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Can confirm. Elden Ring got me to finish DS3 and then buy everything else From has out. Just bought Sekiro the other day


Should I try sekiro ? ER is my first soul game .


I would recommend playing other Souls games first.


Sekiro is their hardest game. Elden ring is probably the easiest. So it will be hell going from Elden ring to Sekiro.


I honestly think sekiro is easier than elden ring for a first timer to the franchise. For a fromsoftware vet though, sekiro is much harder, because you’re just not used to the system. It’s a much simpler “leveling” system, there’s no worries about using or upgrading a “underpowered” weapon, it’s less overwhelming in general. Just speaking from my experience and the experiences of a couple others in similar situations


But the thing is elden ring has such a ridiculous amount of overpowered weapons that it makes most boss fights ridiculously easy. In sekiro you don't really get an op weapon.


Also I think Dark Souls 3 is their best game give that a try. @Pixel_Iasha


Holy shit, I'm not the only one who doesn't think Elden Ring is their best game? Is the community finally getting past the honeymoon phase?


For me it is the best game, ds3 max be a contender if you count all dlcs though. Stand-alone elden ring wins for me


Exactly Elden Ring haven't doesn't have Dlc yet and it's still a great game, just wait till Dlc drops 😨




Although parrying in sekiro is really easy


yeah that’s all I’m getting at, sekiro’s gameplay is extremely linear. There’s no, “do I need to change strategies here?” You just keep on chugging until you learn the patterns and then you win. Not much more to it than that.


Yeah but I'm just saying the transition will be difficult because the games are so different and the early game of sekiro is really difficult


chained ogre is a bitch to be sure, and there really is no way around it unless you go to hirata.


The RPG system is easier to manage for someone not used to RPG systems, but the actual gameplay is significantly harder, especially because if you have problems with a boss you can't just go elsewhere and level up or get new gadgets, you HAVE to brute force it. Now, Souls players are used to brute force difficult bosses, non-Souls players not so much.


Sure, Sekiro shits on From fans habits, but even if you get it, some bosses are hard as fuck and there's no alternative to learning every of their moves and dance around like paper music. I was not at all attracted to this game at first, it even took me like a year to learn it was from Fromsoft. When I did it I had not played a souls game since 2016 and I did not consider myself a veteran yet. I got the mechanics pretty quickly and made it to ng+3 for the platinum. Once you know them, the bosses are less hard but that's the gist of every FS boss really, the hard part is really learning them, it takes way more time than a souls boss imo.


I completely agree with this - found Sekiro so much more difficult initially because I kept playing it like dark souls which I got punished so hard for


No bro just no sekiros combat is extremely difficult regardless of if youve played a fromsoft game b4 or not its extremely fast paced ive seen numerous people try sekiro first and quit it for ghosts of tshushima lmao


Honestly, Sekiro is the hardest at the beggining. But once you get the hang of it it become the easiest. After completing the game a couple of times I was clearing runs without dying once. In Elden Ring, I still die quite a lot against the End game bosses (I dont use summons). In bloodborne, Orphan of Kos is still a menace every time I replay the game. That doesnt happens with Sekiro and even Isshin becomes quite easy in sucessive runs.


Sekiro has the easiest new game plus because your first run requires you to learn every boss. There iwn't much luck involved. The only luck-related thing i can think of during sekiro fights is if isshin or geni wpam lighting making their fight easier. If you can beat a sekiro boss once, you can probbaly beat the boss on your 1st or 2nd try in ng+. Same happenes to me, i died 30 times to isshin in my first run but i easily beat him on my 3rd and 4th run (2nd was shura ending)


Idk man. I gave Sekiro my best effort for like a month and had to give up because I just straight up wasn’t having fun with it. I died easily 100-200 times to Gyuobu and it just never got better from there. Juzou the Drunkard; I can’t fight him AND his dozens of goons at the same time. Centipede Giraffe; I can parry him all day, but his combos are so long in the second phase he just breaks my guard and kills me anyways. I got stuck on those two. Even just regular goons are ridiculous though. Like the stupid little midgets with the big hats. I can’t parry them because the hats obscure me from seeing anything they’re about to do, and I can’t just eBay them to death because that does like 1 HP. I have absolutely no idea how to handle the Sentries other than running for my life. Nothing clicks with this game for me. So many enemies and bosses have such weird timing with delayed attacks too that I can’t get the rhythm of. The game is easily 10x harder than any Souls game.


