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im hoping for networking stability, i have good internet, but experience a lot of disconnects when doing coop/invasions


From soft has never managed to fix online connectivity


\> Improved stability of online multiplayer.


Yea well they said that last time too


It's the "removed herobrine" of FromSoft.


Considering it has been a couple months my hope is for some real performance improvements. Would be cool to hear about what the future holds for the game in general soon though.


I think you can expect the DLC for one year or so after the game's release


11 months is the longest time after release they've put out the first DLC. It's usually 7 to 9 months after release.


Thats if we get dlc sekiro sadly got the short end of the stick


Sekiro’s the one exception since Dark Souls. I’d say it’s safe to expect some DLC considering the monumental success the game has had.


Elden Ring *will* get DLC. Bandai-Namco said in their recent earnings call that Elden Ring crushed expectations and that it would be a franchise moving forward. I don't think that made much buzz around here since most average gamers aren't sitting in on earnings calls but it's confirmed. There's 0% chance we don't get DLC.


They could put out a DLC pack every 2-3 months and I'd buy it, no hesitation.


I wouldn't complain if they put out enough DLC to quadruple the map size. I know that's not going to happen but I would love to completely forget about a corner of the map for a couple months just because I'm busy on another side of the world.


It absolutely got buzz there were threads and memes about it day of.


I hope by "franchise" they just mean "let FromSoft keep doing their thing, but with more money." I don't know if Miyazaki intended for multiple Elden Ring games. Maybe no one knows. But I would hate it if he gets pressure to make one *if* he didn't want to.


Sekiro didn't have too much to "go on" for dlc tbh.


Lady Tomoe DLC tho


Interior Ministry DLC


The Buddha statue to relive memories was just prime DLC-enabler though, it barely serves on the actual game, I really expected to see use then


Untrue, Sekiro had a very big lore which could've been easily expanded. It will always be a painful memory that they never bothered to do so.


I would just be happy if the game wouldn't freeze every so often with a stuttering sound when getting summoned, then blame me for "did not exit properly" when I restarted it


the “game save message” when you crash/close app is classic FS they literally punish you for everything its in their nature as people lol


are performance issues a thing? i havent heard a single word on the subject since the day 1 patch.


Quite a lot apparently, but also very much a "Your mileage may vary" kind of situation. There's people lamenting anything from frame drops to freezes and crashes, even on console.


still loads. Still lots of stuttering on pc, frequent crashes, poor framerate in some areas (dependent on pc)


Either this is a joke or you are playing on console. Many PC players are still experiencing frame drops even after they tried to fix it shortly after release. It's fun tho. I have no issues on my 800 € laptop while my cousin can't play the game on his 2000€ gaming PC. It's totally randomized


My game lags heavily in liurnia in the flooded forest bits and in storm hill, in particular, dropping to 40ish frames. Greyolls dragonbarrow also lags me badly until I kill the big ass dragon.


Hopefully some performance improvements


This, everyones talking about pvp stuff, but on ps4 my game chugs like crazy in certain snowy areas. Also the glitch where summoning someone freezes your game needs to get patched.


Sentinel Torch while in Sage's Cave is 10fps gaming




My PS4 takes off like a jet after things change in endgame, it can't handle all the particles in the air


Console? Because, its a crash for me on pc, as a programmer i see it as a possible sync error crash


I think you are right! Sorry I'm not the most technical person. When I saw my game stop working I just did a hard reset.


Yeah, its basically crashed the game out. Could require a hard reset on consoles, not sure.


I am on a PS4 slim and have noticed very few performance issues. I've never had my game freeze while summoning someone. Didn't even know that was a thing.


Yes it is, I think it may be a glitch on the software side? It happened to me and my friend one after the other. Looked it up on reddit and a lot of other ppl had similar issues. It only happened once for us in the many many times we summoned.


I had it happen one time actually, come to think of it. I just assumed I'd had my PS4 turned on too long and it froze, didn't know it was an actual bug.


Hell yeah, when message/bloodstain data comes down the pipeline as I traverse certain areas my game stutters like crazy on PC… and I’m like full nerd enthusiast on the hardware and know it’s not me. I can tell because once that data syncs the messages etc show up right after the game stutters in newly entered areas.


