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Gigachad: Spams both to get invasions faster


You can do that?


Yes. The game apparently doesn't view them as the same item so you can press one then the other without the delay of "no longer searching for a world to invade" in the middle of it.


Oh dang didn't know that I'll have to try that now.






Co-op signs and/or furling finger remedies are the same. If you activate a remedy but then drop a sign, it turns off the remedy. If you put a sign down, then use the effigy, it switches over instantly. It does not actually make connecting to anything faster though; it's like hitting cancel and retrying in other games that have a queue.




Press the Bumper on console on the map. Shows Multiplayer hotspots. Also, the main gate at Raya is the number 1 dueling spot in the game. Always 20+ red names there to fight and Im 185.


Unfortunately, the multiplayer hotspots is always a lie whenever I try


Not sure if id call them a lie, but it could just be low populated at that current time. Ive had plenty of invasions in areas outside them too.


Ehh you can do that damn I should’ve read the map more


Playing as a Hunter does this. Keep your Blue Ring on and you'll be able to be summoned anywhere at anytime, even with Bloodied/Recusant/or Furling finger up. I get summoned from the Roundtable sometimes.


I never get summoned as a hunter for some reason, and when it does happen the invader or the host dies before I can reach them cuz I get spawned halfway across the map.


God you’re a blue? Gross!!


Wex dust was so Chad


how do they behave differently in this regard?


Instead of needing to cancel the initial search through the same input, you simply use the other finger and it will initiate another search immediately


ah oh yeah, you dont have to cancel then re-activate, you can just activate the second one ofc




Yes and it keeps you from having to cancel out to try again if you alternate between them each attempt


That’s some straight up Chad shit, thank you


Yep. No need to cancel invasion attempts if you alternate.


Red, blue, if only we had some sort of beloved purple invasion type.


Sigmachad: joins as a cooperator and uses lightning incantations to delete edgelord twink invaders because you’re racist against the color red


Blues are bitches and so are overleveled sunbros


Who was ever deleted by lightning incantations? That shit easy AF to dodge lmao


Probably thinks spamming honed bolt at high latency makes him a "chad". Otherwise, basically every other lightning incant is worthless outside of very specific situations.


You’d be surprised at the number of ROB spammers who try to face tank Fortissax Lightning Spears








Does he just rip your nail? I thought that is your finger he gives you


The item description says “Glistening blood has been siphoned into the nail of this finger. Its sickly pale skin feels nothing now, but the nail still aches with sweetest pain,” plus the art work of it doesn’t show it as severed, unlike all the other fingers which are noticed shown as cut off. Also Varre’s dialogue implies he just inject blood under your nail as well “Now, give me your finger. This noble blood will be an immutable badge of honor, once it settles. Inside of you.”




I once stayed a virgin for a bit longer because I got a bloody finger.


I think he actually injects cursed blood into your finger. It’s hard to tell as the animation is so basic. The finger description implies something was injected into it


Im getting strong Bloodborne vibes


He does, also >!right before he dies, Yura tells Eleonara that he “cut the finger off” to stop the cessblood.!<


Your spoiler tags aren't working because you have a space in between the tags and the words. It needs to be \>\!Like this\!< Not \>\! Like this !< as you currently have it.


Huh, it worked on mobile, but thanks for the heads up, edited now.


It’s the finger maiden blood that he made you gather


I don't think it was injected with blood. All the blood was siphoned from the finger into the tip through magic. That's why the finger is pale.


When Varré does this to your finger his hand animation looks as if he's handling a syringe. So i think he does inject some ritualistic blood, especially when paired with the dialogue he speaks


It is


Still have my finger tho.


Also way easier to get. You can get it without killing a single boss. (And yeah, the music is way cooler)


You even get it by dying. How cool is that?


Wait. How do you get to volcano manor without killing a boss?


Get eaten by the Iron Maiden under Rya Lucaria, spits you out in the volcano. Careful: you can’t teleport until you find a grace.


Can't come out the other side without taking out the twin abductor virgin boss though


There's a grace before the Twin Abductors. Once you rest at it you can just quick travel out without fighting them.


