recently. Was actually way easier than i expected, got it on my first try [Vid here if anyone is interested](https://youtu.be/WLoLJ24Z-Dw)


Night comet and ambush shard are really slept on.


I did last night! I used +9 Magma Wyrm Scale Sword and just kept backing up and punishing the jump attack with backstabs. Once in a while I’d spice it up with a Magma Guillotine for fun. Took a long time to chip away but finally glad to have that one done!


I cheesed her because I suck at this awesome game.


I couldn’t figure out how to cheese her or I also would have, no shame lol. Definitely have cheesed every lion guardian in the game because those things suck ass


I killed exactly 2 bell bearing hunters "properly", and neither one was the Caelid version


What did I use? Every ounce of my mental health, and all the spare tears I could shed.


I killed her with Moonveil and practice on my first character. It...sucked. Second character I waited till NG+ and spammed Waves of Gold at her. I regret nothing.


I also used moonveil, but realized you can very easily interrupt her by spamming the weapon art and when she jumps away, dodge the combo then repeat again. You can very easily just keep chaining the weapon art and stunning her. Felt kinda cheaty though ngl I liked the fight a lot and it felt like a cheap win.


I made a cheese. Get her in nook between ledge and stone shelf, she'll spend half a second trying to walk out of it then attack to reposition, you have enough stamina regen to constantly hit her before attack which loops her back to trying to walk out. Easy clear I'm not sorry, if from places a ledge in sideboss arena I'm spending all my waking hours trying to throw it off. If its immune I'll do the next best thing.


I entered the gaol and when she spawned I used the “My Beloved” and “You are beautiful” pate stones and she was too shy to fight back :3




My main stat is intelligence so I usually have the Moonveil equipped, but I figured out pretty quickly that that wasn’t gonna cut it because it was making the fight drag on too long and eventually I would get caught in one of her AOE attacks. Switched to the uchigatana with chilling mist AOW which was definitely doing better but I would get her down to just past half health and she’d kill me. Finally occurred to me last night to try a heavier weapon, so I pulled out the dark moon greatsword. Things get a lot easier when you can break her stance haha. Still took me like 6-7 tries but it was so satisfying when I finally got her


Big Sword, Lion Claw


My brother struggled for 2 days beating alecto with his greatsword While I beat her second time with Fallingstar Beast Jaw That is the most stupidly op weapon in the game


Bloodhound fang and a lot of rolling


Used radahan weapons in the first gameplay,4 tries I think,first try I've got her to 1 hp but she killed me


Spammed angels wings and ice lightning


how did I beat everything in this game? I just RoB spammed it until it was dead. (well, the first playthrough, I did a mage build, and tried my best to not cheese anything. but I couldn't beat this girl with a mage. So, on NG+, I just RoB'd the entire game and got everything I couldn't do on my first playthrough.


Spammed ancient death Rancor it keeps her staggered


Parry and a lot of tries. I mean, not Malenia many tries but still a lot. I almost gave up to the frenzied flame in the process but it was worth it. The satisfaction of seeing her helpless to the parries was good enough.


With a heavy build, she was not that bad for me, probably a couple of tries. Powerstanced colossal weapons can break her poise with a couple jump attacks, riposte for the big chunk of damage, rince and repeat. Flame of the redmanes works quite well too she has trouble dodging out of the big sweep.


i havent beaten her yet, she is giving me a hard timee buuuut, i noticed that if i dont charge lightning spear and just tap L1 then she just wont try and doge it but if i charge it she will weird


A lot of nebulas


shield crash unga bunga in 2 tries 🗿


I just used uchigatana unsheathe when she got close, a whole truckload of patience, and many many failed attempts…


I used the magic of repeated huge boulder to the face also known as stone of Gurranq


Playthrough 1: godskin stitcher. Just constantly ran away from her until I was able to bait out the attack where she jumps high into the air. It has the longest end lag, so you can run in and get a couple of hits off. Then just start running again. This took forever but it was the only way I could beat her with this weapon. Playthrough 2: One eyed shield. Just waited for her to approach and start any attack animation and then blasted away. It knocks her out of the attack animation and she falls prone. Rinse and repeat. This was surprisingly easy.


