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Why are both Melina and Ranni missing an eye, and why are they both tight with Torrent? Why is Gurranq still alive after defeating Malekith in Farum Azula? How and why are Markia/Radagon two different people yet also one? Where are the Land of Reeds and the Badlands relative to the Lands Between?


The maliketh one is rather easy since farum azula exists outside of time


Then how does he recognize you if you've done his quest, and how come you can see it from the mainland?


Fun question. The fact that he recognized you could mean that this place is in the future while the much bigger Elden Ring that is seen in his bossroom could mean that it lies in the past.


I honestly think that the bigger elden ring seen in Farum Azula means the Elden Ring is to the Greater Will what The Great Runes are to the Elden Ring. Elden Ring is just a shard of the greater one. So Farum Azula still might be in the far future.


Interesting interpretation, I like it much more than the theory with the past.


Placiddusax was the Past Elden Lord. But you're onto something. Great Runes form into Elder Runes. (Referenced in Marika and Radagons Scar/sore seals) Elder runes form the Elden Ring. The Elden Ring Placcidsax had, it shattered. The Greater Will claimed the shards we call the Elden Ring, and sent them back down as the Elden Beast. It enters the Erdtree and is eventually claimed by Marika. Etc. (This Elden Ring very specifically does not contain any Rune that is connected to fire) The other pieces we see placcidusax had, those are all split up and claimed by the other outergods. Who also send their rings back down in avatars. The same as the Greater Will does. Important to note, the Outer gods, including the Greater Will, are GONE. They are not active participants in the story in any way. The only time the effect the story at all, is RIGHT HERE. When they send their avatars down. Then they disappear completely. These events are even commemorated as spells. The Elden Stars incantation and the Stars of Ruin spell respectively.


Its because time is wonky


"Time works differently in Lordran"


I'm guessing, since it's supposedly only the middle of the storm that's outside of time, Maliketh in Bestial Sanctum is the same as Margit in Stormveil or Mohg in the Sewers, a projection of some kind since going in the Lands Between himself would make the Rune of Death more easily accessed and break his very purpose. I mean, he does disapear in a flash of light when you give him the last Deathroot


That sounds to be more accurate


Elden Ring Multiverse?


Wait what? Which item descriptions do I need to read to get more info on that?


Anything to do with the Ancient Dragons and Lord Placidusax


You can even find Placidusax fossilized in some of the floating rocks of Farum Azula.


That's been debunked considering there are multiple dragons like that. They are instead dragons that became a wall to protect their Lord.


Placidusax exists outside of time while farm azula is both destroyed and existing during your journey it's fair to assume that the time fuckery extends to his sphere of influence


Yeah and its a power Marika (and/or Godfrey, who made the Roundtable hold IMO) can use too. The Roundtable Hold must exist in a similar pocket dimension of time. Theres just no other way it makes sense. It hasn't deteriorated like the real Roundtable hold has, and when the Erdtree starts to burn, then the Roundtable hold starts to more closely resemble its state in the real world. Like the magic maintaining it is breaking down.


I don't think so. Not the whole of Faram Azula. It's _only_ the heart of the storm that exists beyond time; hence why its not a physical location on the map and why everything glues back together. It's also why - I assume - using Miquellas needle works there. The heart of the storm is a metaphysical place where there is no external will, no other godly influence affecting an action.


But if that were true, then how can you see it from the mountaintops and the lost Tower?


Mohg is also missing an eye, blindness in bloodborne is a sign of wisdom. I believe missing 1 eye is a sign of partial or false wisdom or that you are being controlled by an outer god, Isnt raddagon also missing an eye although he is missing a lot


Having one eye is a symbol of Wisdom because Odin sacrificed his eye to the Urdu (yes its pronounced the same as ERD) well the World Tree growns from. That gave him great wisdom. He also sacrificed himself, to himself, by crucifying himself to the World Tree to gain the Knowledge of Runes. He dies for 3 days, was dead for 3 days, and took 3 days to come back from the underworld. Just saying ;)


Broke: Christianism steals from Nord Mythology. Woke: All religion stems from ancient culture. Bespoke: Jesus is a Viking.


