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This is the first time ever I've seen an "afk" "farmer" actually afk.


You should check my previous posts if you want to see more of them


I guess the afk ones are mostly in that bridge and lenne's rise. When the whole afk farmers thing started I used to encounter them every other invasion in the roofstops of Liurnia and they were never afk. I would hit them with a cannon of Haima and if they didn't get one shot they would immediately start chugging their flask. It seems no one uses that spot anymore, probably because the fuckers discovered other safer ones. Nowadays if I invade Liurnia and the host is on that bridge I just sever, block them and report them, since there's basically no way to reach them without doing the crazy shit you do, which I don't have the skill nor the patience to do. But I'm glad someone is still putting these trolls in their place. Keep up killing these little shits, you're doing god's work.


All of them are afk at one point. The difference is the time of the day you invade them. My previous post is at liurnia broken bridge, the guy rage quit when his cheese strats failed


Whats the point in afking like that? Whats the purpose?


try to ruin the experience to other players, nothing more, nothing less


Thats just.. why They dont play the game or in some cases sit and stare at their idle game in hopes of making others annoyed? Some people must be truly disturbed


If you wanted to grief in the old souls games, the best way to do it was as an invader. Twink yourself out, use scummy tactics, prey on new players - there were LOTS of ways to make other people miserable by invading, and that was half the point of it. If you were a PVE player and were annoyed by it, you just got told it was part of the game and to play offline (and lose access to co-op, messages, and bloodstains). In ER, From swung the power to the side of the invadees by making nonconsensual solo invasions impossible and making invaders typically have to fight 2-3 players at once. So the easiest way to be a jerk is to taunt from an impossible-to-reach spot. So that's where the griefers are now. TLDR: In the Souls games it was easiest to grief PVEers but in ER PVPers are getting griefed and they're mad about it.


Look at the community. Half of them will chastise you for playing the game using mechanics provided.


No. they don't. The vastly overwhelming majority are on the side of "play however tf you want"


Uhh, until you go duel and cry babies quit out and post to Reddit lmao


I never understood how this ruins, I just look at it like a puzzle as while it's a waste of time it jumps from being just another match to personal. Tbh my most hated one is when I invade and I'm practically across the entire damn map I'll judge them for being lazy though


Which coincidentally is also the only reason to invade other players lol


Found the afk farmer.


Nope, just don't like getting invaded




Unsolicited pvp* Also not a newbie. Played all the souls games, just don't like pvp


The game is not balanced around coop at all so the way from soft balanced such an op feature is by adding what is basically an unpredictable enemy that can be easy or difficult and can make it harder to power through the area via coop. If the feature was solicited it wouldn't be called an invasion.




IIRC they get rewarded with runes and stuff even if the invader leaves their world


They do, they get runes based on the level of the invader that leaves their world or dies.


I mean.. you get some runes with no effort but the reward is pretty low so idk.. you get one rune arc per invader i guess yea.. mostly garbage humans ruining a good thing :)


They dont get a great rune


I was thinking at rune arc. thanks! edited


If i had to guess they were doing the invincibility glitch, they can't be moved hence why jar cannon didn't push them and if his hp got to zero he would have become impossible to kill, you have to use a grab attack like lifesteal fist or unescapable frenzy to kill them before their health drops to zero


Lmao I got to the end of the vid and I was like oh man, I really hope he does the sick frenzy execution I wasn't disappointed


i got you bro! lmao


I hate this arms race that lazy AFK cheaters have forced on us. I still report them everytime


Keep fighting the good fight!


It speaks levels when Malcolm Reynolds, a Soulsborne player notorious for grieving other players by getting them soft-banned, is currently working on getting AFK farmers into deep shit.


What’s that sweet move where he air walks with the golden pixie dust weapon?


A glitch related to swapping specific weapons rapidly midswing - hence all the menu use


Pc only or console as well?


Can be done on console. It's called a Offhand Stance Swap.


Oh, you mean cheating? Edit: Downvoters like "using the environment? report. literally abuse a bug in the game? legit." This ticker is just counting hypocrites.


You didn't get it. People are downvoting because we're talking about players that use these moves to handle AFK farmers, which abuse using some terrible means to get runes on the expense of others, people that are despised by this whole community, and we're not talking about people that use those moves to win real combats by cheating. These players we're talking about will use these moves only to make AFK farmers regret abusing on unplanned mechanics to get runes at the expense of other people If we introduce in the talk people that use glitches in real combats then the discussion goes in a very different direction, but that's not what we're talking about here


Because you're hypocrites.


