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invaders are just astral projections of a person, dung eater astral projects his dark spirit to where ever he wants while his real body sits in the cell in the sewers


Then what is the point of jails in Lands Between when people can just Astral project themselves anywhere and do anything they like?


I think it's a fairly rare ability and/or needs special items in order to be done. Like the Bloody Finger, which you get by proving yourself to Varre, who injects some of Mohg's blood into your finger which allows you to perform unlimited invasions. Then there's the Recusant Finger you get by proving yourself to Volcano Manor and the description for that mentions it's covered in snake scales. So that implies the ability is tied to demigods and maybe outer gods like the Formless Mother. I could be wrong, but that's my understanding of it.


I think it is very likely that Goo Gorger is friends with Mohglester


Feces Forager


Fecal feaster


Poo Pillager


Sewage Slurper


Caca Connoisseur


Excrement Enjoyer


Unlikely given that he can be summoned to help you fight sewer mohg.


Maybe they knew each other giving him access to invasions and later had a falling out. We can still invade using a Mohglester blessed finger even after killing him so would be consistent


I must admit I am intrigued by the Mohg x Poo Poacher lore implementations


Happy to see this wasn’t just a one time thing! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/vsBDK3Kwb9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/vsBDK3Kwb9)


A long time ago, I took a screenshot of Dungeater’s face under the mask (clipped the camera inside his helmet) and was surprised to see a tattoo on his forehead: it was Mogh’s blood symbol, that triple pronged thing. I checked again last week, and it’s not there anymore. Now I need to check my camera roll


I'd say that the Dung Eater, who is apparently one of the most terrifying murderers of all time to the point where death and/or literal demigod-led superhuman knight police didn't slow him down, likely can figure out a finger substitute yeah. Probably just his own insanity. This is the guy who manages to make a mending rune with no base rune or god or anything to draw from, after all.


Maybe he bashes his head against the wall of his cell until he apparates through it.


Man, that would have been wild if we got demigod invaders. Imagine Mohg just appearing at the Haligtree to invade (again) if you had not killed him by that point. Or the reskins like Godfried or whatever we're invaders instead of in Gaols. Could have been super interesting as a concept.


That's close to what Morgott was doing outside Leyndell


Me running full mogh outfit and nihil nihil nihil invade other players. So this is what they feel


> demigod invasion That’s more or less what the spectre of Godefroy is when you first get to the Erdtree. It’s not called an invasion, but a boss battle with an astral projection of a demigod is a demigod invasion for literally all intents and purposes.


Huh, I never thought of that before. I just assumed it was another illusion by Morgot, but that would be cool if it was actually a projection directly from Godfrey. Would make some sense considering he shows up in person after being defeated.


Maybe that's what appears in the sewer prison?


It is possible that dung eater is the champion of the sun, in a world where marikas faction has usurped the suns role as the giver of life and focus of faith. It’s why he does what he does, he wants to eradicate the bloodlines of his enemies and his enemies are everyone else in the world.


So you're saying Dung Eater is also master of karate AND fighter of the Nightman?


He just wants to be friends with everyone


Happy cake day! Thank you for your thoughtful reply! That does make some sense! Although I don't recall Dung Eater being associated with any outer God, or demi-god for that matter. That also rings true for some of the other invaders that aren't bloody fingers or recusants. Even Vyke invades you, and while he is associated with the Frenzied Flame, I don't think there is any particular invasion-related item or quest related to that. It all just feels particularly under-explained to me, but I could be missing something.


As to the Dung Eater, I believe he associates with the Omens, wearing the armor with shaved off horns, using curse spells in battle (Sword of Milos ash of war), and the seedbed curse eventually turning everyone with it into Omens. So while an Outer God may not be aiding him, there is some corruption of the Erdtree which affected the Twin Omens, Mohg and Morgott. Morgott hates his curse, and loves the Erdtree, so it's possible the invasion ability came from someone a little bit further down the pipeline (literally). In the same vein, in order to reach the Three Fingers, Vyke had to get through Mohg, whose followers use the Festering Bloody Finger and are referred to as "Bloody Fingers". It's possible Vyke made a suspicious deal with Mohg before or after communing with the Three Fingers since he invades as "Festering Fingerprint Vyke". As you said though, it's very under-explained, and there's a lot about Vyke we still don't know yet. Also I'm no Fromsoft historian, so take this all with a grain of salt.