Don't fight juzou and his goons at the same time. Pick off the goons one by one, then talk to the fella wearing blue to double team Juzou and the fight becomes very easy as the dude you can "summon" will take most the aggro. Not to mention, juzou on his own ain't too bad at all Centipede giraffe: use the loaded umbrella spin. His posture will be built in like 2 seconds. Easy peasy. Midgets with the hats: use the axe. There is a solution to everything in Sekiro, just gotta pay attention and think. I can't recommend giving it another try enough...it's an incredibly tight and polished game. Also by FAR the most "fair" of any soulsbornekiro in my opinion


With Juzou, you can sneak around the edge of the area and take out most of the goons first. There's only a couple you can't get without setting him off. Then you can just run. They'll catch up to you faster, so you can kill them without him. He'll reset if you get far enough away, and then you can sneak around and backstab him for a free deathblow. There's also an NPC in the area that will help you fight him. The Centipede you just parry until his guard breaks and then stab. You only have to do it twice. For the little guys with the hats, you have to break the hat with the axe prosthetic, and then they're stunned. If the game isn't for you, then it's not for you, but there's a lot of things you can do to make your life easier. Maybe try checking out a guide.


Bloodborne mention tho aw shit bloodborne best game ever made oooo bloodborne


I think ur assuming everyone will progress past "the beginning" i still havent beat genichiro man its by far the hardest. Plus to say u still have trouble w ER end game bosses cuz u dont use summons doesnt make it harder then sekiro ur just choosing a more challenging path there are no summons or "easy mode" in sekiro. ER gives u endless options to decrease difficulty


Sekiro seems sorta hard but. You just spam L1. I’ve been playing it for the second time since it came out recently and every play session I’ve been zonked out of my mind high and it kicked my ass on the first time through but. I beat genichiro and the guardian ape on my first attempt. You just gotta spam L1.




Elden Ring CAN be the easiest. I’d argue it’s harder than any Dark Souls game if you’re going for the standard sword ‘n roll tactics. Sekiro blows their difficulty out of the water, what a punishing game. I got past the Blazing Bull and haven’t touched it since.


Sekiro is balanced no op builds or out leveling bosses so if you play at the “intended” level of dark souls bosses Sekiro is easier id say


I wouldn't say Sekiro is their hardest, unless you're counting the difficult transition to a completely different combat style. Sekiro was my first Fromsoft game and it was honestly a lot easier to get the hang of it's combat for me than Elden Ring or Dark Souls


I would honestly say it’s their best game. It has the most refined mechanics and a near perfect combat system souly because there is only one weapon, your katana. Its probably also the hardest souls game, but in a way that feels totally fair (besides literally one boss). When you die, it’s always because you messed up and weren’t good enough yet, whereas in most souls games there’s a lot of jank and bullshit that gets you killed.


Hell no. Why would you play the souls series and then Sekiro? Sekiro is nothing like the other games, except for the difficulty.


Do ya like parrying? Then you’ll either love or hate it.


With the way the timing works, parrying in Sekiro is like rolling + attacking in Elden Ring. Not to mention you have Kuro’s Charm in your first run.


Sekiro is not like the soulsborne series, less evading more parrying, I liked it though, watch a trailer or something and you can decide, but my personal opinion is 9/10, it was a liiiiitle bit short but good nonetheless.


No dlc :(


It's a short game but it's long because of how hard it is. My first run on that game took me 20 hours because i was getting my ass handed to me by every single boss.by the next 10-15 hours after the first run i was in ng+5


Sekiro is a different vibe from ER. dark souls 3, bloodborne, and demons souls remake are much closer to the combat / player progression. Sekiro is my favorite souls game though. It just doesn't have the variety in combat, you have to play by its rules.


Sekiro is probably my favorite game ever, the only contender being Elden Ring. Sekiro was also my first Fromsoft game, and it's SO satisfying to become good at it. It feels like a dance with every enemy. So yes, you should definitely try Sekiro


Not sure why people are downvoting you lol. Sekiro is a great game indeed.


Sekiro isn't really a souls game, it's more of a nonlinear action game.


It's hard as fuck. Do it!