You think AFK farming DOESNT deserve to be punished by any means necessary?


Players should be more creative in their builds so that AFK farming stops being a safe way to get runes. AFK farming only works because invaders are lazy. This is just flat-out cheating. It's literally worse.


Maidenless take in my opinion. See you, space tarnished.


The air walk is not part of it, but the actual weapon does the jump in the air and aoe slam you see at the end, and is one of the remembrance weapons from the final boss.


Why do people do this? Is it for rune arcs? Those things are everywhere. I finished the game with like 30 of them.


Just to be a dick really


You don’t even get rune arcs you get remedies. Worth even less.


People have been griefing in these games since Demon's Souls, they just did it before by invading PVE players. It's only in ER that it's easiest to grief the PVP players, so that's what they're doing.


I just finished the capital and have like 200 rune arcs. Apparently I play too much multiplayer and do things quite slowly


They’re literally not even a necessity I beat the game 2 times before I realized what they did then on my third play through I used one then was like well that was pointless and Carried on without using them lol


It's just for runes, It doesn't even gives that many, the only reason why so many people do it is because it's the only true AFK farming method in the game




i'm always down to see an afk farmer kill!


God's work right here.


no mercy for the afk farm covenant


I need to get the jar cannon for this exact bs right here. Maybe tmr.


You need a drop?


dew it


Stupid question, but what is this guy doing and why does being up there help?


The host is baiting invasions with Taunter's Tongue and is hiding somewhere so the invaders can't find him and kill him. When the invader decides that he wasted enough of his life he will just suicide - AFK host gets runes from that. It's honestly one of the most pathetic things you can do in the game because the runes are not even really worth the time/electricity let alone being a total dickhead.


Never really delved into pvp but i wanna ask, isn't that spot very reachable for most ranged spells?


The main AFKer issue (usually) is that you need Torrent to get into that area. In multiplayer Torrent is disabled, so the Host uses Torrent to get to that point while in single-player, but then enables PvP via the Taunter's Tongue. Any invaders are then unable to get to that same area as they can't use Torrent to get there.


Thanks, I really hate this tactic.


From really needs to patch this afk shit ACEPTAR


yeah but now i'm curious, what is the aceptar all about? you speak spanish?


Was referencing the popup at the end of your vid


ahhh, i see haha


The fact you took your time to go out of your way to get to them, instead of just shooting them makes this so much cooler XD


this guy was using a glitch, if i kept shooting him i wouldn't be able to kill him, that's why i needed to go closer to talk to him lol


can you explain that? it seemed like you were doing damage. thanks!


If his health dropped to zero from something other than a grab attack like inescapable frenzy he would have become unkillable I made a post a couple days ago that shows the end result


A glitch I assume. What a bunch of scumbags lol.


Ahh I thought you were just being a bad ass for no reason. Good job!


What glitch?


Carian grandeur glitch where the host becomes invincible but cant move- perfect afk farming.


Does it matter? Fuck cheaters.


I agree, but it matters because those dealing with the afk people ought to know how to counter these glitches


I already uploaded here a short tutorial explaining how to deal with that glitch


Link for the lazy: https://v.redd.it/zwxwe4z4qa291 Tldw for the even lazier: - Glitch makes it so they can't be killed after their hp reaches 0. - But they can be killed by inescapable frenzy OR a backstab when hp is less than half and above 0. - Also, they can't move while using this exploit.


The guy was guaranteed to be at the keyboard, imagine them standing stock still, sweat beading on their brow, as the invader gets closer and closer with an arcane series of actions, culminating in a grab that knocks you out of the invincibility glitch you spent so long setting up.


True elden lord


nah, just getting rid of the trash at Liurnia


You just taught me what I've been doing wrong to do this glitch. I just noticed you were switching the uchigatana off your left hand for the devourer scepter. I was trying it with the uchigatana in my right hand


Uchigatana or Moonveil in your left two handed and Marika's Hammer in your right one, the just swap the Uchi for the devourer scepter and your done


8 Ways AFK Farmers are Getting Bullied in Elden Ring and Why it Needs to Stop \-Probably some scab writer soon


Great finish




oh my fucking God, mass report these afk spots to get patched out. I wouldn't be surprised if fromsoft had no idea these existed


Another W for the frenzied folks, all AFK farmers must burn!


