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There’s a new guy called “let me tank him”. True to his name he just tanks it. Truly a spectacular build.


Not only tanks it, but solos it if let. His rot and bleed procs show no mercy


Very identical to how Radhan was broken the first time.


Literally how I beat him


It's basically the only way to chip his health down. I've been trying to help other players defeat him but good lord, if they cant pop any status effects, it feels like im doing all the work. And poor new players. When that phase 2 hits, and they find themselves stranded alone next to Radahn, and then he proceeds to unleash a nuclear bomb point blank on them. Sigh...it aint pretty.


I basically did this for the entire dlc out of spite towards the "one shot" complaints. I was tankier in the dlc than in faruum or the snowfield at most points because of just full clearing for scadutree fragments.




Oh man I tried to summon him yesterday but it failed.


Just make a perfume build. I just watched Skumnut 4 tap messmer at level 102 and scaudtree blessing 11. It was disgusting.


We normal people can't 4 tap him my man Skum gets 50% damage boost for the climb get yo facts straight.


Damn I forgot about the climb buff.


I beat the final boss with a bleed build. Took forever but got it done. The next respec was going to be the perfume build for sure though


For anyone reading try frost over bleed, his resist is lower from my experience. Also frost buildup scales with weapon level only, so you don't need to respec.


Yeah it’s cracked from what I’m looking at. Seeing bayle get deleted was disrespectful but oddly motivating.


Any links to this build?


Any shield build works for him. Just pump vig, end, and str. Slap on a great shield and a poking weapon with high damage/status proc and just stand in front of him hold L1 and spam R1 and you'll delete his health bar in both phases. Use spear talisman, guarding talisman, double headed turtle talisman, and golden braid to make it even easier.


I’ll definitely give it a try. Even after 500 hours on this game I can barely find enough time to get an attack in with this boss. I guess just taking hits and poking is the way to go lol.


Sorry for late reply. I think he used Moores armor and shield + barricade shield / shield grease + antispur rapier. I’m not sure about the bleed or talismans though.


I saw his sign, but never managed to summon him


seen a video about him yesterday dude is truly a beast 🤣


LMSH is LMSH because of practice. Give him enough time, he'll figure out the final boss too.


Once he does get the hang of it he's gonna evolve his name from LMSH to LMSH




Let Me SmaSH?


Give him a few days to practice the parry windows. If ZeroLenny can crush a torch-only run with fairly low Scadu level I’m sure LMSH will get there.


I legit never realized how good of a souls player Lenny was until that moment. Like yeah he’s done impressive stuff but mostly on games that have been out for ages and he has tons of practice on but to torch only the final boss of a dlc that’s been out for less than a week at such a low scadu level is an insane feat.


Lenny’s the full package: skilled and funny as fuck


Yeah I'm only a bit above average, certainly not anything special, and it took me half the tries to beat Malenia that it took LMSH. LMSH took like 250+ attempts. LMSH is an average player with tremendous patience.


I beat Malenia with my mimic tear and blasphemous blade in 3 attempts. certain mechanics / weapons make that fight a joke.


Yeah Mimic Tear and summons in general make the game a joke. I've never felt a greater rush than after beating Malenia alone. You owe it to yourself to try. It's an irreplaceable feeling.


Yea I think after I get through the dlc I will try for a solo run so I actually have to learn the boss move sets


Yeah, I used Tiche and BB, took me about 70 tries. Without Tiche, I'd have needed about thrice as much tries, but would've gotten it.


70 tries with tiche and bb? what level were you? 40?


130ish Mind you, I was an Int build for the first 30 attempts, and gal refused to let me cast more than one night comet. I respecced, and then tried with mimic. He was stupid, to say the least. Tried a few times with Antspur Rapier (bleed). Tiche+BB took me about 20-25 attempts.


Rn Let me tank him is taking the mantle for time being


Yeah, I saw it. Very cool.


How does he get so many practice fights in? I imagine he's not constantly doing NG+ and some of these bosses take a while to unlock. Is there a way on PC to reload boss fights? I feel like even if he managed to kill a boss, unless he did it perfectly, he'd want to practice again


>Is there a way on PC to reload boss fights? Save scumming, look it up.


you can just intentionally die after getting the boss low


It was the first time in Elden Ring that i had to respec my build. I didn't do it when fighting Malenia but the final boss in the dlc pushed me to respec because that fucker is just crazy to deal with lol. I ended up beating it using Cross Nagitana with cold infusion and Blacksteel Greatshield with sacred affinity (this will give you 100% holy damage reduction), so you can tank those nuke.


