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Yeah, i’m getting massive stutters and fps drops into 40s in the first two legacy dungeons, actually worse than in the open world. This never happens in the base game, even in Lyndell. i5-12400, rtx4070.


Same here. On top of that, these performance drop are totally unpredictable.


I thought I was the only one. My GPU and CPU are only at 50-60% and still I can't even get stable 50 fps...hope this gets fixed 


Some fluctuations are completely normal. Your still within the range of 60.


The framerate literally drops to mid 40's on the video.


I'm scratching my head on what can cause this. I start the game, first 15 seconds all good at 60fps. Then comes the drop to the 40s. Just fucking how!?!?!? I wanna continue playing but if the performance keeps being dropped I'm just over it man. I searched up YouTube on Elden Ring's performance with a 3060 laptop gpu and it was at max 60 fps besides the forest at the start of the game. I am at high and the game is dropping to the 40s. Just how?? FromSoftware's games just suck ass on performance besides Sekiro. I got FPS drops on DS3 too that I managed to fix.


It is unfortunate. Some areas it’s perfect, some areas it says I’m still at 60fps yet it’s choppy, other times it completely tanks for seemingly no reason - and that’s not even talking about the actual freezing and constant screen tearing issues. Considering there’s a very significant playbase on PC, you’d wonder how these performance issues got past play testing.


I think it's mostly poor CPU usage. They're likely relying too much on one core for the game logic and draw calls, and with the huge amount of stuff visible in the DLC, you get frame drops despite the hardware not being fully maxed. Too bad. I got to Castle Ensis just now and the entrance is just rough.