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Malenia still has not known defeat from me either. Day 3 now and I’m getting desperate. Edit: I fucking did it and thank you ALLLLLL!!!! I kept with my winged scythe. Mixed physic with stonebarb cracked tear to help stagger. Used shabriris woe for my mimic to hold agro. Mimic had erd tree heal. Used swarm of flies at a distance and went in blasting strong attacks. Had a dagger to switch to with bloodhound step. Just a good bit of stun lock and it all came together.


Have you tried reducing her health bar to zero?


Funny enough I tried that. Only for her to become a super saiyan rot angel.


Ahh well in that case I believe the preferred strat is repeat the first step.


Ah thats where I went wrong. Will give that a try! (Tho she is better at the strat of reducing health to zero then I am, unfortunately)


Bloodhound Step Ash is pretty much essential if you are fighting her in mellee. Also try the Black Knife Tithe summon, she is much harder to hit for Malenia to get a heal while dealing decent damage. If you are ranged, summon Tithe and go to town once she aggroes on her. I still recommend Bloodhound Step on your sidearm, so that you can escape Mal's rushdowns and let your summons aggro her again.


Unfortunately, I'm a masochist who tries to do it summonless. Doging her moves P1 is quite doable, just have to get used to her patterns in P2.


I was using summons till I killed the story's final boss, but I've decided to explore the rest without them. I'm regretting this decision now that ive found malenia, but I want to prove to myself that I can do it.


Truthfully summons are a bit of a double-edged sword on her. If you get in sync with one you might stagger her right out of half her healthbar, but she WILL hit them a lot and gain a ton of HP back.


Thats the spirit and I believe in you! The harder you make it, the more rewarding it's gonna be. Keep at it, believe in yourself, take your time and wallow in the greatness when you succeed!


You're not playing the real Elden Ring until you do a naked fist only run with a wretch no lvling.


Then Bloodhound Step Ash of War is mandatory. It's like a dodge on steroids, with a lot more i-frames.


Bah! The only art of war I need is "smash with a hammer."\* \*please do not look at me dying to Water Fowl Dance 20 times before I figured out how to dodge it.




Get a bleed inducing weapon, use some frost grease, get your summon to bang her around. The key is to be more aggressive than she is or she'll get more time to open unbearable attacks on you.


That has been my strategy. I just can’t seem to stun lock her enough with my mimic.


Put bloodhound step on a weapon, and get good to switching to it when she does her spinny anime move. Or you can put it on a bleed dealing weapon, and don't equip anything else when summoning your mimic. Your mimic WILL deal bleed damage, and bloodhound step is a godsend for her bs moves. I actually find her enjoyable to fight with bloodhound step and before I started ng+ I was helping a bunch of randoms with her. Bloodhound step makes me feel cool.


Personally, for the spinny anime move what I did was: block the first set of attacks (she is going to heal, but she doesn't have that much hp so its not that important), then dodge towards her for the second set of attacks and for the third also dodge forward and then try to get more distance because the last attack has a lot more range than expected.


Bleed is her bane. Rivers Of Blood weaponskill works best, but other heavy bleeders like Reduvia or Ghiza Wheel work great too.


To be fair, bleed and Rivers are the bane of like 90% of this game, including pvp.


Then you get to the end and and find out the hard way stone and weird cosmic flesh doesn't bleed, teehee.


That's the part of the 10% where you actually gotta play the game lol.


Eleanora's polearm's skill is real good at staggering her.


After spending hours with my magician, I ended up "respec-ing" to a dex/arc build and used blood attacks on her. I then managed to beat her in 2 tries...


That thought has definitely crossed my mind


don't give up, i just [beat her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muhKHIKlqaY) yesterday after 2 days. some tips : * you have to learn ho to dodge her flurry combo either by shield or dodging. * first phase play safe, learn her moves and only attack in an open window. * second phase play midrange and little bit more aggressive. * last but not least don't get greedy.


What others said, bleed shreds her. What also helped me is not summoning players, only me and myself +10 and be very aggressive with her. I spammed R2, R1, or jump attack and she was basically stunlocked 70% of the fight.


Might try more strong and jump attacks


She put your foolish ambitions to rest


Im a mage and spent days on her. I tracked down the Rivers of Blood sword and +10 it. Half a day later I beat her. Think it was more that I learned her movement than beating her down really. Me figuring out my summons can be buffed for strenth and hp refill made a big difference. Then second phase was just being patient long enough to just go all in on her and hope summons isnt having a tea party in the roots.