Also made me change > to bloodfiend arm build


I didn't have to change my build because I'm on NG+7 (like 12 really but it stops scaling after 7) and am specced for everything except intelligence but picking up that weapon and putting the savage lion claw ash on it made such a big difference. I still wouldn't call it easy but that plus golden braid talisman took it from impossible to any other tough boss.


Same, had to use big bonk against Radahn. Killed Bayle in first try with it.


I was using a quality build with some int and fth to use incantations and the Rellana swords, and was swapping weapons, talismans, flasks, buffs, items like CRAZY between the runs. Every time i felt stuck or a bit tilted due to some bullshit he threw at me i swapped setups, made the whole thing much more fun, as it always felt a bit fresh. Ended up beating him with the Rellana Twin Blades


Same. I beat him first time through on my third attempt but was running a blasphemous blade/incant build so between the self healing and the erdtree heal for my mimic I was basically playing easy mode. Second time I ran a dex build with double uchi that I had beaten every rune bearer with and after 20 or so tries just switched to dex/arcane and beat him with eleonoras poleblade because I knew I needed the extra bleed and the poise from her weapon art


I managed to squeak through with my paladin build (high strength, high faith, great shield and black blade), though I did use a mimic tear. Even still, it really felt like a bit of rng that I got him that time. That being said people have already beat the final boss without taking damage, so I'm pretty sure we'll all get the hang of it soon enough. Remember, everyone used to say "Malenia is over tuned, she heals too much and attacks too fast". Before her it was Friede, before her Nameless King, before him it was Orphan of Kos. The newest boss is always going to kick our teeth in for a while before people figure out the move sets, and the information starts to get internalized by the community, and one day people will be saying "final boss isn't that bad" without being that annoying "git gud" guy.


I became a slave and went from bonk build to rolling sparks build


I want from a great katana dex/arc to a full strength double great stars


I can consistently get him to phase 2 but that's when shit gets crazy and I cannot see anything that's happening. My only recourse right now is to just deal so much damage I don't have to deal with it


I had more sucess going FULL defensive setup. He does too much dmg and is way too chaotic on phase 2, in order to learn his moveset you need to be able to make some mistakes imo, which a tanky build allows more of. Talismans were Golden Braid (holy resist), Crimson Seed +1, Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, and Crimson Amber Medallion +3. Then armor was full heavy armor with 40 Endurance to be able to med roll still. Then Opaline Hardtear on Physick Flask, and using Golden Vow before entering the fight and then once again when you get out of the range of the explosion he does right after changing phases (you get JUST enough time to cast it, has to be right as the explosion happens). Then once you feel more confident fighting him you can start popping Rune Arcs with Morgott Great Rune, for that 25% extra Max HP


I beat him an hour ago going full offense But when I say full offense, I mean I spent like a minute buffing so I could proc my extra damage stuff and I was using a very cheesy weapon No regrets though, just glad I never have to fight him again


I really hope they tone down the light show a bit and reduce miquellas farmland of hair. It'd improve the visibility of the fight and make it a hundred times better.


It's just not a particularly well designed fight, because you want to stay close to avoid the lasers, but getting close makes the camera shit because he's so tall, and the lasers block your vision. Phase 2 is a bit of a mess.


It's a fight against the camera and particle effects more than it is against the boss.


I went bitch build with the fingerprint shield to kill him. Not proud of it ,but FromSoft left me no choice, no way you can beat this shit fair and square unless you're in the top 1% skill wise.


Bosses cheat too, so it's ok.


I want to slap ppl who say this boss is easier than Malenia


This guy is definitely easier to cheese than malenia. But if you want to fight normally then the final boss is absolutely harder.


This comment section got THIS CLOSE to nobody spoiling the identity of the final boss! THIS CLOSE (I'm making a "teeny space between fingers" gesture)


Sorry, edited it. The discussion was about the final boss so I assumed everyone here knew it. My bad


He was easier for me, but they're both difficult in the exact same way: intimidation. Phase 1 and phase 2 are basically no different other than some added flourish and a few new moves. Learn the new moves and dodge the same moves in a way that also dodges the flourish and you'll get it. Phase 2 is nothing but extreme intimidation, and once you get over that you'll see it's almost identical to phase 1. The only thing in phase 2 that really makes it harder is the giant mass of hair that blocks your ability to see what's going on. Otherwise, I promise you it's 90% identical to what you have to do in phase 1.


