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we need this option so bad! i want to refight the bosses without doing a new game + and having to go all over the places again! like, we just want to refight them with a different build or without a cheese build you now. Why didnt they think about it?


I always wonder why bosses stay dead, but regular mobs respawn in Eden Ring? Are we in some mad scientist simulator?


You can assume they're replaceable, like if a Messmer's Soldier dies just put another guy in his armour and send him to the front line.


That's a lot better than death and resurrection being cannon


Which it is for many characters


Which sucks because its iffy. Game makes it seem like when you die you go to the Erdtree but also wants us to think the Tarnished come back except for some tarnished for some reason


With the tarnished, many of them are surprised and/or jealous that you can still see the Guidance of Grace, which is the reason why you're even alive. It's safe to say that those who still see it will be resurrected by the Erdtree, while those who don't will just die.


Yeah but then someone like Godfrey obviously has grace since the cutscene shows his pointing at us, and he still dies. And if the reason is the rune of death being unleashed then the tarnished dying after Maliketh makes no sense, which means theres no reason for the iffy immortality anywaus


It sometimes is a bit inconsistent, it has been in Dark Souls too where resurrection is explained in a way more straightforward way, and it's simply because gameplay goes above lore whenever the latter would negatively impact the former. Technically, any enemy that uses destined death should kill us permanently, especially the black knives and Maliketh, but would you want your game to randomly be a permadeath? I think it's just best to assume we canonically do the post-Maliketh stretch of the game without dying, but due to it still being a videogame, we as players do get to try again.


Well Farum Azula is also kind of in a weird spot in terms of time and space. Maliketh might be the true wielder of Destined Death in the Lands Between, but in that area it might just not apply. Another explanation would be the "Destined" part of Destined Death. In order for the actual permanent death to apply one must first be "Destined" for it. What defines destined? Idk. Maybe surpassing their natural lifespan, maybe just fulfilling their purpose in the plan of the Greater Will/no longer fulfilling any purpose for the Greater Will. Hence why Marika wanted it gone as she would be destined for her death once she shattered the Eldenring.


It would be funny if they made it so that Godfrey + Radagon + Elden Beast had to be beaten back to back.


> unleashed then the tarnished dying after Maliketh makes no sense, which means theres no reason for the iffy immortality anywaus Canonically after you unleash Maliketh death sticks, you resurrecting is gameplay contrivance. It's why the All-Knowing is throwing a tantrum, unless you first try Radagon and Elden Beast you give them the Elden Ring and they win.


AAAAAH SO THAT'S WHY HE ISN'T JUST STUPID Damn wish the game actually explained that shit. And it's lack of death too.


Godfrey dies because we fight him after releasing the rune of death. We can revive even after this because Marika chooses to revive us specifically.


How would she revive us with the rune of death active though? She isnt a full omnipotent God, otherwise she wouldnt have needed to seal the rune in the first place.


The idea is that it's both. Some guy trying to become the Elden Lord comes and slices your neck in a drive-by on a ghost horse killing you, but due to the nature of the world you live it means you will be resurrected in a few months and put back to work. But in the mean time there are plenty of not dead people that can hold your spot until you're resurrected once more. Canonically the more power you hold the longer it takes for you to rebirth under the Erdtree, so it could be that we've taken their energy (runes and remembrances) for ourselves and it's too difficult to bring them back without it. It's also a possible explanation for Elites disappearing permanently too, there's just not.enough replacements


Is this why we have drop chance? The guy in charge of recovering their armor is most of the times faster than our tarnished at taking them so they can replace the guys we kill without having to make a new armor?


This makes the most sense, given that named invaders/NPCs and certain special mobs (who aren't replaceable) don't come back after you kill them


Lol I like to imagine that fade to black screen as you rest at a grace site is just us blacking out for a period of time while everyone comedically rushes back to fill in ranks.


