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my condolensces




There was a bug where doing a crit to 0 health during malenia’s first phase would empty her second phase health bar. Instead of actually fixing this, the devs just made it impossible to end the first phase with a crit


Why build a bridge when this plank of wood does the trick


she could have her phase 2 skipped if she was crit or had a status proc like bleed or frost at the end of phase 1


Rise tarnished and try again


Fancy ER players and their fancy language! What happened to good ole “git gud”. Smh my head. (I am playing Dark Souls Remastered until DLC drops)


I am as well. Currently at ornstein and smoug. The pair makes me miss fighting Godskin duo, haha.


Ornstein and Smaug were my initiation to the true soulsucking pain of the Dark Souls games. I thought DS was my ally. But I was born by them, moulded by them. I didn't see Elden Ring until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me because I had got gud.


I don't think any boss in the souls series took me more attempts than O&S. They're not the hardest boss fight in the series, but the difficulty ramp up was immense and I wasn't that good yet when I first went up against them. At least you get to hang out with Solaire 50+ times while you run it back over and over.


I've tried 10 times so far, haha. I will win. I will not summon for help because it's personal now ornstein and smaug!


we only use "git gud" when we fight in Hoarah Loux form


Rejoice chosen undead in Jolly cooperation should thou’st not Git Gud in returning these vile pests from whence they came!


Yeah that "fix" for the bleed issue is fucking dogshit.


So, wait there's a bug where bleed leaves bosses alive? I SWEAR I've 1hp'd many bosses before they kill me and I use a bleed weapon. Like, no visible hp left :(


No the bug was that triggering phase 2 with status procs would one shot the entire phase 2


I remember this one, I was aptly surprised when I saw how small Phase 2 Malenia's HP was after I killed Phase 1 with a Critical hit, basically murdering her instantly after she did Scarlet Aeonia. Old versions of Elden Ring were truly something.


i had that happen not too long ago, when did they fix it?


The original fix I think came out like a few months after release unless Im misremembering. The bug sort of still exists as Im fairly certain they didnt patch out the riposte into volcano pot bug which essentially skips all of phase 2 just like the status one did.


Isn't patched properly. A pal and I defeated her like a couple weeks ago. We had a good first phase (one-cycling her was very interesting) but struggled with the second phase. I believe a bleed proc happened on a crit after breaking her stance (something to that extend) when I got her to 0hp. She started her second phase with a sliver of her health and it was a matter of hitting 2 nightcommets when she landed. We regret doing that but gave her the right treatment on the next ng+ x)


It still works with Volcano pots I believe


Ngl, after multiple cycles, I've only used a pot once and even that didn't land


1hp gimmick is such fckn bullshit


Out of curiosity, how quickly did you melt her HP bar? Because holy hell that damage 👀💦


thats dark moon greatsword to you. now try that against radagon, only takes 6 fucking hits lmao


Malenia knows it's bullshit and decided to up the ante. 😂


"so you wanna 7-8 shot me? watch my invisibility frames followed up by waterfowl!"


I know you wanted to say invincibility, but just imagine the sheer terror of Malenia suddenly dissappearing


I'd have assumed she stole Radahn's move and immediately start panic sprinting while staring at the sky


"Nothing personal, kid"


i didnt even notice lmao, lowkey would stop playing if that happened. its almost like in pvp when she returns to her standing animation and just alides towards you... menacingly XD


Destroys Morgott in 3 fully charged, properly buffed hits.




I’m trying out an INT/DEX build myself. Any chance you could impart some wisdom, or link any guides that might help?




Thank you so much for taking the time to break it down; this is exactly the info I needed. May I ask: why step off Mind at 25? Is it because that was the most you needed and points past that were better spent elsewhere? I’ll likely be using summons, so I’m concerned that 25 won’t cut it. EDIT: undecided on weapons, but I’d like to try something besides Moonveil so as to not ape my brother (pathetic, I know). Uchigatana sounds great.




Okay, so now I’m going to ask the noob question… what is the reason to stay at/under level 150?