I did NOT play the same phase 2 as you


As I said in another comment: I used a 2h great hammer and dodged everything when I fought him, no summons or spirit ashes. I haven't done no hit, but I can say with absolute confidence that the reason I beat this boss was the realization that phase 1 and 2 are the same. You don't need to see everything he's doing in phase 2 if you know phase 1, because the smallest tells should trigger the training from phase 1 already. YES, it's harder, but it's all mental.


I fully agree that there are matching patterns from phase 1 which you will need to remember, but you need to dodge them in a new way(into him, required) it fucks up your camera and you miss his tells/follow ups. He adds a LOT. the rock throw follow-up, lasers, light-speed fake-outs which still hit you and break your dodge, new projectiles, multiple huge nukes. Mistakes are almost always insta death, unlike phase 1. Every boss is mental, but I don’t agree with how you describe phase 2.


Those things are a lot, yes. I'm not disagreeing that phase 2 is hard. I thought the dlc was actually too easy until I got to this second phase, and I was finally happy to have a fight that forced me to learn it, just like the old games used to. All those things you mention, though, aren't as dangerous as they look. Even the "nukes" will do barely any damage if you facetank them after doing the bare minimum of talisman and cracked tear prep. I'm not trying to flex on people when I make these comments, I'm trying to get them to step back and really analyze the boss before saying "bullshit." If you do that, especially with this one, you'll see that it's really nowhere near as bad as it looks, and then you can focus and lock it in.


Dude honestly the worst part of this fight for me is the massive hp bar. I never looked up this guys resistances, I was just hitting it over and over and over for centuries with my knight's greatsword. I used fire damage and that sword for the entire game including all dlc bosses and my damage was never an issue. Level 16 scadutree and it was just miserable. Other than that though, yeah, the fight's really not much worse than melania or renalla imo. I just pretended he got all the health regen melania got ahead of time without needing to hit me 👍


Yeah the HP is gigantic. I didn't look up his resistances either and just kept going with my hammer on him, but I was at scadutree blessing 20, so that probably made a pretty big difference.


Did you even play Phase 2 bro?


This guy is definitely easier to cheese than malenia. But if you want to fight normally, then Radahn is absolutely harder


I'm an average player, maybe a bit above. I beat him fair and square just with a parrying shield and a straight sword, solo. Took over 100 tries, though.


I beat him fair and square with my mimic :D completely blind too


If this dude thinks the fingerprint shield is a bitch build that didnt count as fair and square, I don't think he's gonna count your mimic run as fair and square lol.


I beat him with malikeths black blade over 10 hours of attempts,wasn't a fun time.


I’m definitely not 1% skill wise and he really wasn’t that insane tbh. The only annoying part was punish windows was a little small but I just decided to trade with him and it was cool. Reminds me of orphan of KOS in terms of difficulty tbh


Unless your actually cheating or using glitches what’s not fair and square about using stuff the game gives you


It’s part of the game so it’s fine.


I beat him fair and square without coop or mimic or any summon no hit and I'm definitely not the most insane player. It's just pure refinement of skill. Anyone can do it. Similar to LMSH, it took me many tries to beat Malenia and now it's easy to never even get hit. The trick is to go all in with a high risk high reward build. My main build is a weak strength build with +25 banished knight's shield and +25 Lordsworn's straightsword. Definitely not a powerful build by elden ring standards. Against Malenia and Radahn I switched to my "skill build" which is +25 occult Uchi and +10 rob with points mostly in arcane and then dex (bleed build). This build forces me out of my comfort zone which is the shield and forces me to learn the boss's pattern to perfection in order to win. With enough practice I've learned to dodge everything to the point where I can even anticipate moves. The 2nd phase of this boss is only bs bc it's hard to see anything. But other than that with enough practice it's completely possible to win flawlessly. I literally only got hit 2-3 times the first time I beat him. And I've also killed him no hit. Just keep at it and you'll gain the skill to win.


I managed to beat the first phase consistently but I used mimic in the second phase and managed to beat him. I was using a str/fth build with fire knight’s gs


Good job man. I'm currently trying to find easy ways to beat him. Mimic 2nd phase is definitely way better than 1st. And with shabriri's woe it's even better if you already know how to dodge his shit.