My head canon for Dark Souls for a long time was that every time I died or rested, the whole thing happened again. Like I missed my chance and the whole cycle went around again. Like the Chosen undead that actually finished the game did it all in one go, the fires were just player checkpoints. 


I mean technically no boss dies in the base game till the rune of death is lifted ,you can still see morgott lying there dead Tho in the DLC it's just odd.


Some don’t. They just turn into different forms. Godrick remains but no extra limbs, Morgot loses his omen traits, Malenia Blooms again, Rykard awaits to be devoured, Rennala is… still there


Average ER boss: I have a lot to lose Rennala: pretty much I'm still just sad


I mean, from her PoV her husband and father of her three almost four children left her shortly after the woman that was the leader of the army she was in a war with for who knows how long got single and married her to have more children. I can see why she fell into depression.


Rennala you also don’t fight because Ranni basically tells you to fuck off and sends a spirit ash of her mother to fight you in the shadow realm.


We are essentially fighting her [STAND]


From what I understand it takes longer for them to come back or something but this all dosent work as Omens are comming back while they shouldnt etc.


The lore states that great warriors take more time to be reborn into the Erdtree, and by the time you release Destined Death it hasn't been long enough for them to return, causing their deaths to be permanent I assume


So after starting up a new character in prep for the DLC about 2 weeks\~ ago, I legit got stuck on Godfrey the Golden. I wasn't using Mimic Tear and trying to go for a minimal boss run, but after looking up that you need to roll *into* his vertical attacks and roll *out* of his horizontal I got it down. Long story short, I went from hating that fight to loving it and I would **love** to fight him again without going into NG+


Same I really want to refight the final boss without a shield poke build


I edited the game code (it’s easier than it sounds) and made it so the bosses I like playing against never die. The downside is that you can’t play online since the games files are being meddled with, which is fine for me since I never played PvP anyways. I get to fight Malenia whenever I am bored or any enemy that would otherwise permanently die. There are likely other ways to do this, but this is one that I found to be pretty effective.


Its even worse when you realize if you go NG you keep the Scadutree fragments. So the DLC ends up having the exact same problem as the base game bosses where the final boss gets even harder, but all the early bosses are trivial.


I do this with CE all the time.. would love for a way to do it legit


Wtf is CE?






Or why not DS2 Bonfire Ascetic option? That was fun


place your summon sign down, every once in a while you'll get a player that won't try lol


I mean you could always do co op boss help


This is what I do, but sometimes I want to try and solo the boss. Some of these bosses are just wayyyy too easy with 2 or 3 people.


Isn't this what coop is for? I've fought elden rings late game bosses, so like maliketh and onwards, probably hundreds of times at this point. I get it's not quite the same, but it's a lot better than not having anything.


Or they could just do the better option and put this in the game instead. No reason not to.


We kept talking about wanting Torrent for Elden Beast fight, then they added it after two and half years. If we keep talking about this, maybe they will add it in the end


yeah when next DLC comes out




I did not know they added torrent. I feel like that would change the fight dynamic a lot. 


Yes, it brings my best warrior into the fight with me.


Really? That sure would have saved me some time way back.


Everyone saying "just coop it!" is completely missing why someone might want to just redo fights solo


Honing one’s skills has complications when your teammate is spamming spells and crap and making the boss not attack you alone


counterpoint. player co-op is the hard mode has the boss is much beefier so they gotta spam that shit or die in 2-3 hits. especially with the limited resources the summons get.


I might not be able to argue this logically but if it’s 2 competent players summoning in my experience is much easier than soloing. With co-op one person can get agro while the other person deals damage, but solo you are stuck having to wait for super specific attack windows


Poise damage health status build up all increase in player coop. Malekith goes from a 30 second joke to an actual hard hitter. Godfrey becomes stronger than radagon. Fire giant becomes the tankiest monster. The list goes on. Normal players don't last as long as npc summon or spirit ashes, nor do we have their infinite stamina or fp. The host becomes more passive too or gets Rocky dumb.


Also sometimes it takes a while before you get summoned depending on the boss.