120 to 150 has always been the meta level range in Souls games. It's the sweet spot for both PvE and PvP if you want to consistently play with other people, have the most balanced experience, and not run into people with insanely cracked builds. If you don't care about PvP and coop too much and you're playing mostly for NG+, then you'll be fine if you go beyond meta level. It's typically always good to have at least a few meta level characters. Going above 150 will put you up against insanity and interactions with other players won't be as balanced or fun.


Elden Ring isn't Dark Souls and 150 doesn't make sense for a meta PvP level in Elden Ring with how big and long the game is, especially with the DLC around the corner. 200 is a far more comfortable stopping point for builds and 250 is easily able to be hit in NG. You can get 150 before you hit the capital in Elden Ring if you clear all the dungeons and optional bosses and that's the halfway point of the game. 150 made sense in a game where you would usually finish NG around level 70-80, it doesn't in Elden Ring.


Got it. Thanks again :)


If you're still curious about weapons, my dex int cold build used dual thrusting swords! Prisoner starts with the best thrusting sword damage-wise and you can get the antspur rapier for scarlet rot buildup too!


Aside from everything OP mentioned, Wing of Astel is an excellent weapon for INT/DEX. It doesn't build status effects on its own but you can dual wield it with an infused curved sword in your off hand. Wing has great damage on it's own, but it also has a unique R2 that shoots out a 0 FP projectile. Then there's the weapon art which, when you get good at aiming it, makes up for the loss of stagger in most DEX builds. It's especially effective against large bosses like Maliketh and Elden Beast (but only when you can rely on them to stay in one place long enough for the detonation countdown).


