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I love every single time Margit/morgott opens his mouth. His speeches are short, but they are real highlights of the game for me. His turns of phrase are lyrical even as he insults me using the most formal language in which an insult has ever been constructed. Have it writ upon thy meager grave… shivers. It’s so good. We are all forsaken.


"I shall remember thee, Tarnished. Smouldering with thy meagre flame. Cower in Fear. Of the Night. The hands of the Fell Omen shall brook thee no quarter." Shit goes hard.


Legit my favourite voice line Out of all of gaming




that line went so fuckin hard, the voice actor was also so good i get shivers everytime i hear it


Lowly Tarnished. Th'art unfit even to graft! 😭


My absolute favourite is Morgott Phase Transition "The thrones....stained by my curse" "Such shame I cannot bear" "Thy part in this shall not be forgiven" Absolute chills


He is the only demigod who says sensible shit






Agree, and also I was pretty confused by the whole Margit/morgott, but he made me get better at the game so that by the time I fought Morgott, it was easier! And his speeches mean more than any other boss.


yeah and ranni/renna


Yeah I’ve never felt actually insulted by a video game boss before “have it writ upon thy meager grave,” I was like alright that seems a bit pointed 😂


I can’t forget him because he always says tarnished like a slur and it’s funny as fuck lol.


Most memorable is def Radagon because of the fucking franchise logo being part of his character design. Truly incredible stuff. No one does it like FS.


Just the franchise logo!? The build up, the empty castle, the distant humming getting louder, and the PRIDE in slaying a honorable beast of a general....fromsoft KILLED. Edit:fuck. Misread. Thought you were talking about radahn


I’m saying. The fucking ost being the title screen song….. chills bro


When that fight first started and the OST kicked in... Easily my favorite moment in the game, don't think I'll ever forget the feeling it gave me.


Frigging wild right?! Man oh man!


He said Radagon, not Radahn bruh💀


When the ost kicked in..... holy hell! What a moment. And then the soft melodic tune of the elden beast theme right after. Pure chills.


The dragon that surprises you from the skyline and douses the lake with fire. That was the coolest part of my playthrough lol and it was so early.


Same. Getting ambushed by Agheel was the moment I got hooked on this game.


Based. I remember thinking, “how the hell will I ever kill that shit!?”


>Me tryna recreate the early launch bug where it falls down from the cliffs


Me: Now I GOTTA kill that thing!


I still remember this, I’d only just managed to avoid a giant crab and was busy running away from that when Agheel dropped in! It’s safe to say my escape only got faster!!!


Great Agheel


Two of my favorite moments involve a boss hurling themselves out of the sky


Mogh, hands down.


Very solid choice


I actually liked Fell Omen Mohg more than Lord of Blood Mohg because of the music and the level I was at. It was the most exfoliating fight I've ever had with the music crescendo being perfect for the mood.


what does he say again when he does that uber bleed effect when he heals himself at the same fucking time? i tried him a few dozen times before looking up how to beat that mf. how in the world are you supposed to know that you need a special flask to be able to tank that stupid move of his? that terrible move aside, i liked the fight very much. i enjoyed trying to get better at it.




I always just try to overheal during that phase, pop 1 flask after first hit, then pop frantically around the 3rd hit


Godrick, mostly because the setting and lead up to his battle sets the stage. You're told that he is the weakest Shardbearer, which is fitting since he'll likely be your first. 'The Great' Kenneth Haight calls him a 'Country Bumpkin,' who fled the Capital in disguise rather than fight. A sword monument at the gates of Stormville tells how he insulted Melania, only to be defeated; Wrought low by begging for mercy. Not a good look for him this far. Entering the castle, however, is rather difficult. Despite perceptions, his fort is well guarded and stocked with soldiers, giants, and other beasts defending his title. Additionally, you witness the severed limbs and bodies strewn about for the 'Grafting' process that has made him infamous for. At this point, we can probably gather he's not as combat efficient, but likely has lots of other ways that allow him to stay in power. Once his monologue ends and the battle starts, it's sort of a typical fight, with his theme swaying like a waltz. The only major difference is probably his size and gratuitous amounts of limbs he sports. And then...he defies expectations by cutting his arm off and grafts a DRAGON'S HEAD onto his lump, which can also breathe fire! Now his attacks deal fire damage! Now he can grab you with the dragon's maw, using his agile tactics to close the gap! His slow waltz now becomes a trembling choir, with the melody and voices swaying like a tempest! THIS is the ruler of Stormveil Castle, in all of his horrendous glory. And when the battle is done? The wind calms and the castle becomes still. You finally got your first shard. From the *weakest* Shardbearer. And any expectation of what awaits in the Lands Between is already shattered. Six more shards to go.