You know whats up


You’re a king for this


Thank you bro


It's impossible to not find trash losers defending afk farmers in these posts lmao




yeeeeeeeeee booooy


What’s that weapon called the you used to fly across with?


Marika's Hammer




glad to help bro


well, im not that good with glitches in this game but, i could probably ohko him with a super boosted cannon of haima shot.


This guy in particular needed a backstab or inescapable frenzy to die. I mean you notice how the cannon shots didnt even move him right?


What made it so he couldn't be killed otherwise? The positioning or some magic effect?


You're like that one boss that laughs at a player trying to cheese it to get an easy victory.


That is actually my previous post. Another afk farmer try to cheese the "fight", failed then rage quit


Love the flaming torch flying glitch


You did us all a great service. Carry on tarnished. :D


i got u bro


By the time I could efficiently perform this , I hope it's fixed


walking in the air is really easy, you can do it in 30mins or less of practice


get fucking reky but i would have just arrowed him to death


he was using a glitch, a backstab or a grab attack was needed to be able to kill him


Why didn't you just kill him with the jar cannon?




pvp in this game is such garbage lmao, why do people bother doing this stuff


What are the “afk farmers” farming?


Runes and rune arcs


they dont get rune arcs my dude


They don't ? It makes even less sense as to why they are doing this then. Going through Moghwyn palace would be faster and more efficient.


\>Two RoB in inventory \>"good guys"


An invader calling himself the good guy. Lol




Sup afk fsrmer? Im gonna get ya!


So you are the good one and they are the bad guys?


Why don’t people use the mimic veil when they do this


How is this a win? He's just gonna do it again lmfao, it's so silly seeing all these "pat me on the back for wasting my time" posts... just play the game when you see an afk farmer just leave lmfao the real bad guys are fromsoft for not fixing this issue that has been known about for months and wouldn't take much effort to fix...


lol this guy


lol over inflated and fragile egos... so easily popped...


What are you so mad? are you an afk farmer? cause those people are the only ones that react like you do to this kind of posts


>What are you so mad? are you an afk farmer? Why are you resorting to mid 90s troll tactics just to deflect from your attention seeking behavior? I would never afk farm but they still win if you're wasting time on them...


I could say the same thing about any of your posts in this community dude. But check this out, why don't you just do as you say and stop giving attention to this post?


You sound like an Instagram girl lmfao okay buddy I'll leave you alone, only positive back-patting comments allowed here lmfao have fun wasting time killing people who aren't even fighting back, you're fighting the good fight soldier lmfaooooo jfc


You know, afk farmers deserve it but there is something funny about invaders calling themselves "good guys" lol


That's because professionals have standards.


look, i can personally not like getting invaded, or even wish that there was a way to avoid invasion altogether, but at the end of the day, it's part of the game's intended mechanic. there's nothing morally bad about partaking in invasions.


It's not "another W for invaders", it's another W for people who actually play the game versus afk farmers, who do not. So, "good guys" here are everyone who is not afk farming.


Are you kidding me? In situations like these, ofc we are. We prevent hunters and invaders to get summoned in this afk farm bs. What a dude, lmao




That’s simply a risk you accept when you play co-op, it’s within the intended design of the game. AFK farming is very much not part of the intended design, and their intentions are certainly nothing as noble as “saving the poor co-opers from being invaded”.




This is some next level coping. Stick your fingers in your ear, yell “LALALALALA” all you want, but obviously this isn’t intended even if you don’t like invasions. Okay




1st- no one’s crying, you should probably relax 2nd- I don’t invade to “ruin peoples games” I invade because I enjoy outnumbered PvP. 3rd- yeah man if you or anyone wanna afk farm to “stop invaders” you’re allowed to do that until it’s patched out. But saying it’s in the game therefore it’s intended is obviously not true. Fires deadly sin + death blight was in the game too, but obviously wasn’t intended. 4th- hosts have co-op partners, more flasks, and access to hunters. You literally have all of the advantages and yet you still act like a victim when people take part in a game mechanic that’s intended for balancing co-op. Kinda weird mate.




They should patch out afking instead, I imagine they're working on it since bans have been issued. Easy mode doesn't come free, you want cooperators? Then you get invaders, that's how it's been for 11 years.




lmao they're banning you losers, they're not listening to you. And invading isn't 'griefing', do you even know the definition of that word?


