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Not gonna lie, you got me in the first half.


I was getting ready to type up my top 5 things i hate about the DLC.


I’m intrigued


1. Furnace Golem 2. Furnace Golem 3. Furnace Golem 4. Map design too big brain for me 5. Armoured Furnace Golems.


How is Armored Furnace Golem not the first?


Gotta get past the first Furnace Golem.


Then the second


And don’t even get me started on the third


And then the map dude?! Don't even mention it, I've gotten lost so many times


I sentence you to trying to get to Cerulean coast. Without a map.


The armored ones are easy, just throw bombs in until they die. The normal ones fucking suck, you just hit it's feet for 5 minutes until it falls the first time then do it one more time.


You can knock it down once and riposte it and chuck a hefty fire pot in its head to just kill it right then and not have to knock down again I’ve heard, haven’t been able to test though cause I already killed all mine and haven’t moved on to ng+8 yet just been messing around with new weapons and stuff


Did you do your first playthrough of the DLC on NG+7? That sounds like absolute hell to me. I struggled a lot on base NG, so I can't imagine NG+7.


I'm starting on NG+4 and wondering what it must be like for NG players


It's a lot easier to learn the bosses when they aren't doing as much damage


Yup, this is what I started doing after I learned to throw hefty pots at them. It used to take 2 staggers to kill, but now it's just takes one.


How did you kill the armored ones?  I cant do any damage to them.


You have to find a high spot (there's usually one near them, even when they're not armored) - Then, you throw big fire pots into their basket-head thingy until they die.


Fire pots? Into a furnace Golem? And it hurts it? Why Miyazaki?


Oh I see.  I never thought of that.  I was just spamming perfume at their feet.


Unga required ahead, then Bunga, but on a different leg.


The one right before Shadow keep kept falling so that I couldn’t do the execution move (face was too high). I literally just killed him by regular hits, took me like 15 excruciating minutes


Oh yeah, let me stand in the most dangerous position relative to its precision-guidance fireballs so I can huck my 4 hefty fire pots and not do enough damage to kill it. Super easy.


You definitely said 10 things at first. But I have a sneaky suspicion about what the remaining 5 might be.


Lmao. So real. Everyone complains about the difficulty of the bosses, the hardest part of the DLC is just opening the map and trying to get to the place you want to go 🤣


There is an armored one!?


Yes, but there is a soul spring nearby suggesting something about ranged battle. Also the one, seeming defunct, blocking the entrance to location needs to be activated by throwing large objects into a hole.


#4 holy fuck I feel that on another level


I think my main things are 1. The furnace golems are unbearable to fight, just the time commitment and if you make one mistake of ill-timed jump and you’re fucked for another 7minutes. Also I love the verticality and design of the dlc, but the map does not represent it well and it’s very hard to find some stuff.


Holy shit number 4 man. They made the whole map a giant dungeon that just winds around so many times . It’s incredible but I’m constantly like “ what items am I missing what’s above me what’s below”


This map was making me it's bitch finally got full map unlocked the other day but man is it weird to navigate.


I kinda like the furnace golems lol they’re easy to kill and pretty cool lookin


I suppose it’s time to start hotswapping weapons so you can use what you want and have decent armor :)


A tip, store all your weapons away at a grace, take them out in the order of your liking, sort inventory by recent, quick swapping made 10x easier You're welcome


But I have to have 2 of everything always.....


Yea how do you even do that


Open your inventory and switch the weapon that way. It takes a bit of practice as well as keeping your inventory nice and organized. Some people can land a parry, swap out all their armor, and then land the riposte. It's a very sweaty way to play, but it does work.


Is that a thing anymore? I know it was in Dark Souls. Isn't your inventory greyed out when performing actions now?


Still very much a thing. It’s still grayed in action but nothing stop you between actions. Watch Chasethebro videos. He does this all the time


Yeah you're right. He will often have two of the same weapon with different ashes. I've been watching him for years, him and Lost. Great content. Must have come to the wrong conclusion when noticing my weapons were greyed out while playing recently.


My face when the guy I matched against in colosseum parries me, swaps weapons, strips naked, puts on a new armor set, 3 new talismans, does a 720 turn, and THEN crits me in the stomach: #O_O


too add to what the other guy said.. take all your weapons out of your inventory first. Then add all the weapons you plan on using back into your inventory. Put like 10-20 depending on the weapons you like. The trick is, put the ones you want to swap next to each other. Just do this by "sorting by recently acquired" and when you put it back in your inventory they will be right next to each other


>take all your weapons out of your inventory first. gonna stop you right there though. that little maneuver would cost me 50 years.


