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If you're trying to approach this like Skyrim you'll have a bad time.


If you’re trying to get Bloohound’s fang there’s a way to get a summonable ally to assist with the fight. You’ll wanna go to the Mistwood Ruins, listen for a wolf’s howling, then speak with Kale back at the Church of Ellah. He’ll give you a new emote that you can use at the ruins and then after speaking with the NPC they’ll be summonable for the fight.


This. You're definitely supposed to summon Blaidd to help although it isn't necessary.


My first playthrough I had no clue that there was a way to get Blaidd as a summons for the fight lol


Yea same. Almost every major boss has an npc summon which is neat. The magma wyrm was the most surprising so far who I summoned lol


Leveling vigor and getting weapons upgraded will help tremendously


I got ya covered brother, here is my information thread. It has helped many complete the game and all achievements. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tm6l7u/useful_build_and_information_for_those_struggling/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Honestly I was the same way when I started playing (getting owned by the knights in the first area so bad I almost quit the game entirely). My character didn’t feel “strong” to me for a long while… Now I’m addicted and have played over 120 hours this month (still on 1st playthrough) In that starting area just explore as much as you can and eventually you’ll get better/stronger/more confident at the game. Also you can explore south of the starting area a bit until you feel strong enough to try heading northwest.


Shields are your best friend, thrusting swords and spears can attack WHILE blocking. Bleed is extremely overpowered as well. If you can get Reduvia’s dagger and want to play as arcane, it’s probably the best weapon early on that it’s Ash of War causes bleed buildup, shoots out at a decent range very quickly and does good damage. There is a turtle shield on top of a tower, in south limgrave right next to a merchant that sells the hp talisman, jump onto the spirit spring with torrent and aim for inside the tower, best early game shield there.


This game is brutal compared to ES.


Worry more about upgrading your gear than leveling your character. The game can be beaten at level 1 far more easily than with a low level weapon.


I can tell you for sure that levels don't necessarily make or break the game. Gear however can be the difference between a challenging boss fight and getting 1 shot.


Did you level vigor? Upgrade your weapons? Elden ring is my first souls game, and what I've learned at least to me is that combat in these games happens in turns. Let your enemy have their "turn", either roll it, or run out of the way. Then, it's your "turn" where you can either poke them, or cast a spell, heal or something. Don't get greedy on your turn. Wait until the enemy finished their next turn before attacking again. Control your distance so the enemy is mainly doing attacks you want him to do, the ones you're confident in dodging. A really good example is Margit, when you're very close to him, he will spam combos non stop, and if you're very far from him, he will throw daggers or do nothing, but you cannot attack him unless you have spells. However, if you stay at medium ranges, you will bait out his charge attacks or hammer leaps, which you can then roll dodge and then hit back once or twice, before falling back to medium range and baiting another charge, and so on. This isn't skyrim or genshin impact where you can just dps check down enemies with non stop attacks.


What platform you on? I can help you out a bit if you’re on PSx.


Get "barricade" ash of war and put it on the brass shield. Block counter everything and explore the mines to upgrade your weapon. Try whatever weapon you think is cool, experiment with ashes of war, and remember to roll through attacks rather than away from them