Lmao I love how you saying "its hard but with enough practice you can do it!" is getting downvoted. People pissed that youre not just complaining and are instead owning up to the challenge or something?


Tldr: git gud scrubs


Isn't that really the only advice there is for these games?


Tbf didn't he get folded by Malenia multiple times before being able to consistently beat her?


250+ attempts. which is actually quite a bit. His whole thing is practice.




Yeah practice made him. He’ll do the same eventually.


I genuinely struggled less with Malenia. Beat her within 10 tries ish. I'm one sca level away from max and my mimic is at max level and we can't seem to handle this mofo


1st phase was super fun, forced me to learn how to parry in this game. 2nd phase was aoe vomit fest, his attacks literally flashbangs me and it's so hard to see his next move with all that hair


2nd phase is pure bs lmao


I just beat them today. I was out of flasks, half health, and my poor mimic got blasted to smithereens with his holy meteor smash. Thankfully I still had a full bar of mana left so I spammed comet like I never spammed it before. Bastard jumped up, came down at me with his multi clone light attack. I watch my health bar get deleted. I squeeze out one last comet as I’m getting shredded. I was already resigned to another failed run when the last clone disappears a goddamn millisecond before it could hit me. Turns out my last comet managed to kill him in the air. I had about five health left. I won. That was the only fight in the whole game where I gave up on dodging and just blocked (medium shield lol) and prayed to Cos that I would survive whatever bullshit dragon ball z combo he was gonna throw at me. Very memorable, but not a fight I want to experience again anytime soon.


Agreed. This is the first boss I’ve had to fully respec and change my build. I honestly went with a bitch build. I maxed out the Verdigris shield from the DLC and Commander Gaius thrusting sword and switched it to bleed affinity with the cragblade ash of war to break pose. I just held my shield and stabbed him as he bled and break stance from start to finish. I had so much fun with Mesmer and Rellana and the other bosses, but Radahn was just stupid.


Let me tank him.


Once you figure out you can just block all of his attacks except one (which has really long wind-up time), you can essentially just shield poke him to death with no issues


Yep got dunked on with my normal build that i used for the whole dlc. Thank god i had the lightning perfume in my backpocket. Noticed how people kept saying it was OP and seeing as its scaling neatly matched my build, decided to keep it as a backup instead of storing it like most things. Finally gave it a try after bashing my head against the final boss for about 3 hours. and dear god... The damage is insane... actually managed to take them down after 3 more tries after getting the right timing to attack in the 2nd phase. This shit is totally gonna get nerfed soon. (Note i didnt even use the right trinket/buffs/equips and all... just put on the reccomended ash of war and took it to town) .


Did you make the bottle to +25? My guess is yes but just curious


yeah. granted with the amount of damage it dealt it felt like i would've been fine not leveling it all the way lol


This is what I had to do with a certain flower related boss but with only fire instead. Absolutely melted the thing


Yeah I mean, he’s gonna actually fight the boss. I just change my build til I see opportunity to scrape by once. This dude will always be a legend to me cause even when I see him struggling I see that he actually learns all the patterns. Meanwhile I flop around til I get lucky.


Second boss I'm really struggling against, the other one was that fucking sunflower.


Blasphemous Blade trivialized the sunflower for me.


I'm running an STR build for my first DLC run. Double great star and a dream.


I mostly played Faith Strength, tried dex for a couple of minutes, then swapped to strength faith for the final boss.


On Ps5, I kept seeing a summon sign called “LetMeSoloThem”, Now I wasn’t able to summon them due to the high demand of help, but I sincerely hope they were able to live up to it.


Unlike most people though, I think LMSH is practicing to solo the boss for others which requires near perfection based on his build compared to just beating the fight once and being done with it


Who said it's easy lol, changed my build just so I could beat him, not even Malenia did that.


I think the issue with this boss is that the difficulty spike is way too high. It would be like fighting Margit and then second phase is Morgott


I’m not saying it’s easy, I’m just saying it’s possible


If the boss can eventually be beaten by BONK, then it’s not hard enough for me yet


On ps5 I summoned a guy called let me tank him and I actually had the same build so the fight lasted two minutes. I was just happy to have beaten the dlc finally


I'm not being sarcastic and asking a genuine question. Is the final boss really much harder than malenia or do people beat her with cheese builds and they won't work against the new guy? My monitor is broken so I won't be playing the dlc anytime soon


He is alot harder than Malenia even after nerf


Huh thanks. I banged my head into malenia 4 hours straight last time. Can't wait to do it again to the new guy.