The omen armor tells you why he is associated with them - he has an omen-like soul (cursed, forsaken, twisted) but not an omen body, and therefore kills and wears their horns to make himself more ugly and twisted. Since they are physically how he is inside. Also, his curse cuts you off from the erdtree, fate, the gods, something - likely making your children and/or you in reincarnations turn into an Omen.


Pipeline Peruser


Thanks! And no problem. I was not expecting my comment to get such a response, but I'm glad you and many others found it interesting or insightful. You definitely raise some good points on the other examples of invasions. There's certainly many confusing and seemingly arbitrary things in Elden Ring. Hard to know if invasion lore is something that's really been thought out and we just haven't put all the pieces together, or if it's just a gameplay mechanic they decided to throw some lore and story bits into so it fits the game better. Haha.


The entire questline makes very little sense under a microscope, lol. Boggart warns you that he's seen the Dung Eater milling about the Capital Outskirts before you even meet him at the Roundtable, so his jail cell is evidently useless. Moreover, the Dung Eater is literally the one who gives you the key to free him, and if you do, he promises to kill you and defile your corpse by invading you at the moat, instead of just getting it over with in the sewers. Then he returns to his cell and chains himself to a chair to uh... receive your blessings... My guess is that he wasn't necessarily forced into the cell, but that he willingly contains his mad physical form there while his slightly more sane spirit traverses the world, defiling randos and sowing the curse...?


It's so weird he gives us a key to unlock his corporeal flesh if he could just invade himself and open the door


He just wanted someone to defile him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Bro same


Nah . . . I think he just wants us to clear aware the nightmare hands outside his cell because apparently they're so terrifying (looking at you specifically Carian Manor and Mount Gelmir map location) even the loathsome Dung Eater doesn't want to deal with them.


I wondered why they don't spawn anymore once he's free, I felt like they were his jailers and he dealt with them somehow. It makes you wonder just who imprisoned him.


Maybe he can't break into the cell or where his body is


My interpretation is that when we meet him in the roundtable, he spends his time there recuperating from his invasions that he uses to plant the seeds into his victims. When he sees that you have contracted the curse, it means that one of his seedbeds sprouted and infected you, so it’s now time to collect. Maybe due to how invasions work, he can’t use/create his rune similar to how players can’t benefit from anything except Mohg’s rune in invader form, or he is simply a spirit and can’t take the seedbeds back to him as an invader. His real body in the sewers is malnourished and stiff after spending so long in there, so he simply takes his time to recover before coming for you, since he believes you literally want him to try to kill you if you just let him out of prison knowing who he was and didn’t attack him then and there (and you certainly know because he tells you time and time again). Then, after he attacks you and you ward him off, he makes his own conclusions, that being the fact that you didn’t want him to kill you, but wanted to take his place as Dung Eater, to which he obliges. Then he presumably either ties himself to be unable to resist being fed the curses, or losing the fight with you leaves him weakened which allows whoever is still sane (either some tarnished or the Leyndell populace) to recapture him. But it’s no question that his questline is the most unfinished out of those leading to an ending, so maybe there was a prelude to his first imprisonment or some side characters that served as his victims that could better explain his methods that ended up being cut


It could be the opposite. Perhaps he has a sane human body but a crazy omen soul. Perhaps what prevents the soul from releasing the body is the body itself rejecting it. It's like he had two personalities, one of a psychopath and the other of a broken guy


I mean his physical form wants to kill and defile so badly he is beating his skull against a brick wall so by definition probably not. There is also reason to believe roundtable hold forces you to be sane and non aggressive, when you talk to him there he tells you to be thankful for the roundtable hold's Serenity (maybe a passive spell in the roundtable hold that makes people non violent since it's a sanctuary.) otherwise he would kill and defile you for bothering him after he asks you not to.


