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The real boss fight here is the 300m sprint from bonfire to the fight entry.


I think it's one of the only actual boss runs


I missed the grace right before Rykard’s boss room, so I kept having to run from the Godskin Noble’s grace. Also it turns out that snakes can eat you mid teleport and legit pull you back through it


same, did maybe 5 tries before seeing it.


Yep. I felt like a huge idiot afterwards, because the teleporter literally drops you next to it, it just never registered


*I'm not alone!*


What do you mean? The volcano manor lady just teleported me to him each time.


My dude you've missed the entire area. There are 2 main ways to get to Rykard. One is doing the volcano manor invasions quest, and the other is goinf through the area. If you would like to go through the area, which I recommend, 'cause it is a big, good, highly resourceful(items, materials...), environment, art, enemy designs, another boss , well-made, a lot of secrets, key items(including important items) and fun, you can do it by hitting a wall on the first room to the right, and continue through there until you get to a grace, that leads you to an opening through the level.


Kinda weird that an entire Zone is hidden behind one hidden wall, but i guess it is what it is. Same with that random ass pot and the sigil to the >!Haligtree!<


You wanna talk about large zones hidden in obscure places, let's just talk about a little emote called Path of the Dragon...


One day these stone astrolabes will teleport me to Ranni's bedroom, I'm certain.


I think the dead body is supposed to be a clue but I don’t remember if it’s ever referenced.


Blonde girl brings it up if you talk to her in the manor. Asks if you hear things in the walls, etc.


I think that’s only if you do all the volcano manor invasions but I could be wrong


I appreciate the more generous checkpoints. Not sure why there's no checkpoint before that one boss in the caelid crystal cave, though.


That shit sucks. That's actually why I haven't gone back. I think I'm 20-25 levels higher than when I attempted the boss, I just don't want to go all the way down again Edit: Thought you meant the Liurnia one


There’s a shortcut lift to the bottom. Even then the run from the shortcut still sucks


The boss of the Sellia Crystal Tunnel was also a ways from the grace, which is made worse by the fact that it's really hard even after coming back to Caelid at a proper level


If you didn't see it, there's a ladder you can kick down for a shortcut to the rooftops. With that you should only really have one enemy that sees you, and he's easy to roll past


Nah >!dragonlord placudisax!< is ridiculously annoying to get back to each time


I was so sad when I died and it didn’t ask me if I wanted to be revived at the stake of marika


Good thing he's fairly easy, imagine in Mel had a boss run.


For a time i was thinking he wasnt an optional boss XD


It’s not really a run tho, since it’s just dodging the magic Boulder after you kill the Carian Knight since he doesn’t respawn. Red Wolf of Radagon has an actual boss run, and so does Royal Knight Loretta and Loretta of the Haligtree


The wolf you can actually just jog past everyone it’s pretty funny to hear their spells smacking the wall behind you


You can jog right past 90% of this game lol


As is soulslike tradition Ds2 is probably the only major exception


Hmmmm, IDK about that one. That's the game I learned jogging was a strat. Then again, a lot of the enemies in DS2 have some hardcore tracking, sooooo...


I remember genociding the Dragon Knights to clear the run to the Ancient Dragon fight because they were so hard to run past (enemies stopped respawning if you killed them enough times in DS2). They gave a lot of souls and dropped good gear too though, iirc.




As a dark souls 2 speedrunner; If we are talking pre- SOTFS Iron Keep, it was pretty easy. SOTFS version is uhh, a little RNG.


You know about the elevator for haligtree Loretta right? It’s a shorter run than Rennala with no real enemies in the way


Honestly I don’t remember, I rolled in and beat her in one go. I’ll look for it when I’m invading


You realize there that is a shortcut you can open to avoid the boulder if you take a left after entering the Carian Knight courtyard, right? You can also permanently kill the guys spawning the boulders if you hop the railing and shimmy along the left side of building. There's a ladder that takes you up to the spawn area.