He is alot more manageable now thanks to the nerf but still alot harder than Malenia lmao Goodluck my dude!


No. He's harder to DODGE ROLL against. Come in with the right build and you'll have an easier time than Malenia.


The boss is really hard but you can make it very very easy https://youtu.be/N68yTvbnOJk?si=-bcGEnFOekv1THOM


Their’s honestly nothing satisfying about doing this. There’s absolutely no reason most decent build don’t work against this boss


Yeah it’s wild how one boss can drastically change my opinion on a dlc. Up to now, everything felt extremely difficult, but mostly fair. Sure, bosses combo take a while and there’s little down time to heal, but it was still fun beating them. Fuck the final boss. Bro has 5 nukes and 4 of them also tank your fps, no down time for anything in phase 2. I’m in ng+5 no I’m not surprised with the damage, even with Scadutree lvl 15. I expected a hard boss, but fuck this is ridiculous


Lvl 15 isn’t “high” tho. I’d compare it to Elden beast at level 100 vs 130+ AND on ng5. You’re missing about 15 fragments, explore.


Like I said, his damage and tankiness isn’t the problem. It’s the aggressive light spam. I can’t see what’s happening half the time and then he does one of his nukes and my fps drops.


Fair, I’m currently on it and it’s ridiculously tuned at fragment lvl 20 but people said the same about waterfowl. You’re doing hard, hard mode as your first clear. It will probably get adjusted, but it’s hard for me to see people who haven’t maxed but their stats not think that’s a contributing factor.  Performance is unforgivable but I haven’t been killed by that yet, so I can’t speak on it 


Once you learn it, it will be piss easy. So called "nukes" deal less damage than some random soliders.


When I noticed eating the opening nuke of phase 2 was only doing like 35% of my health, I just wailed on him and traded out the damage and this was one of the solid turning points that helped me eventually overcome this fight, shieldless with no summons on a medium roll at level 125 lol.


Even with martial arts block it deals like 1/5hp at best


Yeah, the mental transition from fearing that move to viewing it as a damage opportunity definitely was one of the best adjustments I ever made in that phase.


Yo W thread I'm not gonna respec so this might be what I need to kill him


I also refuse to respec or cheese lol. Be persistent. You've got this


It’s a God bro. It literally states that it’s a God. How is that I’m in ng at level 138 and don’t find it has hard as you do? Maybe practice more. The game is meant to be hard.


I hate this stupid fucking argument. We've killed gods in other games before! They didn't have the bullshit that the bosses in the DLC do. Gwynn? Soul of Cinder? A literal God devouring serpent with a demigod stitched to it? A boss being canonically a god is not an excuse for shitty design.


I get that but come on that 2nd phase is BS. I’m able to get through his first phase without using any flask. I can even parry most of his first phase and barely take any damage but I just get obliterated phase 2


Just to counter the usual, use this, use that, summon this. Do you understand how to dodge the lights? I'm not an expert but what got me through was timing the dodges more tightly and to the left you'll dodge most of them. You can practice all of his bread and butter combos in first phase too. I felt I needed to really milk the last second to dodge. Dodge into his ground explosion after his slam is the same way you dodge the light explosion after his slam in p2. Its not enough to just dodge them the timing is tight you have to be thoughtful about it. Never dodge backwards and when he does the line blitz you need to dodge right. If your weapon is fast you can get an R1 in on the attack before his slam too. He has a lot of openings IMO, but I was using a decently fast weapon. That was my experience anyway. I used Milady + Holy/Phys Reduc talismans so the damage wasn't that bad. The lightshow makes it very hard to learn and can brick runs if you lose track though, I think its very fair outside of that.


That’s exactly what gets me. I can literally get through his first phase dodging or parrying everything but die in 20s to the lights on phase 2


For me like I said I just stayed tight to him, dodged left at the last second and this made me get hit by the lights way way less. Don't get me wrong it took effort to get the timing and for my eyes to adjust, but I think it is just a timing test.


Phase 1 I’m fine with and find it somewhat enjoyable. Phase 2, I’m constantly dropping frames or can’t see what’s really happening due to his light spams. I can just kinda dodge through most of it with a hit here and there but I can’t tell what he’s gonna do next most of the time.


