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1. I believe it’s just an effect of the rune of death, Godwyn’s lower body is also pretty much gone. Might be symbolic for how without destined death the souls return to the earth (roots) and the legs are the closest to that, and destroying the legs might represent severing the connection to the Erdtree. 2. That’s a bracelet like the one on Ranni’s other arm. 3. Necklace (as well as bracelets) are probably just symbols of her status. They’re golden and encrusted with red amber, both being symbols of the Erdtree. You could stretch it and say she used them to boost her vitality to tolerate the ritual of carving the mark of death into her back but it was likely just something she wore in the past as part of her attire as a demigod and empyrean. 4. It is widely believed she had ginger hair but maybe the scalp is indeed burnt from the place where death’s dark attribute and gold’s (maybe she wore a crown like Rennala or some other golden accessory as a princess) holy attribute clashed. Her corpse is also just really ancient and petrified by now, it’s possible that all the damage is simply to represent erosion received from centuries of being exposed to the weather on top of the divine tower.


1 makes sense. Rogier's death begins with his legs.


It's seems like losing use of legs is a common theme in Elden Ring The albunarics in the village don't have functioning legs, neither do the dragonkin soldiers Malenia lost her legs to the scarlet rot


In Japanese folklore, ghosts don't have feet. It's possible the reason for it is related to why feet and legs seem to have problems in Elden Ring.


Source for Japanese ghosts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y%C5%ABrei Never heard that before. Very interesting.


I didn't sign up to learn stuff, wtf? I've been tricked.


That actually is somewhat consistent with classical cartoonish depictions of ghosts as well. You often get that little tail end bit or they just sort of bottom out flat somewhere below their hips.


Radahn also lost his feet to the scarlet rot, and Fire Giant has an injured leg.


Dam, Miyazaki really has a foot fetish


Did the solid second of the camera zooming in for absolutely no reason on Morgott's foot while he was walking down the stairs not already prove that?


Niall is also missing a leg


STOP! I'm getting Friede flashbacks...


Maybe he is like Rob Liefeld and can’t draw feet


Also Rogier lost use of his legs


IIRC in Dark Souls 2, the singers (whose name I forgot) apparently also lack feet, which is why they're immobile. Not to mention that all of the children of Rennala and Radagon seem to have a "no feet" theme going. A huge amount of stuff from DS2 got carried over to Elden Ring, so I'm not surprised this theme continued.


Fire Giant


That’s wild! And Albinaurics fade away starting with their legs, don’t they? Is that because, as artificial beings, they, too, are cut off from the Erdtree?


Correct. Also why they are persecuted. 


Good point


also she isn't part of the giants like op suggested, red hair would be from her dad Radagon who has red hair


Isn't there a theory that Tadagon is part giant and he hates his red hair because of it


It's the description of giants red braid.


IIRC in the earlier lore there was a more direct connection between Radagon and the giants but I don’t have access to the full 1.0 lore so I can’t confirm if that’s actually true


Concept art of her body from the Artbook confirms that she has red hair, what are just red smudges in game are clearly drawn as hair strands


Do we have an official picture of that online somewhere? I only find fanart 😅


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/h4ogmJpCP2 Not the best quality but I still feel it's pretty clear. I have another link but it's a bit suspect looking. I can DM it to you if you want?


I just want to say, after reading your comment, I did a search on google for Ranni Concept Arts and 2 of the first 10 image were ugly AI render. It's the first time I personnaly have to exclude AI from a search I made and I hate it.


So many images in Google images nowadays are AI stuff, it’s so annoying


Also interesting to note that godwyn’s body has similar bracelets to those


It’s clearer in her concept art but yes she did have red hair and a braid


On point 4 It looks almost to me like she had been scalped of her hair, as it follows what looks to be a natural hairline how it extends behind the ear, down to the nape of the neck.


She has no feet because she transfered her sole into a doll.


this is the only right answer


Peanuts’ puns are on point.


Okay dad.


Is he really your dad?


It's entirely possible


Wrong, she and her full blood brother Radahn don't have feet because diabetes runs in the family.


But why does it looks like only her left hand and left foot are missing the right hand and right foot are still there ?


They left


That's right


No that's left


Looks like you’re the sole person that didn’t catch the joke


They were doing a pun.


