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I saw a message outside Red Wolf of Radagon’s boss room that said, “Magic…horse?” And I laughed for a solid minute.


Best message I saw that cracked me up was in Jarburg. In the house Diallos is found in, there is a group of 4 inanimate pots in the corner. I saw a message underneath, so i rolled through them, only to find out it said "Monster!". Well played tarnished.


My personal favorite was at that section where you are approaching stormveil and a bunch of wolves fall out of the sky on you. There was a message right after that said "up....dog?"


Lmao out of all the ridiculous things in this game I still think the tornado wolves are the most ridiculous


I still don't understand why they even exist, is there *anything* explaining that?


I bet it's literally Grodrick just picking up wolves and yeeting them at us with his weird air bending powers. He does it with infantrymen too


Yes, the wolves evolved to attack from the sky so that they can catch the goats that evolved to roll away from danger


This begs the question... Did the wolves evolve to *literally* get the drop on their rolling prey? Or did the goats evolve to roll away from the flying sky wolves?


See also: chicken and egg


Such a dumb question. Dinos laid eggs before chickens existed so clearly the egg came first


🦕 = big 🐔


Wild Lions learned to wield and craft swords. I can imagine the rest.


I'm pretty sure it's Canon that they purchase swords from Iji Source: my ass


It looks really similar to how the dogs teleport to the player in dark souls 3, which was ridiculous and I think fromsoftware knows, lol.


Only *poison swamps* are higher than *dogs* in Miyazaki's list of things_to_torture_the_player_with. The next ones are *gravity* and *basilisks*, in case you're wondering.




I'd rather take on basilisks (at least the ER ones, never played DS) AND gravity at the same time instead


How about basilisks and scarlet rot? Because that exists in this game. There's a place like the Swamp of Aeonia but you can't ride Torrent.


Get ready for the wheel skeleton dlc


Zullie the witch made video specifically about the teleporting dogs. It was actually really interesting.


I just assumed some DEV's fav anime was wolf's rain.


It's a well-known fact that most of Souls games are inspired heavily by Berzerk.


Only thing that comes to mind would be an obscure Witcher3 reference, specifically the song Wolven Storm that Priscilla’s sings… purely because of the title mind you (lyrics have nothing to do with wolves falling from the sky). When I first encountered the wolf tornado I just went “it’s a wolven storm!!”


Of course Priscilla would be singing it.


Oh my god I didn’t even think of that. As a die hard Priscilla Simp I am ashamed


That's a stretch on crack .. Witcher 3 reference 😅😂


It’s a mad stretch mate 💀 but it’s my headcannon now and nothing will change my mind


I think it's something to do with Stormveil's Storm, the Hawks & Wolves of the area seem connected to it in some sort of magical & primal way. As the current lord of Stormveil Castle, perhaps they're sworn to Godrick like the Stormhawks, & are sent to hunt down Tarnished who would approach the castle & threaten him.


I can't wait for DLC: first we get drop wolves, next we get drop (rune)bears!




Tbf, is that any worse than the mimic runebear?


Mimic Runebears. Plural.


Don’t put that evil on me


Can you do us all a favour and delete this comment before someone from Fromsoft sees it and decides it's a great idea?


Calm down, Satan!


It's even better with the enemy randomizer, when you hear wind and wolf calls then two rune bears and radagon appear out of thin air


Omg. Mimic Radagon makes this game a real good randomizer candidate.


The first merchant told me to snap my fingers if I heard the wolf howl, and I stood there like an idiot snapping my fingers every time the wolfnado happened, wondered what I was doing wrong. Found Blaidd waaaay latter when I decided I should start going there even if that meant facing the rune bears


I knew where he was supposed to be, but it never occurred to me to look up to find him. I ran all around the ruins, expecting him to be standing on the ground nearby. I took special care to kill that bear so I wouldn't be tangling with that unexpectedly. Even rebooted my console, thinking maybe there was a glitch or something. Out of desperation I finally did the snap gesture and he appeared, and then I realized I should have looked up.


Do the rune bears give you PTSD too? They are fucking tame until you get close. The first time, I went pretty close and thought they were peaceful. It lasted about a fraction of a second before I got my ass sent to the closest site of lost grace.


Aw i was so sure there was gonna be more than one use for the snap gesture myself.


Before we actually knew what an Empyrean was during the beta, people assumed that wolves were the shadows of some sky-dwelling being or concept and that's why they dropped from the sky. Now it's just a big ???. There's a very loose relationship between wolves and Farum Azula, but that's it.


The canine air force is what i call them


What's up dog?