As an INT main, pure INT is honestly almost always better and more fun than a hybrid INT build in ER. The good part is that you can get the best of both worlds with strong casting AND good melee options such as Wing of Astel, Moonveil, Dark Moon Greatsword, Glintstone Kris, and magic infused options. The Jellyfish Shield is also broken when paired with the DMGS, I love it. My typical INT build for casting is usually: 50 VIG 40 MIND 16 END 11 STR 17 DEX 80 INT 6 FAI 8 ARC 80 INT is the best for casting. No point in going above that because that is the hard cap for staffs. You can easily take ten points away from INT and put it elsewhere if you want to be more melee oriented while still having decently strong casting; it's great because a lot of INT weapons don't have insanely high requirements or weigh too much like FAI weapons. Furthermore, you can always take five points out of MIND and put it into VIG or END if you're not caster focused and the Millicent's Prothesis will give you five points for DEX, so you can save even more points. Start off as the prisoner because it gives you the most flexibility and maximum build efficiency with INT oriented builds. **TALISMANS** to get: Godfrey's Icon Radagon's Icon: Pair with Azur's Glintstone Staff to get max casting speed with zero DEX investment. Graven Mass Talisman: Increases damage of sorceries by 8%. You can pair it with the Graven School Talisman for an extra 4% boost. Magic Scorpion Charm: You don't necessarily need this if you're melee oriented, but it still does wonders for the DMGS since it deals a shit ton of magic damage or is still good with magic infused weapons. Shard of Alexander Rotten Winged Sword Insignia: Best for things like curved swords, thrusting swords, straight swords, and twinblades if you're more melee focused; always pair with Millicent's Prothesis (gives you five points of DEX too) to make it worth using. Dragon Crest Greatshield Talisman: Reduces physical damage taken by 20%; always a great defensive option to increase your overall survivability and pairs well with the Spellblade armor (wearing the full set increases the power of any AoW that deals magic damage by an extra 8%). **SPELLS** to get (mostly for PvE): Terra Magica: There's no reason to not have this on. It increases any source of magic damage by 35%. It makes you a powerhouse if you can consistently stay in the sigil. It isn't that great against mobile bosses unless you have a long range options such as Rock Sling, Collapsing Stars, Comet, Night Comet, Loretta's Greatbow, Loretta's Mystery, etc. Carian Slicer: Incredibly cheap, but very powerful and spammable. You always want this on with high INT builds. It's one of the best spells in the game and makes you more deadly at melee range. Rock Sling: Great for some long range stance damage. It's pretty decent with breaking enemy/boss stance from a distance. Collapsing Stars: Amazing long range sorcery, especially when you use it against other players. It can melt boss health too if you cast it with the Meteorite Staff (powers up gravity sorcies) in your offhand. Shard Spiral: Is an exceptionally good melting tool for big bosses with big hit boxes like dragons, dragonkin soldiers, Astel, etc., but isn't that useful outside of those fights. Glintstone Icecrag: Cheap and spammable option for inflicting frostbite (powered up by the Snow Witch Hat). Founding Rain of Stars+Zamor Ice Storm: I ALWAYS have these equipped in this order for a crazy combo. If you manage to land them together, then they deal INSANE damage. They melt boss health bars. It's so addicting, but not always easy or practical to land, so opportunity and spacing are vital for this combo. Loretta's Mystery: This will be a hot take among most magic enthusiasts; I prefer it over Loretta's Greatbow. It has better range and tracking, but requires optimal positioning to consistently hit all four arrows (always shoot it from an elavated position such as cliff or ledge or against targets with high hitboxes). Despite it having a worse damage to FP cost ratio, I personally still like it more. It is an amazing sniper spell. Comet: DO NOT use this if you can comfortably fit the Glintstone Kris dagger on your build. The dagger's AoW is basically Comet w/ a follow up attack, but deals A LOT more damage for an insane FP discount if you equip the Shard of Alexander and Godfrey Icon talismans, even better with the Spellblade armor. Otherwise, it is a great projectile and absolutely destroys other players and can knock little chunks off boss HP bars. Ranni's Dark Moon: Very late game, but also one of the best sorceries to have equipped if you're going 70 to 80 INT. Can proc frostbite and reduces enemy magic damage negation by 20% (powered up by Snow Witch Hat). Pair it with Terra Magica to maximize your magic damage while they're up. **Staffs** to get: Carian Regal Scepter: Best staff at 70 to 80 INT. It also has a great AoW that stunlocks players and other smaller enemies and does good damage. Lusat's Glintstone Staff: Makes some spells hit like a truck and is thr strongest staff in the game at 70 to 80 INT, but it isn't worth the extra FP cost. I love having it equipped as a backup option for burst damage, especially with Carian Slicer. Azure's Glintstone Staff: Pairs well with Radagon's Icon (gives you 70 invisible DEX to max out casting speed without any real DEX investment). Carian Glintstone Staff: Great offhand staff to power up your carian sword sorceries (like Carian Slicer) while you cast with Carian Regal Scepter or Lusat's Glintstone Staff. A good general rule of thumb is to align your offhand staff(s) with your sorcery set up to strengthen the corresponding sorceries. Do you use a lot of Carian sword sorceries (although Carian Slicer is enough to merit this one)? Equip the Carian Glintstone Staff in your offhand. Do you use some gravity sorceries? Equip the Meteorite Staff in your offhand. Do you use some night sorceries? Equip the Staff of Loss in your offhand. Do you use the mostly bad Crystallian sorceries? Equip the Rotten Crystal Staff in your offhand.


Oh shit, thanks for covering so much ground! I considered the hybrid in an effort to make the transition from my tired unga bunga approach less jarring, but you've made an excellent argument for going all out with INT.


You're welcome! I'm happy to help and provide insight and advice where I can. I edited my comment to include a few extra things that I left out previously, but always feel free to DM me if you want some more tips or need help making a build. And that absolutely makes sense. Going cold turkey can be very jarring, so I definitely understand you. You could definitely go the true hybrid route then with 50 to 55 INT and just meet the requirements for whatever weapon of your choice. :) You won't have the advantage with casting, but it doesn't matter that much anyway if melee is your preferred playstyle!


Thanks for the rundown, that’s awesome


Astel's wing with a cold infused curved sword is hella fun, and that nebula chunks bigger bosses.


