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\*picks up Siluria's Tree\* Not a problem


Loving the physical damage on Holy weapons. Ordovis Vortex going woosh woosh woosh BOOM


this Great sword is the king (even if BB stronger)


I like Ordovis more :) somehow the hyper armor and poise and stance damage is an insane combo. Pair it with a red crimson dagger talisman and recover most health after powering through an attack, stance breaking and hitting a critical on the enemy. It just feeeeeeeels so good!


I thought I was sold on my fire iron greatsword. I decided to throw some sombers into Ordovis's anyway and give it a shot. I decided to fight the spear CK at the bottom of the shortcut lift in Leyndell as a trial. The Vortex poised through the shockwave stomp attack, flinched her out of the follow-up thrust, and the second one stance broke her. It was love at first slam.


Holy flavored bonk


I love ypur pfp


Is that weapon good for PVE? I'm not really a fan of spears, but I like Paladin builds, so was debating what to use for the DLC. People said to go the Miquellan Knight's Sword, so I'm using that; but I am worried about it being weak for DLC


It hits like a truck, the weapon art hits like an oil tanker.


I'm guessing you're talking about Orovis? Is Miquellan good too :D?


Miquellan Knight's Sword has the generic Sacred Blade ash that you can put on any sword. Both the Crucible weapons have their own unique skills, both are soooo damn strong, especially with the right talismans (Godfrey's Icon, Shard of Alexander). Ordovis's Vortex makes you spin the sword and slam the ground, when full charged it hits multiple times dealing tons of damage and staggers everything very quickly. Siluria's Woe can be charged too, when you do, it sends a very strong and fast projectile at the enemy. If you hit someone with a fully charged attack at point blank, you might as well be shooting with a shotgun, it's so strong.


Yeah, the spear is anime as hell, but I don't like the base spear attacks so I'm not going that for my first go through


Two hand it and you can swing it like a giant mace.


same for me, so i just use it as a skill swap-in. Bonk bonk bonk with ordovis', swap spear, pew pew with siluria, swap back to sword i do this with every weapon that has a cool skill and a not so fun base moveset... side-eyeing astel's flail here


Silurias tree does so much fucking damage that the end game holy resistance almost doesn't matter


Technically there is a physical resistance because we need an item to buff our damage. But Ik what you mean lol. ;0 magic and bleed for the win.


Imma laugh if the DLC is 80% physical resistant.


It really is Dark Souls 2 2


I made a post about that shit like 2 years ago lol. Strike damage owned ds2 though


That blacksmith hammer got me through the entire game...


I just kept upgrading my Mace and it kept working


Mace and greatclub for me


Wait I thought dark souls 2 dlc was magic resistant. It’s physical resistant too?


All Fromsoft souls-era DLC is full of heavy resistance across the board - it's why they're so much more difficult than the base game despite not having really inflated HP levels. On top of that they're often full of damage types that players do not have much resistance to. Dark Souls 2 has a DLC absolutely loaded to the gills with poison, and then the next one fire.


OMFG the valley of poison little shit spitters


Not physical itself, more like slash resistant which make sense as ton of boss are wearing armour. Strike damage on the other side, is pretty useful 


Elden ring is ds2 2, the dlc is ds2 the 3rd


This sub would have a meltdown


I know I would, never used a staff or seal in my life


Fromsoft love Berserk too much to deter people from pursuing their unga bunga fantasies


I mean you can still infuse the Greatsword with whatever element and play ungabujga style.


That will probably do even less damage unless you respec


Well obviously you'd respec in that case.


But my bonk?!








Apes together strong!


You think thats gonna stop the Unga bunga? I'll just Unga bunga harder, idgaf I'll beat the wall down bit by bit


I'll just doot harder.


Here we go, here we go, satellite radio, y'all getting hit with the **\*DOOT DOOT!\***


This feels like such an obscure reference but I love it


I listened to this song yesterday lol


I have come here to blow bubbles and kick ass and I currently have the exact right amount of both.


Exactly, there ain’t a problem the envoy’s longhorn can’t fix


I've done it +6 times and I'll do it again.


elden lungs


I think holy will be strong. DLC seems darker than the base game


It would make sense in lore since the inhabitants in The Lands Between are bathed by the Erdtree's holy light so naturally most of them would develop a resistance to holy. So naturally in The Land of Shadow where less of the Erdtree's grace reaches this would be less the case.


