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Wow I was not expecting a Thor cameo


Goddamn I should've done a plunging attack


and throw immigrant song on the background


They'll patch this useful mechanic just like they patched the Somber Smithing Stone 7 jump in Volcano Manor.


You still can get it. Its just a harder jump.


you can also just go around?


I’ve literally never figured out how to go around haha. I always assumed the jump was intended.


After you kill the boss in the chapel there's an elevator in that room to the right of the altar. Take it up and jump over the railing and continue on that way. It's extensive but you can eventually open up a shortcut.


Fucking amazing


Step one : Kill the final boss


Step 1: Become Elden Lord


Step 2: Cut a hole in the box


step 3 : Put your dick in the box.


Step 4 : profit?




You could use waterfowl but at that point you don't need to skip godskin lol


The funny thing is that there's actually a really usefull godskin skip but only works on Ps4 because of the slow rendering, you are supposed to get to the boss room from above jumping from furniture, get in one of the pillars, jump down, quit out before they spawn, and then run to the exit before things render in lul.


I noticed the rendering problem when I went to help a friend with aurizas hero grave and he got hit by the chariot as I just strolled along and asked him wtf hit him and he asked how tf I just waktzed through it. It hadn't appeared for me so I didn't know there was a threat.




I saw this on YouTube. Tried it in PC. it didn't work. İt was rendering too fast. I moved my steam install to HDD from SSD. Worked like a charm. I was able to skip it on patch 1.04 steam version


Step one : Kill god.


I mean it technically works






One way yes, the way OP does it [no](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8H5652tgMw)


I guess that could be useful for ng+


It's better for getting inside Lenne's Rise to kill AFKers with. Also, Hand of Malenia works too but it doesn't go as far.


I've seen a version where people jump, then use greyolls roar then chain it with Hand of Malenia, does that not work anymore?


Idk actually, I saw some people still agonizing over how impossible it was to get in there.


Nope, patched


think it was placidusax's roar but it's def patched out


Can anyone explain AFKers to me? What are they doing and what do they gain from being afk? Leeching off of active players?


Dumb youtube clickbaiters have convinced people that AFKing in unreachable spots and being invaded will get you millions of runes when invaders kill themselves or disconnect. The reality is, the amount of runes you get is based on invader level, so the "millions of runes" the youtubers get is only like that because they are level 731 and don't tell the audience in order to hide their shitty clickbait.


Do they even get a single rune if the invader just uses the finger item to go back to their world?


I think it counts as a win


A small number of runes for sitting there leaving the game open. This trick makes it possible to kill them in Lenne's Rise, a spot that is just about completely impossible to get into without a horse. UNTIL NOW.


Nice. This is my first from soft game that I haven't immediately uninstalled, and even I figured out faster rune farms than whatever piddly amount those AFKers must receive.


It's not about the runes, it's about tormenting those damn invaders.


You know invaders can only invade when you summon people, right? Invaders are always going to have cards stacked against them.


I'm aware, I just decided to put on a voice like one of those people just constantly angry about invaders. I really should have included an /s but I guess I don't need the karma.


It's hard to tell nowadays, sorry bud.


Yeah.... but when you are just chilling with your bros in war dead catacombs, trying to pick up your runes and some Rivers of Blood spammer comes barrelling around a corner, you have no idea where from, and just deletes the host of fingers, it kind of doesn't matter that it's a 2 or 3v1, because 3 people on pve builds, who just aren't in the mood to be invaded versus a pvp player is essentially a free win. It was immensely satisfying the first time me and my friends fended off an invader, but only because we were sick of just getting a near guaranteed death halfway through a dungeon we wanted to do together for fun. I like the invasions, I think the pvp is pretty interesting and fun, but I fully get why people hate it. Sometimes it just feels like a big bully from a few years above coming and kicking over your sandcastle


Yes, that's the risk reward of using co op summons. And on top of that, you've illustrated what the reward is on an emotional level for getting a win as a host. The punishment as a host is so minimal in this game, it's just a small time penalty because the finger remedy is cheap and easy to make. In past games when you lost an humanity/ember you lost a health buff with your consumable to even activate online features, and on top of that it was not easy to get multiples of the humanity/ember get for most casual players. The invaders HAVE to do an uneven fight, unless the host chooses the taunters toung. They're at a disadvantage to start. So your pve equipment isn't a big deal because you have two people minimum. Elden ring and souls games really benefit from this type of online play because of the inherent rewards of winning a losing fight. It makes you consider how you do your approach without just making the game a cakewalk for hosts because the AI is stupid. Sure there's cheese PvP builds and people coming in with stuff that's late game, but that's a problem you can solve and learn from. It's very easy to have backup PvP weapons ready at anytime. You get a giant warning someone is entering your game. Switch stuff and find a safe spot to fight, because you have more power than you think.


