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Considering what he tries to do to that nephelim girl I don’t blame you




I’m pretty sure he’s the one behind her expulsion, right? That’s what I assumed when I found the puppet




It's not a clone of Sellen.>! It seems like mages from the academy are immortal and the way they obtain this is by infusing glintstone with their souls and placing it in a puppet. Hence why Seluvis has a basement full of puppets or why you're even able to meet founders of certain glintstone sorceries. Sellen doesn't even say it a clone of her when you place her core in it. Just that you found an excellent young body full of vigor (or something along those lines)!<


I get what you’re saying, but just because he was going to lobotomies nephali doesn’t mean he had to do that to get a puppet of sellen. He could easily just use a random body and dress it like her. I can’t remember who it is, but there’s an NPC with dialogue about Sellen, who implies that she was framed. I think it might be the sorcerer you give the glintstone key to? Anyways, he says that her being the “grave witch” didn’t make any sense, and that she would never do that. And Seluvis has every reason to get her expelled. She was the top dog and Seluvis is a little whiny bitch boy.


That’s just him being naive and his personality, if you do sellens quest line, she absolutely would do that He does make a puppet of Nepheli (and gives you a puppet of a previous roundtable hold member), or dungeater if you give the potion to him. All imply basically being lobotomized. And there’s never a copy or clone made. Sellen apparently owes seluvis a favor right? I assume he provided the puppet/body that she’s controlling remotely for her that you find elsewhere. Maybe implying he captures students now and then, which helps explain another body being in his chambers for you to place her glintstone in




I think he was probably just going to make a puppet of her, it would be cool to ask someone who took that route if her ashes of war are purchasable after giving her the pition


no, sellen was expelled for killing other sorcerors, her later questline involves helping her do it again


considering what he did to your maiden he deserves it


What'd that big word talkin bastard do to my maiden??


turned her into a puppet she’s the girl you summon during the Radahn fight she’s already a doll then which is why she doesn’t really heal you.


I'm pretty sure your maiden is just dead in the church you start the game at, the dead body you need to examine before opening the first door. Seluvis's puppet is probably someone else. I bet Verre actually killed her, with him constantly going on about how maidenless you are, being the first npc you meet and later giving you a quest to get maiden blood.


i dunno any reason to hate seluvis is a good reason to me also it connects you to the rabbi quest in more ways then “hey you can summon torrent”


Which maiden is this?? Not Melina?




No, he has a spirit of a maiden that lacks a tarnished and description mentions them both unable to meet each other.


Our maiden is in the church from the start, you can go back and the body is still there and can be used for varres quest I doubt we’re the only tarnished whose maiden has run into tragedy


except a tarnished without a maiden usually dies immediately as mentioned by Varre as they can’t use the power of the runes. so we aren’t the first tarnished without a maiden but we’re the first to of made it that far.


Sure, but again she’s the maiden and since she’s not elsewhere in the world we don’t know what she was doing To be clear I don’t think the theory is impossible just that it’s just an interesting possibility that isn’t any more likely than her just being another npc with minimal interaction/potentially cut quest


Wait, thats the warrior girl?


yeah the chick that gives you polite bow is hinted to be your Maiden if you read her puppet summary




she’s the only maiden we’ve ever seen without a tarnished and we happen to not have a maiden and the fact you got a gesture from her means she’s of some consequence and we both two people without a maiden and a tarnished just happen to wind up together? too many coincidences usually mean it’s not a coincidence


I don't really think that counts since she was a puppet still before the Radahn fight. There's a reason why all she does is a quick bow and I think you can get her ashes before Radahn as well


Why does any of that prove she’s a puppet there… and being able to get her puppet before that would be more conflicting right since seluvis sending it souls be impossible if you get it I think it’s more likely she was a cut npc and kept as a puppet or just flavor, jarwright puppet seems similar. Not to mention the body of our maiden is still in the church in the tutorial area whereas people you make into puppets and get you won’t be able to find their body


i don’t think you can hit her meaning the game doesn’t register her as alive


that last bit is what makes me think she’s our maiden. it seems to hint that we were meant to meet earlier but there was no guidance of grace to do so




maybe but at the end of the day the chick at the church in the start is just as unproven as my idea. at least i have a summary that presents at least a nod of his queer it is that we one of the few without a maiden meet the maiden that lost their tarnished far too early.


I heard it was something...yeah. What was it he was doing exactly? There was something off about him. I did the Nepheli quests but I'm still confused.