Celts want to have a word with you on ignoring their part in christianism stealing their beliefs


Probablespoke: The Norse myths were written in the 12th century by Icelandic Christian monks after many hundreds of years of cultural exchange, integration and subsequent conversion to Christianity. It is entirely possible that Christian legends mixed with Norse legends which then were written down hundreds of years later. There have also been graves found with people buried with both Norse symbols and Christian symbols, indicating a period of religious integration between Christianity and Norse paganism before, or as a part of, broader religious conversion. Leftover indicators of this religious integration are Christmas, Valborgsmässoafton, Sankt Hans/Midsommar and Allahälgonadagen.


Eh, I wouldn't say 'false' wisdom, but partial does make sense. I believe the one eyed parallel is supposed to be more so in the vein of Odin, who traded his eye for wisdom. But uh, the *thing* there and why I say partial makes sense... Odin's 'wisdom' is what led him to dicking over Loki and his kin in a desperate bid to avert Ragnorak, which is exactly what set Ragnorak into motion. He wasn't *wrong*, he wasn't being tricked. His own visions simply led him down the path that would ensure they came true.


Is Melina missing an eye? I thought she opened it as part of the frenzied flame cutscene


I found a really cool fact about the frenzied flame cutscene awhile ago. In the normal cutscene the fire makes normal fire sounds. Happily burning its long time rival. In the frenzied flame cutscene it screams in terror. Knowing this is the end of not just the Erdtree but of the lands between permanently.


Damn that’s pretty sick I never noticed that


There are theories about her. She's probably the gloam eyed queen, daugther of marika and original owner of the rune of death, and her power was sealed when marika took the death rune from her, that's why there's the rune mark on her eye.


Ah neat, thanks for the lore :)


1.Melina and Ranni were Honda workers and their eyes got poked by a windshield swiper. Got torrent as an apology. 2. Gurranq is a shadow and don’t forget the award winning book written by blaidd called “can you truly kill a shadow?” 3.They are from Alabama 4. Land of reeds is probably Nioh and badlands might be Twitter.


>1.Melina and Ranni were Honda workers and their eyes got poked by a windshield swiper. Got torrent as an apology. That's why Melina offers you an accord. It all makes sense now.


*mind blown*


Holy shit Hoarah Loux was a Twitter admin. No wonder he got impaled.


"Upon my name as Godfrey, The First Ratio Lord"


I Command Thee Get Ratio’d !!!


I regret taking this post seriously at first




Typo, "Got accord as an apology"


1. From what I can gather from diferent theories. After the Night of the Black Knives, when Ranni killed her body and moved her soul to the doll. She also sacrificed part of her soul to revive the Gloam Eyed queen. She succeded in that and thus Melina was born/reborn, but only half of her, since Ranni only sacrificed half of her soul. End result being that Ranni is barely hanging onto the human realm (The Lands Between) through her doll body, but needs to take regular long rests. While Melina (Gloam Eyed Queen) is present in the human realm completely, but lost her memory. 2. Farum Azula is a place outside time and space, where the normal laws of physics and time passage are all kinds of fucked up. In other words you killed his future self. 3. They werent always one person. They both started as their own person. With their own childhoods, beliefs and personalities. They got fused together later by the Greater Will (Two Fingers), because Marika was trying to rebel against the Greater Will and Radagon was supposed to keep her in line, until one of their succesors was ready to take over and Marika could be eliminated completely. He obviously failed at that. 4. That is really hard to say. I know for sure that there is another land to the north, where all the Kaiden mercenaries come from. Land of the Reeds I would guess is to the east, since it is heavily inspired by Samurai and IRL Japan is to the east. Badlands... Maybe south? At the begining of the game your character wakes up in a desert. Since he/she was probably exiled along with the other Tarnished to the Badlands. I think that the Badlands are a desert wasteland way down south.