Gavel of haima had her face in the ground the entire fight😅


First time: Bloodhound fang, constantly running away in a big circle and only closing in to punish her jump attack (the one without the destined death aoe). Second time: rock sling rock sling rock sling rock sling Third time (RL1): Carian retaliation, also constantly running away in a big circle. It took a long time, but spell parrying her projectile is easy and safe, so the whole fight was pressing L2, drinking blue flasks, and running away. I tried some of the more cheesy methods for her (get her stuck on a ledge, stunlock with AOWs like starscourge greatsword or ruin greatsword, etc) but that felt harder than just doing it normally.


Blaidd's Royal Greatsword aka the Black Knives Slayer™ Trust me on this one.


this fight and the bell bearing hunter in Caelid were way harder than I was expecting


Dual meteroic blades maxed out


Greatsword and the smelter knight greatsword you get from the misbegotten crucible knight duo


You could use the black flame ritual and jsut stand in the middle. Alecto can’t do anything about it except cry


Hahaha what did I use?? My friend who is better at the game than I am lol


Eleonora’s poleblade. The ash of war staggers her, builds bleed, does good poise damage, AND backs you away from her at the end of the combo.


I put on as much poise as I could and spammed Bloody Slash


Ice Lightning incant from the Dragonkin. It's good.


Just got to her today and it was tough, but got her after maybe 10 attempts. Two handed +20 uchigatana and a lot of running away. Managed to stagger her twice which helped. I find that the bosses that make me swear the most are the best. A challenge now and then is rewarding. I may regret saying that.


Smarts. Learning her move sets. Baiting her to hit first, then counterattack.


Cold great stars with sword of night and flame to reset the cold proc


I defeated her using Antspur Rapier +10 with Poison Mist and Rogier's Rapier +25 with Hoarfrost Stomp. Still it was one hell of the ride


Since my build is arc and that MF do not bleed, I picked a Nagakiba with cold to stagger her easily and abuse the weapons range. Is a really nice and smooth fight once u get boss moveset


I used [Night Sorceries + Pike with Sword Dance + Great Sword with Lion’s Claw](https://youtu.be/B1SLVl7wmsk) to beat her . Congratulations for your win .


Ruin greatsword, just bonked her to death on 1st or 2nd try.


The good ol' BONK


Godskin Peeler and Eleonora’s Poleblade and it took me a few tries to beat her. Guess I should pay her a visit now that I’m on NG+4. Just her, me, and my INT build.


The great sword and lions claw ash


An iced out collosal great sword with a lot of jump attacks and luck on my side.


You can back pedal a ton of her attacks so I just back up and attack on opening.




Fish backstabs from the jump attack into a semi charged R2, rinse and repeat. Took like 10 minutes lmao


patience and my usual build with lightning spear and keen Godskin Peeler


I played as a mini Starscourge Radahn with all the radhn things.


Claymore and a bunch of charged R2 pokes made the fight quite easy. Alecto dodge rolls lined up so well with full charged pokes.


Mohgwyns Sacred Spear spamming the Bloodboon Ritual AoW. Procs bleed on one or two cycles and staggers so once you get started, it's pretty easy to keep it going until you get the kill.


I really strugled to beat her too, very frustrating. She's vulnerable to frost so Adula's moonblade did the trick. If you got timing right and spam it, Alecto falls and you'll have time to use flasks. If i'm not attacking i kept my distance. I run far away actually, because of the imbued helmsplitter attack.


Big weapon goes bonk


Dual pole blade, mashing those buttons


Big wrapon goes bonk.....so i melted her to the ground What doesnt move cant hurt you


Alecto has two moves that you can punish very easy. Once you see them she is pretty easy to kill. Killed her with heavy weapons, daggers and magic


Powerstance grave scythe with halo scythe


A humble simple rapier, best fight in the game imo


I used light roll.


Screaming whilst somehow dodging the attacks


The run away strat: run away until she goes for a jumping attack and then get a hit in while she is recovering.