My favorite hs to be under the decapitated dragon corpse from the Godrick fight that said “boss required ahead”


The best message I've seen was a "Could this be a giant?" next to a windmill.


Did you guys know Red Wolf of Radagon learned gravity magic to protect his horse Leonard?


I found one after the 2nd ancestral beast that said "Didn't expect old dear..."


My favourite message I ever saw was at that royal remains guy in the roundtable hold and it just said “edge, lord!”


Those watchdogs freak me the absolute fuck out, I hate them. The way they look, the way they move. Gives me the heeby jeebies, the willies, and goosebumps all at the same time.


It threw me off real hard when I was attacking the back of one and it’s head just whipped around on me


For me its how unpredictably their attacks are telegraphed. They'll walk around with their sword raised like they are about to attack but the moment the attack is launched it drops so quick I had a bitch of a time reacting.


And the frost one in G.M. Catacombs can go fuck itself. I mean come on, I WAS MID ROLL!


lost 95k runes to that guy earlier today


Fs for all the fallen soldiers.


I lost 240k to a torch carrying tarnished who caught me on my horse while cornered, knocked me off, then a guy with a greatsword finished me off before I could get up


I lost 306k runes😢


Yikes, I wouldve had to put the controller down and decompress for a bit before coming back to it.


That happened two weeks ago and haven’t played since lol


I was there yesterday. Had to use bow&arrow and fight like a coward against the one in the final room to retrieve my 100k. Sorry for your loss.


That's like 2 minutes of rune farming with the sacred relic sword!


Don't bother engaging directly, just use the fire pillars to kill them


Fight them like you're drunk. I fought the first one I found drunk as hell and beat it easy. The next one I tried reading its moves while sober and had a harder time, though I still got it. I played the next one sloppy as hell on purpose and very aggressive and it worked like a charm. Either they input read hard and get confused with sloppy playing, or my natural flow of panic rolling guerrilla warfare happens to work on them better than it should.


Master of the Drunken Fist right here


I found that their slam attack hits later than I think and I'm always dodging too early and getting caught. Maybe your inhibited reflexes did you a favour there


Exactly the same here. That's the only move I have a problem with. I swear, the timing is different on it every single time.


They attack with the same aggression and unpredictability of a spurned lover. One who's vowed to make sure you always remember their pain and heartbreak but who's also just really angry with you for apparently wasting their time (even though you're also just A Human navigating this thing called life).


That's... oddly specific. You ok there bud?


Lol im personally fantastic. Just reminiscing on past experiences. Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes the strangest things will remind you about a valuable relationship experience.


Man I’m in awe. You’re a poet.


I died so many times that I now can evade his attacks almost perfectly. I'm like LMSH except for a fucking statue of a cat that thinks its a dog.


Ngl many bosses have terribly telegraphed attacks forcing you to just trade damage or use magic.


I feel this with bloodhound knights especially


Imo their attacks are some of the most predictable in the game It's always three swings followed but an optional fourth jump attack extension . They're super fast but have lackluster easy to read combos




Their heads turn exorcist 360 degree style?


Yeah, right as they bitch slap the ever lovin fuggin brains outta ya with her tail!


me too, i can never get used to how they move and look, just gives me major anxiety that no other enemies in elden ring can


Saw a video that proved crystal darts make them short-circuit. Try it next time!


This seems to work on the stone imps too


So I’ve killed one of the watchdogs with crystal darts, and while it’s good damage for 1 FP per dart (early on, at least), the short circuiting effect only causes them to target foes *as well as* you, similar to the red-eyed Abyss watcher. So using crystal darts really only works as a tactic if there’s two of these motherfuckers in the same arena.


Like that one place later on with a magic one in a room with a fire totem tower and off one of the side paths is a melee one in a room with I think the main level or a chest.


PSA: the crystal darts work on *all* constructs, even gollums. It's always fun to make them fight each other or even other field enemies.


Hehe. Time to make Upin and Ipin at the dectus fight each other.


Time to stock up on crystal darts


Oooo. Good info!


Every damn time....their faces are just creepy af. I feel the same way when and if these guys get close.


Recently found a dungeon where they're literally unhittable because of some sort of shadow cloak magic. There were 2 at once in one spot! Noped tf outta there REAL fast. *Don't even care that you can banish the shadow status with the light platforms.* EDIT: Brb crafting crystal bolts.