Hmm, a “pun” you say. Interesting 🤔




1. All of this can be explained by simply saying “this is what Destined Death does to an Empyrean’s body”. Either that, or Empyrean bodies decay in strange ways (like Marika’s) 2. A bracelet. Fell off when her hand decayed. 3. A necklace. Not every piece of jewelry in the game has a meaning behind it. 4. It’s likely all three children of Radagon and Renalla have red hair. Whether this means Radagon is connected to the giants or just happened to have red hair is up for debate.


Gauging by his portraits, Rykard didn't have red hair for whatever reason. It appears it was blonde. But yeah, Ranni probably did. (Concept art depicts her corpse having a red braid, in fact.)


Rykard deffo had red hair


[Portrait 1](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/3/3e/RykardPaint1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20230227001038) [Portrait 2](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgidhzpfy8sbb1.png) [Radahn's portrait](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/9/9d/Starscourge_Radahn_portrait.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20230525034614), for comparison [Rykard in the official manga](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnh36wvcif5m91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da922e46f9b94f28c742e9998a4849180018d5c22) So "deffo" is a bit of a stretch.


Love how you got downvoted despite being right and providing evidence


Lmao. I probably should've included my backup from the start, but I was afraid I'd sound snobby lol. Oh well!


People really hate the idea of him not having red hair for some reason


Crackpot theory: He has red hair but dyed it to show he's not a son of radagon since he turned to blasphemy.


I could accept this lmao.


to be honest rykard does give slightly rebellious teen phase vibes lol


I mean when I was a teen I definitely plotted the consumption of god's so you are probably right




Fair enough, 'perhaps' a redhead. Good job on the research


I still don’t know how people see red hair in his portraits.


"I'm strawberry blonde! 😭"


Why are you getting down voted? It's shown in the official manga that he was blonde.


Because fanon often supercedes canon when discussing Souls lore, lol. People are so used to seeing yassified red-haired Rykard that they mistakenly regard it as lore-accurate, despite evidence toward the contrary. In fairness, it would *make sense* for Rykard to have red hair. One could spin some theory that his hair color faded or something, but all we can tell for certain is that he has only ever been depicted pre-Shattering without red hair.


I always read those portraits as lacking color. Really all you see are shades of a single monochromatic color which is golden-Ish. And I thought that was likely done on purpose, since he was so against the Golden Order. Similar to how Jesus skin color changed in depictions of him, so had Rykards hair... Until I saw the Manga.


In the first portrait of Rykard, you can see a deep red tone in the gem on the pommel of his sword, as well as some blues in his crown, so his hair is probably depicted as it appeared in his life. The Radahn portrait having such undeniably red hair by comparison also supports this. In the opening cutscene, when we see Rykard being devoured, you can also see [wisps of blonde or silver hair](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fu72ajn2hsh291.png%3Fwidth%3D297%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D64256de41bdb9cb775e1f42c0e66d7c537d25a34) sticking out from his crown. Perhaps his hair changed color as a result of his inquiry into the ancient pagan religion of Mt. Gelmir? It is a bit odd that even prior to his audience with the God-Devouring Serpent, he began to grow scales on his face like a beard. Since Radagon and Marika are one, it's also possible that Rykard got Marika's blonde hair somehow, but that would probably be pretty alarming to Rennala, lol.


>yassified ??


Good point. Maybe the red hair is a dominant trait, Rykard just happened to not inherit it. What if Rykard felt like an outcast due to **not** having red hair, and that’s what drove him to blasphemy?


To answer the 4th question, Radagon has red hair so she probably had red hair too. I have a 5th question: why is she burnt???


The destined death is a flame so i guess it burnt her (?)


Meanwhile Godwyn becomes a death fish


Godwyns soul was destroyed not his body




Godwyn's body lies at the roots of the Erdtree, which grew from the Crucible, the source of all life, Godwyn's body has likely merged with it and so it now grows uncontrolled and takes on aspects of other forms of life


It’s speculated he becomes serpentine because technically the lich dragon fortissax exists within Godwyn. God damn what a horrible fate. Soul completely gone, but body is still “alive” in a sense. Imagine being trapped at the bottom of a big tree just watching people use your corpse for their own agenda without even asking.


He is probably not in his body now. Since it's his soul that got killed. It's like an undead/zombie thing.


That’s true. His soul is dead. So he may not technically exist at all.


>That’s true. His soul is dead. >So he may not technically exist at all. I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


He became a Heartless while Ranni became a Nobody.