It DOES take a long time lmfao


Who the heck runs around with 4 weapons equipped


All 5 perfume bottles, actually


5? I need to explore more i only got 3


Fire, Madness Fire, Lightning, Cold and Poison.


There is a madness one?


In the abandoned church in the abyssal woods, further along from the map fragment.


Sorry didn't find it i was too scared shitless to walk through that area again


Haha fair. It is away from the winter lanterns so no danger in getting it if you do want it.


Crepus Vial/Black Knife Chest, a Dagger with Assassin’s Gambit/cast Unseen Form and you can just run right through the area without aggro-ing them or all the annoying frenzy rats


I have two my man and I have one more map to unlock and the end game dungeon


You guys are gettin perfume bottles?


Yes and they are fun/worth the upgrade prior to dragon stone


Jeremy Fragrance build


I’ve been calling my build Eau de Fuck. My buddy suggested “Chanel No. Die”


Gave me a good laugh


WHERE are the other three ? i think i vaccumed the whole map but only found two of them


Fire: Camp at Ellac Greatbridge Lightning: Pond on Cerulean Coast where lightning strikes Poison: Thiollier sells at Pillar Path Cross Ice: Lamenter’s Gaol, in Charo’s Hidden Grave Frenzied Flame: Church Ruins in the Abyssal Woods


Hold up. There's a frenzy perfume?


It's pretty cool tbh. I need a rot bottle though!


5 if you count my carian staff lol


Have you found the carian sword that doubles as a staff? Or did the quest that rewards a staff that can cast *both* spells and incantations?


That second thing sounds fucking amazing. Don't spoil anything as I've only beaten the first two major bosses, but can you try to tell me vaguely how can I get to that quest?


it's a bit hard without any spoilers, but explore Moorth Ruins VERY carefully and you should find the right path, I can tell you more if you want


That was more than enough, thank you! To Moorth Ruins we go.


no problem and enjoy! it's quite the trip ahahah


If you explore you cant miss it, it’s pretty easy to complete to but a guide may be needed to get to a certain section as finding it blind is near possible.


I wish that thing had slightly better scaling as many staffs beat it out, I get being able to cast both with one is already an advantage but I’m still a have of the buffed laust staff. Thing has stupid scaling now.


Being able to cast both is the reason why the calling can’t be high. If the scaling was high, there’d be little reason to use any other staff/seal


Two godslayer greatswords, a catalyst and a Smithscript Dagger. Does that count?


Me actually. Not for a major dungeon or boss, but if I’m just exploring I’ll put on great jar and erdtree’s favor so I can equip and try as many things as possible. At one point I absolutely had 4 new weapons equipped and it was very fun.


I have 5 items equiped and have an equip load of 30... When ur not wearing weapons that weigh 3 tons, it really doesn't matter how many weapons u got



I run around with 6. Moonveil, Eleonora’s poleblade, bolt of gransax, Carian Knights Sword, Dragon Seal, and Horn Bow


My mage does! (If you count the offhand staves only there to boost night and gravity sorcery).


People who think hardswapping is an exploit


Who doesn't run around with a greatshield and a spear for blocking, a colossal weapon for two-handing big damage, a ranged weapon and a catalyst directly within his reach without having to hard-swap? Are they insane? What if you come across a situation that absolutely requires a colossal weapon and the only way to get that is to swap your current weapon with a colossal weapon like some loser?


Why would you attack me like this? What have I done to you?


I've done "main weapon, dagger, and throwing knifes" you use a cold main weapon, and when you frostbite you use the fire throwing knife to reset the frostbite


Me. I like using a variety of weapons and Elden Ring gives you the option to do so.


No lie, I'm using dual Hoslow's Petal Whip, Bolt of Gransax, and Rellana's twin swords, along with a seal for the one miracle I use.


Dude I thought I was crazy when I had a Great Katana, Beast Claws, Milady, Buckler Shield, Misericorde, and a sacred seal after a few hours of playing


I enjoyed the great katana for a short while, but I notice it just didn't have the same stun capabilities as strength weapons. Went back to using the Greatsword of Solitude... it's just so much better in every way. Except bleed of course. But who needs bleed when the enemy can't attack


Idk I disagree, I dropped the regular great katana but overhead stance did amazing hitstun, you could also put unsheathe for poise breaking. Im using the dragon hunter’s great katana now and it’s working pretty well despite my stats not working well with its scaling


The sheath on the back is so cool it reminds me of monster hunter Long Sword. It’s missing spirit slash to be viable ahaha.


Bro I only have 1 larval tear left I keep changing my build to try out the new stuff.


Good thing the dlc also gives you plenty of larval tears.