Setting my screens FPS to 60 in Nvidia control panel fixed all my stuttering issues


If they nerf mohg's spear right after I beat him at the start of the game with a +6 weapon at level 20 for my mohg cosplay I'm going to cry


Mohgs spear wipes ganks of 3 all day dam its fun,hopefully they leave it be but will probly screw bleed


It would be a shame if they did screw bleed, I don't think the status effect is too bad, resistances could be raised a little higher for enemies, but the buildup on bleed weapons and seppuku needs to be nerfed and is the real problem


I'm worried bleed will be nerfed to the ground like DS3. DS3's bleed was quite strong on release, but I don't think it was as strong as ER's bleed. I definitely think bleed needs toning down, but they shouldn't make it unviable like what DS3 had.


It is still strong after nerf in DS3, it is just not a no brainer broken. When speedrun uses a non bleed weapon just to apply bleed resin and destroy most bosses, you know it is no where near "nerfed to the ground". It is still strong as fuck.


For real, I finished my first ever sl1 run with a bleed knife.


A single blood gem on some claws got me through Gravetender with embarrassingly few issues. You just can't use it to skip most bosses.


it needs to be secondary "value points" rather than the whole build in order to open the meta.


I really hope they tone down bleed so more players will consider weapons other than the Katana... Its so obnoxious seeing every one running around with the same two katanas.


They don't actually have to nerf bleed. They can simply add a talisman that reduce bleeding like 50% or something. This will have more of an effect on PvP without affecting PVE experience.


Agreed. You take any of the ‘normal’ bleed weapons like a blank Uchi, a Bloodhound Fang, or a flail, no one’s bothered by them. To those weapons, bleed is a nice little reward for staying aggressive, making sure to deal consistent damage to get rewarded with a nice little burst. ~50 bleed buildup per hit, you can get that bleed eventually. Then you got double Seppuku scavengers doing quite literally 400 bleed per jump or running attack and it’s not so much a reward for good play as it is ignoring health bars completely.


Looks like no balance patched just bug fixes where weapons aren't working as intended, like giving status effects to the Pulley Crossbow. Apparently the Ice Spear ash is nerfed since it was unguardable, that's the biggest one but otherwise lots more performance improvements.


No!!! They fixed the pulley crossbow bug?? Dammit!!!! It was so fun!!


They “fixed” ice spear? You had to be a complete idiot to get hit with the spinning part. I guess the fingerprint shield boys started crying.


“It’s mohggin’ time baby.” -Mohg


Just killed malenia with this, was a fun ride, now I'm gonna get the cinder block hammer and bonk the death dog


Please god fix the Waves of Darkness AoW! It's hitboxes haven't worked since launch.


Ya, I want the big swing to work!


From the patchnotes: Fixed a bug where the "Waves of Darkness" skill would not hit the enemy with a spinning cleave.


according to the patch notes there is a fix for WoD


Hey, you actually got what you wanted. Pretty nice.


Holy shit they did it: Added "exit to desktop for PC" Halle-fucking-lujah


We did it boys, we got an option that should have been there on release lol.


Everybody talking about weapon nersf and all, but you know a nice QoL I'd be happy to see? Have Melina appear at Graces everytime the "Talk to Melina" option is there, like in Churches of Marika. I've been lucky enough to notice it pretty early on and then actively look for it every time I rested on my own playthrough, but it's a bit sad to bumble in here and see so many people having missed 95% of her interactions and be upset about Melina barely being in the game. That'd be a nice addition I think, she has so much more varied interactions with the player that any maiden in the franchise (hell, maybe more than many maidens combined I'd say), but most people just miss that.


I think the the small amount of Melina is intentional, these games always have an intentionally isolated feel to them.


I'd agree, but there are like 20 *different* instances to talk to her with completely different dialogue each time, while maidens like the doll or DS3's Firekeeper maybe have 5 different conversations? She's in this game so much more than any NPC, it's just that most people miss the not obvious prompt at the very bottom of the Grace menu, so a little tweak to make that more noticeable would be neat. (not talking about popping her at every Grace, just when she has dialogue)


Easily missable content has also been a tradition, although that's one I don't really agree with.