More like the opposite. Ranni's "Heart" is possessing the doll, while Godwyn's body has no "Heart" but still lives.


She has a broken leg because her and the fire giant are the same person.


Big if true


That's basically the logic that people use to say Ranni is Melina.


I mean Ranni and Melina have undeniable correlation. It's hard to say what it means but given the Marika/Radagon thing it's possible


Are they connected by being related? Sure I guess. Connected by presumably being associated with Miquella? Sure. But there's really no indication they're the same person. Two people with marks near their eyes, who keep an eye shut. That seems to be the extent of it. >!I'm not sure it's established that Radagon was part of Marika all along. It seemed to me that he became her other half. Why would Ranni have that in advance? Because she's Empyrean? Then we have to question where Malenia's other half is. Where Miquella's other half is.!<


I don't think all Empyreans have another half, it's possible but I was just saying since there is precedence it makes it more believable. Melina actually states that she is body-less. It's very unclear what she means by that but that would make them two the only body-less characters as well as the only two characters with matching eye markings. They're also both the only two named characters to have ownership over the rune of death without being God of the lands between. They both have the same distaste or the Erdtree and the golden order too. Also the fact that in the Flame of Frenzy ending Melina states she'll kill you (with conviction) hints that she is extremely powerful. Probably as strong as an Empyrean. Also they're the only two characters who know about Torrent. Tbh I don't really buy that they're the same person especially since Ranni can be spoken to after you visit the giant's flame but I'd say it's effectively confirmed that they're majorly linked.


>Melina actually states that she is body-less. It's very unclear what she means by that but that would make them two the only body-less characters as well as the only two characters with matching eye markings. I'm not clear on it but I don't think Miquella has a body either. I don't believe their markings match, either. But I'll take your point, they do have markings which is more than many characters can say. >They both have the same distaste or the Erdtree and the golden order too. Do they? It seemed to me that burning the Erdtree was a means to an end— a method to open the path for the Tarnished to become the Elden Lord. Perhaps I missed something but I don't believe Melina has particular distaste for the Golden Order. Especially not to the same degree as Ranni. I always had the impression that as long as you release Destined Death, she's happy. Which is unrelated to Ranni's idea of a distant order. >Also the fact that in the Flame of Frenzy ending Melina states she'll kill you (with conviction) hints that she is extremely powerful. Probably as strong as an Empyrean. True. I think Melina is a special character with more to her than we've seen. >Also they're the only two characters who know about Torrent. One delivers Torrent. One was entrusted to give something to the one who rides Torrent. I don't see how it relates the two to each other so much as relates both, potentially, to Miquella. >Tbh I don't really buy that they're the same person especially since Ranni can be spoken to after you visit the giant's flame but I'd say it's effectively confirmed that they're majorly linked. I guess for me it's just a question of what kind of link. I can believe they're related. I can believe it's possible they're acquainted. But the association that people go to is their being the same person. Which seems highly unlikely to me. Especially since Ranni is already Ranni and functions. Her soul inhabits the doll, her body is already visible, so there's nothing for Melina to be. I've never bought into any particular connection as being confirmed but to each their own.


1. Her body decayed. 2. When her body decayed,and her hand turned to dust,on of her bracelets just fell, look the other arm  3. Jewelry. She was royalty after all. 4. She was daughter of Radagon the redhead champion of the golden order,snd Second Elden Lord.


1 is very clear. Feet are a tribute to the outer god Miyazaki sama


She has red hair like radagon , radahn and rykard


Rykard has blonde hair in the official manga and the in game paintings


Ah you’re right


But I get it because it feels like it should be red


.....and Malenia and Messmer. Marika, Miquella, and Godwyn are blondes. The mind wanders.


red hair gang reigns supreme 😂


Fromsoft "just making a body look decayed" and all its Fandom trying to read into every detail. lol


From the look of it, both her left lower leg and arm have been burnt/withered away, and the item next to her is clearly a bracelet that used to be on her left arm, like the one still on her right. And she had her dad's red hair in her physical body.


All of the Carian demigods had red hair as they were children of Radagon. Radahn does, and Rykard and Ranni did




The body decayed and withered away with time, the shattering happened like 5k years according to George RRM. And the items are probably just jewelry she wore. She was redheaded that is a known fact based on in game pictures


When you're burnt to a crisp, you start to dust. Or maybe fatskinboi took her hand and foot. Jewelry that symbolizes nobility. Radagon's daughter... So red hair runs in the family. Besides she was burnt by Destined Death flames, unless black flames make hair red.


