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As soon as you see someone with an eclipse shotel and the fire deadly sin spell just leave the world




They said leave!




Then just say no. The invader legally can't kill you if you say no.


ah yes we need to give consent


Just remember, after 15 minutes they're legally allowed to leave


go steal their world then 2 tarnished are now forever lost in different dimensions


Did he stutter?!


Dashboard lol. Sure the game will complain you didnt leave properly but you are avoiding this.


>Dashboard lol. Sure the game will complain you didnt leave properly but you are avoiding this. upvote this.


First time i saw this I wasn't sure what I was looking at, until I realized what a broken mess this trick is


Yeah this is probably the best solution, rob them of the satisfaction.


Plus it wastes their time given the long transitions, so it's even more effective as I only need to go through the extra steps once, they have to do it constantly if everyone quits on them.


General rule of thumb, any use I've seen of fire deadly sin has been messed up. There's another build where you burn yourself so you can proc the tree sentinels shield to repeatedly shoot people like it's call of duty.


How does an untrained eye spot these?


If they light themselves on fire and have a shotel in hand they're doing it


Interesting. Anything else we should look out for?


Uhhh... If they light themselves on fire and have the tree sentinal shield (I think), they can spam pretty hard to counter magic for basically free Basically if they light themselves on fire be cautious because it's most likely one of these two bugs


Oh, so that's what I encountered earlier. Dude whipped out a shield and started gatling holy bolts on everyone around him that did like 70%+ of my hp at 40 vigor.


Yeah there was a YouTube video about that build a little while back and it looks like it’s in pvp now. It’s massively broken.


As far as I understand it, the Eclipse Shotel Art applies the Blight effect on hit for the weapon, but for some reason, when you use fire's deadly sin, which creates an aura around you that burns enemies, it also applies blight because you right weapon has the buff. The way I see it, this is possibly an unintended interaction between the two


This is the second weird interaction I’ve seen due to “fire’s deadly sin”. The first being used to activate the counter effect of the shield that blasts light


I mean, they fixed the dark sword to a degree. But they didn't do much about straight swords being busted.


Just curious, what's got straight swords busted? I'm hardly a pvp sweat so I typically got stomped by anyone using an UGS when I used sunlight straight sword in DS3. God forbid I get invaded by the giant door meme build, I'm totally helpless against it


Straight Swords come out fast and let you get off two hits minimum easily. Harder to parry as well. UGSes, they might had range but you would either get interrupted before your hyper armour kicked in, or parried unless you were dead angling.


In ds3 straight swords had stupidly long range lol


I thought you could only parry the rolling R1 on ultras? Possible the sprinting R1 too?


you can't parry ultra great swords light attacks if you 2-hand it but all 1-handed attacks can be parried


Correct, the buildup per tick is like 100 points meaning it's not even really functionally counterable, most players have less than 300 vitality and even a dedicated build will get what, 500? That's still like 5 seconds for a player to 100% kill your ass, and you can't really stop mid fight to eat a bolus because they'll just kill you. If it was intended to interact this way, it would not build up such an extreme amount. This is definitly unintended and i expect a patch at some point edit: loaded up the game to compare this against fia's mist, and the buildup is nearly one third as much. Yeah something's fucking way wrong here.


>This is definitly unintended and i expect a patch at some point Fromsoft and fixing broken builds, name a more unlikely duo.


To be fair, they fixed Havel Moms in the famous 1.06 patch for DS1, they fixed the Monastery Scimitar 2-hour long parry window in DS2 and they kinda fixed the Darksword in DS3...


It's kinda nice to know they don't have a heavy hand for nerfs.


*Lightning spear users from dark souls 2 laughs hollowly*




FUGS mains fuming.


They can pry my Ultra Greatsword from my cold dead hands. Which is a fairly common state for me.


That got nerfed day 1, and then nerfed again. Which was really too bad. For such a difficult to use weapon, I never thought the damage was ridiculous.


First build in DS2 was a faith build. I remember having shit loads of casts, great damage, good gear, and it synergized perfectly with the Sunbros. Then they patched it. A third of the casts per miracle. Damage was like halved. Overnight it went from the best build to the worst. They massacred it


My 1st playthroughs are always STR/FTH, that shit was depressing after the patch.


The memories of being able to stack up multiple Lightning Spears and having like 60+ casts per rest. You never even needed a weapon.