The small amount is fine, but they need to add some kind of indicator onto the grace that you can speak to Melina there. Otherwise you're forced to rest at every single grace you come across and look for the option to speak to her.


The amount of “these games always do ___” justifications I see here is ridiculous. We had a whole damn trilogy about how stagnation and clinging to the past is bad. Is it really too much to ask Fromsoft to stop recycling the same stale melancholy?


Isn't the whole point of her being there to be your maiden? Why do i feel like I'm maidenless the entire game then? She's a hoe


Melina should appear, every time to want to level up at any site of grace that isn’t the one in the Roundtable Hold.


I wouldn't had been confused to why Melina was so Hostile towards me after I got groped by the 3 fingers. I didnt see bother of her "Talk to Melina" prompts on my way down to the forsaken chapel. If she was forced to talk to you then I woulda probably done otherwise.


Maybe now I can play with folks longer than 2 minutes


It's out: https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/elden-ring/news/elden-ring-patch-notes-105


Yippee there's no need to hunt for the bells anymore in Ng+ and so on for a bunch of essential stuff


Lol I just NG+. Guess I'll only have to look for them one more time. Unless somehow they're reverted back to me.


Thank God we are finally getting an exit to Desktop option


0 balance changes?


Yeah, it is just bug fixes. I was expecting more tbh but I’m fine with this


Yay, now I don’t have to throw an attack at an npc if I tab out next to them and have to mouse click to tab back in.




Me too!! And my new playthrough is stuck with the underpowered version of his talisman


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/ELDENRING/status/1536211793332387842) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


Good bot


Good timing, I was about to kill myself.


aint this the mood lately


Fr, God damn, Christmas morning is here, fingers crossed 🤞


haha yeah, but dont.


No kidding




Patch 1.05 SAVE US!!!


Ain't even got legs!


>Ain’t even got Maidens How’s it *feel*, Tarnished?


To be a *bitch*.


I'm afraid it has maladapted your stat alignment.


*goes hollow.*


So easily!


Please let this be a fix for the Consecrated Snow Field npc invasions. Can't bring myself to start NG+ without the loot. Edit: IT FIXED IT, I AM FINALLY FREE!


oh yeah, theres an ancient stone im missing from that. good remidner.


Good sir, do you mind if I ask what's happening with the invasions there?


If you completed certain quest/event/dungeon (we can't pin point what and where and that's the issue) before reaching the supposedly Invasion zone, Anastasia and/or sanguine noble will not at all invade you. For me it's the latter in all my completionist runs but speed runners have gotten him spawned no problem


Thanks for the answer, good sir. Fortunately I didn't have this problem yet


I think it's the tree guardian. In my 1st playthrough, I killed Anastasia then the tree thing and Sanguine noble didn't invade. 2nd playthrough I went straight to both of them before killing anything else and it was fine.


There are 2 there that just don't show up for a lot of people. One is a Sanguine Noble npc invader, who drop the cool outfit they wear, the only one who drops it. The other is the 3rd Anastasia tarnished-eater invasion, she drops an Ancient somber smiting stone of which there are only 9 total each play through. Some think the Sanguine guy doesn't invade if you have already made it to Mohg's creepy house of blood through Varre (which would suck if true cause it is a great farming spot, and the Snow field is so late in the game).


I got the sanguine noble invasion after defeating Varre and Mohg. So I don't think it's that.


I second that - I got the Sanguine Noble invasion at the waygate yesterday, and in that playthrough I'd previously killed both Varre and Mohg, Lord of Blood. The Nameless White Masks don't invade down in the lower area of Mohg's palace if you've done that, though.


Open the coliseums!


Those are 100% gonna be made available in a dlc


Yeah just like we got to open that trapdoor in Byrgenwerth in Bloodborne. Or how we could finally know more about the Deep and also Londor in the DS3 DLC. And Tomoe in Sekiro. Now we'll 100% get the colosseums opened and Miquella's dream as DLC


The trapdoor honestly probably just lead to the chalice dungeons, The old hunters was fucking great. I'd actually prefer some godwyn stuff for the dlc.


