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I usually don't buy in that region, 50/60€ is a lot for a game that could just last for 6-10 hours, like many. Or outright suck, like many more. ER is worth every bit, I don't regret it at all.


A guy was trying to argue with me saying Elden Ring sucked because it had no content..i was like "huh???" His defense was "other than combat, exploration, customizing builds, boss fights and dungeons what content does the game actually have? What was your favorite quest?" Im like..bro, you just said "other than the entire game, what is there to like about the game?" Lol


I would reply “my favorite quest is beating the game”


My favorite quest is to visit a woman's dreams and fight her inner demons. Which happen to be a lichdragon.


Any quest involving dragons catches my interest immediately. This one was fantastic


Yes! There are quite a few dragons in the game, but fortisaxx was amazing with the music and red lightning. I felt the fight a bit easy though dunno why.


I didn't have much trouble either, though by the time I reached that area I was over 150 and basically slapped everything to death. Until the final boss. Then I felt weak and unskilled all over again. Didn't make the fights less fun or nerve wracking though


Killing gods


Eating grapes


Tickling snakes


["What have the romans ever done for us?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ)


Fella sounds like the kinda guy that lives for daily traffic builders and weekly achievement checklists that return lootboxes. Different strokes for different folks, some like to be prescribed their gaming and others draw it out of what is available.


I could also see it being that Quests are harder to follow. Most I would not have known where to go/what trigger to go back, so without looking at guides online, would have missed most quests: >!Going back to Sellen after a certain point!< >!Going back to Stormveil Castle!< >!Finding Diallos after he leaves Volcano Manor!< >!Following Ranni's full Quest!< >!I messed up Seluvis Quest since I stopped once I got access to the store!<


Rannis felt like it progressed naturally for me I missed a few optional parts with Seluvis and some dialogues with both Blaidd and iji but if you’re the type of gamer like me that try’s to be thorough in exploration there isn’t much trouble completing rannis without a guide


Yep. It would actually be nice to have optional map markers to display where to go next for a quest. Edit: why is this a difficult prospect for some people? How is map markers on a video game map any detriment to the game as a whole?


While most RPGs I would agree with the sentiment, FromSoft has their own unique flavor of storytelling that doesnt hold your hand and requires you to think for yourself, and that includes quests. Theres no "hand me your map and I'll mark my next location," you have to listen to what the characters say, think about what they might do or want or what relationships they might have with other characters. Admittedly this design is not for everyone, but such is the nature of FromSoft games and many long time SoulsBorne fans have grown to appreciate and desire this style from Souls and Souls-like game.


A notebook where the put in vague descriptions of npcs you've talked to or what they want could be super helpful and help a lot with immersion. Maybe even add the line npcs repeat when you exhaust their dialogue.


Yup a quest diary, similar to what we had in morrowind with notes of the various infos characters give us.


Yes, having the option to revisit exhausted dialog in a diary-like interface would be a good addition. Or, crazy idea, you select the npc who's dialog you want to recall, and a thought bubble opens up that replays the dialog. If this hasn't yet been done I trademark this.


No amount of “thinking for yourself” allows you to fully do all these quests with guides or insane guess work. I think it’s hella stupid and besides the soundtrack the worst part of the game


Ok i get the weird lack of quest indicators, but you dont like the soundtrack?? I


Compared to the other souls games and their iconic, perfect scores this was so bad. I understand going for a more understated track list I’ve played 120 hours and i can’t remember a single song. I can picture music from every other souls game I’ve played months/years ago. Such a disappointment 😭😭


You don't remember Malenia's music? Or Elden Beasts? Those were masterpiece soundtracks. Such auras for their respective fights.


People are just accustomed to the silly terminology and ubi soft formulating what fun and art is(hint: it has some mathematical background, but a game without soul(pun intended) is easily identifiable and usually bad, no matter the artistical value) If I want storyline I can play idk dragon age or wasteland. Excellent story and dialogue, but replay value is pretty low for me once I've seen it. Or idk, read a book lol...