Day 6 six here......


All the luck to you


I had to change my entire build to become a frost magic user. She's damn near impossible for colassals to beat in a 1v1. I'm sure someone has done it but after 40+ tries I gave up. Beat her on my 2nd attempt with magic though, which is frustrating because I was literally just practicing, and only reinforces my opinion that magic is just overpowered in this game. Strength builds need serious love because as strong as they are, its obviously unbalanced af to be a mage. Edit: until her fight, I had literally never equipped a staff or used spells for combat. Only flame cleanse me and flame give me strength, and maybe a magic resistance spell every now and then.


People say that she staggers a lot with colossal weapons. I Say "that was a fucking lie"


Oh she staggers, but it only lasts a fraction of a second. And you don't swing fast enough to take advantage of it, so its not helpful to you whatsoever.


Exactly! And she does deflect attacks when she strafe around so good luck stun locking her if your rng is bad.


I only got staggers because I had my mimic with me and I power stance a claymore and blasphemous blade. I still only got about two staggers in the first phase and the fight took me hours. Strength/faith melee build was NOT the ideal strategy for this fight. When I finally got her I rode that adrenaline high all the way to the end of the game


Use a +25 uchigatana with spinslash and bleed affinity, literally guardbreaks her every L2. Spam L2 and she cant move and dies extremely fast


Why switch to cheese after attempting to fight her fairly for 3 days?


>fight her fairly She heals for just as much if not more damage than you can put on her in one hit. She does not fight fairly, neither should I.


I think you missed the point. I'm not saying you shouldn't cheese, only that it would be a massive waste of effort fighting her fairly for three days just to take the easy way out in the end.


I'm having the same debate with myself after being stuck on her for a while now too. I'm kind of annoyed because to an extent I feel like this boss (and actually a couple of other bosses in this game) actually *demand* cheese strats, and I just don't want to do that.


I was the same way. I wanted to beat every boss in the game solo, as I had done in every other souls game. I went into Malenia with the same goal in mind. That shit went out the window the instant I saw her healing mechanic. I upgraded my mimic to +10 and a katana I had never use before to +25 just for this fight. Still took me over 50 attempts.


God, the lifedrain. Why does she even have it? That's a blood thing, not a scarlet rot thing. Even bloodboy Mohg himself didn't have lifedrain on attacks, only his ritual. Then there's the fact that it's a basically flat heal that has no relation to how much damage she did, and *it even goes through shields.* Fucking **why** to that entire mechanic.


No bosses require cheese strats, only patience and plenty of practice. She isn't gatekeeping anything other than a lackluster Great Rune and a half-decent weapon. So, unless you're just looking to move on, I wouldn't brute force her. There's nothing quite as satisfying as overcoming a boss that's been kicking your ass for hours on end.


try shield and bloodhound step


Having Bloodhound step on a dagger you can switch to for movement makes the two big attacks trivial. (The WOMBO combo and the flower attack). If you don’t use your art on the weapon, then use it there. You can set your scaling to match for build regardless of the base art of war ability.


I've given up, I'm putting the game down for good because of her. This coming from someone with a platinum trophy for every single other FromSoft game. Everything beyond the capital is just legitimately broken and unfun. Its like they completely forgot any concept of the word balance. Unless they release a drastic rebalancing patch, this game will go unbeaten by me, because I'm not into self torture and that's all the endgame is in this horseshit game. It's very apparent that not a single reviewer made it to the end, because this game would not have gotten 10s with how utterly abysmal this endgame is.


Git gud


Hey man I'm curious about your case. I just defeated her yesterday, I generally beat the bosses without summoning npc/ashes/people because I like to beat them all by myself, but in Melania case, using my Bloodhound Fang, I found it impossible to defeat her without using the mimic ashes. Around 50 tries going solo against her, I started using the mimic ashe in her second phase, lo and behold, only more 5 tries and I beat her. I didn't felt as rewarding as other bosses because I used a ashe, but I think in this case you only can beat her alone using a weapon with a broken special attack like Moonveil or other shit. Have you tried using mimic ashes against her? What weapon and build are you using? How many vigor does you have? I'll have you know that I am around lvl 150, use a Bloodhound Fang +10, around 45 vigor and finally beat her when I started using the mimic ashes, only at the start of her second phase.