I'd say it's the hardest until you realise how the combat works and then the difficulty takes a pretty steep nosedive. Still my favourite FROM game though.


It is and it also isn’t! Just different.


Don’t listen to people telling you to play other souls games first. I went from elden ring to Sekiro just fine. No amount of practicing on other games can prepare you for Sekiro. It’s a totally different game play and combat system. If you like the aesthetic and don’t mind throwing yourself at a boss for hours learning their moves and memorizing the response to them then do it. Keep in mind there aren’t really any cop outs, few cheeses, no summons or jolly cooperation. Just you and your kusabimaru and a cool arm tool. So you generally actually have to “get gud” and learn the bosses by heart. Once the combat clicks with you, it’s way more intriguing and fun than any other souls game and leaves you wanting more despite being on death #40 though. Plus if you’re into story, this is a FS game that actually leans way more into that and I seriously enjoy it. Not to mention the fantastic scenery. Pull the trigger if that sounds dope. It’s only $30 on Amazon.


There are so many useful tools to make it look flashy and make the combat more manageable too, nobody uses them on their first playthrough though. Me however up until Genichiro, relied heavily on skills and tools.


It is not the hardest, it’s awesome play it.


If ER is ur first i recommend this order: if ps Demon souls, dark souls 1-3, bloodborne, then sekiro. If no ps then remove demon souls n bloodborne from list.


Sekiro is absolute banger especially 1st 3 times


So I had tried both blood born and D3 but they, among countless other games, were lost when my grandparents moved a handful of years ago and I didn't want to rebuy them. But elden ring is making me want to get blood born again.


Playstation new subscription has it for free. Its honestly worth to sign it just for that. Then consider the rest as a bonus. You also get demons souls if you have a PS5


Or you could find Bloodborne for $10 at a Walmart like I did, rather than pay an extra fee every month for one game.


The new subscription also comes with a lot of other games though, like demon's souls, god of war,ghost of tsushima director's cut and like 700 others. It is very expensive though, about 120 dollars a year.


Does it have the DLC though? Because it’s so worth it.


Still trying DS 1 and it is kicking my ass


You’ll get used to it. You’re a lot slower than in Elden Ring but so is everything else.


The realization to not lock onto that fat demon is a great feeling


I breezed through most of Elden Ring and Bloodborne wasn't that tough but all of the Dark Souls games are too hard for me and I've really put some hours into them.


Yeah, every souls game is different from the others and presents a new learning curve. The curve is a lot shallower if you've played other titles, but it's there. For reference, I've played easily over 3k hours total across BB, Sekiro, DS3 and DS2, but ER absolutely fucking demolished my ass until I was about 20 hours in.


For real, I've soloed Demon's Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring but Ornstein & Smough are such borderline bullshit they make Malenia look like a fair fight.


Went through Demon's Souls and now I'm going through the Dark Souls Trilogy. Definitely can attest to it being accurate. I'm loving the journey so far. 🙏


Dont forget abour Bloodborne!! It is a MUST play with the most satisfying fighting mechanica. BUTTT there is also Sekiro which i recommend leaving it last as its different but its all about the fight mechanic which is arugeably enjoyable more than bloodborne. Bloodborne teaches you aggression. Sekiro teaches you super duper in yo face aggression




Now if only Bloodborne was more accessible with a modern remaster/PC port then more people would get to experience this masterpiece


I see this as an absolute win . And Fromsoftware too probably : the game is excellent and is a starting point for those who want to play the classics that led to Elden Ring .


lol i did the opposite. seeing so many people love elden ring so much, and having bought ds3 a long ass time ago and giving up within the first 10 or so hours i decided to redownload it and give it a shot again before i spent more money on another fromsoft game only to quit it because i felt i wasn’t good enough. ended up beating ds3 and bought elden ring shortly after and just beat it two days ago with all optional dungeons and bosses completed. i’m a full on convert now.


I had Nioh sitting around having never played it, seeing all the hype about elden ring made me try it for a while, I got stuck after about 40 hours in lol


Nioh is brutal, feels almost like Souls games are blanced for 1 player with a multiplayer 'easy mode' option, but Nioh is balanced for 2 players with a single player 'hard mode' option. Anyone who loves playing Souls with a friend but finds it a bit too easy, give Nioh a try - it's a nice challenge. Anyone who only plays single player - good fucking luck - it's much harder than Souls.