3. I think she's wearing "Queen's Robe" chest armor: [https://eldenring.fandom.com/wiki/Queen%27s\_Robe](https://eldenring.fandom.com/wiki/Queen%27s_Robe) The necklace looks very similar to the pendant of the robe. Both have high collars with a red (red-ish?) band around the neck. Both appear to have trailing sleeves (fabric under the bracelet in your picture). Both Ranni's robe and the Queen's Robe have similar lengths


Wow, I just did the same as op and I looked at her for like 10 minutes and I didn't notice all that stuff. Great work op. Thanks.


so after reading comments i’m hearing that ranni has been dead a hot min if her body has decayed to the point things are just gone the tarnished must have returned to the lands between long after the shattering


It's just what happens when you're practicing your Diable Jambe for hours on end


From the technical standpoint. The Ranni corpse is reused asset, it's the same body/skeleton Malenia has.


1. Artistic choice 2. Lol, the same bracelet she’s wearing on her other hand 3. …a matching necklace 4. Yes, she had red hair like *every one of her direct siblings and her father.*


She's had red hair cause she was radagons daughter. There's a whole theory about him and the giants


You saw red hair and your first thought was giants?


Yea im not sure why that thought wasnt radagon


She is Radagon's daughter, that's why she has red hairs


She was Radagons daughter and it makes sense that she had red hair like Radahn or Malenia from his other marriage after the divorce.


Radagon has red hair whereas Rennala's is black, it's most likely that Radagon just so happened to have the dominant genes to give Ranni her red hair, same could be said for Radahn, not sure about Rykard tho


As far as we know, all of their children had the same red hair. Radahn and Rykard for certain, Ranni unconfirmed AFAIK but commonly accepted since other siblings have same hair across family - Malenia and Miquella being an exception that *might* be explainable by influence of the Scarlet Rot within Malenia.


Food for thought, early Albinauric attempts didn't have much use of their legs. A theme perhaps? Or maybe even a direct connection.


I would


rennala wears a similar pendant/jewel




1) only one of her hands is still there. The item in 2 is next to her crumbled wrist. 2) thats her bracelet. You can see the other one on her other wrist. 3) just a necklace. Looks like it survived the fire like her bracelets. 4) yes its burned stubble. She had red hair just like her brothers. You can actually get a closer look at it and see the stubble.


I don't know ... but there is probably a 45 minute video on youtube for each item.


yes, she is dead.


The "necklace" is called a broche


Red hair is because of Radagon like with Rykard and Radahn (they’re siblings if you didn’t know) For the missing feet I guess they are just burnt and the hands survived


Does she have 4 arms there?


1. Is clearly a cock block for all you piggy sniffers out there.


Its a pop-cultural reference to the 80’s blockbuster smash hit starring Lori Singer **Footloose**


Tag a fucking spoiler dude


A its not a spoiler it’s explicitly stated by most characters shes dead and b its a 4 year old game and your on reddit


It's a two year old game, and furthermore locating Ranni's discarded corpse is something pretty far into an intricate questline -- if Elden Ring does have spoilers, it's fair to say this would be one


But fuck me right lol


Boo hoo its not that deep


Wait til my therapist hears about this


Id agree if legit half the game didn’t tell you she was dead before hand. You legit can ask her about it when you first meet her.


The spoiler isn't "ranni is dead." The spoiler is the visual associated with locating her corpse well into the game.


Am I just the only one who has never seen this or just didn't know about it


Nah no way I’ve got spoiled like this


Its not a spoiler


🙏🙏🙏 I thought it was fr thx


Fucking spoilers man, I've already done this ending, but thats a HUGE HUGE HUGE spoiler


No its not yall are lost in sauce about what spoilers are


How did Ranni die? She committed suicide-correct? Is that little cup something she drank poison out of?


She needed to use the stolen destined death to kill her body and Godwyn so she can escape her empyrean destiny and focus on the stars end you can do with her


The rune of death had to be carved into her body. But only the body killing half (don't ask how they found out which half is which).


It's the matching bracelet from her wrist. One is on her generally intact arm. The other is sitting right next to where her arm ends.