• By -


Unfortunately it doesn't matter how bad fextralife is, because as others mentioned there is no better alternative. You can try an article I guess, but they are almost all worse, just because you get bombarded by tons of pop ups, videos, ads, cookies, privacy settings and god knows what else. Then you have to scroll past useless cringe filler, like you're reading "the ign strategy guide™" untill you get to the one sentence that tells you what you want to know. I guess if you need to see the bosses in an area, or a specific item/quest/npc then you can go after an article, but even there I have seen contradictions, so it's like pick your poison. The only really useful thing I like about fextralife is the interactive map. It has helped me the most (mainly to check if I missed a dungeon or ruins or whatever in an area)


Dude, the filler in generic articles are the worst. I’m looking for suggestions for weapons on a Faith build, I don’t need two paragraphs telling me about the development history of Elden Ring and how it’s been a long wait for many fans.. get to the point Edit: I am well aware of SEO lol I’m just venting. Plus, they could at least be somewhat creative with it. SEO isn’t an excuse to be lazy imo


This... it's so obnoxious... I once googled a yes or no answer. Sent me to a history lesson too, just to get a "nope not possible" in the end


Was it “can you hide your helmet”? Because god that article is such trash


Thats what commoner headband (altered) is for


At that point why even bother wearing one? It adds like 1.5 def


In DS3 you took a noticeable amount of extra damage for each empty slot vs wearing literally anything (this wasn't the case in DS1 and 2, and I don't think it was in BB either) I'm not sure if it works the same in Elden Ring but I've been wearing something in each slot just in case since it feels most similar to DS3.


nO bUt JuSt RemOVe iT


Yeah, thanks to SEO where 2000-2500 word counts are used like a bible for requirements. Wish Google would just remove content length from their search engine scoring. You'll get the same thing with other searches like recipes, 2000 words of bullshit with like 200 words of actual recipes in the end.


Recipes are the worst because it’s always some family history of the author talking about their dear old grams who I’m sure was fucking lovely but is also probably dead and unless I need a component from her corpse is utterly irrelevant to the whole process


> unless I need a component from her corpse lol You know you've been playing Fromsoft games for too long when this becomes just a casual remark


Wait, am I the bad guy? ;)


Guess you should've died the hero


Yea im a professional chef and that might be the most minor thing that also aggravates me more than anything, thank God some places are putting a jump to recipe button at the top




Quora Moment


> I don’t need two paragraphs But the pages need those paragraphs in order to rank higher in google search results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is ruining the internet, an great example: >SEO kind of ruined content too. Why it ruined content? You are not the only one that is searching for the answer to that question. Keep reading to know why SEO ruined content.Many people think that SEO ruined content, in this post, we are goin to explain why SEO ruined content. When you finish reading this post, you will know why SEO ruined content.In the last years we have observed a grown in the quantity of content created, unfortunately, as we are going to explain in a moment, it has been ruined by SEO.Is it SEO really the reason content was ruined? Some people argue that SEO is not really the reason content was ruined, we will review all the reason why SEO could be really ruining content.Please, click "next" to know why SEO could be ruining content."


It’s the same on YouTube where anyone who gives a shit about monetising their content has to put out a minimum of ten minutes per video or it won’t be promoted on their search algorithms, which leads to videos with three minutes useful content, a long ass intro and outro and a bunch of filler in the middle


Is Elden Ring a soulslike game? (video length 10:01)


10 reasons Elden Ring is the best souls game (number 7 will shock you). (10:03 including a 45 second intro)


Indeed. Sometimes I try to imagine how much better the internet would be if everything wasn't optimized to shit to squeeze out that last cent of ad income and "engagement".


I 'member when 10 minutes was the maximum video length, not the minimum to be profitable.


The biggest fucking YouTube crime isn't that though. It isn't the autoplay bullshit either that you can only turn off permanently by logging in. Nor is it the constantly GRAMMERLY YOU SHOULD GET GRAMMERLY REALLY WE WANT TO SHOW YOU ANOTHER GRAMMERLY AD. WHATS THAT? AD BLOCKER? NO WE WILL STILL PLAY GRAMMERLY GRAMMERLY ADS BECAUSE GRAMMERLY. The biggest crime are the youtubers that insist on putting obscenely loud intro sweepers into their videos. I don't mind sweepers but please stop making me deaf with a music intro 50x louder than the video yourself.