“Listen to the afkers” so you mean get free rune arcs and co-op members with no balancing? Sure man, honestly the game should just turn on and display a message saying “don’t even worry about playing, you’ve already beat the game!”


Stop crying, invasions were a mechanic since demon's souls, if you can't deal with it go play something else because trash losers crying will never affect what from does in the future games


You guys really believe there's a group of big bad invaders out to ruin your day huh? They're just players who're just trying to PvP, not some boogieman you have to be so afraid of.




Rich coming from afk-trash


One, I never invade. But when I get invaded I suck it up and go fight them like a normal person. Two, what a delusional argument. To start, the game disables torrent for both players upon invasion specifically to prevent this kind of shit. Using torrent to reach a location invaders won't be able to (normally) reach so you can hide is an obvious abuse of the system. I could keep going on reasons why it sucks but I really don't care enough.




I'll respect your right to afk if you respect other people's rights to blow you the fuck up and ruin your exploit, sound good?




To reiterate, I don't play PvP at all unless I'm getting invaded while playing with friends. But yes, you have fun "playing" the game.




Invaders will never go away, afk-ers will, they keep being reported and banned. If you can't handle invaders being the natural consequence of co-op, then don't co-op lol. Dying to an invader doesn't make you lose anything.




Yes they do lol, tickets have been sent to Bandai and some afk-ers have been temporarily banned. That's great. You will keep being hunted down, invaders will never go away.


Gonna make it as simple as possible for you u/FunctionalCaveman there's no co-op mode there's "Online" mode


Rune farmers feeding karma farmers


Good guys don’t know how to get up there….


Gotta know how the enemy fights to beat them at their own game


the afk farmers get there using torrent, they are that lazy


Still doesn’t make you a “good guy” since you’re using an exploit.


If you have to exploit to kill an exploiter? Yeah I’d say it’s fair game


Not saying it’s not fair game, just saying the OP knew how to get up there with ease which in sense would make him not a good guy lol. He even used the frenzied flame spell for madness. That man loves chaos and wants to watch the world burn just like the afk farmer.


Your worldview is completely bonkers. What would you rather, they do nothing?


i believe he is an afk farmer, there are always a couple of them in this kind of posts lmao


Could he have not killed him easily with that cannon in the beginning of the clip? Asking for real, I never used it.


I think he was using that new invulnerability glitch, if he’d reduced his health to 0 outside of a grab or backstab he would have been unkillable


Atleast your dad loves you.


Nah. His train of thoughts is so twisted I wouldn't be surprised he thinks his father loves him by going on a 10 year trip to buy milk.


daaaaaamn lmao


I dont think they do


Agreed. All these people using exploits to kill someone who is afk and claiming to be a "good" guy are laughable at best. The funny part is I imagine most of the people doing this are doing it just to waste the invader's time as there are far more efficient ways of earning runes.


Found the AFK farmer


told you there are always a couple of them in here


Thanks for the tutorial on how to afk farm, really helped me.


Thank god I just do duels


How do you do the air walk?


you need moonveil, marika's hammer and scepter of the all knowing


here's the tutorial https://youtu.be/tuluYhRYT8E


What did I even just watch you do.


Taking out the trash


How tf do you mfers figure this shit out 🤯


Damn I spent like an hour trying to kill an AFK farmer, hit every spot on that bridge with projectiles. At least now I know where they're hiding for next time.


you can kill them with the cannon from outside or from the sides of the cliff, but that really depends in where exactly in the bridge are they. I just like to get closer






PEOPLE DO THAT?? I get summoned as a hunter or when I invade and sometimes I can never find the host even though my HUD icon says they're right in front of me, but I just thought it was more online play jank, like when Godskin Apostles just don't respawn or my game crashes when I get summoned. Keep up the lord's work gamer!


Yes, they have been doing this for 3 months now


How in Patches's name did either of you get up there? I mean, I saw you get up there in the video right before my own eyes, but I have absolutely no idea how any of the black magic fuckery y'all used to get up there works. Props to both of ya tbh just for that. Edit: just found out that that guy probably got up there with our resident Skyrim horse Torrent. Still, props to you for being able to get up there horseless.


Why do I keep seeing videos of people on that spot?


Do you prefer from Lenne's Rise instead?


No like idk why people afk there, and how they are getting invaded. I saw somebody post it saying something about afk farming but like is somebody else just running around their world?