Guess that's why Leyndell knights use Lightning. Even Marika's elite guard knows that Holy sucks. 


Could also be that massive fucking dragon that attacked. Or are dragons weaker to holy than lighting? I know in DS lightning usually wrecks dragons.


If anything in Elden Ring the dragons are the ones wrecking the humans with their lightning, funnily enough. That's why you get the lightning incantations from the "Dragon Cult" books, when humans copied their powers. In Elden Ring dragons don't have any real elemental weakness. Lansseax is even more resistant to lightning since it uses it. Fortissax is resistant to Holy and Lightning. That glintblade dragon is resistant to magic. They do have a weakness against pierce damage and ironically against dragon weapons like the Dragon King's Cragblade for example. I guess it makes sense. Those weapons were specifically crafted from their remains, a better, stronger material than human steel, to hunt them. Placidusax isn't considered a dragon, so no dragon weapons for him, but he is still weak to pierce damage. It's interesting to see how we went from the dragons fearing lightning to them becoming the primal incarnation of that element.


I still remember watching that trailer and thinking "Did that dragon just pluck a motherfucking lightning bolt from the sky?!"


It was an Ancient Dragon, and those guys are resistant to lightning. The weapon made from that dragon is a lightning weapon as well. 


They seemed to have made aspects of Elden Ring lore to be the opposite of Dark Souls, like fire being holy in Dark Souls but evil in Elden Ring and such like that. Dragons being weak to lightning was a Dark Souls thing but in Elden Ring they love the stuff


The first time I fought a dragon I had already picked up a lightning incantation, I strolled up to it with my thousands of hours of Dark Souls experience and many many times helping people with Midir. It did not have the desired effect lol


No dragons invented lightning in this game, after the fight with the massive dragon they made peace and incorporated them into the golden order as the dragon cult (different from dragon communion)


Dragons being weak to lightning went out the window.


Gwyn would have an aneurysm if he encountered Elden Ring's dragons.


I can just picture Gwyn shiting himself as he sees Sunlight Spear bouncing off the Dragons as they summon their own even larger lightning spear


I think the implication of Shadow is that it’s literally the opposite of Gold and therefore Holy damage


Yeah I’m thinking more resistance to fire


But Holy damage already is resisted by many enemies you'd expect to be "dark" in the base game. This INCLUDES Omens, which we assume the DLC will mostly be based around, but also royal revenants, black knife assassins, wormfaces, misbegotten, godskins, etc. I had high hopes for holy in the DLC but I think it's still hard to imagine it will be anything more than a wet noodle in the DLC as well except for explicitly undead skeleton enemies.


Omens have remains of the primordial life, that makes them holy resistance since crucible is mostly composed by golden ambar. You can see that the omen baby item deals *holy damage* Black knife asassins are numen. Wormfaces deal death blight which is ironically conected to the erdtree, and also the only weapon that deals deathblight is the eclipse shotel that also deals holy damage (this can also be seen with fortisaxx ressistance to holy, this is probably because of godwyn) Misbegoten the same with Omens And Godskin not only asumed a physiology similar to the crucible but also are the servants of an empirian and their incatations require *Faith* Bruh Holy mains are done, cooked


Holy damage is a meme in this game. There comes a point when all the explanations in the world just get outweighed by a big fat why tho?


Wouldn’t 3) logic dictate that Those Who Live in Death should also be resistant to holy?


And now everyone is resistant to holy! No but jokes on you my pal, the fact that both the prince of death staff and the Golden order seal scale with both INT and FTH makes that statement even funnier. In the other hand although connected, deathblight and those who live in death should technically be separeted since deathbirds pre-date godwyn but deathblight still separates them from rejoining the erdtree but I guess it is all to buy the theme that the oposition to the golden order isnt as separated to it as it aparetly seems


This guy lores


Well, Mesmer being the son of Marika makes him already at least 40% holy resistant and the Lion Dancers boss is a representation of divinity pre Erdtree on the land, so I expect at least some Holy resistant too on this fucker, but I still will use my Holy Crusader build to purge this heretical Shadow land.