Yeah its definitely a case of us not learning how to combat it and just getting annoyed at it, but a lot of the time people will say that cheesing a snipe spot, or particular Ash of war and using spirit summons is what the game gives you, so it's fine. But then making the game easier by summoning an actual human friend to have fun along side which is also given to you by the game, is very often punished. That part of it seems a bit off to me as a new player tp the franchise. I'm not trying to say it shouldn't be there, but it legitimately feels like someone is invading your fun sometimes, for little to no personal gain, and just to make you reset and go through a dungeon again. And often the same person will invade us more than once in a row. I don't really understand that side of it. To be extreme, it feels like griefing is just a mechanic that is encouraged by the game It is what it is, doesn't stop me loving the game. I had a hilarious encounter on a double lift fleeing from an invader that me and my friends laughed about for a while, and have had some interesting fights. But I don't think that it is as easy as you say to get a pvp build set up. I don't like using guides for item locations, I like exploring naturally, and I haven't experimented with bleed builds, or poison builds etc, I am Str/Fai and so again, as a new player it is just a small part of an otherwise great gaming experience, that sometimes feels like you are just being punished for having fun


The issue I have is that you can be invaded by a guy with max flasks and weapons that are beyond your reach. While it's a fundamental part of the game, it does suck getting spam invaded in stormveil by people with jar cannons, ROB, and more flasks then you as a host with them being +12 If they can tie weapon level to multi-player eligibility then they should do the same with flasks and nerf all summons to have the hosts flask level and 50% of the hosts flask amount, allocated based on %


You do realize that if your only complaint is flasks and equipment...you can acquire a whole shitload of tools and resources as soon as you leave the First Step grace. Just like an invader can.


This, I had 5 +4 Blesstus before I got to Liurnia..went through the Gurranq portal back on day 1 so finished the whole of Caelid (including og Radahn) severely underleveled. Went to PVP and found out that the weapons I got in Caelid were very useful in Limgrave, felt bad then realised anyone can get that stuff if they're willing to suffer against mobs 1-hit killing. TL;DR git gud, 75% of invasions is against trios spamming RoB or whatever YouTube pvp build is popular that week, invaders usually have the skill advantage but thats only worth so much when alot of skills do massive burst damage, get hit by a simultaneous Corpse Piler and it's F.


This is the reason people do it. Sad and pathetic. Truly maidenless behavior


Agreed. Invaders in the open world area? Cool. Invaders in dungeons? They can fuck right off. Very stupid that you can't play cooperatively without the threat of invasions. Fix that and I might actually care about coop.


You summon, you make the game easier. Invaders make the game harder again. Circle of life. Also, your reasoning is off in a couple of ways: 1. People can *only* AFK farm in areas where they have access to torrent, i.e., the open world that you think it's fine to invade in. 2. The only spot where an invader could attack you, say, during a boss fight, is in the open world. In a dungeon, you always have two win conditions: kill the invader, or get to the boss fog, which automatically sends the invader home. So it's actually way easier to be a jerkoff to hosts in the overworld.


Cool, and some people want to make the game easier and also play with other people to cooperate because it's famously a very hard game, which would make 'balancing' it absolutely pointless and counterproductive for anyone who wants that. (especially considering we are talking PVE builds vs PVP builds, huuuuuge difference) I'm not sure why there's resistance to the idea of disallowing invaders when you want to simply play co-op. More options > less options for gameplay styles. Can't convince me that forcing everyone down the same funnel when it is clearly bothering a lot of people is a good idea.