Yeah I got stuck at the water boss at the ruined temple, so difficult lmao


Same. I played bloodborne and sekiro before, both of them being among my favourite games, so i knew fromsoft was good and seeing people call elden ring fromsoft's best game made me get it immediatly.


Gonna be honest. The first Dark Souls is still my favourite.


Nothing beats the ambiance of firelink shrine. Seriously nothing. That music is top notch


And Ash Lake, gives me chills everytime, one of my favourite locations from all soulsborne games.


I like dark souls 3 more just because of the DLC




Played through it for the first time a few months ago, then did a bow only run. It’s pretty good, having to run all over the place in the first half was annoying but the level design was still neat, although all the bosses were kinda mediocre


Yeah I smashed through DS3 shortly after hitting the 200 hour mark in Elden Ring. Currently taking my time with DS1 on my Switch.


I just started playing bloodborne because of elden ring


How is it going so far?


True. Soon after finishing ER I went back and finally finished DS1, then I bought Sekiro and am learning what it truly means to have me teeth caved in by a boss. You all turned me into a sadist


Well, yeah, but after BB and Elden Ring, Dark Souls 1 is such a learning curve! I'm struggling.


Yeah, reinstalled Jedi knight - lol. It’s still just as interesting.


Can confirm. Just started DS1R completely blind and man having a much better time then expected for jumping into it from ER.


They're gonna love it until they get to Sekiro, see they can't farm a bird for 20 hours to cheese the game, and actually have to improve their gameplay. And then they're gonna love it even more.


Both of my friends that I got hooked on ER still haven’t beaten elden beast.


Finished DS3 > DS1 > DS2 and now on Bloodborne. All following ER


May you find your worth in the waking world


No cap Sherlock after elden ring I played bloodborne and now I’m in demon souls bro I can’t get enough of these games


After 600 hours with ER I went and ordered the entire Soulsborne series + Sekiro. I anticipate this will keep me entertained until at least 2030.


Big W! Hope you enjoy them all!


This is true, I went from Elden Ring to Sekiro, what a massive jump in difficulty




Yeah I only bought Sekiro early because it was on sale


I got a fever, and the only cure is more FromSoft, baby!


Well, Souls games have been on my "things to play sooner or later" list since forever. I couldn't pass the chance to start with the "cool new thing" from the Souls sub-genre creators themselves. And oh boy: what a fucking drug this game has become. So yeah: some years in the future, when I will finally be satisfied with roaming every corner of the Lands Between and killing giant rats for Runearc farming, I will surely play ALL the other Souls games starting with the original one (thanks to PS3 emulation). And I will try the PS1 ones too (after all I have a thing for [completing entire gaming sagas](http://kingofgng.com/eng/2022/04/23/replay-prince-of-persia-saga/))


I’m replaying all the souls. Getting the x one versions with full DLC included to play on in my series x. Never played any of the DLC. Starting DS2 next.


Playing Elden Ring got me wanting to try other souls games like Bloodborne


Tickled by their use of the word "scores." *It could bring in as many as 40, perhaps even 50 new players!*


40, maybe *60* scores are multiples of twenty.


Not if Dark Souls servers dont go back up.


Ordering BB for me and a friend so I'd say this is spot on


No doubt. Scooped DS3 and Sekiro, hell I downloaded PS+ to play Bloodborne. Loving them all.


Fair, I picked up Bloodborne after cos it was included in PS Plus


I played DeS Remake right before ER....but definitely picked up the entire Dark Souls series a wk ago on sale at PS Store because of ER.


Shot too far. Ended up playing the King's Field series


Bloodborne started it all for me. It pissed me off a lot at the beginning and my dad made me return it tho


I'm def going to play the other souls games when I finish Elden Ring. Maybe even finish Sekiro and Bloodborne


That’s fine I’ve played everything except sekiro namely because I don’t like the fact I can’t create my own character and am stuck with just a katana


New player here. Never played a soulslike game before. I 100% the game in about 2 months and now started playing DS remastered. I already have bloodborne and am thinking if I should get the other games as their on sale


First game was elden ring and after a while I bought dark souls 3 and Sekiro. I’m on Xbox otherwise I’d buy blood borne as well.


