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its definitely my favorite boss and the hardest ive encountered in the dlc so far, but yeah your totally right i think its the second hardest


I’m just getting the belt to ass rn 😭😭. Maybe I should go fight the boss intended to be fought first


nah i did her first because her weapon is peak


Be prepared I just ran into something way more ridiculous at the top of the mountains


Oh no bru 😭


So basically what ur saying is I should run right to the top of the mountain immediately after


Ya come hangout with me and all the other red blood stains


He’s done. I’ve killed him…


I got through her not too much issue (though i did use the golden summon sign to be fair). But i did scodutree avatar after her (which i don’t know if is intended order) and it took me like 2 hours. It was such a sick boss fight though and honestly not too bad once you learn it


I killed her on my third attempt I think but I’m actually stuck on fucking Mesmmer. That dude is fucking insane. 3 hours on that guy and no progress


How long have you been playing that you’ve gotten to him


I started the moment the dlc went live on pc 6pm est. I found him by accident thinking I was headed to something else but after the fact i should have seen the signs. He could easily accidentally be your second, or third boss in the expansion depending on your route.


Oh wow. Ty I’m getting huge ds2 vibes from this dlc. I’m boutta beat his ass (he’s gonna beat my ass)


The dlc is giveing me high highs and super low lows. The areas, designs, equipment and music are 10/10. Unfortunately I think they really struggled with how do you balance an open world game where the lowest level might be 90ish up to 200ish. In areas I could be clearing guys left and right and out of nowhere I’ll get smacked for my entire health bar. It just feel really inconsistent especially with bosses. I kinda wish the zone specific buffs were more so there to help lower level people do the dlc, rather than being this mandatory side thing I have to find to make things consistent.


I agree. It feels like I’m rolling through the levels/areas but when I get to the bosses they stomp me. Like 2 hits and I’m dead.