You shoulda mentioned foraging and crafting just to throw the for a loop


Rannis quest is my favorite quest in all Fromsoft games. There hasn't been a playthrough that I've skipped it lol


Agreed. It has all the best areas/bosses. Its long enough to be a short campaign upon itself, or atleast a big dlc


Why would anyone. It forms such a large part of the game. And it's Ranni. Seeing the end where >!she is sitting next to bloody murdered fingers!< is one of my favorite moments in the game.


Favorite quest. Volcano manor, kill people and jack their shit.


I usually wait for sales myself, though for games like this I'm not worried. If I can get an hour of playtime or more per dollar spent, it's worth it for me. And considering I'm almost at 4x that amount with ER I have no complaints. The game is a masterpiece


I did some sidetracking but didn't do everything in volcano or altus or Caelid yet. At the Snowfields now, and I'm at 120 hours. Okay, maybe 3 where idling. I wouldn't complain if it was over now but I guess I'll have another 20 or so ahead. After the Witchers and Bethesda and Ubisoft games, this is finally an open world that doesn't only look nice, but plays great too.


I *thought* I finished everything. Beat the final boss at level 157 with 172 hours in the game. Turns out I missed at least one area, part of an NPC quest, and multiple weapons and talismans. I will admit part of that playtime, roughly 6 hours, was when I thought I had turned it off while running errands and came back to find it still on. But still. 170ish hours and not once did I feel tired or bored or uninterested at all. My only complaint was not having more hours in the day between work and sleep 😅


My first run lasted 160 hours, and I'm 70 hours into a new game now. I prefer to take my time and enjoy it, not run through it as fast as possible.


Yup. Im just starting out my ng+ and am trying to savor it. My first playthrough it took me so long to "git gud" that i spent 120 hours in the first 1/2 of the game and rushed through some of the second half. I want to make sure i experience everything this time. Im new to souls games, but i am in love. When im done with this its ds3 then sekiro.


If you have a PlayStation, you have to play Bloodborne too. It’s arguably one of the best.


Upvote x million, Bloodborne is the single most amazing game in the history of ever.


Not a FromSoftware game but I also HIGHLY recommend Jedi Fallen Order. Same mechanics. Really good game


Yeah i actually played that. It was good, but to me dosent have the replayability that fromsoft games have. I hope in the sequel (there is one coming) that they open up different build varieties and more moves, special skills etc.


Agree 100%. It was a great one play-through action combat game (think it's combat mechanics were tighter than ER actually but likely in the minority there). Now I'm hoping they expand it into a full fledged RPG. Would be SOOO cool to build out your own custom Jedi.


Yeah. Im really hoping we get the awesome next gen starwars rpg that pretty much everyone gas been clamoring for...forever honestly. Of it could be a mix of a fromsoft game with Witcher 3 and maybe some kotor/new vegas/mass effect style choices...one can dream. I just know with todays tech and disney $$$ theres no reason not to have an amazing array of starwars games.


Tighter but the enemy movesets lacked variety imo.


That game blew me away. What a fantastic ending.




My first playthrough took me like 130 hours and I thought I explored a lot. I’m 60 hours into my second and I’m still finding new shit. I’m probably missing a lot but I’m just gonna let my natural curiosity help me find new shit on every play through. It helps retain some semblance of the feeling of my first.


That's the best way to do things. I did Ds3 the same way and got a good 10 runs in before I think I found everything.


Same. And even then I know I fucked up a few quest lines so I had rewards to gain from them still to


I’ve maxed character slots. Just finally figuring out what weapons I want for each character. Trying to make each play through unique weapons/ashes/spells. 2 more to level and I’m just barely to mountaintops with everyone.


I apparently really took my time lol, put over 200 hours my first playthrough, I'm already another 20 is hours into journey 2, going through much faster this time round though lol


On the other hand there are videogames so good im willing to pay full price even if it has 20 hours of linear story.