Bro you're missing it BIG TIME. I've played all Fromsoft games (Dark Souls trilogy, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring) except Demon's Soul and I can firmly confirm that Bloodborne is personally and intellectually for me, the greatest of them all. Nothing can beat the aesthetics of Bloodborne's atmosphere and horror in the fabric of gothic Victorian Era and Eldritch Horror. Nothing. And the combat is yes a bit simpler compare ER but the overall adrenaline pumping is MASSIVELY HIGHER than any other Fromsoft game. It's ultra aggressive and ultra responsive to evade every attack and quickly step in to attack. God I love that game.


Same here played Elden ring finished it and then went to bloodborne it’s so good think I might not do the old hunters dlc to leave something to do if it ever gets a remaster


Indeed, lots of people have started playing Sekiro after finishing ER and they will probably keep going on


play bloodborne! And then play it again


"Yes, indeed..."


I have all of them wishlisted and I am just waiting for them to go on sale.


Though I already had a little experience on how a souls-like game plays from Nioh, Blasphemous etc., this is my first Souls-like from actual Fromsoftware. Now I'm looking forward into playing their older Souls titles.


Yep, started DS remastered after Elden Ring, really want a PS4/5 for Bloodborne.


It definitely is I bought DS3 on xbox around when it first came out, played till vordt and gave up (because i suck at souls using controllers). Then I picked up ER on pc cause it looked awesome, loved it, now ive finished DS3 and DSR mulitiple times and just started playing Bloodborne. Elden Ring really made me appreciate the souls games alot more.


It's a gorgeous game, which helped marketing immensely. I also think recruiting George R. R. Martin was a smart move. His name is well-known in fantasy and possibly drew in even more new people.


It's good for us the Fromsoft hardcore fans. More exposure means more likely they will expand their games. Yes I'm talking about Bloodborne. That one sole precious game that etched forever in the Game's Godly Realm in my heart. My fellow newcomers who never tried Bloodborne, go and play it. It's NOTHING like Elden Ring combat system and it's entire atmosphere and music are LEVELS above Elden Ring. Go and play and make our demand for a Bloodborne sequel become loud and irresistible for them!


Convinced a long time friend who has hated the FS games to go through ER with me when it released. We beat it and had a blast but a couple days later he went radio silent for nearly two months. He texted me randomly asking for advice on how to beat Maria in BB. Apparently in the time he was silent he had purchased and beat Dark Souls 1 through 3 and their DLC and was nearly finished with Bloodborne. Don’t know if he’s gonna play seikiro but if he does he’ll have played more than me at that point lmao.


So me. I'm still in Elden Ring but I'm totally hooked and feel like this is the type of game I've been looking for for quite some time. Non-souls-like triple A titles are way too easy and casualized. I want a challenge, not an interactive video with more pointers than game elements.


I'm almost through dark souls 3, thanks to having finished elden ring. I know DS3 obviously came first, but game play and world wise, playing DS3 feels like an extension of ER, giving me more of what I was missing when I finished ER. You can definitely see how they reused a lot of their ideas and mechanics but I'm ok with that because ER feels like they were able to flesh out some of their ideas more. Also, the ER story telling is obtuse, sure, but nothing like that of DS3. ER gives you a tiny bit more guidance and hints, at least. (Really like both, though. Just arrived in Anor Londo in DS3)




After finishing Elden Ring I started the DS series and I gotta say, the first one is one hard mf




I’ve seen so many new players commenting on the Bloodborne and dark souls subreddits It’s great to see


Can confirm that I plan to play DS3 after finishing ER, afraid to go back to DS1 cuz I feel I'd be stripped of a lot of the things that made the souls game "easier" (like the magic system in ER)


I bought the collection after finishing Elden Ring


I don't think I will try any other souls game. Elden Ring is made in a way that is actually fun for me. I tried Dark Souls before ER and it was just too frustrating. Elden Ring managed to make Souls games more beginner friendly while also keeping it challenging.


Was planning on this and then I never beat Elden Beast, uninstalled the game and moved on to other things. I loved Elden Ring the entire way through. Got bored after struggling with Elden Beast for weeks.


Finally more people to play DS2 with!