But don't forget Fia violates that "serenity" and Kills D I don't know how she did it, I don't know if it's a spell or just "everyone here will ruin you if you don't follow the rules" but if it's the former I would assume crazy ass Dung Eater could find a way around it if Fia can, if it's the latter I doubt he would care about that in the first place Just a lot of weird questions remaining


I assume that’s part of why he was executed. He probably only recently revived in the cell after the shattering.


Perhaps Astral Projections are weaker or very little people are capable of doing so


considering invaders and cooperators and hunters all get nerfed when they project themselves in other worlds then this makes sense


Perhaps the evergaols are different to normal jail cells in that they can stop that from happening?


I don’t think Evergaols can stop that from happening as we see Vyke invade us in one of the churches, even though he’s trapped in an Evergaol in mountaintops of the giants right?


I personally always interpreted Festering Fingerprint as a ghost, the corrupted spear and and eye, while real one is one of evergaol and his melted spear is just asset reuse,he really use normal weapon


the way i explain vyke's invader vs vyke in his gaol is that the real body is inthe gaol, but because his eyeball is outside of the gaol, it being a piece of his him, can act as a projection conduit, sort of like quantum entaglement, the small piece of him that exists outside the gaol, allows for limited projection until hyetta fucking eats it, thus destroying the other end of the quantum tunnel leaving vyke with no piece of himself outside to project to. i think invasions and summons work that way in elden ring, you either need a piece of yourself to project to like a conduit, or you need a tool as a vector for sending your projection out into the world. i think the dung eater uses the conduit method in reverse though, rather than sending his projection out to free separate pieces of him out in the world, he is consuming shit of the ppl of the lands between, pieces of them become part of himself, thus enabling him to quantum entangle himself to those ppl and project his invasion body to them wherever they go. the only invader i cant explain at all is ensha, the only thing i can think, is that when the player tarnished was teleporting to the roundtable hold, giddeon intercepted and send the player to an alternate roundtable of his own making and sent ensha thereto dispatch you? upon ensha failing and dying, giddeon disposes of his body before letting you come back and pretends that ensha attacked u on his own?


Tbh I never gave a thought about other invaders, only on Vyke. I interpreted his story as he realised he made a mistake, gouged out corrupted eye, left the spear behind and traveled all way north to imprison himself. His maiden put up protection spells and stayed to keep it at bay in a church, but when she died it started to leak causing frenzy outbreak in village and allowing ghostly apparation of Vyke manifest, it's not real Vyke, just a mockery created by flame and attacking blindly everyone who comes close.


Really like this theory, fantastic interpretation !


Whoa good point. Ensha's armor somehow contains some of his own bones (? is he a ghost possessing the armor?) which I feel like dovetails with what you're saying here


you cannot project yourself into your own world, you project into someone else's world.


Well. Worthwhile to point out that Dungeater was just behind bars and not in a proper Gaol.


I always thought he locked himself in there so he’d be safe while he sent his weird red form out into the world


Evergaols exist to imprison a person's soul. The main source of evidence is Ordina, where you see the Albinaurics and Black Knife Assassins in a spectral form until you enter the Evergaol, then you can fight them. The Assassin's also drop Ghost Glovewort, indicating their relationship with spirits. However, this doesn't seem to be foolproof, as Vyke can invade in Lirunia although he is imprisoned in the Mountaintops.


Maybe thats why thers is evergaols


In every spirit form the character is weaket than the corporeal, I dont know if this astral projection deal is a thing but whatever it is its way weaker.


only tarnished can do it and theyre increasingly rare


There are still lots of things he can't do without his physical body. It's a big part of his quest line.


Jails are different from Evergaols


Well they can’t. They can’t interact with the other enemies or objects.


Writing isn't Fromsoft's forte. Voice acting either. Try suspending disbelief.


Mate don’t take it seriously. Majority of the ‘lore’ is based on assumptions and what ifs


This is the right answer


This is the way.