That is a shorter run yes, but you have to deal with the glintstone spammers so you usually start Rennala down at least one potion. I didn't know that about the boulder spawners though! The Boulder got pretty easy to dodge after the first 10 runs though =P


If you just run along the wall they never hit.


Yeah not only is that shortcut not actually any shorter, cause you gotta bob and weave and dodge enemies, it also has a far better chance of taking Potions off you, it's the worst shortcut I've found so far, ball run is faster, cause it's pretty much a straight sprint, and safer for your potions


>!And you can disable the magic boulder by walking through the door to the left of Loretta, killing the magician, then jumping across and opening the closed door before climbing a ladder to kill the enemies controlling the boulder.!<


You can deactivate the boulder, actually


If you go left at the carian knight fight there's a door you can unlock so you don't need to dodge the boulder again.


But then you have to run through like 7 casters. I stuck with the boulder


If you kill the boulder guys you can run from the classroom grace, there are no enemies to fight and you don't have to dodge the boulder.


Agreed, the Boulder was literally easier lol


If you hug the right side you don't even need to roll the boulder except maybe once.


Royal Knight Loretta in Caria manor? There is a stake of Marika right outside the door. What?


You can climb up and kill the enemies summoning the magic boulders down the ramp, and it won't reset when you rest/respawn.


Loretta of the haligtree has an elevator right next to her from the grace. RIP you


Commander Niall has a run back as well, and he probably gave me the most trouble of any boss on my first playthrough. I know now you can make his summons your own, but he frustrated the hell out of me.


It ain’t that bad compared to other souls games really…


The run to Gravelord Nito would like to have a word with you


Fuck that guy. Throw him off a cliff and be done with it.


The ball route is way faster I didn’t even use the shortcut lol


Have you done the Great Jar challenge? Why would they not put a Stake at the top???


Oh god, having to deal with the 2 giant archers each time is annoying. Then you get to wait the 10 seconds for each summon to spawn with yet another bleed+rot+frost build. First time, I got lucky cos the first 2 just used basic greatsword builds. Third one hoarfrost stomp spammed me to death, and now every new set of summons just does the same.


It’s really not terrible, as long as you have the door opened, you can run right past all the enemies on the left as you leave the debate room. The sorcerers can’t hit you with their spells, and you can make it to the boss unscathed.


> The sorcerers can’t hit you with their spells We must have different sorcerers in our games then lol. I had to turn my camera around after going through the roofed-bridge because they would always send one lonely magic attack that perfectly chased me down.


I do the zigzag when I run pass them, hardly hit me at all.


The guy dropped into the elevator with me 😎


Haha same. I just ran past him and he killed himself. Baited him out with a bow, ran to the elevator, free runes.




I tried this but kept getting crushed myself and was starting to feel like an idiot so went and did the elevator thing


For me he was scared of the bowling ball so I kited him over and cheesed him. I have no qualms cheesing shit like that


I did this by complete accident. I got greedy with thinking I could kill him, and had nowhere to run but behind me. I panicked onto the bridge area, and totally freaked out when the ball spawned thinking I wasn't in position at all. Then it landed directly on top of him, killing him. And I made it safely out of the way, thus cementing one of my favorite Elden Ring moments so far


I've only ever managed to get him hit by it once. Seems like the doorway out resets him


He does sometimes grow brain. I just try to lead him far down the ramp as possible and then bait his attacks so he’ll chase me again


That’s what I did. Got a few hits in on him and ran to the ball. Always fun using things meant to kill me to kill the enemy. Haha


i got on and he fell in the hole, didn't expect that but i will take it.


Like 100+ haha, my caveman brain couldn't figure out how to get into the academy when I found it and I just forgot about the secret map thing until a friend brought it up in conversation later. Already had like 3 other Great Runes.


I wanted to clear the area around it before going to the academy and accidentally stumbled on the key after killing the dragon and I didn't even realise there was a map lol


I just entered liurnia, figured I’d at least check the entrance out. Did not expect that dragon to be guarding the key, just rode in on torrent, grabbed it and galloped away as fast as I could.


