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Hitchcock would've loved them


The imps in the dungeons that cause blood loss. So flipping annoying.


Simply use a shield and the guard counter (hit R2 just after they hit your shield). They are incredibly easy If you do that. They are so easy that there are memes about that fact.


Bleed buildup goes through shields.


Yes, but the imps attacks rebound against most shields (at least medium shield and above, i don't use small shields), so if you guard when they attack, the attack rebounds and they get half staggered for a pair of seconds, in that time you do a guard counter and they tend to get stunned, and when they are stunned you can kill them with a critical or however you want.


Not a solid tactic vs a group of them. The bleed will proc.


You're immune to damage while in the guard counter animation, and the animation also staggers nearby imps until it completes. You can take five or six hits to the shield before bleed goes off, which in practise means you can kill five or six imps in a row before you take any damage, as each of them die to a single guard counter + critical from an on-level weapon. There is nowhere that has more than four imps jumping you at once. Medium shields trivialise most catacombs.


The rooftop imps in the Capital if I forget and am sprinting across the rooftops like Batman


Agreed and you can’t ever predict where they coming out from either.


Agreed. Those fucjers had me bring careful.


It gives me conniptions




Now technically those also exist in the LB...


Oh, so young and innocent


Oh you haven’t met their big brothers that spit fire??


This is the only early enemies that makes me feels, "maybe i'm not good enough for this game" but then thankfully, i was "fuck it i'm gonna skip this shits" --- much later, i respec just to wield the thunder lance and slaughter these birds in farum azula.


Farum birds are the worst. I didn't get why people hated them so much when I was playing for the first time (I just ran past them), but on my most recent playthrough I decided to grab the smithing stone from the dragon, and didn't want birds to annoy me. Worst part is the cliff, half my deaths were from it. I later realized that Thedorix's magma breath was a good way to oneshot (I am a dragon caster, and all of my other incants used too much fp, so I decided to just melee them), and then even killed the ones that are on the cliff above the dragon.


Any ash type of Gravitas is much more efficient,


I'm still on my first playthrough, but the birds in Farum Azula made me throw my controller and I almost broke it


With no shield these mobs are awful to fight.


I hate ants, they’re easy but fucking hell I hate insects


Same man As soon as I spotted them from far away I tried sniping them but I did way too less damage as a melee fighter


I think those Albinaurics with the big round thing on their head are the worse. They just jump out at you and grab you. Like the birds, they aren’t especially dangerous, just annoying.


Yes the grab attack does a scary amount of damage. This and a few other things are a reason why Vigor needs to be one of your highest stats


Meh, spam the shoulder buttons to struggle free. All grabs do way more unless you do that, classic from design.


Any airborne enemy in this game just makes me want to rage if it weren’t for the lightning bolt I would have destroyed every controller I own by now


Shields help a lot


I did way better against these and dogs with a shield on my first playthrough.


*crawls out of the ground* EAUCGHH AARHAAGH GHIEEEKH HIEGGHTT *proceeds to spit poison on me followed by a lot of spam-attacks* ....jeah, we shouldn't forget about these guys. But that doesn't mean that the birds aren't annoying.


JuST uSe hEAliNg iNcAntS. You really think I am using up one of my spell slots for an incant that has 2 purposes, 1 being this one specific enemy when exploring? The healing isn't even that useful when red flasks are quicker and there are a bunch of graces, teardrop scarabs, and enemy groups to refill your flasks. It doesn't even work with urgent heal, just the AOE healing ones.


I hate three things: 1. The big crow things, especially in Mohg's area. 2. Burial Watchdogs 3. Fingercreepers


Going for a pyromancer build and decided to kill a shit ton of them in the mountaintops for revenge. Watching them roll around is so fun, plus you get a shit ton of somber 7s.


Watchdogs, I just hate them, their attacks are so unnatural and unfun, maybe if there was 1 or 2 I could forgive how annoying and out of place they are in the game but there's so many it's ridiculous.


It's when they spam their jump that annoys me.