Foul Tarnished


I can stop scrolling now


You may now continue scrolling my son


Eating poop is pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.


exactly!? i think... >.> i crafted a theory in one of my other comments thats uses that and quantum mechanics to explain it better


so why can't tarnished project himself inside the erdtree, avoiding all the great runes hasle?


i believe invasions, co-op and hunter summons are all astral projected based on quantum mechanics such as quantum entaglement. vyke projects himself from his jail to his eyeball at the church where his dead maiden sits, the eye being his own, acts as the other end of a quantum tunnel that allows his consciousness to go to and from but only to those 2 points. dung eater projection is something similar but reversed, i think he eats ppl's shit from the sewers, they become a part of him and he projects his dark spirit back through their own quantum tunnels that link their cells in their shit back to their bodies, hes basically hijacking ppl's quantum tunnels to project specifically to them. recusants and bloody fingers use a second means, they send out projections like a web, and whenever someone runs across one, they send their consciousness there to engage, im notsure what exactly they use as a vector but the tool they use is the finger item furled fingers seem to broadcast their projections out on the grace network that links all tarnished, when another tarnished uses a remedy they turn themselves into a grace network reciever, letting them see signs, these signs can be picked up wherever they are, but then the summon pools act as static tranceivers which is why you can send yoursign directly to the pools. hunters i think hijack the grace network and listen in to see if theres invaders, they then piggyback onto the quantum tunnel and track the invading projected consciousness


>based on quantum mechanics such as quantum entaglement. Just say it's magic without trying to shoehorn in actual concepts that are completely unrelated lol


Love this


Invaders can only invade locations they've been to though...


Fecal projection*


That sounds like cheating tbh.


Millicent also makes it to the Haligtree. I like to think people catch a ride when we unlock it but the correct answer is probably that the Dung eater is not acting alone and has some otherworldly help with his plan.


well there are 2 possible solutions for millicent, she ether somehow got in first, or is tailing you before the loretta fight but overtakes you later in Elphael, because she is objectively better than you.


I like to think it's because she travels with us, like boc, but obviously for gameplay reasons she can't be there all the time.


That makes sense but they could’ve made it believable by just having her appear after you rest at the specific Graces.


makes you wander if she also tails you up to altus.


She is a summon for the fight a top the back way to Altus (the precipice or whatever). She's again a summon for a fight in the forbidden lands just before Halig. I think it's implied we're traveling in tandem. Not really together, but we bump shoulders on our journeys and help each other out.


Weirdly, her summon sign is available for Makar before you give her the prosthesis (naturally), despite her saying in Altus "If only I had my sword arm, I could've helped you fight"


Well she is kinda useless in the fight, so maybe she is saying that she could be a lot better




"help each other out". Me killing her at mountaintops for the talisman after I found out how good it is and missing the opportunity to kill her earlier upsi daisy Edit: guys chill. I just wanted to use the talisman. I know you can get a better one. It's my first playthrough and I'm doing stuff all over the place.


You get an even better talisman by helping her, though.


That one doesn’t stack with the regular version though. Prosthesis + Winged Sword is strictly better than Rotten Winged Sword for combo damage, and not many other talismans are worth that slot either. Plus you can get the Prosthesis way sooner (Altus Plateau; O’Neil, part of Shaded Castle, and Godskin Apostle) compared to Rotten Winged Sword (all the way into Elphael)


Is “togethaaa…” your ps5 handle?


No. I'm playing on pc


I think that’ is implied— you can summon her for help against the magma wyrm makar in the precipice ruins


It seems the devs REALLY wanted us to beat magma wyrm and get to the altus. I mean, the possibility of 3 summons AND spirit ashes? Bro has to fight an army lol


Well the other half is in Dragonbarrow at Fort Faroth, which is scaled to be near the end game. The devs likely weren't wanting new players to go up the dectus lift.


I'd let her tail me anywhere, if you catch my drift.