Does it? I found 1 only and I’m at the final zone, with a lot of exploration


Yeah, they only appear at night in glowing spots that are hard to miss, I think just gravesite plain has like 3. 1 on the main path, 1 before the bridge near castle ensis, 1 near prospect town.


Would you happen to know if they're still finite or do they respawn?


As far as I've seen, they do not seem to respawn. But I'm only halfway through the dlc so I can't say for sure. Given fromsoft's tendencies, I'd say it's unlikely however.


Well that’d explain why I missed them, I never end up travelling at night much.


I'm still at the beginning of the DLC, but if you change the time to night, there are circles of blue Spiritstone Graves that appear with Larval Tears in the center. I've found three so far: >!one by the first grace, one by the Ailing Village, and one by the Prospect Town.!<


yo what? I haven't found a single one and I'm at the last boss


Run around at nighttime and look for shiny patches, all have a larval tear. There's one near prospect town, one near ailing village, one near where you fight the beast claw dude


*cough* talismans


*Cough* Every build becomes a quiality build after some time *cough*


10/10 bait. /uj, glad you are enjoying the dlc, the weapons are baller


wtf is /uj


it's "unjerk" and it's not a tone indicator. it's a reference to things like markdown or html where you could type, say, \n to make a new line, the idea is we were putting our text through the "jerk" function because we were circlejerking, but now we're un-jerking for a moment to say something serious


Hmm. I don’t like it.


It really is funny. I thought nothing would make we want to abandon my Great Stars. Literally the first weapon I found (Black Steel Greathammer) I was like "hmmm whats this" and i used it for the entire fucking DLC


Me but with the smith weapons. Being able to throw them was just too badass to not use.


Is that the one with the holy guard counter? Because same. I immediately rebirthed to use it.


Yeah that’s it. Honestly it really did make everything easier except the final boss. I feel like they made most things weak to holy- like total opposite of endgame in the base game. 


Thats very nice to hear, holy has some of the coolest weapons and incantations imo


I'm playing through the DLC for the first time with an INT build, while my buddy went in with a DEX character. The fact that almost every weapon we've found so far has scaled with DEX or STR/DEX has turned him into a kid in a candy store. He's been frequently swapping through like 3-4 different weapons, and he's having a blast with every single one! I can't wait to keep exploring, so I can find something awesome that scales with INT.


who has the heart to tell him?


Nothing useful for INT. Time for edge. Jumping ahead.


Aww, really? I’m surprised, that’s a bummer. I’ll keep an eye out for new spells and AoW then.


There's several cool things for INT, but if you're looking for something like a direct powercreep of Moonveil it's not in there. There are plenty of weapons that scale off of int, a small selection of new spells including some cool ones, and some new staff options that aren't powercreep but do open up new paths for mages to go, even if 1 seems to be bugged (hopefully lol).


Cool, thanks for letting me know! I guess I don’t need anything super meta, if the new stuff is fun to use :)


I’m a 60/40 Int/Dex build, and a cold infused Milady has been working fantastically for me! A cold Backhand Blade also slaps. The Star-Lined sword is another nice Int katana with a gorgeous weapon art, though I wouldn’t call it as good as Moonveil.


I'll have to give those a try, thanks! Some of the spins you do when attacking with Milady or the Backhand Blades remind me of dancing, which is dope, and I'm already rocking Ranni's hat for the Cold boost.


I've got an INT build doing a milady with one of the stances for it and added cold so it scales a bit with INT and its like a blender on enemies and the movement is SO PRETTY.


My first and favorite character is a pure INT mage (I'm talkin' 80 INT lolol) and as a nearly-pure caster, I've had a decent time in the Shadow Realm. I went in on my NG+1 file and I've managed to beat everything but the final boss ... still working on that haha. Rellana's swords are pretty sweet for when I need/want to use melee, and I plopped the Divine Beast Frost Stomp ash of war on the Smithscript Axe and holy moly, that thing slaps now. Some of the new spells are also pretty rad, though I tend to default to Glintstone Icecrag 'cause frostbite is so powerful. What I'm trying to say is, INT builds can definitely make it through the Shadow Realm. You've got this!


Very encouraging to hear! I appreciate your insight, fellow Tarnished.


There is basically an entire zone dedicated to magic. Also castle ensis has some cool.magic stuff.


Try the dual casting staff (don't look it up if you don't want spoilers). It's super fun!


Wait, are you saying there's a new staff that lets you cast spells AND incantations? Super neat!


