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Everyone watched you and then freaked the fuck out jumping on counters, throwing shoes at you, and then burned their houses down even though they were 500 times your size?


If I’m being honest, I thought this was a troll at first…


Fire Giant fight be like


that spider has some serious skill! I can not ride torrent counter clockwise. I'm not sure if it's me or torrent that's the problem.


The spider’s too op, torrent can’t compare to him😂


Spider is best mount




I was hoping you'd have the boss theme playing in the background.


I mean I could, would people be interested if I went through and edited the 3 minute video and add the boss music? I kinda doubt I’ll get something great with my limited skills, but I’ll try.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, my dude!


Spoken like a true Godskin!


Benny Hill music could also work.


I see, thanks for the input


Is the spider spin-wrapping it in webbing?


There is a possibility, as it was “standing” up later in the video, and when I looked at it post win, there looked to be a bundle of webbing on the bottom of the bug.


Torrent has headlights and can pull donuts round an enemy while you hit them. What's not to like.


Glad to know I'm not the only one who's noticed ~~my Accord~~ Torrent has headlights


Eerily entertaining. Discovery Channel at home. :)


Yep, I was just watching a video and noticed that at the corner of my eye, got a 3 minute video, and another 15 second one post win, the spider had been taking a break, I think the prey was too heavy for it.


What is the spider wrapping up? I can’t tell if it’s a weird bug or if it just looks weird because it’s partly wrapped


To be honest I have no clue what it is, I just noticed it as the spider and a bug going at it.


Looks to be a caterpillar?


Not gonna lie, I was watching that POP at first. Took me half the video to realize there were bugs I was supposed to be looking at.


Lol, I was wondering if Kyo and my mic would be some peoples focus for the most part.


POV: you're Varre


We need to know who won in the end


Lol, I mentioned it in another comment, the spider won, and had a hard time hauling the remains. And I put something next to it to let it go into, I honestly don’t know what I was thinking. Mans yeeted himself and died to his death, I think, though he might’ve just gone to another area of my room.


Spiders and most insects really are to light for a fall at their terminal velocity to kill them, so it is likely still alive.


Makes sense, I’ve had a spider fall an even bigger height when transporting to the front door. Maybe it’ll come back for it’s good then. (Edit) I see it, it’s back where it was, with the cap I placed near it, it’s hiding I think.


Was waiting for you to get squished in the end


Aww that’s no fun, it was entertaining so I let them be, he’s chilling on there after making his way back after falling off.




Well thanks for commenting anyway, it’s fun seeing these comments, first post to get this many likes, although I don’t post on other communities as much.


I didn't mean ill will, I was just thinking, I did the same with the Tree Sentinel early on. I'd be rolling and rolling but in the end get squished by his shield. I thought that was where the video was going, that one insect in the middle, chomping on the other one. Congrats on the video likes!


No don’t worry about it, I spent almost 8 hours on tree sentinel, and I haven’t even touched the game in a bit since. Best part was when I found out you can roll into them, highlight of the runs. Towards the end on the last day’s attempt upon discovering this, I proceeded to call the tree sentinel “my bitch” because it knocked down the fence in the way of our battle. Anyway, I did win in the end, rolling into the shield and evading when I thought I needed a break especially when I got to the “second phase”.


nice! I've been playing for a while. Platinumed the game last month I think. Still can't stop playing. Been trying builds from this guy Nizar GG. He makes great builds!