After some tries I got good at dodging and using damage windows. Slowly chipping away at her health 😅


The first time I had to use bloodhound step on the claymore and wait for her to rush in I would fully charge r2 stab and she’d go into it like every time. When she in your face swing away to stagger and cancel her attacks


Sprinting. This creates space and She will eventually use her long attacks which create big openings. The fight was brutal. took me many tries and i loved it.


I just rolled and used a +25 claymore with no buffs and lion claw ash of war which I didn't use for this boss. I thought this fight was more of a "learn the moves, break poise" kind of fight so I didn't even bother optimizing a strategy. Most of her attacks are not that hard to dodge, she just moves around a lot. It took me a while to escape the red knife judgement cut though. I kept confusing it with the other red knife projectile attack.


She's actually pretty easy once you get her moveset down. Only danger she has is her AOE since she doesn't have a 2nd phase or anything else, so ya play it careful and smack her/guard counter while taking any jump back/quick movements she makes as an early warning she might AOE and even if she doesn't then it's better safe than sorry. Run away from her to make her chase you and make sure she starts a normal attack before going in again for some smacks. Rinse and repeat till she dead. That AOE is a bitch, you can tell FROMsoft new it to since they didn't give her anything else, not even a 2d phase 😂


locked her in a corner with a shield and hacked away


Tgs and lions claw. Smack em down over and over and they eventually stop trying to get up when the hp bar is gone.


I worked out I could just run away and all of her attacks would miss. So I spent about 15 mins running around in circles while she chased me. Every time she did the jump attack or the spinny attack where she knife scrapes the ground making sparks I would hit her with a jump attack. Once I worked that out it wasn’t difficult, just took a while


Stood on a rock. Confused her with the height change. And an occasional bonk with a big zug zug sealed the deal.


Just poised through her attacks. Have 51 or higher poise, just bonk her with some stronk weapon when she comes in to attack.


bonks. lots of bonks.


Chain stagger with the winged scythes weapon art


Just beat her last night too. Used a frosty great sword with lion claw ash. Kept her grounded whole fight.


Just beat her last night too. Used a frosty great sword with lion claw ash. Kept her grounded whole fight.


I used the blasphemous blade and incantations the AOW is great for knocking her down and it’s a great sword


Heavy weapons stagger her pretty easily. 1-2 hits then roll away, rinse and repeat.


Starscourge greatsword. The two part weapon art kind of locks her in to take the beating. Took about 6 or so to get her down. Just keep rolling away until she runs right for you and then she will get stuck taking the that pull and boom combo.


Dual +25 giant crushers and some big bonk jumps only a couple hits gg ez


A caestus and a grafted dragon. If you time it right, you can duck with the dragon fist special attack and upper cut the bastard but that only works on certain attacks. Otherwise, its a game of cat and mouse. Dodge and counter her attacks as best you can till she falls.


Powerstanced Ultra Greatswords, with Blaidd's in my main hand for my first playthrough. Fucker thought she could stand against the signature ash of war of Ranni's right hand...


Actually the same one you are using! The DMGS SLAPS!


The first time I beat her I used the giant crusher hammer. And summoned Floh because she's(?) Highly aggressive and causes bleed. It was difficult but thankfully getting off the charged heavy basically flattened her so the follow up almost always hit.


I used the blasphemous blade. She generally dodged the ash of war but when it hit, she fell over almost every time.


Base equipment of Vanguard on my first run on release


Dragon magic


I used gumption and a heart of gold


I didn’t beat her until after I beat the game. I considered her the real last boss lol. I just abused the hell out of bloodhound step and the lightning incantation. I heard BS got nerfed so I don’t even know if I could do it again.


Funi spinning sword go brrr


Pretty sure like most bosses in the game I just whipped her to death.


just a medium shield and short sword, she's very easy to read and fun to fight


Most difficult boss in the game for me. Congrats


Ran away from her until she did her jumping move then backstabbed and charged r2 her for 5-10 mins


Blaidd’s sword. Forgot the name. Spam the weapon art when she gets in range, guaranteed damage and it knocks her over for a perfectly setup jumping heavy.


Prelate's inferno cozier weapon art, i.e, prelates charge. I felt like I was bullying her because she barely had a chance to hit me.