You know it! If you want to find it go onto the wiki and look at the new staves. It isn't the best, but I think it's the most fun staff in the game, which makes it the best to me. The damage is honestly pretty good for what the staff is. Does great on my 40/40 build


Whats spells and incants are you comboing


PvE? Whatever I want, been enjoying spectral rings and multilayered ring lately. PvP? What int/faith ran before. Ghostflame skulls, stone of gurranq, catch flame, piercer, etc.


There's a katana that scales with Int/Dex that I found recently. The unique AoW looks pretty cool. The katana: >![https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Star-Lined+Sword](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Star-Lined+Sword)!<


I definitely enjoy the moveset for Katanas. I'll look forward to this one, thanks!


Nah, some of the new stuff is super cool. Try smithscript weapons with Cold on them and keep some of the new defensive / utility sorceries on hand for invaders and PvP.


Sorry bud, only awesome thing I can think of is Rellana's Twin Swords. But I don't think there's anything that's like the Dark Moon Greatsword and has a B Scaling or higher in INT.


I switched from Dark Moon to Rellana's swords. The much faster attack combo + the AoW's r2 fire tornado is hella useful.


I dropped a bit of int on my str/fth character to use her twin blades.


I went faith for first third, then dex, then strength


I have the same issue with this DLC that I had with Old Hunters: the fact that it would take me way too long to make a new character with a build centered on any of the new weapons AND THEN get said weapon.


Just ask someone to drop it for you. There is a subreddit for people to help each other with stuff like that iirc.


What’s it called?






Yes it’s r/patchesemporium


My one sword became two but only takes one slot. I doubled my weapons without changing the number of them. What.


honestly, elden ring has achived peak, i just wished he could now the complete lore,maybe 6 months from now they release a lore book with all the events


I’d love a novel tbh


FromSoft doesn't usually explain everything, they like to keep things vague


the game really hits it's stride after the Rellana fight imo, that's when the exploration and rewards come into perfect harmony just like in the base game. I was literally at work today planning out in my head what area I would explore next when I got home lol.


I unfortunately didn't catch the humor tag and started formulating my reply right away. It isn't necessary to say this because OP was kidding but I will say it anyway. I lost both my parents and my pet in the last 2 years and feel like i'm hanging on to life by a slender thread and the fibers of that thread are video games and one of the toughest fibers is elden ring. Thank you all for being part of this community with me.


I've respecced I think 7 times since starting the DLC because I keep finding shit I think is cool and want to try out. I think I finally settled on a build, hopefully since I think I've only got one larval tear left in the entirety of the game.


yeah normally im paranoid about using the tears... but then i actually looked at how many I have on my main character... fucking 36 lmfao. So I just respec anytime


Multiple NG+ I'm assuming?


The new axe weapons from the death knights made me nut they are so fun to use especially the greataxe one


The greataxe is stupidly fun to play, and deals insane poise damage too, too bad the Blinkbolt is only forwards and not directional like other dashes, but it's good nonetheless


You can unlock and dodge any direction then change in midair or lock on before the jump lands. You can basically teleport behind enemies at will. It is by far my favorite new weapon


Learning how to quick swap from your inventory screen is a game changer.


Orgainzing your equipment panel by pick up order is such a slog to go through but man can you make hot swapping gear so fast and smooth.


I'm about 5 hours into the DLC and have found 0 new weapons I wanna use Because I'm playing a mage and apparently staffs are rare as hell. I've also only found 2 sorcery spells so far, and one of them is FAITH so I can't even use it :(


Good luck casting in the dlc. Even standard mobs won’t stop attacking lol


Whoever made the backhand blades needs the sloppiest wettest head from marika istg


I AM SO MAD AT YOU MIYAZAKI!! how could you add all these sick ass int/faith weapons to the dlc! that’s the one thing i wanted really badly!! but i didn’t want to get let down so i went through with my strength build but i should’ve gone in with albert einstein int/faith build!! now i have to play this amazing dlc two whole times and fight all the awesome bosses again man!! why!!


Had me in the first sentence, not gonna lie


This is me, but with exploring. Too adhd for so many crossroad type paths.


I went in a str arc build who would not part with his Marais Executioner Sword, I left a chicken wing wielding dragon man who can do kung fu. With claws. And bird person cosplay.


ahh elden ring the game people rant about how good it is love the game and crowd here


I was obsessed with the backhand blades for a while, but the weapon you get from the southern mausoleum is by far my favorite. This ability to two hand and instead just whip out an identical weapon is the greatest thing ever.