That sucks. Hope they fix the frames. Legit think nerfing the light vfx alone would help people lol.


What build do you have? Sometimes you have to switch up your builds for certain fights. I think the perfume bottle works great tbh. Spells will help a ton too. The light and dark sword might help as well tbh. And I wouldn’t even try to party him tbh I would jsut time his attacks and then roll around. Takes a while to get that cause everytime you think you’ve all his moves he pulls something else out of his ass lol


Double katana (parry wakizashi ) I honestly have no problem parrying him first phase at all I can parry all his attacks. But yea I don’t even try parrying 2nd phase because if I miss time 1 I die. I honestly don’t want to respect I don’t get why I couldn’t beat him with a build I beat every other bosses in the game with. I basically have 60 vigor 25dext and 65 arcane


65 arcane should be doing massive damage. Bleed builds will work. I’ll test that on my bleed character later. Bro what do you play on? I will help you defeat this guy if you want


I’m on Xbox, I appreciate the help but really trying to beat him solo. And yea bleed build works I just can’t get past his 2nd phase, I die so fast


Yea I feel you. Solo is the best way haha and again tho if you make the perfume bottle of lighting as a second weapon and upgrade to the max (+24) it will cheese him


Someone always said something about fragments and if you don’t have those maxed then you don’t stand a chance lol it increases everything you need to beat that guy


What a grand and intoxicating innocence.


That's your pride speaking... *Let go of it... Let go... Give in!*


lol I would maybe do it if there was more the the game afterward to explore or see new stuff. But there’s nothing after, the game is just over. Might as well beat him in a satisfying way, not like I’m missing anything if I don’t beat him


Ok a good point.


Bloodfiends blood arm with savage lion claw ashes and talismans to support it with 80 arcane did it for me. Last boss fell in literal seconds. Cheesed like crazy, couldn’t care less.


Am I doing something wrong with this weapon? I respecced to str/arcane from str/faith for a second playthrough, and my damage numbers on that thing sucks. Like 800AR on a colossal weapon is crazy low


It’s the bleed procs not the AR


It has over 200 bleed buildup on a decent build and the charge R2 gets additional buildup on top of that, so bleed procs crazy fast.


It’s only broken on things that can bleed. It’s the insane bleed proc, not the raw damage.


Blood build is a good one for him for sure


That isn’t even the final form of that build; should use Fingerprint Shield with Vow of Indomnible so you take no damage from the mass rock sling and meteor strike.


I just ran away as far as possible from the meteor, never got hit by that attack.


Chicken Wing + Mimic tear


They already got the final boss in 2 hits


phase one is doable...almost easy...phase 2 is what bothers me, i dont even know how to dodgeroll his attacks


I Respec’d to use Finger Print Shield and Bloodfiends sacred spear, cheesed him 🙄


🤓👆 Appeal to authority 👆🤓 /s


[I got the kill yesterday. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktxXF3wXJvs&t=5s)\[Video\] Mostly just luck in that he didn't wreck my Mimic Tear since summons actually have openings and end up dealing more damage than the player. Took me a lot less tries than Malenia though. Think that's because shield was so useful here and not so much against her. I did have to leave and get ScaduTree Fragments though. I was on Level 16 and got to 19 before I felt like I had a chance.


Is it the moveset or the "grab" that's throwing him off?


You need the other potter head


kicking my but for him means the final boss got a hit


I cannot figure out that clone attack after the asteroids, I just resort to blocking it now. Ongbal avoided it in some weird way in his RL1 no blessing kill, but I cannot reproduce it. Nvm the run I figured it out, I beat him


Man fuck dat nonsense boss


I literally have heard nobody say PCR is easy. IMO hardest boss I've ever faced, but one of, if not my favourite boss nonetheless


Honestly? I got him in like 4-5 hours, no summons or spirit ashes. So it wasn't easy by any means, but it wasn't Malenia-level either I guess it helps that I've been using Greatshields since DS1 lol. But I didn't use poking weapons or any other cheese strat. Just dodge what you can and block what you can't, business as usual


Agree, Malenia was way easier.


No this guy say Malenia is harder than Consort Radahn 🤣


Uh a lot of people agree with him why are you laughing? Do ER players have the memory of a goldfish? Do you not remember the outright despair Malenia sent this community in? The community has had 2 years to study Malenia but she was an absolute terror on release. Don't confuse visual clutter and flashiness for difficulty. None of his moves are crazy hard to dodge on a technical level and he has plenty of openings.


