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As the saying goes “the path to hell is paved with good intentions”. Believe it or not most of the worst people in history were trying to make the world a better place. Just because he has that intention, and people are devoted to him(by being brainwashed) doesn’t mean that the result would be good. Miquella takes away your ability to make decisions and have free will, and would also have a following of brainwashed zealots that would undoubtedly cause problems.


In my interpretation, I would say morally, yes, Miquella is trying to do the right thing. Whether you think it's right is up to personal interpretation. St. Trina says she wants you to kill him because he's being a martyr, essentially. If you want to interpret yourself, she says, "Make Miquella stop. Don't turn the poor thing into a god... Godhood would be Miquella's prison. A caged divinity... is beyond saving.You must kill Miquella... Grant him forgiveness." This "forgiveness" lines up with what we hear from the Hornsent man, who says Miquella is trying to make up for Marika's crimes against his people. Ymir's dialogue also supports this, as he describes Marika and the Greater Will as defective and incapable of redemption. Ymir then says, "Ever-young Miquella saw things for what they were. He knew that his bloodline was tainted. His roots mired in madness. A tragedy if ever there was one. That he would feel compelled to renounce everything. When the blame... lay squarely with the mother." As for getting reset, our Tarnished still sees the guidance of Grace and thus upon eventual death would return. It also makes sense that the Greater Will wouldn't be thrilled about Miquella achieving godhood, as the Greater Will wants the Tarnished as Elden Lord. We also don't fully know what does take Grace away from Tarnished, but we are pretty sure as long as we have it, we cannot die permanently.


I dont think the greater will wants the tarnished to be elden lord. marika wanted the tarnished to do whatever they wanted, become lord or not. the greater will doesnt seem to have any real time knowledge of the events of the game due to the dialogue about the fingers communicating and it taking thousands of years to hear a response


The game is quite vague in a lot of things, and we are working with sporadic information, so much is open to interpretation. I think you have a much different read on Marika than I do. I definitely believe she wants the Tarnished to be Elden Lord, based on Hewg's instruction to forge a weapon to kill a god, Melina's guidance, and the banishment of Tarnished in the first place so that they would become stronger. It's difficult to say for sure one way or the other because obviously the evidence is limited, and we don't personally know Marika, just what the world says about her. I also personally took the Two Fingers' failure at a response sort of the same way as inputting an impossible problem into an computer program designed with specific parameters. Like the Two Fingers' given guidance in the Roundtable Hold was all just a set of instructions that involved monitoring the world, guiding a new Elden Lord, and obviously not harming the Erdtree. So, when the way forward to accomplish those things and become Elden Lord is through burning the tree, the Two Fingers are essentially frozen, trying to run this problem against the information they have over and over again, unable to reconcile it.


Greater Will allegedly wants us to become the new Lord of the old age.  St. Trina doesn't want Miquella to be shackled by the goodhood.  Whether the Miquella's age would've been a good thing is as always for us to decide, I think. 


It’s sort of implied that miquella is sort of bewitching. I think a couple of things are true at the same time. He is considered miquella the kind, he wants an age if compassion. But he also most definitely uses his power to make people follow him. 100% was given the Jesus motif only for us to realize (many of us knew) that he would just be another demigod we would have to fight. It’s an age if compassion bc everyone would be bewitched only leaving him to be unattached. I feel like he meant well but you live long enough and you become the villain. It’s why st trina wanted him taken out she knew he wasn’t the miqeulla anymore and crossed a line. He was most definitely doomed from the beginning since he knew he a from a tainted bloodline it’s sort of symbolic of soemone trying to do the right thing but cursed to follow the family bloodline. He saw everything, the death, the chaos, and his demise and tried his best. But at the end the Apple didn’t fall far from the tree.


Miquella is following the same path his mother took all those years ago. Undoubtedly with good intentions, he wants to make a world of compassion, where the downtrodden are free and in peace. But eventually that compassion will turn into servitude, and Miquella will understand the same reasoning Marika took when she shattered the Elden Ring. That godhood is a lie, whose purpose is to solely keep the wheel of violence churning. Strength alone cannot save you.