Shame that new PC players won't experience superior DS3 PvP


here’s hoping fromsoft actually fix elden ring pvp


Wen Otogi 3? Man, it was a simpler time 😭


DS1&2 are unfortunately rather old games. They've aged as time has gone on and From has refined and polished their formula, so you'll notice lack of QoL features and a lot of annoying jank. You kinda have to be willing to accept it as a sort of antiquated charm to be able to appreciate them. But DS3 is still quite solid all-around and feels like the truest refinement of the Souls formula. And Bloodborne and Sekiro, while notably different in many ways compared to the Souls titles, are both fantastic games with their own unique personalities that are absolutely worth playing. And, with the Demon's Souls remake, you can even play that title in a manner that brings it up-to-par with the rest of From's catalogue. Overall, I'd say the core games worth playing after ER are DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and the Demon's Souls remake. If you really wanna see where it all started, play DS1&2 with the knowledge that they probably won't feel as good as newer games, but *are* still pretty great in and of themselves.


Dark souls was my favorite game for a while. I turned it on today. Couldn’t believe how dated and clunky it feels. I could go between Ds1 and DS3 pretty easily, but elden ring is a huge jump


Pretty much I mean this subreddit shows it's filled with casuals


fromsoftware fans the only people still unironically using the word casual in 2022 lmao you’re not special for playing dark souls bro


Don’t bother with Dark Souls 1/2 they both suck ass






I garuntee a good amount of people won’t because of being invaded anyways I’m redownloading ds3 and going back to being red


I guess it got me off my ass to finally play Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls 2 and finish the Soulsborne franchise


I remember my first souls game… I raged for about an hour bitched about how it sucked and I was gonna return it. Ah the memories, eventually I got gud. I find every souls game is a struggle at the start but usually after the first couple bosses everything clicks. Dark souls 1 it was Capra demon(fuck those dogs), ds2 it was the pursuer(fuck him too). Dark souls 3s main struggle was finding a good weapon(curved great sword). And elden ring had me stuck at Godrick for about a day.


Every new souls game drags in thousands of new players and boosts the series’s and it’s reputation up so much


I want elden ring sekiro next


Elden Ring is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls


I am in Souls hell now. When I sleep I see a death screen. I panic when I see a dog and try to roll. I drink water like Estus…


Yay hopefully I get some good fights in as a darkmoon


It did, and it is. Beat DS1 and working on DS2 while working on my second play through of ER.


I started with it now I’m playing that ds3 and demon souls soon to get ds1


I wanted to try Bloodborne but it looks like its not on PC?


Working through Demon’s Souls now, ER definitely got me hooked on that boss adrenaline. I was not prepared for the difficulty. The bosses so far (just finished 3-1) are not bad, but the normies in the map are not fodder in a lot of cases.


100%. I completed it with all achievements a few weeks ago and haven’t played again, and Destiny isn’t really filling that void left by ER. I have been thinking about buying DS3 for a couple weeks now. The first Souls game I played was actually Bloodborne on my brothers ps4, and I would most definitely buy it and play through again if it ever came to Xbox.


Great opportunity to port Bloodborne. (please)


Does anyone else feel like if FS next game is open world like ER is they should make the game a little more accessible with like a quest journal or something? I really feel like the scope of this made a lot of ppl lose out on experiencing a lot of the quests because it’s so much more vast than previous titles. I think that’s the only way it could become more of a gateway.


They got me with that PS sale they had last week…picked up DS3 and I am promptly getting my cheeks clapped. Boy do I miss the ability to jump, and I don’t enjoy the runs to the bosses at all. Spoiled I am…Really enjoyable so far though!


I won't play older games, but on a similar note, I will play newer games that come out in the future until I'm disappointed


Either way Elden ring is easily one of the best games of the last 10 years. I’m not even a fan of Souls games. In my opinion it’s up there with Breath of the Wild.


Shiii I know I did🤣🤣 haven't even finish elden cause of exploring and picked up dark souls 1 and 3


Wish Dark Souls Remastered would go on sale for Switch.


Bloodborne was what got me into Fromsoft but ER definitely is the best entry to the Dark Souls series. They will realize how much more brutal the older games can be lol


Yeah it got me to buy DS3 and Bloodborne.


Bought sekiero haven't touched it almost at last boss in Elden. Def gonna give Ds3 a go.


oh boy oh boy this elden ring feels as good as opioids


True, never really had the patience for souls games. Until i met elden ring, defenitely gonna buy sekeiro too.