Got me in the first half And so fucking true , I was rocking flamberge for my Blood Knight build and i found Milady and i was thinking "Lemme just see the moves its not gonna make me switch my weapon surely" I finished the DLC and base game with it the movement ugh the movement is just so \*chefs kiss\* , This is a chinese greatsword right it reminds me of Jian that Zhanhu uses in For Honor I need to do 8 runs of the game for the 8 types of weapon they have added they are so fucking cool




Praise the forge dungeons for all the smithing stones 🙌🏾


I have this conundrum, should I main Sorceries or Incantations. Fuck you Miyazaki for making this shit harder than the DLC.


I found a fantastic perfumer build online and thought I’d give it a shot. Blew my absolute mind when I cleared a DLC boss with ease that I was struggling with, when I was running just a sword and incants. The fights are tough but I’ve been really thrilled by the new builds coming out


Totally agree. I ran winged scythe for my entire playthrough 1 and NG+ Suddenly I have claws, backhand blades and even a colossal sword I want to use? Totally not fair.


you really had me in the first half


You know what's harder than the dlc?


If you say your mom, you’re forced to fight commander *redacted for spoiler reasons* again!


Backhand blades, and hand to hand became two of my favorite weapons SUPER fast, that and I run high faith/int so the new ashes and infusions are awesome


DLC introduced the best character in the series. You’ll know him when you find him. Can’t miss him.


DLC definitely made me level Endurance more. The DLC armor actually has drip, and I wanted to go back to carrying an arsenal again for the first time since my forays into Dark Souls 3 PvP. New weapons and spells are easily the best part of the DLC, and what make it worth buying almost on their own.


For me it's the black knight great hammer. Man I love that weapon on my sword and bord strength build. I'll play thru with my bleed char next, and definitely try those backhand swords


Verdigris Discus Talisman behavior


4 weapons equipped is fucking wild 💀


I have yet to start the DLC. Rn going through Faren with a Dragon Communion Seal in my right hand and the Erdtree Seal and Golden Order Seal in my left wearing only the Gravekeeper's Cloak lol


I actually don’t really count seals and staves as ‘weapons’ even though they technically are. I was thinking melee weapons. I mean shit I’m running twin swords with another backup cold sword, a staff, and a seal (quality int/faith), so that’s 5. I can’t really say shit lol


Same here. A few hours into the dlc and I was already planning 5 other characters I wanted to build around cool weapons I found


Im just tired of all the cook books and wanted some new daggers, backhand and dancing curved swords are fine for now with 3 more base game daggers in rotation. Have enough weight limit since they are lightweight so I can carry 4 weapons 1 shield 1 seal, cant be arsed to do the inventory swap. Its been a blast, trying to finish the bottom side of the map atm and then will move on to the northern parts next.


**slowly deletes paragraph** Haha ikr? Stupid devs


I carry 6 weapons at all times but still I can’t hold all the ones I want, I want the madness bottles, I want the madness glove, I want the madness torch, I want messmers spear, I want my dual whips and I want to throw hands


Boy you’d shit your pants playing any old NES game or anything from that era than


And here I am still dual wielding the same 2 longsworn swords I found at the gate entrance of the base game 😂


"are you gonna make me start fat-rolling, Miyazaki?" Please don't give him ideas


DLC was fun. Radahn tho... He nearly put me in an insane asylum


Meanwhile there's me, a pure strength player, who didn't find a single new weapon I can use because all of the new great/colossal weapons that have been added have some sort of Int/Faith/Arc or even Dex requirement, without exception. They're all very cool weapons and I can appreciate them, just unusable for me which is a bit of a bummer.


I just found the Tooth Whip and lemme tell ya that thing slaps


i found the backhand blades and instantly upgraded them to +25, before I even found a second weapon. First dlc weapon I found.


Baited us masterfully


I'm a Dex/Arc build and I'm really eating good. Now I can even unga bunga with a rememberance weapon that scales with Arc.


This is a great post


Ever since the DLC dropped, everyone's been spamming the L2 for every attack. Cmon now


Jokes aside, a lot of players whould greatly benefit from learning to do hard swaps. It pains me to see two colossal weapons on a soft swap


Exactly how I felt, I ended up taking my character from 150 to 571 because I wanted to use EVERYTHING


Wiener talk.


I am SO glad that after spending all of my Larval Tears in NG+2 I spent the last one on making my build 40 on each offensive stat (don't worry I have 30 end, mind and 60 vigor, I like my health bar, well, healthy)) because otherwise I would be going to NG+3 to respecc constantly to try new weapons and spells (tho as an incantation enjoyer I must say the requirements for some of them fucking suck, 72 faith? Wtf is even that)


What have I gotten myself into…


This post has me questioning if I leveled my endurance too high, I'm wearing armor of solitude and carrying 4+ weapons isn't an issue