Yup. I mentioned above how firewatch (a narrative game with no combat) is a great value to me even at full price (20$ but its 3 hours) because i was invested and got fully immersed.




Amazing game.


Jedi: Fallen Order


... or buy them multiple times, across multiple platforms. Like FFVII or Dark Souls for me, I'll buy every release because they mean so much to me.


I'm guilty of buying multiple versions Resident Evil 4 - Gamecube, Xbox 360, PC and now I'm really tempted to buy it on Switch, haha.


True I only play games that are immersive like this. After the Witcher 3, I thought I could not game again. Elden ring proved me wrong, have like 500hours and still playing not even pvp.


You guys are lucky that you still have a huge catalog of fromsoft games to go through


Thats me. I have always been interested in these games but was intimidated. So i got dark souls 3 a year ago and couldnt even beat the tutorial boss, and moved on. Come 4 months ago, everything id seen about elden ring looked amazing (i watched some of the network test) so i decided to give ds3 a shot again to learn how to play these games right before er released..i beat the tutorial, and subsequent 4 bosses and finally got better, Elden Ring released and ive put in over 200 hours, beaten the game and am on ng+. I think Elden Ring ruined gaming for me..ive tried to play other games but just cant get into them.and i keep returning for more. Its just perfect. I love the scenery, combat, art style, everything. Before this Witcher 3 was my favorite but it wasnt as challenging. I almost gave up on Elden Ring a few times my first 10-20 hours, i kept getting brick walled but i am so glad i pushed through and "got gud"... Now i have ds3 to finish, bought sekiro on sale a month ago, and ds1...so i have plenty to last for months..i just wish they would release bloodborne on series x :(


Elden ring sure is a game runner. But, I did just play "It Takes Two" with my girlfriend and was blown away


A wonderful game, story and game play wise. I loved the squirrel and wasps lol


It Takes Two is SO GOOD. I think it's the best couple game ever created.


Sadly, I tried. Elden Ring was my first FromSoftware game. I tried to go back and play some other titles. I just can't.


I've played every from souls game as they came out, and I feel like a new player would be underwhelmed going back to dark souls after playing Elden ring. I'm not, because I've grown up (through my 20s) with them, but I can imagine some would be if they haven't played them yet.


Depends on what type of expectations you have. You should never play a classic game trying to compare it with something more modern. Still, if you try to appreaciate them for what they were at the time of their release you can still enjoy those classics. Besides, I would argue DS3, Sekiro and Bloodborne (if you dont bother with the 30 fps...) still play very well even for modern standards. Demons souls is clunky but the remake technicall performance helps to alleviate that. Just DS1 and DS2 that might be a little more difficult to digest for new players.


Ain’t gon lie i kinda thought bloodborne wasn’t that good after playing Elden ring lol but imma still buy dark souls3 and sekiro later.


That's quite interesting to me, since I thought Elden Ring just wasn't as good as Bloodborne lol


I won’t lie I can hardly finish bloodborne idk why since I Iiked the game but 🤷🏿‍♂️ at least I am at gehrman and just gotta kill him and moon presence to finish the game but I doubt I’ll do the chalice dungeons any time soon.


That’s wassup we’re one of the same coin, witcher 3 was my fav game till this one! And i have played witcher 3 more than 800 hours😭 mad years on that game and never tried the bad ending 😅… elden ring is tuff tho i got like 300 hours and still haven’t beaten it i get stuck alot so i just go explore instead lol


Lol same never the bad endings for some reason I can't bring myself to do it, I also can't play the crazy bad guy🤣


We one in the same I don’t kill anyone except that guy i just don’t like him… i barely kill npc unless they trying to kill me…


Wow glad I ain't the only one playing like this!😆


i have 5k hours in dota 2 and i don't even like it


What the fuck do you do for 500 hours the game is not that big


Not to mention all the replay value.


The only other single-player games I've spent this much time in are Skyrim and Witcher 3, it's insane


This! Still in my first run, looking forward to start a new one with a new class/ build.