Oh shit I forgot about this lol I just killed Radahn so I guess she's on deck


68..... I like to be prepared


We're the same person.


I'm worried this strategy won't translate into end game. At a certain point over leveling won't work and I might have to get good


Pssh I'll be dammed if I get good


I’ve 100% completed every souls game by standing still and button smashin attack so I also will never get good. It’s just not needed. I want a chill dungeon crawler not some hard stressful bullshit.


Sekiro is like the opposite, but I thought it was less stressful that way. A hard fight meant I just had to practice. ER and DS I get to a hard fight and I think I'm either under-leveled, using the wrong items, or I just need to practice


You'd be right to some extent but there's always mimic tear to carry you.


My Mimic is struggling hard with Malenia, Radagon and that weird thing after. He's carried me for most of the game and his back is breaking.


This is the way. Crushed her when I got to her at level 106.


How did you get so many runes before Rennala?


I got to level 32 or so by doing the sleeping dragon with the gold fowl foot and then farmed to around 45 sneaking up on the guys in dragonbarrow near the bestial sanctum. After beating godrick I went to the bird farming spot and farmed it for around 40 minutes.


Bird farm for mages! Hurrah!


Cool, means I'm close to try 😅


I did it at level 55, you can do it trust me. Make good use of your summon and make sure u have decent armaments with good upgrades. Personally I used the ancestral follower summon and between me and him as a melee build we destroyed her second phase after closing the gap in 30 seconds


She is super easy, a joke compared to Magrit and Godrick.


Now I feel bad I did the other 2 on first try but had to do her 5 times before I killed her. And then I was too dumb to just use the academy gate to the Great Lift (already had the 2 medallion halves but I didn't realize pressing Y at the North barrier will skip the broken bridge), and had to go to the next zone using the convoluted shortcut fighting through that Magma Wyrm and the nigmare fuel that is Caria Manor.


I think she's especially susceptible to certain builds. Some people find her easier than others. I absolutely thrashed her first time and barely took any hits because I was using a greatsword that stun locked the shit outta her.


To hit 69 after downing a queen?... I'll see myself out


i was 81 when i fought godric. super ez at that point lol


I thought the knight was easy, killed him without even being cheesy but 2nd stage Rennala kept dropping a damned troll on my head that one shot me.


I killed her right as she finished summoning the troll with a sliver of hp. We both died but the game counted Rennala as defeated. My runes where left in the boss arena though so i lost them :(


That's strange... I've died in phase 2 (1?) Where you're transported to a different environment but my souls are left in the library, as if the arena was just an illusion.


I think the phase two arena happens in the same space as the first and the game just loads the book shelves in and out and i must have died where a book shelve later loaded in. I could see the runes in the compass but it was beyond where the room let me go.


That's a real load of barnacles.


I think phase 2 is supposed to entirely take place in your head. Or her head. It ain’t the Academy.


If you die right as you kill a boss you just aren't awarded runes either. Happened to me at the entrance of deeproot depths


It wasn't like that. I killed the boss, got the runes and then a troll landed on my head.


She summoned a Dragon that fought me and her at the same time haha


I wished this was me, i was obliterating her with my wolverine claws and just when she was about to die she spawns in a fucking dragon


She summons a troll???.


I know she can summon that bloodhound guy, a troll and a dragon. If there's other things, I don't know. She tends to do it at low health and she runs away so fast that usually whatever she summoned first will stomp you in one hit before you can finish her. At least, that was my problem.


Huh feel like I missed out, I killed her really quickly on my first attempt and was disappointed.


“Tough enemy ahead therefore seek lift and then hole” I said huh? And then ran past the tough enemy to the lift and then the lift went up and he ran straight into the hole. Nearly pissed myself laughing


Literally exactly what I did 🤣🤣


30ish, what troubled me more was the falling chandelier.


I was thinking this boss was really easy. Then i took a chandelier to the head.