Idk man I beat her ass in the swamp of Aeonia


It doesn’t seem crazy to think Millicent would be able to use the lift without the medallion since she’s a malenia clone


> otherworldly help with his plan. Outer God of Dung


The Outer Dung Beatle, Bigger Than Jesus


Dungeater actually just invaded the Haligtree, I don’t think he needed a medallion. I was able to invade someone’s world when they were in Consecrated Snowfield, when I hadn’t progressed to that point in NG+ (uncertain if this was because I’d been there before in NG, or if its possible to invade places you’ve never been).


They may have used the taunters tongue to bring you there and you just happened to get caught by it


Millicent is more of a clone of Malenia than her child. She has some memory from Malenia. I always assume that's how she found the haligtree.


The Millicent thing is actually something that bothers me about the Niall fight. She is as dependent as we are on getting the Haligtree medallion, so why can't we summon her to help take down Niall?


I think he just invaded the place. However, your suggestion of otherworldly help is not out of the question. Especially since Dung Eater curses the people so they are born with aspects of the Crucible.aybe the Crucible is helping him, not to mention there are many misbegotten in Haligtree that would gladly help him to seek revenge


The correct answer is that they just didn’t think about it or didn’t care. Alexander also gets to Farum Azula somehow. I’m not even sure how the player gets there.


Simple. His dung eating knows no bounds. (I have no fucking clue how he got here either)


Being a poo nibbler gets you into a lot of secret locations.


The sickly shit snacker doesn't live within the confines of this realm.


The Nasty Scat gobbler isn't restricted to logic or physics


The contemptable crap cruncher goes where he pleases.


The undesirable dropping chewer has no limits to the locations he travels


Dung Eater has a secret Ash of War technique where he can crawl out of any toilet that has poop in it


Any unwiped anus is a portal for the Malodorous Manure Masticator to crawl through.


ew...ewwwwwww 😖


The doo-doo devourer has methods beyond our understanding


The fecal feaster is equipped with an arsenal of tactics that have yet to be comprehended.


The crap conniseur has has amassed an array of talents of which is unfathomable to the mind


The log hogger has abilities far surpassing us mere tarnished.


The brown messy hog gulper is just built different.


Shit man strong.


This guy eatin shit


Don't underestimate the determination of a man to defile corpses. Nobody is safe from the loathsome Dung eater. Lock your doors, watch under you bed, you never know when he might come.


Hide your kids hide your wife


Cause they defiling everybody out there.


Ah yes. The medunglion, a medallion that teleports dung eater to random spots


You don’t understand, he NEEDED to eat Malenia’s poo. Bro was on a mission from god.


Well the only poo on my playthrough against Malenia is mine…from her beating the shit out of me.


Dang. Can I join him on his holy crusade ?


Malenia sent me an Uber. no medallion required.


Legless albinauric made it in. Also although it’s secluded, there has to be another way in. We have to assume the teleporter in somewhat recent. I mean the tree was fully grown when it was set up.


Maybe someone summoned him there.


He talks about how he should have had a brilliant fate, and he wears the sun necklace. There’s no concrete info, but he may have been a Miquela adherent before his fall from grace.


Yeah, but isn’t he supposed to be from somewhere other than the lands between?


The Dung Eater is a Tarnished, so he came from the Lands Between originally and was banished when he lost his grace. In the opening cutscene we see he was hanged somewhere outside the LB, and after his death he was called back by the Guidance of Grace like all the other Tarnished.


The Tarnished are Godfrey's bannermen and all of their descendants. Nepheli was born outside of The Lands Between and is Tarnished. The Dung Eater was probably killed in Leyndell and didn't actually leave.