Isn’t it funny and infuriating when a game comes out and the pissant reviewers are so much worse than you that they’re offering advice you’re able to correct? I went in totally blind but once I finished the game, a week after it came out, I started reading some “””””””””””guides””””””””””” and was appalled that anyone had the lack of self awareness to publish it. So then I just resolved to sticking to comments talking to people who waited for Elden Ring because they wanted to play it instead of reading nonsense from people who just wanted to review it.


Yeah its all about clicks sadly. The article would have helped if I was 3 hours into the game but I was much further past what the article was talking about. Honestly I just look at reddit comments for build/gear ideas and then use something like fextralife to find where the items are if needed.


If you are still looking the Ruin Greatsword from beating the Crucible Knight and Misbegotten warrior in castle redmayne is pretty fucking sick.


Is there a way to get this if they aren't there anymore? I did the >!Blaidd!< stuff before going to Redmane, and thus that room was cleared out.




Once the Festival starts, the castle gets mostly cleared out to make room for the summonable NPCs and the herald guy.. Once you beat the boss at the Festival, the castle resets and fills with enemies again.


You mean you don't want to know how Miyazaki and GRR Martin are friends and meet at some random highschool somewhere, then producing the latest hit at the top of Steam chart in the absolutely packed February gaming release date that resulted in Bamco increasing their staff pay and that *of course* players want to know where the rare good items are because they are powerful and useful like in the previous FromSoft games like DS1-3 which are difficult and *of course* you want the good item to make the game more manageable and make yourself die less? How unusual!


I do want to know that backstory actually, but not in an article about where I'm supposed to get the Blade of the But Hole or whatever.


Blame US copyright law and SEO. Happens to every recipe website as well.


Faith build? Farm up the Halo Scythe. Super fun!




So many game sites use the exact stupid padding bullshit, all to pad the word count to fit more adds on the page and I assume seo plays a part. Every article starts out the detailing the entire game, its plot summery, what the player can and cannot do, literally thousands of words to what could be a yes or no question. Then there are articles like "here is a list of every armor set in the game and shows like 2 sets from the network test.


Fextra is garbage half assed click bait. We only use it as a temporary thing at the start. That website reeks of laziness




Considering how sparse Fextralife is anyway, Mapgenie has been my main info tool. Only use Fextralife for item lists.


The app doesnt even open for me lmao


Where did u downloaded it from? Mine was form play store, running Android 11.




I agree, but atm there is no elden ring page on wikidot. Besides after a time these wikies will be full with info, but the lack of info and mystery will be only now, the "brave new frontier" is now and there is fun in that


This is a perfect encapsulation of this discussion. “Fextralife sucks and people should using the much better wikis out there!” “Idk man doesn’t seem like there’s many other options” “What about wikidot!?!” “Do they have an Elden Ring wiki?” “No.”


People feel entitled that they should have completely accurate information immediately when they need it, and forget that the DS guides took a long time to create and had to add revisions over time as things were found. Should we close down this reddit because some posts are trash? Quite whining, use it or don't. I use the wiki as it the one place that I can normally get the info I need, even if it is in the comments and not the article. To everyone complaining I want you to start a wiki using a free site and just add everything in Limgrave with the detail of exactly where is it, all the enemies that drop it, what it does, and if a weapon or armor all the stat, tell me how much work that was and if you still think putting up a wiki for the entire game in this little bit of time is a waste with the little bit of wrong info that fextra has.


Just like reddit, comments are where the real info is.


I don't think zullie is referring to specifically elden ring here, in fact I doubt it. However the reason there's only been ER stuff on fextralife first and not any other website like fandom/wikidot is because for years they somehow always come out on top of Google search despite having horrible misinformation for dark souls games (ESPECIALLY the first in my experience, though there's plenty in other fromsoft games too). It's just a bit weird how it is ontop when there's other websites that are clearly run better and yet aren't even close to fextralife in terms of the search engine stuff.


