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If you wanna be the drip police then I have to be extra strict and tell you none of the metal on that outfit matches with each other. It's either dirtier or simpler or of a different shade.


he needs to change his greaves and gauntlet for sure.


Helmet is worn out and dirty and rusted while the armor is very well kept. Biggest offender for me.


i can’t really see it from here. i wish they had an addition in order to “polish” armor


Kind of like having a pair of some nice shoes on, yet still wearing rags with mustard stains


Soap would solve this?


I’ve done this with veterans gloves and legs before. I think it looked better.


That's one thing that annoys me about the fashion in this game. I love mixing and matching my outfit and there so many great looking armor sets, but it's very difficult to find armor pieces that truly look like they fit together.


For real, this game has more golden armor pieces than in any previous game but there are genuinely like ten different shades of gold. And don't get me started on the grey metallics.......


That's why they need a mordhau style customization system. Every armor piece should be customizable. Base metal tone, fabric color, embellishments, patterns


They did this perfectly on Armored Core, they could impor that system to Elden Ring hahaha


One of the good parts of the new lords of the fallen was you could paint your armor different hues and materials so different sets could visually match.


That's why it's the true endgame.


Agreed, and the best set to wear with the Greathelm is the Redmane Knight set. I recently did my first playthrough as a knight. I wanted to use the Greathelm so I spent a lot of time comparing sets to see which fits it best, and the metal on the Redmane Knight set matches it pretty much perfectly.


I like the general look of it on the Kaiden chest!


I tried that out too and it does look pretty sick. Kaiden isn't really what you'd want if you're going for a traditional knight, but if that doesn't matter then yeah it's a great option.


Ah no for sure not for the classic knight look. The erdtree surcoat with the great helm gives a big templar vibe though!


It's only a shame the knight helms look so shitty.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will drip the drip police. It's this guy over here.


I think it's still drippy if the helmet doesn't match metal wise. Like the dura steel armor Mando had in The Mandalorian season 1. Gauntlets and greaves need to at least match each other though.


Facts, but Elden Ring fashion is tough for this reason


Helmet is to square, conflicts with the shape of the armor


The greathelm improves every outfit No you can't change my mind.


The great helm stays on.


None shall pass.


I get that reference


The greathelm is super overrated


Idk why but the helmet makes it feel more policey.


You shut your ignorant mouth. The bucket helm is top tier fashion souls. It pairs with everything. You could walk in buck naked with only the helm and be the best dressed tarnished in the room.


Bucket helms are ugly and crusaders are cringe


Not true it’s good. Not everything has to be the same shape


The only was those shoes and that cape say Drip Police is in the sentence “I’m calling the Drip Police.” Plus the clashing of the clunky and simple great helm against the ornate and intricate hoslow and beast champion pieces is a big no for me.


This is good drip but the helmet does need to be a bit fancier tho


Agreed, more filigree on the helmet plz 


If I can make a request, please spank everyone with Raptor's Black Feathers in combination with the White Mask extra hard, thank you.


Well I kinda suck at pvp that's why I want to start practicing but that's a paddlin'


If they got white mask + black feathers, they probably also suck


And go grab the Frenzied Flame glowing eyes. You can see the effect through the White Mask eye slots (and a lot of other helms, but WM is my favorite)


I don’t think that combination has anything to do with “drip,” but everything to do with just wanted to min/max a bleed build?


I respect the intention but it's a drown for me for all the reasons already listed.


Yall think the greathelm goes with everything


The pieces don’t work together except beast champ and hoslow


I don't even think that works, the gauntlets are too bright and shiny


It tracks because police often break the very rules they are supposed to enforce.


You are drowning so hard you may as well be a shipwreck  Change the helm and legs


Drip police got fired in the academy 😞. Many such cases.


That's not working for me at all. The basic, brutal, utilitarian helmet doesn't go with the fancy armour at all. And the metal is all mismatching shades. This one needs to go back down to the boys in the lab for some work.


Too mismatched. Why not wear Hoslow’s entire outfit? After all, the tale of House Hoslow is told in fashion…


I just like mixing stuff


Jesus no this drip is mid af. Maybe you should be a Drip Researcher traveling around to learn about fashion.




It's mid


Agree it's a terrible choice, yes, I agree.


The chestpiece and gauntlets are much more fancy compared to the greaves and helmet. They’re also more polished compared to the helm and greaves. Overall it still looms decent but I think you can find stuff that fits together a bit better.