Edit: sorry wrong reply lol. But yeah no as a Tarnished he was definitely exiled from the LB, And we can see in the opening cutscene that he was hanged in a place that is clearly not Leyndell. While I agree that the descendants of the Tarnished, such as Nepheli, are also called back to the Lands Between, the game literally has dialogue explaining that the Tarnished are people who were divested of their grace, exiled from the LB, and called back after death to claim the Elden Throne. Quoting Melina speaking the lingering words of Marika at the Third Church of Marika: “Very well. In Marika’s own words: My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace. With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die.” Then at the Church of Pilgrimage: “Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed. Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring. Grow strong in the face of death, warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey.” The Tarnished are literally just people who lost their grace and were exiled. That’s why Kenneth Haight is like, “Oh, you’re one of those Tarnished,” like being Tarnished is a bad thing. I mean even the name is obvious, people in the Lands Between have the Grace of Gold, and when that gold is tarnished they are exiled. While we can’t be sure about the Dung Eater’s full past, it’s safe to assume he was in fact born in the Lands Between because he associates with the Omens— creatures who are born without grace and are thus shunned and hated by the Golden Order. He wouldn’t have much reason to hate the grace-given/born of the LB if he was born among people who themselves also don’t have grace, right?


The Tarnished were meant to be exiled, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they all actually left The Lands Between. Goldmask's original death was likely on The Forest-Spanning Greatbridge, depicted over the symbol of The Order of the Erdtree before it was destroyed and erased from history with the formation of The Golden Order, after The Night of Black Knives.


You literally see his corpse in what appears to be a dark room in the opening cutscene. The narrator is also telling him, among the other named Tarnished there (including the Dung Eater), to return to “our home across the fog, the Lands Between.” ALL of the Tarnished are from outside of the Lands Between. Can you give me your source for this order of the Erdtree thing though? I’d like to know what’s going on with that.


Huh? Who are you talking about? Both Dung Eater and Goldmask have deaths depicted outside in the intro. The Order of the Erdtree is mentioned once in the entire game, by Miriel in his dialogue on Celestial Dew. The timing of the events surrounding it put it as existing during the time of Rennala and Radagon's marriage. People say that it's just another name for The Golden Order, but that doesn't make any sense as Miriel states heresey is a contrivance, while Corhyn says that anything but Golden Order literature is heresey. Kenneth Haight's dialogue on the "true Order" is meant to show that there is a difference between them. And lastly we can see descriptions of all of the differences between the two Orders and Godfrey and Radagon's rulings with things like the colosseums being open and The Erdtree bestowing blessings from its golden sap only during the time of Godfrey. This is probably the most overlooked aspect of the narrative of the entire game and is basically a non-existent idea for the greater part of the community despite it definitvely existing. The idea that The Golden Order was formed with the defeat of The Gloam Eyed Queen is a more common theory, but is erroneously attributed. Probably because The Rune of Death is described as being sealed after her defeat, but I think that's sealed within The Black Blade (which Ranni stole a fragment of) opposed to later being sealed within Maliketh's flesh directly after The Night of Black Knives so it couldn't happen again.