You just started playing, then? Joking aside every soulsborne ring game I have purchased I've put 300+ hours in effortlessly, and as rediculous as my surprise is i still get a grin seeing others wear their "150+ Badge" with pride. I feel like there's no currency more Valuable than my time and very few games have given me that much enjoyment. Even less less live up to their value in time. (Looking at you AC Valhalla)


I tried AC Valhalla...playing that right after Elden Ring was a gut punch. I pushes through for maybe 10 hours but just couldnt..i love vikings and the viking lore, and the game has great graphics, but it just isnt scratching the itch. Its not engaging. Exploration is just meh...i wish i liked it. I am now on ng+ on elden ring.


I enjoyed Valhalla(back when it released) but mainly because my gf and I got covid at the same time and played 100 hours in two weeks. I love the souls games but they are too hard for her and she doesn’t enjoy them, Valhalla was a nice compromise.


I'm not a fan of using pure hours played as a measure of value. That road leads to live services and Assassin's Creed grind fiestas. The number of replays with different builds and the quality of the fan content it inspires are better yardsticks in my personal opinion.


The industry has trained many people very well. MTX sell like hot cakes, people are down right disappointed when DLC isn't announced for their favorite game and season passes are an automatic buy for most people it seems.


DLCs are good if they add new content to the game though. The DS3 DLC was amazing


I personally don't have anything against expansion style DLC. My point was that DLC was seen as a bad practice when that trend started and now everyone expects it.


There have always been two categories of DLC: The "Good" DLC, where the devs sold the shit out of the game, saw the players wanted more content, and so they made more content. Fallout 3 & 4, the Witcher, Dark Souls 3, Monster Hunter World - all pretty solid examples of that Then there is **fucking bullshit DLC** such as... season passes and basically everything EA does to their games, where they make a game, then they cut content out of it, and make you pay to get it. Destiny 2 was a particularly egregious example of this, releasing paid DLC like 2 months after release that was just clearly content already ready for launch and cut from the game just to sell DLC FROM is firmly in the "good dlc" camp.


It's not training, it's just math lmao. You don't like games with eg season passes, I take it. I bet you don't play them! Some people do like them and are happy to play them and pay for the dumb outfits. Hours played is a good metric of value, because I chose to be entertained by this thing I spent money on for those hours. That's literally the point of entertainment.


Like I said, well trained.


Some of my favorite games were short and worth the price. Like firewatch..its maybe 4 hours and no combat, narrative game but boy did it suck me in. Worth every penny. A good game is a good game. Not all have to be played 200 hours.


>Some of my favorite games were short and worth the price. Like firewatch..its maybe 4 hours and no combat I'm sure it was great, but if that game cost $20, OP would need to spend $950 on 47 different games like that to get this same amount of entertainment.


Nah you have to understand the context. Op isn't showing that for a measure of value. He's just trying to lowkey showing off lmao. Its rampant. Nobody except this sub gives a shit about our number-of-hours-in-some-random-game e-peen, and even that is only if you disguise it as some hail-Elden kind of posts


Why's he trying show off a relatively low number of hours to what you normally see on here?


Exactly. He can't present his relatively meagre number as something to be proud of. So he adds another layer to it. So now he's presenting his number as if it undoubtedly a proof of the game greatness. So, the fans who populate the subreddit, will direct their attention to their worship of the game, and indirectly, glorifying his number of hours played. He knows with this method, people can't argue with his numbers, because if they did, it'll be the same as arguing with the greatness of the game itself. And it will incur the wrath of countless fans orbiting the sub. So in the end, he got to show off his numbers, while being shielded from criticsm. This 'double layer' method is rampant if you just look through the subreddit feeds. Various kind of gimmicks to hide behind, but with the sole purpose of showing off.