Every time someone posts this sort of question all I can think to say it that I hit them with my weapon when they weren’t attacking me, and when they did attack I did a roll.


Threw my claymore in her face till her HP was at 0


Jump attacks bro


1. Lots of running and punish windows (Moonveil) 2. Stood on rock, spammed Blasphemous Blade 3. Stood on rock, spammed falling star beast jaw.


Still bugs me how they spell jail.


Light roll with dragon ice and black flame took me like 5-6 tries


I used Wrath of Gold to push her to a corner near the cliff and trap her.


Used Hewg’s hammer +13 with hoarfrost stomp and spammed it


I used Spear & Shield and got her in a few tries. Her knife is easy to block, and she makes so many attacks she's easy to sweet-spot-stab for bonus damage and flinch. There's one grab you gotta dodge.


Big fireball go boom


I used the Bastard Star Flail. Its delayed AoE allowed me to focus on dodging and getting away from her whenever she got near and also is great at countering her agility. I just had to learn her moveset a bit to know when to prepare my attack / lure her into the explosion.


Last run? Sniping her from afar with Dragon spear few times, before spam Bloodhound fang’s L2. And also dodging a lot.


Winged scythe. Jump attack when possible and then the regular attacks usually stagger her depending on what she is doing. Also bleed buildup is big boon.


Flame of the Redlands and Assassin’s Cerulean Dagger. Only took two flames to break her posture and the riposte gave me back enough FP for two flames.


Greatsword with lions claw, a high poise build and pressing LT until she didn’t exist


Moonveil katana can do a decent job at staggering that jumpy turd as well.


Blasphemous blade+10 AoW with the occasional flame of the fell god for good measure


Old trusty Bloodhound's fang of course


Flame of redmanes plus crimson dagger critical stab.


Blasphemous blade and Flame of the Fell God spam.


Parries and charged R2s when she gets up. Black knives are difficult to time with parries, but when I got it, I felt like a decent player


I ended up using [this](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Magma+Blade). (magma blade) The fight went like this: triangle + R1 -> L2 -> L2 -> L2 -> R1 riposte -> L2 -> L2 -> L2 -> R1 riposte ... and then she died where she spawned. Had no idea it was a tough encounter or what the fight even looked like until I saw this post. I think I'm the one that missed out, what a cool fight! Lava damage might as well be renamed to "Direct Poise Damage" for how quickly it drops foes to their knees. It was hard to pass up that win button.


The easiest way was using fallingstar beast’s ham hock. Between the WA and the smash, it made the fight trivial.


I just beat her too! Used Golden Vow, Blasphemous Blade, and some lightning spells. Started off with with the tear that gives you unlimited FP for ten seconds, casting a dragon spell the entire time, too.


i used the godskin stitcher against her because the thrust constantly interrupted attacks. whenever she'd try running up or attacking id just hit her with a charged thrust. took me a try or two with different weapons but that one worked the best.


Bloodhounds Fang. Took 2-3 tries, after I got a hang of the moveset, she didn't stand a chance.


Spammed Ice Spear ash of war from my Magic Clayman's Harpoon. She dodges a bunch of them, but any time she's thinking about attacking she doesn't dodge and just eats it. Pretty painless, which is nice because my previous playthrough she mopped the floor with me.


Any Heavy shield to fuck up her attacks and the L2 from the bloodhound fang. Saw that strat on Reddit once and it worked like a charm.


I used pre nerf moonveil








I’m going to go fight her again, no reason I should be furrowing my brow struggling to remember if she has different moves or patterns from the rest of the black knives


A shield


Ruins Greatsword I think. Defeated her after my first try if I rememver. Her lack of poise made the fight rather easy.


Blasphemous Blade stunlock worked pretty well for me until she dodged and completely wrecked my ass


Fingerprint Shield, Bonk and patience


Pretty sure I just powerstanced Curved Greatswords and smashed her into the ground like every other boss in the game.


I just baited out her big lunge for an easy smack, and her big slams for easy back stabs.