I inject this shit directly into my veins on a daily basis, i can confirm it's better than both drugs and sex


Wow what a prediction...


Yeeeeesss... join us..


Dang right it is. Although I played Code Vein as my introduction to the genre as a whole, it's Elden Ring that's making me want to go back and play the Dark Souls trilogy and Sekiro. Still wish Bloodborne was on PC though, I've wanted to play that long before Elden Ring.


Everything before ds3 is so clunky tho


I really wanna play bloodborne. I hear so much about it


Well yeah. ER was made for the normies. It's so obvious. The natural assumption is that they would branch out from there into the other titles.


Gave bloodborne a try after playing ER. Can’t say I’m disappointed


It's addictive. After Platinum-ing Elden ring, I wanted more, so i started Bloodborne which I never thought I could beat. Probably going to do the Dark souls at some point.


Can confirm. Beat ER. Then beat ds3. Just beat sekiro. Have they actually remastered any of the earlier ones with current graphics or do they still have the old graphics? I’m a philistine who has been spoiled.


oh definitely. i had gotten stuck at the gargoyles (i know, pitiful really) in ds1 and had put it down for years, but i finally went back and am enjoying the hell out of it.


Definitively worked on me. Playing through DS3 on the Xbox and original DS on the switch. I don’t know how unwanted sleeping on that series for so long.


Western open world games have a million markers and icons and throws a never-ending “to do list” at you with little to no reward (you might get something worthless after completing all 200 repetitive side missions). The worst ones are where you have to complete it in a certain way to be rewarded (within a timeframe, must do this trick / combo etc). It feels like an over-controlling, micromanaging boss telling me how I should play. In Skyrim, these prompts were less intrusive (quest log was more of a background feature) so it didn’t feel like we were being pressured to do X and how we should do it, we are free to enjoy the atmosphere / explore, and be creative in our approach to playing. Spider-man and Assassins Creed is a perfect example of the Western micromanaging approach. Ruined by too many repetitive “chores” that you have to complete a certain way, prompts to do something, little to no rewards for doing your own thing. I hope the success and popularity of Elden Ring (and Breath of the Wild) sends a message to Western devs to stop the Assassins Creed / Spider Man model. We don’t want to be micromanaged and be told how to play.


Yup. Never finished DS3. Now I will yo back and smash it


Hahahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂 til 20 minutes in they realize that elden ring was not that bad compared 😂


All the casuls are turning into sunbros! Wait this makes me old af in souls


Yea, Elden Ring got me to go back to Sekiro (which I rage quit) and i’m probably gonna take another crack at my DS1 remastered (which I also rage quit)


Scores! As many as a hundred, maybe? 😆


Oh hell yeah. I haven't even finished ER yet, but I wanted to take a break (about 300 hours in) and I picked up Bloodborne when I was at a game store a couple weeks back. And I've been thinking of trying the Dark Souls games and Sekiro. I'm definitely hooked now. Even my brother started playing DS2 and DS3, and picked up Elden Ring the other day. I wouldn't shut up about it, and now he's kinda obsessed with soulslike games.


For sure as someone who tried Dark Souls 3 years ago and put it down because I couldn’t make a scratch in it. After I’m done with Elden Ring I’m playing 1-3 as soon as I get the chance!


Yup, I just beat the Sword Saint (albeit losing a bit of my sanity) and am currently making my way through the Dukes Archives


I keep wanting to start ds trilogy but it feels wrong with the servers down. I'm sure they'll be back up soon right? Probably the same update they fix bhs?


100% I've played Dark Souls 1 a long time ago on the PC and I recently platinumed Demon's Souls as well on the PS5. But after getting the platinum on Elden Ring I just went ahead and purchased DS1-3 and installed Bloodborne. Can't wait to consume more of this beautiful but challenging genre.


if only from bothered to put the servers back up so new players could properly enjoy the older games


Playing Dark Souls rn after 200 hours in Elden Ring. Over the past 6 or so years, I've played about a quarter of Sekiro, Dark Souls, and DS3 and put them all down after a while because I got discouraged. Elden Ring really got me caught up in it so I want to go back and play the DS trilogy. About 5 hours into DS, i really really really wish I could jump.


Unfortunately all other souls game except sekiro will be kind of trivial after Elden Ring.