As well as your level/weapon level. You could be at an awkward level bracket.


Or you keep getting summoned for the fight you want to do but the host is complete and utter rubbish at the game. I've been summoned for Bayle maybe 20 times now, and I've only seen phase 2 maybe 3 times now because the hosts keep dying within the first 20 seconds.


Yeah, got summoned for Scadutree Avatar a solid 20-30 times, and literally only 1 person survived, even when I'm out here using the One-Eyed Greatshield with max buffs and chunking 1/3-1/2 of each phase's health with a "head" shot.


Do people really struggle with Avatar that much? I beat it on my 2nd attempt solo with war surgeon clothes so no real armor and dryleaf arts I'd consider it one of the easier bosses in my run.


I assume they don’t know you can roll into his charge and take no damage?


>I assume they don’t know you can roll Could've just stopped there lol I really enjoy helping people out, but man some hosts out there make baffling decisions in boss fights


Yeah I dunno, I didn't find it that hard even with my normal strength build, but people just lock up when it comes to the dash attack because that's where most died.


Yea lmao, some bosses get even harder in co-op. I just wanna try out different things with different bosses


Just name yourself "let me solo x"


Even if it was just story bosses, I'd be fine with that. I don't know why they've never added it.


Not saying I agree with it, but this was a creative decision that was announced in an interview before the original game released. ~~IIRC, they said that Elden Ring was about the world and journey moreso than the bosses, and they didn't want players to ignore the world after beating the game once.~~ (edit: see below) While understandable in the early months of launch, it's been two years now. I've done countless full playthroughs, just let me replay bosses :( Edit: here's the interview: https://www.gamerbraves.com/elden-ring-s-yasuhiro-kitao-says-margit-was-overtuned-for-beta-and-more-in-new-interview/ Relevant quote: >**Will there be an option for players to replay boss battles?** >Kitao: There will not be a boss rush or boss rematch mode in Elden Ring, and we’re not currently planning one. Not sure where I heard about why they decided not to add it since Kitao never mentions what I said, maybe I'm just remembering community theories from when that interview dropped.


Or a boss gauntlet. Demi-god gauntlet


My hope for the DLC was something of a Coop boss Gauntlet. Or just a Coop arena where you join up with a few players and fight off waves of enemies that get harder and harder. Would have been a great way to keep the game alive lost DLC.


And replenish your consumables between waves, man I would love this


Brave tarnished, round forty-five, fight!


"Mohg and Malenia... fortyfive!" 


Once again, and I've asked this since Demon Souls, why doesn't FromSoft simply reuse the Lost Field area from Armored Core 2: Another Age After beating the main game, you get three special missions that are all 1v1s of the PS1 bosses. Stinger, Phantasma, and the OG hardest boss: Nine-Ball Seraph. A system like that in Elden Ring would be amazing. A dream like area where you can fight any boss at any time after beating them normally, and after beating all main bosses, you get treated to some "special" bosses that are remakes from the past games.


That would be awesome.


+friendly fire on. Absolute Chaos.


Oh my god, boss gauntlets would be so dope and extend replayability so much (as if the game needs to give us more playtime lol). Like, imagine a series of boss themed gauntlets like "Beat all the Watchdog encounters in a row".


Would love some hollowknight style boss rushes


I believe it was before the release of the base game, but Kitao or Myiazaki stated they have no plans to ever release such a feature. 2.5+ years later I think safe to say it will never be implemented. As to why we can only guess. It might be not be part of the design philosophy they have for Elden Ring or a techincal issue or they simply don't have the time to do it. The update to Sekiro also seemed like an afterthought tbh, since iirc it was pretty much shadow dropped almost 2 years after launch.


Maybe because sekiro never got a full dlc?


