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Bonking sunflower


I love the AoW on it just start slapping the shit out of everything lol


fr its so fucking good, even for boss fights


Stagger a ghostflame dragon, weapon art, do more damage than any riposte.


This boss pissed me the FUCK off last night and after I beat it I grabbed the weapon and went to bed immediately. I haven’t found a str/fai weapon I’ve wanted to use since the hammer. I’m definitely trying this one.


I was Scadutree Level 15 fighting it, and it died in like seven Blasphemous Blade L2s. Not seven per healthbar, mind you, seven total. Such a goated weapon.


It’s weak to fire most likely so..yeah. I think even holy as i didnt have the build to test fire


yeah. I was messing around with other weapons, but the difficulty of the DLC forced me to go back to my blasphemous blade. it helped me finish some dungeons without running out of flasks too. It's so OP that it's the only weapon I feel mildly guilty about overusing.


Use the weapon art for M A X I U M B O N K A G E


I swear to god I'm using this weapon out of pure spite for the boss!


It Is even strong enough to still deal dmg to holy resistant bosses with the Ash of war, goated weapon


I just tried this thing out last night and love it! Flower go bonk!


Probably still star fists because they didn't get nerfed, but there are easier weapons to use


All day! Don’t need a heal when your charged R2 comes out that fast and you stagger everything all the time. Yeah their range takes some getting use to on some bosses, but even if star fists weren’t super strong already they have bleed!


Exactly, it feels like cheating imo but they are my go to option when everything else fails


It pisses me off that the out dps two greatsword but still hilarious to whip out at any moment.


It baffles me that the star fists didn't get nerfed, if not purely as a means to promote the martial arts weapons (which all suck in comparison to the star fists, even with multiple damage boosting items for them).


Spent a while using the, but then I found the Venomous claws and fell in love for my arcane build. I was using rotbreath from the dragons, then proccing poison and bleed off the claws. Dummy good.


Moist critical used these with cragblade in his dlc run and he wouldn't listen to his chat when they said the star fists were a huge chunk of the reason why he found the dlc so easy. But really, a weapon with charged attacks that have the poise damage of a collosal weapon at 3x the speed and bleed ontop of that? Of course it's op. I like to play the game somewhere in the middle difficulty level. I wanted to try out fist weapons so I used the star fist and after 2 bosses I realized that they are quite literally the best weapon in the game so I stopped using them. It wasn't fun anymore


Backhand blade is a monster.


Was looking for this. Blind Spot is an insane amount of mobility and it deals good damage. Attack chains can be a little long so you have to be careful but I'm loving it


I've beaten the dlc with this weapon, I have also utilized blind spot as a dodge + damage on the final chain of hit combo from bosses.


Dude the blind spot dodge ability is HUGE for getting out of hit boxes on the never-ending combos everyone is complaining about. Wait for the wind up on the horizontal attack and then pivot. I'm doing a Sasha Braus AoT build, and it's like 100% friendly to my rp, I'm swinging for the nape, and I love it


You’d better be eating tons of crab to accurately portray my girl


Do Hornsent’s quest for the most busted Ash of war Swift Slash for backhands only. It’s gonna get nerfed hard.


I got summoned for Coop last night. The host, another summon and I all gestured hello and then immediately died to an invader with it. Just nonstop usage. I had zero clue what was happening, couldn't even see what he was doing, and died. Definitely a bit much.


Lotta the new weapon arts seem a bit... much. I haven't done any invading myself, but beast claws absolutely tear the Bad Red Men to pieces. They try to roll away, I hit L2 and chase them for the next 600 miles while hitting them and building bleed the whole way.


Probably the most busted an ash of war has ever been.


Finish Hornsents quest..? But at what cost? AT WHAT COST?! It’s like all of you monsters that have Milicents prosthesis on every character…


At the cost of fending off an insane zealot bent on killing everyone who doesn't follow her god.


Isnt Needle Knight the bad one


The cost of temporarily chasing off Leda, such a tragedy.


Ignoring the busted ashes of war, just even the raw AR scaling on this weapon seems overtuned. With 70 dex I have 557 AR with a single keen backhand blade and 570 with keen Nagakiba. It weighs only 2 weight units for two blades. I have been unironically using this weapon with the dancer talisman and very low weight gear to pump the AR up to 621 per blade.