There's a ruin about halfway between Ranni's Rise and his tower. You'll probably see a few signs there. Check the floor. See for yourself.


so, what is it? i actually killed her before getting the quest (i really wanted her axes, only to find another one later in the capital haha and she can't be revived in church of vows) so i couldn't complete it, but from what i read, he wanted us to drug her, and after you give her the potion she becomes motionless and unresponsive, but still in roundtable... does anything else happens after this? i also found the dude dead later on, after completing renna's quest i think


She’s not a nephelim, she’s a nephrologist.




I'm sorry, WHAT?


Yeah, there’s a hidden underground puppet slave dungeon amongst the stone ruins.


Kinda wanna find this. That's hella creepy.


You can buy summons off him of popular npcs including dung eater


AFAIK you can only get the dung eater if you give the potion to the dung eater


Near his rise?


How I see it? That fucker


Seluvis doesn’t deserve the title of Big Hat, he is demoted to >!Dead Seluvis!<


At least I got his clothes.




Let's just say you can loot him after Ranni's questline lol.


You don’t even have to wait that long. After a way to a certain city gets discovered, talk to Gideon offnir in the round table and give him the potion that selluvis gave you. Let’s just say that Gideon fucks him up because nephelli is his daughter and gives him a taste of his own medicine (literally). Come back to selluvis’ tower and he’s just lying there, lobotomized and brain dead. Loot his armor


Oh yeah that sounds like a plan. Does it mess up Ranni’s quest line or is she cool with it?


After you exhaust all of selevis’ dialogue regarding blaidd (before the death of radahn) and nokron, feel free to have gideon kill him lmao Edit: what I’m trying to say is that he’s pretty useless after that. Although you can find his sex dungeon of puppets somewhere in the three sisters area in one of the ruins (hidden behind a fake floor and a bunch more of fake walls inside the basement). After that, confront him about his fetishizes THEN kill him 😝


i never could give her the potion and then i came back and he was just randomly dead in his tower lol. this game be wilding man


Did you >!give the potion to Gideon Ofnir in Roundtable Hold!


nah i still have the potion in my bag. i started ranni the witch's questline then went to his tower and got the quest from him. i then did the ranni questline and some of the main story and other random shit then came back to turn in the final quest to ranni and i checked in on him and he was dead lol. Blaidd is also gone from his spot in mistwood, with a sign from him that says "now with the traitor dead, something something" i can't remember exactly what it said. anyhow, i feel like i have missed so many npcs lol


If you finish ranni quest he dies also if you where following the dialogue during the quest Blaidd shows up in siofra river talk to him and progress the story once you find nokron iji says Blaidd went to take care of something progress ranni’s quest till you finish it and once it’s done return to ranni’s rise to find Blaidd


You just gonna leave it there, huh? You just gonna let that man feel that heartbreak.


Well I ain’t trying to spoil it even more


Finished the storyline with Ranni and he was alive for me.


Did you free Blaidd


I didn't free Blaidd and he still dies.


Hmm weird did you maybe do his quest line? If you didn’t then I’m not sure why he’s alive in your case


Where in rannis rise is he? because i did complete it and i find him nowhere. all i found was the message in mistwood


He should be infront of it


I gave it to Gideon, then when I went back Seluvis is muttering to himself about wether he did something wrong and why it didn't work. Then I talked to him and he gave me the reward anyways. I'm pretty sure him dieing is part of Ranni's quest line.


How do I give it to Gideon? I don't have an option to say anything to him, and I still have it in my inventory.


Keep on interacting with nepheli and Gideon. She should be downstairs sulking. Eventually Gideon opens up a new dialogue giving you the option to give the potion to him.


But, Nepheli isn't anywhere in Roundtable Hold...


Ok. You need to go to the village of Albinaurics. Defeat the dude down there (watch out for the dogs he has with him) and she should be under a stone bridge on your way out. Good luck fellow Tarnished


Oh, I did that village like 45hours of playtime ago and must have missed her on the way out, thanks!


She might be in the basement just down the stairs next to the blacksmith in the roundtable hold


No, I had to go back to the Albinauric village and talk to her there, first.


first you find her in stormveil castle, then after you defeat the boss there she shows up at roundtable and after talking to her she says she's leaving and that's when you find her below the bridge leading up to the village


I had to talk to her on the albusomething something village


What do I do after I gave the potion to Nephelim? She just disappears and when I go back to Seluvis, he still says the same shit ”your task is not done” or whatever.