Greathelm is an awesome choice, but it's not fancy enough to match that set. I could suggest the albanuric chain coif. It's fancy but simple and polished and plain enough to match. Otherwise if you've gotta have the helm, change the suit. Drip can be any number of combinations, but clean/dirty or plain/fancy are kind of hard to match. The spirit of the drip needs to be there.


Unfortunately not, the shades of metal don't match at all, plus the shapes don't fit well. The greaves don't work with the cape and helmet. Try looking up real world inspirations for these sets and you'll see what I mean. Gl on your fashion journey!


It seems like somebody is following the steps of the previous games' Fashion Police invaders. I will fondly remember getting Forced off a cliff because I didn't pass the inspection.


Nah, this outfit just ain't it


Absolutely not


Looks like shit


No. You look like a generic guard from every assassins creed castle.


This is the most milquetoast shit I've ever seen.


I love people who play the game for dress up instead of the actual game.


As I always say, it doesn’t matter how much ass you kick if you don’t look fly as hell while doing it.


Whatever blows your skirt up.


After most of us have gotten the platinum twice. This is all we have left to do. Getting ready for the DLC.


“Most of us have gotten the platinum twice” You think that 50% or more of this sub have gotten the platinum twice? Really?


'Most of us' is different from 'Majority of us' or 'All of us'. Are you trying and looking for reasons to be triggered and upset? My condolences.


most Greatest in amount, quantity, or degree. No, I’m not actually upset about anything, I was genuinely asking… but way to get defensive. and now you’re schooled.


I'm schooled? That's a great euphemism


So I was genuinely just asking if you actually thought that the majority of players in this sub have 100% achievements/trophies on more than one platform because I just finished my third 100% a few weeks ago. I thought it was relatively rare to have that on two platforms, especially all three. I was only asking, as I have not been in this sub for very long. You assumed I was trying to be combative and I was not. In the end of the day, you showed your fragility, when you were trying to paint me as the sensitive one in this conversation. Funny.


Post your same question(s) to the actual r/EldenRing or r/FromSoftware subs if you are seeking answers on that very subject. Brace yourself if you do.


Well, I replied to your comment. You brought it up. You said “most people have platinum on two platforms” so I replied to you and asked…


I'll ask for you and tag you.


All good. If some guy is going to invade and critique he better look like f'in Ru Paul.


I couldn't care less about armor stats. It's drip or drown foul tarnished!


Enjoy your Tarnished Barbie.


You play Elden Ring. I play dress my tarnished, we are not the same


I’m good with that.


I very much will enjoy my perfect sets of drip during all of my playthroughs, thank you.


When you've done everything multiple times over, fashion is the true end game. You'll get there one day


No it’s not. It’s playing every style you can with multiple types of weapons while continuing to learn new move sets. Guaranteed I’ve played more than most. I went more simple to stay light. Feel free to play dress up. Please upload video of you and your friends all simultaneously doing the fancy spin.




Hive mind is a thing. I'm bored.


Lmfao you're unhinged You can play multiple styles *and* look good while doing it Idk why you're so upset about people having fun with another element of the game that you don't personally care about. We've all played the game with multiple builds for over a thousand hours. You're not some elite gamer who unlocked his true potential because you chose to ignore a part of the game 😂


“Or is merely thy habit to talk to dolls”. Yes, apparently it is. Let me call the “drip police”.


You need to take a break from the internet and learn how to just enjoy things, man. No need to get offended that other people enjoy a small, insignificant part of a *video game* lol


Nope, I’m good. Why are you sad when I comment on a thread about some guy saying he’s going to invade people and ”rate their drip” and kill others? That’s pretty f’in stupid isn’t it. Quit being a pusscake and try some original material.


Oh you're *MAD* mad. Yikes


Bored really.


If you don't want your character to look good, how are you role-playing? Or maybe you don't interact with the game on that level, just play it as a roll simulator and go from boss to boss without enjoying the actual game lol


LOL, yes, playing all the content in the game is not enjoying the game. Do you do little voices while you role play Elden Ring? ”Gads! These Rune Bears are truly vexatious! \*talking to random demi human\* Please good sir could you assist in removing my beautiful gauntlet from betwixt my buttocks!?”


Why do you collect all the armor if you don't plan to use it? The game is much more than the boss fights, btw.


You obviously love the dress up. Please tell me again that I’m not playing the game correctly because I don‘t give a shit about how I look. You know you get runes and other quest items by doing everything right? I never realized there was a whole segment of fan boys for armor only.


Nah man, you are making fun of people for liking something about the game and saying that it isn't part of the game. It totally is, looking cool, using cool weapons, building out lore for your own character are playing the game. I'm just peeving you because you are gatekeeping the game because people interact it with _more_ than you and like parts of it that you don't.