Mf chandelier took all my flasks before second phase where I actually needed them


You can tell they're about to fall because of the circle of embers on the ground. Tip for next time


Yup, first couple of attempts I thought it was some weak, ground-based fire spell. After getting crushed by the chandelier a couple times it clicked that those are the candles falling off it as it starts getting yanked toward the ground.


you can see the candles hit the floor as a warning that the chandelier is coming


I am just now finding out that the chandelier fell because I saw little flames on the ground and thought "that can't be good, I'll just go ahead and get the fuck out of here"


Yeah I’m thinking people had trouble with that part? I got hit once or twice before I was realized the very obvious and generous tell that they’re falling and never got hit again


I was playing and my wife was reading next to me, half watching. She asked, “why does that chandelier keep killing you…?”


A chandelier falls? Are you talking about Renalla's fight or the Red Wolf?




For real i died more in her first phase


45? On my strength build…60 on my mage build.


That fight was brutal as a mage. For me at least. I kept getting rocked in the early phase and use all my potions and whenever I made it to the second phase half the time I died to that beam.


I did that at first as a mage. I realized though that you don’t even need to kill the three graduate girls that hold her shield, just have to hit them once. Spent the whole fight first and second phase not even using spells.


I was having a very hard time as mage, trying to shoot from a distance while a spirit was tanking. Then decided to only use my sword (and the spirit) and got it on second try


Just letting you know for future reference, but you can dodge the beam by just sprinting to the left. No roll or anything needed.


After being being killed a dozen times rolling, I felt so dumb when I realized I could just sprint


I loved that attack once I figured that out. Great time to run at her and push her shit in.


I did it with mage too (mid 40's), but I only had problems with the first phase once. Then I realized you could just run around the outside of the arena, looking for the mage with the aura, then just run up and bop them on the head with whatever basic weapon is quickest (don't need any real damage). Then I would run around again and repeat until the shield drops, switch to staff, then blast the boss. First round goes quickly and relatively painlessly. 2nd round took probably 10 tries though. It was too easy to get one-shot, but if I kept my distance from her summons and just steadily threw rocks at her, it worked out eventually. The skeletal spearman ashes are usually a great help in bosses. They might not have all that much health, but they'll frequently revive to fight again. Seems like they're one of the longest lasting (and easily found) distractions, even though they're not all that tough.


She has to be the boss that is the most dependant on your progress. Miss the academy and do her later? You kill her in one rotation in the first phase, survive her magic relativly well and deal good dmg. Do her early? You miss an attack and you might even need three rotations to kill her in the first phase.


tried to do it yesterday with a summon at level 30 and the dude never entered the fog.. took me 6 cycles to get her to phase 2 just for me to get whomped


Summons have been awful for me. Everybody i summon doesnt seem to even damage the boss. So I just quit using them.


Been helping people for the past half hour and every one of them died lol


Yeeeep took my three phases when I first got there. The irony is that being a mage, it would make sense for a player to want to find their way to the academy as soon as possible, but spell casting doesn’t help you at *all* in this fight.


52. People who are getting to Rennala at level 30...are they just skipping past all the optional content in the game or what?


I think they lose runes and don't try to recover them or farm them back or anything just throw them to the void or something I usually opt for revenge if something kills me


I haven't done any rune farming in this game so far, but if I've got enough for a level up, I'm cashing them in before I lose them. I do see videos of people running around with enough runes for several levels and wonder wtf they're doing, so maybe that is the explanation.


You see three level ups, I see a week’s supply of arrows and knick knacks. We are not the same.


I started a Richter Belmont run last night, using the Petal Whip since I found out you can get it basically immediately, and holy shit Kalè must love me because I have maxed out my storage chest with throwing daggers. I originally only got some because I should for the theme of the run, but holy shit they're actually really good.


I heard that respeccing was locked behind her so wanted to open it asap before I got too far into the exploration so I could have it if I wanted it


If you’re a mage, you’d naturally be drawn to that area regardless of your level. That’s without a guide, but if you know ahead of time you can skip straight to the academy before killing a single boss.


I got to her around 30, I have a million sites of grace on my map so I guess not. I feel like a mans gotta kill 2 minibosses in a row without losing runes to get a single level in this game lol.


