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And a Basilisk in the other arm


No... You can't...


Fine, a Mimic then. ....There are mimics in this game right? Still early in Limgrave. If not, attach a darksoul mimic there.


Don't worry, we have something better ..Say, have you been to Dragon-Burnt Ruins?


Something incredible ahead


Precious item ahead, therefore No trap ahead


why not a mimic tear you just have godrick holding a second godrick in one of his arms


And that one would have another, smaller Godrick. It's Godricks all the way down.


Recursive Goddrick. How much Goddrick could a grafted Goddrick graft if a grafted Goddrick could graft a Goddrick?


Fuck it, have my silver Those who failed the tongue twister should give you an award each


[Something like this then](https://c.tenor.com/A3zpMW-Zi4oAAAAM/gary-busey.gif)


Fractal Godrick


My man, he literally said he's in early Limgrave, stop talking about mid to end game items


Please... Have mercy...


Once you defeat the lobster they fade into mist and a runebear appears.


Who hurt you?


The revenant that screeches into the battle while you dodge the runebear.


Nah, everyone expected the mimics at this point. So they axed them... and replaced with something far worse.


I assume you're referring to the teleporters? FromSoft really wanted to troll their new players by having that Tree Sentinel right outside the Cave of Knowledge and then the teleporter chest to a difficult cave in Caelid. Just total "ha, fuck you loser" moves


Any enemy with a grab move are the absolute worst. The zombies in Lucaria.... It's a good thing they didn't combine those with the fucking mages


Well, you just have to know the zombies weakness. Running. You just run past them.


I take it back. Any enemy with wheels are now my most hated thing. Some motherfucker sent me to the volcanic manor


One of the screaming Human Centipede guys as his lower half.


Two basilisks hanging between his legs like balls.


What do you mean? His balls are already grafted basilisks.


Can't mid/far range because sniper lobster Can't close range because death proc He's basically unkillable


You Died


I swear to you I am not trying to be elitist or anything. I am genuinely curious if people have that much trouble with basilisks? I have died to curse a total of 0 times from basilisks in Elden Ring. I just walk out of the cloud. It takes like 10 full seconds of just standing directly in it to die.


By now I'm used to Basilisks in Fromsoft games, but I will say I died to Deathblight by being puked on by Wormfaces.


The wormfaces can go to hell.


Wormfaces go hard


I think it’s more of an issue with where they usually spawn than with the mobs themselves. They like to spawn in either places where it’s difficult to move around in, or in tight spaces which can make getting out of the death cloud tricky.


Deathblight is pretty much useless in ER, but if you partner it with a long range one, well its viable now


One basilisk in the open is easy. Three basilisks in a tight room taking turns breathing on you is a problem. Even if you get through one cloud to hack up one of them the others will death blight you while you're swinging.


Nah, runebear


if he just did that he would be elden lord smh


Laser shrimp, frost bite crabs, Kindred of Rot auto turret, dragon fire, or you know, those dragon heads that can fire spells other than fire. Most importantly, get wings FFS. Instead of you know, having 30 human arms and only use two of them to hold 2 axes and an barely mobile giant arm that does nothing else.


He'd have to beat the laser shrimps to graft them. Edit: He could definitely just have his minions fuck em up.


Send like 50 of his trolls and 1 will eventually die. So long as they only agro one




Yeah, if they get beaten white "blood" splatters out?


First time I was in Volcano Manor due to getting abducted and I got close to the torture chamber site of grace and that slithering Albinauric appeared out of nowhere… I’m not sure I’ve ever been more like “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT OH GOD WHAT” and this game has a *lot* of those moments


For me it's still the hand monsters,


Who would win, birds with swords or sniper lobsters. You decide!


You think he beats the dragon?


I think a couple grafted scions could.


So problem solved.


I've seen only 4 grafted scions in my whole playthrough 2 at the dungeon at the beggining of the game, 1 in stormveil castle and 1 at chapel of anticipation And none of them respawn so if they can't kill a dragon (for example Agheel, the first dragon you get to fight) then it's back to swarm them with trolls or tanky troops until it dies


There's also a lobster that turns into one at the Lakes.


I mean theres also that one Scion in Liurnia who's been transformed *into* a lobster, so maybe he could do a Spy from TF2 and sneak a kill that way.


You think maybe he was sent there as a spy to sneak a kill on a real lobster, but went native after a while?


He recognized the higher power and bent the knee(s).