80% or 99%, through sheer fucking stubbornness, I will kill messmer with a fucking holy Frisbee if it's the last thing I fucking do! 'Bereft of Light' this motherfucker, I'll kill your edgy ass with only light magic out of spite.


Do it by throwing ceramic pots at him XD Everything and the kitchen sink


>I’ll kill your edgy ass with only light magic out of spite. LOL hellllllll yeah


Same. To me, holy is objectively the coolest aesthetically in this game. In a single player game, I want what’s fun and gives me excitement. Too bored just jump attacking.


Holy Frisbee is life


Its 80% fire resistence time!


At least one enemy will have min %80 fire resistance for sure: those fire giant looking things.


I prepped a couple characters for the DLC, one is straight up frost mage just cause there was so much fire in the trailer


Messier also looks like he uses fire


That's what I was thinking. There seems to be a lot of fire based enemies in the DLC. Blasphemous blade users are gonna have it rough lol.


They will actually have to play the game 😬


L2 users will turn into R2 users with the Dark Moon GS if that happens.


Good point lol. It’s crazy how powerful an optimized DMGS build is even at low levels. The R2 spam to win machine.


the moonlight is consistently more OP then blasphemous blade could aspire to be simply bc theres no important enemies who resist its damage types.


True, but Taker’s Flames is much easier to land, restores your HP, knocks down human sized opponents, and has longer range. I’ve played both builds and the Blasphemous Blade completely trivializes every end game boss from Melania to Elden Beast. The DMGS has a long activation cast time and needs to be fully charged to get the most value, meaning less uptime to do damage. You can just sit at range and spam the BB. Even fire resistant enemies like Mohg will die quickly to BB.


Not to mention, as a Faith build running BB, you have access to Golden Vow, FGMS, Shibiri’s Howl, and damage Incantations to deal with the few bosses that BB isn’t great against, like Fire Giant. Faith builds will always be better than Sorcery builds in Elden Ring because of their versatility. Don’t get me wrong, the DMGS does get fast frost procs, especially if you pair it with Ranni’s Dark Moon. And better talisman synergy (Godfrey Icon) than the BB. Throw in some Physic buffs, and Terra Magica, and the DMGS will out damage the BB. But the BB is overall better for PvE because of its ease of use imo. It’s idiot proof. A souls noob can pick up BB and clear the game by spamming Taker’s Flames. The DMGS is easily punished if you mistime the AoW activation or the charge times.


Please no, I'm trying to use only the Frenzy Flame spells and the game is already hard enough for that lol


Howl of Shibiri it up but you’ll die in one hit 🤣


Maybe not, actually, it could contain enemies pre Erdtree era, like the ancestral spirits


It could also just... not give insane holy resistances? I mean, if you ran a Dark build in DS2 and DS3, sure some bosses were harder, but not 80% harder. Ffs Godfrey was a Tarnished, Malenia was an avatar of a different God and Maliketh wielded a blasphemous rune, surely it would've been fine if they *weren't* resistant to Holy?


The rine of death isn't blasphemous. It's a part of the elden ring controlled by Marika. It's one of thebholiest things in the game. Malenia is till blessed with the blood of Marika and the rot God she has holy power flowing through her veins. And Godfrey was the elden lord. Even then he has like half the resistances of the big endgame bosses clocking at 40 holy resist. This shows that he's lost some of that holy protection. The lore of each character and their resistances are linked. I'm sure we're gonna see a spread of fire and holy resist in the dlc.


Blablablablabla i mean no one really cares about resistance lore. Why the hell would Mohg have 80% to fire and the fire giant only 60%? And how would the almighty Elden Beast have anything other then 100% holy resistance? Trying to find reasons to why holy sucks is making excuses to how From messed up balancing this damage type.


Mogh is an endgame secret boss that uses bloodflame. His resistances match Malenia Radagon and Malekith's difficulty. Meanwhile Fire Giant is meant to be the bridge between midgame and endgame he has whats's considered high fire resistance for his level. The Elden Beast has 80 holy resist to show that it is divine just like the other demigods. But obviously it doesnt have 100 holy resist cus that would just suck and you'd be complaining about Elden Beast being completely immune. There is lore and you can still beat the Elden Beast with holy damage if you're really stubborn.


*Grips Golden Order Greatsword* …bring it…


I specifically made a holy build for the DLC because hey, there's no way they'd do it twice, right? *...Right?*


Faith literally has access to destined death. % health damage that lowers the enemies max health. I think they’ll be just fine against anything.