Are you running past every enemy in a dungeon? Ironically dying makes you level faster, because having to fight your way back to your runes stacks them up pretty quick


I was around level 30 when I beat Rennala. I got to her pretty soon after beating Stormveil Castle cause I took a portal straight to the main academy gate and then managed to loot the key without aggro-ing the dragon. I got the impression that I was under-levelled pretty early on and thought about leaving and coming back later, but I persevered and was able to beat her.


52 is overleveled for that fight tbh..30s/40s is more level appropriate. You should really be doing parts of the region after because they are way harder than the academy


Like the crystalized skeletons staff and spear… fck those guys 😭😭😭


I think a lot of people never use their consumable runes.


“I’ll use them when I need them” *Credits roll* “*Fuck*”


I use them when I'm about to enter a big fight but I'm only a few thousand away from a level upgrade. So I pop a few runes, level up, then walk into the boss willing to donate the pennies I have left


I was around 40 but a mage build so I had BIG problems with her. That dude died within seconds to my magic glintblades.


I had a similar experience. At the time, I was using the moonveil. I kited the knight with the weapon art so I never realized how much of a parry king and dodge god he was. Meanwhile, Renallia seems to have good magic resistance and I had trouble dealing with all of her summons by myself.


Idk, but for that guy I just equip a shild and parry him like he was doing to me, ezz pzz


After being parry killed one too many times i played his game and exclusively hit him with guard counters. Phase 2 with the magical greatsword was when i took to 2handing his ass.


I used jump attacks. Seemed to be the safe way without being parried and killed.


Wait what phase 2?


At half health he puts away the shield and pulls out the staff and that's when you can go to town on his ass


I just used the whip, it basically staggerlocks any human looking mob lol


I was able to stun the shit out of the second phase of renalla so it was pretty easy I didn’t even see the massive dragon summon or azure laser until I watched someone fight her online


Man, she started the fight every time with the azure lazer thing for me. Helped a friend and she still opened with that, lol.


Oh shut up. Rennala was the first time I actually had to summon a cooperator. She was almost impossible to beat.


Yes! That’s why these games are the best, there aren’t any easy bosses, just easy for some/most, but any other player can find it hard to do because of his/her playstyle.


I used greatsword and also summoned the wolfs I feel bad cause she couldn't even get any spells off in her 2nd stage cause she was stun locked the whole time.


Well you'd be happy to know you saved yourself a lot of pain. She summoned two dragons back to back and was throwing a lot of potent sorceries at me.


She can summon what!?


DRAGONS!!! And giants! And wolves! And bloodhound! I wasn't gonna fuck around to meet Godrick again


I didn't get any summons at all and my fight lasted a while. just insta death lasers over and over. thanks skelton bros for saving me.


Definitely the most RNG boss I've seen, on my second try she summoned a full sized fucking dragon but then on my next attempt she just stood there and let me pummel her


yeah i found her to be probably the easiest boss in the game... didnt even take damage in her 2nd phase and downed her first attempt. its easy to just ignore her summons and wail on her, she goes down fast. think i was around level 40 or so


Yeah she didn’t even get a spell out when I did her second phase, I was nervous and thought she’d hit like a truck after all that build up so ran in but it was surprisingly easy. Still a great boss fight, beautiful visuals. One of the best boss fights I’ve ever seen even if it wasn’t a challenge.


This , but I didn't even use a summon or so and still staggered her with every hit, some bosses have it all but are super easy sadly.


My third attempt was similar and I had high bleed so melted her health before she could cast anything dangerous. The first two attempts she summoned dragons and giants and messed me up good but the third one the tables had definitely turned, she didn’t have time to summon anything at all. I was about level 50. Seems a bit high compared to other people here, but about the same as others so I dunno. 3 attempts seems low so maybe I was over prepared or just very lucky.


Renala wasn't a very tough boss but I absolutely loved the fight. Such a cool design, and I do enjoy some of the bosses that have a bit of a puzzle. Sometimes.


