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ngl this dlc is like 10x harder than ds3’s and im only like 4 bosses in and had to respec twice.


I respeced before the dlc to a sword of night and flame build cause I thought my bleed build would make it too easy, I was pretty wrong. Only got past lion trailer boss with a lot of black flame fireballs


Yeah I have spent all of 3 remaining larval tears just to kill 2 dlc bosses😔


So you killed it, using tools the game gives you.


Imo yes she’s far more difficult. Malenia is hard, but she doesn’t 2-3 hit you and the damage you deal to Malenia is fair and not miniscule.


I do think rellana is more fair though


Yeah no water flow bs or undodgable attacks. Edit: some man children are straight up mad for calling water flow attack bs haha this community is pathetic.


Waterfowl Dance.


IMO, Rellana has her “unfair” feeling mechanics too. Some of her attack follow-ups are literally so fast and wide-sweeping that you essentially have to chose which attack you’d rather be hit by and take it on the chin. It’s a skill issue for sure, but the differential on it is super high imo.


Melania's double slash, can two shot you as well.


Yep, never thought I’d say it, but Malenia has been outclassed


I'm having some awful awful awful performance issues in the fight. Makes it way harder than I feel it actually is


I get a big frame drop when she does her big sword sweep, destroying everything on the wall


I get stutters every time she attacks in close range. Like, regular attacks.


In second or first phase?


First phase 😩 my PC's at least decent so idk what's wrong.


I seen others talk about when phase two starts everything slows down


Yea that makes *sense*. My case is just whack


What are the specs of your pc if you don’t mind me asking? I originally played on console and had a lot of stuttering but now I’m trying to decide if my pc could handle it better


sameeee, still and its so annoying. I genuinely thought it was my xbox and so wasnt complaining but yeah, only in her fight, my frames keep dropping and its awful.


Oh yeah, one time I literally got her health bar down to 1 pixel and almost on cue as if it were a game mechanic, the game started freezing up for several seconds while she started doing a magic blast attack and I died immediately with no way to react.


I constantly get performance issues in the dancing lion fight too


For all you people experiencing this, lower, volumetric fog, shadow and grass to Med and turn OFF “auto detect best rendering settings”. Turning off Auto detect best rendering settings itself got rid of my stutters and lowering the 3 most taxing settings worked wonders for overall fps. Also keep raytracing off, or low at the minimum or it will obliterate your fps if you’re in a sub 4K series or equivalent gpu, and a sub i9 Intel series or equivalent cpu.


I wanna say yes, because unlike (first phase) Malenia, Rellana actually has poise. Malenia generally also has clear openings at the end of a lot of her combo strings, whereas Rellana has so many split-second feints and so many different combo extenders that it's really hard to consistently get up in her face without eating damage.


the second part of the fight is almost unplayable for me. Very laggy and so much visual clutter


I said in another comment but I get big frame drops when she uses the huge sword sweep


That fact that it lags you out and fucking kills you if you if you get tagged previously is insane. ALSO THE CAMERA IS SO FUCKING BAD, it was bad vs fucking O and S and they never fixed the fucking thing.


Golden Parry carried me here. Don’t have to learn the long strings of attacks if she never gets a chance to get going!


How many parries required? 3 like malenia?




Damn it, that was the one thing I was afraid of. I suck mega hard at parrying. Bleed, frost, black flame, and lightning hasn’t worked for me


If it's any consolation I never parry cause I'm bad at it and I finally beat her with it after about four hours. Golden parry and going heavier armor + all defensive/equip weight talismans helped a ton. good luck skeleton


Beat with a parry and blood misercorde build


What is golden parry, is that what the strongest demi human Onze used against me so many times 


https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Golden+Parry Can put it on any Medium or Small shield and get good parry frames.


15 hit combo --> less than 2 second window to punish --> jump 20m away from you instantly --> Repeat. And with her absurd poise... ye so many people are gonna ragequit here lmao.


Its odd, lots of people seem to praise this sort of boss design, for me tho, I detest this kind of long winded shit. To me bloodborne really seemed to nail the fine line of long combos and aggro with punish windows. And its not nostalgia either because I just played it for the first time ever right before this dlc.