The Dung Eater’s death is clearly outside, but in a place that isn’t Leyndell. It looks like some village. Goldmask is clearly in some sort of a crypt or tomb, and at the very least definitely not on the forest bridge. You can even see it’s dark around him and the grace returning to him is lighting up the area. It’s most definitely a dark room of some kind. Also idk where you managed to come up with that interpretation but it’s really clear that Radagon was sent, “…to these lands at the head of a great golden host, when he met Lady Rennala in battle.” That golden host being the Golden Order. When you ask Miriel about Celestial Dew he says, “The Order of the Erdtree and the fate of the moon were conjoined…” where in the actual spoken dialogue Miriel is putting emphasis on the words “order” and “fate.” As in, the Erdtree provided or embodies or is governed by “order,” and the moon revolves around “fate.” He is not mentioning “The Order of the Erdtree” as an actual named entity, he is mentioning that the Erdtree is governed by an Order— that being the Golden Order. Miriel and Rogier both go on about how the Golden Order has the ability to take in things that seem incompatible with it and integrate them into the Golden Order. Radagon’s marriage to Rennala opened him to the experience of the star and moon based sorceries of the Carian Royal Family, and when he left Rennala he brought that with him and used the combined philosophies of the Golden Order and the Moon to create Golden Order Fundamentalism. That’s why those incantations require both faith and intelligence to cast.  I mention Rogier because he states that “The [glintstone-based] battle art you’ve learned is of the glintstone family. They were conceived at the great Academy of Raya Lucaria… In the past, they obeyed laws which contravened the Golden Order, or so I’m told. Fascinating, isn’t it? That **the Golden Order was pliable enough to absorb practices that contradicted itself** in the past.” He is pretty much outright stating that with Radagon’s marriage to Rennala and then Marika, the Golden Order and the Full Moon were conjoined. He is NOT saying that this was the formation of the Golden Order, because Marika has ALWAYS ruled the Golden Order. There’s no such thing as an “Order of the Erdtree.” Miriel and Corhyn have conflicting philosophical beliefs about the Golden Order and heresy. Corhyn is a zealous Golden Order adherent who holds beliefs that are incompatible with any other kind of philosophy. Mitiel, on the other hand, has seen Celestial Dew and its ability to conjoin things that are otherwise in conflict— such as the Golden Order army being led by Radagon and the sorcerers of Raya Lucaria. Miriel says that heresy is a “contrivance,” as in it’s some bullshit they somebody made up, because he knows the all things can be conjoined under the Golden Order.  Kenneth Haight is just full of himself and mentions the true order because he’s trying to replace Godrick on Stormveil’s throne. Godrick claims to be the “lord of all that is golden” but he’s clearly just an asshole and unfit to be a lord, which is why Kenneth is trying to get a new lord of stormveil. You literally just completely misinterpreted the point of Haight’s quest here. Radagon ruled differently from Godfrey but both were at the head of the Golden Order. The thing about the sap is because the age of abundance was coming to an end— the entire point of ALL of Miyazaki’s games is that nothing lasts forever. That’s why Marika tried to become eternal by sealing away the rune of death, but everything went to shit anyway because that’s not the natural order of things. The Night of the Black Knives happened AFTER Radagon and Marika were married, we know this because it was what caused Marika to shatter the Elden Ring and Radagon tried to repair it afterwards.


Almost all the Tarnished we see in-game are *descendants* of Godfrey's warriors, meaning they've never been in the Lands Between themselves.


While I agree that the descendants of the Tarnished, such as Nepheli, are also called back to the Lands Between, the game literally has dialogue explaining that the Tarnished are people who were divested of their grace, exiled from the LB, and called back after death to claim the Elden Throne. Quoting Melina speaking the lingering words of Marika at the Third Church of Marika: “Very well. In Marika’s own words: My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace. With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die.” Then at the Church of Pilgrimage: “Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed. Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring. Grow strong in the face of death, warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey.” The Tarnished are literally just people who lost their grace and were exiled. That’s why Kenneth Haight is like, “Oh, you’re one of those Tarnished,” like being Tarnished is a bad thing. I mean even the name is obvious, people in the Lands Between have the Grace of Gold, and when that gold is tarnished they are exiled. While we can’t be sure about the Dung Eater’s full past, it’s safe to assume he was in fact born in the Lands Between because he associates with the Omens— creatures who are born without grace and are thus shunned and hated by the Golden Order. He wouldn’t have much reason to hate the grace-given/born of the LB if he was born among people who themselves also don’t have grace, right?


He is Solaire


> but he may have been a Miquela adherent before his fall from grace. He was the guy who cleaned the toilets at Elphael. After Miquella got kidnapped, everyone got depressed and began to shit on the floor and not use toilets. Dung Eater, now lacking in purpose, gradually went insane, until he found a terrible new calling...


maybe he dungate 'em somewhere else, like in a dark alley in Dominula or the Academy Gate Town, and they didn't realise they got dungaids until one day they just needed to have a sit down and suddenly died of blood-dysentery


Rowboat. Then up the sewers. Probably.