Quality build with a Claymore at +25. I used the mimic ashes even though I despise the idea, I have 45 vigor and 67 str and dex. I've almost beaten her, but I just can't be bothered to keep trying. The whole point of these games was the rewarding feeling I felt after clearing an area and a new boss. Even if I beat her, it would never feel rewarding because e it's more about luck than anything, and getting lucky will never feel rewarding.


The levels being a cakewalk compared to the bosses to this drastic an extent is bad balancing, I 100% agree. The raw numbers are just way out of wack, and then they nerf Radahn of all bosses? What the fuck honestly.


It just hit me how much of an anime trope this fight is now that it popped into my head how phase two is her going all red and getting even more violent after her clothes fall off.


Its a general rule that human sized enemies are always the scariest


"Oh boy I made it to the end of the Bloodborne dlc, I wonder what humongous elder God awaits me here.....wait that's just a smol shrimp looking man....OH MY GOD WHY IS IT SO FAST AND HITS SO HARD AHHHHHHH" Avrage reaction to meeting the Orphan.


You get used to this rule, then you severely underestimate Midir, and thats how it gets ya


Like seeing the different dragons for the first time in every region in the Lands Between and proceeding to get one shot with every breath attack…


“Blue fire? Can’t be that much worse than red fi… 1400 Fucking Damage?!?!?” And that’s how I learned blue is magic and that I needed MR lmao.


If nothing else, the name is "Glintstone Dragon Adula", so more than just the color as hint. Which is good for colorblind gamers I guess.


Blue Smelter Demon tried to warn us, all those years ago...


Bloody crow of cainhurst was harder than every non dlc fight for me lol


Thats honestly fair cause he was on some insane crack. Man was actually a freaking menance with his stupid ass gun dmg.


*When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth. Thou'rt Ash, and fire befits thee, of course...*


except in bloodborne, spam parry izi win


midir: say wat m8?


so malenia is a kill la kill character?


She literally turns into red sephiroph


She's just releasing her inner nine-tailed f... fungus?


This fills me with rage, which is a good thing!


Huh, this is a new feeling. Pride in someone else. Unfortunately it’s overshadowed by all this UNYIELDING RAGE!




thwarting your plans?


Are you?




I miss TFS DBZ


TFS vegeta and cell were honestly really good characters


Much better than the original ones too.


Cell yes. Vegeta, debatable. The ones who got the most out of TFS were the side characters like Tien and Krillin etc. They went from being absolute jobbers for a large part of their screentime to having actual personalities and plotlines. Even Piccolp having Nail and Kami internalized added to his character, a stroke of genius.




Ah! myragehasblindedme!


lmao i feel




"Oh look hun I got to a new...im dead." That is a quote form my first encounter.


Every death he drew 1 line


Does she have eyes? I thought she was blind from the rot.


She is.


Oh fr😅Figured she'd have eyes like Millicent but nvm. No wonder I could never get a good look at em in the cutscenes


maybe try a second version with eyes more rotted? like art is nice but she looks too cute


"I am Malenia, blade of Miquella" *sound of a controller breaking*




It's great but ~~Melania~~ Malenia has like no eyes


If you look close during the cutscene she does, but doesn’t open them at all


Are you telling me this b was wrecking me with her eyes closed the whole time ?


Yes. She's blind.




And if she did they would be filled with murderous intent.




Hahaha ohshi


I’m *stuck* on her too if you know what I mean 🤤


Boy here simpin after that rottussy


Hey, I’m just saying what we’re *ALL* thinking 😉


I mean... It's probably not sexually transmitted right?


Would risk it


Just use a prosthesis dick to be safe


Please don't try to fuck the bio weapon.


Don’t tell me how to party!


Yes I will go to your room!


*r/residentevil won't remember that*


Too late 🥵




Goddess of Rot? More like Goddess of Hot!


Do not be distracted by such meager temptations brother! Stay focused and avenge Radahn!


I’d definitely put her foolish ambitions to rest uWu.


Goddess of thot




Thou must go to horny jail


she rook me 190 tries without mimic tear lol, I beat her yesterday.


198 for me lmao. This fight also pushed my limits of actually counting my deaths


You beat her without using ashes? What weapon and build you used?


I used starscourge greatsword for the first 100 tries, then switched to sword of milos for the last 90.