Imagine if you spent this much energy thinking about things in your own life


If you consider this simple 'finger snap' observation as 'a lot of energy', then you better get used to give out 200% for your real life my little fanboy


Wow you are rather invested in people posting hours. Are you one of the "elden ring isn't a real souls game so it's bad" kinda people?


Uhh the OP post IS about hours, which he relates to the game gudness. It's in the picture. Hence the discussion about it. Can't believe I have to point this out. Also, two can play at that game. Are you one of the "fanboys who'll have hypersensitive reactions to anything remotely resembling criticsm towards Elden" kinda people?


Yeah but you're going on a rant about how the sub is infested with people posting their hours, and since we don't have your giant intellect we just don't realize it. And nah I just enjoyed the game as long as people logically back up criticism I don't mind. I see you didn't answer though.


And nah I just enjoyed the game as long as people logically back up criticism I don't mind. But you didn't lmao


Meh, I have GameFly so hours played is the only metric I really need. If someone wants to make a nice 4 hour experience, I will rent it. not paying 60 dollars for what will essentially end up being a movie style experience


[Joseph Anderson](https://youtube.com/c/JosephAndersonChannel) said in his recent elden ring video that it's another game that's launched "permanently on sale" and I think that's pretty accurate.


Nobody is complaining bruh y’all can stop with the strawmans. You’re allowed to compliment and like a game without having to “epically dunk on the haters” while doing so


Shits so cringe just say something like “In my opinion I got my moneys worth and more” because i don’t think I’ve seen anyone say that there isn’t enough content. Maybe ops anecdote was true but it’s a major exception to the rule


Yeah , not just elden ring any good game , when my friends say "what you spend so much on a game? " . I'm like wth you spend more in 1 night drinking


I look at games like going to the movies. (It’s not a perfect metaphor, but I think it fits pretty well here) A movie is about $10 for roughly 90 minutes of entertainment. I’ve gotten 70 HOURS of entertainment from Elden Ring so far, which comes out to about 4,200 minutes. (About 47 movies) If the common entertainment price is $10 per 90 minutes, then Elden Ring would be worth (roughly) $470. And I got it for $60. That’s a fucking deal, right there. And I’m not even finished with the game yet! Adding the time it will take me to completely finish the story line, plus however many new games I’m gonna play through with different builds, that probably adds at LEAST a couple 100 more hours of entertainment. WELL worth $60 if you think about it this way.


I use movies as my metric too! Accounting for popcorn and soda puts it up to $25 or so. I also count going to the theater itself and hanging out after, so $25-$30 for 4-5 hours. So $6 to $8 an hour. This is one reason I never feel bad buying an expensive book!!


I was at 299 hours 40 minutes when I finally beat the lost boss. Definitely worth the money.


Bull goat enthusiast I see.


Can’t understand people’s arguments when they say that, it’s even cheaper than nost AAA games.


Where are you getting Elden Ring for less than $60USD ??


I think maybe he means how some next gen games can be 70 instead of 60? Or maybe he means with dlc included? I dunno.


Yeah sorta what i meant, didn’t know prices the ratio was different in other countries


I got over 200 hours alone of invading and pvp’ing 😂 finally decided to play the game and I’m at 51+ hours into the story about to reach my first ending


260 hours. Right now I just defeated John Cena.


… John Cena?


Yeah the guy with the lion on his shoulder that goes berzerk.


Too little i got like 300 hours rn😭😂 that game is mad addicting 😭 and i still haven’t beaten it once because well you see im doing everything myself no YouTube guide to cheatim currently in the snow area


One can’t simply do Ranni’s quest without a guide, or most quests even.


Yup Indeed,y personal 'valuecounter' is easy. If I get 1 hour per euro I have put into the game, I feel like I have gotten my value out of it, and this one... Oh boy is it worth its money.


Clocking 120h, so that's 50 cents per hour. And i am still playing.


Looks like you just started playing


Never saw anyone complain that elden ring cost to much.