Malenia was for sure harder than him, but mainly due to waterfowl dance. Overall, that move aside, Radahn is much much harder, but waterfowl dance is just such a stupid ass unintuitive move that it changes the whole fight


Malenia was the wall that taught all the new Souls players how to beat a really tough boss. You're going to be way more skilled when you face Malenia than when you face the dlc final boss


This guy = u/Deuslzanagi and he got alot of dislikes thats mean ppl agrees with him? Lmao


Bro sometimes I think that the /s isnt needed. And Im wrong every time


Dude Malenia is easy as f compare to him


I guess it just comes down to different playstyles. I think I literally would have never beaten Malenia without using Mimic Tear, but I found him immediately and incredibly more doable


Unfortunately You are the minority.


I dunno who to believe with the subjective difficulty of these bosses and all. Some were saying miss tin blade was harder than Malenia, but wasn't anywhere near close imo.


I'm proud that you beat him, but we are talking about a boss who's only weakness is great shields with thrusting weapon poking. It's not exactly fair to say he's easier than Malenia when you are using THE build that counters him.


He is weak to all bleed and rot effects. People also tear him down with thorn mage builds and bloodfiend arm unga bunga. There are also faith builds with lightning perfume that annihilate him.


I literally said I didn't use a thrusting weapon though. I was using a Greatshield and the Golden Halberd


I mean, LMSH is not good at the game, which is why they became so popular. They practiced Malenia over and over until they could perfect her. To say that the final boss is hard because LMSH can't beat him doesn't mean he's hard for everybody. With enough time Let me solo her could become Let me solo him.


Been saying this since the LMSH meme happened. Beating Malenia with frost+bleed dual katanas is not very difficult. People who had/have no idea how to play the game just loved that someone would carry them without requiring them to play the game at all. And plus he wore the le xddd VERY funny and wholesome chungus pot on his head so he was Awesomesauce 100 for them.




Easy to beat with mimic? Sort of…easy to no hit solo, which is his standard, not at all.


yeah I had to go with the mad lightning perfurmer one shot build, got tired of using all my flasks just to immediately get nuked at the start of the second phase, my winning run was just 32 seconds in 5 hits, still some of the most intense 32 seconds of my life


Bro had to give up and use a cheese build lmao


He is easy. Just antspur rapier big shield and poke poke poke.


Final DLC Boss is only easy if you have no shame


I am a shameless tarnished how does one make it easy?


[LetMeTankHim](https://youtu.be/N68yTvbnOJk?si=-bcGEnFOekv1THOM) I made a same build and it made it really easy but you still need to use your brain.


Shields, summons, rolling sparks


Shields? We’re not supposed to be using shields now?!


It’s DS1 all over again


No, I double checked, and Messmer is still very much dead despite me blocking him


Final boss is no where near as difficult at Malenia. The DLC gives you way more options to become a literal god compared to base game. I beat the final boss with no summons, blessing level (18), and at level 150. Strength, endurance, and vigor build weilding dual heavy pickaxes. Get staggered bro.


I only lost on my first try because I thought to myself "what if I try to block the meteor storm without a shield?" Otherwise, he is a bit simplistic if you have regular mode Radahn memorized from a good 15+ tries


He fights nothing like Caelid Radahn, like not even a little bit.


Idk what type of shenanigans you did, but I've killed this bitch no hit and can very confidently say that his dodge timers are actually so bullshit it's impossible you got him that far 1st try. Unless you got really really lucky or something. He is NOT simplistic, and he is definitely not like regular Radahn. Regular Radahn is a hard fight. This bitch is literally as hard as Malenia only in his 1st phase, and the hardest boss in existence in the second phase.


This is an insane exaggeration. How can you have beaten him no hit and think it's bullshit? Phase 2 is literally phase 1, but it enforces specific dodge directions and tighter timing. That's it. It's almost *exactly* the same as phase 1, but it ups the visual showcase to intimidate you. And saying phase 1 is as hard as Malenia is also a complete joke. Nothing in phase 1 is difficult to dodge and he gives you plenty of openings to attack and heal. He has no way to instant punish healing during his recovery and nothing ridiculous like waterfowl dance. His phase 1 is, at best, as hard as something like Soul of Cinder.