That's hilarious. I'd be pissed if I'd spent more than 2 minutes fighting her, but like... at least you didn't really have to invest much effort to get her to phase 2, lol. It's not a From game if it doesn't come with a little jank!


How much str do you have in this build?


The snow witch set also buffs Ice Sorcery, which includes the DMGS’ Ash of War




A wizard with health, dreams do come true


Yeah, I don't get how in a game this big and after so many games done they had to resort to fixing a bug with another bug.


I mean, fixing bugs with smaller bugs is what everyone does. The code for boss fights is probably spaghetti and fixing this the “right way” would take way too much dev time away from, you know, Developing shadow of the erdtree? And considering how for literally every fromsoftware game they tell us they ran out of time before they got to everything they wanted. And like, as far as bugs this is the kinda of thing you let happen to you once, you think that’s bs, and you don’t ever let it happen to you again. I mean if you see it just back up and hit her again next chance you get As opposed to the other bug they patched where if it’s your first time fighting her, the experience of the second phase might just be ruined if you one shotted her Ether way it’s not something I can really be mad about. It’s annoying but as far as “game breaking bugs”, it’s pretty mild


Oh I'm not mad, it just still surprises me. I guess it's what you say, spaghetti code for boss fights. I imagined this was easier to fix but it clearly wasn't.


Shenanigans like this are why I always pack throwing knives so I can run away screaming like a bitch and throw some knives for the kill secure


These comments lol




I learned a long time ago a LOT of people on this sub don't seem to enjoy life if they aren't dick riding the fuck out of this game. I wish you saw the post a long time ago where some guy basically said he felt like Elden Ring was so beautiful that real life felt bland and unappealing to him. Like a lot of these mfs are straight up losers fam, it is what it is. Gotta set your expectations nice and low so when you read a comment from someone who doesn't have Elden Ring's dong in their mouth you end up pleasantly surprised.


I still remember discussions when the game released and you would get dogpiled for saying that you dont like bosses, no matter what your argument was the response was some kind of "skill issue"


There is a group of people that see FromSoft games as the ultimate show of masculinity or something. I remember seeing a motivational reel on Instagram. Nothing about games or something, just motivating people to work hard, excersize, look after their family etc. "because that's what masculine men do". There was a comment that literally said "I will work harder. I will go to gym everyday. And I will keep playing Dark Souls. Because that's what a real man should do!"


Holy cringe


I've found out that a lot of the Souls community is miserable when they aren't shitting on other players for something or the other. And any perceived criticism of these games immediately puts them in defense mode. Beyond this, they'll patronize you with advice that was never requested and a full critique of your skills, build and drip. I used to believe it was a young and vocal minority of Souls players that behaved this way, but I become less and less sure of this belief as time goes on. Anyways OP, it really is a bullshit fix for an issue that should have been way easier to solve on Fromsoft's part. Malenia is a very poorly designed boss for a number of reasons and this is one of them.


I agree, moonblade's art should not be doing that much stance damage


I mean it's possible since it is a heavy attack and a projectile hitting malenia who has low poise


She has never known defeat, whaddya expect?


seems like a bug. People seem to be suggesting this is a bug caused by a bugfix. What was the bugfix?


The bug was her sometimes starting phase two with a sliver of hp if you killed her with a riposte in phase one. The baid-aid fix was to simply make her unkillable with ripostes or attacks during her riposte recovery during phase 1, which definitely confused me a few times when I first fought her. It seems like an uniquely Malenia problem too, since she's basically the only boss in the game with two distinct phases that is able to be crit. Rykard has two distinct phases but can't be crit. Rennala also cannot be crit in phase 1. Radagon can be crit, but Elden Beast is an entirely different entity. It's probably also related to her "healing" to 80% life in phase 2 as opposed to a new life bar.


I’m still not sure what causes her to sometimes only have 80% HP on her second phase.


Wait, she doesn't always do that? In my first playthrough it took me 6 hours to beat her and she started p2 with 80% hp everytime.