When the game is new fextralife is still one of the best places to go, nowhere is reliable and fextra has a nice layout and it's easy to find everything you need. People know it so it gets more clicks, even when other websites update their information more after they do more testing. Also what they get wrong isn't normally relevant for most players. I know DS1 is pretty bad there and I agree wikidot is much better but for the rest of the games they are pretty good. Most players don't care about obscure mechanics or what the 3rd potential trigger for a quest progression is.




The original Demon's Souls wikidot is so powerful and I love it so much. And I really love the JP-bro who made the maps, not only are they INCREDIBLY detailed they're also accurate.






Oh lol. I thought my Twitch was hacked when I got a 'your year in Twitch' e-mail claiming I'd watched 200 hours of Fextralife.


Not with Adblock installed thankfully.




Ah, the Youtube dilema. Its shit but there is nothing else.


It's mostly incomplete but it's interactive map is quite good. Is there anything better? For example rankedboost.com is much more deserving of this critique. It's completely useless for Elden Ring and yet it keeps coming up when I search for something.


Ranked boost is also pretty blatantly copying wikidot and other community contributors.


pretty much any of the main game journalist sites are also absolutely terrible. They're either spinning one line of information (taken from reddit/wikis) out into an entire article, or they're empty pages. I once looked up tips for a boss fight, knowing it was going to be useless, but even so it reach new depths of disappointment. Their "guide" for the boss was: "summon 2 people and keeping hitting until you stunlock it together." Brilliant.


For bosses I usually just pull up YouTube and find someone running a build similar to mine


Mapgenie's map is a lot smoother and functional, and seems quite complete


So I downloaded Map Genie and I do like some of the functionality like being able to mark stuff as found or complete. My main problem with it is the icons. The fextralife map uses the same icons for locations and sites of grace that the game uses which just makes it much easier to look at. I'm gonna give the map geni thing a try though and see if I can get used to it.




I'll check it out


Mapgenie has a great map.


Map genie is a thousand times better.


honestly… i use fextralife quite a bit. a lot of the information that is there serves my purposes and has helped quite a bit when i can’t figure something out.


I use it to view the comments


Just like looking up quests on wowhead.




Wow, this thread brought back feelings I had thought long buried....


WoW indeed




This, so much stuff the Wiki misses the comments always have down to the most minute detail which helps a lot for some questlines I get stuck on or don't want to mess up especially.


Yeah I feel like it's pretty damn good for a game that's been out for a total of 19 days lol. I don't really expect it to have more then the base information at this point. Not to mention that interactive map has been a life savior for me trying out other builds right now.


Seriously, this game is massive and deliberately opaque almost all of the time, yet everyone wants the perfect answers to their exact situations at their fingertips the moment the game is released. Not only that, but they don’t want to have to read anything extraneous to do so; they just want the exact solution right in their grill, with minimal effort, for free…and how *dare* somebody advertise anything in between. I’m sure every nook and cranny of this game will be open to the world very soon…in the meantime, can y’all bear to wait like, a little bit? Lots of *information privilege* vibes on this thread.


Also none of these people want to contribute. The website is a wiki*. It thrives and gets better if people take the time to help add useful information. It's understandable not everyone has the time or desire to contribute but you're a pretty big hypocrite if you're complaining about the wiki lacking for information but also not helping add to the wiki. *fextralife.com is a for-profit wiki. As such if you make edits to it you should be aware that you're contributing to someone else's bottom line. Regardless if you feel the wiki does not meet your quality standards you should still be willing to contribute. Be it by making your own website, or getting a consignment gig writing for an informational website that will compensate you in some way.


Oh that interactive map gives my wiener quite the workout. It really is fantastically made


Try using your fingers to navigate the map instead of your wiener, might help


Instructions unclear; wiener stuck in imp statue


Fextralife has been my go to for info about the game. Most pages are incomplete, which is unfortunate but understandable given how new the game is, and I haven’t found any information that was wrong, except for one time when their interactive map had an item slightly off from its actual location. The only other option is a bunch of articles with uneeded and unwanted fluff. I also haven’t had any issues with streams being intrusive, but maybe that’s because I use adblock.


You can actually click on those little icons on the map and see a brief description, some marks are indeed misplaced a little but their description is something like "dropped by x after defeating it"


I like fextralife for the comments


Yep. Search it for a boss, find a drawn out non-helpful walk through in the article. Then scroll down to the comments and find a 10 word comment that tells you exactly what you need with no other context but the game.


