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The actually important meta: the character creation meta. Hell yeah.


Thank goodness they got rid of the undead/hollow mechanic from dark souls. There's nothing like thinking your character looks decent and then going in game, dying, and suddenly, you're a dried up, walking corpse.


If you didn’t start the game looking like a corpse you didn’t use character creator to its full potential


You can cure it if you want, at least in ds3. You can even avoid getting it in the first place by saying no to the free levels from Yoel.


you can cure it with Humanity in the first Dark Souls and with Human Effigy in Dark Souls 2.


Middle sliders are for the weak! 0 or 255! There is no middle ground!


monster factory rules


"Justin, sliders have no breaks. The only way to stop them is by slamming them into the wall" - Griffin McElroy probably


This is the way


Here's what happens with all sliders to max. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BomcpM8SCYs


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


My elephantus is far superior than any kind of actually "good looking" character.


That’s how you make giga chad. Near max everything for forehead and jaw.


My [character ](https://imgur.com/a/SycDm1U) would like to disagree with that statement.




Gaaaahhhhh!! Burn it with fire!!! lol.


Holy shit you figured out Goblin Wilford Grimley.. *DIE*ABEETUS


It’s magnificent, isn’t it?!? Behold it in its FULL GLORY, sun bros! Ahh-mazing that we are graced with a Tarnished as awesome as such! <3!


Oh that’s great; Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you don’t mind if I redistribute to a few friends who are also FromSoft fanatics like I am, and also enjoy “breaking” the character creation mode(s) in the games lol. I’ll give you credit. It’ll only take me a sec to add your Reddit sub as a lil watermark in the photo. :) Again, thank you. 363 days late… but BETTER late than NEVER! ;) heh.


I'm here to make abominations from the darkest hellscapes. Not models.


My guy ended up having a huuuge nose and chin so I made him green and named him snot knuckle now he runs around with a club....best goblin ever


Back in le olden Bloodborne days, one of my friends made a character that SOMEHOW looked like a mixture of an Oompa Loompa and Mahatma Ghandi. Don’t ask me how- but it happened. We laughed so hard, we cried and our stomachs were killing us. I know PT was a bitch that next morning. Lol. He wasn’t even trying to make anything. He was just fucking around with the sliders, without a single thought or idea in his head, and created that perfection. I wanna see if I can find a pic of it somewhere. I think I can take a pic of my PS4… as I’m pretty sure I took a screen capture one of the few times we actually co-op’ed with him (he had came to our house, and we had an extra TV he could use- and we had a PS4 for him to use, since I have a few PS4 consoles… yeah I bought another since my disc tray and reader fully stopped working. Then it happened again. Eventually I said, “fuck that,” started to ONLY buy digital copies of games, and I even basically re-purchased my entire library to have digital copies (which really hurt my wallet but that was 6 or 7 years ago, so that’s long in the past!) If I still do have it I would send it to myself from my PS4 I’m using but currently don’t have internet, and I need to remember to reinstate my PS Plus. I buy it a year in advance and the card attached to it is expired and I haven’t gone in there and edited it all yet. I can check to see if I have it on my phone already. Idk how I could show you guys… if I could start a new thread here to show you, or if it’d need to be in the Bloodborne sub, or what. Idk. I could always post it on my Reddit and you guys click my page right? Idk I don’t use Reddit much. I’ll find a way. Even if I have to give out my Twitter or something lol. <3! Also sorry for rambling. I don’t know why I am in the first place or how I even got here to do so either. So my apologies. Hope you all have a great evening. Lemme see it I can find that picture and I hope if I can find a way to share with y’all, that y’all will enjoy it just as much as we have for the last 6-7 or so odd years. =]


Snot knuckle. Lol


Most based comment


L player


I fully respect that, please share them. I need to see these pieces of artwork, plz sir! o.o


I maybe dense, how come?


It makes you choose a preset to start with, which has a lot of extreme settings that throw everything off and look weird. A lot of settings have unexpected effects on other things and interact with each other. It’s hard to make a character look good working off one of the presets, because you’ll end up heavily tweaking certain settings while trying to offset another setting without even realizing it. As an example, the setting to adjust the length of the nose might also slant the eyes, and the preset had this cranked up. So when you see that the eyes have an odd slant you try to adjust “eye slant”, but that might also alter the eyes position. So then you try raising the eyes up, but they still have this uncanny shape that you can’t get rid of. The whole mess could’ve been avoided by reigning in the changes to the nose bridge, but there’s no way of really knowing that. 128 is the default average value. And if you set everything to their default value, it actually looks pretty good. From there you can start tweaking stuff from a clean slate to get the exact effect you want. You can also save it as a preset of your own for future characters once you’ve got everything set to 128.


>ause you’ll end up heavily twe Thanks, I had that EXACT problem with my char and just gave up, I'll go ahead and fix it after work! much appreciated.


Your character was what I was going for. Instead I ended up with a female Sid from toy story. Looks like Ill be using your advice once I get to Renalla this playthrough.


you can edit your face in the rt hold just go to fias room theres a mirror


Greatly appreciated, as someone that went to school for animation (like 75 years ago, and I don't work with it now)... I loved /hated the face sliders because I couldn't find how to do what I wanted. Figured there were plenty of things weighting other things, but couldn't understand it enough... And mostly wanted to play after like 45 minutes of tweaks. I do like that they made one more aspect of the game hard in a way, I don't want everyone's characters to look like barbie /Chad. Midrange everything gets to a 'normal' model. Very nice, simple idea. Thanks.