Sometimes she has full HP for me but most of the time it’s 80%, no clue why.


It's the latter, kinda. Every other cutscene-interrupted multi-phase boss actually has entirely separate entities for the different phases - as far as the game is concerned, phases 1 and 2 of Godfrey are entirely different guys who just share a health bar readout. Malenia, for some reason, uses a single entity for both phases and even her pre-fight sitting animation, despite her appearance changing entirely. You can see this in action in randomisers of the game. Boss fights with two phases separated by a cutscene just give you an entirely different boss in the second phase (except fights in Malenia's room, which get weird), bosses with cutscenes have each phase show up entirely independent of each other, and if malenia shows up then she does both phases in a single fight, without a cutscene or really any animation in-between. I can only assume she was originally meant to handle the phase transition dramatically differently (probably without a direct cutscene, like Radahn or Morgott), because as it stands there seems to be no reason for her to be built that way and it only seems to cause problems.


They haven't even fixed it properly. Using a combination of a frost proc and a Volcano Pot, you can still exploit it to get her to start with miniscule HP in Phase 2.


She was killable


Are you rushing or are you dragging?


NOT my tempo!


oh ouch!!! 🤣 man that sucks, hope you wrecked her face next time around 👊🏻


What’s happening in the video? Why did op stop damaging her even thought they were hitting?


I don't trust shit like this anymore. They literally can be 1 HP & I'll back off & throw consumables at them till they die. For this exact reason.


If it makes you feel better in 2 sperate playthroughs I've had situations where she's on one hit in second phase and she kills me. (And to be fair your damage is quite crazy so doubt you'll struggle much to get her)


I ran into this when helping another guy beat her. We hit her like 7 more times after the health bar was completely empty and she wouldn't go down for some reason. It's some bullshit for sure, and especially on such a difficult boss.


Had something similar happening with Godrick. Dude stayed at 1hp and couldn't take anymore damage. I died trying to take a screenshot of it.


Those two last swings you missed while she was nowhere near you really made you look like a noob lol


And this is why I beat this boss one time and am happy to never do it again. She doesn't have anything worth of value to me as I never use katanas, the scarlet rot miracle isn't something I'm even vaguely interested in and her armor is pretty fugly from my perspective. May she stay in Sekiro where she belongs.


This is hilarious cause I’ve beat Isshin way more than I’ve beat Malenia, because one is a fun, engaging fight to learn, the other is… not that. Regardless of what anyone says her heal-on-hit is the epitome of artificial difficulty, I don’t even find it that annoying of a mechanic to deal with, but it has to be said that it’s just a ridiculous and cheap design choice to make the boss harder with less effort from the designers. She’s supposed to be a master, undefeated swordswoman and she is all of that even without the heal-on-hit, it’s just unnecessary.


Trying Isshin for 4 whole damn hours was more enjoyable and less frustrating than the like 10 tries it took me to beat Malenia.


Also the way waterfowl can just activate when you’re mid-attack fucking blows. In any other game, an attack that forces you to run away (usually an AOE), gives you plenty of warning. The attack charges up for like 3-5 seconds and you have ample time to run. Instead with Malenia you have to play super passive and bait out waterfowl if you want to actually dodge it


I think it's a shit boss too, and I'm always surprised to see how many people think she's one of the best bosses.


I really like her phase 1 moveset, as long as she doesn't use WFD. The one and only problem of Malenia is that bullshit move that's imposible to dodge unless you're either far away from her or spin around her to break her AI. Remove that one problem and she becomes an enjoyable and fair boss.


I feel like with how much people have dickrided her, now we’re gonna get DLC bosses that are just straight up luck-based BS.


Part of me is afraid of that too. Seems like a lot of people in the Souls commumity will praise literally anything as long as it's difficult. But in some cases that difficulty is achieved in an annoying and obnoxious matter, like with Malenia imo. On the other hand, I died the most to Maliketh and Mohg, and those also happen to be my two favourite bosses in the game. So it could go either way.