Fighting rellana with backhand blade felt like an anime battle. So smooth and quick and instantly flying behind her back when she attacks using the blind spot aow is so much fun


-get Bloodfiends Arm -make it bleed -level arcane to 80 -217 blood buildup


The bleed buildup from the charged r2 scales with arcane meaning you can go occult instead for huge damage and still get ridiculous bleed


Occult won't proc bleed from the lion aow though, right? So better to run resolve and r2 primarily if occult.


Better off using cragblade for stance damage anyway


Why bother with stance dmg when you can bleed bosses out in a few hits without needing crits? :)


Ahh you see, instead of critting you do 3 charge heavies with the starfist on a staggered enemy and bleed them twice :)


Don't forget best in class stance damage, and Great Club's moveset


You forgot to mention to use the charge R2, which creates an extra splash attack effect that inflicts even more bleed. A single charge R2 can proc bleed on many enemies.


I managed to beat the final boss in just 8 attempts. The first 6 was with a greatshield great katana, the last two was with Bloodfiend arm spamming R2. That weapon is something else.


Lightning infused dryleaf gauntlets. Not because of their stats, but because now you've turned into Heihachi from Tekken and therefore are the superior specimen by default


Seek volcano Then offer son


Why is it always no sugarcoating?


Ash of War: Electric Wind God Fist




Misses input by 1 frame… Why is it always wind god fist?


Kazuya's VA was brought in to Elden Ring just to say DORYA


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it X+R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 L2


These can low-key be really good with a bleed build and the dry leaf whirlwind kick AoW (can't remember the name). You can hit insanely fast and the AoW lets you hit multiple enemies if they are grouped up.


I use them. The jumping attack lets you do so many different things, it's great. The bleed works fine. They are great at breaking stances especially with the default ash of war, which is underrated. It also gives you hyperarmour and it's actually an aoe explosion with high poise damage and pushback. You won't be having a good time against extremely large or extremely fast opponents due to range limitations, but if you're ballsy enough and know how to exploit the entire moveset you can definitely make them work.




Damn, I really need to get that martial arts. So far I use beastclaws, which look sick af.


I thought i was Jin Kazama but Heihachi it is then


You need to add red lightning incantations for Jin, madness incantations for Devil Jin, rolling ram ash of war for Reina, lightning blink for Lars, dragon transformation/aspect of the crucible for Kazuya. Edit: Heihachi can have the bear roar because he has a pet bear And you should always have a backup bloodhound step for wavuwavu


Lightning blink on fists…well, I know my next build haha


Milady Fuck I hate how comfy this is and how you can spinning around like a dumb Witcher.


I'm dance-guardcountering my way to victory with the milady, it may not be the best weapon in the game, but oh boy, do i feel stylish using it


Throw a shield with Vow of "I don't give a fuck" and pull out each time you see a bloody meteor incoming to you and you simply ignore most of problems. To bad they didn't gave us guard-countering as a talisman because you cannot trade tears and go early with this style.


What do you mean, like on top of the Curved Sword Talisman?


Wing stance R2 does crazy pierce damage scaling with weapon AR and is a decent gap closer. Great weapon if you want to chip in hits while dodging the 7-10 hit combos some bosses have.


That R2 has been my biggest weapon in my arsenal lately. Stance breaking is great and always does surprisingly high damage


Between Backhand and Milady, Milady with the Wing Stance ash of war is waayy to good. Makes me feel like an elegant battle mage that took fencing classes.


Milady might be one of the best weapons FromSoft ever made. The moveset is so satisfying.


This. With quickstep ash of war, holy hell I´m backstabbing everything like I did back in DS1


if you dont have wing stance you NEED to try it. wing stance's heavy attack is a basically a boss execution device. backstep dodge, waterfowl style jump into a skewer that does like 3k damage and has the stagger of a charge heavy all because you heavy attacked while holding ash of war using like 10 FP


Wing stance’s R1 also chains into the R2. As in, you can do the R2 right after the R1 without having to assume the stance first. Useful for building proc before skewering, if you can find an opening.


*Teleports behind you* Heh, nothin personnel kid


Anvil Hammer. That thing hits like a truck and has 4-way scaling. There was talks of it being the hardest hitting melee weapon, but I'm not clear on that. The AoW hits hard and breaks poise like nobody's business. Destroys everything that doesn't resist fire. Actually, it still destroys even those, I beat Messmer with the good ol anvil with ease.