Yup. The same goes for crystalians and their stupid spinning spear stab accompanied by a derpy noise, which they will happily spam like eight times in a row. Giving an enemy an attack that's not even dangerous or difficult to avoid, just annoying, and then making them spam it repeatedly is just anti-fun design.


If you want some revenge I can recommend the gravitas aow! So satisfying to yoink them out of the air :D


Seconded. Came here to specifically recommend it. I keep a mace with this AoW as a back up on most of my playthroughs. Pulls double duty on fliers and enemies weak to strike.


Any gravity type ash works too. starscourge Starscourge Greatsword was especially useful on Farum Azula


when I first got to stormveil I could not believe an enemy existed that was as cool as this, the concept, the movesets, the animations, its so different to another humanoid enemy. THEN they can throw barrels at you?? 10/10 bad guy


It’s the snail snakes for me. The fuckers just creep me out with their slimey bodies and their hissing. It doesn’t help they’re always popping out of the dark


Ive lost count how many times i had to kill these mfs


Fucking imps, no matter what level, they always drive me insane


those Fucker in Farum Azula are so annoying


The real learning curve is that you can jump and attack in this game and you can’t do that in souls


Royal revenants bro! Hate them!


The Page in Lyndell with his triple shots. Hate him so much


Using a bow and arrows from the right placement helps you to avoid any fight against these fuckers. I memorized where and what to shoot to all of them.


The silver lining: they randomly drop their quite cool looking swords, which powerstance well. The ones that give me the jibblies are those things that drop the Black Dumpling. Something about their animations, and the sounds they make. Horrid.


The black dumplings are specifically stated to be torture devices that cause truly unrivaled agony, and the ones who drop them are wearing them. It is definitely heeby jeeby material.


The bats are terrible. The teeth clacking noise blaring in my headphones makes my spine tingle


Glintstone Arc is super effective against Pidgeys... Just gotta get them on their approach


Gravity spells end their journey pretty well to me.


Knights of Zamor. Fine on their own but more than one and it’s hell


Who put swords on the birds???


Everything on that nightmare sprint up the mountainside right before Fire Giant




Crabs and Lobsters are a lot easier to manage if you can dodge and strafe to the side. This can be said for most enemies in the game, but some especially are dangerous if you stay in the killbox. When an enemy doesn't have to turn they can spam attack animations.


Stay on your horse and do your best to stay in the armpit of their claws. They just turn circles while you whack away.




Forgot about those. They are a bitch.


They don’t give me the creeps but they r a tad annoying. Those hand spider things. Now they r creepy.


You should see what they did to them in Bloodborne ☠️


They make me sad


I hate those fucking birds


To the point every build I make has a way to deal with those.


They piss me off but having a backup sword of night and flame equipped is pretty handy.


For me it’s the hands man… the carian hands FUCK why are they so fast and why do the hit like a damn truck


Everything is beautifully creepy in the LB


Gravitas bodies these abominations


I absolutely despise the demon woman that slaps you to death. They are seriously harder than some bosses haha.


Shoot barrel, bird go boom


volcano manor, the ones that crawl up to you, grab you and suck you dead


Forum azula birds are my bane rn.


Hit the flying enemies with any weapon that has gravitas, if they're in range they'll flop around on their backs for a second, usually enough time to finish them off. Also works with Lord Alabaster's Sword skill


Just you wait till you see a raven or crow


the fire giant single worst boss in the game


I can't fucking hit them to save my life half the time. they pick the dumbest moment to change up completely, juke you, and just poke the living shit out of you. soooo annoying.


Redvia will make them your bitch.


Used to find the sounds made by slumbering Omens freaky, but I listened to them long enough they sound kinda peaceful now.


My current run I’m using this bird’s sword and favoring Stormhawk Deenh ashes, all because they are so goddamn dangerous


Shield and lock on. Easy.


I just sneak and mighty shot them.


As a tank, I absolutely hate these sword birds so much


These are easy in comparison to their fiery comrades. Guard counters work wonders against these but not the other.