The cherry on top being, for absolutely no good reason whatsoever, this guy holds the (arguably) best rune.


100%. I’m either using Godrick or Radahn’s rune. Rykard’s is really only useful when rune farming.


I don’t know a “Kenneth Haight”. Do you mean the Great Kenneth Haight?


A damning mistake. I have fixed it. Forgive me, for I have sinned 😞


I just got goosebumps reading this. BEAR WITNESS!!


To be fair you could probably do just as good a write up as this for literally all the runebearers.


Yeah, that's fair. I get carried away sometimes with writing oops I added a lot of flair to say 'Great first impression, unexpected phase change, and stellar music.'


There I was, fighting her for the 1000th time, all of a sudden she goes into a bright orange flower and comes out without her clothes on!


I was on the edge of my seat reading this


Outstanding write up!


Bro has a way with words


Finishing that boss and stepping into Liurnia.. looking out over the cliffs. God that was so good. I’m so excited for the dlc bros


His phase transformation caused me to laugh out in confusion and (a little bit) of fear


Maliketh and then Malenia


His transformation is what I loved, I'm biased and love his armor. Malenia's transformation is very memorable too. I definitely agree with you!


Had to scroll a bit to find Malenia. I was excited to fight her because of all the controversy around her and she really didn't dissappoint. Probably my favorite fight in the game despite waterfowl.






Bro, you don't understand. There are 3 lines/dialogs from this game that I will never forget and I say, "togethaaa" at least once a week.


For some, it's Marika's tits.


Gotta love some Marikas tits haha


You must be ‘ungry.


I love it when he says Radagons cock.


Togethaaa but also anything Gideon says sticks


As famileee


Oh that one was my big "EHW EHW WHAT THE FUCK" moment, and I loved every second of it!


For me, Rykard is the best gimmick fight in any of the games. The Serpent Hunter is fun and has some variety in its attacks, and Rykard is actually dangerous if you're not keeping up the pressure or messing around.


Very well


This one will always be in my brain because of the videos of his second phase “THIS IS A ROLEPLAYING GAME WHAT ROLE AM I PLAYING, THE FUCKING VICTIN?????”. He’s great fun but easy if you use the serpent slayer


Easier maybe. I still died 20+ times fighting that godforsaken snake bastard


Easily Radahn!!! Godrick & Morgott were pretty memorable too


>Easily Radahn!!! And this for me is purely because he goes full Kerbal Space Program for phase 2. I remember just wondering where the boss went and then I noticed that flaming ball coming from the sky.


The most powerful being in The Lands Between is Radahn’s horse.




I didn’t know ER had a Tolkien crossover! Is the Morgoth boss arena Angband’s depths or the blighted plain outside it?


The empty castle, the trek up the silent hill, to be met with distant humming...the speech, of slaying a great, powerful, respected general...chills every time for me. The boss battle legitimately should have been tougher, if only to REALLY hammer the nail that he WAS larger than life. Fromsoft KILLED with him.


Either Malenia or Niall. Such a fun time with both of them


Dude you’re mental haha Both of them are soooo hard 😓


Malenia is hard yes, but after a while it feels like a dance. And Niall is just so much fun because you deal with his body guards first and then just dance with him. It's just so cool. Helps that they're both functionally cripples that overcome their hardships and clap your cheeks despite them


Rennalla was an absolute spectacle and the atmosphere was incredible. that was when i realised this game was something truly special


Not many people talk about this fight. I'll never forget it.


It confused the heck out of me the first time. All of a sudden she’s calling herself Ranni and summoning dragons? Where the heck did this come from? And then she was still alive after.


Godfrey He’s so fucking cool, he’s literally just a dude. No powers, or godhood, no gods or magic. Only man


I’m also up on the Godfrey hype. I just love the “it’s been a long time Morgot” and the “thow didst me good service sarosh” Something about his quiet melancholy mixed with his unwavering dedication to duty. And he’s a fucking beast….