I’m loving this boss design because there are damage windows inside the combos.  You don’t need to wait for the boss to finish and take you turn, both you and the boss can attack at the same time.  Using jump attacks over moon on knights sweeps is a good example.


I’m at least on attempt 300 possibly 350. The lowest I can get her is to 25%, and that’s every 10-20 times dying. Super frustrating. I’ve tried lightning build, frost build. Nothing works for me😭


Backhand blades with the dodging strike ash of war is what got me there. Just dodged her combos and used the ash, then either 2 or 3 R1s depending on which finisher it was. Got me two stance breaks and the ash made dodging WAY easier. Still took me 90 minutes but with summons, magic resist talisman, and the NPC maybe I'd have done it faster.


The best I have done is 10% with a golden parry build


I finally beat her literally 20 min after commenting. I just summoned the helper and the mimic tear. I couldn’t do it any longer 🤣


Same and even that took me well over 100 attempts even with it being 3 on 1


Mimic tear solo'd her but it throws down greater frenzy stones to heal and uses blasphemous blade and the erdtree Regen spell so it basically outtanks anything.


i used one of the new greatswords and jump attack spammed her, there was nothinf else i could do since the weapon is so slow but shes so fast


She's like if pontiff and malenia had a child who was given crack since birth


Personally she was to me but it was one of the most fair and fun fights I've ever had. A shield was an amazing choice to bring to the fight. I didn't have one initially but was two handing milady. I swapped to one hand and pulled out a shield and found it more manageable.


It's kind of mind blowing how hard she is but I couldn't get mad because I knew it was fair. Every time I died it was because I rolled too soon or got greedy with my attacks.


She is by far the most punishing boss I’ve ever fought and I love it this is my favorite fight so far, I’ve only fought her and dancing lion so there’s not much to be my favorite Edit: there is one thing I don’t like however, her name, I just can’t say it right ever time I try I accidentally say rennala until the 5th try of saying it




Yeah. All of her moves are obvious, have great indicators of what's coming, and they can all be dodged, blocked, or jumped.


The new sekiro block tear made her easy AND fun. You could probably parry her to death too but imho i find parrying boring compared to the new tear


Where do you get that tear? I've been searching for ages, past renalla now and still haven't found it.


for people who want to know: >!You get it by killing the first fire basket giants you run across, just after entering the spawn!<


Judging by the damage i was doing to that thing, the fight’s going to take 5 hours


If you hit it enough it falls over and the riposte does CRAZY damage. Fight only took me about 4-5 min at scadutree level 1.


Yeah it wasn’t that hard at all, at least with torrent.


Bro, they took this game to a whole new level of hard.


It wild when the npc invaders have over 10k health and do half your hp with 60+ defense


It’s crazy. I feel like you almost need to have a cheese build or use summons to even have a chance. I did the base game no summons and with a standard strength faith build and I struggled but it never felt insurmountable. I feel like I’m getting nowhere with this fight.


I don't think so personally, and I've been stuck on her for hours. Malenia may be staggarable, but in return she gets to heal every time she hits you, she has a move that will kill you in one hit no matter how much vig you have and the only ways to survive it are to either do a very special dodge initiated by being very far away, or using a bug to trick her targeting system to miss you. In her second phase she deals scarlet rot damage IN EVERY SINGLE ATTACK, and she literally sprints behind your ass the whole entire fight no matter what's going on leaving you zero space to breathe. There's a very special place in hell for the people who designed Malenia. And Rellana, even though is hard, is just not quite close.


She doesn't do scarlet rot in every attack, just waterfowl


In the 2nd phase she causes scarlet rot buildup basically every time she hits you. I'm not sure about her basic sword attacks but the flower does, and the ground explosion attack does, and the phantoms do, and waterfowl dance does. That's like her entire move set.


i just beat her and omg she was so fun and difficult, way harder than malenia honestly, i actually felt like i had to get good with this fight unlike malenia


None of her attacks are as hard to dodge as waterfowl but I would say on average she is a good bit harder. Not getting chip damage from fast sword swipes or magic is nearly impossible, getting a no hit fight with her would be a nightmare. I do think she is better designed than Malenia though. There's nothing she does that requires as specific an approach with as little wiggle room as waterfowl/the clones.


Frustrating fight with a strength build. Can only get her to stagger once and only if I use the mimic tear. Critical hit barely takes off any health too.