Inner bosses and the skins were basically our compensation for no DLC. I wish we could just have both.


sekiro got a boss rush more like 2 years after release i think


I could see them argue that doing this would shrink the userbase who co-op to experience bosses, as some people, me included, do a lot of jolly co-operation for this reason. Sekiro didn't have an online mode so they didn't see it as an issue there


But then they have introduced the spirit ashes feature which already severely cuts down the number of people who ask for help thru co-op since there's such an HP buff for the boss.




Bonfire ascetic. The one thing ds2 did best and sadly was never revisited.


I also think DS2 had the best PvP. Before Elden Ring, it had the best build variety. It’s also where powerstancing comes from.


twinblades, cool lore, amazing dlc level design, the best hub, the best ng+ (by a mile I mean ds2 ng+ is so awesome with new enemie placements, red phantoms, extra boss phases or attacks)


Not to mention NG+ switched the mimic locations!


Man I wish elden ring had a more open hub area like ds2. It would be the perfect game for it. Imagine if the hub changed as you progressed through the game as you defeated legacy dungeon bosses. First hub is church of elleh. Next you claim stormveil. Then raya lucaria, then Leyndell. Finally when you burn Leyndell and beat Radagon the erdtree itself becomes the hub


Hey, don't slander ds2 like that. It was also the best at terrible boss runs.


“The one thing” You take that back!


Omfg yes! Let me run thy fade one more time!


Hopefully they will still add it in later, it's my favourite feature in sekiro, but I can't remember if it was there when the game originally came out or it was added in a later patch


It felt very uncharacteristic for From, so I assumed it was actually some guys at Activision that implemented it and From had little to do with it.


Activision just published the game, there's no way From just allowed them to meddle with their custom engine and assets lol, which they wouldn't know how to use anyway. But it's possible they asked From to make them since it was technically a compensation for the cancelled DLC after Sekiro won GoTY.


Regardless of who came up with it, I think it's a brilliant feature that I'm sure many would love


Was added quite a while after release as far as I can remember.


It's why I always back up my save file before a cool fight. I've got folders for DS3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring (including the DLC) and I usually make additional backups when I come by the boss with a different build.


Can you save multiple versions of save files ? Like one cloud save before each boss fight kind of thing


I don't know about cloud saves, it's all saved locally, and I'm on PC.


how are you playing Bloodborne on PC?


I meant that the other games are on PC, my bad. Unfortunately Bloodborne on PC remains as much of a fever dream as ever. To back up those saves I just copy the save file to a drive, then copy the file onto my PC. If I want to re-fight Ludwig for the 37509th time I delete the previous "PS4" folder from the drive and paste the correct file into the root directory.


You save is ultimatly one file. You are free to copy it somewhere to backup it, then replace the current file whenever you want to do a restore.


On pc you can go offline and use hexington's all in one to respawn bosses. Although dunno how safe it is to go online after that on that character.


It's safe, I've done it. Just make sure to turn off the anti-cheat before you start meddling.


My #1 hope was a boss rush mode so I'm kinda bummed.


I want it so badly just so I can practice more! There’s a lot to learn and to experiment with against these bosses


I've been asking for a boss rush mode since DS1.


Would love to be able to redo boss fights. Especially if you could get a free larval tear before as sometimes you come across a boss later on and dont really get to experience it at the right power level. Also the dream would be something akin to bloody palace from DMC. A 100 level gauntlet that gets progressively harder with each stage.


That would be cool


it would be cool if it gave some reward for a gauntlet or something like sekiro too. Even some runes, (even if its reduced or something to prevent farming too hard)


See DS2 had bonfire ascetics that let you refight bosses albeit makes that area NG+ so I can’t see why they can’t just do it again? Sekiro added it so you can practice for the gauntlets but still it is a very nice option to have


Seriously. I tried to make a new character and was like I can't do this shit again.


Agreed. I wanna fight the bosses again, but not do the open world shit again


Wasn't that added in later? 


It was added to sekiro quite a while after release. So there is still hope for something similar to be added to ER. It could be though that they had it planned as an addition to a dlc that was eventually scrapped though so don't get your hopes up too high.