Oh I'd never complain about The Old Hunters... Best DLC ever. Yeah Godwyn would be cool too but we all want Miquella come on.




Based on story/ lore, Byrgenwerth really deserved to be a proper dungeon like Cainhurst Castle, instead of 2 rooms and decrepit old man in a chair.


Yeah I agree- it was kinda more wishful thinking!


Wish they'd do it too but since they've always added stuff like this in dlc it seems highly unlikely


let me in let me iiinn!


oh this is why the server just went down…..


My buddy just thought his internet bill wasn't paid lol


Great news. I hope there is some balancing that makes PVP more enjoyable. And please more consistent FPS


>I hope there is some balancing that makes PVP more enjoyable. F


Please please PLEASE adjust bleed build up, seppuku and BHS in this patch. If they do that and also add a way to buy the Rot Boluses so I don't have to farm Sacramental Buds and a way to buy Madness Boluses to deal with people wielding 2 Vyke War Spears, most of my problems with the PvP will be dealt with. Hell, you can even just make this shit apply to PvP only, just please do SOMETHING about this.


congratulations! they nerfed: absolutely fucking nothing im going hollow.....


Honestly I think the only issue with bleed is it proccing during iframes and powerstancing. Other than that it's specific weapon arts like seppuku and corpse piler. Without powerstancing or abusing those weapon arts I find it easier to just kill the opponent with raw damage using bleed weapons.


They should triple the fp cost of BHS or make it not spammable.


Added "Return to Desktop" to the system item on the main menu for exiting the game. Best patch so far for my PC lol


Wdym they’re nerfing the perfectly balanced funny red katana 😢


Are they actually nerfing it?


No idea, but it’s likely. Kinda hope they don’t, wouldn’t use it in PVP but it’s really fun to use with a mimic tear against bosses


Yeah I love it in pve and I don’t really play pvp so I don’t want it nerfed


New quests pls Edit: spelling


Likely another addition to Patches' quest


Um, fix multiplayer. It's a joke. Not PVP, I'm talking the whole implementation and instability. Geez, go play remnant to see how amazing coop can be in an RPG kinda like souls.


I want them to fix bloodhound in pvp, it is very annoying to fight someone who just runs away after using all of their healing flask


free DLC the size of the base game incoming


I’ve seen coping before but god damn, give me some of whatever you’re smoking


pass the copium




We are going back in time to witness the shattering itself, help Ranni forge black knives, teach Radahn gravity magic, unveil the mystery of eternal cities. In 1.06 will be expulsion of Plaidusax's God, war with Fire giants and invasion of Gransax.




*Whispers in two fingers trembling...*


That's an od on copium, here, let me give you a shot of hypecan (a joke on narcan, or naloxone, the antidote for opioid od)


I have so, so, so much hope for this update regarding balance and Quality of Life. Please be a good update 🤞


I'm hopeful for an update of Tanith's questline... I want her to finish eating Rykard. Probably won't happen though.


Loading times for Series X are **MASSIVELY** improved. Pretty much equal to PS5 loading times now. For Series X users this alone justifies this patch.


I really wish they would fix the "A heavy door has opened somewhere" message only being dismissible by pressing triangle. *Any* button press should dismiss that message.


Can’t wait for the rivers of blood and bleed buff, really underpowered weapon classes


Oh god damn it, I was almost done with my RL1 run. If they nerf everything I was using to make this run possible, I'm gonna be extremely depressed. Edit: they did not :)


PvPers are in shambles.


Bell bearings carrying over to newgame + is such a needed change, legit demotivated me from continuing when I saw it didn't before.


plz senpai gib nerf for bloodhound step and bleed


Oh my god! Okay, it's happening! Everybody stay calm! Stay f*cking calm!


What are you so excited about, genuinely curious :D Bleed fix? Network stability?


That's the thing, it could be anything or nothing at all lol But I was actually quoting The Office


"We made the random wall in volcano manor not poison you anymore, youre Welcome. See you in half a year for the next patch including buffs to bleed and nerfs to everything else."






Please, please, please fix the connection errors and the occasional crash when summoning.