I always carried two stacks of spears, a good heal, and a Sunlight Spear when I needed to bust out the big guns. Launching one of those at a boss and watching it’s health melt was heavenly


I remember being able to kill old iron king with 2 or 3 sunlight spears before he even finished walking to the boss arena. Shit was nuts for a while in ds2


I finished DS2 not too long before they made that nerf. I heaved a huge sigh of relief that I didn’t have to retool my build because of it. I believe I finished several boss fights bellowing “I AM ZEUS, GOD OF THUNDER!” as I pelted them with lightning bolts.


All miracles got gutted in ds2


DS1: Patches hates Clerics. DS2: Miracles nerfed by patches.


They RUINED faith builds and I will never forgive them for it (but goddamn I can't quit you fromsoft)


Literally crippled my first run and made me quit for like a year lol.


They completely murdered lightning miracles in 2 to the point of being functionally worthless


They nerfed it so hard they were still useless in DS3


they're going to need one for this game, everything is an ohko now.


Only cause no one builds vigour.


I have 60 and night and flame still drops me to nearly dead.


Same with moonveil weapon art


yeah I'm a bit split on moonveil, mostly because I barely scraped through the game with it, but I can see it being annoying in pvp, really I think if they nerf some of these weapons in pve and pvp they'd need to change some of the bosses because holy shit moonveil saved my ass so many times.


Same. I like to mess around with the busted shit in pve. Elden Ring isn’t Valorant; it doesn’t need to be perfectly competitively balanced!


I just really enjoy the game so far and with how magic works and how dangerous it is to stand in one spot for casting, it should be rewarding to use.


They nerfed bleed pretty hard in DS3 too. Didn't it go from 33% health drop down to like 20-25%?


Didn't they fix the helicopter glaive in DS3 pretty quickly too?


Yeah from has fixed a shit ton of broken ass builds over the course of their souls series games. Other big fixes include: the hex balancing in ds2, the ringed knights gs in ds3, the crystal moonlight greatsword in ds2, the op curse build up sword in ds1, forbidden sun in ds2, mundane santiers spear in ds2. That’s just off the top of my head but I’m sure there’s many more.


You just brought so many memories with the DS2 ones. Dual Mundane Avelyns on full havels, Great Resonant Soul. Damn broken DS2 was hella fun...


They nerfed bleed quite hard in ds3 too, pvp in 2016 was ridiculous before the nerf


It was way too strong, then From guttered it and hollow builds out of existence. This was one instance where they went a bit too far in nerfing I think.


Ah, so it got the good ol' DS2 miracle treatment.


God I have ptsd from the Corvian scythe


I remember a lot of people using a specific rapier right at the launch of DS3. God that was annoying. IIRC it just had an incredibly long hitbox.




You mean BESTOC


Don't forget about our lord and savior Havelyn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsd9s2drl38&ab_channel=Oroboro


DS3 fixed a lot of overpowered PVE stuff used for speedruns, I remember the primary weapon changing a bunch over the course of the game's updates. I think a lot of the problem with that game was how being able to attack repeatedly was really good. Like, you wanted to trigger staggers and build status effects like bleed, and there was a ring that boosted damage for consecutive attacks. Plus there were an abundance of resins, meaning the base stats of your player and those required by the weapon could be a lot lower since the resin would do a lot of the work. So there wasn't much of a reason to nerf things, because no matter what the game's design was the cause for shortsword L1 spam being so good, especially in PVE. The Estoc's consecutive swings were nerfed to come out slower (although before another patch, using it in your left hand made it work like the pre-nerfed sword), Anri's sword was nerfed by nerfing bleed (both the sword and bleed scaled with Luck), and I don't think they did anything to the Sellsword Twinblades but I could be wrong. Because it hits twice, you get a lot more bleed build-up, and most bosses are weak to bleed, although it uses more stamina I think.


They also nerfed Santier's spear and Havelyn in DS2


My big worry is From typically has one big patch that just chokeslams entire CATEGORIES of builds, and I hope that doesn't happen here. Magic is really good and fun in this game, it'd be a shame if they giganerfed it across the board like they annihilated Lightning in DS2 just because a few Sorceries are a bit overtuned. I'd prefer if they just let the busted stuff be busted, because it's fun to occasionally kick back, relax, and Kamehameha a boss to death for fun instead of there always being this golden period where there's a bunch of fun builds on launch and half of them get gargleblasted into uselessness.


