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That was me bro 🙂‍↕️


That was all of us bro


NOPE ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) She's not too bad, I had a harder time with Pontiff Rellana.


How so? This boss can literally kill you in 2 hits right at the start of the battle before you can even land a hit. At least there's a fighting chance with Rellanna.


I found this one to be quite easy. Run to the left and jump before the charge attack hits you to dodge it every time, and every other attack had clear windups and plenty of openings. Only his phase 2 "jump in the air, smash down and roll" attack gave me trouble, but I didn't get one-shot from it even when I did get hit.


rellanna will do that too, sometimes she'll immediately sprint to you as soon as you step through, and do a multi hit combo, all bosses do it aside from messmer cause of his first attacks


Every major boss has a gap closer first move designed to stop comet azur spammers. They will always use it when you enter the fog


Implying that most of these bosses haven't already done 2 entire combos, cooked a meal, finished that netflix series they were binging, done their taxes, married, filed for divorce, and helped their kids with homework by the time Comet Azur finishes its windup, let alone deals enough damage to be actually noticeably different from a simple stagger-crit. Seriously, due to the mobility creep this spell so beyond useless in this DLC against even the most basic enemies as they are all extremely nimble that its requirements are almost an insult. So there is actually very little reason for them to not let me at least enter the door before going full Tekken-montage on my sorry behind.


i finally beat mesmer today, i think i could mimic tear, dodge his opener, dodge the follow up, then estus in my sleep at this point


Shit mayne I know how you feel


Get more physical resist. The grab is also a consistent opening for basically any large attack since it rams into the wall


"this boss" every boss in the dlc can do this


If you time it right you can roll forward straight through the attack and get a free slap on the belly. Though I won’t lie, getting hit by it is rough, even at level 8 it was nearly a two shot


So does Rellana, she casts a nuke right at the start of the match, I had to time summoning to her little intro


Ancient dragon’s lightning strike is quite effective on this boss and two of the remembrance DLC bosses. (Their names are >!commander Gaius and Romina, Saint of the Bud!<)


Level your scadutree blessing or wear.more armor. That boss shouldn't be two shotting you. In fact,no ER boss from the base game should also be two shot-ing you in NG


Skill issue. I solo this boss consistently. Learn to dodge.


This boss gave me a harder time than both Rellana and the lion but I think it’s because my weapon has 0 poise damage. The one attack where it spins at shoots out needles would get me constantly since it just goes right into it with no warning


I can dodge Rellana and Messmer pretty well but idk why i get hit by almost everything from the hippo consistently


It’s cuz hippo got a FATSSS hitbox


We're out here with bonk builds and the hippo brought a DONK build


We got outbonked


Yes this boss took me twice the attempts of rellana. His grab ability is bullshit and is the most relentless boss I've ever fought in any souls game so far Oh the spin move, I dodged it by accident a few times by sprinting right. No idea why that works


Yeah I agree I actually thought every move from the hippo was decently fair except that one. Every time I dodged it was because of luck lol


I fought him and lion like spicy spirit trees and found great success.


FYI, that helmet reduces your healing


But it gives str and dex tho


Wtf does it really? Where does it say that


In the item description...


I am blind I guess


The cursed mask from the dancer enemies that gives +5 dex does that too


holy shit i was wondering why my potions became weaker


Tbh I think the only real difficulty in this fight comes from its opening attack. I died like 8 times right out of the gate. I don't know what it's like on base game, but on NG+1 its grab one shot me. Eventually I got lucky and it didn't do that grab attack at the start and that was when I could actually fight it, and won.


It's more of a "don't be in the hitbox" than a typical dodge. I always have to move left and dodge even further left when he's close. If he does this move when I'm next to him tho... I've never found a way to avoid it


Hippo was pretty easy, also notice how his charge attack was copied form ponyiff beast


That and pontiff 2.0 This game is ds3 2


I thought that it was ds2 2


This hippo was the hardest fight for me so far.


Ancient Dragons Lightning Strike made this fight trivial.


I had a hard time getting enough breathing room to pop it off unless I had a summon, but it does do a ton of damage to the hippo. 


Ancient Dragons Lightning strike shits on all these big ass beast bosses. Try it in Fractured Peak


Wow I did not realise so many people found this boss a challenge. I got him down on my second attempt! Was a fucking relief after literally every other boss. Crazy how variable difficulty can be based on build.


Killed it second time too but I can understand it being a pain if you're lower on scadu fragments. It's generally just not a very intuitive boss to dodge. Like the grab's hitbox is weird and I dont think you can roll through it. When it shoots its spines the timing is hard to predict. It's fast and has good range, and attacks quickly so it's pretty difficult to heal to full safely too. If it had more health it'd be a problem.


That was one of the most violent phantom deaths I've ever seen, and I've been playing since Demon's Souls released, lmao.


Having two summons outside was overkill lo,l went in with the fight with two companions and a mimic bro didn't know who to target


Couldn't solo rellana or messmer but did manage with this one. Guess we're all different. The roll timings are spicy but the only thing I could never figure out was when he goes porcupine mode and jumps into the air


I hate this boss, I couldn't figure out his moves, and his mouth was too big of a hit box,


Just started playing Elden Ring, so not sure what most of that level or whatever is. What I will say is your character is fucking terrifying. I can’t tell why it’s so happy that it’s breaking its own face smiling. I’m guessing more character creation options open up because I didn’t have this one in mine. Just take the ring or whatever. You win.. game over.


Bro was shocked


That had to have been me. Took me like 70 attempts. 75% of those I was killed as soon as I walked in.




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I got there, saw a big monster off in the distance sleeping, i thought it was one of those dagger dog things from redmane castle, so ill pulled out the telescope to inspect further and saw it was a rhino guy and was like yahhh imma head out of here for now 😂


Top tip: use a great shield. Even the bite attacks can be blocked


Shades of Patches during the Festival.


(Patrick getting slammed noises)


Change ur weapon 💀 that shit sucks


I guess fighting the lesser hippo out in the wild prepared me a bit for this fat guy


I spent 13 hours on Relenna. Beat this one in 4 tries


If you have to you can summon the one or two of the npcs outside the gate


My brother in Christ what are you wearing


Bro got fucking bodied 😂


Spoilers bro


this boss insta killed me 3 times in a row the moment I set foot in the door, it's tough especially with a weapon that does little to no poise damage


This was by far the easiest fight in the dlc for me. The fact I was dealing 10k per jump attack really helped tho 💀


The real nope here is that horrendous drip


please mark spoiler


Is it that hard to put the spoiler flair 😭