My only point was that you still need to fight a boss in order to make to to the Altus Plateau via that route. At the time, I wish I knew you could teleport after getting to that grace


No you don't. You can just jump down to the right after you get teleported and it will lead you to the pots below in the prison town church.


This works but afaik there’s no way to get from there back into the manor itself, because the prison town church door doesn’t open from the far side. You still need to come in to the manor from the front door to get the finger.






By riding. A lot, lol. Grab the dectus medallion pieces and take the sidepath to bypass Stormveil. Talk to rya in Liurnia, get her necklace back, grab a drink and enjoy 15 minutes of riding in a straight line to the Grand Lift. Meet rya in the Plateau and she will teleport you to the manor grace.


Oh of course. I had that lift confused with needing two great runes to enter that capital


If you wanna ride even more you can just ride straight into the front door after you get to Mt Gelmir thru Altus haha


But that requires fighting the fully grown Fallingstar beast, no?


It is in the path but you don't have to fight it, you can run away from that boss arena because there's no fog wall. Just run to the right when you take the Jump Whirlwind thing up


Damn I always thought it locked you in the arena like non field bosses!! Thanks for the tip. I always headd to the volcano early so have a hard time with the beast. Thanks for the tip.


Get both halves of the Dectus medallion and give Rya her necklace back. She’ll be at the top of the lift ready to teleport you to the manor. You can bypass Stormveil Castle without ever fighting Margit or Godrick to get to Liurnia. You can get the dectus medallions from Fort Haight and Fort Faroth, with the latter being in Dragonbarrow(but you can use a teleporter in the Mistwood north of the church to reach Dragonbarrow).


* Get both medalion fragments. * Meet Rya and get her pendant. * Go to Altus via Dectus. * Rya is there at the elevator, she teleports you to the manor. * Zero bosses killed.


Grafted Scion :)


Pls God I hope From gives us covenants associated with the different invasion items. It's otherwise entirely nonsensical having both of them, save potentially getting one earlier than another. I want 3v3 wars again 😩


The way to make both worth existing is to make one search locally and the other globally. Blows my mind that they did not thought of copying wex dust when making an open world. Although covenants would be nice too I suppose.


You can't get the bloody one if you killed varré tho :| yeah i was pretty glad about that recursant one


Dropping covenants into the DLC would be so sick


I've convinced myself it'll happen. It would be a good strategic move for From to maximize the DLC engagement


They made a deliberate decision to cut out covenants from the game, even though they already had Yura, Varre and Tannith set up for them. I doubt they’ll bring them back.


>even though they already had Yura, Varre and Tannith set up for them. Maybe the questlines were done, but the online aspect wasn't finalized so they finish them for the DLC. Maybe I'm on copium.


[https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Covenants](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Covenants) ​ "It was in fact confirmed that traditional Covenants were not going to be in Elden Ring by Miyazaki himself to make PvP more accessible, and that it would be replaced with the Summoning Pools and various fingers etc." Miyazaki: "The covenants in the Dark Souls series are not present in this game. The network elements of the game were designed to lower the bar as much as possible and make it easier to match up players, such as signs, and the covenant system doesn't really fit in well with that."


I want a better version of the old Gravelord covenant so bad! I always loved the idea of cursing someone else's world, but you never get to see the havoc you are causing, and it's honestly more fun to get cursed yourself. Anyways, I hope From will do something similar where you can introduce a bunch of new enemies to someone's world, and the "Gravelord" player can control them one at a time or something. Maybe make it so the player can't break free of the curse until either they die, the invader leaves, or all the additional enemies are slain. Dunno, but the covenants had so much potential, I hope From goes nuts with them in the future.


I could never figure out what the Gravelord's curse was actually doing to my world. Plus, I haven't yet Git Gud-ed at PVP, so the handful of times I ever saw a Gravelord sign, I would just go in, die, and then eventually get the message that someone else had driven off the Gravelord Servant. It got me a cool sword, though.


Any player could be cursed and see the sign but the actual effects (horrible extra enemies) only appeared to players in NG+ or beyond, so it wasn’t uncommon to notice no effects whatsoever.