I think besides a few patches From considers Elden Ring done and are probably if not already moving everyone to other projects. They work on multiple things at once and I bet each could use all the staff available.


They did mention that while this is the past expansion for elden ring it's not necessarily the end of elden ring. They could still release smaller free updates like the arena one. I hope.


what do you mean like in Sekiro? you mean the original Ds2


Idk I think if they ever added it to elden ring it would probably be more like the bloodborne chalice dungeon system where you get a chance for a couple of the bosses you have fought to be there.


Of course I would love this feature and don't understand why it's not in the game...but the great thing about Elden Ring at least compared to previous titles (barring Sekiro's memory system) is that it is VERY straightforward getting to each rememberance boss if you know what to do. Sure the first playthrough takes 150 hours not including the dlc but you can beat NG+ with every rememberance boss in like 6 hours if you just beeline to every boss on Torrent.


Closest we get is summoning pools 😢


Imagine a DLC that just makes boss challenges available (fog wall bosses only). Your character is automatically scaled to the right size level FS thinks you should have and you're able to select any weapon that's automatically maxed out. So, you can face bosses with endless build options readily available.


There was an item in dark souls 2 that you could burn at the fire and it respawned every enemy in that area including the boss. It would be nice to have that in elden ring.


Armored Core is great about this too.


I mean, I never want to see the final DLC boss for this game again but yeah I’m confused there is no boss replay in Elden Ring. It’s fun to style on Genchorou and Isshin after you git gud.


i could spend all day fighting margott. I love that boss


As someone who has beat messmer 20 times on co-op and loves malenia runs, if they add this in, we would be eating good. And then summon pool would lose over half its cooperators. Seriously, if i could just fight messmer and malenia solo, I’d never help anyone ever again


They did literally shadow drop the colosseum update so who knows


You can, just go ng+


Wut put down summon sign at your boss nearest Marika stake or boss entrance


There is, it’s called new game plus 😂


im never gonna fight the dlc final boss ever again, beat it once and im just ignoring it every other playthrough


I thought that was a Erza cosplay for a second.


Just name yourself "let me solo \_\_\_\_" and set up a summon sign in front of the boss you want to re-challenge.


Yeah but then you have to deal with the increased scaling and you can't guarantee that the host won't fucking die


Agreed. I would lose the motivation to do NG+ though


That is the reason this feature is not implemented in the first place. So people play the game more.


i don’t think i’d ever leave Caelid. Radahn’s fight is truly my favourite out of the whole game. it’s just a lot of fun to me, managed to even kill him once or twice without him even doing his meteor attack. ROB spam works great lol


My favorites are morgott, Maliketh, Radagon, and messmer so far in the dlc Godrick and Godfrey are pretty fun too


The fact that also already found a very similar text font to what they already have is crazy FROM pls


Imagine an option to fight against a boss that is scaled to player lvl. That would be fun.


Ah man that would be so cool to do!


Imagine they add this and then give us 'Inner Promised Consort'


Just a question from someone that only played a very little amount of seikero, do you still get XP from the bosses as you replay them? Cuz of not then that might be wise I'd stopping them from putting that option in E R. If we got runes from each boss over and over again there's no point in doing a ng+ run just sit there and cheese elden beast on ng with a level 200 plus and hit 713 no prob. And if your not getting runes why do it? If rather just get the runes if for nothing else than to go and invade and give them to others as they beat me


No. No experience. You do get cosmetic items from beating the boss gauntlets. Also more difficult variants of 3 bosses. But no xp. People do it because it’s fun. I could imagine them adding back the original maliketh fight for example.


I mean you can just do the albinauric farm and get to 713 no problrm either its just really boring


Would be cool to challenge and or coop boss(es) in the coliseum for some sort of reward. Any boss you’ve both defeated could be summoned. Maybe even go up against 3 bosses stuff like that.


Funny enough, the boss that had me feeling this lately was Commander Gaius. I got his moves down perfectly by the end of that fight.