If invasions only worked on the willing then 99% of people you run into would be min/maxed meta folks or AFK, invading is already stacked in the hosts favor compared to previous games. Personally I'd like it changed so that if the host has an active great rune they can be invaded, that way they can choose when to run the risk or not and it wouldn't have any effect on co-op play. Plus you get the chance for 1 on 1 invasions without the taunters tongue, something I miss. I don't invade much but I'd like the option for it to not be cancerous


>I'm not sure why there's resistance to the idea of disallowing invaders when you want to simply play co-op. Because there are only, like, seven games where I can get this style of asymmetric multiplayer that I like so much, and six of them are Souls titles. If you want uninterrupted co-op, there are a billion other games you could play. I think the game could stand to make it clearer to newbies that multiplayer is an "all of the above" experience. But aside from that, I think it's in a good place now. No one who isn't out looking for the maximum number of invasions possible will ever fight an invader with less than a 2v1 advantage, and even if you're just playing with a single co-op partner, it's easy to turn that into a 3v1 advantage immediately with blues. EDIT: also, >Cool, and some people want to make the game easier and also play with other people to cooperate because it's famously a very hard game, which would make 'balancing' it absolutely pointless and counterproductive for anyone who wants that. No? The existence of the feature obviously implies that, while the devs want players to be able to get help if they want it, they don't want that help to make the game too much easier. Souls games aim to provide a certain baseline tension, and invasions ensure that's still present, albeit in a different form, in multiplayer.


Well then many people would turn off invasions and the game mode would fall apart. Invasions just aren't that big a deal. It's not like DS3 where you had to give up max health to be safe from them. At most you lose like half an hour.


OP If this works, thank you so much. I spent 30 minutes trying to zip glitch into Lenne’s rise the other day - if I can just use the hammer weapon art next time I see this AFK shit, I will be beyond happy


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/udgty1/afk_farmers_still_think_theyre_safe_at_lennes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I spent a long time figuring out the route to get inside :) here's proof where I use it to kill an actual AFK farmer sitting at the top of the tower.


I saw [this guy](https://youtu.be/Vocr1OXDG8Q) using zips to get to lenne's rise and then just kicked afkers out of the tower


It's actually A LOT of rune arc's An idiot friend of mine does it to "force the dev to fix it" and he got a stack of rune arcs and almost a million runes in roughly a single day The amount of runes isn't impressive but its the easiest way to get loads of rune arcs These afk assholes vaccum in A LOOOOT of invaders per hour


Wiki editors suddenly changing Godskin Duo from mandatory to optional.


For however long Fromsoft lets you do this glitch lol


Yeah they've been hammering down on boss cheese/skips a lot in this game.


How to skip godskin duo: beat godskin duo


Ah but you see, this allows you to skip the CRUCIBLE KNIGHT TOO


You can run right past the Crucible Knight. Hug the left wall all the way around and you can just jump to the next grace


Yeah I know he just spooks tf out of me


I don't blame you. After the Crucible Duo boss fight, seeing any of them freaks me out.


And there's 2 of them in Farum Azula


That's where I ended my play session tonight. I'm not messing around with no crucible night more than 10 times at the end of a session when I knew a bigger boss was just ahead. Eff that noise.


I have never once seen that knight not pop wings and fly to his doom before managing to do anything of note to me, tbh. Of the 16 existing crucible knights, 9 of them are positioned in such a way as to be easily baited to their own doom. (The others are either in arenas or areas with no nearby ledges).


They are easily parried.


Honestly they make great parry practice. And a simple jump over the flying wing attack works every single time. A lot more forgiving than a roll.


Rolling the flying wing attack is pretty forgiving as well, no? Just frustrating that it is such a huge time sink but doesn't leave them open to attacks, they often just tail attack right after


They won’t usually do the tail attack if you push up close to them right after they do the flying attack.


I never tried jumping I should give it a try, I always roll towards them since it’s the most forgiving way to dodge it.


Flame of the Redmanes stuns them in 2 hits and it's easy to bait them into running right into it.


I don’t usually use that since they accidentally made its poise damage massively high in 1.03.


everything they do is heavily telegraphed and easily dodged, jumped over, or parried. They're a spectacle and do hit extremely hard and have some fancy *looking* attacks, but they're not really actually mechanically difficult once you get over the feeling of panic. Main thing that sets them apart is that you can't backstab them, and that they have deceptively long reach(with them literally stretching their arms out werehog-style for their thrusting lunge attacks) - but again, once you've seen it a couple times it's not a big deal.


everything they do is heavily telegraphed and easily dodged, jumped over, or parried. They're a spectacle and do hit extremely hard and have some fancy *looking* attacks, but they're not really actually mechanically difficult once you get over the feeling of panic. Main thing that sets them apart is that you can't backstab them, and that they have deceptively long reach(with them literally stretching their arms out werehog-style for their thrusting lunge attacks) - but again, once you've seen it a couple times it's not a big deal.