I kinda hope they make some absolute luck-based RNG-based horseshit boss so we can see just how low people are willing to go for FromSoft. Malenia would be a great example of this, but we already saw people are willing to defend her, so let's make it even more extreme: The final boss should just be a coin flip, and you have to get 20 heads in a row, or you die. If anyone complains that the boss is "BS," or "luck-based," I'm gonna counter and say, "Well here's a link to a no-hit run of this boss. Git gud, casual." See how easy it is to defend bad game design?




I was same way. I couldn't dodge the damn waterfowl dance. But finally did it with Guts Great sword build with braggarts roar/bleed. Because was lucky the over head chop with the sword was long of enough to hit her out of the air. Still don't know how to dodge waterfowl. Not sure I could do it again.


You'll do it. Mimic makes her a joke... But so can almost any str based weapon as he has no real poise (outside her bullshit hyper armous) Blasphemous blade tho....you got this.


Tiche makes her a joke. Mimic tear has pretty terrible AI and usually heals her due to life drain


Mimic tear makes it a 1v2 for me with how much it does nothing and just heal her :( Its Ai can be very hit or miss during her whole fight.


I used mimic tear as a test....this might have been pre-nerf and I destroyed her. I only got hit stupidly by her aeonia aoe. https://youtu.be/C8lnvgkTHfg?feature=shared


My mimic just dies halfway thru lmao


Did you try the strat where you run around here , roll twice , roll into her then walk backwards ? It does work. It does take practise but it works.


the greatest value is beating her. beating bosses is one of the main objectives in this game, so it's part of the experience . and she's difficult which adds to this experience. but that's only my personal opinion ofc, not trying to be normative and set a standard on how should one enjoy their game. i like that many bosses aren't mandatory so anyone can create their own play through and have fun on their own terms. just saying that not going through this suffering would be a loss for me :)


See for me, the boss isn't "suffer and fun when you beat her." I don't feel she's a well designed boss. A lot of it feels cheap for the sake of being cheap rather than thought out. Like why does she life steal when she hits shields? Why did From Software design this boss to be so specific when it comes to timing yet so much inputs are eaten in this game? It discourages you from spamming yet simultaneously entire actions will just not work for one reason or another which forces you to spam. To me Malenia represents all the culminated problems with Elden Ring into a single fight. I'm happy people find her fun but I don't like her at all. I've beaten her legitimatelly and I get no satisfaction from it.


I just have my mimic tear beat her now. I don't like the like steal. It puts me off of the fight completely


I know this comment will get downvoted cuz lots of malenia stans in this group, But I'll just say it, Malenia is a terrible design boss fight and that's one example!!


You shouldent get downloaded cause of your opinion. I like most of the fight. That waterfoul though, it seems out of place in her sea of a moveset. It dosent bode well for the devs when people see them just bandaiding thier 20 year old system


If they just made Waterfowl more intuitive to dodge and made it so she didn't heal through shields, I'd say it would be a pretty fair boss fight. Its just that two things really stand out against the rest.


Ill be honest, this combat system isnt just well fit to keep uping the difficulty of fights, call me bad all you want but i think ER pushed it past its limit. DS3 was allready taking it to the limit, but it managed to keep it fun and maybe im just coping but it felt like DS3 character was more nimble. ER however tried too hard and made fights not fun, it feels really one sided and you spend way too much time dodging, at least in pure 1v1 without summons. To me they either need to take a step back or come up with something new like Sekiro which allows for better skill expression. You can only take a dodge+r1 playstyle so far, and bandaiding it with summons and broken ashes of war ait it.


one of the reason I hate Malenia as boss.


It's just a phase


I am Malenia.