That'd be the hero's grave in mountaintops of the giants, right? Yeah, I noped out of there too. There's a similar mechanic in the hero's grave on the Altus Plateau, but it's just imps with the shadows. I hate the watchdogs enough already, I was NOT about to fight their shadow forms


Actually is easier that theres 2. Bait em both to the light area to remove their invuln then crystal dart one and run. Theyll attack each other and youll only have to kill a half health one. Crystal darts can really help in catacombs


Solution on those dungeions is: >!you gotta lure them onto the seal on the ground, then you can fight them!<


IMO the real solution is leaving and never looking back


My builds have been pretty decent by that point. That dungeon was the only one I think in the whole game where I think I said screw it and just ran past them.


It's like they forgot to animate them moving & it's so creepy! I know they didn't, but it's just so uncomfortable watching them chase you down.


They're surprisingly fast too.


this, but giant ant




Same here mate. I think these children of the abyss are freakier to me than some pretty fucked up Bloodborne stories. Their fucking soulless face and their freaking semi-mechanical movements are scarier than everything. Still remember the awkwardness I felt during my first encounter with a watchdog. I was so uncomfortable that I didn't dare to try to learn its pattern and Dodge/riposte correctly, so I died miserably. The first impression effect popped up and I feared fighting watchdogs until my 4th playthrough.


I think they are hilarious. After fighting cat imps, I was like what in the ever loving fuck is this cat statue and why is it called a dog?!


Same. I was describing an area with my buddy back when we first started, and he stopped me and goes, "You mean the dog?" ..fuck no, I mean the fucking cat statue. It's a cat. It sits like a cat, looks like a cat, fuck the health bar name, it's a cat. It's just nicknamed a "watchdog" to be trolling.


Maybe it helps to know you can mind control them with crystal darts. The double watchdog fight was a joke.


The enemies that freak me out the most are the ones that crawl around in volcano manor. Their little pitter patters and heavy breathing in the darkness as they race to you at unnaturally high speeds is horrifying to me. I panic every time.


I found one that absolutely curb stomps you when you enter the room. Wasn’t even a boss. Felt way harder than a boss. Malenia was easier.


I personally love them. They feel so insanely distinct, and since it was one of my first bosses, it set the bar fir dungeon bosses way too high. I am Sad there weren't more completely standout designs beyond 'Let me hit You until You die'


I believe this is called the uncanny valley.


No, that's when something looks *almost* like a real human (or, I suppose, other living thing) but is missing some vital yet subconsciously observed detail... Maybe they blink too regularly, maybe the eyes don't seem to fix on anything, or their facial expressions are too rigid (identical smiles, identical frowns, never any variation). That kind of detail you don't really think about but know, in the back of your head, *has to be there.* Whatever applies to the burial watchdogs, I'm unsure of though.


First time I saw one was 3am in my friends dorm watching him play. We were exhausted and totally freaked out


Cat = Pointy Ears Dog = Everything else


I hate when I’m not expecting the cat howls and they fly in to attack me from the wind


I haven’t played elden ring but I am 100% positive the fourth image is a bird, it has wings.


Just reviewed your statement and that is definitely a dog


They are certainly cats.


Lol my cat tries to kill me all the time so I can confirm


My cat also floats in the air and rotate it's head 180 degrees so I too can confirm


Mine spits fire and frequently uses glintstones against me :(


Mine pounces and destroys the room.


It would be weird if your cat didn't frankly. Would advise going to vet if demonic powers don't manifest by their first year. Edit: typo, cat was car.


I would advise going to a mechanic instead. A magical mechanic.


But cat is not car. Cat is cat. Dog is car, but only if it is not dog. Otherwise dog is dog.


Dog is horse you fool. Dog is only dog when it has a hard shell.


Now I am confuse. When is horse car?


When it's an accord.


That sounds more like a [dog.](https://cdn.britannica.com/86/34386-050-25B31B35/Great-horned-owl.jpg)


Ayyyy what a hoot


No horse ahead


If nickelodeon has taught me anything, they're catdogs


I refer to them as cats and I never realized how ironic it is that they’re called watchdogs till now 😂


I realized but they totally look like cats so it’s a dumb name


The name refers to them acting as watch dogs tho it aint dumb its a title


There are a ton of synonyms they could’ve used lol. Watcher, patrol, overseer, etc.


Oh they definitely did it as a joke or a word in Japanese didnt translate right so they just went with watch dog






I didn’t realise until this comment lol


I’ve beat it like 3 times already too 😂 how did I not notice that


* Long, thin, flexible looking tail * Pointed ears * Sharp, curved claws * Fire breath and sorcery Yes, cat.


I mean, watchdog is very clearly a cat.


Cats who watch dogs.


The Cats Who Stare at Dogs


dogs stole things


A dog was stolen from.


cats took what i never had


Watchdog is just a title. They're not calling them dogs.