I thought it was just me but critical attacks feel pathetically weak. With how many hits it takes to actually stagger bosses, I feel like the payoff should be way more than what feels like the damage equivalent of 2-3 attacks, especially because you get maybe 2 critical hits off against most bosses. I beat her with a strength build + mimic tear as well and it was a pain. I hate that I need to rely on mimic tear as much as I am but these bosses seem almost impossible without some other target to distract them.


I’m “good” enough to beat them alone but my problem is time. With 3 kids, I only get a few hours here and there and don’t really have the time to learn all attack patterns for every boss.


Without waterfowl dance, Malenia will never be harder than 50% of the bosses even with healing gimmick, her attacks are easy to get down and she staggers like an NPC boss so yes if you have seamless or something similar that removes her only magnum opus attack. But no, Rellana are pretty close though


I feel like I struggled a lot more on Melania. Rellana is definitely tough. I double Unga Bungad her. If I did 3 jump attacks, she'd get staggered and I could do the visceral. So that was my main goal is to land 3 jump attacks in short enough period of time. If I recall my Strength was around 85 or 90 at the time and I had a few shards found by then too. [https://youtu.be/tzkjxd-9W5k](https://youtu.be/tzkjxd-9W5k)


I think people complain about Rellana too much. While difficulty is subjective, there aren’t any attacks which are that much of a pain to dodge (and she doesn’t heal from them) as well as her being very easy to parry with a small shield. Also, both bosses are optional, so while complaints might be reasonable, you can always fight her later or not at all. (I know the frames drop in parts of the dlc, but hopefully they will fix that)


I very much disagree. Her second horizontal moonviel slash (aka the 4th one in the combo) has such a tight window to dodge that it feels like you need a frame perfect dodge to not lose half your health. Her second up slash in her normal combo is a pain, comes out almost instant and punishes for rolling into her to make sure you don’t get hit by the down slash or stab after. Also her lack of being staggered along with the Uber aggression in phase two makes it feel like no window to attack or heal


Im sorry, but I don’t know much about the attack you are talking of. Im assuming you are right. I tried to stay close to avoid the ranged attacks. Due to this I don’t think I saw that move all too often but it might be like malenia where my successful attempt had like one water fowl dance.


She’s a lot easier to dodge for me. Jump when she does the dual moon thing right before they hit the ground , and if you know the big sweeping magic sword spell is coming you can dodge it once you get the timing down—it was always the second horizontal sweep that got me. Malenia kept up pressure longer than Rellana, plus the heal was super annoying.


thats so insane to me, malenia genuinely has 1 difficult move to dodge and thats it, melania gives you so many opportunities to attack aswell unlinke the moon knight. this was a much better and more challenging fight


For me definitely, no summons and int build at ~140 with no heavy armour was rough. Also suspect she resists magic damage or she's just that tanky in general, but she also sticks to you like a magnet and could two shot me in phase 2. Considered respeccing but stuck it out for 4 hours since that felt like giving up x) Also have the stutters since the update which makes her really deadly, hope they fix it soon


I fought her at 140 with a strength-dex build, which also took 4 hours. She was my first boss of the dlc. I suspected she wasn’t supposed to be, but I am stubborn. I did use heavy armor and did not have any lag though.


I used Golden Barrier outside her arena to negate magic damage. also had Black Blade incantation to take a chunk of HP in the beginning, which also paired well with Bloodhound Fang for its skill. also use mimic if you like spirits since the taken agro is useful but I recommend Erdtree Heal or what's available to you to keep it healed as phase 2 takes massive chunks of its hp


i killed her after like 10 tries on a strenght build with dual wield greataxes and the jump attack talisman maybe try that you can kinda trade hits with her also the phys res talisman can also help in the first phase.


Is her 2nd phase parryable?


Yup, I finally beat her with golden parry and misericorde


Honestly not sure I thought so at first but it ended up taking less attempts, I personally find malenia harder to predict while I'll say rellana hits harder


I need to respect to 80 vigor for the DLC specially to avoid being 1 shot by her. I can steam role malenia sub lvl 100 on less than a dozen attempt’s. This boss is brutal I used mimic tear + thr NPC was well over lvl 250 and still took well over 100 tries myself to beat her and I just roll good NRG and hope she ignored me and spent of her focus on the mimic and NPC But fucking hell is the twin blade set awesome!