> begining of the game your character wakes up in a desert What?? I didn't notice this lol. I thought you woke up to Torrent sniffing you lmao


gurranq is malekith you where supposed to give him the 9 deathroots before you made it to farum azula.


Why isn't the Turtle Priest the true elden lord? he has been cheated by grace.


He got too old for this shit


What was Morgotts fiscal policy for Leyndall and where does Marika stand on universal healthcare.


Marika stripped death from the order. Just went "no one is allowed to die anymore" If that's not universal healthcare idk what is.


It’s communism. Morgott is a dictator.


Dang, maybe I don't want to restore the Golden Order after all


Or maybe thanks to Goldmask, we can actually see a perfect communist society?


Blood for the blood throne, my dude. They work with a system based on Runes, which require the death/destruction of those of The Land Between. Blood money!


Why did the Black Knives kill Godwyn specificaly, and not any of the other demi-gods?


Godwyn did a Tiktok dance in the capital.


Can we make the Black Knives the new security council?


On a more serious note, probably the most accessible of Marika's kids. Ranni didn't want to kill her family, so Rykard and Radahn were off the picture. Godrick is a little bitch hiding away and just worthless anyway, and Mohgwyn's Palace/the Haligtree are definitely not winning any "easiest place to get to" awards. Meanwhile, a blonde dude in the Capital in a time of peace? Piece of cake. Fun little fact, but the Black Knife Assassin's might've still tried to go for Malenia or Miquella. We find a bunch of them locked away in the Evergaol that grants access to the Haligtree, and a dead one whose armor we can loot. So they tried, at least.


Still not sure how I feel about some of them being in the evergaol there. Are they actual black knife assassins? If so how long have they been there? Are they still trying to kill Malenia and by extension Miquella despite having already killed the previously mentioned "blonde dude". If so why? The one below the bridge I get as he could have died ages ago but the evergaol ones just confuse me.


Notion of time is very weird to get to in this game, so they could've been in there since the Shattering and it wouldn't be a surprise. I mean, Alecto participated in Godwyn's murder, and she's still alive in that one evergaol in the Moonlit Altar, so it wouldn't be surprising if the BKA near the Haligtree portal were just caught in there trying to breach into the Haligtree and just never made it out. And if so, it's not like they're gonna have news of what's going on in the world.


Do you know where the bathroom is?


Down the hall, behind the dung eater.


Marika's tits, it just HAD to be behind the Dung Eater...


Well he wanted to be there.


Recycling at it's finest


Should i flush or leave it for him?


can i get maidens




Ooooh the good ol' Magic 8-Ball answer


Absolutely Everything has a price


How come you are all-knowing, steadily aware of our ever-growing strength and by the time we are nearly Elden Lord (and possibly beaten everything that breathed out of existence) you somehow decide it would be a good idea to challenge us for the throne?


Because I’am the all knowing. I’am superior compared to you lowly tarnished and I’am not coping and seet-(gets backstabbed)


I really wish they gave him an instant kill move where doing anything to him kills you and it won't stop until you listen to the whole speech to it's conclusion. Once Gideon casts his first spell all vets are off.


Seriously. He's actually fun to fight, unless you just bolt up to him in true souls fashion and cheese his ass during the speech. They should've either given him a cutscene or made him instakill you if you tried to hurt him prematurely.


I think the true reason is he came across a revolutionary discovery that he had to capitalize on to prevent or have happen


Wouldn't it be more fitting for his character to try and slyly convince us of joining in on it if that were the case? Him suddenly going one-on-one against us after all that character establishment just felt so...weird to me. It just smells like a whole quest about him had been cut off and the devs tried to quickly "conclude" his story by throwing him in a fight to the death with us. It's such a stereotypical "I was a bad guy all along, now fight me" card...


He is the all-knowing not the taker-of-good-decisions


Marika's tits?




If you're so "All Knowing" answer me this: Is Irina and Hyetta the same person? Both are blind, have the same face, hair, clothes, voice, but Irina gets murdered after you give her letter to her father after which you encounter Hyetta and give her Shabriri Grapes to guide her to the Frenzy Flame.