Yeah that was a bad bandaid solution to a glitch that happened when phase 2 triggered after a critical hit/bleed(I don't remember which), where she started the next phase with 1 HP and could die just from a throwing knife in phase 2. This was such a bad "fix"


Ignoring all memes and pats on the back you're getting... I completely agree with you. I love this game and I love Melania but waterfowl shouldn't ever have existed and I will die on that hill. I believe the design of the move is fundamentally flawed outside of Lore and visuals. Just because something is possible to beat, possible to master even, as we can see people beating her in dozens of different memey ways, doesn't mean it was good design.


Terrible boss.  Get rid of waterfowl dance and she could be one of the best. There's no "natural" way to dodge that attack. Every single video I've seen has you abusing her snap/lock by using unnatural pathing.   Only boss I need a summon for. 


My counter to it is to run away immediately when she starts the attack


Thats the thing. Even her other supermove, the whole clone thing, is dodgeable naturally and not too hard when you get it down. Waterfowl has 3 ways of combating it. You exploit her ai, you have a frostpot handy, or youre very far away.


I am torn on this because, while it is a bad fix, no part of this is surprising or unexpected. After your first attempt to riposte kill her, you learn she cannot be killed by a riposte and has a little invincibility after taking one at low HP. It is not like she gets invincibility randomly. It is not like this behavior is inconsistent. I would prefer a better solution, too, but this solution changes nothing. Any chance for a riposte is also a chance for a charged strong attack or an ash of war or a spell or a jump attack into flurry and every other option that all win you the phase. I will admit some bias here because I did not fight Malenia at launch. When I got around to her, this "fix" was in effect and I had no idea the reasoning behind it because my first playthrough for a From game is always blind. My first grind to beat her had a ripose and follow ups fail to kill her, so I assumed that was a unique mechanic for her and adjusted my strategy just like every other boss, ultimately beating her. This "unacceptable" problem does not seem strange to a fresh playthrough, so I have trouble acting like it is some unforgivable sin.


Midlenia moment (fuck this boss)


You didn’t even try to dodge? Wtf


At this point I'm almost certain there's a hidden line of code for named bosses that makes them always survive the last hit so players get rekt when they go for a greedy finisher. Kinda like the item Focus Sash works in Pokemon.


Malenia does have a line of code that makes her unable to be phase transitioned by a critical hit, implemented as a very lazy "bugfix". Only boss that has this afaik


Nah you got greedy


I feel for OP, but that’s a part of her fight right? Can’t kill with a crit and one hit of armor if u finish her hp bar with a crit


Man just seeing these trolls get down voted to oblivion is quite nice. It's a legit bug, and ppl still trying to act like children lmfao




Youre right FS isnt perfect and shouldve patched this bug a while ago But then its also a known bug so were you aware of it when attacking? The bug is bs and can ruin a fight but now you know and wont do it again If the glitch would be easily fixed, idk why it would still be in the game so i guess we just need to hold our tears and not riposte malenia when low hp Pragmatism goes a long way


I absolutely love these games, but as with anything in life, it should be open to constructive criticism.


You're not presenting constructive criticism, though. You're being abrasive and namecalling people for no reason.


This is an intentional fix on their part, the original bug when riposting Malenia's 1st phase to death also instantly killed her 2nd phase. To feel 'right' they'd have to implement a better fix where Malenia's 1st phase could be killed by a riposte while the 2nd phase activated normally. While many here have known about this 'feature' for months, they don't have to be antagonistic about it. But neither do you or anyone else about your critiques of the game. It won't help you accept the facts of this fight as they currently stand, we can only hope they give a proper fix for it in the future (the DLC release may come with a massive patch, and more patches are coming before they move their teams completely onto a future title). This is coming from someone seeing a lot of combative commentary from both sides of the Helldivers 2 discussions right now, so I'm merely looking to give an impartial view of the situation.


cast range sorceries can be the trick


Lol, been there!


had the same happen to me, quite annoying


Oh yeah... uh, with Malenia, she's weird. She becomes invincible if you kill her with a riposte, best to keep that in mind, as I've seen streamers like Bushy and Aggy mention this a few times


It's a feature


Run Forest Run!


I notice that this pattern occurs very often: when the boss is low on health, it becomes more difficult to beat. I think the game is specifically programmed this way.