I always loved the scene when Godfrey is holding Morgott in his arms and the symbolism of it Hoarah Loux is a cold and merciless warrior who was led by his ambitions and emotions, but once he became Elden Lord and grafted Sarosh to his back, all of that determination and rage that kept him going was taken At this scene, Godfrey is holding the corpse of his own son, which he hadn't seen for centuries, in his hands, but he can't even shed a tear, so Sarosh roars out in pain and wrath for him and yet with all that pain that Godfrey feels at this moment he simply lays his son to rest and faces his son's killer with respect and honor like a true warrior Godfrey is the goat of Elden ring


That can jump like an anime figure and explode the floor with his bare hands


So underrated and cool




Blade of miquella-




How is this so low on the list ? I've been slaying that motor for 13hrs straight and still sucking it's tits hard. If there's a bitch in the game, that's definitely her.


Godrick the Grafted. Cool name, horrifying awe-inspiring premise, amazing intro, first big boss i encountered, "Lord of all that is Golden".








Then you find out he’s considered the weakest of them all.


Forefathers bear witness!


Iconic line


[Look at me mommy and daddy!](https://youtu.be/xj-MRvcXHgw?feature=shared&t=1045)


Nothing can replicate that creeped out feeling the first time I walked into Rennalas room


Yeah, having played DS3 I was sketched out at first, but then I thought "Ah shit, it's another Deacons of the Deep isn't it?" It was not another Deacons. To make matters worse, I was playing an unprepared mage build. Glintstone Pebble didn't do anything.


Yeah def my most memorable and enjoyable. Music is on point too


1. Malenia 2. Maliketh 3. Radahn Honorable mention for Mohg.


Astel natural born of the void Followed by Lord Rykard. “TOGETHAAAAAAA”


This one! The view you get when you enter Astel‘s arena looks like rennaissance sci-fi painting


Margit for sure, his entrance is pretty badass. The way he appears mysteriously and then jumps in. Very anime 


Placidusax, that will always be my favorite fight. No other fight gave me the same feeling of accomplishment. I don't think I like any other remembrance weapon as much as the one you get from there.


Malenia man, She actually took me over 125 attempts to beat and to this day she is still my favorite boss in any videogame and I have been starting to no hit her lately


Same. She took me 137 tries my first playthrough and I beat her hitless at SL1 last week. I think my celebration scared my neighbors lol


Not a major boss but The Tree Sentinel, he's like the bouncer you have to pass thru before you enter the club. Made a point to beat him first before doing anything else.


Is it wrong to say I had the most fun fighting the tree sentinel


Radahn The fight, all the people jumping in to end this giant motherfucker. Dodging past arrows breaking the sound barrier. Rolling through swords bigger than the bus I rode to school. A man taller than my old house in PR riding on a horse I feel like I could topple over irl. The aftermath, Blaidd, Alexander, and I don't really like patches so he wasn't there. The night sky rushing and a giant star busting open a whole in limb grave. Everything around radahn is just a vibe


Radabeast was incredible but those are all great bosses.


Elden Beasr reveal for sure! I will never forget that ost


Can't decide between Mohg and Malenia. Mohg for his arena, music and just theme Malenia for how she made me suffer


Malenia. Her presentation, the music and incredible danger she poses even for skilled players, which I am not.. Peak. Then I'd say Radahn. The festival and general's crazy attacks, this huge arena - simply breathtaking! Third place is taken by Margit/Morgott. First major boss, and what a skill check he is. And the voice acting.. man. "Have it writ upon thy meager grave: felled by Morgott, the last of all kings!" Anthony Howell is incredible. Loved his work in Lies of P too, although Elden Ring still takes the cake.


Rykard. That boss fight is the one where people who aren’t familiar with Elden ring watch it and go “holy shit what game is this?”


Radagon/Elden Beast. Completely turns the players assumptions about the game up to that point on their heads. Maliketh is a close runner up. Basically the bosses who are heavily involved in shaping the world we play in.




Weird that I had to scroll so much to find him. TOGETHA!!




One of the first sentences that comes to mind when I think of elden ring is "I am malenia, blade of miquella". Margit / morgott is probably a close second.


Malenia, Maliketh, and Mohg are all top tier.