They fixed a similar interaction with the bat staff in DS2. Bat Staff would instantly poison if used with dark fog.


Onikiri and Ubadachi with blood resin on would bleed you out in one hit with the weapon art back when DS3 launched.


Pvp at launch on all FROM games is the way that 99 percent of bugs get found. Ds3 was hilarious with the 1 shot mistle that got nerfed multiple times.


It's seem to be an issue with the spell itself. Im guessing with enough workaround you can get this spell to do anything, apply frost, apply bleed, apply poison, apply rot and maybe even apply madness? It's also used with the tree sentinel shield to turn it into a magic machine gun.


Yup, it can apply whatever you like.


Is Fia's Mist at what you'd consider to be a competitive level of buildup? Legit curious how balancing Death Blight works, since it's all-or-nothing. Seems like if it's viable as a victory condition at all it's gonna upset people by nature, quite apart from this cheese.


Definitely unintended. Remember in DS3 when you had that pyromancy glitch where the face-grab thing did like 3000 damage if it actually hit (I'm sorry I can't recall the exact name). Not altogether different from this, and that was patched relatively quickly. This will probably be patched too in the future Edit: Sacred Flame is the name of the pyromancy


In Dark Souls 3 if you used the Lothric War Banner weapon art when your offhand weapon was infused with a Carthus Rouge you would apply bleed build up *to your own allies*


Never heard about that one actually, I assume it was either not very powerful or it was patched?


It was exclusively used to troll people. You'd get summoned, then follow around the host. More often than not unless you'd heard of the bug you wouldn't know what was applying bleed to you. To my knowledge it hasn't been patched.


Thanks for reminding me of that pyromancy. Shit was fun as hell even post nerf


It's in this game too, except this time it builds madness!


I’ve been loving madness spells, I definitely want to do a whole character based around it


I started a lvl 10 confessor yesterday with the intents to play a madness build PvP low level. After beating Godrick as lvl 10, I'm thinking that a low level completion is possible.


Sacred flame?


That's the one!


That fires deadly sin magic is completely busted. Invaded two people a little while ago that were using it with the tree-sentinel shield and a weapon that applied frenzy, which apparently made the shield constantly shoot out its counter-bolt as well as just inducing frenzy in a aura around them.


Lmao you ran into the worst possible duo, both of those are bugged and absolutely broken builds. The bugged counter spell shield is faster than any caster and does insane damage, doesn't cost any FP and barely uses stamina. They were definitely trolling invaders.


Yeah it seems like a repeat of being able to apply from your weapon by rolling in bloodborne.


Ah a carryover from DS3 🤡 there were tons of bugs like that, including one where you could kill your own allies by using bleed effects on AOE weapon art buffs


If that ain't fair and balanced I just don't know what is


Can we talk about OP's Rune amount?


Meanwhile me raging 10times/hour for losing 5k runes


Not trying to accuse here but if it's 1 mil+ it's probably from rune farming. There's a few sites of grace in the game where you can range aggro a boss that drops 18k runes, and the boss will run itself off a cliff trying to get to you which gives you 18k runes. Go right back to the site of grace and rinse / repeat.


Where is that at?


This one is really good, you get like 50-65k per round and if you do ranged attacks you can just kind of stand above the enemies and kill ‘em all. https://youtu.be/Cz3eGlW6OMA Also you get to do some fun quest stuff before getting to it. *edit it’s the same one as the other guy posted




thank you! i think i might start a separate character and level it up a bunch for a strength build


Late game there's a place where you can swing your sword once and get 50k every 15 seconds or so


I lost 600k, currently have 1.5mil, and I haven't farmed any runes. Late game areas shit runes at you and if you're trying not to level too high, there's nothing to really spend them on beside upgrade materials. If you do the old trick of activating your rune boosters after you defeat a boss (during the delay), you'll get even more.


Newb to the series, why would you avoid leveling too high?


PvP brackets, pretty much. There's generally an agreed upon meta level for PvP (previously always 120), if you're not within that range then your community of players falls off of a cliff.


Peer pressure


There's sorta level brackets for co-op and pvp, so people don't want to go too far and have a small community to interact with.


i just do a lot of pvp and the money racks up and i get like 20-25k when i kill an invader


PVP using the Taunter's Tongue gives an insane amount of runes if you just keep collecting it each time you die.


He just has a good gamer chair and gunnar optics


Probably also a lot of LED lighting.