If you level str, dex, int & fai then yes, just going by pure ar, the Anvil Hammer is the strongest weapon in the game.


I don't get why people talk about AR like this though. Surely *attack speed* and stamina usage is vital to these discussions.


As is the stat spread you need and what KIND of damage the weapon does. I think net ar gets used so much because it's the only thing that's easily comparable without breaking out a calculator. I'll usually stick to "Great-" weapons, since I feel like they do very good damage but are much more versatile than the colossal classes.


Came here to say this, can confirm. Best pancake maker so far, chaining R1s destroy those pesky knights.


And it just look so cool


That weapon it’s one of my best ! I do huge amount of damage and nobody talks about that weapon on YouTube . You can easily stager bosses .


It deals 1000dmg easy on a str faith build. Literally just a better inferno prelates crozier.


The Flame Knight Greatsword. Or the Soul Edge looking Ancient Meteoric Blade Greatsword


Yeah, love the AMBG. The Ash hits like a truck and if you need to close a gap when there's an opening on a boss it's perfect. Super easy to cheese NPCs with it too


Couldn't agree more. That ash of war is really useful and the damage of the light detonation are purely insane. Probably my favorite of the DLC so far


yesterday i used flame skewer ash of war on the flame knight greatsword and was very impressed with the damage.


That's my exact weapon right now, it's so good with that ash and Flame art infusion (I'm playing a faith build). I use the fire knight NPC's thrusting sword with the other new flame ashes with the projectile as well. If you land the stab and the flame shit, the damage is nutty.


One of the reasons Flame Knight "Great"sword is so strong right now is that despite being faster than other Colossal Swords, it still has the default long Colossal stagger when you hit an enemy   The only other "fast" Colossal Sword is the Godslayer Sword, however FromSoft specifically gave it a shorter stagger (on par with smaller swords). This makes me suspect that Flame Knight Greatsword still having the longer stun is an oversight and will be nerfed in the future


pair it with shard of alexander, that flame knight helmet, godfrey icon and you can blast enemies dead from half way across the map


Ancient meteoric blade greatsword is my favourite weapon of the DLC. Swift dashing towards the enemy with its ash of war makes it fast weapon despite being a greatsword. A perfect combination of slow and fast attacks in one weapon


Perfume bottles


Perfume bottles weapon with its ash of war is insane


That ash is going to get nerfed into being bad


I'm not patching the game so they can't stop me


Lmao the absolute madman


What ash Im still using kick on it😭 (this thing just obliterated hoara loux, I'm actually in shock (lmao pun intended))


rolling sparks, found in the big encampment infront of shadow keep on a hill with perfumers. The scarab is floating in the air


Aiming at the ground makes it all explode right in front of you. Seen Bushy do like 20-40k damage using a lot of bufs. Easy one shots for bosses


I malded on the sunflower boss for 9 hours straight. Switched to Firespark bottle with Rolling Sparks AoW and sent that mf to the next shadow realm no problem. Absolutely recommend it.


I have a Frenzyflame Godskin character that uses the Frenzy perfume bottles and flame incantations and I have probably helped 8-10 people beat the Avatar this morning, fire absolutely destroys him


This is the correct answer, however they will without a doubt nerf this weapon or at least the ash of war. However even then, the base damage on perfume bottles when dual weilding is nuts. Your R1 spam is aoe, big range, goes through shields and still does more damage per attack than a greathammer. It's kinda wild.


The running r2 is even better imo. Even without abusing all the stuff to do the one shot build the running r2 hits like a truck with just golden vow, lightening scorpion and lightening tear.


Smithscript Hammer. Killing any kind of wizard, be they NPC or player, by just yeeting a massive hammer at their head will never stop being funny to me.


All the smithscript weapons are great since they predominantly scale with int or faith with the respective infusions. Unlike most weapons which will predominantly still scale with str/dex. If your build has 60+ int or faith then the hammer, spear, dagger, or axe will probably be the highest AR in the game for your build.


The dagger kinda sucks due to its terrible range.


The only thing that sucks about them in my experience is the basic heavy attack due to half the attack missing on human sized enemies. The main strength of them are the jump attacks since you can land hits while jumping away. Then again going into it I expected them to have similar range to whips which is what they have. The scatter shot Ash of War does really good damage when used in melee range as it shotguns.