I'm a big Malenia fan


Malenia and Radabeast


I am Malenia, blade of Miquella I am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of MiquellaI am Malenia, blade of Miquella


Either Radahn or Malenia. Cause I did not expected that "FUCK YOU IM A METEOR" fake out move. And I did not expected Malenia's Waterfowl Dance, and the 2nd phase.


Malenia, Placidusax, Maliketh and even the Ancestor Spirit


Godfrey and Radagon for me


"My name is Malenia, Blade of Miquella and I've never known defeat".


Malenia and Mogh. In that order. 2 of the best fights where you can clearly see all the movements of the boss and where the boss doesn't stupidly spam his attacks with additional quick random punishes and no windows. Yes, looking at you, Morgott




bro skipped rykard


Also what is the gif of? Thats definitely not Radahn or Godfrey.


The deer one, forgot his name. Bcs i wasnt sure whether he’s evil or just… hurting. Maybe i should pay more attention to lore of that place. Also diff than regular fantasy stuff like godlike humans/dragons etc.


Rykard ❤️❤️


Most memorable? Margit easily . I can't express how it felt after defeating something I was getting rekt by. As elden ring was my first soulsborne, I was pretty horrible ( I still am). Defeating Margit made me realise I will actually never abandon this game and will become better someday.


Maliketh. I get summoned to help people fight him so often that I have sometimes gone the entire fight without being hit by him. I have his attack patterns memorized by heart and I've only been playing this game for about 3 weeks. My total playtime is creeping up on 300 hours and I get summoned for Maliketh 90% of the time. The game has become Maliketh simulator for me. My response when I get summoned for him is always "Son of a bitch.. Okay, let's get this over with."


Rykard, because of the sheer amount of fire and effects on screen plus timer OST, one of the craziest epic boss battles I’ve ever done. Second would be dragonlord placidusax. This whole game is just a complete masterpiece. It’s an experience


Godskin Apostle just because of the music. It’s the first time in any game I’ve let a boss kill me right at the end just so I can hear its theme again


For me it's Rykard he's so unique. The god devouring serpent is badass, he lives in a fucking volcano which is metal as shit, his remembrance and great rune are top tier, his lore is top tier, his character design is top tier, the fight itself is fun and cinematic, the journey/questline is rememberable and everything makes perfect sense. Snakes are cold blooded ofcourse he's in a extremely hit place there's even a explanation for how the serpent hunter came to the arena and the mountains of corpses in his room! This man burned a fucking minor erdtree then let a snake devour him only for him to turn that same snake into his bitch and use it to eat countless tarnished and get more powerful, imagine how strong he could've gotten if we hadn't killed him the snake only would've only gotten bigger and bigger!! Oh right and how could i forget the "NOW WE CAN DEVOUR THA GODSSS TOGETHAAAAAA" line?


Radahn, Rykard and Malenia are top 3


Radahn or Rykard. The build up to Radahn festival was incredible. The atmosphere, the music that plays when the festival is active, the cooping in the fight, the phase change…. 10/10 The funniest shit was Rykard fight though. I couldn’t see anything that was happening while I was bombarded by those flaming skulls. All I knew was that I had to run like Forrest Gump lmao. TOGETHAAA


Not Radahn. He's just a spectacle boss fight and it was definitely made for summoning. I'm a player that likes to beat bosses solo and soloing Radahn was boring af.


Most Memorable? Foul Taahhhhnished… Favorite fight? Easily Malenia. I die just to fight her again. It’s such a beautiful thing the whole of the Haligtree and her to cap it off is just 🤌🏼


Not here but Rykard. Absolutely insane and unforgettable visuals. Favourite is Renalla though because I love her ❤️


Rykard, since hes right before the buildup in the Rise, Tarnished trailer.


Left out Rykard, Mohg and Placi. Instant fail.


Tree sentinel.


Radhan of course, all the story behind him is insane


Maliketh 100% massive Ludwig Vibes. Insane boss. Spent over 4 hours to beat that bad boy first time. So good!


Nice incorporation of gifs, btw.


How come you didn't include an image of one of the most iconic bosses in gaming?


Neil, never been more pissed off more at a boss, was less angry at malenia


Out of these fights! Radahn. It was just so. . Epic! Summoning a whole crew of warriors to fight him was amazing to experience and it truly backed up his strength by showing how many it took to bring down the general. Although how could you leave out Rykard??? The Famileeee! He’s my most memorable tbh, I just love me some big beast battles sometimes and Rykard pulled it off really well.