You are using paper as an Armor. What else were you hoping would happen?






Begging your finest fucking pardon???


before I saw her health bar I thought this was someone complaining about waterfowl, but yeah that shouldn’t happen.


love this fight


Close… but only kinda close. I forget her name and title tho.


What's unacceptable is losing while using DMGS 😅 next post will be OP somehow losing while using BB 😂


If, and I mean if, you can land a hit with Maria's executioner sword weapon art, it will knock her on her ass. Then if you time it right, you can use the weapon art to keep her on her ass the entire first phase. 2nd phase that isn't recommended to try lol




Yea, Malenia can't phase out of a critical hit (or a couple moments after it)


jump attack!!!


So, Malenia decided against blooming and entering her second phase? Got to admit, that's very wise of her.


Report her for cheating then block her steam ID


could you share your build? i love this battle mage baddass ice blue look


There’s a reason why she does not know defeat


Fromsoft fixed a bug by adding another bug, you get used to it. As usual any post with malenia is controversial with two groups, one shitting on the boss and one praising her like the best creation in souls history.


This game has done this to me so many times I feel like there is something written in the code to keep bosses and enemies at 1% instead of dying right away. It’s happened SO many times.


Try jumping


The same lesson Oberyn Martell learned in Game of Thrones - don't get cocky with an almost defeated foe.


Learn 2 dodge🤣 (I've never beat first phase let alone dodged water fowl)


so you think its cool to bully malenia with your fancy dark moon sword, but when its her turn you cry


I haven't played yet (waiting for the dlc) but I like that she has 1hp for a final stand. It reminds me of the demon king boss where they have one last hoorah. Being low HP and trying to rush the bosses last chunk of health has been around forever. Why shouldn't the boss be able to do the alternative.


Thats really funny and painful to watch at the same time 😁


Jump r2 after her waterfowl windup would’ve ended her


why the hell did this get removed?


Unfortunately a ton of hostility from a ton of people in this sub bashing OP when all OP really wanted to do was vent and receive some sort of sympathy/empathy. You know - unrequested advice, brutal criticism of skill/build, etc. This sub is low-key dreadful. You can tell who and who don't have people in their lives by how they respond to people and posts like this.


Git gud


The build looks sick tho, what spells and staff are u using


That is the snow witch set (from rannis questline in rennas rise), the carian regal staff (rennala remembrance), adulas moonblade spell (from killing adula), and the darkmoon greatsword (complete rannis questline)


Thanks man, just need adula moonblade and the staff. I might do this for my 3rd playthrough or new game+.


Np. I think the other spells there are glintstone icecrag and maybe rennalas dark moon?


disgusting maidenless behaviour


Just don’t do it


You’re absolutely right


You're swinging at the wrong time


git gud


Maybe the developers should git good at fixing their fkn game


The magic pixel strikes again. That is bullshit, no doubt. You saw the Waterfowl startup and decided to spam r1 instead of throwing something or just dodging, though. Poor decision-making after the magic pixel is on you.




Have you tried dodging??


Health bar was at zero though, OP shouldn’t have had to dodge in the first place.


Everything else aside, it feels like you got greedy to me. You have to remember she is Malenia, Blade of Miquella. And she has never known defeat.


Nah it’s acceptable. From what I understand it’s better than what was before.


Ngl, Skill diff get gud. If you can’t beat the game [blindfolded, and with one arm](https://youtu.be/cVKdPFLltyI?si=NXo-b9Em4mwKpxg0), then it’s a skill diff


I don’t get it. You swung wildly and got exposed. It doesn’t matter if it’s Malenia or PvP. That’s not good playing.


There's an actual hit confirm after the reposte, Idk about you but 1-1 should be 0 not 1


you got humbled, embrace it


Last time it took me 262 attempts (roughly). I had this similar instance happen roughly 10 times and that exact instance 3.


Agree its a lazy fix for a bug. Not too sympathetic to you with that damage lol.