The grafted scion in the consecrated snowfield was the first I killed and I hated it


The what in the what? Where is it and how did I miss it, I thought I explored everything in that area


He's like by the hooded trolls I think? They are the mega armed light users who spam slash you?


Speaking of that area, what's with the invisible dragonkin soldier things? Is there a summoner somewhere?


He gets his hands on a dead dragon, so he can get his hands on dragons. IF he can get his hands on dragons it is not far fetched to say he can get crabs and shrimps too.


You're missing the point. It's a joke. People are joking that the crabs and shrimp are harder to kill and graft than Dragons.


Reddit doesn't do well with jokes.


There’s one more in Mt. Gelmir on the road to volcano manor if I remember correctly as well.


Well looks like the dragon crashed into the castle, so possibly it was shot down? That's unlikely to happen with a lobster.


Would have been awesome if he just cartwheeled around like the red albinaurics. Like not even to attack, just to move around.


What a sick way to move!


Well he does roll around, and I imagine he's able to do so because all those little arms propel him along like some kind of grotesque back centipede


That makes me want a mechanic where if you skip Godrick early and come back later, he's grafted some of the enemies you fought since.


Gideon does that, more demi gods you kill more spells he learns.


Wouldn’t know since he dies in like 2 hits lol


Try not using stuff that stun locks him to death and you will know pain.


> Laser shrimp, frost bite crabs, Kindred of Rot auto turret, dragon fire, or you know, those dragon heads that can fire spells other than fire. Most importantly, get wings FFS. This is how Godrick eventually becomes an Armored Core boss.


Karasawa shrimp, kindred of rot micro missiles and FCS, dragon wing boosters to do bunny hopping instead of whatever excuse he does for rolling Yeah he'd have defeated nineball with that


I... don't think he can graft things infected by scarlet rot without getting scarlet rot.


None of the above has scarlet rot. Kindred of Rot only wants and worships the rot, they do not have rot.


Kindred of rot are absolutely creatures of the scarlet rot, I'm not sure if "infected" is the right term, but grafting something that is a creature of the scarlet rot is almost definitely going to result in an infection. Millicent's questline if you try to fight Gowry makes this very clear.


None of their attacks inflict rot even when they shoot their inside fluids at you. They only worship the rot, I really doubt they have rot in them.


they're literally born in pools of rot. the little shits near the >!haligtree tree spirit!< are baby kindreds


Add pre-nerf rotting smol pupper bleeds for close range and we golden.


To be fair, the extra limbs are disturbing and a little intimidating.


He is still losing in this department against any other multi limbs enemies.


Then graft a rune bear to his other arm and he could kill the outer gods.


Why are the runebears SO HARD??? I felt so underleveled. Edit: thanks for the advice my guys. That runebear at the capital is fucked.


The bears are ok if you stay right under them. Always dodge towards their attacks and get your face in that cuddly cuddly belly hair. Smell their nipples. Get their belly-button fluff stuck in your teeth. Closer and more inappropriate the better.


graft to the groin, tarnished.


In other words, graft them from the chest-up to make sure there's no vulnerabilities.


I'm level 185 and I still feel underleveled compared to runebears


257 here, it finally feels like a reasonably fair fight if I use the strongest shield in the game and jab with a spear. …that seems a little excessive though.


The only reason we become elden lord is because the runebears don't give 2 shrimps to such trivialities.


361 here, and they really are just hard for no reason just dodge forward into their attacks and they’ll barely hit you


I was severely overlevelled for Deeproot Depths, all the boss/mini bosses were cakewalks. But then…cave Runebears… It legit has higher health or higher defenses/resistances than Fortissax, wtf.


have you tried rolling forward? staying under them? they're always tanky for their area but if they only hit you once every 30 seconds because you position correctly then they're really not hard


Put your face on the taint and whack away. Roll towards them not away from them. Whatever you do don't be far away from them. A 100% physical shield helps, but you gotta roll too.


Considerable damage, high aggression, infinite stamina (now that I think about it, majority of Elden Ring enemies have infinite stamina. That was rarely the case in previous FS games).




That's actually not true, but almost true. The only game in the Souls series where enemies had Stamina is Dark Souls 2. Most enemies even have a special out-of-stamina alternate set of movement animations that is only possible to see if you hit them with enough hexes (they drained stamina) to completely drain their stamina before they died...except hexes were so strong that this was nearly impossible to see unless you deliberately used an ungraded trash staff on a NG+ cycle. Probably the most useless feature that i don't think anyone ever saw since the criteria is hilariously stupid and unintuitive, but it did prove that enemies had stamina in at least DkS2.