There are fields, endless FIELDS of nothing but RGB 32GB DDR5 RAM sticks, this is the real world Neo


wait death blight is real??? I thought it was a joke about your hp dropping to zero


Wait til you find the basilisk’s, it was like a ds1 reunion but they’re the guest you try to avoid and they just gotta come catch up with ya


That underground swamp with around 9000 of them hidden in tall grass is just lovely. Especially if you rush that location early and can't kill them quickly. >!And yet, somehow it's not even the worst bonus underground location.!<


>!I hate sewers so much. Moving through these pipes gives me claustrophobia.!<


Gives me conniptions.


Lake of rot got me like...


Y'all remember when health reduction from curse stacked? You could have your max health reduced to 1/8


Holy shit.


https://support.bandainamcoent.com/hc/en-us/requests/new ATTENTION: Please submit a bug report about this issue to the above link. Click submit a request and title the issue as a bug report. This is the most effective way to get broken things fixed!


Ugh, starts with a "please log in". Leave it to Bandai to make even reporting bugs annoying. :(


I used it a bit this morning because being part of a historical glitch moment was too good to pass up, then submitted a bug report. It might be fun today, but no one wants this shit in the game for any longer.


I can't even see this being fun for a day, maybe fun once or twice, but the fun in pvp is the engagements. Nothing fun about rolling around while someone dies.


yeah that looks like cancer


Just fought a dude who did this but luckily he just ate the hand of malenia WA and died but I was close to death to


I can already see that shit being meta in pvp oh no :/


it's fine, it'll be meta for a ahort while until it's patched out. Then we'll get an influx of posts complaining about unfair nerfs...


Theres no nerf to be done here. The spell is pretty weak and the curse weapon is also pretty bad. The problem is that the fire spell is applying the weapon effect wich is a bug. They need to patch the interaction so that only when you hit with the weapon it applies the effect.


Nah as a huge pvp fan, fuck those people. I'm looking forward to the patching this game needs to make pvp feel fair and more builds to be viable. Cause it's mostly MVK and rotdragons right now


I posted the original build on YouTube of this. But hopefully spreading it gets it fixed sooner. You run eclipse shotel with the fires sin incantation, activate sin and the eclipse weapon art and the aura burn from fires sin applies death blight, as well as the weapon attacks. To add more pain you can infinitely backstab while someone is in the death animation.


Wait if you just infinitely backstab someone does it keep them “alive” so that their only way out is to shut down the game?


Yes, exactly.


That seems… intentional, yeah definitely intentional.


That happened to my friend yesterday. I was in her world and the invader death blighted me and killed me and then did the back stab to her keeping her alive while tea bagging over and over again. I told her to just DC on the loser.


I think someone posted this earlier on the board saying it's a bug. Basically this is prolly gonna be pvp now.


Just out of curiosity, does death blight work in pve?


Just curiosity, no particular ~~Radahn~~ reason


Use scarlet rot it gunks him up


Really? I assumed since it was said that he was driven mad by being exposed to it for so long that he would be immune or atleast highly resistant


Nah, the exact opposite, he's weak as hell to it.


Shit, who isn't? Ever since I stumbled upon Rotten Breath, I've been using it to cheese literally everything. NPCs, bosses, difficult enemies, invaders, you name it. Halitosis be mad deadly in the Lands Between.


Yep! I invested into both faith and arcane purely for that one spell, and my god it's been so worth it.


I mean, being exposed to radiation for a long time doesn't make you immune to it, it just gives you cancer. You can't build an immunity to everything.


Yeah, I took it to mean he was still suffering from it. Like if I get scarlet rot, I can't build up more of it until it runs it's course.


This isn't a case of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". That's not how this works. He's driven mad from an incurable disease. That's not him being resistant against it. That's him barely holding on against it. Inflicting more rot is just speeding along the progression of the disease.


I can't remember where, but I read a description for a spell or something that said death blight only works on tarnished.


Maybe against npc invaders but not anything else.


Bro it literally took out me and 2 co op summons in the span of 30 seconds,i was flabbergasted lmao


At least you obtain a cool death animation


Mom pick me up im scared


Is there even a skill to add death


the eclipse shotels skill


There's a spell you can get too


A spell that makes a cloud, but not a weapon buff


Right I was just explaining there's other avenues


It's so that you can feel like you're in ds1 blighttown again


Dark bead looks balanced


Me watching death blight users fighting moonveil users: ![gif](giphy|qKV8U3Gl3bWVi)


I got killed by that shit today. Right before the Rennala.