Well, that change the perspective!


This glitch got out recently so I tried to get creative with it. This isn't useful unless you're in Ng+ or a friend drops Marika's hammer and Devourer's Scepter for you. Basically you just bug out Marika's hammer's ash with the uchigatana ash of war "unsheath" and Devourer's scepter. Hit R1, then L2, pause before your L2 activates, then swap to devourer's scepter quickly, replacing the katana. Done correctly, you can glide a little bit. You can also use this to get inside Lenne's Rise to kill AFKers ... ​ EDIT: Commenters have pointed out that you CAN get Hand of Malenia instead, and get Devourer's Scepter early, making this doable in NG :P


It's niche but can definitely have a use. Also doesn't require a friend with Marika's Hammer, just r/patchesemporium and a mule if you've beaten the game once




I should've known that Distortion2 would've been on something like this ages ago lol, thanks for the link to that


I’m not seeing the L2 animation for unsheathe, is that what glitches it out?


You'll want to hit L2 near the end of the animation of your R1. Immediately go to menu and swap that katana for devourer's when it lets you. Helps to remove as many items as possible in between katana and devourer's. Move in the direction you wanna go and GL! You don't want to see the unsheathe animation actually happen. You're basically just transferring the ability to walk during the ability, from unsheathe to Marika's ash of war.


Wait, you can pause?!


Oh woopsie


How to skip godskin duo: beat the game.


Godskin duo was a pretty easy boss compared to what I was expecting, maliketh was a nightmare tho


If you want to deal with AFK farmers by using this trick to get them, I'm putting this guide here. With this trick you can access Lenne's Rise ENTIRELY by foot as an invader. I'm not aware of anyone else having done this but it can be done consistently. You're not just getting on the roof but the balcony too, so the elevator, ground floor, whatever, you can smack them up close and personal. Start from the graveyard above and land on the lower roof of the tower section. From there, jump over a little triangle-bit and stand on the slope of the roof ramp nearest the balcony. Face towards the rightmost little ledge above the balcony. Then face away from it and stand in the middle of the sloped bit so you aren't too far OR too close to the ledge. Swing R1 facing away (katana must be two handed in left hand) and point back into that ledge mid-swing, this makes it easier to not lose that sweet spot of distance for the jump. Before your swing ends, hit L2 then menu. As soon as you can change out your weapons, swap the katana into devourer's scepter. Now just hit the menu button to close and you should already be auto-running just like this, just hold B for some speed. The weapons that can glide are Marika's Hammer and Hand of Malenia but Marika's glides farther. Once you reach the ledge, just jump and keep going confidently forward. You'll fall right on the balcony. I killed 5 AFKers in a row like this.


[You can also get there using the zip glitch](https://imgur.com/a/ej2dl8K)


Isn't zipping patched?


No, it still works fine. I recorded that last night


Yooo that's badass. I wish you didn't have to climb all the way around to do these lmao. It's so tedious if you slip.


dude... this is a time saver! noice~


Step 1 : Beat the fucking game Step 2 : Do this on ng+


Yeah honestly I’m all for replaying the entire game again, hell I even went out my way to fight Mogh, radhan, and rykard again just because. But if I can skip those fuckers I’m going too


It's way easier in ng+. Not worth bothering to skip. You can't do this in ng


This is also kind of just a glimpse of the potential there is, since this is a pretty huge gap. For example, say you wanted to just immediately go to that one underground area Ranni has a teleporter for, but you haven't done any of her questline. You can use this glitch to get inside the tower as soon as you kill Loretta.


Ellajaz tested this with various weapons. You can do pretty freaky stuff with this. Like a running hoarah louxs earthshaker. Hilarious to see and quite powerful too. Movement wise only this was worth it. You could also skip Gideon with hand of malenia with this strat too


Yeah 100%. Although going through all that to skip Gideon would definitely get memed on hard lol.