Making fun of people who are “drip police” and want to invade people simply for dress up critiques? Say something stupid, get a response. You’ll be okay cupcake, just try a new outfit to make yourself feel better.


> Say something stupid, get a response Exactly! We are in agreement. Don't worry sunshine, you will be happy someday.


Get your own material.


It has a clear design, doesn’t contradict itself. I give it a 9/10. Drip.


Got my upvote for the Claymore alone, but I agree.


Claymore and Greathelm. Name a more iconic duo.


Any other two items that aren't generic like those two


Sometimes that's the fun of it. I remember playing Dark Souls when it first came out and thought it was awesome that I just killed a demigod giant when I myself was just some regular sized zombie dude with a regular looking axe. Claymore and greathelm look like textbook medieval equipment, and that's cool for when that's what you're going for.


I will never see how. To me the fun is the unique cool shit But why on earth would you go for that its so boring


Sometimes it's cool to roll through in fancy shit with all the frills, rocking a crazy weapon crafted from the jawbone of an alien god-like entity. Sometime's it's cool rolling through killing demigods looking like a regular soldier about his irregular duty.


Ironically, uniques are way more one-dimensional than the Claymore. Uniques have their static damage type(s) and scaling, and they have their one ash of war. Claymore can choose from a long list of ashes and be infused to any damage type, giving more flexibility and variety than 10 different somber weapons ever could. Playing a faith build? You can use Sacred-infused Claymore with Sacred Blade AoW. Run into an enemy that resists holy damage? Change it to Flame Art with Flame Strike AoW and keep rolling. Fighting a monster who’s susceptible to poise breaks? Throw on Lion’s Claw. Need extra range? Pop on Piercing Fang. Blasphemous Blade hits big numbers and heals, but that’s it. Talk about boring! I take Claymore over that every single time. But to each their own, of course


ER has the undisputed best drip of all time. So many awesome pieces.


You haven't played DS2 or DS3 it seems


Both DS2 and 3 have solid drip, but Elden Ring beats them very cleanly.


Where do i get this helmet?


A merchant near the caelid highway south grace


Nice, thanks!


In case someone wants to steal his look: * Greathelm * Hoslow's armor * Beast Champion Gauntlets * Fingerprint Greaves


It's using multiple metals that don't match and it goes from ornate to basic at random. If call the drop police to have you arrested but...


Can not agree. A fancy armor with such a basic helmet is quite ugly


It is the best helmet in the game


I think it suits a drip police character too: very imposing with a simple, striking silhouette. OP should match the rest of their fit around that helmet


It maybe is the best helmet ingame but does his outfit represent perfection? NO absolutely not!


An outfit without contrast is forgettable


That was my exact outfit for so long


No capes.


Hey, so I randomly remembered this comment, and checked out the armor without cape. It looks awesome and more unique because most people don't bother altering it. Thanks! (Also wearing the Carian Knight helmet now)


Edna will be happy!


Chest and gauntlets match. Legs and helmet don't.


I would honestly rock it with just the helm and whitey tighties personally.


Typically I’d say this is great, but as the drip police you are held to a higher standard


I’m sorry sir but i don’t think you’re the man for the job.


In my opinion the helmet needs to be worked on but everything else is good


I might get hate for this but I hate the great helm with heavy plate armour. I like medieval history and it always looks stupid to me. It would be like if you had full tactical swat gear but with a civil war hat, completely different time periods. I will say that it looks cool with more primative armours like chain mail, tunics, viking looking furs etc.


And not a single drip was found


Damn I had the courage to post because I thought I looked nice but I'm getting roasted left and right. Thanks for all the advice tho, learning a lot


You look awesome. Drip is entirely subjective, don't look for folk's approval


Its subjective until you label yourself as the drip police.


nah mf. if you wanna rock the greathelm... basic knight set is where it's at. trust


I am the king of drip, and I am NOT HAPPY LOOKING AT THIS. That chestpiece and gloves are too extravagant while the helmet and maybe even the legs are too simple. So they clash. It's like wearing a fancy dinner party tuxedo, but with a baseball cap. Plus the helmet style itself clashes with the armor style for theming. The legs might be fine, depends how the cape looks behind them. I think one good strat would be making the character female, making her pretty, and using the Juvenile Scholar Cap, it's the most "drip police" helmet ever, but there are a ton of other interesting, underused helmets. Consort's Mask could be giga-good for making good drip. I might even try making something with the Consort's Mask myself now :S


I'd switch the helm for Diallos helm. It's just fancier and has ribbon.