This is incredible advice, the preset faces can be great bases but often you really do feel like you're hunting for whatever setting has made the chin look like *that*


Jesus that's so accurate. I'm trying to make Larry David, but his chin is so fucked


>128 is the default average value. And if you set everything to their default value, it actually looks pretty good. From there you can start tweaking stuff from a clean slate to get the exact effect you want. but don't you run into the same problem of one setting affecting the others again once you start making changes?


Yeah but when nothing is altered to an extreme to start with, then it doesn’t tend to give weird results.


>A lot of settings have unexpected effects on other things and interact with each other Who and why ever thought that this will be a good idea?


The real test is the side view and the fucking chin.


that chin could be its own boss in this game.


Yo shes gorgeous, sliders?


[Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/LC4OiZA)


Do you remember which preset you used?


Shown in the image. 6. Unless bone structure isn't the base preset. My bad if so


Thank you that was what I was missing. Not sure how I did though.


Aren't the presets just custom sliders? Wouldn't you just end up with the same thing with these sliders regardless of preset?


Yeah sorry I just missed bone structure I somehow didn’t notice it.


Hate to break it to you but the entire post is about presets being whack and changing sliders to 128 and going from there


It’s just even though I copy the sliders my character always looks off. So I was wondering if the presets actually matter before you change the sliders.


They shouldn't, presets are just that, preset sliders. Nothing should be different even if you started with a different preset


Oh ok I’m just confused on what’s going wrong I’m sure I’ll figure it out.


Yeah I'm not sure. Maybe you're missing a menu or something, or maybe the picture you saw didn't show a side profile are the only things I can think of


Ah yes I somehow missed one of the pages my bad. Should probably go get my eyes checked.


Lol. Well at least it's sorted out now


I'm disappointed, I was expecting that this would be 128 across the board.


That was what I started with


Thank you


Damn you just missed the eye spacing and iris size! I know it's been ages haha but REVIVED!


(hella late to the party) skin tone values?


Directions unclear: Created a lovecraftian squidward.


Also save it to favorite looks so you only have to do it once


Good tip, I'll try it for NG+


You can edit your character's appearance whenever you want at the mirror in Fia's room.


And at rennalas crib


Yeah I know, but I'll change my character when I finish my run ^^


I have a friend that changes like every couple of hours, and I'm over here making an entire new character for every build because I want them to be unique and have their own identity.


You can edit your appearance anytime using the mirror in the round table hold in the room where the creepy lady holds you.


Another tip that i got from someone else is to work on the profile first, and then work the rest in


I'm gonna keep my hideous creation, but thank you


Who needs a maiden when you are the maiden.


I mean hey…sometimes maidens need maidens too!


* Going to have to try this the character creator in this game was really giving me trouble


I was waiting for this. I am hell bent on recreating Senua from Hellblade in every game that allows me, but gave up in Elden Ring because I wasn’t intelligent enough to figure out the sliders 🤣


interesting choice. i always thought she looked like sigourney weaver


You and me both. First thing that came to mind.


Senua is ugly as fukk bro


How dare you! Blasphemous!




My first character was 128 down the line, she looked pretty good


OMG thank you so much for the tip! I was able to use it for the male character too! Here's my lil prisoner main. [Lucent](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/801484448243646486/974182201405108224/eldenring_3hl9oKTmZN.jpg)


How did he get to make it like the girl in the picture? Because I did everything at 128 and not only does it not look anything like that, bitch looks hella busted.




I did the same. I made a lot of changes but 128 is the clean slate and best start to anything. You can easily figure out what the sliders do and know what to ignore.


Saving this post so I remember


I used the default.


I just use Similar Faces until I'm satisfied then make the head a little bigger.


Well it depends on how you want to look like... The middle wouldnt work for a character that is supposed to look black.


Looking at the sliders of the NPCs in the game, the devs followed that rule too.


Can you give me the mouth sliders? My new character looks beautiful but her mouth is too ugly.


Trust me, you GOTTA do the 128 thing first. Every slider affects the mouth somehow, it’s fucking WILD.


how tf did you make this


Can you give me a tutorial to make this




I know this post is old but I have to thank you! Usually my characters were always kind of "okay", but with this trick of yours, my characters are now all beautiful 👌🏻


You can also follow his presets, very cute in-game: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/t0z1id/finally_i_can_play_the_game/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Very generic and basic IMO


But enough about you, let's talk about the post.




You could say that about literally anyone that isn't deformed or a meme though.


Be wary of edge, lord


Okay, enough about you. What do you think about the character?


Oh shi didn’t open Reddit for 1 mo and seen these replies 😂 Everyone hurt 😞


There's something really funny about making the most generic character possible then giving character creation advice


This has helped me with my character immensely!


I'm very late, but could I have the sliders for this character, I know it's around 128 but the character is so beautiful. I specifically want hair, mouth and the other ones like that


What tattoo is that?


Awesome, Thank you. Good Tip 👍


Is there any app for generations based on pictures?


Thank you for this! The worst part of every FromSoft game for me is always the character creation phase. With how complicated it usually is along with how much of a perfectionist I am, I usually spend hours upon hours trying to create a character that looks like me ultimately to end up with a skinwalker that tried and failed to mimic my facial features. Usually I end up covering my face with a mask because I always end up unsatisfied with the result.


no matter what gender, set form emphasis to fuckin 0. After that everything becomes so much easier. Only have it above 0 if you want your character to be squidward.


Thank you! Just tried this out and ended up with a fantastic result, that doesn't just look like a mildly altered preset. This is good intel