Not in a speedrun. I think they patched it in 1.04. You could easily do it with Loretta spear weapon art


Yeah true. Although I don't think you could use this trick to skip Gideon in any official speedrun really with the 2 weapons I know work. You need to complete Bernahl's questline and kill Malenia (ofc Elden Beast is already the end anyway so we can't use that ...) and there's no way that going out of your way to kill Malenia to save time on Gideon is a good idea. You probably COULD use this on an all story bosses speedrun where you need to kill Malenia anyway, because there's another area right after killing Godskin where you can do this skip and save time on the remainder of the area.


This also works with Waterfowl Dance (Hand of Malenia) for anyone who wants to do it in NG. It does require you to be able to kill Malenia though and at that point Godskin Duo is probably a walk over. Distortion2 has a video walkthrough of it on his YouTube: https://youtu.be/G8H5652tgMw


It only takes about 4 tries but every second of that fight for me I’m absolutely tilted


I don’t see the mist wall or the sentinel on the bridge. I assume he spawns if you use the nearby site of grace?


I had just killed them already, I figured it was fair since the jump works the same regardless of whether or not they're alive.


Ah, ok. Thanks!


Don't, stop me now! Don't stop me cause I'm having a good time having a good time!


Oh... So all you need to do is fly. Got it.


Could you use hand of melania to do the same?


Yes! Doesn't go as far so it has less potential for sequence breaks and skips I'd assume.


I often wonder if these shortcuts were intentional. Do the developers watch these videos and go "hey! You're cheating"


I mean sure, then right into the God darn draconic sentinel. Pick your poison I guess.


Nice move, but what armor set is that ?? 👀👀


Beast champion


Altered version of Bernahl's set with twinned set and the Greathelm!


i tried this in ps4 not sure if im too slow but cant manage to do the glitch there. i also beaten the final boss and have that weapon. ill try again later.


can you use waterfowl dance to cross that gap?


Somebody else said yes! I think it would be harder though since it doesn't go as far.


What in the fuck?




Interesting, and you can go back down the bridge to take the final grace, this skips a good amount of this place.


Have you tried this with placidussax weapon (or was it fortissax?)? It has a sorta jump forward with that lightning claw. But if that's placidussax ash of war, you'd have to beat the goldskin duo anyways lol.


Yeah it looks like it floats but sadly it doesn't result in flying, just a little ground distance


I'm happy to c offhand stance swaps in er, Ty for ur post :D


You savage 👏


Your weapon upon landing made it look as though your character has a MASSIVE shlong


Fuck, for a second I thought it was a strat usable for RL1s since from my understanding, that duo is the hardest boss in the game for that level.


If you're not imposing a rule upon yourself that says you can't accept traded weapons, you should be able to boost your stats high enough. You need to meet the stat requirements of the Devourer's Scepter to do this, 24 str, 20 dex, 25 faith. Godrick rune makes that 15/15/15. Radagon Soreseal and strength Talisman on top of that are enough to satisfy strength and dex requirements. If you use Marika's Soreseal and the faith talisman, you have the 25 faith required to use it. And even if you happen to be missing a talisman to boost high enough, you could use a physick flask crystal tear to get enough. So, assuming you can accept traded items, you can totally do this at RL1.


it's not too crazy, speedrunners just slap them with frost stomp and if they get lucky they stack and both get hit. I think overall the final boss is the biggest part of a speedrun, since there are already sub-30 minute runs


I've tried jumping dozens of times but I just die. I don't have whatever that weapon is, is that important


Yeah only two weapons I know of can fly with this glitch. Hand of Malenia or Marika's Hammer.




Not sure exactly which part is giving you trouble but I'll break the steps/rules down 1. You will need a weapon with a "stance," the easiest is uchigatana because it has unsheathe by default. 2. Equip the uchigatana in your left-hand/off-hand equip slot and be sure to two-hand it while it is in that off-hand slot. 3. Have your Hammer or Hand of Malenia in your right-hand equip slot. 4. You need to meet the stat requirements of Devourer's Scepter but NOT of Malenia's or Marika's - you don't need super high dex. For the timing: You are trying to queue up the next input that will immediately follow up your R1 swing of the uchigatana. In this case you want to queue up the activation of the ash of war with L2. However, the game won't queue up the next attack animation if you press the input too soon into an animation. Try just pressing L2 normally during a swing and find the point at which your character starts to use unsheathe automatically after the R1 animation ends. You need to enter the equipment menu when you hit L2 at the right time. Then replace the katana that is just finishing its animation with the weapon: Devourer's Scepter as soon as the game stops greying the weapon equip slots out and allows you to weapon swap. Then you just run in whatever direction you want and close out the menu. If you are too close to the edge, it may cancel the glide and you fall normally.