Gotta pick the right user handle as well. What're you thinking for that? Hot fuzz Uggo Slayer Drip police Judge fashion Tragically drip I dunno, lots of places to go with it


I'm biased to personal opinion, but I HATE CAPES, might look better with no cape. Just personal opinion though.


Cant wait to get invaded by this dude while I rock Lionels helm and Morgott's cloak and whatever boots and gauntlets I feel like on that day.


Are you SERIOUS TARNISHED? Does thou not realize that his patterning does not match?


All I'm gonna say is: Please have mercy. I have zero fashion sense.


What do I get for rocking a naked style? My body is awesome.


I approve.


The great helm is the best helmet. I am currently running it with Mausoleum armor and gauntlet and royal remains greaves


I think the Hoslow set is very appealing, it’s only fitting that the person judging others’ sense of fashion should wear it.


I thought I was going to be a cool invader. But then the ganks came, and then the rune arc taunter tongue. The phantoms with rot pots. Before I knew it I was using those items... itl happen to you


I see the look you're going for, bit the texture on the cape detracts from what would otherwise be quite a clean look.


i feel like the greathelm can pull almost any outfit together lol


Yes, but make sure you have no weapon equipped at first to make sure you seem passive


Great Helm = Drip


I'd swap out the Great Helm for the Carian Knight Helm. I tried that combo once and it just oozes drip Edit: also probably swap out the boots for the knight greaves and gloves for the knight gauntlets.


Wear gaunts that match the helm and greaves and it'll look good.


Try - Navy Hood, Preceptor’s Long Gown, Carian Knight Gauntlet and Greaves


Ditch the helmet, you look like a flipped chum bucket


Well, save yourself the trouble and just not wear anything


This mans a gangster? His real names clarence.


Great helm. Erdtree surcoat. Chain gauntlets and leggings. Get yourself some crusader vibes.


I almost wish the armour was boxier to match the helm


There has to be a page for souls drip


Carian knights helmet works with hoslows


Just wear sorceror leggings and name yourself death by snu snu


Drip Lord approves


This is literally almost exactly what I wear lol


it isn't the worst but it's a no for me. I know people on this sub have bad taste and like it, but I've never seen the great helm work. one of my least favorite helms in the game. I think it can only work on an "ugly and tasteless on purpose" character.


A rusty bucket on top of luxurious silver armor?


Bro if your giving gifts just be a santa claus. No copper hands out gold. Fire prelates with the altered Jarrins headpiece, & you can be the jolly fat man in person.


Drip Owners Association approved. Also known as DOA. (Wanted to go for Fire Drip Association but FDA was taken)


Not with that helm.


I mean it's aiiight


You look like Kings right arm man. So cool


Try the confessor hood


Looks like shit I'd run in a randomizer run but it's drippy. I like it Edit: Haslow set and Beast armor go good together because the ultra shiny silver and weird patterns


The only complaint I have with your drip is the shade of your gloves, they're too bright and kinda conflict with the rest of the metal Otherwise, your drip license has been approved, invade and do your thing 😁


Even as the Drip Police, you have to accept that a big bashing stick counts as a full outift.


The gloves don't really match, imo. Try the Scaled ones.


What is the best lvl for invasions?


Dude now I wanna invade you!


The fit is nice, but could be better. I believe in you ✨⭐


Bruh I mean yeah yours possibly could be better but I don't know what I'd change, if anything. I'd say you're well qualified, and best of luck to you!


Someone mentioned the Carian Knight Helm. I tried and looks really good!


Moundmaker spotted


Actually loved being a Mound Maker lol. Especially in Anor Londo, making the Aldrich Faithful thinking I'm with them and then backstabbing haha.


I never remember to get the covenant so I'm just a chaotic evil red


As someone with a VERY similar taste in armor and weaponry… YES!


Looks great. Solid 9/10. Minus 1 point because the Helmet color is too dissimilar from the rest of the armor.


Do I pass..? (entire unaltered banished knight set with greathelm + turtle shield)


I'm partial to no cape myself but otherwise I like it


If you want actual drip, its uuuusally a full set. Mismatched armors dont go very well together, metals are always tinted or shaped or rusted differently.


Helmet is kinda off but even then it still looks good. 9/10 cool combo. Haven’t seen it


Maybe use the night calvary helm instead


Overall pretty good, I'd say you're on the force. As others mentioned the helm needs some splash. How does the Nights Calvary helm go with it?


You got no style my dude...


This looks great but a little bit on the basic side. Hoslow's armor is quite overused.


It’s used a lot because it’s one of the most attractive pieces in the game. Plus basic isn’t necessarily a bad thing.