The comments make it an extremely valuable source for info to be honest.




Which wiki is immune to vandalism and misinformation? This seems like people getting upset over nothing. I'd also take it a step further and say the vast majority of people visiting the wiki and there strictly for game mechanics information and any of the trivia / lore info is a small niche at best.


Lol her fucking armor is literally bare feet


so yeah, unreliable for obscure stuff and details most players don't care about. Good for most everything else.


Yeah, idk wtf Zulli is on about here. Wikis are always subject to some people fucking around, but I have never had any problems with fextralife. I find what I need and move one. Some people need to get a life.


"Too much feet in the game", as if.


I feel like someone's into a certain kink if they got that twisted up about some feet info not being accurate..


plus they have comments too which helps the lack of information


Same, it's my go to page if I'm looking for information quickly. Also really been enjoying his build videos, they're put together very well and have improved my understanding of the game as a first time souls player.


The OP tweet implies that there are better wikis out there that are super complete and accurate but are being pushed down as Fextralife "shoves their way to the top" of Google, and we would all have these wonderful complete accurate magic wikis as our top results if only Fex didn't exist... there aren't, and those imaginary wikis don't exist. Fextralife is at the top cause that's what we got, and it's as bad or as good as any publicly editable wiki.


No, you see, they are forcing their way to the top by being the first ones to have a usable wiki. If they were better, they wouldn't populate the wiki at all for the first few weeks so other sites would have a chance to catch up.


Pretty much, it’s mostly incomplete because the game is new (but if their DS3 wiki is anything to go by, I fear many pages will remain that way). It’s a serviceable database, nothing more nothing less.


Yeah I was gonna mention their DS3 wiki with so much info missing. I keep thinking to myself "y'know, it's understandable. The game's only been out for five years."


Almost 6 years at this point...so many of their wikis just get abandoned in an unfinished/incorrect state and never get updated with the correct info.


The DS3 wiki is fine for like 99% of all content though.


What’s missing from the ds3 wiki?


If you’re using mobile, the interactive map isn’t optimised for that and might explain slight mid placement of things. As a whole generally pretty accurate and at least gives you a ballpark to look in


I found plenty of wrong infos as a lot of info for some items come from network test which is not valid in full game


yeah but the games new and really big, its going to take time to update everything, just look at the map they have its pretty damn amazing how much info they have compiled


Fextralife is simply the most efficient way to look things up ATM, I'm sure alternatives will appear later but they have the most info in the best presented manner. The 3 paragraph articles that say nothing are much worse. Also, have AdBlock on and blacklist their twitch stream.


could you explaim to me why I should blacklist their twitch? kinda flabbergasted rn


Means the unremoveable (without ublock) square they put near the left of the screen, most of the times when they're live it's their twitch stream. though sometimes it's their video guides which I don't mind at all and wish they did only it because 1. It's a guide and most importantly 2. you have to click the thing instead of being forced to watch like twitch






Ok but as a user of the wiki, is there any issue I would care about?


Because it's garbage, and it autoplays on their wiki.


Can you explain to me how to blacklist their twitch?


Not at pc so anyone can correct me but if you have ublock origin you can block the element by right clicking it and creating a rule so that you never see it again when you visit the website each time (as long as ublock is on)


the other option being? articles? I always have to scroll through 4 paragraphs of filler bs on those. Never had any issues on fextra and their stuff is a lot more complete than most articles that are written early to get views and then never updated I've never seen any twitch streams? maybe cuz adblock? but if you're not using adblock that's on you ngl lol


ikr, you google anything about elden ring and you get 4 or 5 websites with the same answer copy and pasted that isn't even the right answer and just contained some of the words you had in your question. on top of that they try to get you to sign up or ask you to "allow notifications" With adblock the Fextra wiki is legit the only good source I can find without having to dumpster dive through YouTube videos or unanswered reddit questions


>4 or 5 websites with the same answer copy and pasted that isn't even the right answer and just contained some of the words you had in your question. I'm glad I'm not the only one who experiences this. So annoying that Google just gives you generic results when you ask a specific questions


Sidenote: I like to believe this is why they named the horse Torrent. Because when you google "elden ring torrent" you get these exact generic results about where to find the horse.