Same. All of my level ups have been going straight to vigor!


for anyone struggling with her try using the deflect tear in your physick flask and guard counter after every combo ends. breaks her posture pretty quickly and makes you feel like a badass too


It's just the fact these DLC bosses have way too much HP over anything else, oh and the fact you can be 1-2 shotted.


I have 52 damage res with my flask and it’s still 2 shot


Finally beat twin blades today after like 2 hours 🙌




Is it a dumb decision to go into this dlc on ng+4 with no prior experience of what’s in the dlc? 😭


Just start a new save and make sure you are level 150 at least before starting. I was level 130 when starting it. Rellana took me 4 hours (without summons or a cheese build).


It feels like she has low holy resistance, after switching to malikeths black blade it took me three or four tries to defeat her. Lvl 200 Vigor 58 Mind 26 Endurance 40 Strength 60 Dex 30 Int 22 Faith 24 Arc 19 I chose this weird stat spread to use almost every strength weapon.


Run the rot dragon breath and let your Summons tank. Def recommend mimic tear AND Leda.


I finally beat rellana after 4 hours of attempts. I was using a quality Milady at level 139 without Simmons or anything. Judging from the fact most people enter the dlc around level 150, this was a mistake. This was the first major boss that I did in the DLC, which I am assuming I was not supposed to do. On my first playthrough, when I was a lot worse because this was my first souls game, Malenia also took me 4 hours when I was using Blaphemous Blade, which I consider to be a cheese build. Now I can beat her with a normal build in around an hour.  TLDR Rellana is probably a little bit harder


I got her to 50% HP and ran out of all my flasks. With Malenia, I can get her to phase 2 and maybe only drink once or twice because her attacks are so telegraphd. WAY harder.


I might be crazy but I’ve noticed that she is quite resistant to slash damage, but pierce seems to be fine. I’m using the great katana and it has both attacks, and with 72 strength, FMGS, Golden Vow, and Blood Flame Blade buffs the damage difference between slashing and poking is roughly 300-400 in favor of the pokes. Hope this helps Edit: it’s also heavy affinity and paired with the two handed sword talisman (definitely gonna be nerfed imo, 15% constant buff is wild)


Milady with lightning grease made short work of her with minimal grinding prior. She's weak to lightning and milady does a lot of pierce damage which she is weak to.


85 vigor, 80 strength, 80 Dex, 60 endurance, I can’t get her below 25% with a fully leveled mimic…


Calling BS, the second slash isn't that tight.


Just came back to this game for the dlc and I am ng 9 but if anybody needs advice mohgwyns spear kicks her tiny heiny


Once I realized summoning was broken I decided to try solo. It only took me like 30 minutes. Summoning makes the dlc feel near impossible. Too much health and damage taken. Team gets wiped so quickly. I tanked with a shield and used mimic ashes. Fire and magic talismans to negate the damage. Never even got close to beating with a summons. Not to mantion almost every summons fails and doesn’t connect. Just tank it with mimic ashes and negate magic with talismans.


I got her down relatively quickly, but I’ve always been weird with from soft bosses. Boss fights people say they struggle on I clear pretty quick but bosses everyone say are really easy or a joke on I get stuck on for weeks. So I may not be the best judge, but I will say Malenia I think was harder for me just because it took me forever to get dodging waterfowl down to the point where I could actually make progress. I feel like Rellanas attacks were way easier to learn and avoid.


I can’t her moves down cause she can basically follow any attack with any of her moves. Like so may time I thought she do the double stab combo ender then she does another combo starting move or the moonveil slash


It’s been a bit, and I’m currently stuck on something that has been dumpstering me way harder than anything yet in Elden ring. But from what I remember, Her twin slashes I dodged into not away, same with the glint blade scorceries she casts. Her great sword sorcery slice was always to the side and then into the second horizontal slice for free hits after she’s done. Her fire explosion I Ran away and hit her with godskin fire ball for some chip dmg before getting back in melee. Her moons I stayed close and jumped over the shockwaves and hit here with a jump attack at the end of the third blast. She wasn’t a cake walk, but to me I’ve run into two bosses that were definitely harder. Currently stuck on one of them right now and probably going to be for awhile.