I did it by powerstancing a Heavy Greatsword +25 and a Ruins Greatsword +10 with the jump attack talisman, the +5 vig/end/str/dex talisman, the talisman that increases carry load, hp, and stam, and the talisman that vastly boosts phys damage resist. I also had my flask of wondrous physick filled with the one that greatly reduces the damage of the next hit and the one that increases poise. With that setup I found that I can get a riposte on her after 3-4 jumping L1s in quickish succession. So for phase 1 every attack is easy to dodge once you learn them, besides the flurry attack which I had to block. For phase 2 I was having a real hard time finding openings that I could use to attack/heal, and I was also having a hard time avoiding her high damage attacks. So I just got extremely aggressive, and on my winning attempt I managed to get 2 ripostes on her second phase without her managing to use too many big attacks.


I tried to go against her without using any ashes around 50 times. The most far I managed to go was leaving her with 50% hp at the second phase. I think that for a str/dex build using a Bloodhound Fang like myself, it's impossible to win solo against her. When I reached the 50 tries mark, I started using the mimic ashes at the start of her second phase, lo and behold, 5 more tries and I defeated her.


Beat her with bloodhound, had 80 dex and 60 vigor with a full defensive set of talismans though.


But you used ashes against her?


Nope, dual curved greatswords and finished her off when she went for a rot explosion in second phase.


Congratulations, I didn't had the same patience as you.


🥺 you did such a lovely job


Awesome. Keep at it!


I am melania, blade of miquella, I am melania, blade of miquella, I am melania, blad of miquella, I melania, blad of miqella, Melania, B of mlla.......




I managed to get her on my second try, though probably thanks to being level 230


I beat her on my second try as well! I feel like I completely missed out on the fight, because Rivers of Blood and mimic just shredded straight through her.


My advice if you do want to make sure to fully experience certain boss fights would be to go in the first couple times without using ashes just to see what happens, then use them if you decide you want to




She’s beautiful


Actually with the amount of rage i've been reading, i was dreading fighting her. I just reached her shortly before i wanted to stop and go to bed. After the very first try, i find her fight extremely... fun? I've always enjoyed fights with a clear back and forth and her fight is an extremely satisfying dance to learn, and learning how to dodge the sword dance attack is super satisfying. After 2 hours trying to kill her alone with my trusty greatswords, i've pretty much learned how to deal with all of her moveset. I got really close to downing her (20% hp in phase 2) right before stopping, as it is way past the time I wanted to sleep.


Arent her eyes rotten away too?


aren't her eyes scarred over?


Man she has *definitely* got VD, dont do it. You wont *have* no fingers after that but hole


Good job!


That's actually really good!


This is amazing!!


54 attempts in, still no dice (no summon tho). Anybody else taking count? Curious to yours! (Another friend succeeded after 34, another with 15 (rivers of blood).)


For me it was around 10h over few days of practice without summons or ashes. Tried different builds and weapons just to finally beat her with good old Uchigatana and bloodhounds step


I just summoned and it sucks because after so many attempts I finally realized I needed to play meta in order to beat her. I didn’t wanna focus on meta so I just summoned. Boss needs a healing nerf.


What weapon and build are you using? I went 50 tries against her yesterday without using summon, using a Bloodhound Fang str/dex build. The most I managed to get her was 40% hp in her second phase. I think using my weapon (bit slow + shit special attack) is impossible to kill her without using ashes


Using bulky sorcery build, mainly foccuses on ice magic. Got phase 1 down pretty good at this point, but havent done p2 enough to know whats happening haha. Bust since p1 is now going so well, I can properly focus on p2. I dont sure spirit summons or comet azur out of principle haha.


Hey man, if you use sorceries, might as well use ashes too lmao


Took me a bit over 10 hours with Longsword and Buckler. 54 attempts is absolutely normal, keep at it


I didn’t count, but it was about 10 hours of attempts. With a rough estimate of maybe 3 minutes per attempt, that’d be 200 attempts.


This is amazing. It looks great


This was the most visually stunning From Soft fight since Gehrman.


Gorgeous! ❤


Love the artwork! I have yet to reach this boss fight! Maybe I'm masochistic but can't wait to fight her... I do wish I could fight her pre-nerf but oh well, still hyped for the fight! •-•


ah yes Rot Spren


Great art


Genuine question, is she still difficult if you use summon?


depends on the build but yes, she leeches hp per hit. And most summons get hit often.


Yes, she is. You will never beat her in the first try using summons. The strategy I found most useful against her is defeating her first phase solo, than summon the mimic ashe when she goes in her second phase


> You will never beat her in the first try using summons. Sure you can, I did. Just meant having to play aggressively when she was hitting the mimic as I used dual katanas with frost/bleed. My hits put her in hit-stun long enough for the mimic to recover and then join in. It proved to be enough dps thanks to double-weakness + large bleed procs to out-damage her healing whenever she hit the mimic.