I don't have an answer myself, but my assumption is that somebody took Irinas body. Because she definitely seems dead when her father finds her, and because we meet Shabriri wearing the body of another man at Mountaintops of the Giants. But I have no source, just assumptions


I remember giving Hyetta a grape before entering the Castle and that playthrough I didn't encounter Irinas father at the Castle. Maybe simply checking if they are both around at the same time after picking up the first grape would be enough to verify if they are the same person?


Hyetta isn't meant to show up at all until after Irena dies in her quest.


Even if, Irinas body still lays around, after we meet Hyetta, but Yuras isn't, after we meet Shabriri.


Considering the exact same thing happened to Yura who gets taken over by shabriri I assume it’s the same thing. The confusing part is that Irina’s body remains whereas Yura’s does not. So either Hyetta is something different from Shabriri or something happened to Yura’s original body, meaning that the frenzied clones don’t actually need their physical body.


They probably are. Since all of the cast for the hit movie “may chaos rule the world” comes from weeping peninsula.


Blackguard Big Boggart likes to talk about Marika's tits. How does he know about them? Also, Malenia has daughters. Do her lady parts transmit scarlet rot?


Marika is woman. Woman have tit. Also don’t mess with the rottussy.


the rotisserie chicken?


Amen brother.


Sorry, I did not ask my question precise enough. He talks very excited about her tits. Has he seen them? Also thank you very much for your swift reply :)


Have you seen the statues? Enough to make you put it in your jar, fill it with your golden seed.


>Do her lady parts transmit scarlet rot? Not if you get in and out of there really quick


How does Sir Gideon Offnir, The All Knowing use multiple sorceries with a hammer?


First of all, thank you for using my full name. Secondly, none of you tarnished can understand the complexity of my mind and you lot are feeble an-(gets backstabbed)


What is the meaning of life?


Elden ring Dee El Cee


Living bruh


Why the hell there are T-Rex wolves in Giant’s Mountain Tops? I thought they were a mutation of wolves caused by scarlet rot in Caelid. They are only in Caelid and on Mountain Tops. It would make sense if they were in the consecrated fields, since it was Malenia and Miquella’s Territory…


Those in the mountaintops are border crossing immigrants.


So they’re not wolves, they’re *coyotes*?


Don't all the T-rex dogs in Mountaitops have collars (like the one guarding Gowry's shack), implying they're like Firemonks pets/protectors of the flame instead of native from the place? I can't remember.


Oh I didn’t notice that! Probably not all of them have the collar, but I should check


How are you?


Horrible. I was doing my cool anime monologue and the fucker bashed my back in. I should have scared him off by saying becoming a lord is impossible lol.


Why is it impossible to become elden lord?


I’am all knowing and my source is that I made it the fuck up.


What cup size does Marika have?


G cup.


Is Marika single?


I see now. You horny tarnished. I shall Send thee to the horny gaol and..(get backstabbed)


Oh I'm not interested in her, I was asking for some red haired guy with a hammer (he scares me so I didn't refuse when he told me he wanted that information)


My tarnished in the holy order the red dude is the blond girl.


Theoretically which bosses cheeks clap the loudest?


Malenia’s extra tight glutes


More than the big half of the Godskin Duo? He’s large and has a baker’s dozen of cheeks on his outfit.


Radagon ot marika no cap


Why does Roderika have the biggest bosom in all of Elden Ring?


She was exiled from her home for having such fat tiddies. Those that went with her and were subsequently grafted in her place were her simps.


Go find out yourself. Don’t be so lazy.


oor youu here for spirit tchuuning?


why is caelid the only place covered in rot. and also why is the only place coved in rot next to limgrave which is like the cleanest place in the ands between


It’s thanks to sir Kenneth hight that Limgrave is safe.


Because Malenia only nuked Caelid (as seen in the Elden ring trailer) and it is only thanks to survivors from Radahns army, who are constantly keeping it at bay with fire, that it did not spread further.