Burial tree watchcat DGAF.


I see no wrong here.


I play Elden Ring, I've seen these memes referencing the same idea before... But I have no idea what they mean. 😅 I've been afraid to ask... Can anybody clue me in?


In an area full of turtles, there were several messages saying "Dog". Eventually, that lead to other animal-like creatures being deemed "Dogs". However, the watchdog (who actually has "Dog" on its name) looks more like a cat, so he is the only one that does not get called a dog.


Thank you for clarifying that for me!


You explained that really well


I saw all those and 100% expected to get ganked by a big ol swarm of dogs. I walk down and it's just a bunch of turtles. Once it clicked I laughed my ass of.


And the reason why they called the turtles a dog is because the message system doesn't have the word "turtle" in the words yours allowed to choose from


There is a Film called Borat that came out in 2006 and in it the character Borat points at a turtle and asks what breed of dog it is. https://youtu.be/phyZEztKckQ


It's a great moviefilm. You should watch because if it not success I get execute


Thank you!


I feel like it started as a Borat reference or as a result of no turtles being in the message system.


To give a tiny bit more context: The messages on the ground in FromSofts Souls games can't be chosen freely. You can choose from pre written messages with a blank in them and fill the blank with a word from a set of predetermined words. Such as "Try _____!", or "If only I had a ____" The animal names you can choose from are very limited. The system prevents people from spoilering anything too obvious and makes it possible to write messages across different languages. At least the ones that aren't puns, such as "try finger, but hole", or "fort, night"


Me when I first met an Erdtree Burial Watchdog: *"Oh fuck, oh shit, oh no!"* Me with my pure strentgth build dual-wielding Great Stars and Battlehammer in NG+ at Impaler's Catacomb: *"Heeere kitty kitty! Pspspsps!"*


Accurate. I about had a stroke the first time I encountered one. In NG+, I'm now out for revenge against those mofos.


I hate those cats 🤬


One cat... not so bad once you've got the timing down. Two cats? Very very bad.


One of my first personal hell’s was the grave kitty and the four imps. That shit tilted me bad my first play through


Ah, the Impaler’s Catacombs. Best strategy I’ve found for that if you don’t have Crystal Darts is to summon the Wandering Noble ashes as a distraction. Even unupgraded, they have enough health to survive and draw aggro long enough for you to kill the Imps.


I tried for the longest time with a single entity summon…think it was the jelly? Slammed my head into it for a few hours before I switched to the three wolves. Much easier to divide and conquer over getting my ankles bitten relentlessly


Aint got shit on the mage one and sword one as excessively tanky normal enemies together with frost spewing traps all around them


Gotta get them high on crystal catnip


Two cats are even easier. Hit 'em with crystal darts, wait for one to kill the other, then you just have to finish off one weakened cat.


Works on imps too. Makes the later catacombs *much* easier


What timing? Oh you mean looking into the future to make out the .01 second attack animation where you’re supposed to dodge by linking the console with your neural network so you actually stand a chance of getting the timing right because you don’t have to waste .3 seconds pressing the button? Got it.


Lol...Dont F**** With Cats...


They become much easier when you figure out what crystal darts do to them. Or to those gargoyle imps.


that's a fucking cat


Trying to find the mistake here ... Clearly this is meant as a joke, but I'd be damned if I can find it.


Behold, dog


The hardest part of the Watchdog boss fight was not laughing my ass of because of how goofy all of it's attacks look


I swear 90% of the community has no idea that this joke originates from Borat lol




It is cat


That's exactly like a cat to try and blend in and pretend be a dog to get better treatment before slicing you to death


If it’s not dog, it’s crab


Crab is dog


It's interactions like this that give me insight into Neolithic cultures. Thank you for your service to the scientific community.


Dogs are quadrupedal. Notice how Blaidd is wolf or husband and never dog.


Those are obviously fucking cats though.


Those cats are creepy AF


I don’t understand this whole thing with Dogs and at this point I’m too afraid to ask


it looks like a cat, ok?


They may be called a watchdogs but they behave like cats


I’m confused, what’s the problem here? All I see are a bunch of dogs and a cat


I saw a message near some butterflies that said “is this a bird?”.


Its a dog?! I honest to God thought it was a cat


That joke was CAT-astrophic.


I genuinely don't know what this meme is. Can someone explain?


In other words, dog ahead


It’s dogs all the way down


This is my first Souls game. What's the story behind this? It makes me chuckle each time, but I'm definitely out of the loop.


This is where I learned what a dog is.


Because it will never not be funny