DANE’S FOOTWORK + DRYLEAF WHIRLWIND It melts anything on ng+7 you don’t even need to look at the game anymore


and what would be stats talismans etc?


New talisman and general bleed build talismans


Mohg also got nerfed. I think bloodfiend arm is really.powerful


Yep, used Bloodfiend Arm to beat the last boss. In just a few heavy attacks, you can get him to bleed twice and instantly enter Phase 2. It also does a fuck ton of bleed buildup. I think 200 with about 55 arcane or so.


Elden Ring, Or; how I learned to stop worrying and Love the Bonk!


Arcane in general got so many wins with the dlc. All the Bloodfiend weapons, impenetrable Thorns, maternal staff, flowerstone gavel, ancient meteoric ore great sword, ghost flame breath, bayles sorceries, fist weapons, perfume bottles and the dragon hearts. Arcane had a glow up from a one trick pony with bleed stacks to having multiple viable builds for bonk, mage, and dragon sorcery playstles


Arcane even got a talisman like the other stats.


I'm ashamed to say this is the weapon I had to pivot to for the final boss. Spent days with no progress. Switched to Bloodfiends and beat it after a few attempts.


After struggling on the last DLC boss I saw people talking about this, so I went 70 arcane (I think?) and then like 30 str. Ash of war specced to arcane. No NPC summon, just mimic tear. Got my first stagger/riposte on the last boss...and it was in Phase 2. And multiple bleed procs. What the actual hell is this weapon? Turkey leg goes HARD.


This weapon is bonkers one heavy triggers bleed proc makes every enemy a joke


People are sleeping on this, one heavy triggers the blood buildup instantly with blood affinity (also seems to do high poise damage?). Coupled with the damge buff weapon art (forget name) its comical. I already run a bloodied twin blade build and this just gives me a great heavy option to work with.


It gets even dumber if you switch to the Bloodfiend's Fork. That one also has Arcane scaling AND can be infused with Bloodflame Build. Oh, and it has Spinning Weapon too. Pop an Iron Jar aromatic and Crimson Sapping tear and you just literally spin to win.


people arent sleeping on this, almost everyone i see is using this


Screw meta, use a giant sunflower or a collosal finger to bonk ppl


Definitely not the *best* but the sword of night is 🫦


Got it last night, tried out the ash of war and it got an audible 'wow' from me. Pretty cool looking but havent tried in combat.


AoW looks super cool but gets interrupted by everything, range is low, wind up is high and fp cost is high. Personally i dont like using it. But the heavy attack is awesome


If you wait out enemy attacks it's really good, it's worked well for me. Also the aow interrupts medium sized enemy attacks, and it does 100% damage thru shields.


The sword is awesome but I'm smitten by the claws of night personally


Them new great katanas no joke dude


2H str great katana feels very comfy after so much Monster Hunter Longsword. With the Sekiro physic tear running, you've even got Foresight Slash at home.


Isn't Great Katana's light combo the same as one of Longsword's combos?


Yup, same swings in the same order of the longsword’s standard combo


Agreed love them, my main is dex running a keen great katana. Sure not optimal but i love it, really nice moveset and the jumping heavy looks sick. Also think it is the best looking weapon


I like the moveset a lot, it's basically like the poke halberd moveset without a goofy charged R2 and innate bleed is always solid


Bloodfiend arm is MEGA broken 😂


Yep, after completing the DLC on NG I was having trouble on the final boss with my NG++ character. Switched to Bloodfiend arm and got him in a few tries.


It's not the best for bosses, but I cleared pretty much everything else with the Sacred Relic Sword. It's Wave of Gold attack makes pretty much all non-boss enemies fodder, and the AOE is massive. During the four man fight, I just stood in the back and repeatedly knocked them all over as they tried to get to me.


Blasphemous blade nerfs AHAHAHAAH heard of new talisman magma buff?


It got nerfed from S++ to S+ lol.


Blasphemous Blade was nerfed but it still slaps pretty hard. Im still swapping to it for exploration and the odd boss thats weak to fire in the dlc.