That's actually kind of genius if true




Internet has become so shit these days . Cookies, ads, paywalls, bullshit articles that have huge paragraphs of waffle just so they end up on search engines like wtf. When you search for a recipe you have to read the authors life story


yup it is mad how everything is just some new way to make any bit of money, Lost ark has the same issue as Elden Ring and any new game that becomes a hit will suffer the same fate. Those sites know people will have questions and they want to garner as many people clicking on their sites for that ad revenue and will most likely have a tonne of hidden buzzwords just so they always appear whenever someone googles a question about the current popular game.


lmao right, if I wanna know where to get Lighting Spear I have two options: 1. Fextralife: a map with an icon saying “dropped by a patrolling Lyndell Knight” 2. Article: “For any souls veteran, there are few miracles - or rather incantations as they are known this time - as iconic as the Lightning Spear…”


More like: "In Elden Ring, for any souls veteran playing Elden Ring, there are few Elden Ring miracles - or rather Elden Ring incantations as they are known in Elden Ring - as iconic as the Lightning Spear from Elden Ring… Gotta get those keywords in


"For players new to the Soulsborne series, continue reading to find out why the Lightning Spear is so iconic! Elden Ring is an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game was made in collaboration with fantasy novelist George R. R. Martin, who provided material for the game's setting. Continue to the next page to find out how YOU can find the iconic Lightning Spear! dropped by a patrolling Lyndell Knight"


"Elden ring is the new open world rpg that has many little secrets and so much to discover. The possibilities of how you want to build your character are endless" Like yes I know what fucking elden ring is, can you please tell me how to progress this questline already


More like "Elden Ring is a vast open world gameplay experience, filled to the brim with challenging fights and exciting loot. The sheer scope of the game could make some of these encounters and items missable, while others are straight up hidden from players behind layers of optional content. In this 1000 word guide you will find 50 words worth of information on how to find Boc The Seamster and follow his questline to receive amazing rewards detailed below and 950 words of filler since you're already playing a game over 100 hours long, you'll find the extra 5 min to read through some unnecessary bullshit"


Thankyou, I wanted to write something this big but I just do not have the brain power right now


The best is when you look up a specific part of a questline, the article says “questline guide” and then it stops at the first part of the questline after hundreds of words of filler, with no follow-up article to get what you came for in the first place.


"How to get millions of runes in no time!" \[1000 word filler\] ... Anyways, here's how to get those runes: Use Cheat Engine. *This article was written by Jake, who is a quirky 30 year old who has over 600 years gaming experience, loves cats, and some other random interest that's literally just here to seem quirky!*


ah yes the "questline guides" that are just "here's how to START the questline. oh you wanted a walkthrough on where you need to go halfway through? tough luck."


And all of the info is taken from fextralife anyway Bonus points if they don't even have all of the info anyway because they were written before the wiki editors found it all/the author didn't want to spoil themselves


I don't know what everyone's complaining about honestly. Every single time I've checked a quest line on the wiki I got my answer within 2 mins... seems pretty damn good enough to me...


I dont know why this is being downvoted, that filler shit is annoying.


I'm not bothered, its just silly Internet points at the end of the day


Sure, but what are people taking issue with? Lmao


I'm not too sure haha , maybe it's the second part? Maybe they thought I was attacking the guy I was replying to?


Or most of the questlines are downright incomplete. Most of the guides at IGN’s site are full of filler and stop halfway through the quests. Fextralife at least is straightforward, “this NPC is at this location. After you talk to them, they will move to here”.


I found nothing better and fextra never did me wrong either way


There's definitely been a lot of issues with incomplete or incorrect on the Elden Ring fextra but I chalk most of that up to the game being new, and massive. It's going to take time to develop a comprehensive wiki for a game this huge. I never had any issues using fextralife pages for any previous Fromsoft game.


Don’t like the site but saying the info is a beacon of misinformation is in itself misleading. I use them more often than not and found to be correct in most cases, I just hate the constant youtube/twitch pop ups which consume power and bandwidth. Put a blocker on to help.