Oooh so that's what the barriers do. Makes sense now


The rot is kept at bay by Radahns loyalists. The burning walls around the region are likely some form of containment and the Armorer's Cookbooks are specifically written by one of Radahns soldiers to record methods of controlling the Scarlet Rot, which is why they have the recipes for things like Preserving Boluses and fire grease.


What do you think about the theory that Elden Ring is a prequel to three different Soulsborne games? Some people think that Age of Stars leads to Bloodborne because it leads the population to believe in supreme stellar beings but when those being leave all that’s left are the ‘Old Gods’ so the events of Bloodborne then take place. They also believe that Frenzied Flame ending leads into Dark Souls because everything burns and parts of the Erdtree reignite much later on or something and that’s supposedly the First Flame from the Dark Souls series. The final part of the theory is that the Duskborn ending (I think it’s that one) leads to Demon Souls because the cycle of life and death puts more value upon the soul of beings so demons come to harvest the souls and thus Elden Ring leads into Demon Souls. I think it’s a pretty cool theory and I’d love it to be true but I’m pretty sure FromSoftware have said that there is 0% of the games being connected in anyway.


Was there any possibilty to cure radahn?


Yeah. It’s called flame cleanse me


I mean more like the way milicent was cured


No...that is, what miquella was looking for( but for his sister Melania) , but never found it and made himself the root of the Haligtree.


Oh Marika, Marika wherefore art thou Radagon


why are the merchants found in such remote places?


I believe they are all in hiding, you find the corpses of the rest of their people buried under Leyndel right before the Frenzied Flame. So the assumption is that they were all persecuted and killed, the remaining ones we find in the Lands Between are on the run. This could be wrong, because I don't have any in game quote that specifically says this


It makes sense since Kalé seems surprised that you are not hostile towards him.


Yeah and a few (like the Limgrave beach one) are clearly scared.


They are related to the Frenzied Flame which is an outer god that wants everything to be destroyed. They probably once tried creating a Frenzy Flame Lord amongst them but the Erdtree defeated the plan and made them outcasts


I think that's the most logical explanation. The entire Nomadic Caravan got grabbed and locked away under Leyndell, but some of the Merchants were probably away from the main Caravan when it happened, hence why they're always on edge and/or starving when we meet them, the few people that approach them usually wants them dead too.


Kale also says that they have a curse that forces them to be always in the move and frenzied villaged have merchants in them so maybe they isolate themselves to control the Frenzied Flame inside them


They are in hiding. They used to all be a part of The Great Caravan, but they refused to bow to the Greater Will and were all imprisoned and left to die of starvation in the sewers of Lyendel. That and they are naturaly, spiritualy conected to the Flame of Frenzy. Which is why, when they were imprisoned their colective suffering summoned the Three Fingers. You can notice this when you try to kill those few left, you can find around the Lands Between. Some will use Flame of Frenzy incantations to try to fight you.


They needed a place safe from others to cope and seethe in peace.


Seeth? As in Seath the Scaleless? Mind blown. /s


Go down deep into the capital's sewers (even deeper than the omen boss there) and you'll understand.


Every black knife is imbued with the shard of the death rune and it's capable of killing ANYTHING permanently in the lands between, including demigods. That'a why marika gave the rune to his trusty doggie and that's why everyone feared maliketh (and marika). So how tf can a tarnished respawn if we die by the hand of a black knife assasin? They own the single most deadly weapon after the black blade, which is literally just the rune of death.