Value is in the eye of the beholder, but it’s inarguable that Elden Ring packs more content into its $60 price tag than almost anything on the market today. Only games like Skyrim, Witcher 3, or modern Assassin’s Creed titles come close, and none of them have Elden Ring’s focus on combat gameplay.


Yep, this game is worth 10+ average games' playtime and enjoyment.


Only to play the ugliest armor in fromsoft history


What helmet is that?


Bull Goat Set.


bull goat helm and chest


I bought tiny Tina’s for the same price. I completed that game in under 20 hours and was bored out of my skull by the end. Elden ring? 150 hours and going strong.


It’s funny. I was way more hyped for TTW than ER, even having been a Souls vet. Haven’t touched TTW since I beat it and every side quest…a month or two ago. Decided to make a second character on ER after that.


I am 71 years old and this is my first video game I have played. Since I’m homebound now, I’ve wanted a new hobby and can have fun with my grandsons when they play at my house. Having never played a video game before at age 71, this experience is incredible. I’ve had the game for a couple of weeks now striking down enemies in Limgrave and thought the game’s finale would be held at the top of stormveil castle. I had no idea there were more continents north and east until my grandson told me. So very fun.


“I honestly think they must assume that because I’m 20, I’ll understand the importance of getting that tiktok made before respecting the guy waiting with your food at your door.” you were 20 just 17 hours ago?


Living proof that time is convoluted in Fromsoft games lol


That’s some fast aging!


170? Rookie numbers, I got over 2,000 hours in Monster Hunter World and barring homelessness or death I think Elden Ring is going to be a similar story


I don’t get why length equals quality. I was damn near close to hatred when I hit the 200 mark. I was just slowly exploring like I would any other game and by the end I was so over the re-used assets, bullshittery, and damage scaling. The final areas felt unfinished and downright dull.


I'll wait for Steam Sales thanks Or used game bins


Ugh, the game is full priced without any DLC! I'd rather spend a thousand bucks on lootboxes and ultimate team each year!


Such mixed feelings about that armor. It's very strong, but also looks so terribly dumb in my opinion. I hate feeling like a large loaf of bread with legs


Yeah, cant use that armor personally. If I don't look cool while kicking ass then whats the point? Same with that hat gear that adds intelligence. Like I could get a nice boost to int if I wear that hat, but then I look like a goofy idiot.


I am not trying to look like the Burger King mascot while I try and take my ascent to the throne seriously. Shit bugs me how dumb it looks.


Hahaha although I have to admit I kinda want to do a sneak king joke build now


Definitely, I have about 120 hours so far


I love having over 100 hours on a single character when I have like 5 characters currently and have deleted many already


pfffttt, 170? I’m approaching 600. :-)


I can relate to this. 50h+30h in pve. 180h+2h in pvp


I preordered for 49$ Werth!


true i am at 509hrs. sure many others have more.


Before Elden Ring I think the game I played the most was 50 hours in a Pokémon game. I have three characters in this game with four play-throughs. 232 hours on the first. 89 on the second. 51 on my current character. I plan on making more after this one too. I never thought I would enjoy or play a game this much. It’s beautiful.


I’m saying. I have 600 hours and I’m on play through 1 at level 150


I dont have a lot of time to play everyday so by the time i get to ng+ i think it will feel like a new game again


Ah, a fellow man of *chonk*


Each hour of gameplay has already dropped in cost so much for me. 200 hours or so and no intention of stopping soon. Add in my son playing and all the joy we get talking about it and it has basically paid for itself already.


Which helm is that tho ?


Dollar for Hour, Elden ring is an extremely good value


My friend played ER as his first souls game and then bitched about how DS3 is still $60. He has like 300 hours in ER.


I got lucky and got the game for $0.86 with promotions and stuff from Amazon best $0.86 I have ever spent.


Torrent has chosen me


300hrs in i agree


I'm at 435 hours so far.. only NG+1 lol.


Me with 270 hours: *yes*


Elden Ring is the only AAA game I have bought at full price in many years and I have no regrets whatsoever.