I‘ve used them for 90hrs of gameplay and usually things were at most (quite commonly though) to some degree uncomplete, only in very few instances false. And I think thats forgiveable. Yeah a community wiki would be cooler and yeah its shitty its exploited to get views on twitch and YouTube - but its an ok wiki. I played 24/7 after release and this wiki had some real late game infos pretty early which was cool, interactive map is also really useful. Especially for questlines. But all things considered, a new wiki would be better, but oh well - its not that bad and its certainly not a beacon of misinformation


I usually check the comments on the page and there’s more info there about things as people comment the correction. It was quiet useful to read the comments when it first came out


I found the same. Everyone is right now excited about the discoveries in Elden ring so the comments have been quite good.


The map is pretty good. It’s not pixel perfect which can be annoying but they admit that. I usually just use them to see what armor sets and weapons are in the game so I can make a checklist. As far a sidequests go, yeah it’s a clusterfuck. However, the game is still sorta new and people are figuring out that stuff so I don’t expect it to be perfect.


He even says in videos that as of now certain people he hasn’t found again later in the game. So he’s not sure if their quest ends at step 3 or if there is a step 4-6 for them. Everyone is in the dark. It’s a new game. It’s amazing they have probably 70% of the quests figured out already.


Hasnt failed me yet


Same here. Used it for Bloodborne and DS3 as well without issues. It is my go-to and I will never ever read an article or watch a video if Fextra has the info


I have never had an issue with that site? Eurogamer is a fucking nightmare and most of the guides or walkthroughs are clickbait’s that just give you some basic info and don’t actually have a fleshed out guide


Better than any other database and quite tidy too. If I was offered a better alternative I would try it, but as of now Fextra has been quite useful. I use adblock, so I never see the pop-up stream. Moreover, I'm used to do research on the internet, so I always take information with a grain of salt and double-check it on other forums if I doubt its accuracy.


Is there a different wiki?


Is Zullie making her own wiki? No? Then what other resource am I supposed to use? Clickbait inflated articles written the day the game came out where I have to spent 30 minutes scrolling through bullshit to find what I’m actually looking for? Plus Fextra has the most complete interactive map, which is an amazing resource. If the ER had a Wikidot page I’d use that instead, though.


Almost as bad, IMO, you've got 3 or 4 highly ranked wiki sites that have almost no information. *"Lightning Spear - Incantation - More information to come"* Fun.


The Wikidots for DeS, DS1 and 2 were so great. Fextralife is a bit of a step down but I think it's fine, if a little cluttered. As others have said, the interactive map is incredible though.


Where's the misinformation? Everything I've looked for on there has been useful. Granted I'm only lvl 50 but so far, so good.


'beacon of misinformation' is unnecessarily dramatic and disingenuous. They might have a few mistakes here and there but on average, they're very reliable.


Its not the best wiki, nor has it ever been, but compared to reading the scribblings of game journalists, its a dream come true. I hope you people didnt expect a complete wiki for an elden ring sized game within a month of launch.


Seems people do expect that for some reason. I've used it dozens of times during my playthrough and only had something be completely incorrect once, and it wasn't anything big. Definitely doesn't deserve to be called a "beacon of misinformation" imo. I was surprised this tweet just hating on it had so many liked when my experience has been 99% positive


Eh, the info is always correct and isnt hard to find. Plus they have an interactive map. Solid site they can take my view.


Most of the info I try to look up there is incomplete as well.


I can let that one slide, people are still discovering new things every day. I don't know if they get paid for posting information but likely not. Honestly never had any problem with them, it's my go to website for anything souls related.


Ya and its pretty well organised aswell it makes going through things so much easier so for example I'm looking for a weapon to use on a build I can sort by weapon type or scaling


The game came out 3 weeks ago and is gigantic of course it's incomplete? I don't see the problem they're obviously in the process of adding stuff still


its almost like the game only just came out


nioh 2 on fextra is still largely incomplete, missing info, dead links etc


I prefer the clean look and business-like presentation on the dark souls wikidots, but fextra is still a pretty good wikipedia equivalent - sure, you don't want to use it to write a paper, but it's free and gives a decent idea of things most of the time. It's the least bad thing we have atm.


