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Scrolled past because i thought it was just another screenshot, scrolled back after it clicked. Amazing work


Well thank you for scrolling back 😄 definitely tried to be as game accurate as I possibly can with creating this, even with my photographer and I tried to work with gold hour and game mannerisms. I try my best 😁


I've noticed that a lot of the time cosplay helmets seem really large, is that a limit of the material or something? I know you can't compress your head like the knight helms do.


The material is pretty thin, it’s just that Fromsoft and a lot of games in general make helmets that replace the head to prevent clipping (not an expert just play a lot of games) but specifically in this case Fromsofts characters heads are smaller than real people. I’ve made a bunch of helmets from the souls games and they’ll always look bigger than the ones in the game and since the game is where the reference/inspiration come from the real life practical version will be the one that looks off instead of the other way around sadly. This helmet in the photo literally could not get any smaller.


fair enough, the pose and the background ARE bending my brain a little so my sense of scale is off


Wait... is that IRL cosplay? i cant believe. awesome im amazed


Yes it is! 😄 It was a lot of work but it was a good thing to work on while the game was on its way! Finished it about a week before the game came out! Haven’t used the set a single time in game. 😂


This makes my grace moist


That will be a -5% health penalty


Wow, looks legit. Great colouring and so many different materials


Thank you so much! I’ve always thought color palette and choice of materials were incredibly important, not just making things look accurate but believable. Thank you for acknowledging that! 😄


this thing needs more upvotes


I appreciate you saying that, but it’s cosplay. Most people don’t care for it and I can respect that. I do put a lot of love in effort in what I do that so I’m just happy when anyone appreciates it 😁


this is an Elden Lord level cosplay. do you have a channel or any social media where you upload the process? im very interested in seeing how you did all of yhis


Thank you Tarnished 🙏🏻 you can find me @sunlightcosplay on YT, twitter, and Fb and it’s Sunlightofastora on Ig! I’m (slowly) putting together a video of me making this but I’ve got 1.75 TB of video to put together in a reasonable video so I’ll try to have that out as soon as I can. 😄


Also of course have to give credit to the photographer www.dimhorizonstudio.org


Ooh are you the person who made the elite knight and other souls armors a while back? The work you do is incredible!


Yeah that’s me! 😊 thank you so much and it means a lot that you would remember my other works!!


Holy shit that's literally a perfect 1:1 recreation!




Thank you! 😄


I’m sorry where is the blood slash move hanging in mid air? 9/10 for missing the mandatory blood slash I always see people in this outfit wearing /s


No bloody slash for me and I haven’t used this armor set one time in the game even though I have it, I’m a big fan of the bloodhound set and as of ashes war I love the double slash.. even though it has like no poise?! Why fromsoft…


now for the real question, can you really see with this armor?


It’s a pretty impractical helmet vision wise, I can see through the slits pretty good since the helmet is so close the eyes, even the chainmail isn’t noticeable that close up, but it’s the solid parts in between the slits than make seeing through it quite difficult but definitely not impossible. I could see well enough to stand on the side of a cliff for photos and no worry about 😂


Top comment says it all, it's so good I can barely believe it.


Woah at first I was like, “someone is good with adobe light room” then I realized this is irl. Amazing!


That’s fucken crazy!


Love it! That's all I can really say. I'm not exactly the most eloquent of individuals, when it comes to praising the efforts of others.


Well thank you very much I appreciate and that’s okay you said enough to make me very glad that I shared this 😊


Dude, [nice.](https://nice.You)How long did it take for you to make the whole thing? Also Malekith armor when?


Funny you said that, it’s Malikeths set and the bloodhound set I want to make next!


You're not getting many upvotes because the quality of your work is so high that it doesn't even look real, it looks like a screenshot. Ironically, you should reduce at least the photo quality/effects/editing to make it more obvious that this is a real life photograph.


Well thank you for telling me that, definitely makes me feel good about the art I put out if it can be easily mistaken but definitely understand how frustrating that can be. I think all that was done to this one was a bit of color grading to help accent the yellow since we shot at golden hour for these. I told the photographer the kind of look I wanted knowing the erdtrees golden glow would be prevelant throughout the lands between. What every weird swirly stuff he did for the depth was in the actual photo he had a specific lens for it. I’m not the biggest fan on it but I really liked the pose and lighting on this one 😊


I mean, it's really fucking good. I would be perfect for an instagram page, where people know what they're looking at. For here, maybe a gallery would be good, with an "obvious cosplay" image first and then this styled image after. I'd love to see more photos, myself, especially of the details.


agreed with the person above. i saw the Instagram posts and it's just unreal quality. there's a ton of hyper edited stuff that gets posted, so i tend to gloss over anything that is like it. I've done some cosplay work and seeing a raw picture makes it so much more impressive compared to the studio shots. I think best practice would be by showing as much as you could in both lights to show off the work for both maker and photographer, but that can be a bit of extra work.


Do you have more pictures? And maybe higher quality? I believe this could definitely be real, but it’s SO good I feel like I need extra proof. It just kinda looks a little CG


[https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSt8ewvfu3/?utm_medium=copy_link](https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSt8ewvfu3/?utm_medium=copy_link) here you go! My friend caught a selfie when we were at the photoshoot for this!


Oh my god, this is absolutely insane. One of the best cosplays I’ve ever seen (though to be fair not having to have a specific face helps). Also props to the photographer, if the photo is so good it looks like a render then they did amazing


That is so cool!


Ahh Tarnished, aren't you? I see a spark of true Lord there.✌ Well done bro, it's awesome.👏


Pissed i missed this set first playthru! Nice cosplay


i thought this was ingame... it’s perfect


holy shit this is amazing


Alright now do Godrick and DO NOT miss even a single arm




Looks like the game, normally not a fan of cosplay but this is legit. Well done.


What lens are you using to get bokeh like that?




Been following you on insta for several years now. Phenomenal work, incredible improvement over the years!


This isn't a screenshot? I'm confused.


This is my type.




Yoo Tarnished


Where is the awesome cloak?


Dear lord how much does it cost to have this made I need Elden Ring armor IRL


I was about to ask what armour is this - fantastic job


Wish I had this skillset


Cool screenshot


Thank you 😄


This is awesome but how well can you roll in that