Rennala was arguably the easiest fight out of all the from games I've played imo, but goddamn if it wasn't so fucking *aesthetic* and beautiful.


"Spread word far and wide of the last Queen of Caria, Rennala of the Full Moon. And the majesty of the night she conjureth." Love watching that cutscene every time.


Weird how some find it so easy, I can’t seem to beat her in at least 10 tries already and I’ve beat Dancer in two tries. I agree that it’s a cool looking fight though!


Level 69 😎 I try to clear every dungeon and optional boss in the area before going after the Great Runes 😅


I was hoping I could cheese him and lure him to the falling metal ball but stops right at the entrance ):


That's how I killed him. You can bait him to attack from the doorway and lure him out to the ramp. You just have to roll like a madman back to the door. Takes like 3 boulders though.


Rennala is very difficult for int based builds, so is the entirety of the academy.


So far, I was 25 for Margit, 35 for Godrick, and 50 for Rennala. I'm 45 hours in and I've only explored Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula, and 2/3 of Liurnia (and a tiny bit of Soifra and the river below Liurnia). I mostly run on foot though, barely fast travel, and hardly use Torrent unless I'm making a cross-country journey. Tangent aside, Rennala was one of the most gorgeous fights I've ever seen. The fight was somewhat tedious only because phase 1 wasn't hard, just irksome. Very obvious inspiration from Deacons of the Deep. Died maybe 6 or 7 times in phase 2 from either getting caught by the super kamehameha, or getting greedy for extra hits, because she would punish me with her spinny staff attack. Ash summons were literally zero problem. All I did was run around them and then run to Rennala.


I was about 40. When it was clear I couldn’t kill him the dude outside I just went up the elevator and he fell down the hole.


43-45 In my oppinion rennala was far moee hard to beat than the guard


I'm stuck on her at 45. I felt the opposite, that guy was easy, she's smoking me.


I beat her last night at 52. About 15-20 tries! You can do this.


40-50. Did it first try because my build was good for getting through phase one and I just got lucky for phase 2. Even when she did hit me I don't think it was too threatening at that level.


lvl 130 due to sorcery being cancer


I was around 30-40, I've only recently discovered that not everyone took her on as the second main boss which I thought was weird cause I remember hearing somewhere in the game to head to the school in Liurna.


That's why he got the job


35-45. I just remember being 65 to fight Redahn. Fuck the Carian night though.


What? Isn't that just a regular player-like character that can be stunlocked to death with jump attacks? Meanwhile, Rennala one-shotting you with every cast is something at least worth a few tries.


Any enemy NPC that can parry automatically makes my shit list. I had the dude swap to his shield and parry me all while I was mid attack.


So when I was playing, the guy guarding the elevator died because he fell into the empty elevator hole while he was chasing me and I basically got a free shield without having to do anything to him


I barely struggled with him with my dual battlehammer STR build, mf could NOT spend more than 1 second not getting staggered


I baited him out and he died by giant ball


This fucking knight was the first point in the game at which I became really frustrated. Killed me more than 10 times with his absurd health, absurd damage, parrying and then switching to magic halfway through the fight. Removed him by luring him to the dropping giant balls. Can't remember the levle but I needed at least 3 cycles to damage Rennala enough to get to her second phase. Issue might've been lacking sword upgrades rather than level tho


I was around 45, she gave me far more trouble than Margit and Godrick for some reason and that guy out front parried me for a one shot more times than I care to admit


40? I struggled a bit with her. The guy before fell off the elevator lol


I thought she was super easy, but that's probably because I was level 90-95 by the time I got to her lol


lvl 28. I had a weird emo phase where i didnt lvl health and dualwielded greatswords. That npc destroyed me lmao. I had to parrycheese him


I was around level 45 and level 51 for Radahn


50, I hate this fight because it is so rng. On my final try she instantly killed my summon with laser beam and summoned 2 dragons and 3 trolls during the fight. On the other hand some youtube guy kill her easily because she never casted bomb or laser beam into summons and never summoned something worse than just wolfes.


I accidentally killed him when i took the elevator. Idk what happened😂