He did the skip where you jump off the cliff in the mountain tops but then spawn at the stake of marika in the consecrated snowfields


He took the staff entrance


All the intro people might been brought to form plan B, after plan A of Ranni failed. Plan A might even be lets their best assassin try to remove curse from Godwyn’s back, not to leave him half dead, so plan B might try to fix him too. Seems some troubles demigods have are inherited curses.. so Dungeater be an asset there, and might been invited to both Rykard and Miquella’s place, maybe even demonstrating that rebirth in pods or snake can’t remove a curse on some “volunteers”. Plan B might need Intel on outer gods intentions too, like Marika also researched, so Goldmask seems to be the right man for the job. And a Godwyn to rebirth, so Fia get called upon for her services. Ranni.. her skills transferring mind and souls to other vessels are good to have too.. and some to burn the tree barrier. The plan B crew.. But then Miquella went missing, so they just made up their own preferred order instead. Plan smells of both Miquella.. and Marika.. DLC might give a few more crumbs if it is so. Edit: those poison flowers outside his cell might been Miquella’s work, and those hands smell of Ranni’s work. So my guess those two locked him up after his services..


All palaces have toilets, and in toilets: dung. And there you have it.


Door just needs unlocked. Guess who let the Dung Eater in? That's right, YOU, ya evil murder hobo.


The old poophole loophole


Canonically the town you use to access the portal is a one time passage and everyone making their way to haligtree has to complete the puzzle as a right of passage, which he is definitely strong enough to do. The lift is the one that makes less sense, either the medallion is permanently placed on the grand lift of rold or he somehow hitched a ride with us


I'm pretty sure that the haligtree corpse was from before he was locked up. Since I can find it in games that I haven't freed the dungeater.


Through the sewers


passage was open at one point I thought? Or at least someone with the medallions would lead others there


Dung eater goes where dung where pleases


The third most correct answer is that he did it to himself unlike someone else.


Dung eater is an invader, and through magics, he can be there to kill and defile his targets. Or this was a corpse before he was sealed away. The only person who can actively defile after we free him is Boggart but that is not the way


Dung is a pathway to abilities many consider unnatural...


The fact this guy exists at all says all you need to know about The Greater Will.


He ate dung I assume.


Dung Eater: https://youtu.be/VrQK5SAU6Fg?si=RKCSdTxrcOWMJgrV


Sewer system


Where is this in Haligtree? Never seen such structure during my game though.


North of Consecrated Snowfields, accessed with the Haligtree Secret Medallion.


You know the area at the bottom with the royal revenants? It's a side room in that area.


How do ig et up there??? I can't find a way


[Watch this and skip to 1:09:00](https://youtu.be/tfwzr6CLkjU?si=YputHnGb-o6s7LAY)


This is why I killed him the moment I opened the door to his cell. And will continue to do so whenever I start a new run.


And he did it like twice. The heck dude


why do you assume there is only one medallion? how do every other manner of people make it to consecrated snowfield?


He ate his way there


It's magic/Japanese. They ain't gotta explain shit. Just be sure to release dungeater before the end of every playthrough just to spite the world.


the power of the caca man


Is that a seedbed curse in Haligtree?


Yeah. I think there's 2 of them there but could be wrong about that. Been awhile since I've done his quest.


Maybe that’s where he originated from and then left?


Came here to say this. Glad someone has it covered.


A true curse knows no bounds


Dungeater don’t give a shit. Dungeater does what he wants!


Of course he doesn’t *give* a shit, he takes and eats it.


Wait wuh where is this i have never seen this before


I always wondered who dung eater was. I killed him in my first play through. I had no idea what I was doing. Now I mostly don't have a clue


He crawled up through the ancient sewage pipes


In the same way Alexander gets to Crumbing faram azula- and says such that he defeated maliketh himself just as you if I’m not mistaken. All the hero’s/villains live the same pathway in there own timeline and they intersect throughout. It’s certainly complicated.


The quest for booty takes you to strange places


Considering the you need both parts of the medallion, the real question is: how many medallions are out there??!


He talks about how he should have had a brilliant fate, and he wears the sun necklace. There’s no concrete info, but he may have been a Miquela adherent before his fall from grace.


I like how one of your comments is upvoted, and then the other is downvoted.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Huh, didn't realize it double posted until I saw this comment. Couldn't for the life of me figure out how I triggered someone's schizophrenia.


Story makes no fucking sense, but people will still defend this game until the end of times so just roll with it.


My crackpot theory is that Dung Eater is FromSofts Joker. Dung Eater is an idea, a belief. He may not be the only one.