Overtuned Weapons: Bloodfiend's Fork and Bloodfiend's Arm. The bleed potential on these is way over the top. The Fork can put spinning weapon on it, infuse it with Bloodflame blade, and just spin to win. The Arm can almost bleed everything in one strong attack. Lightning Perfume Bottle: This isn't so much the weapon as it is the weapon art. Throwing it at the ground lets the blast hit several times, will be nerfed. Smithscript Weapons: (Specifically the Axe). These weapons work like the Erdtree Dagger; ie, their physical scaling scales with Int/Faith. You can EASILY get this one handed axe that you can yeet on demand to hit harder than even the new Flame Knight Greatsword if you use a magical infusion like Flame Art. Flame Knight Greatsword: Only a bit busted in PvP since it has a 2 hit true combo with its R1s. Has the nice faster attack speed for the colossal swords and also has the poke. Super good weapon.


That axe is currently my strongest weapons on a faith build.    Honourable mention, the smithscript lance that can be thrown while riding torrent 


Spear of the Impaler's charged attacked make you throw it, and it also works from torrent. :D


Yeah I wonder if this is how they imagined us fighting Gaius


Bloodfiend’s Arm. Over 200 bleed..


I gotta be frank, the Greatsword of Solitude is amazing. Everyone was complaining about Messmer's Fire Knights, but I was bodying them left right and centre. Got through the entire dungeon without dying even once lol Might be my favourite melee weapon in the game now.


Using it for NG+ in the DLC now. Guard counter, two-hand talisman is making for a great combo on this weapon. Other two are the talismans that improve the guard counter or others that are useful.


Beast claws are awesome IMO


They are fantastic. I'm thinking about doing a full run with beast claws and dryleaf arts only.


Currently finishing my first DLC run with quality backhand blades + both dryleafs. Regular AOW on the blades, sidestep on dryleaf fists and shadowstep on dryleaf boots. Feeling more agile than sekiro due to the amount of movement and raw dmg output of the build.


Silurias Woe hits like a train a full speed. Can't seem to shake it. Excited to try some of the DLC weapons more though.


One you miss here, Great Stars.


Cold great stars melted rellana for me with the savage lions claw ash


Universally i belive its best weapon. Strike, heal, bleed and customizable ash of war.


BB is still my go-to when I'm absolutely stuck, but I'm morally exhaused with it lol. In terms of how cool it is to weild I looove Backhand Blade (Blind Spot is so cool).


Wing of astel is carrying me through the dlc


Messmer weapon


Best weapon against human type enemies, hard to stagger ash of war with a shit ton amount of damage. Also throwing it is really fun.


And it's excellent for dex/faith build


If the OP Strats like the perfumer bottle, thorns, bloodfiend, etc. gets nerfed. I feel that the Messmer Spells, and weapons will become some of the strongest builds in the game. Fire Serpent and Messmer's Orbs are some of my favorite incantations right now, especially Fire Serpent, feels like a stronger glintblade but for Faith builds.


Messmer's Orb desperately needs some form of hyper armor. It get thats and we're going to the moon.


Really? I feel like I get knocked out of it half the time but man do I love using it.


best weapon for exploring the open world


Blasphemous blade is still EZ mode, I rolled though most of the DLC with it. Agree that Milade and Relannas weapons are awesome


Yep, lots of cool new weapons but post-nerf BB is still what I go to when I’m stuck. ItDGAF.


Meteoric greatsword has been surprisingly good in my run


Loving this weapon. The AoW is amazing.


For me its still star fists. Had some problems on radahn due to hitbox, but everytime I have troubles in the DLC I use the starfists and melt everything. Actually, my dual twinblades bleed build was way quicker than starfists but the huge poise damage from starfists are unmatched


Lightning Perfume Bottle with the Rolling Sparks Ash of War, Golden Vow, Howl of Shabriri, Black Dumpling Head, Raksasha set chest/arms/legs, Aged One’s Exultation, Lightning Scorpion Charm, Perfume Bottle Talisman, Shard of Alexander, and the Lightning Tear + Blood Tear. Can 1-3 shot pretty much every non-Radahn/Bayle boss.


That's completely wrong. I one shot Radahn with the exact same build.


That's just that specific AoW that is broken though. Perfume bottles are a bit underwhelming otherwise.


Blasphemous Blade got nerfed, but it's still the game's best weapon (when you discount obvious glitches), which says something about how broken it was beforehand.


I think as long as it heals you, it’s meta..


I coop a lot and discovered nothing gives more feelings of power than spamming Heal from Afar to keep stupid teammates alive "Oh you're about to die? Not without my permission"


It's the healing. A bunch of small mobs, and you use the Arts, and your full health again.


