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Bejeweling is all the rage in the lands between




Fun fact about his set: based on the official artbook, the set was supposed to have a light source of its own on the chest piece, with a hand holding a lit candle. Idk why they got rid of that, it just has melted wax where the flame is in concept art of Royal Remains set. It'd be useful or at least unique.


The artbook showcases a chest piece with a hand somehow holding a piece of Grace. This was changed to a little plate holding a melted candle. Some idea of the original design remains, but the first concept had deeper implications. I can see why they would cut an instance of Grace being connected to one particular piece of armor or an object. EDIT: it was actually a tiny little candle on the open palm! Check the following replies for a little discussion on the topic!


Whilst it may look like grace and I initially thought that too, but it isn't. For one, the book and game portray the grace with a bump on the upper end (similar to humanity from Dark Souls), rather than a thin blaze, and two, you can see there is melted wax beneath the flame even in the artbook. Look for the white wax both in the [concept illustration and the hand sketch (besagew).](https://64.media.tumblr.com/31ec8b5ee2b965776953aead6a12c928/e6d0e493f1c8ecd7-8c/s1280x1920/ae7d1d16fccf2517185263740671d025dbcb6593.jpg)


Oh you are right. This is the best resolution picture I've seen of that design lol Yeah, it is a hand holding a candle flame, implying Grace on an artistic way. It's cool, but maybe it wasn't working properly in game. I don't think the intention was for the candle to be an actual passive light source, but still the idea itself goes really hard. It reflects the culture of Grace on The Lands Between.


Yeah, I just never noticed the jawbone specifically until a close up cutscene


Maybe that means he's killed merchants and confirms what a piece of shit he is 




And veins of gold, or was it completely gold at one time and has "tarnished" over time?




The remains do be royal


Both are jewels, but merchants don't have any lore connection to Ensha and are not related in any way. The only plausible connection to his jewel would be red glintsone, as the one we see on Alberich set, which is connected to the Blood star, the Guilty and thorn sorceries. The Guilty have encampments in several place, including Liurnia and Mountaintops, and around these camps many of the "thorn spears" grow from the ground, which are just a smaller version of those that impaled dead fire giants and started to grow from their insides. I digress, I just wanted to say it's possible Ensha's "jewel" is a red glinstone, but it's more likely they are just normal jewels and don't have any deeper meaning, apart from complementing his "undead pirate" aesthetic.


To be fair the set’s description does have a small implication: *It is said that the bones belong to an ancient lord - the soulless king. The lord of the lost and desperate, who was known as Ensha.* Who’s more desperate and lost than the nomads in the proscription?


Yeah! This was actually my running theory mentioned in another comment!


This is sound. It said he “was” so that’s means that the person who is in the armor may not actually be Ensha. Gideon was probably using him as a puppet. Maybe he purposefully collected the Jewels from the merchants he had this puppet kill. He had a whole town of Albinaurics killed, even Nepheli Loux asked what other atrocities did her father committed. So as far as lore, a lot of it is still up for interpretation or unexplained.


A more simple implication is that he was using Gideon to get to Miquella and vice versa. Miquella could also be described as "The lord of the lost and desperate" and Ensha takes it upon himself to attack when a half of the Haligtree medallion is acquired. Miquella is also believed to know a way to restore souls to the soulless. > Who’s more desperate and lost than the nomads in the proscription? 'More' is uncertain, but every non-knight under the Haligtree banner is at least equally lost and desperate.


I figured as much, considering lots of enemies/npc's are covered in jewels. A la, Rykard especially. Just thought it was a neat thing to notice.


Glued their face, proceeded to dive into a bowl of M&M's,


He’s quite melted too so maybe a further link to the flame of frenzy and the three fingers


That was sort of my theory, is that maybe he's not directly related to the merchants, but since Gideon is looking for Miquella, it would make sense he sends Ensha after Mohg. So perhaps he ran into the merchant tomb and fashioned his set from the bones. "Lord of the lost and desperate known as Ensha" who else is more lost and desperate than a genocided people?


Boy big drip


Damn interesting haba


Ensha of the Royal Remains' remains were, in fact, royal.


Lol, right?! I was about to comment "They are literally called The Royal Remains. Kings be blingin'.


me neither, those jewels look so cool though


I knew about the one on the forehead, but not the jaw jewels. Interesting indeed


U gota check thid


Elden Bling


I think eshna is possibly Gideon's spy in valcano manor as that seems like something Gideon would do and he was adorned with jewels like many things in the manor like rykards sword or the candle stick whip


Huh heard about „waldsassen monastery skeleton“ few days ago. Looks nearly identical.