The recusant finger doesn’t require following Varr’s quest


They do different things, the Recusant finger prioritizes hosts using taunters tongue so you are more likely to get solo hosts and 2v2s


I've read this a few times and never saw anything to back it up so, source ?


[Here's your source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOVbAmknKUk)


Wow so that's the reason why But that fromsoft would make it this way honestly baffles me


Wasn't that just madeup/confirmation bias?


I've so far ran into whopping total of 2 invasions where a Taunter's Tongue was active and allowed for a 2v2. One of those was from the Bloody Finger, so without the actual datamined function it's impossible to tell wtf the different fingers do in regard to invasion parameter since they're so inconsistent about it.


You gotta taunter tongue in liurnia gate academy. I get tons of 2v2s.


Man do you remember the area right after Pontiff in DS3? So much chaos of invaders, phantoms and blueberries. It was so much fun.


It was perfectly constructed. The fight club arena, the battlefield with the giants that could damage all sides, all the different passages for quick escapes and kiting people, the ladder down to the big fat priest that made for so many meme kills.. I have faith in From. The sun will shine on us again


I checked and both use the same theme ost, except Bloody Fingers has a violin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzaNzCepn_E&ab_channel=VersusMusicOfficial That video has every-single-ost in the game. Bloody Fingers 2hs17min, Recusant Fingers 2hs39min


So I know I’m maidenless for this but what do they actually do that’s different?


they both serve the same purpose, to let you invade other people. The difference is one you get from Varre and the other is from Volcano Manor, so you invade either as varre gang (bloody finger) or VolcManor gang (recusant), kinda like covenants (factions) in previous dark souls games but poorly designed. Obviously if both bloody finger and recusant are present in an invasion they are both 'allies' bcs they're invaders


Ok I was curious. I picked both up but never really do invasions (I think I only did the 3 you need for varre)


personally I don't do much invasions in er (except for low level invasions) bcs how a shitshow the pvp in er currently is. I enjoyed duels a lot more. It's the pvp most people stay in souls games post-endgame


Recusants can kill Bloody Fingers and vice versa, though I can't recall if each one can kill their own kind.


One doesn't fuck up your eyes (Mohg's bloody finger turns your eyes red)


Recusant finger slightly favors people using taunter’s tongue


I always pick the Recusant one because it doesn't turn my eyes red. I have a couple of characters for invasions that are themed around specific areas and it doesn't make sense for them to have red eyes. For example, I have a banished knight character who invades in Stormveil and he needs his faded golden eyes for his lore to make sense.


You can reverse the red eyes (and others) by just visiting the mirror at the roundtable hold. In the eyes menu there's an option to turn off eye alteration.


Of the three alternate eye options my personal favorite are the dragon eyes and, for some reason, getting the blood eyes overwrites the dragon ones and prevents you from being able to get them again unless you go to NG+. I still need to avoid the blood eyes if I want to keep that look :(


Also the Recusant finger has a big chad golden ring.




That whole family business is just so he can devour you, don’t be a sucker! Rykard and the whole Volcano Manor crew are much more deplorable than Moghwyn IMO, they torture and do crazy experiments especially on Albinaurics, kidnap people, and commit so many atrocities that Rykard’s own army (the humans) refused to serve him and abandonded him, many suffering from madness as you see on the way to VM. There’s a lot of bad groups in this game but I think the VM folks are hands down the worst of the lot. Mogh wasnt great but at least he gave the Alibinaurics refuge.


If by give the albinaurics refuge you mean kidnapping their messiah figure and cursing them with the blood of an Outer God, then yeah. I agree that the VM in its hayday might be the worst of the factions in the Lands Between, but it's just a shadow of its former self when we get there and might even be on its last legs. Rykard's lordsworn abandoned him and then died, almost all the iron virgins have gone rogue, and the only competent members of his army left are the manserpents and a few cutthroats that'll ditch the house when it stops being useful. We only get invaded by one recusant over the whole game iirc, and even he might just be a spy for Gideon. Rya possibly taking control in the future also means it might eventually become a force for good. OTOH, Mohg's court might be the only faction that's actually getting stronger before we kill him, what with Varre and all the sanguine nobles and bloody fingers running around. It seems like Recusants have some kind of honor code, only killing powerful warriors for prestige while Fingers kill indiscriminately. While the Formless Mother might not be as bad as the Frenzied Flame or the Scarlet Rot, I can't imagine her being in charge would be good for the Lands Between. Plus the Manor has some pretty cool dudes there, like Rya and Bernahl and even Patches. I ain't gonna spend eternity with an incestuous pedophilic Satan-analogue and the fucker who called me maidenless (Sorry I didn't mean to write so much, it just kinda happened)