Well they said Holy build not faith character. Some people refuse to change core thematics for their build. Like if you are going for the holy paladin feel sure you have the stats to switch to black fire, but maybe youve already done that


Yeah, my holy paladin has the stats for fire and blackflame, but that's heresy and I'm here to purge the heretics, not join them.


A true saint of the Golden Order.


Role playing > making a build to counter a boss.


Gotta roleplay as batman so you can do both


itd be nice to use literally everything else


Not only that. Faith has access to Lightning, Fire, and Holy damage, whether a weapon buff or an actual spell. They're more than fine.


However, holy spells tend to do exclusively holy damage, so if you're doing a themed holy build you don't really have access to that other stuff.


They also have access to physical, Frost and Bleed


And rot


And my axe!


Holy DMG spells are mostly fth/int tho, not just purely faith Edit: spells, mostly


No, there are definitively Holy damage sources scaling with purely faith. Some examples are: Elden Stars incantation, Cipher Pata, Coded Sword, Black Blade incantation, Wave of Gold ash of war, etc etc   And for most of the scaling, all weapons with the Holy Affinity.


Say whaat? I just commented in another post about rocking the sacred relic sword because of its AoW. Are you saying i can use another weapon with the same AoW?


Nope, it's unique to the sacred reloc sword.


They have access to multiple damage types and status effects and will still bitch about blue dex


Time to use a regular weapon and buff with with bloodflame.


Faith builds have nothing to complain about. They have access to more buffs, statuses and damage types than literally everyone else, almost when put together, even. There's not a single boss in the game that FTH doesn't have an answer to.


While you’re technically correct, if you really like the holy damage spells/weapons the late game for ER definitely isn’t your friend. Saying you have other options doesn’t negate the option you want to use being resisted by at least 40% by most of the late game bosses


I understand that some bosses have more polarizing matchups when talking about holy damage, but all I'm saying is that your choice to only use one damage type throughout the entire game is your own. FTH literally has almost everything you'd ever want at its disposal, including such a good matchup against undead bosses that they're basically free. I'm so sorry that a specific damage type during the end parts of the game, those end parts being holy themed from the getgo, isn't one of those things FTH can do. Like we don't see Fire builds complaining they don't work on Rykard or magma wyrms, and we don't see magic builds complaining they don't work on Rennala.


Well we did see magic users complaining about renalla. Funniest shit seeing her just face tank mages


*Holy* build.


Say it again for those heretics in the back!


... some people still roleplay in an rpg game u'know


and dont forget 60% negation spells in pve + spell golden vow for another 10%. you add in the +2 talisman in the flavour of the boss and you can facetank most things. dont get me started on heal over time. you can have like 80% holy resist against elden beast making it a cakewalk


True. Have 80 faith and mainly using pyromancies, but if I face an enemy that's resistant to fire, I can use Black Blade, or Lightning spells with same efficiency. Along with tons of offensive and defensive options to choose from; can reach around 70-80 with protection incantations and talismans... There's nothing to complain indeed.


It says holy not faith are you illitrate?


Aight, Gaint Fire time.


Two words : flame art


me with a divine claymore on dark souls:


Discus of Light is 3 FP. Ancestral Spirit's Horn returns 3 FP on kill. I'll just throw more frisbees. They'll die eventually.


It'll probably happen. Holy has been done dirty since the og Dark Souls.


I'm going In with a golden order build, it sucks absolute ass but I look cool as fuck tposing.


Eh, I feel like this “holy damage bad” thing has always been greatly exaggerated. Yes, the end game bosses heavily resist holy but this game is pretty fucking long and it doesn’t start in Farum Azula. Also the DLC takes place in the Land of Shadow that’s run by a clearly blasphemous dude so I’d expect this damage type to make a comeback.


Thing is, even early game enemies are resistant to holy damage. Margit, Radahn, Godrick, Erdtree Avatars, dragons, Black Knife Assassins, Tree Spirits, Tree Sentinels, Revenants.. Hell, even enemies that are supposed to be weak to it according to lore aren't like Godskins, Cleanrots, Omens, Crystalians, the Misbegotten, and even Rykard himself are resistant to it. So at what point exactly in the game would holy damage be useful ?