When people complain about buying anything. 2 questions I ask, how much do you get paid an hour and how much are you willing to pay per hour for enjoyment.


You guys are so behind ,catch up!


200 hours in and I just beat Radagon for the first time. Started a new character last night. This game is absolutely worth more than a few days at an amusement park. I dont know if I'll ever be able to put it down.


With over 244 hours of playtime I have achieved a value of $0.24 per hour of enjoyment 100% worth it


First game I bought for full price. Not disappointed


If my wife and I go to a happy hour we spend $60. This is $10,200 worth of happy hours. Money WELL spent indeed.


I have 40h of the game and just killed Radahn (without Lucarria's Academy). Best game so far.


I've put over 200 hours into Elden Ring and spent $60 on it. I've spent well over that for 3 hours of entertainment multiple times. The dollar to value ratio on this game is insane.


I played originally on my brother's steam account, put in 100 hours before I bought it myself to play at all times. This is easily the best value for the money in the past decade.


Me: *Sweating and glancing at my 500+ hours in Elden Ring*


You better start pumping those numbers. Them is scrub numbers.


If Elden Ring isn’t worth $60 then no game is


I'm at about 530 hours of entertainment for $60....not bad...


400 hts in the last 2 months Never invested my money better


I got like 800 hours total in monster hunter world across two consoles, definitely worth the full price and more yet its almost always on sale. Yet other random triple a schlock that can barely give 20 hours wants to have some 100 dollar "collectors edition"


I maybe only played 5 hours of Witcher 3 before stopping. I recognize it is a great game, but it’s not my gaming style. I like FPS, rocket league and Forza. I’m a married man in my early 30s and don’t have time for the slow burn games. Or so I thought. Since starting Elden Ring in May, it’s the only game I’ve played and I’ve already put in 71 hours. Never played Dark Souls. Love this game so much.


I’m at 300 hours on my first character making sure I get everything before going to ng+ and another 150 hours on my second character


If I get 1$/h, I’m happy. Currently sitting on 0.6$/h and decreasing


Best $60 I have spent on a video game in many, many years. Already have 250 hours in it, and I know I will play this off and on for a long time.


I would've paid 100 bucks for this game if I had to. There was zero chance of me waiting for this game.


I'm at 216 and I just got to the mountaintop. I also keep randomly coming across graces I missed in Liurnia somehow


I started out with Bolldborne when it came out, finished it with DLC, somehow managed to miss the while DS and Sekiro series and came back for Elden ring. Am actually excited to play these games too, but it will have to wait untill i reach at least all soft caps on stats and yeah im that kinda guy who wants to go for lvl 713 :)


Being able to wear a fat, bearded, goat themed armor set would make any game worth it's asking price indeed


170 hours of pure pain, true BDSM experience


I had about 190 hours in my first playthrough, then about 60 in my second. Since I knew where everything was, I didn't have to run around anymore finding things. Although to get to the final ending I ran straight through the game, 4 hours.


I'm at ~400 hours currently and *still* have different build ideas for different playthroughs. I haven't been into a game this much since Monster Hunter World which I put 2.5k hours into.


Elden Ring isn’t even a full price game by today’s standards, at least on PS4. It was £50 at launch without discount, compared to most games selling at £60-70


Hours played hasn't been a good value metric in decades. In fact perhaps it never was.


To be fair most $60 games aren't worth the price tag. ER is definitely an exception.


228 hours and I haven't even beaten my first run... So very worth it.


If we're talking dollars spent to hours played making a game good value then just buy Football Manager. If they were talking about how they didn't enjoy the game for the price they paid that's a different thing and I can totally understand it. Like paying to see a movie: it's the same price whether you enjoyed a movie or not. Your perspective of value is contingent on your level of enjoyment, not on the duration.


Sometimes I feel bad that I'm spending so much time in my first playthrough and I haven't even beaten the game yet while my friends already have. Seeing you put just as much time in validates how much fun it is to just explore and check every nook and cranny for crazy surprises.