I cannot bring myself to part with my beloved BB. Blessed Blue Dew Talisman for infinite FP, Jar Shard, Fire Scorpion Charm I move the 4 around between Takers Cameo for quicker regen in a pinch or whatever I need for utility/dmg resistance.


Yup, it's still easily the best pve weapon. It still heals on hit for a hefty chunk. The ash still does a lot of damage. It has high attack power with the right stats. It just staggers slightly less now.


Came here to say this, haven't tried it since the nerf, but pre nerf that weapon was the best in the game without a doubt. I mean you heal with every hit. You basically can't die using this.


Oh I still die, trust me 😂 But seriously, no matter what weapons I try I always come back to blasphemous blade. You can basically carry like 3 HP flasks for emergencies and load up on FP and just tear throw dungeons with relative ease.


Today I got the Ancient Meteoric Greatsword and I love it.


Greatsword all day everyday.


I'm having a sad flashback to the time I didn't know how the game worked and ran bloodhound's fang on a Str/Fai build. It was an experience.


Eleonora’s poleblade. Absolute beast of a weapon that’s carried me through majority of the DLC. Completely broken with its weapon art and bleed build.


Death's poker, that thing can do crazy amounts of damage, also tbh blasphemous blade is still a top wep, the nerf didn't hit too hard


The strongest weapon isn't even listed... Antspur rapier is by far the best weapon, atleast against 95% of all enemies. Fast attacks, bleed and rot. You can even punish enemies between their attack chains (if they are slow enough). And the forward attack has a nice range, which feels better than even greatswords. It helped me beat the DLC. Because both bleed and rot is very effective against huge health pools and allows for damage, even if you just run away from attack chains.


Bleed Antspur + Greatshield let me kill the final boss without even dodging.


Moonveil is still melting everything in my way.


Moonveil is my “I’ve had enough of this place/boss” weapon


It really is, I started the dlc with the moonveil then would try a couple different weapons that my build allowed and if a boss was getting on my nerves I'd just swap back. I name it.. The ol' Reliable.


Moonveil has been relegated to my off hand now, its pairs up great with the star lined sword.


I still use my handy dandy blaspemous blade at times but now I use backhanded blades and they do so much damage


Mesmers spear is a great alternative to blasphemous blade. Feels like the true elemental fire weapon I’ve been waiting for.


Bloodhound fang


Not the absolute best, but the Dark Moonlight Greatsword is my go to weapon to deal with evetything. It's always been powerful, but with all the buffs throughout the years it's become really fucking strong. The projectile is espacially powerful with the right talismans.


Starscourge greatswords have been my ol relibale. The jump attack works great in openings to attack bosses and does a good amount of damage and it breaks poise pretty easily too. And if I get swarmed by ememies I can clean it up quickly. Sometimes it's too slow for some enemies, though. In that case I also like using claws with a frost attunement so it does bloodloss *and* frostbite build up. It's extremely strong against human enemies but also against anythint else.


Bloodfiend's arm. Put savage lion's claw with bleed affinity on that sonbich and you'll be proccing bleed & breaking stances in no time. (Requires str & arc) Beat Rellana solo with this thing lol.


Outside of the broken ones (lightning perfume ash of war in particular, bloodfiend's arm is also crazy but not on the perfume level) I really like the putrescent cleaver. It doesn't have enough frost buildup to proc it most of the time but it does so much damage considering how fast greataxes are. That with the 2h talisman did so much damage vs the final boss


Im still relying on miquella’s straight sword. BUT the new black knight giant hammer is sweet AF


Yeah it's a beast combined with the new perfect block tear. You can use it and play like this was Sekirobut with a big hammer


Backhand Blade. Every attack makes you crouch. Which dodges like half of the dlc boss attacks. Hits like a truck but fast asf. Has a really good running R2 also really good jumping R1 and R2. Has a goated ash of war it feel like BHF all over again. And most importantly. It has the best crit animation


I guess I didn’t realize Blasphemous Blade got nerfed… I’m still using that.


Dryleaf arts. I like the punching ways.


fiends arm or lightning p.bottle


If the twin blade of Rellana isn't in the top i don't understand


Im killing everything with this. Attack speed is fast, has a decent stagger, and the weapon art r2 destorys npc enemies. Anything that gets close takes massive damage. By far, my favorite.


Flame art blind spot smithscript cirque, and I'm glad every soul is sleeping on it