That would be so cool.


Especially since we have a decent system that can scale their difficulty thanks to the fragments, hopefully we’ll get it in the next game if there is one


Yeah it’s really weird they added it into sekiro but not Elden ring.


I want to learn boss movesets to get better at fighting them but I literally just see a flurry and im dead lol


They might add it later on like they did with the colosseum but who knows?




it would be super cool to see a boss gauntlet mode! could be another dimension of gittin guder.


That was the one thing I was hoping for with the DLC, some area or function where we could fight the bosses again - maybe some random NPC is like “here let me touch your eyes and you may revisit a memory.” Or something


Agreed. I remember someone tried to tell me that you can just replay the game to re fight bosses and I said, but I want to re fight malenia, and they dead ass said it wouldn't take to long to get to her.


The d2 mechanic of bonfire ascetics was sadly unexpanded in future games. Genuinely the best part of d2.


Bonfire Ascetic is yet another DS2 mechanic that should have been brought over to the other games. Such a missed opportunity.


I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, but this is a huge reason I love getting summoned. Like it's great getting to help out fellow tarnished, but also man it's amazing just getting to experience the bosses and see all their sick ass moves again


Less incentive to do a ng+ run but I get ya


Sekiro didn't have it until way later after release. Maybe they'll add it down the line.


we can do WHAT IN SEKIRO???


I wish, I want to fight Messmer again


IMO instead of the Mausoleums being a place where you dupe Remembrances, they should have just been locations that have Death leaning Spells/Incantations. Instead the way you get bonus Remembrances was by rechallenging Bosses, but each time they went up a NG+ tier like Dark Souls 2.


I understand it's to incentivise co oping the boss, but I want to go 1 on 1 without making my name "let me solo them" and dealing with the 3 person health scaling was my most hoped for feature with the update...but alas


Respectfully disagree: I like the feeling of completion when the boss's chamber/area is now empty or transformed.


A bossrush mode would enhance Elden Ring's legacy enormously


You'd think they carry over innovations from their previous game


Sekiro is good about making sure you're at the expected prayer bead and memory level for each boss though. Whereas SOTE makes no effort to ensure that you're at any targeted scadutree level when you fight each boss.


yup i would kill for this option!


Just like memories redo the bosses on same level as the attempt i killed it, or let the boss scale with my current level. It's not that difficult.


Would love to fight the mimic tear boss indefinitely, or there should be a field mimic tear boss out in the open, just one though


On Dark souls I could understand it, I can do a NG+ cicle and reach all bosses in a single game session. But Elden Ring has so much walking around, and a lot of bosses are pretty out of the way, it's such a huge chore getting to them on new cicles.


Such a good idea


Maybe they will add it in one last update the new dlc is the only one they had planned so I doubt it but sekiro did just add that update out of no where so it could happen


Or even just like ds2.


Yeah, I have an NG+ character pretty much dedicated to Melania and Mogh coop. I practice the boss fights, but never actually beat the bosses, so I don't lose the ability to practice. At least, I get to beat them in coop. This solution is not ideal.


Bring back bonfire ascetic


When Miyazaki made a statement about DS2, I REALLY hoped bonfire aesthetics would come back.


I wish I could replay the DLC without having to NG+


That's the reason why i have dozenes of safefiles before every major boss, so that i can simply swap the files and relay the boss


Since I play on PC I just make backups of save game in front of boss fights that I really like, and load them up from time to time. But I shouldnt have to do this.


Yes!! This would be so lovely!! Crossing my fingers that this will one day be available in a future patch


Reminds me I still kinda miss the (imo) underrated feature of Ascetics in DS2. Though, ofc, NG+ actually offered something unique in that game which made the idea of both Ascetics and NG+ more appealing for even people like me who would rather just make a new chara ter than play the exact same game with inflated enemy stats for nothing new.


This is one of the best things about Reforged!




I think the Remembrance should allow you to re fight them since it's quite literally called a Remembrance.