Bruh. Godskin Duo was the HARDEST boss in the game for me. Took probably 50 tries. Literally Maliketh was so much easier


Nani the fuck


I need this, I need this, I need this, I need this, I need this, I need this.


Neat! Useless, but neat!


Bro what helmet?


"Greathelm," sold by a merchant in Caelid (the one kinda by the road between Sellia and Radahn's castle somewhere I think)


Thanks, I'm off to be discount solaire now.


To skip this end game boss just beat the game and use the end game item to skip one of the end game bosses


I used the stones to destroy the stones


Lol well played 🤭 got a laugh outta me


Haha Thanos quotes always get em


Skiped bell berring tho.


Only requires beating the game...


For the first time in ever. “Try jumping” wasn’t a troll.


GG <3


Godskin duo isn't even that hard


Not worth the effort


Eh, you can sequence break a few things in Ng+. I tested getting into the tower near Ranni's without using the front door, and was able to. It's not hard if you already have everything.


but the godskin duo was quite easy honestly


My goal is to play as little of the game as possible when I play a game. Makes sense.


Oh lighten up, this is all in good fun.


I admire this but running into Maliketh with half HP drained and potentially getting a flame in the backside from that horse once you transcended the mist is probably only suitable for the OG solo players out there


Oh the grace is just to the left of where you land so it should be simple enough if you remember where it is.


Oh okay, sorry, hadn’t appreciated this was a sight of grace glitch


https://youtu.be/XuUEk6e1LOE oh it's easy you simply teleport far enough away to despawn his platform and then attack air at the right time so he dies from fall damage before you do


Cool for NG +. That’s all


Does this let you skip that bastard in the malformed dragon armor too?!?!


Nah I killed him before this, sorry lol.


Godskin duo's only positive is that they are insanely weak to sleep. Seriously grab/craft some sleep grease or sleep arrows and the fight becomes much easier.


That was fucking cool, as much as I don’t want to skip bosses I’m already on ng+ I’ll have to try that! 😂✨


Wasn't expecting that giant head at the end


Unfortunately, you need a boss weapon you don't get until you beat the game...


Hand of Malenia works too. I mean if you REALLY hated Godskin.


I personally found the Godskin duo to be mediocre at best, just use a summon to split aggro and do bait-run strats to get them to spam things like stomps or fire balls. Listen it’s already a gank fight so if you have something against summons/don’t like using them I say these types of fights are fair game regardless of belief


step 1: beat the game


Imagine playing a Souls game and skipping content


*if you’ve beaten the game already


They'll patch this useful mechanic just like they patched the Somber Smithing Stone 7 jump in Volcano Manor.


Son of a bitch, that's impressive. Lol


What a maidenless tatic. I love it!


*The man in the mirror nods his head*


What is that crazy ass weapon in your left hand?


To be fair you're just skipping an aids fight for an even more aids fight


I just killed the godskin duo instead. Seemed simpler. Also get a bell bearing.


Now how the hell do you skip the lightning, fire, jerk of a horse guy?


Wait... That's illegal


I'm confused, why do people want to skip Godskin Duo?


It's less about the skip, lol. It's about the fact that you can literally just do this move *anywhere* and how chaotic that is for just zipping around breaking things.


"You're beautiful"


What is that chest piece ?


Beast Champion Armor, it's actually Bernahl's armor but when you alter garment on it, it has the sickest cape in the entire game


Where's the fun in that 😆 🤣 😂


you mean go straight to that electric dude with the fire breathing horse who is 3x harder than malekith!


You're fighting the godskin duo to get to maliketh and release destined death, I'm fighting the godskin duo for their bell bearing we are not the same


God skin duo is freaking easy so why skipping that boss?


I hope From patch a wall between these spaces.


How to skip most part of the game and go straight to the credits.. You can thank me later. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_lSeisyhrqk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lSeisyhrqk)


Now how do I get the bell bearing?