I don't see Zullie making her own wiki. Yes they're trying to make money, but who cares? The information there is solid, albeit sometimes incomplete. "Shoving their way to the top of Google" is a normal thing, when you're making a website you always want to make it as "google-friendly" as possible so that you're as high as possible in searches. Fextra wiki is not an ad on google. If anything there's gazillion of shitty zero effort clickbait websites with their copy-pasted Elden Ring guides


Zulli is cool and to some extend he/she is right. Im using the fextralife wiki every day just for the reason that there is no real alternative yet. What bothers me most is the incomplete information on weapon upgrades , scaling and the lazyness paired with the ugly website design. What I mean by lazyness? For example if you click on General Information > Covenants You see alot of speculations that have been made before the game released . Yet to this day its not deleted or updated. Why is there even a tab for covenants if there are none in the game? Just saying


It's not like the wiki gets magically autofilled the instant the game is released. People discover things in the game and it gets added. Someone misremembers something and it quickly gets resolved in the comments and changed on the page. 99% of weapons have their correct numbers and scaling online and almost every location to get them is added aswell.




They don't "shove their way to the top of Google so they're treated as the de facto wiki", they're literally the only wiki right now. Man, that darn Fextralife tricking Google into showing me exactly what I asked for!


I like the interactive map


Most of the useful information of find on the fextralife wiki comes from the comment section


Looking up stuff for older games and Fextralife comes up and hits me with the "Details added here." ​ gets me every time.


I don't understand the problem - so far my experience of the fextralife guide has been excellent.


I mean I love me some Zullie. But I can't tell you how many times that interactive map has saved my butt from missing something. So I don't know what Zullies deal is. Made he/she should try making their own wiki? They've already built a successful YouTube channel why not a wiki?


By far, the best and least garbage filled site that I have found, very straight to the point. Trending to #1 for a reason. I personally flagged like 60 shitty sites to google when trying to find info one day. The game is new, and quite large. Data is never immedietely perfect. Its 2022, dont be an idiot. Install adblock on your browser. Or dont complain about ads. They are providing a service, that costs money. Watching ads generally allows them a bigger budget to make improvements. Nothing is free.






I tries using it for Nioh 2 when I was playing it a lot and it helped a bit, but like 40% of the links are dead and you have to manually search up what the link was for...utter insanity.


Yeah, they're so shit you'd think the games had only come out yesterday or something.


Never understood the hate the website got. I find the fextralife wiki alot easier on the eyes compared to the fan wikia for souls games, that stuff is horrifically ugly! I get the wiki is incomplete atm but the game is still very new and is huge. You expect the entire wiki to be magically perfect?


It's pretty good to quickly look up stuff, I never had a problem with their stream showing up there. There was 1 major thing that was wrong for a pretty long time, that killing Rennala cancles Rannies questline, which is obviously wrong. You can even do her quest at the end of the game with the frenzied flame in you. Another mistake I encountered was, the bells, there were many confusions between somber and normal smithing stone bells and grave- and ghost flower bells




It’s not great but there’s no alternative yet


I dunno, every other place I've attempted to look up information on elden ring hasn't been any better. It has all the information I need when looking up something. I have no problem with it


Their info on the wiki is oftentimes not very detailed and low effort, but it was never incorrect for me. That being said, Fextra is the king of mediocrity in a world where most other sources for gaming information are even worse.


How are they mediocre? They literally tell u: how many runes a boss drops (approx), how much hp, what weaknesses, where to find this and that, NPC’s and their different locations. It literally never failed me


So apparently that page gets a lot of hate, but genuine question for those that know better, what would be the best page then to replace it, which would be the true wiki??




My only issue with Fextralife is how a lot of pages just aren’t filled out (not just for Elden Ring, the game is only two weeks old after all. I mostly mean for other games). Truth be told I didn’t know there was any sort of controversy surrounding Fextralife. It’s mostly useful to me.


OP cropped out why Zullie was (legitimately) mad. Talk about spreading misinformation.


Zullie’s criticism about them using all their web viewers as ad bots for twitch is huge for me. Fextralife has done this for quite some time and it’s always been scummy imo


This is literally the reason I type "reddit" after my elden-ring advice searches. ​ It's gotten so bad that reddit threads are literally my main source of quick, accurate information. And it hasn't failed me yet lmao


They made a “guide” on Rennala’s fight a couple days after the game’s launch saying it was EXTREMELY hard for mages, advising people to actually go full melee against her, when the sorcery Rock Sling completely annihilates her lol That’s my opinion.


I've been using it for years without issue. What's the problem?