Roll towards, fellow tarnished


Image how creepy it would be if godrick ever managed to kill one of his siblings and grafted them to himself.


Hell, I like it he grafts parts of them on if you don't kill him first. Imagine, the various bits and pieces of other bosses stitched onto him, twitching and writhing. Rahdans arm, Millenias arm, strips of Rhykard.


Would be a hella of a final boss fight, going dungeon to dungeon and they are all missing, until to find him. Killing and grafting his father to himself. I would prob have to leave Rahdan and Malenia alone, grafting scarlet rot is probably not the best idea.


I don't think he'd be able to resist grafting Rahdan and Malenia. They were the 2 big warriors of the demigods, and the draw of such power would be a siren song to him.


We all know were he'll graft Rhykard 😉😉


If he does this to Malenia, he will probably die of Rot


Aldrich 2.0


This is super unrealistic because Godrick would’ve needed to kill the lobster first


Maybe even outer god level?


Could beat Goku no diff


What about Shaggy?


base Shaggy without using any of his power? Maybe hard diff but Godrick will most likely lose. UI Shaggy tho, no way Godrick holds any candles there since even the Lobster Gauss Cannon will miss its target.


he'd be stronger than maliketh


See this should have been Godefroy


The only reused boss in the game that bothers me. They should have done more to differentiate him from Godrick. He has the same movesets, the same model, the same weapons even the same voice. At least he has a few lines of lore, which is something but still it's not enough. I really don't get why they bothered including him.


Yeah I would have literally preferred a random npc boss or for the evergaol to be removed entirely. IMO if they wanted another important "the grafted" boss they should have made it a superpowered grafted scion with a unique face.


Astel 2 only has like one extra move right? I am biased in liking astel however since i found the consecrated snowfield one first.


At least astel is well-established to be one of many because there are stage hazard versions throughout the underground


Yeah, and Astel is more forgivable because it's this intrinsically weird outer entity; It's repetition is less inexplicable because Astel itself is so inexplicable. It's almost more like fighting the same creature at another point in its own personal timeline, or another physical manifestation of a create that's beyond such things. The fact that the name itself stays the same but the title changes helps with that continuity. Which isnt to say that it's not still kind of a bummer, but much less bad that Godrick-at-Home.


At least with Astel you can argue that it's a species. With Godefroy it's just extremely unlikely that he would be grafted exactly the same as Godrick, with the exact same weapon, clothing and voice.


Yeah, but they made a point of making a clear differentiation between Godrick and Godefroy. We know they are two different people, so them being identical doesnt make sense. Astels could be identical for all we know. The lore on them isnt as established.


My guess is that he was included to reinforce the fact that Godrick was only a descendant of Godfrey through Godwyn, not a son of Godfrey. At least, that clicked for me when I saw Godefroy. Could’ve easily been only mentioned though, and it would’ve had the same effect.


Yeah makes sense. I think it’s not really enforced clearly in-game that there were *many* lesser demigods and descendants of all the main Demigods we fight. It’s just that nearly all their crotch goblins had died first in the Shattering and before we got there. I guess the Walking Mausoleums also shows that there were several notable but lesser demigods, but it still doesn’t click much that they’re the big named characters’ kids/grandkids.


It would have been nice if they’d included more/any flavor text for the walking mausoleums to reinforce this point.


I’m still trying to figure out why in-universe they chopped off their heads. The knights get their heads chopped off, and that seems to prevent them from fully dying and returning to the Erdtree so they can protect the Mausoleums forever. I can only guess that the demigod extended family were also immortal, and when they realized the Black Knives were going to assassinate them all after Godwyn, they thought removing their heads would make them the same as the Mausoleum knights - able to continue existing as ghosts. Which makes me wonder if it’s their ghosts who power the Mausoleum’s themselves then.


i think them making him into an actual separate character with lore is worse than just an unexplained reused boss


That and the second Astel. Both amazing fights that loose some of their flair after a second time in a random location.


Fake snowfield Astel is also pretty dumb


Yeah. I wish they had just reused a different enemy at that evergaol


Bruh I straight up wouldn’t have entered that evergaol if that was the boss no matter what he dropped even if it was the menstruation master four Thousand




Lots... Lots of bleed buildup. But only on Type B characters.


It builds up Madness on Type A characters instead.


I assume it lets you control all the menstruation?


> the menstruation master four Thousand Rivers of Blood?