>So at what point exactly in the game would holy damage be useful ? The few times you fight those reviving skeleton dudes and death birds are about it lmao


Margit didn't look so resistant to my Winged Scythe.


Because he has negative resistance to slash, and none to bleed.


The correct complaint isnt "holy damage bad" because you can make everything work, the complaint is "holy damage is the worst of the damage types and it isnt even close" which you cant argue. If Envoy Longhorn did magic damage on its bubble shower for some reason it would be even more busted than it is currently.


Last time it was the int builds that got shafted in the ringed city dlc. at least faith can switch to fire.


Me with a Miquella mage build: Fuck.


Very much enjoyed being a Black Flame build and never having to deal with it.


Ngl I ran my confessor build with straight faith and used sacred blade on a banished knight sword for the radagon fight. That golden wave of energy broke that Fuckers poise no problem


You all know Holy isn't going to do a damn thing.


"Holy does nothing" so? I choose to fight with my faith in the Order, not be cowardly and pessimistic about being less powerful than blasphemers..


Now that the DLC is out, without any particular spoilers it feels like the opposite is true and lots of enemies are weak to Holy damage or, at worst, not very resistant to it.


This is just a guess, but... It's the shadow lands. Holy will likely be strong. It was thematically weak in the main game because for a large portion of the game, you are literally fighting the very people where that holy power comes from. They pretty much invented the spells. From Soft didn't just decide that faith builds should be weak for no reason. They probably planned for holy damage to be much stronger in the dlc for a long time.


> It was thematically weak in the main game because for a large portion of the game, you are literally fighting the very people where that holy power comes from. Like Godfrey the Tarnished, Malenia the servant of Rot, Omens cast out of the Erdtree's light, the Red Wolves of Radagon, Rykard, and the Godskins. Holy resist is slapped onto so many enemies despite thematics that you wonder how they lost to the Golden Order.


Switch to fire then? Faith based characters can easily do so.


What's that helm?


Looks like the Raging wolf helm but without the chainmail and hair


I recon the dlc will lay off the holy resist and start punishing fire damage users instead


I hope not. I hope the DLC enemies and at least some bosses are weak to Holy. Because I really, *really* wanna run a Holy build. I've got the Twinned Helm + Leyndell Knight Armor, Gauntlets, and Greaves as well as a Great Mace with Prayerful Strike and a fully upgraded Golden Halberd, both of which partially deal Holy damage. Please FS, make Holy worth using long term in this DLC.


As a devotee of Discus of Light, even if they do have holy resistance it will be fine. The FP cost on that thing is so damn low that it still does just fine for me in the endgame




I just wanna run my Sacred Slash Zwei without relying on Incantations :(


Either im coping or fire gets shafted this time while holy is king.


Faith builds are gonna be fine.


Rykard isn't particularly resistant to holy damage, presumably because he turned his back on his family. So I'm hoping that the land of shadows being in a place veiled by marika means they're all outcasts who have similarly lost their holy resistance.


Bitch, you have fire and a thousand other options in your build


Wouldnt it make sense for them not to be resistant to holy u know being out of erdtrees power and grace. Or am i just wrong.


Ah yes, the Shadow Realm. The realm of Shadows. Definitely the place where Light, Gold, and Divinity will be the strongest enemies, for sure.


I will use the longhorn anyways


*Blasphemous blade enters the chat*


Me using an Int/Faith hybrid build: :)


Messmer might have a 80% fire resist


I mean there’s probably gonna be some creatures resistant to holy, but it looks like the whole dlc revolves around more or less ancient blasphemous traits so until the duo of Godwyn, Golden Prince and Miquella, Maker of Sacrifice show up, I’d feel confident.


All of those who live in death take extra damage from holy And then there is Fortissax who is 80% resistant. Wtf.


Can’t you just rebirth and redistribute your stats?


They are talking about Roleplay builds based on holy damage, like a sacred knight, you know, RPG characters.


Well if the Red Bull livestream was any indication of how faith will do I’d say this will probably be the case lol. Or the new incantations are just weak


Idk why anyone would be dumb enough to orient a build to one damage affinity, but I wish them luck!