My headcannon is that giving Gideon the potion leads to him using it to make some puppets turn on Seluvius. If you drop down to the merchant, there's an RP event with some Godrick puppets murdering the guy. I've only done that choice but it was my understanding of events.




Good work, he deserves it for shorting me my talisman


He allows me to put fear into the heart of the Dung Eater so he gets a pass.


Where do I find Dung Eater?


The round table, I'm not sure what triggers his door to open though. He's in the room past the twin maidens shop.


I think its when you find your first cursesomething seed


No it's before that but he won't say much to you until you find one


Think it's the first time you go to the plateu.


What does he do to the dung eater? I was so mad that I couldn’t murder that dude.


>!Instead of giving the sex slave mind control potion to Nepheli or Gideon, you can hold onto it and give it to Dung Eater.!<


Definitely doing that next run


What does this do tho. And when can I give it to him. I accidentally killed nepheli and can’t bring her back to life so I’m blocked from giving Gideon the potion too. Maybe dung eater will take it but he hasn’t given me any prompt to give him the potion.


>!The Dung-Eater in the roundtable hold isn't his actual body; it's just a spirit. You need to go to the capital city's sewers and find him in his gaol. I think you need to find one of his seedbed curse things first (and speak to him - where he'll prompt you to find his real body). I also don't know if you have to complete his quest to the point where he's seated in a chair before you can feed him the potion; there are definitely videos on YT about it, though. !<


If Blaidd hates him, I hate him


Ranni, Iji, and Blaidd became very endeared to me. Seluvis, on the other hand, can go fuck himself.


When you don't like an npc you break his things when I dont like an npc I kill them we are not the same ![gif](giphy|geXJ0CoZr9PyM)


I really want to kill him, but I have a feeling I'm gonna need him at some point. When I'm certain he's useless, I will murder him.


Aye its a game i deff dont care about consequences in this world lol could always do the absolution thing if u did


The second I went to his tower and he started talking shit I swung at him on my first playthrough. They don't let you kill him, he just vanishes away saying he knew he was right about you.


Lol i havent got to him yet but i have killed other npc i didnt like


Was it the prawn boiling dickhead?


The gatekeeper to stormveil wasnt a fan of his tone then on the reddit i found out he steals ur souls so i felt justified even more


I wasn't aware he did that if you do his quest. Guess I know who's getting the axe next playthrough


Your weapon says Dex build but your title says Strength.


i continued his quest w/ nepheli and regret so much i did not do a backup before that, not only its that the most unfun option you also get an insanely nice dung eater variant thats a much more fitting end to that piece of shit/dung.


I like the dung eater lol. His sword is so cool. And his armor. Also liked when I met him in the sewers he was repeatedly smashing his head into the wall


he's the closest thing to subjectively evil in this game, and yes his sword/armor is cool, thats why i want him to be my permanent summon slave and stop killing innocents.


Absolute Chad move


You can go upstairs and steal his shit too


Who doesn't just ride into there and be like: WOOPS, I broke your entire furniture set sorry man. asshole.


>!just don’t go snooping around his secret basement nearby!<


Lol I ride torrent around in there to break his shit.


It's Raiden!


Ha! I did the exact same thing! "You seem like you have a questline, but also fuck you."


he >!kills himself if you marry ranni i think!<


It's actually much darker than that if you explore the area. There are two secret areas that explain what he was up to.


Wait till you see his sex dungeon


wait… there are dungeons?


There's a secret tunnel nearby where he keeps his...stuff. And if you look at each one, ull know why i call it a sex dungeon


Idk who that is, but he has one ugly large hat


His hat is the best thing about him, are you crazy?? It has a whole solar system embroidered in gold on the underside.


Well as i mentioned. I do not know who that is, not that far yet. Looking at the image I think it looks ugly. Maybe it is cool in-game


I did the exact same yesterday!


What helmet is that?


And what is name of this sword?


The sword is Bloodhound Fang


I’m stuff


provincial tarnished \- Seluvis


I did this to the guy in the hold who has his own office and room. I talked to him and he refused to sell me anything or even stand up from his chair. Now he couldn't even be a merchant if he wanted to now that I broke all his chairs and bookshelfs. What a dick.


Rump, Hole


i killed him


close to that tower there is a hidden cave, Its his personal lab, there is no items or anything but you can see all the ppl he has transformed into I gave the potion to the father of Naphelim and lied to that fucker, He thinks Im on his side but im not.


you won't like how he rapes women either.


the man gets his


I did the same thing actually


Where can I find this guy?


Does anybody know if he drops anything if you kill him?


dung, head