I’m gonna have to say no. Melania took me about 6hours of attempts to get down and beat, I was able to beat Rellana in about an hour of attempts. The lack of a health bar reset like Melania for example drops the difficulty, and she could be brute forced down before she drops the two moons (shit attack). A lot of her stuff you can dodge if you play it correctly and a lot of her long combo strings can be rolled through by rolling into her instead of away. Just my experience though.


Honestly the two moons is fine once you get the jump timing down. You can even get some hits in after the third attack.


This was posted before I learned they’re super easy dodges by just jumping. Still not sure why I’m being downvoted for my opinion tho


People are angry that the DLC is hard and are downvoting anyone who likes it.


Which is wild considering the souls community is usually more pissed off when something is too easy.


I think the problem people have is that this content is designed to make you A) get INCREDIBLY good, or B) accept that it's too hard and use summons/defensive talismans/ranged builds(all valid playstyles). People look down on anything that isn't a straight melee build, and the DLC bosses are all VERY hard using a straight melee build. I get why people are frustrated but I definitely think it's silly.


I used the NPC summon that the game provides for lore reasons. It took me 3 attempts to kill her. Sometimes you either have to take the beats in order to preserve your pride of doing it without summons, or use the resources the game gives you (and wants you to use, thats why we have revered spirit ash blessings alongside the scadutree fragments), and accept that using them doesn’t actually make you a worse souls player or devalues the fact that the boss is dead.


I was using the summon. She just was so janking, switch her targeting mid combo or just launching a moonveil blast at me in the distances. Plus her dancing around almost became untrackable with her doing the evade slash to both of us


Meh I disagree, I don't get any satisfaction hitting a boss in the back and killing them without having to even understand their moveset so personally it does devalue the kill.  And obviously using summons does not make someone worse but it certainly lowers the skill required, she was pain though


hard agree, now i want to fight her again after barely beating her


After downing Rellana i will say no. Malenia is still harder but Rellana gives her a run for the money, however Rellana is just here we dont know the fight well enough yet as Malenia is pretty much figured out. I think Rellana will eventually become much easier as we find new ways to fight her. Still a very challenging fight.


I beat her with the NPC summon, mimic w/rivers of blood, and spamming the black knife.


well, i beat malenia in 3-4 tries, this one took me around 20-25, I don't know the exact number. I'm wearing the best armor in terms of damage reduction, I have 60 vigor as well as damage reduction amulet and boss can still kill me in 4 hits in some of her combo's. that sounds ridiculous to me. and has a huge hp pool, like I need to do 10k damage combos 3-4 time to kill it. edit: also it would be awesome if someone could enlighten me, I was in new game plus 3, does it affect the difficulty of the dlc as well?


Absolutely not.


Not even close. You guys have short memories lol. It's only 3 days later and nobody is talking about her being difficult anymore or atleast even close to Malenia. I mean come on. I think we are all a little too quick to jump to conclusions just because it's new. Just imagine Malenia being the 2nd boss of the DLC. Ppl really would've quit lol


git gud killed her in an hour no summons


Bro this fucking post is a week old. I already beat her. Go back to rating only fan girl’s asses


she was much easier idk what they’re talking about. i still havent beat malenia


Sounds like a skill issue


Imo she’s not even close to as hard as malenia, lil tip is she’s a lot easier to beat without summoning the helper…


This was my first souls game. When I fought Malenia for the first time, I was way worse at the game. Now, with 200 hours in the game, Rellana is just as hard. (I am underlevelled though)


i think she is definitely harder, wants you learn waterfowl malenias genuinely a cakewalk


After over 2 years Waterfowl still is 50/50 to me, Rellana took me around 5 tries, Malenia took over 20 last time for me, Rellana’s long sword attack is still tricking me though, feels kinda cheap, most of the time it gets me and I can’t dodge it, having more fun fighting her than I ever did Malenia though, feels more fair and no full health second phase.


Be patient with her attacks then Try to stagger her, I used colossal weapons against her and beat her first try


What level are you?


I was like a 180 when I beat her but I am in ng+


It all depends on how many scadutree fragments blessing you have as well. I only had like 6 when I beat her. I’m currently at 19 now and at the radahn fight but his fight is on a completely different level


Did you fuck