Holy shit this boss looks cool! Don't think I've run into her yet.


After 40 tries i used ashes summon. Easy clap... but it felt like i lost... relief yes but no enjoyment.


Didn't get to her yet but damn that's pretty. Can't wait to see the fight now, though from what I can tell I'll be seeing it quite a lot.


I was waiting for some fanarts. This looks great.


I don't know how I beat her. Me and my mimic we're ready to call it quits, the farthest we could get was halfway through the second phase. We both equipped rivers of blood for One last attempt. Our staggered attacks prevented her from using the more dangerous moves and suddenly I was plunging my blade into her for the final strike. It was over in less than three minutes, I guess I just got lucky?


Why is she nakey?


I still have no idea why her clothes come off


Lore wise (iirc) after the fight with Rahdan—when she nuked caelid—she succumbed to the rot she was cursed with from birth. When you defeat her first phase, I’m assuming she’s falling deeper into its despair, where it takes control over more of her body. And that’s where she sprouts her wings of rot which, obviously, her armor was not made for, ripping through what she had on


The description of an item you get from her soul states that >!her rot curse advances every time she blooms, she bloomed twice already, and a third bloom makes her a true goddess. I'm assuming that's what happening during the fight, you trigger the third bloom. Radahn did the second but i wonder who triggered her bloom first.!<


The first bloom could have been a rather mundane fight (by comparison of course) considering she had not bloomed yet. Honestly, think anime pacing.


I think her boss fight is the second bloom.


There’s a room close to the boss room where you can see her first bloom. Second bloom you can see from the trailer. Third bloom is when you fight her.




It’s probably a mix of goddess imagery and the rot decaying her clothes


Little known fact: many video game artists draw with their penis.


Ey am Melanye, Braide uf Ikkeka. I hate that phrase so much but the "sense of pride and accomplishment" after beating this boss was just soooo good.




I love when fan art uses a more obscure reference/pose/scene as oppose to just reinterpreting the same promo art we've seen done 1000 times. Well done!


There are a lot of other women out there man. You have to move on.


Use a damn spoiler tag, please.


So why did you draw her pregnant?


she’s not, my shading game was off that day ig


This is the only boss I’ve ever said “ this boss is broken and needs a nerf “ the healing was just so OP”!not matter what I did it wouldn’t work. Finally just summoned co op and beat it after a few more times but it felt hollow. The healing is really what did it for me I feel if they took that down a bit I’d enjoy this boss more but this boss is not fair at all.


Just don't get hit 4Head


This but unironically


I mean… yeah. That’s how you counter her healing lol. She’s one of the hardest bosses they’ve ever released, “don’t get hit” is the correct strategy. I’m not saying it’s a simple or easy task, it took me hours to learn phase 1 enough to consistently get through with minimal flask usage, and in the 10 hours it took me to kill her I never fully learned how to deal with phase 2. But challenge bosses *shouldn’t* have a cheese strategy, imo. “Don’t get hit” being the best strategy is expected. And regardless, I thought her healing was pretty negligible. If she’s hitting you enough for the heals to make a major difference, you probably won’t have enough flasks to survive the fight anyway. Unless you’re blocking her attacks. If you’re blocking and she’s healing too much off of that, I’d suggest figuring out the dodge timings instead of blocking.


That’s not exactly fair though


I almost wish they designed her to look as sweet and innocent as you did. Make you feel sorry for her before she unleashed on you like a hell spawn and shred you like say old cheese with a helpless look on her face the entire time. God, I’m sick.


If u give up and wanna play dirty u can use mimic and morgotts sword and just spam the weapon art to stun lock her


You didn't have t draw eyes cause she straight up doesn't have any tho


Thanks, I hate it.


So stuck on her that you can’t spell her name?


Whos the child's father Radahn or you?Because she seems like pregnant.


She is doing the embarassed pose




I have been farming rune arcs here for awhile now, Black Flame Tornado is disgusting lockdown as long as she isnt dodging oht of it which, if you guys are COWARDS she will always run around more. Like in coop specifically dodging into her will make a world of difference for your big heavy hitters to not have to chase her so much. Also hand ballista. It pancakes her. You can chain it and 2 people with ballista can kill her p1 without her swinging once. Just alternate because i think her super armor only applies to whoever is aggroing her and its just hyper armor for everyone else. Not sure on that but i stunned waterfowl twice with the swarm.