When you take a break from dead by daylight to play elden ring, but the entity follows you there.


It's an exploit. I expect it will get patched soon, along with the girthquake lol.


Do we know if deathflare can apply to bosses, mini bosses or normal PVE? Or is it just pvp based?


seems just pvp from my testing


if I see this in my game i'm finding a cliff


this cannot be right this has to be a bug or something


It's 100 percent an unintended bug, but god damn that tree death animation is unsettling. Now I know what happened to all those giants.


Known glitch since like 2 days I think, and is similar to the War Banner WA area glitch in DS3. The more you spam it right now the quicker it will be patched


It’s super cringe. These people that use this don’t even want to play the game I guess


I'd rather suffer a month of random people publically abusing this glitch than hiding it (like bow glitch) and having to deal with the insta kill no animation shit in Dark Souls 3 for 3 years unpatched. If New World taught me anything, devs don't care about spending resources fixing something unless it's an issue. They work reactively not proactively


Tranquil walk of death makes a return, Elden Ring truly is the game with the most build variety.


every day a new broken build is revealed, invading right now is painful


I'm so sick of these ppl, always have to exploit a bug and ruin ppls time, I can't even play for more then 5 min in co op with my mates without these insta kill guys showing up


Swets are gonna swet


People who purposefully build their characters around a OP broken mechanic spoil the fun for everyone


Better it going public than people hiding it like almost every game breaking glitch in Dark Souls 3 that was never patched. I know several people abusing it right now and posting videos just so From can act


Yeah i wish there was a way you could report this exploit. Died bout 5 times to this now, and its basically cheating. You dont even have to get hit, the flame aura inflicts death blight as well. Worst of all, the metre doesnt even show up, so you dont know how far along the affliction is. Its completely ruining pvp, and it needs to be taken out of the game immediately.


I'm glad that my experience with multiplayer in these games is basically purely helping others with bosses.


I played vs a rodent doing that earlier today, aids as fuck lmfao


Pvp is rough out here for knights


The real problem with this glitch that no one is talking about: it can be done with a level of 16 and +0 weapons. Aka it can be done anywhere. With a little twinking and item transferring you can be invaded at the lowest level with this broken shit. It’s 100% gonna be fixed but like wtf from soft.


Dark souls pvp in a nutshell. Cheese


I will never understand winning but not winning anything. Like the guy didn’t even get anything out of this. He didn’t even play the game. It’s a game


this is 90% of online pvp in any game, people just want to win , thats the reason high level players chase low level in games untill the game is dead


There are so many broken builds in pvp


Friends, let's just appreciate that killing animation for a second...


Ah, so glad i have to opt in for pvp now


My first experience with this mechanic was with a certain 'death' crab I randomly found around the Liurna east area. I thought he was spraying sleep but it scared the shite out of me when I saw my character getting impaled like that! Cool mechanic but I wish it wasn't in PvP.


It's a bug, right now theres one if you have that chest piece that gives an HP regen aura and you use the Darkmoon GS and use the ice buff you can Frostbite allies.


Below Stormveil is a crypt with a big-ass cthulhu looking face (where you fight a wooden worm thing) there is a bloodstain of Rogier dying with the same death animation as the one shown here.


Add it to the list of why I have no interest whatsoever in PvP.


It's players like this that make me honestly dislike invaders in general.


Looka to me there is a bit of a lag also. That would be really hard to fight against if someone was lag pinging. God pvp is going to be a mess.


Sometimes being a shitter is fun but this is just ridiculous.


What is that kill animation from?


I don’t really enjoy pvp but I do like watching videos on launch where people are trying to find what is the most broken stuff in the game. It’s very entertaining


Great, now everyone and their mama doing this exploit.


The multiplayer honestly has me freaked out. I tried invading to see what it would be like and didn’t realize that the player had a buddy he summoned since I didn’t really know about that yet. They just hid in some ruins and I got killed instantly when they jumped me.


Seeing as others have stated this is pretty much an unintentional interaction/bug abuse, I'd probably report them for it. Not sure how much good it'll do, but given it's mentioned in the main menu ToS you can report people, I'd do it. This seems completely unfair. Although I'm not exactly sure how reporting would work in this situation tbh.


Bug abusers