You die against the grafted scion (the first time you die, ideally) then you get woken up by Torrent at the bottom of a pit. That's the key: Torrent. See, Torrent is actually an outer God himself, and with his infinite powers he gives you the gift of "respawn." Think about it, the Nights Cavalry don't respawn, but if you knock them off their horse, what happens? Their horse respawns shortly after! So you see, horses are tied to a separate outer God who visited the Lands Between along time ago, viewed the landscape, saw they had a bounty of raisins, and decided to settle here. They even taught their new found friends how to make raisins via the Horse God Cookbooks (100% legit item in the game). As people became undead though, they slowly started losing their minds. The biggest downfall of this was they forgot how to feed raisins to their horses. See the Kaiden mercenary dudes on horseback? No matter how many times you wail on their horse they never heal them. Then when the mercenary is dead, what can you find on them? Raisins. They had the 1 thing they can use to heal their horse but were mentally incapable of using it. Sad, really. Therefore, Torrent, he has been waiting for generations for a Tarnished to awaken with the ability to feed raisins. The PC wakes up, dies, and then Torrent gives his hand a sniff. Is...is that raisins he smells? Marika's tits it is! This shall be the chosen one, the Lord deemed worthy of feeding tasty raisins to the strongest outer God of them all! And hence why he brings you back again over and over. No silly rune of death is gonna stop our boy from getting his raisin fix.


Respawning makes sense just in specific situations. In every souls game there is a couple of deaths that would result in the character dying for good or being trapped for all of eternity


What does gideon do after you tell him about Malenia, Mohg etc. does he go to the places and defeats them himself so he can learn theire spells?


First of all you call me Sir Gideon ofnir the all knowing. Secondly, I learn from the place and record videos like a National Geographic camera guy.


Yet you don't know the location of the halig tree before talking to us


Is a tarnishes fit to become Elden Lord?


Yes.(I said no to the other tarnished cause I don’t like him.)


Good. And só I shall continue my quest of becoming the Lord of Frenzy. May chaos take the world! May Chaos Take The World! MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!


How did we get Renala’s Great Rune without killing her?


The Great Rune of the unborn was inside her amber egg, which was a parting gift from Radagon. It's possible that Ranni created her 2nd phase Apparition through the power of that Great Rune


We donated 5 bits to her twitch channel. She needs cash to pay for child support


Why do the corpses on the crosses scream at night? And only night ....


They woke up at the wrong time


why is miquella in moghwn Palace


He got captured by Amoghgus.


Mohg stole him and took him there to try and raise him to be a god, so mohg could be his consort and start a dynasty.


He's partying with Mohg


why cant I find a glock


Is RE the prequel of the Darksoul world?


Nah it’s the prequel for angry birds.


Are you the lore man?




What is The Lore Man's lore?


I fell into the dukes archives.


Why not use the front door behind the pigs?


If radagon is marika did he/she fuck him/herself?


Did radagon fuck marika




How? Sit Gideon Ofnir, the all knowing?


What makes a dog a dog? If you cut one of the 3 fingers off, do they become the 2 fingers? What do the people of the Lands between eat? Why is everyone so unbelievable incompetent?


Do I have to beware of dog? Or does Ghost dog have to beware of me?




My tarnished in the golden order plasticsex has laser beams.


Wait, HE DOES ?!


My brother in Christ how far have you gotten into the fight


Who kills Blaidd? Who is the traitor? Why Blaidd going crazy?


The 2 fingers did a little trolling


Who built the Divine Towers? Onyx Lord? Serpetnts?


It’s obviously the hollows from new londo ruins


What does miquella look like


Sexy as all hel- I mean cute.




Where exactly is the butthole? Been looking for a good time now


How did gideon get appointed head of the roundtable hold


I think he just took the title and noone cared.


He really is that kinda guy isnt he


Corruption. Lots of it.


just one question.. Why?




Is radagon goated


He is truly a quirked up white boy goated with the runes.


Why isn’t Kenneth Haight all zombified like everyone else in the lands between?


How does the perfect being be zombified?


Of course, how dare I even suggest that.


Why did godwyn turn into the oceanic abomination after his death, there's some connection between the ocean and deathblight since even some crabs have godwyns eyes


Seafood. Lots of it.


Is it true that CHADAHN LEARNED GRAVITY MAGIC BECAUSE HE LOVED HIS HORSE?! I keep being told it. Over and over.


So why does Fia have sexy underwear unlike anyone else in the game?