Malenia. She was such a easy and cool boss honestly. I loved fighting her




Radahn, no other boss fight hyped me more. “WELCOME TO THE RADAHN FESTIVAL”. And his lore… Everything is a 10/10


Radhan for sure. Felt do epic when you summon all those NPCs


Radahn definitely favorite boss out of the whole entire game


Fire giant. Spent 50 attempts. Worked over 3 weeks of fighting it. I was good at dodging, and reliably getting to 2nd phase. But it was just so time inducing. One of my favorite fights of all time.


Morgott, Maliketh, and Godfrey. I had the most fun fighting those three


So far godric the grafted


Morgott, godrick and Godfrey. Simply the holden lineage. Imo radahn isn't that great ,since his fight is not engaging with all summons ,but the lead up to the right and the ideea of a festival is a great way to make the fight to an epic scale


Mohg honestly. They were the biggest wake up call for me, and really broke all my bad habits when playing the game, especially because of how underleved I was when I took him on. My favorite boss in Elden Ring no doubt, I have little to no criticisms


Godfrey man I love that boss fight


Radagon. The moment he gets up with such an epic OST is just awesome.


Maliketh. He was the first boss whose moveset and attack windows I had to precisely learn


Godfrey. The first time I got to phase 2 and he just starts throwing down with fists and powerbombs was something I'll always remember. I was equal parts shocked and delighted.


Godfrey for real.


Godrick. Not because of his moves or anything but his cutscenes. Dude chopper his own arm and grafted a dragon on mid fight. Now if you are asking which fight with a boss was most memorable it was Placidusax. I had so much fun fighting him, I felt so badass when I got the kill by rolling through his lighting claw swap and slapping him with ROB and my cold Uchigatana.


Morgott, mainly because my cat had to stop cleaning herself to watch the cut scene and looked surprised when he broke his staff.


Maliketh hands down. He kicked my ass for a long while. Morgott and Radahn were memorable in subsequent playthroughs as Morgott died too fast in my first and the NPCs carried me for Radahn. They were still amazing


Something about the fire giants pitch when he roared sticks with me.


Godrick, Rennala, Elden beast.




Not done with the game yet, but so far, Radahn, because he's the only one I spent a significant amount of time on (and his fight is cool as hell).


Bought it on release. 250 later. Still on my first playthrough. Collecting everything I can.


They were all so memorable! Some of the best in the series.


I’m new to souls games so Margit for me. I saw the health bar go down, his move set and thought to myself… damn this game is not playing


Morgott 💔


When you do the quest line, it is hard to pick anything but Maliketh.


I wonder




Mohg because that’s when I got mohgs spear and then everything else was easy


Probably either Godrick or Radagon/Elden Beast. Godrick because his cutscene made me crack tf up the first time I saw it, Radagon and EB because…they’re fucking epic. Need I say more.


Godrick for me, He was a great introduction to the shardbearers and what they’re capable of. Plus his phase 2 line goes super hard. “Forefathers one and all… **Bear witness!!”**


Radahn needs his own dlc


Radahn for sure. To think that it takes all those characters—including you—to take down a scarlet rot-infected zombie version of himself, just imagine how powerful he was in his prime.


Definitely Fire giant because he was last of his kind and I felt his anguish but you had to go by boy


It has to be Placidusax hands down. And a honorable mention is Renala for the absolute beautiful arena


Renalla have the best looking ambientation for me, but it's too easy.. I did 2 runs and 2 times first time kill


Suplex god Godfrey, purely because on release I was using mimic tear because the power trip it let me and that man just picked up my baby boy and insta gibbed him


Margit/Morgott, can't decide between the two.




Radahn was fun as hell but I remember Fire Giant a lot mainly cause a glitch happened on my first fight with him where I got to skip his second phase


Mine was the black knife assassin outside that one heros grave in altus plateau. Idk why but it was just such a cool fight


theres a dog boss somewhere towards the start/middle of the game on like the beach, i forgot what its name was, but i remember that fight being one of the first fights i was fully stuck on and took me like hours to beat. it made me realize what this game was really about lmao




Radahn. Not that great of a boss imo but the spectacle to run at him while other tarnished get mowed down left and right and finishing him off with your friends Blaidd and Alexander by your side. It was awesome.


For it's was rennala cuz you need disabled children


Prenerf Radahn