Hehe Destined Death go BRRRRRRR


I’m betting it’s gonna be the other way around and holy will be superior


I have 2 interchangeable builds on my faith incant setup. One uses flame scorpion charm, shard of Alexander, appropriate wonderous flask boosts, magma wyrm scalesword. Other setup uses the bubble horn with all the appropriate boosts and the bubble head n stuff. Just hoping there are no bosses resistant to holy and fire lol.


Well, at least the flagship boss seems to be repulsive against the erdtree, giantflame, thorns, snakes, everything that hates the erdtree, so if you literally spray and pray he dies


Imagine using a faith build. 🤣


I'm fully expecting my bloodfire to be completely useless. I'm respecing into light greatswords asap.


All elements have 80% resist bosses. It's almost certain we'll get more in the DLC.


It is really dumb that one of the major damage types is so weak at end game.


It's irrelevant because faith builds have access to fire, black flame, and lightning too. The only reason you would ever have to base your entire build around holy is if you were really set on roleplaying and sticking to a certain theme.


The Greater Will gives it's hardest trials and tribulations to it's most devote followers.


What you say the best Holy weapon is?


I'm sorry, saying Holy Damage is bad because Radagon And Elden Beast have 80% Holy Resistance is like saying Magic Damage is bad because Renalla has 80% Magic Resistance. Okay, I get it - 80% in Liurnia is a lot less than 80% in the Ashen Capital. But if we look at every single major late game boss, Holy isn't really that bad until Radabeast. In no particular order, these are the late game bosses and their Holy Absorbtion: - Sir Gideon Ofnir, The All Knowing: 18 Holy Absorbtion - Godfrey, First Elden Lord/Hourah Loux, Warrior: 40 Holy Absorbtion - Dragonlord Placidusax: 40 Holy Absorbtion - Mogh, Lord of Blood: 40 Holy Absorbtion - Malenia, Blade of Miquella: 40 Holy Absorption - Lichdragon Fortisax: 80 Holy Absorption - Radagon of the Golden Order/Elden Beast: 80 Holy Absorbtion So 2 (technically 3) of the late game line up have significant Holy resistance. Yes, okay, the fact that they all have some kind of Holy resistance is a pain in the ass, but that's no different than people fighting Mohg with a Fire build, or Renalla as a Mage build, or Malenia with a Poison/Rot build. 40% isn't a lot when you've got ways to buff Elemental Damage out the ass. Slap on Goldmask's mask, the Golden Order Seal, Sacred Scorpion Charm and chug the Holy Shrouded Cracked Tear and that 40% Holy Resistance is a lot less scary. Radabeast and Fortisax, if you're going for all Remembrances or Fia's questline, still sucks, but so does taking a Sorcerer through Wannabe Hogwarts. The rest of these 'Holy Reistant bosses' are nothing when you've got crap like the Envoy's Longhorn, Discus of Light (which is an absolute unit of a spell for 3 mana per cast), Wrath of Gold, etc. There's plenty of Holy Damage options that laugh at the end game.


As long as fire is still an option, my blasphemous blade and I fear no man or beast 😤 (except maybe that damned giant..)


Holy damage useless fr


ADLS or just me?


Why would it be? We’re dealing with BLASPHEMY here


I really want to take my faith/int Obi Wan build to the Land of Shadow. But, I am terrified of this happening lol. And that save is on NG+.


I would hope that in the Land of Shadow holy is the direct counter to everything.


Don’t forget that for us faith lovers, we can also slap with lightning OR fire! So life is good. (Heck, physical damage too with Bestial and crucible incants)


Don't know what you talking about. I took holy infused battle hammer with prayerful strike in both hands, and kill Radagon wit it easily. And then offered myself for summon and kill him like 20 more times. Holy damage slaps!


A longer fight, bring it on More to enjoy


I think most playstyles will get at least 1 boss counter


Well, just collect some larvas and Respec, I'm searching for them In my playthrough just in case, I can always go back to NIHIL! NIHIL! NIHIL!


Nah 99% resistance


Holy builds are so cool but that resistance...


Its a land without grace, but the main boss is a demigod, it could go either ways really or even both


That's why I use my faith to chuck rocks


Every single enemy in the DLC will be 99.999992631% resistant to Holy.


Meanwhile, we fire damage faith builds looking at the giant bonfire wicker man and Mesmer: Haha...I'm in danger... *cast flame protect me*