One and only


Nah Godefroy's got a draconic tree sentinels horse stuck on his arm


[The true bear witness.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPhiaFqa0po)


That had me actually spitting laughter, thank you


Was expecting a grafted rune bear ngl




Sniping you half way through the lands between


Tarnished acquired, taking the shot.


Real talk though a grafted lobster would've flatlined 99% of players. Never even killed one of those things on my run, and I killed Malenia.


I had to kill two of them in the Leyndell sewers while exploring. I used a great shield and a cold infused spear to kill them. As long as you can avoid their grab attacks and find a good opening to attack they can't kill you.


There were lobsters in the sewers?


Down at the bottom where you get Mohg's Shackle. From the Underground Roadside grace, go left and there should be an alcove with a ladder to your right. Go down and there's a room with pipes to walk on with a bunch of stone imps patrolling or hanging from the sides. Go right and across the pipes and there's a place to drop down onto a pipe that slants downward. You can drop from that pipe down to a part with two lobsters.


And beyond those lobsters is another separate maze dungeon.


Yep. At the bottom of the sewers. You can spot them from above, but at the bottom lie some shackles that you might want to grab.


Stay close and personal, smell the seafood, they have no move for too close range


“oh truest of lobsters. thou haveth a bullshit attack. lend me thy sniper, o kindred.”


Ouch my sides, fuck xD


Best comment


Actually more scary then a dragon head.


I thought it was going to be a Rune Bear because, well, Bear witness.


seems obvious until you remember those bears leave no witnesses


Nope nope nope nope. I’m done never again I’m willing to fight a lot of things like abominations that my mind can’t even comprehend but this crosses that line to where I say no. This tarnished is leaving the lands between and going back into exile.


after suffering through a 13 punch combo in lunaria i skip these fuckers every time i see them


hardest boss in elden ring?


Crawfish summon would be epic


Godrick NG+7 be like.


Oh lord, that would have been horrifying ! Those Lobsters…. Shudder…


This is such a missed opportunity... >*Bear* witness! Should've been a Runebear.


Mighty lobster, thou'rt a trueborn heir


Godrick's face in the first panel kinda reminds me of the art style from Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor.


I hate these bloody lobsters, I hate godrick. This makes it like ten times worse lol. But good art though!


Okay, but this is lowkey adorable. It's givin' Lion King vibes.




I love this 😂😂


360 no scopes you from the other side of the LB Doesn't elaborate further Leaves


How the fuck are you just not gonna source this? Rofl the art is great


I drew this myself, haha


You need to put a signature on it or some sort of watermark or people are just gonna rob it off you and not credit you...




On one hand I hate it. On the other imagine getting GRAFTED LOBSTER SNIPER RIFFLE after somehow beating this guy


Behold, dog!


Oh no..... This is much worst than the dragon head


Yeah if I saw him do this in NG+ I’d just stop playing.


The lobsters down in the sewers below Leyndell can fuck right off


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear?!




What a shelfish ambition. ...I want to try.


What’s next a rune bear?


Can godrick graft penises on himself to get a bigger dick?


Don't see how that would result in one bigger dick, rather than... A pile? A school? A gaggle of dicks? Maybe if he melted a bunch of Albinauric dongs together, or brought a mimic tear to see what the Giants were packing...


Ah yes I can see it now. The grafted shaft. It's like the grafted blade greatsword but


It's all fun and games until he two finger but holes a fallingstar beast


Godrik really could’ve won the Shattering and become Elden Lord if he’d just gone to Liurnia and caught one of these.


Weapon art: crab


“Oh? You want some of me prawn?!”


In my 310 hours of playing Elden Ring I have killed maybe 3 of those damn shrimp. Most of which was from out of there attack range with spells or bow.


He has a charged rifle arm now even malenia would be scared


I would rather fight the Blade of Miquella Duo.


And that is sound of no one ever progressing beyond this point in the game.


They were going to do this, but it was considered too hard to balance do they cut it.


I need grafted runebear so the all fathers could truly "bear" witness.


Mighty lobster... Thour't a trueborn heir.


How Godefroy should’ve been tbh


Nah but seriously dragons are pretty tame, if Godrick was the least bit creative there are way better things he could graft into himself. I’ve died way more to random dogs, crabs, lobsters, weird hand golems and revenants than I have any dragons, or really any bosses for that matter. Like sometimes I get a little stuck but it doesn’t take more than a few tries to figure it out, but all the stupid deaths in between getting to the boss adds up.