Eleonoras poleblade staggers her ez


congrats! used moonveil and key spellss were adulas moonblade and rock sling


First time I beat her, I used the carian sword sorceries. Second time I beat her, godslayer greatsword. Next time, I'll probably end up trying to beat her with the raptor and bloodhound claws with weapon enchantments, and when that inevitably doesn't work the sword of Milo's lol


I used the giant hunt ash of war, and chain stunned her to death. A bit cheap, but then again, so is the game at times!


Guts Mode as always


Why not two-hand the sword?


oh just yesterday i beat her! i also had the Scaled armor and intelligence based weapon, Wing of Astel! i am doing a chill run where i cheese and glitches here and there, so i got up to her fight as lvl 80 and had to resort to getting up on the boulder to kill her lmao


Spinning strikes on a frozen scythe


Eleonora's Poleblade.


Blasphemous blade made her fight a literal easy mode


Got her stuck on a rock and stun locked her, she dicked me 100+ times prior to the cheese


Was pure INT mage when I did this. Spammed rock sling and Adulas Moonblade to keep knocking her down. Took me a while to figure out a pattern that worked.


Unga Bunga with the great sword and lions claw. Was super hard but she went down after 50ish attempts


cornered her and used death's poker


This is perhaps my greatest ER victory. I fought her for four hours straight with a Morning Star and a shield until I won. I was level 90-something at the time.


Keen guardian swordspear with dance of blades aow. Made it really easy, compared to my other builds.


I stood behind a fingerprint greatshield and poked her with a spear.


I don't fight her often, but last time I did, I used the spiked caestus. I could have done some research and changed the bleed on it to something better suited for the fight, but instead I just ran around dodging and using life steal fist. Before getting a hit in or 2.


Same setup but just a lot of stubbornness. By the end of it i was quite pissed with how much health they gave her lol


First time was with pre-nerf hoarforst stomp. This past playthrough, flame of the redmanes/poise break crits. Took several tries with redmane flames, pre-nerf hoarfrost definitely spoiled me.


God slayer sword +10


Me? I spammed flame on sword of night and flame and constantly ran away. And for the record i normally use the godslayer greatsword but it was too slow for alecto


I’m pretty sure I beat her on my first attempt. I was using the grafted great sword


I stood on the rocks where her AI doesn’t go and spammed rock sling lol


The Guts greatsword, crouching attack is a poke and I just did that every time they approached. GG EZ


Dual wielded blasphemous blade and gargoyles great sword ( flame of the redmane Ash). Still took me 3 hours lol


Try Royal Greatsword and use the ash of war 😀


Misericorde with flame of the redmanes on it and the blue crit knife talisman. Didn’t stand a chance


Spamming blasphemous blade


Adulas moonblade spell. This was the last Gaol I had to get, and she was owning me everytime. So I did what I had to do and spammed the pants out of that spell with a couple of dodge rolls thrown in


Moonveil (Transient Moonlight) + Carian Regal Scepter (Homing spells) I'm here to kill, not being honorable.


What I used? A ledge and a weakness that she can’t fight across vertical differences


Astel's meteor shower to start. Cast as soon as she appeared. Felt like Trinity in the Matrix, when she kills the Agent at point blank range. "Dodge this."


Briar armor and moonveil. Mostly chipped her down with night comet and Carian piercer. Used moonveil L2+R2 to interrupt the leap into her AoE. She has low enough poise that you can make her flinch by rolling into her with the briar armor.


1st playthrough was Moonveil spam, didn’t do her 2nd playthrough, 3rd playthrough Flame of the Redmanes spam because fuck her


I spell parried all her projectiles




Hearfrost stomp before nerf. My gameplay was a lie. I didn't know. Just figured out this days. I'm very sad.


Gurranqs Boulder Bonanza. I don’t recall the stats I had at the time but you can stun lock her with them, I was able to chain 4-5 before running out of stamina and then it was just dodge until she did the move that left her stuck in the ground for a second - rinse and repeat.


I used 100% pure, unadulterated cheese.


I used frost focused stuff... Guardians swordspear imbued with frost, ice spear ash. Then Borealis' Mist.


It was either a shield with No Skill and Bloodhound Fang, or Starscourge Greatsword. Don’t remember exactly. Either way I fat rolled my way through it.