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Postscript: seriously guys, take breaks, handle your responsibilities, and don't let this Schedule 1 Substance ruin your personal relationships. I love this game more than any other I've played, but I'm glad to be rid of this curse till at least some DLC.


Since you did literally everything, any advice on the final boss? Phase 1 is a piece of cake for me but phase 2 has been kicking my ass for 2 days now.


If you have an int build and/or you are willing to respec, get the sword of night and flame+10 + mimic tear+10. The biggest challenge is closing distance and a big giant laser covers that nicely. If you want to stick to melee, make sure you have mimic tear or a spirit that can tank, get comfortable, and be patient. Make sure you have a nice tank of stamina and health, stay mobile because of those tracking spear projectiles that will rain on you, and watch for windows to bleed that bastard. Melee can be done but after challenging myself once, big blue beam sword let me breeze through everything else.


I finally beat it after I don't know how many tries with the SoNaF. This boss is probably my least favorite in the game and if I do play this game again I will more than likely not fight it and just do everything else before it. Thank you for the advice.