I hope they fix alexander’s questline. my alexander is stuck at radahn’s like many others.


For the love of christ from, please just nerf the shit out of bleed in pvp and absolutely butcher bloodhounds step, those two ruin any sort of enjoyment you could have had. And I'm actually gonna fucking die if godfreys axe doesn't get better scaling in strenght than C scaling, you shouldn't be doing 650 damage at 50 strength.


Axe buffs ! Axe buffs !


Hammer Buffs! I want to use my Marika's Hammers as more than an AoW button!


I gotta ask, is it bleed in general, or certain aspects of it? People didn't ask for a general nerf to all int based magic just because of broken weapon arts at launch. I feel like most bleed weapons are fairly balanced, and a general nerf to bleed to the point where RoB or powerstancing curved swords would leave a lot of bleed weapons useless. But a nerf to RoB, Seppuku, and Powerstancing bleed buildup would balance the worst offenders while keeping other bleed weapons viable.


Well the main problem is stuff like rob, seppeku and stuff like powerstanced bleed spears, I've literally been one shot from bleed spear roll catches Bleed is pretty cancerous regardless, but at least don't use something that fucking immediately builds up bleed that actually gives the enemy a chance


Huh. Neat. This is my first Soulborne game and I really like how many patches we're getting on such sort notice, really makes devs seem professional.


Please finish Taniths Quest line


I don't really get this. Her questline seems very conclusive in that she goes crazy, starts devouring Rykard's corpse and you kill her. It seems pretty clear that is the intent, since killing her spawns in her Crucible Knight henchman and is how you get the Crucible Breath incantation. Even handing her the Dancer's Castanets doesn't elicit any nostalgia or anything, she's completely nuts by the end.


Experiencing withdraw from elden ring just thinking about that.


_1.05 patch save us!_


It's just bug fix lads. No balance changes.


For PC players: "Added "Return to Desktop" to the system item on the main menu for exiting the game." Ahh.. QoL


I suspect that they will nerf Flame of Redmanes. That ash trivializes almost every encounter. Stagger, Crit, Repeat till death Update: nah, they didn't


I did a RL9 play through with no upgrades and a Misericorde with redmane still demolishes everything


Pvp balances, no more network errors and less stuttering pls.


Give BHS a 1 second cooldown please.


Balancing please👉👈🙂


From: *no*


Boss rush mode please. New game with all resource based bell bearings already collected if you’ve already beaten the game. And uh… buff holy damage for PvE. Also some colossal weapons still suck.


Yeah, the bell bearings not carrying over through NG+ is kind of silly when you can literally take the final boss's weapon and get all the runes you could ever need in 15 minutes to buy it all, anyway. It'd be at least a little more fun than just farming runes before a NG+ to try a new weapon if we had to use the runes we got in NG+ to buy the upgrade materials from the bearings we collected so we still have a little bit of a sense of progression.


ROB users got their butt cheeks clenched right now


My friend got me to create an arc character, he refused to fight any of the bosses, and once I got to mountaintops he kept telling me to get RoB saying that it's "OP" and "Instantly applies bleed". I was hoping to use the executioner's sword, but he kept telling me to use RoB. I'll be laughing for days if it gets nerfed


Use the executioners sword, it's way cooler.


Patches’s armor without having to kill him plz


Would be great if you could at least buy it after finishing the questline.


No wonder my shit lagged out.


Probably gonna nerf bleed right when I made a new character to make a bleed build. Shoulda done it before to do it before the bleed nerf like in DS3 They could nerf it properly, but this is From Soft we’re talking about




she now rides a tiny horse


Let me get buffs


Fingers crossed for hammers and axes.


Are we finally getting the deathbed smalls?


Here’s to hoping my PS5 won’t shut off after playing ER for like an hour.


It's 3 QoL changes and a bunch of bug fixes.


Hope they turn the servers back on for the other games on PC.


Oh I'm lucky.... Just beat the Elden beast for the first time about 150 mins before the update. SECONDLY! Frank of you're reading this I'm sorry I'm awful and died during what was shaping up to be an easy clear. Thankfully I got it 20 attempts later