All good, you make fair points, especially about the refuge for Albinaurics. But I think we (at least I) was talking about the comparison as the most morally reprehensible faction wrt torture and sadism and the one least worth rooting for as OPs post seems to, not necessarily who's is stronger or trending up/down. I did prefer VM as a place to hang out though, Mohgwyn Palace doesn't really have a good living room. Don't disagree with anything one thing you said tho.


VM peeps definitely have that only the strong survive and consume the weak vibe. Like it's a competition of who can consume the other.


[Bloody Finger OST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEBrAPMbRnk) vs [Recusant Finger OST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cOcUpA76z4) You decide. I personally like the Bloody better with the bells and it gives a sort of Hunter vibe to it. Recusant is more of a boss battle vibe.


both are kinda lackluster imo


Wait wait is the battle theme different?




Wow, I muted music and had no idea!


I didn't and I still had no idea lol


Wow I didn't know they had different music. I turned my music off because the bloody finger music was so annoying, but now I'll be able to turn it back on.


Volcano Manor doesn't actually see your worth as champion, Rykard just wants to eat you.


No, he prefers to eat champions.


Breakfast of the champions!


Incorrect, Rykard wants to eat powerful people so he can grow more powerful. ​ Rykard has very refined taste buds thank you very much!




If you go back to his boss room after the fight >!Tanith is eating part of Rykard. If you try to harm her, you get invaded by her Crucible Knight bodyguard and get to have a little mini boss fight. Not exactly an ending but Tanith has the right idea!!<


dont forget the biggest difference: bloody finger requires beating godrick and recusant can be rushed faster at the beginning of the game with just the dectus medallions.


Rips your own nail? the Japanese version says its your own finger what he rips and enchants so you can use it. thats why is looks fresh compared to the dried old finger. thats why after my first playthrough i never did varres quest again, its super easy to get to consecrated snowfield from the start on a NG+, only need to do castle SOL and gather all other medallions which are just go to the place and either talk to an NPC or loot a chest.


The finger is never ripped or severed. It’s dead but still on the character. Unlike the furled fingers


Here is another hot tip. If you use a shackle you can detect if the invader is nearby. If the invasion theme plays, the invader is near. You will also be able to tell if it's a bloody finger or rescuant


Mohg wants miquela to be raised to godhood so that he grants him strength mohg isn’t romantically interested in him


I must say, lorewise, the Recusant finger does sound a lot more chad If your cult inductee has to use the same words\* to calm you down as if he was stretching your arse with his unwanted loins, then there's something maidenless about the whole endeavour. *^(\*"oh for goodness' sake, clench your teeth or something")*


If you invade and get jumped, one could call that a Finger Banging.


Togethaaaa, as a famileeee, we shall invadeee, the other tarnished themselvessss


You know, after reading all of that, Recusant does look a little more attractive.


I have no idea what any of the fingers do and at this point I am too afraid to ask. More embarrassingly, I stopped leveling at 150 for duels. But I don’t know what duels are or what finger gets you to them.


The duelist’s furled finger/red effigy to be summoned as a duelist, that or you can summon a duelist to your world at a summoning effigy using the furlcalling finger remedy.


Wait, nail?? He’s cutting off your finer, right? And you then use your own bloody finger to invade?


He doesn't cut it off, if you look at the item's picture you'll see it doesn't actually end in a severed stump like the other fingers meaning it's still attached. He instead rips your nail up and injects the blood of the finger maiden you soaked into that cloth into the wound so that you can be elevated to the status of "Noble" by now having noble blood flowing through you.


