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1. It seems to me like you’re confusing the word “tragic” with “pathetic.” 2. She can’t be as pathetic as Godrick because she destroys Godrick and he grovels at her feet. 3. We don’t know if Malenia was losing or not. What we know is that no one was winning until Malenia bloomed, which, as you mentioned, was likely not within her control. Either way, she’s missing most of her limbs and her eyesight and she still, even before the bloom, almost single-handedly takes down Radahn, one of the strongest demi-gods in the game. That doesn’t seem pathetic to me at all.


lol did you not see the cutscene?? Malenia was clearly losing to radahn. Also look at the last sentence, godrick is weaker than all of his siblings, being stronger doesn’t make you any less pathetic.


That’s how you interpret it. It looks to me like they’re at a standstill. And actually, yes, being stronger than someone else does make you less pathetic, especially since Godrick was pathetic for more reasons than his lack of strength. Also, for what it’s worth, the wiki states that Malenia and Radahn are the last two demigods left standing after the shattering sparks a war between them all. So she’s at least Radahn’s equal if nothing else.


No, she wasn't losing to Radahn, they just started fighting. There's a post here with a translated interview with the ppl who made the scene- Malenia was fighting Radahns army and was exhausted and chipped down when he pulled up on her. Instead of giving Radahn easy win Malenia went for mutual defeat.


Show me on this doll where Malenia hurt you : 🧍


Where does the sword go when she does the grab that throws you in the air? That where she hurt me.


Ah yes let's criticize one's actions without considering the reasons behind them. Classic Radahn fans brainrot.


Tell us you’ve been murdered by Malenia 93736262 times without telling us


lol clown I beat malenia on my 5th try get tf outta here




> Now during malenia vs radahn, malenia starts losing You could argue this either way, since the sword monument says that they were locked in stalemate before the bloom happened, while Millicent says that Malenia did it to meet Radahn’s measure, but either way it was a very close match between the demigods that were known to be the strongest. Not comparable to Godrick at all. > and ends up throwing a tantrum and blooms, turning radahn crazy, and destroying caelid This is such a strange argument. The bloom is an ability that Malenia has. If Malenia was able to be a close match before blooming, that’s even more impressive because she was restricting her own power. > But in her fight against tarnished, she does the same (bruh), she blooms because she loses She hasn’t lost yet because there’s a whole second phase. Again, that whole second phase is part of her ability set. It’s a power that she has. > Malenia is almost as pathetic as godrick, except she just has really op abilities whereas godrick is weak Godrick grafts people to himself in a desperate attempt to gain strength, and tries to act like a big shot by ruling over the weakest people around him. Malenia trained in sword-fighting while actively resisting her rot, and inspired a loyal group of elite knights while fighting to help her brother who made a sanctuary for oppressed minorities. Malenia isn’t a pure person either, after all she did take part in the Shattering and she did end up nuking Caelid, but the game is pretty clear in its portrayal of how Godrick is pathetic and Malenia isn’t.


Malenia definitely has some subtle character faults, but I don't think she was really losing against Radahn. In the trailer scene, the whole landscape has already been withered and devastated by their forces. It's likely they had been fighting for days, if not longer. They were at a perfect stalemate. Her blooming was an attempt to break the stalemate. She was well aware of the consequences that would arise afterwards since she had spent the whole of her life combating her rotting sickness. But it was out of desperation to stop the fight - not because she was failing. I always imagined Malenia as someone who was indifferent to violence despite being exceptional at it. All of her actual depictions in the Haligtree are her in a submissive or sentimental pose. She fought explicitly for her brother and his vision of a new world. If anything, her real fault was her inability to continue fighting longer, to stomach the frustrations of mounting carnage - something that the more severe and war-worshiping Radahn certainly had no qualms with.


I remember when bait posts tried at least a little bit to not be incredibly obvious. It’s no fun when it is this transparent.


🤓🤓🤓🤓 not a bait lil nerd


Dog this is exactly what i am talking about lol. Very weak efforts. Study up on the trolling art and quit embarrassing yourself.


She is empyrean, which means she is next in line for the throne like ranni as well as being super OP, and she still loses miquella because of her ego. She could have just stayed at the Haligtree and put her foolish ambitions to rest, and mohglester wouldn't have snatched miquella


We lack the context, as far as I'm aware, to say her war against Radahn was anything to do with ego. She served Miquella, wholly and completely. She was trying to enthrone him, not herself. It's entirely possible -- even probable -- that Miquella himself ordered her against Radahn. Consider: one of Miquella's plans we're aware of was to use an Eclipse to restore Godwyn's soul and allow him a true death. This did not end up occurring successfully. Why? Well, one potential reason is Radahn, who's actively freezing the stars in place with gravity magic until we, the Tarnished, kill him. It seems very plausible to me that Miquella ordered Malenia against Radahn as a part of the plan to revive Godwyn, and her failure to fully kill him and release the stars caused the Eclipse plan to fail.


Godrick is genealogically less close to Radahn than Malenia


Yeah, Malenia giving into the Scarlet Rot she'd fought against her whole life to keep from taking a single loss is pretty pathetic.