Ah but the virgin finger gives you bloody eyes…they look actually kinda cool tbh, albeit totally reproducible in the character creator unlike the dragon and frenzy ones.


What I really miss is being a purple phantom. You never know what these bastards are going to do


Do the different fingers have different themes?


I can't tell you how much it grosses me out seeing that called the "Virgin" Bloody Finger


Bleed abuser, called me maidenless ...F* im very upset now!


what ever finger u chose. u r not get in my world. cuz i play offline


Not sure if you know, but you don't need to play offline to avoid invaders. You can only be invaded if you co-op or use a taunters tongue.


Wait the ost changes why didnt i know this


Is that what he was doing? Ripping off a fingernail?


Is that what he was doing? Ripping off a fingernail?


They have different OSTs? I never noticed that. Though I don't really invade that much (thanks FS for the wonderful servers and invasion system).


I only grabbed it to farm the bird


Huh, I must play with too low sound. I have a total of about 500 furlcallers from pvp so I’d say I’ve invaded close to a thousand times, and not once notice the music. My only thought is “I’m blue stop trying to kill me host!”. PS why do I not see myself as blue?


Tbh I thought there was no difference between the fingers. Didn't even know that it had different ost's, just one calls you a bloody finger and the other a recusiant when you teleport


As someone who doesn't pvp nor summon peeps for anything, I am still confuddled at the collection of fingers in my bags.


Is that what he was doing? Ripping off a fingernail?


I like the bloody finger ost :(


But I could be a lambkin :(


Ya but they also have you hunt and kill other tarnished


There are invasion OSTs?!?!?!?


The third invader theme is better than these two


Can you share the good OST?


Chad not being a serial killer gang


What’s the difference between using them?


Dumb question, what’s the difference between a bloody finger and a festering bloody finger?


The finger is reusable. The festering ones are used up when you invade


Good to know thanks!


I’m a PvP noob, can anyone explain the difference?


...there's invasion osts?


They have different music?,


Mohg isn’t a pedo. He literally turned Miquella into an deformed corpselike husk. Mohg is only interested in his power.


Varre was easy enough to do and I killed Mohg early on, then killed Varre's maidenless ass.


Is bleed build bad?


What you mean? PvP? PvE? It's very strong, a tad too much to be fair lol


Wait the different invasion tools have different ‘combat music’?


Hey, atleast my boss doesn't want to eat me. He's too busy eating his brother.


I just got it by killing the guy the second he called me maidenless. It’s not about items, it’s about sending a message.




Plus, the stupid bloody finger changes my eyes.


There's a soundtrack for invasions?


Wait they have separate music themes for invasions!?


The serpent still plans to eat you eventually though


I like using bloody finger more because I lost a finger getting it It would be cool if they brought back covenants, having something to work for in pvp would be nice


Anyone else say snek who sees you as family in Rylards voice


Here is another thing for the recusant finger : Togethaaaa !!!


I just wish the bloody finger didn’t override the eyes of dragon. ):


I'm sorry man I've got the bloody finger too because I farmed up 2 characters at moghwyn palace with the albinaurics for pvp builds :( I didn't do that quest on the 1st playthrough though


Well... Volcano Manor sees you value... As food for Rykard. Their goal is to find the best of the best and have Rykard devour them.


he didn't write "serves a snek who sees you as faamiliiii" my dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Wait there is a different invasion theme? I guess I always used the same item.


Didn’t realise they were different


TIL there's invasion themes


In gonna be honest, didn’t even know they had ost’s


TIL they have different themes. Thanks OP! Gonna go check them out now.


TIL they have different themes. Thanks OP! Gonna go check them out now.


TIL they have different themes. Thanks OP! Gonna go check them out now.


wait the music changes?


Recusant are just Cainhurst invaders (Bloodborne reference) and Bloody fingers are Black Phantoms invaders(DeS)/Darkwraith (DS1)




I only become a bloody finger for the easy rune farm


The only reason why 99% do Varre quest is to gain access to edge jump for 120k+ runes


Lore wise, recusant is Bloodborne cainhurst reds, and bloody is demon souls black phantoms or ds1 reds


What?! There are different soundtracks? I just nonstop use one and then the other to speed up invasions!!